Monday 30 April 2018

Why Do People Procrastinate?

Procrastination is the number one dream killer ever known to mankind. Many people think that interruptions have something to do with procrastination. This would be the furthest thing from the truth. Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something of great importance for something of less importance. Let's face it, we all have procrastinated at one point in our lives. I get it, no one is perfect, but when procrastination begins to have a major impact on your life it may be time to do some soul searching to correct the problem.

So why do people procrastinate? This is a great question. Let's see if we can find out why and find out how to overcome it. First, let's identify the two variations of procrastination. For many years I have been fascinated by people who consistently procrastinate. You know the kind of people I am talking about. People that put everything off. These types of people will be late for their funeral.

In my line of work, I have come to the conclusion that procrastination stems from two areas of the human mind. The first area in question would be the conscious mind. This is the part of the mind that is active when you are awake and aware of what you are doing. The second area would be the unconscious mind. This would be the area of your mind where you are totally unaware of what you are doing. Conscious procrastination is the easiest to identify and also the easiest to negate. Unconscious procrastination is not that easy to recognize due to it having something to do with deep formed mental habits. We have to catch ourselves doing it before we actually know that we are doing.

Putting things off has destroyed so many dreams since the beginning of time. It has also caused more heartache and failure than all other time management issues combined. The procrastinator does not understand that the winds of opportunity blow upon us all, but the procrastinator never seems to notice due to not taking care of the things they should have taken care of.

Now, getting back to why people procrastinate. Why do people allow things that matter most to fall by the waste side to address things of lesser importance? Conceivably it could be due to the task being unpleasant. Some people unquestionably dislike washing their clothes, while other people dislike taking out the trash. Whatever the case, being productive and successful often requires people to get out of their comfort zones. The natural response to unpleasant tasks is to put them off. In short, we let events control us and our productivity. The only way to escape this vicious cycle is to become cognizant of our thoughts and behaviors.

Discipline is the key to negating procrastination. You will want to create urgency by setting deadlines for everything you do. This can be accomplished by setting goals and breaking those goals down into smaller tasks to be completed. You may want to address the unpleasant parts of those tasks first leaving the more enjoyable tasks for last. You may want to turn your tasks into a game, this will turn the drudgery into fun. You will also want to reward yourself for meeting your deadlines no matter how large or small they are.

Another reason we procrastinate would be due to over-committing, pursuing non-obtainable goals, fear of failure, being disorganized, and plain bad timing. The last reason I can come up with would be that we just don't care about if it gets done or not. The bottom line would be, we cannot do anything personally about procrastination until we are cognizant of its' existence.

If you are interested in learning how to crush procrastination in its' tracks drop by and pick up a copy of "Eluding The Toxic Enemy Within." This book has inspired so many people to change the way they live and see the world.

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Sunday 29 April 2018

Entrepreneurs Need ONE Thing To Succeed - Survivability

The idea of being an "entrepreneur" is the new "rock star" - millions of young people going off the beaten track in order to try and secure a better future for themselves or their families.

Fuelled partly by the Internet and partly by a changing economic landscape, the young of today are more focused on themselves than ever, unwilling to take "menial" jobs at the likes of McDonald's; instead taking on large amounts of student debt in order to secure as lucrative career as possible.

It's in the midst of this tectonic shift (where barriers-to-entry have been eroded massively, and the world opened up for business) that many have placed "entrepreneurship"... the idea of "working for yourself". Unfortunately, it's most a lie.

If you're interested in this type of thing, the first thing you need to realize is that entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, not a vocation. Most people are not "entrepreneurs", they're merchants (buy and sell products).

REAL entrepreneurship is about doing / building something that's NEVER been done before. This might be something simple (a new flavour of soft drink), or something as difficult as getting humanity to Mars. It is NOT about "selling" products for the sake of it.

What many see as a "choice" between a Dystopic future of student debt, mortgages, auto loans and 40+ years of 9-5, is in fact fraught with the utmost danger and risk. The biggest problem is that no one will help you. You're 100% on your own.

In other words, don't become an "entrepreneur"... you have to either be "born" one (which isn't strictly true), or be so utterly determined to see your ideas come to fruition that you're willing to risk your life on making it work.

This is what most people don't see. They see the accolades, cars, success - they don't see what goes on behind the scenes. It's because of this that I wanted to write this article.

Angela Lee Duckworth called it "grit", Elon Musk called it "chewing glass and looking into the abyss of death"... the one thing that anyone looking to bring their ideas to life is survivability - the ability to persist even when everyone else has either quit or been killed.

Every time you look back through history, at the *true* entrepreneurs... the Galileo's of the world; Magellan's; Sir Francis Drakes... we see the same pattern every time. A world-defining event that THEY survived. This was then brought to the market in some form or another, transforming the way that people live and are able to operate.

What most people think of as "entrepreneurship"... starting a "blog", running a "social media" account or some other menial achievement... is nothing worthy of note.

It doesn't *do* anything. It's paper pushing.

To "become" an entrepreneur is very simple.

Shut up and get to work. Most make the error of telling everybody what they're doing. Not only is this a mistake, but kills and chances of actually completing the task you set out to perform. Move in silence.

In terms of what you "do", this is also simple - focus on completing a task that pays you money. Don't worry about changing the world or anything up front, that comes later. Just get your head down and focus on making more money than the other guy, by producing the *best quality work* you can.

Imbue EVERYTHING you do with excellence - reaching to your highest possible potential to pull it off. This is what it takes to become successful.

What's interesting is if you do this, you end up finding opportunities that come out of the blue. They just appear without actually being forced in any way, allowing you to then develop "systems" which can be used to elevate your work to a new level.

It's these systems which end up being the hallmark of an entrepreneur - having the insight to create *new* systems gives you the ability to continue on your upwards spiral. It's also where the "best" entrepreneurs begin to shine - they typically are dogged enough to understand that putting a "system" out into the world is - by far - the most important aspect to achieving growth in life. This is where the "grit" element comes from.

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Saturday 28 April 2018

Learn the Business Before You Go in Business

Being an entrepreneur is no easy task by far. You have to wear a lot of hats, especially when your business is just starting out and you are solely taking care of every aspect involved in managing your business.

Mastering the skills necessary to start and maintain a new business can be time-consuming and exhausting. Getting your business started and off the ground can be expensive as well. You want to advertise in every way you can. Selling tools can be costly. I suggest you do your homework before hand and attend workshops and expos so you can obtain as much information as you can so you will know how to market your brand and capture your target customers.

Fortunately there are a lot of educational resources online for those who might not be able to get out as much as they would like to or be able to link up with others to learn about business management and or marketing.

If you want to be the best Entrepreneur you can you need to know certain things when seeking to start and develop a business. You need to know about building websites and blogs, marketing your products, money management, how to attract customers, etc.

Google and YouTube can be informational if you have access to a computer. There are even Podcasts via iTunes that available to help with your research on certain subjects involved with the type of business you are seeking to start and some how to tips.

Think it over for a while and make sure you are ready for the task of becoming an Entrepreneur. It will involve many long days and nights. You will go to bed late and rise up early in the morning with a full plate in front of you in conjunction with managing your business. It is truly a full-time job especially if you are working solo with no one else to delegate certain responsibilities to that would shorten your daily to do list.

Being an Entrepreneur definitely requires patience. There will be highs and lows in your journey to get where you want to be in your business. There will also be some mistakes made along the way but it will teach you what not to do the next time. There will be times of frustration but you can't let quitting be your way to opt out because you can't reach your goals quick enough.

When in business we have to make wise decisions not rushed ones because we are anxious for faster results. Time can be our friend or our worst enemy.

Entrepreneurs seek to master the skills needed to be successful. Patience gives us the ability to work steadfast toward our goals. Let your mindset be one of consistency and perseverance, giving up is not an option. Think positive, crush defeat under your feet.

The life of your business is what you yourself invest into it. You get back results based on your efforts put in building, managing and marketing your brand. Good Customer Service is a must. Mix and mingle with your potential customers, be informational, not too much and not too little. In most cases we market ourselves through social media before we even decide to market something that we are passionate about. This is actually beneficial for you because friends can turn into potential buyers. They are already familiar with your personality which in most cases is a plus when people are choosing who they can do good business with.

Bottom line you have to be content with the pace your business is progressing until it arrives at the pace you desire it to be. When you operate in a non anxious state of mind it is easier to handle your business and it allows you to stay grounded in times of lack as well as times of increase.

Maintaining ones own business will present its challenges. You have to be prepared to encounter obstacles and be able to roll with the punches. You have to be willing as I have said before to stay committed and dedicated and trust in the possibility of a rewarding outcome.

Building a business takes time. Nothing grows to its full potential overnight it takes months of planning and nurturing and often reinventing your brand until it grows into what you want it to be. Remember think things through before making rash decisions which could lead to the decline or demise of your business.

Keep in mind all you have invested and how far you have come before you just give up, you might be closer than you think to a breakthrough in reaching your target audience who want what you are selling. This could lead to more doors opening with bigger and better things waiting for you and your business. Have Faith and continue to work diligently with humility and patience.

Never try to take on too much, plan, take steps at a pace you can handle without stressing yourself out. keep your brand visible so much that it begins to intrigue people to the point where they will keep coming back to get a glimpse of what you are doing and what new things you have to offer.

Think Big, Reach Big, Believe in yourself and keep working to make your dreams or plans a reality.

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Friday 27 April 2018

Why Entrepreneurs Starting at 50+ Have a High Success Rate

It may seem like starting young is the best way to build a successful business, today more than ever. After all, when you're young you have nothing to lose and a lot of energy to spend, and since your whole life is ahead of you, you can afford to make mistakes and learn from them. But starting older isn't bad either. In fact, it turns out that for many people, starting at 50+ years is even better than starting young. Yep, you read that correctly.

A Few Illustrious Examples

Some of the world's best-known and most profitable businesses were started by entrepreneurs past 50. Raymond Kroc was 52 and driving around the US selling milkshake machines when he started McDonald's. Pharmacist and physician John Pemberton was 55 when, in an effort to create an alternative to morphine, removed the "French Wine" from his French Wine Coca recipe and founded the famous Cola company. Colonel Harland David Sanders was 65 when he opened a small service station and started working with franchises, establishing what would later become one of the world's best-known brands: KFC.

You could say "that was then, but things have changed." To some extent things have changed, in that it's now easier than ever for anyone to become an entrepreneur and start a business, which is why so many entrepreneurs are starting young. But here are some present-day facts that can inspire anyone past 50 to start a business.

Entrepreneurs over 55 are almost twice as likely to build successful businesses than entrepreneurs aged 20 to 34. This is true even for the highly competitive tech industry, where young entrepreneurs are thought to have a head start because they grew up with the Internet and 21st century technology.

The highest rate of entrepreneurial activity in the United States in the last 10 years was dominated by entrepreneurs aged 55 to 64. There are many reasons for this, including a new approach to retirement that technology and modern life makes possible, strong professional connections, and the ease with each almost anyone can start a business.

Startups that survive are more likely to be led by owners over 45 years of age, according to a 2004 to 2008 study based on 5,000 startups carried out by the Kauffman Ewing Institute. No less than 64% of the surviving startups were headed by older entrepreneurs.

People over 50 years of age have a greater potential to create innovative companies, products, and solutions. This may sound a bit surprising, but innovators do get better with age. Whether you want to create a startup in an industry you've worked in before or start afresh pursuing a passion in a new industry, the experience that comes with being 50+ can be a big advantage.

People over 55 years are more likely to launch a high-growth startup than those under 35. What's more, this doesn't seem to be localized to specific industries, but can be noticed across the board. Older entrepreneurs have the experience, skills, and insight necessary for them to guide their venture to success. They can better manage fears and expectations and have the balance and determinate to persist in spite of obstacles.

When 50 Is Just Right

Put together all these interesting findings and the message is simple: age is not only not an obstacle to becoming an entrepreneur, but being 50 or older increases your chances of meeting with success. While this insight won't make the creation of your startup any less easy, nor will it eliminate challenges, it can be a wonderful incentive for you to finally create the business you always wanted to have.

Pamela Wigglesworth CSP, is an International Speaker, entrepreneurship & marketing consultant and Managing Director of Experiential Hands-on Learning. She is the author of The 50-60 Something Start-up Entrepreneur: How to Quickly Start and Run a Successful Small Business.

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Thursday 26 April 2018

Basic Guidelines for a Friendly Search Engine Website

Tips for Creating an Effective & Efficient Website Homepage

1. The top categories of your website should be visible. Make sure that they stand out.

2. Include sub categories, which are relevant to the top categories on your website.

3. Your message and/or motto should be informative, engaging and memorable.

4. Users should know what your website is about on the Homepage.

5. Create content, which is unique & contains valuable information.

"My rule of thumb is build a site for a user, not a spider."
Dave Naylor.

Important Elements that you Should Consider While Planning your Website:

Your website is your gateway to reaching customers and gaining a loyal audience. There are two really important elements, which should be checked before the development and designing of a website. For starters, your website should be user friendly. Visitors and users should be able to navigate throughout your website with ease. Secondly, always keep in mind that your website will be essential in the way people will find your services and/or products.

The most important page on a website is the Homepage, as this will be the first page that visitors and users usually stumble upon during searches on different search engines. If your website's Homepage is designed in a user friendly fashion - it is more than likely that users and/or visitors will navigate through other pages of your website.

Navigation layout and/or design is paramount to the success of your website, as users are often put off by web pages that aren't user friendly. Arrange categories in a way, that will make it simple for users and for customers to browse through. Also, make sure that your website loads promptly, as slow loading website can be detrimental to your website.

Use Friendly SEO Urls:

On websites, create pages that are clear and that describe each topic, product or service. SEO friendly websites go hand in hand with the development and design of the website. Be sure to utilize SEO friendly urls.

• An unfriendly URL is a URL with irrelevant characters. Avoid using characters that do not pertain to the page's topic. An example of an unfriendly and irrelevant URL would contain characters that do not include the brand name or subject of the web page. Unfriendly urls, can also, contain characters such as:!,#,% and other symbols and/or letters, that do not pertain to your web page. Do not use these formats.

• An SEO friendly URL, typically has the topic or name of the page within the URL.

Keep these tips in mind when creating the different pages of your website. Friendly urls will attract more visitors and users, as these pages won't appear suspicious.

The Importance of Website Pages' Titles:

The title used for each page on a website is of utter importance for your website's success. Keeping it simple and clear usually is the best route to go. Titles on different pages of a website should contain a keyword, which you know users are searching for on different search engines.

The titles of pages on a website will appear on the website URL, as well, as in search engines. Titles should describe the content of the page. It is recommended for each document to contain a title tag.

Content for Websites - Use Unique and Relevant Keywords:

Before creating and adding content to your website, be certain that you've done thorough research on what your targeted audience and customers are looking for. For instance, you can utilize Buzzsumo to analyze the content that's being used on an array of topics and/or competitors. Find out about the latest trends and about topics that are being shared - this way you can stay ahead of your competition.

The Importance of Heading Tags:

Use H1, H2 and up to H6 headings for heading tags on content. Such will show Google, which texts are more important and what the topic is about. The heading tags will help rank your website.

Why Internal and External Links are Important for SEO:


Internal links are links that are found within your website. Internal links will help your users and visitors to navigate through relevant pages and topics faster. Adding hyperlinks to the content on your website will re-direct users to other pages on your website. Google follows such links to be able to track the associations of links to and from the website content.


External links are links, which are found on other websites that will re-direct users back to your website and website pages. External links can also, be found on your website, which re-direct users and visitors to other websites. Google will follow these links, as these links can have an immense impact on your domain's rank.

For example, a link from Forbes magazine that links back to your website, can generate a significant amount of traffic, which will increase your page's visibility and authority. However, stay away from unethical SEO practices and shortcuts - such as - suspicious link building. Google will penalize your website if you are caught utilizing unethical SEO practices.

It is advised for you to use Ahrefs to analyze back links on blogs and competitors. Ahrefs will identify the amount of back links that website content has generated, social shares, organic keywords, organic traffic and lists of paid keywords.

Clear Calls to Action:

Call to actions are buttons or links that inform and persuade users and visitors to click on these buttons and/or links to do something else. Some examples of call to actions include:

• Contact Us
• Call Us
• Subscribe to My Email
• Buy Now
• View Details

All the above calls to actions will persuade users to take the next step.

Call to actions alert users in taking actions quicker. Furthermore, call to actions - also, helps with user-engagement and conversion rates.

What you can expect when you implement the above tips:

Implement all the tips that we have mentioned when developing or revising your website and surely, your website will be successful and fruitful. Cater and engage with your audience in all possible ways and you will notice an increase on the traffic of your website.

Implement the tips mentioned above when developing your website. If you do - surely, your website will be successful! Cater & engage with your targeted audience in all ways possible. You will see an increase on the traffic of your website before you know it!

Learn more about Digital Marketing when you visit:'s blog page, which has continuous updates on marketing trends.

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Wednesday 25 April 2018

Digital Design Trends In 2018

Every digital agency cannot become the favorite without highly skilled logo designers and think tank marketers. It is important to develop the skills and craft in a devoted industry. Users are keener to experience the visual designs and other graphics to connect with the product naturally. Digital designs indicate the energy, feel, graphics, U.I & U.X, site prints etc. where the audience usually focus on.

Calm Designs: 
The emerging trend is calm and soothing designs with gradient effect that illustrates the smooth dimension of a digital design. Such effect with small icons and blue hues would definitely go conventional this year. The descriptions are sleeker and could capture the user's mind. This year the digital designs are more inclined towards creating the artwork close to reality. A new canvas is launched for the preparation for such calming designs. The designers are handling the Photoshop and other software tactfully to create something futuristic.

Compassionate Designs: 
The surreal designs and other visual trends are now a day creating more hot flashes by capturing user's attentions. The artwork that makes virtual effects is producing lush side of digital tendency. By staying positive and encouraged the designs with blend of correct color scheming can enhance the feel of a design. As the recent typefaces are making innovative layouts for a site with effective support for impressive visual effects.

3-D Application & Tools: 
The packaging designs should be dealt with the 3-D designs. The shape and edges of a rounded element can be challenging for a 3-D packaging. With the help of emerging software(s) it is possible for a shape shifter items be decorated with new 3-D tools. It presents a real look on the packaging with discuss color blending displays.

Isometric Rule: 
With the versatile typography and new imagery dimensions the isometric design is the latest trend for 2018. It has 2 kinds of components in it i: e:
1. Artificial-ism
2. Real imagery.

In isometric design the advertisements are meant to fit in displays of hypothetically real images which is close to actual scene. The style is irresistibly fashionable in digital world. Such images and display pictures are effective by captivating user's mind on laptops, smart phones and other devices.

3D images have built their own world with made-up and adventurous geometric slash isometric blended designs. It makes the user urge for a better exploration.

The year 2018 is gathering the most innovative and creative trends that is captivating the minimalism approach. The daring colors and advanced technology surely taking away the era positively.

Many designers are experimenting the new techniques for hyper real imagery with popping colors. The recent trends are purely contributing in the advancement of technology along with plenty of designs to ponder upon.

In 2016 the digital and flat designs took the center stage where the designers started to emphasize on the custom logo design.With the changing creativity in designs the tools also took an evolution for more variation to sustain the audience's expectations from a brand.

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Tuesday 24 April 2018

Generate More Traffic Via Social Media Influencing

Word-of-mouth represents 20-50% of all purchasing decisions. Customers are more likely to respond to endorsements from a person they respect than to advertisements. In the world of digital relationships, word of mouth extends beyond friends and family, and into the realm of influencer marketing.

Twitter has shown that...

49% of buyers will seek advice from social media influencers,
20% of users said that Tweets from an influencer motivated them to share their own product endorsements, and,
40% of users claimed they made a purchase as a direct result of an influencer's Tweet
Who Is a Social Media Influencer?
A Social Media Influencer is a user of social media who can show a level of authority in a specific industry. They have access to large audiences through their knowledge and scope of impact.

What is Social Media Influencer Marketing?

Influencer Marketing is the practice of creating relationships with people who can then build additional relationships for you in return. Whether the audience is small or large, an influencer can touch consumers via social networks and blogs, in ways traditional branding may not be able to reach.

Celebrity endorsements were the original form of influencer marketing. We've all see T.V. commercials where a well-known person takes 30 seconds to tell you how great a product is.

Now, with online media, regular people have become online "celebrities" with highly engaging social media followings. A survey last year found that YouTube creators took eight of the ten top spots in a survey of influencers, outranking traditional celebrities.

Increase Your Traffic by Becoming a Social Media Influencer

Social Media Influencing has become very popular with blog enthusiasts to make passive income through affiliate marketing and utilizing these Influencers have become standard practice among many of the top companies selling on the market today.

But why stop there? Why not generate even more leads and traffic to your Brand by becoming one of the Influencers yourself. There are a number of recommended actions out there to become a social media influencer. Here we've gleaned together 4 steps to help you to get started...

Choose 2-4 social media channels you'll use to cover your subject, taking into consideration what you excel at. Are you good at writing engaging posts on Facebook and Twitter, or are you better at photography or creating and editing your own videos?

The type of content you want to publish should showcase your best skills. If you've decided to be a platform-specific influencer, clearly, you'll want to use that as your primary social network then utilize the others for greater exposure.

Create a strategy for your content. What are your information preferences? Try to imagine why people will be enthusiastic to follow you, then plan accordingly. Try to plan for at least 3 months in advance, prepare the strategy, and then start posting.The purpose of your content is to attract people. To accomplish this, you must be publishing consistently. You know what message you want to convey so stick to it, but also make sure you are keeping a lookout for new info.

Promote yourself by guiding your audience to your content. Share it everywhere it might seem interesting to other followers. Build your community by going to forums, fan pages, and inviting new people to engage with them as well.

Contact other people and brands in your industry. Chat, comment on other posts, exchange likes and ideas. One of the fastest ways to gain status is to contribute your unique content to other blogs and publications. Guest postings can improve your merit among peers and increase traffic to your own blog. Show that you notice other people and you'll start to be noticed too.

Over time your efforts will start to pay off. You'll begin to cultivate an audience that will listen to and follow you. The more people who join your audience, the more seriously your views will be taken and the level of influence you create over others will increase.
Publish on LinkedIn

People generally believe LinkedIn posts are from the most influential leaders in a particular subject. So, in addition to your own blog, create posts using LinkedIn's publishing platform. You can accomplish this most easily by cutting and pasting your previously published blog posts and add a headline with keywords and an image to draw the eye. Consequently, when people in your network also see your articles on LinkedIn, they will start to view you as an authority too.

Finally, keep your content and sources organized for easy access. This way if someone asks a question about a particular post, you can easily answer the question or elaborate. This will also assist you in giving the appearance of having a good knowledge base of your subject. There is no reason to hold anything back. Sharing your expertise is how you can truly be a good influencer.

So, make sure you interact and build meaningful relationships with your audience as well as your peers. This way you can present yourself to brands as having a strong following in your subject.

For additional info on becoming a Social Media Influencer, check out this post at

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Take the worry out and hop over to and pick the course that's right for you. Perfect for the small biz owner or mighty (newbie) entrepreneur! Mini-sized to beefy ones. Don't forget to get your FREE report while you're there!

To your success... and have a silly day!

Got questions?:

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Monday 23 April 2018

7 Top Tips to Build Trust Faster With Prospects

Have you ever dealt with an overhyped salesperson that made you feel like they were a car salesman? I know I have.

They make you feel like the biggest thing they care about is not helping you, but about making their sales commission.

Our biggest goal as business owners who have an online presence is knowing how to build trust fast with prospects.

How can you convey that you are a trusted solution to solve their problems? Keep reading for solutions that will help you build trust fast with prospects online.

1) Encourage Reviews and Testimonials: When I go to buy something from a new vendor, I love Googling "Reviews from VENDOR" online.

It's great to hear honest words from people who have tried their products and services as to the results they have achieved.

Ask your happy clients and customers to share reviews on Yelp, Amazon, or your Facebook page. You want to make it easy for prospective customers to see that your offerings work and deliver results.

And don't forget your website should also display testimonials throughout depicting how beneficial your products or services were for them.

2) Show How You Solve Problems: One of the biggest selling points is showing how your competitors or others have tried to deliver results and failed and how you succeeded in helping those people get positive results.

If you can show that you hung in there, listened to their issues and resolved the problems that were plaguing them with competitive solutions, it goes a long way to show you are a trusted source.

3) Demonstrate Consistency: If you can show how you consistently get results, it builds trust.

Show how you have achieved customer satisfaction rewards year after year. Let them see you have achieved consistent 5-star ratings on Amazon.

Add a direct link to your Yelp profile where customers consistently sing your praises.

4) Deliver Outstanding Customer Service: If the media, or awards or customer reviews show that you are a top provider, then maintain that top-level service.

When you do what you promise and go the extra mile, customers are happy to come back for continued service and talk about you to their friends and colleagues.

Be someone worth of referrals.

5) Prove Yourself to be a Giver and not a Taker. Give major value in your blog articles, social media posts (especially videos) and when meeting new people at events.

Show how you are helping your community. Offer freebies that solve problems for your audience.

6) Share Real Life Customer Success Stories. If you made a major impact in a customer's life, share it with your audience.

Show what situation they were in before, what actions you recommended they take, and the results they achieved afterward.

There's nothing as powerful as real-life results that help people believe you are the answer they have been searching for.

7) Showcase Outside Validation. Has the media interviewed you? Have you received an award? Have you gotten an incredible customer review? The more you can show how others find you a valuable, proven solution in your industry the better.

Seek and feature these accreditations to build credibility. Share posts on your social media. Write blog posts showing your honours. Highlight great customer reviews.

Trust is the biggest key to building sales online. Incorporate these tips into your business marketing strategy and they will help you create and highlight the credibility factors for your business.

Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.

If you are new to Social Media and online marketing or find it overwhelming and confusing, my monthly group coaching program, AMPLIFY! Business Academy is a perfect way for you to incrementally learn the best strategies and tactics to help you grow your business online.

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Sunday 22 April 2018

How Can Online Marketing Become So Powerful?

This is why online marketing is becoming so popular. By marketing online you have the potential to reach the entire world and it offers you a number of avenues that you can choose from. Through online marketing, you can use social media, make online videos, and create blogs, and that is just the tip of the iceberg on the many different kinds of things you can do with marketing through the internet.

Social Media: One of the most popular online marketing options is social media. Just about everyone on the planet has a social media account and there are a number of different social media websites you can choose from for maximum reach. These websites are great because they store valuable information you can use for the benefit of your company. You can easily find the analytic data you need to determine where and who you need to market to in order to have the most exposure.

Social media also gives you the chance to reach out to your clients and customers. You can interact with them, talk to them, and make the business more personalized to your support base.

Online Videos: There are a number of good video streaming websites out there that frequently see billions of visitors on a regular basis. These websites are a great way to market your website. By making creative videos that relate to your clients, you can effectively market your business. And if your videos are well-received, they may even go viral and reach millions if not billions of people within a very short amount of time.

Clients who enjoy your videos can even subscribe to you and follow your uploads over time. This way you can generate a following that enjoys the videos you release while also generating interest in the services and products that you are offering.

Blogs: Another way you can use the internet to market your products, services, or business is through blogs. Creating blogs is a great way to get the information you want out to your clients. Your blogs can be anything you want but make sure they are related to your business. By using blogs, you can do a number of things. You can create informational posts, posts about your products and services, and you can also create tips that can help your clients.

Through blogs, you are able to communicate what your business is about while being informative and helpful. Blogs can also be used to make it easier to find your website through means such as SEO which is a tool used by professional web designers to help direct traffic to your site.

Websites: Having your own website is like uploading your store or business onto the internet. Here you can provide your services and products at the convenience of your client. A great custom designed website can be a huge benefit for your company as this allows you to reach potential customers across the world. Without the internet or websites, other you would only have access to local clients.

However, it is important to make sure that you create a well optimized website that is easy to browse and use for your clients. Having a great custom website design company help you during this process can make it easier for you to create the digital storefront you need for the success of your company.

There is no doubt that online marketing is changing not only how we do business but also the world. We have the ability to connect with people across the world through our finger tips. We can communicate, do business, and help each other through the internet. This is why online marketing is so powerful, because it has the potential to reach everyone.

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Saturday 21 April 2018

Being Financially Stable

If saving for retirement is a struggle, imagine yourself if you lost a job. More and more people really take care of their own retirement security. To avoid unnecessary financial constraints, create a plan to reduce debt as you approach retirement. Design your savings and spending plans.

Retirement planning is definitely difficult, especially if the implications of your choices tend to get magnified. You'll need to determine the amount of savings needed for your desired lifestyle. A spending strategy is equally important. However, rather than following a budget, many people spend more than what comes in.

Determine your annual base or mandatory expenses on food, clothing, shelter, utilities, medical, and transportation expenses. Also consider investing in long-term health care insurance which can typically cover the cost of home care, nursing-home care, and assisted living which is not usually covered by traditional health insurance.

Safeguarding your finances while you are still employed will help you become financially stable even after retirement. Many people are anxious when their retirement years are fast approaching. Imagine being at that point in your life and feeling you haven't achieved your goals yet. It could get especially worrisome if you don't have enough savings to be able to sustain your lifestyle after you retire. So, you need to enjoy spending within your means.

Securing a retirement fund is definitely needed if you want to live comfortably. The best time to start saving for your future is now. Not next year, not next week, not tomorrow, and not even later. Start planning for retirement at this very moment. It's better to start sooner than later. The earlier you plan, the more time you have to save money, pay off debt, and invest in the future. You also give yourself some leg room in case you make a bad decision and need to recover from a mistake. If you start investing late, then you lower the possibility of accomplishing your retirement plans.

Consistency is essential in saving money for your retirement. At first, it may be difficult, but you'll find it easier to save as you get along. One of the solutions for this is to set aside savings every month, even just a small amount. Save more as you go along-but never, never go below the initial savings amount.

Planning may be easy, but it's the willingness and determination to stick to your plans that could bend at times. It's important to have a clear vision ahead. No matter how far away your retirement years may seem, it is always a good idea to learn how to manage your personal finances. Those people who know how to manage their money succeed in allotting enough money not just for their savings but also for other financial matters.

It's important to create a budget. Separate your needs from your wants and try to track your spending on a monthly basis by listing down all your expenses. Seeing where you spend your money can help you sort out your priorities and plan how you can save more from your income and spend less on non-important expenses.

Retiring from work is a major leap in one's life. Prepare for the inevitable as early as now and assure a financially stable future for yourself and your family.

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Friday 20 April 2018

7 Simple Steps to Weather Any Economic Storm

When the US economy gets bad, we all feel the pinch. However, some parts of our population feel the pinch harder than others. For example, many senior citizens live on a fixed income consisting of Social Security, small pensions and investment income. For these people, even small changes in costs of food or medicines can take a huge toll on their financial fitness. Listed below are 7 simple steps that everyone can take to improve their financial condition and put themselves in a better position to weather upcoming economic storms.

1) Save more money. I know, this sounds simple and common sense tells us to always have some savings for a "rainy day". However, most people make the mistake of not saving enough. As a general rule of thumb, you should have no less than two months worth of expenses saved in cash (savings account, CD, checking, etc.). For some people, the amount of savings will need to be higher. Putting money into your savings should be a routine part of your financial habits. Make it a point to put a standard amount away every month. For example, have your bank automatically transfer $100 to your savings account each month. Do not take from this account unless you have an emergency!

2) Spend less. This tends to be the hardest change that people have to make. Spending money makes us feel good and we all like that. However, when spending gets out of control we can find ourselves in a hopelessly deep hole that may take some serious cuts to get out of. It is much easier to make small spending "adjustments" along the way. For example, instead of spending $3 each day for that gourmet coffee, simply make a small pot at home for about $0.70. There are many small coffee brewers available that make excellent coffee and buying in bulk saves a lot of money! Another way to spend less is to look for loyalty clubs that pass along savings to the members. I am a member of one such club at my local grocer. Each week there are two or more pages of special purchases only available to members of the loyalty club--and it costs nothing to join! I save tons of money with that.

3) Diversify investments. I have written entire articles on this in the past but it bears repeating here. If you are a senior citizen, you most likely should not be invested 100% in the stock market. Most seniors that I work with need to produce income from their portfolio to supplement their other retirement income sources. In order to give their investment portfolio the best chance of surviving an economic downturn, we use various combinations of stocks, bonds, cash, annuities and alternative investments. Unfortunately, this is an area where many people just do not have the expertise (or courage) necessary to properly identify investment choices that are right for them. You may need to seek the advice of a qualified professional. A fee-only advisor does not accept commissions and therefore has no financial incentive to place you in one investment over another. Go a bit further and seek a fee-only advisor with a credential like the CFP mark. ( A good advisor can pay for themselves many times over and this is money well spent!

4) Negotiate. Practically everything is negotiable these days. Everyone knows that big ticket items are negotiable like cars and homes. But I have personally found success in negotiating the cost of everyday items like trash pickup, newspaper delivery, satellite TV and phone service. You might be surprised that you can reduce the costs of some of these items by as much as 50% or more with a simple phone call. You may have to threaten to cancel your service (which you should do if you can get the service cheaper somewhere else) in order to get the lower price. After all, the service provider had rather be making some money from your account than to lose your business all together. Trust me on this one and make some calls today!

5) Be more efficient. There are some clear ways to be more efficient like running all of your errands early in the morning rather than spacing them out throughout the day and keeping your car tires properly inflated. You should also have a programmable thermostat installed in your home. These devices can save you hundreds of dollars each year by carefully controlling the climate in your home for optimal comfort and savings. Additionally, only run other appliances like the dishwasher or washing machine/dryer when you have a full load. Also try not to run any household appliances during the summer peak energy consumption hours of 11AM to 3PM. My local municipality charges over 30% more for electric power during these hours. Be sure to have your windows and doors checked for leaks at least one per year. A $3 tube of latex caulk is a solid investment for making your home more efficient.

6) Pay off debt. Credit card debt is especially burdensome during rough economic times. Your interest rate can go up, your credit line can be cut or both. This goal has to be balanced with saving but it can be done. Adding another $25 to your monthly credit card payment can significantly speed up the payback period. When it is all paid off, don't close or cancel the account because that may hurt your credit rating. Instead, remove the card from your wallet and leave it in a safe place in your home so that you will not be tempted to use it for impulse purchases.

7) Volunteer. Many studies have shown that people spend more money when they are unhappy or unfulfilled. Likewise, the same studies show that people who feel happy and content spend less money on impulse items. Volunteering in your community is a great (and free) way to boost your morale and feel better about yourself. Doing something for others pays dividends to the community in big ways. Your local animal shelter, homeless center or church can always use additional volunteers. This opportunity also provides you with time to interact with other people who have similar interests as yours. You might even pick up some tips on how to save money!

There are many more ways to prepare for the next financial crisis. If you feel like you are unable to do these things, seek professional help. Referrals from friends or relatives is a good place to start but always be sure to check up on any advice giver especially if they charge a fee or earn a commission from their activity.

Todd Fields, CFP is an expert in the fields of financial planning and investment management. He is founder and President of Trusted Wealth Management, Inc. serving senior citizens and retirees in the Atlanta, GA area. He can be reached via his website at [] or via e-mail at

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Thursday 19 April 2018

Avoid The Next Financial Storm That Will Affect Most American People Very Soon

My greatest fear along with most Americans would be if we will outlive our money during retirement or if we will have enough money to retire on at all. As long as our government lives on separate terms than the people they govern I foresee millions of Americans suffering from financial strife later on down the road. Most Americans truly think that Social Security is going to be enough to get them through their twilight years. I personally think that Social Security will not be around from most of us and if you are depending on Social Security to support you during your twilight years, you will find out that it will not be enough. Social Security was only created to subsidize your investments, retirement plans, and/or savings. It was not created to act as a retirement plan.

Since I have had the luxury of being affiliated with the banking industry for over 30 years now I have seen thousands of saving accounts of senior citizens that had less than $10,000 in them. I spoke in Northern California back in 2004 where I mentioned that the many jobs that kids and young teenagers use to occupy would no longer exist due to senior citizens not having the money to retire. I was laughed off the stage by 6000 people. Who's laughing now!. There are no longer paperboy jobs for kids due to the senior citizens now occupying those jobs. I also stated that most of the fast food jobs along with Walgreens and CVS jobs would no longer be occupied by high school teens and they would be replaced by senior citizens, just take a look around and tell me it is not happening right in front of your eyes. People are no longer laughing. I also told people at that seminar that I foresee tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people homeless in the next 10 to 20 years.

You might want to take notice of thousands of people taking up residence under freeway ramps all over the nation. They are living in tents and bathing in fast food restaurants bathrooms. This is happening in the greatest nation on earth. You can keep looking the other way but very soon you will not have any other place to look. If the government does not do something very soon, all that you know will come to an abrupt end.

I wrote "The Essential Keys To Financial Freedom" book to educate the American people of their many financial options that still exist today. If the American people sit around and do nothing they will end up in financial distress in the next 10 to 20 years. You must sit down with a financial advisor as soon as possible before it is too late. For More information; visit me at:

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Wednesday 18 April 2018

Great Lessons About Money

Money is very important in life. Therefore, there is a need to be properly educated on the issue of finances in order to handle them in a better way. Let us briefly look at the following three lessons:

1) Money is an Idea

The ordinary pursues money in life. But the great ones pursue great ideas. Good ideas normally solve people's challenges or problems in life. Once there is a great idea that is changed into reality, it automatically brings money. Think of great Edison and the light bulb? Today the electric industry is just great. It is hard to live without it. Think of Henry Ford and the invention of the car? It is just mind-blowing. We can't finish the list. You, therefore, need to generate ideas that will benefit mankind. Once you have done that, you will have the money you require in your life. There will be mutual benefit. People will benefit from your idea that has been turned into a solution for their problems. On the other hand, you will get the money you need.

Money is an idea.

2) Money does not make you rich

There are people who have money. Some earn big money but they are not rich. What does that tell you? Money does not make you rich. But what makes you rich? It is what you do with it. It is how you use money that makes you rich. If you follow those who are rich, you find that they use their money to buy assets. Then those assets work for them to build their wealth. But others, they use the money to buy liabilities. Some have been destroyed by failure to properly handle money.

How do you use your money?

3) Deal with two Money problems

Basically, there are two kinds of money problems. Those are; lack of money i.e. too little and too much money. You, therefore, need to learn how to deal with either of these two problems. Which of the two problems do you have? How are you dealing with it?

You have now learned three lessons about money. I pray that you may put these lessons into practice. Each lesson is very important. You need to deal with challenges you have that are associated with any of them. God wants you to enjoy life. Great things in life do not just come. You need to take action. Take responsibility for your life including finances. Get yourself a Life Coach.

Visit for more information. Hire Me as Your Life Coach. I will assist you achieve the goals of your life in any area- Finances, Career, Marriage, Relationships, etc.

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Tuesday 17 April 2018

Some Nuggets on How To Be Rich

Everyone no matter their age, they all want to know how to be rich, how to hack life and make it financially. The significant driving force has been the perception that wealth or money means everything or can buy you all and make you happy. Millions of books have been written since the ancient times and yet you will find yourself looking for more and hopefully direct and easy ways around how to just make it. Well, you did great reading this article since you will see that most of what you need to make it you already have it.

Most young people just want to hack life and make it all at once without that effort nor patience of learning. This has created severe habits such gambling and fraud as a means to get rich quick. The other vice that has risen due to the elusive fact that all can make it is a generation of desperate and drug-addicted youths who believe that their fate is already sealed. This article is a wakeup call and a call to action to drop page thumping and expecting to find that one magical trick. You are all that you need.

How to start.

To begin with, by reading this means that you are ready and willing to make something out of yourself, get your head straight now and acknowledge that you have a working brain and a desire to make it.

The second move is to dream and make sure that you do not just imagine. The moment you can visualize anything in your head means that you can be able to make it happen for real.

Go ahead and write down your plan and evaluate how you are planning to achieve that. This, therefore, has to begin with small ideas and seeing them through. You cannot start planning for a Ferrari, and you do not own an account even. Start small and be patient to look at the fruits of your hard work.

Patience as a value comes in hand even when managing your wealth later in life. You have to carry out planned and well-calculated risk and wait patiently and trust in yourself that it will work.

The other thing is growing some balls because the moment you start investing you will have to be ready for risks and failures. Do not dwell on the failures instead move on and have better plans, do not lose focus but keep the desires, and all will work eventually.

Lastly, when you start making something, reinvest and work to grow bigger. Instead of celebrating and blowing up everything take it back and let it grow. Always have the mentality of safeguarding the capital you input at any time and then re-invest the profits for growth.


The smart ones only win the money game and wealth creation. By accessing such information, you have been made smart, and that means you can go forth and grow yourself to whatever level you want.

You can always find more interesting articles here or hire my writing services. Reach me via

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Monday 16 April 2018

Focus Is What Creates Wealth

A few months ago, I wrote about the two driving forces in every decision we make. Each decision you make is based on your attempt to avoid pain or pursue pleasure. In many areas of our lives, pain seems more intense and therefore, most of us base our decisions trying to avoid pain. Take someone who is out of shape for example.

Are they out of shape because they do not possess the knowledge to get in shape? No, we know what it takes to be in shape, but we also know it's hard, it takes work and commitment. For some, the idea of not eating what they want and working out is more painful than the pleasure of being in shape. Being in financial shape is not different.

We know that we need to budget our personal finances and we need to earn more than we spend to be in good financial health, but some people associate too much pain with not spending, so they spend. Each person has their own associations with pain and pleasure. In the article I wrote a few months ago, I focused on the benefits of pain and how it is necessary to reach your goals and how we should not avoid it. Success does not come easy and pain is part of that journey.

Knowing that pain is positive helps us when we are going to make a decision that could cause pain, but that knowledge alone might not be enough. What can make a big difference is our ability to focus on the pursuit of pleasure over the avoidance of pain. The idea is to make the thought of the pleasure more powerful than the thought of the pain. This is done in two ways:


Obviously, we know goals are important in business. In fact, some will argue you will not be successful without them. What is not so easy to understand is why goals are so important. By having and focusing on goals, you are focusing on what you want, which is the pleasure we get from the decisions we make. When you are newer to business I would suggest focusing on a SMART goal, but my SMART goal might be a little different than what you have been taught.

Specific: The more specific your goal is the better. Your picture of what you want should be very clear.

Measurable: A goal like getting into shape is not only not specific but it cannot be measured. How will you know when you reach it? Great goals are easy to measure and know when they are accomplished.

Action Focused: This is the one that changes a little from what others are teaching. When you are getting started, created goals that are based on actions will help you. This is because they are easy to accomplish, and you can create some momentum. Small success leads to great things. For example, you might want to make a goal that you will make 5 offers each day or each week instead of doing one deal a month. Although you might want to do a deal a month, the focus should be on the actionable items that will get you there.

Reasonable: This is one that is challenging for a lot of us. We hear that if you shoot for the stars and miss, at least you will land on the moon. Although I do believe that we need to think big, I also understand that we need to believe our goals are attainable or we will not hit them. Our mind is so incredibly powerful that if it does not believe you can hit the goal... you can't. My advice is to make short term goals that stretch you, but that you believe are possible. As you start hitting your goals you will be expanding your mind and can create bigger and bigger goals. There is also nothing wrong with dreaming or setting lofty longer-term goals. That too can be very positive in your development.

Time Based: As mentioned above I like the idea of short term goals. My preference is a year or less on the actual goals that you are going to focus on. Monthly goals work well. There should also be rewards for hitting these short terms goals. In no case should your goal not come with a definitive date to accomplish.


I have written several articles and posts about this, so I will not spend too much time here, but it is important to mention that it is my strong opinion that your why is the one fail safe way to have success in anything you do. As long as your why is big enough, you cannot fail. Period.

The second way to shift your focus to the pleasure is your big why. Your why is very different than a goal, as it might not meet any of the SMART criteria. It is huge, much bigger than you, and is often something that is hard for you to even realize you are capable of accomplishing. Your goals will be based on this, but it is not something that you are tracking in most cases. It is often times much bigger than you, like leaving a legacy or helping or starting a charity. It is my why that keeps me going when things get hard and it is my why that helps me make decisions that I know will cause some temporary pain. It helps you bust through fear.

By focusing on your dreams and your goals you will be able to look past temporary pain, so you can create lifelong pleasure. Combine this strategy with the knowledge that pain is positive and you will be unstoppable!

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Sunday 15 April 2018

Revolution of Digital Marketing

What is digital marketing?

Today nearly 80% of all the media that we consume come through digital channels. Massive internet usage and digital media has given rise to a new marketing concept called Digital Marketing. It is a broad area and considered to be the future of business development.

Digital Marketing is the most commonly used term for online marketing and it has several advantages over traditional offline marketing. With the help internet and mobile devices customer these days have access to information from anywhere in the world. Marketers these days use digital tactics to attract and convert audiences online.

This new age marketing methods helps to gain good reputation which is essential for a business to survive. It is the best way to reach out to your targeted audience. With the help of digital marketing one can reach many customers at a very little marketing budget. Unlike traditional methods you can measure the success of digital marketing campaigns with the help of analytical tools. Ever year more and more marketers put aside traditional marketing and focus on this approach. Successful marketing campaigns can be accomplished by integrating traditional methods with the digital marketing techniques.

Common methods of digital marketing

Email Marketing

This is one of the commonly used methods of online marketing. Email marketing enhances business communication, cost effective and Eco-friendly. By this method a message could be sent to a group of people by the use of electronic mail.

It is an efficient way to stay connected with your audience while promoting your business and also one of the easiest ways to reach your target audience.

Search Engine Optimization

It is an organic way of optimizing your online content to improve the ranking of your website on the search engine.

There are a lot of factors involved in ranking of a website such as title, keywords, relevance etc. SEO helps to ensure that your site is accessible and improve the chances of being found by the search engine. It is classified into two types on page and off page optimization. On page optimization is achieved through careful distribution of keywords and the quality of content on your site. Off page optimization involves factors that are beyond the control of your website. The primary goal of link building is to get other websites links to yours to improve SEO.

Search Engine Marketing

When someone searches for information or a keyword, SEM makes sure that your site appears at the top of search engine results. It uses a variety of techniques which helps the search engine to deliver your site to the web searchers.

One must clearly understand SEO before using SEM. It is one of the most efficient ways to spread your business across in this competitive world. Some of the components of SEM are ad auction, bid and quality score. Your maximum bid for a keyword with a great quality score determines your ad position.

Pay Per Click

The fastest way to reach your target audience can be achieved through P P C campaigns. You pay each time when someone clicks on your ad. For example, if you pay 1 rupee per click and when 1000 people click your ad it will cost you 1000 rupees. Based on the CTR (click through rate) the performance of you ad campaign is determined. It generates faster results by targeting the right people at the right time and at the right place. Since it costs money it is suitable for businesses that sell product/services.

Social Media Marketing

The process of marketing through various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is known as Social Media Marketing. The primary objective of SMM is to produce content on social media that help an organization to increase brand awareness and customer reach. In social media companies can share content to achieve marketing goals.

Display Advertising

It is a form of conveying a message with elements like images, logos, graphics, audio or video to communicate to the target audience. Also known as banner ads, it gives a unique opportunity to re-target the ideal audience. You can also display ads to people based on their search behavior. Generally, display ads are seen alongside on search engines such as yahoo, Bing and Google.

Content Marketing

This type of marketing is done by creating and sharing free content to attract new prospects and retain existing customers. Informative content is shared in the form of articles, videos, info graphics etc. It helps in building strong relationships with your audience by providing them with relevant high quality contents. Your business goal should be aligned with content strategy to gain critical success.

How a fresher would benefit from digital marketing?

In digital world, online marketing is essential for running a successful business. Marketers these days are adapting from traditional to digital approach.

Digital marketing provide small businesses with resources to perform sales and marketing that were previously available only for large companies. It ensures the survival of online businesses. Today, brands are putting more focus on digital marketing than ever before. Digital marketing skills are in serious demand and provide a unique competitive edge for one's career. It offers great opportunities around the world. There is a wide range of digital marketing roles which include jobs related to social media as well. It also provides a variety of opportunities to start your own career as an Entrepreneur.

There are lots of benefits that digital marketing professionals can look forward in upcoming years. More companies embrace digital marketing as their primary marketing strategy which creates a plenty of job opportunities for freshers. The future of digital marketing seems to be very bright at the moment. is one of the leading digital marketing services company in Bangalore. Contact us at +91 8 2 2 0 0 0 9 2 2 2.

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Saturday 14 April 2018

Some Useful and Realistic Ways to Get Money Online Without the Hazards of Additional Investment

Today the internet world has become vast and diverse allowing various people across the world to earn their living by just pressing a few buttons no matter where they live. It is due to this reason that the online business is flourishing over the time thus creating a highly profitable web.

Individuals are now indulging themselves in making money online and with the money they can travel, spend quality time with their families or do some other useful activity if only they have the internet connection in their homes. It is also an advantage for the educated unemployed who are in search of jobs or trying for the government jobs but have failed for a long time for them it opens a new way of earning income by just sitting at home. Another best thing of earning money over the net is it is quite easy to get started as a cost effective way both for the employer and the employee.

There are several opportunities for making money online such as an individual can become a regular blogger and supply valuable contents on a daily basis so as to draw the attention of the online readers. By posting informative blogs one can not only build a group of trusted followers but make the popular websites more attracting by adding knowledge about the respective products and services thus boost up the search engine rankings.

The bloggers always attract a specifically targeted group of the audience by providing free yet valuable contents such as articles, blogs, press releases, videos, images and much more which more people come to know and want to read about thus develop interest about the respective sites and wish to pay for the following services. Therefore, a loyal and dedicated blogger can enhance their standard of living by just creating great writings.

Another way of building a strong online influence is setting up one's own YouTube channel thereby providing informative videos, reviews, travel, songs, news and other forms of entertainment so as to attract millions of audiences from different corners of the world to have a look at these channels each day as well as like and share them in social media sites thereby create a fan group.

By setting up live videos on the popular search results helps to engage the targeted audiences by receiving reviews and comments especially helpful for the young generation who have a constant habit of surfing the internet in the smartphones for gaining useful information. Moreover by including ads with the videos helps the individuals to make money through the PPC management systems.

Besides nowadays most people sort out extra time and work with the GPT sites by making surveys, watching informative videos, play games and do all such creative activities and thus receive payments online.

Many people who have specialized in the fields of journalism and mass media are now overwhelmed with the opportunities of online freelancing as a lucrative way of income. Even the simple skills of data entry allow for generating a source of living for those who are capable of proving their worth in how to get money online.

Mr. Osemudiamen Okoh has done extensive research in the internet business and the ways that are related to how to get money online. Presently he is an successful entrepreneur.

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Friday 13 April 2018

5 Things To Know Before You Start A Blog

Today, anyone can start a blog in a couple of minutes. Basically, a blog is an effective marketing tools that can help you generate a good deal of money if done the right way. However, if you want to be good at it, know that you need to choose and walk on the right path. Given below are a few tips that you should know prior to going on this adventure.

It takes lots of time and effort

First of all, make sure you know why you are going to start a blog. What is your purpose? Do you want to start a blog just to make money online? If this is what you want out of your blog, know that it won't be the right path to take.

For earning money on the internet, blogging is one of the hardest methods. The reason is that writing blog posts on a regular basis takes a good deal of time and effort. It may cause disappointment if you publish something and no one reads it. Immediate results should not be expected.

Blogging is not free

Although you can choose Tumblr, Medium, Blogger and WordPress to host your blog for free, know that you will have to lack of control and a lot of limitations.

If you need a customized web address, more storage, better design and other features, you may want to opt for a self-hosted WordPress blog. The cost of domain and the hosting will be around $100 per year, which is not a big deal.

Choose your niche

Once you have decided to move on, you may want to choose a niche first. What you need to do is a choose that you are interested in. Aside from this, make sure that the one you are going to choose can help you stand yourself from the crowd as there are numerous blogs in each niche.

One important thing that you should do when choosing a niche is to define your audience first. Aside from this, you need to consider your concerns, interests and needs as well.

Content is King

If you want to maintain or raise your traffic, know that the content is really important. You don't have to publish tons of posts every day. One or two are enough, but make sure each post is high quality, which means it should offer something valuable to the readers.

If the readers are able to solve a problem by reading your posts, know that they will bookmark your pages and will get back again for more information.

Know basic SEO

If you have got the hang of basic SEO techniques, know that they can prove really effective in helping you get traffic for your blog. For growth, you need to get organic traffic for your web pages and SEO can help you do just that.


Nowadays, you can start your own blog within minutes. However, keep in mind that blogging may not work for everyone out there. Most new comers leave this field within a few days or weeks. At first, it will be harder to create content but you will get used to it with time. So, you have to have patience and wait for your blog to generate traffic and money.

Are you going to start your own blog? This can be a great idea provided you know how to start a blog the right way. The Blogging Buddha can help you with this.

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Thursday 12 April 2018

Make Money Online Completing Micro Tasks

Freelancing becoming more popular everyday.

The young generating is getting seriously into freelancing, making it their first priority. Everybody wants to become their own boss, to really enjoy the life and live without stress. Thanks to technology and specifically the Internet, freelancing has become way much simpler compared to 10 years ago. It's actually becoming a huge business, where people use their skills to help others at a lower rate.

Short tasks or micro tasks.

Several college students, for example, are working from home. Same for homemakers and stay home mothers. All this is thanks to online platforms that allow anyone to join an accept online jobs from companies. Housewives, for instance, perform micro jobs in their spare time. The good thing is that these jobs require maximum one hour per day to complete. In case you have kids at home, you know how hard it's to get things done, but that doesn't mean you can't work from home. Short tasks or micro tasks are perfect for busy moms. They can earn some good money this way and take care of their kids at the same time. Here is a good list of the tasks you can perform if you're in that group of people:

Take surveys: you can easily make up to $100 per month just by taking online surveys. All you need to do is perform a Google search for "paid survey sites". Join several of these sites to increase the income. When you register, use your main email address to receive regular invitations to make new surveys.

Most of these surveys pay up to $3 and take up to 45 minutes to complete.
You get paid in cash, gift cards, free products, or free entries to sweepstakes.
You don't need to pay to participate in surveys, so if anyone asks you for money to join a survey site, don't pay them.

Check the privacy policy of the website to verify they won't sell your personal information.
Test websites: participate in something called "remote usability testing", this means getting paid to navigate a website and provide feedback. Most of these tests take 15 minutes to do, and you get paid up tp $10 per test. One of these tests is about performing a scenario in the client's website and while recording yourself. An example: go through the process of buying a product on a retailer's website. You'll need: a computer, a microphone, fast internet connection.

Tutor students: you can certainly help students by being what is known as online tutors. Nowadays several families really like this option to teach their kids. You can help a kid with his homework or help a college student studying for an exam. It depends on the level of education you have. All you need is your own computer and fast internet. Online companies assign students to you depending on your profile. You get paid from $9 to $30 per hour, it depends on your educational background and the subject you'll teach.

Learn How to Make Money Online right now! Take my Free Make Money Online Email Course. Also make sure you visit my Make Money Online Blog to read more similar articles of this topic.

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Wednesday 11 April 2018

Nuts and Bolts of How to Make Money Online - For Real

You see a gazillion emails everyday bombarding you for everything imaginable about making money online. How do you tell the difference between hype and ripe?

Well to start off, it has to be simple. You shouldn't have to create web pages, you shouldn't have to create capture pages, you shouldn't have to write auto-responder messages.

Everything should be done for you. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

It doesn't get any easier than this. All you have to do is learn to send traffic to a capture page to build your list so that you can follow-up and introduce them to you business flopportunity.

Get them from skeptical visitor to getting them engaged by sharing your story. (And everybody has one). Your job is not to sell them on the business, but to build a relationship with the people on your list.

Learn to be a Leader. Get out of the learning curve. Find a strategy that works and... Master It.

If you've never grown a business before, if you have zero business experience, no internet experience... you're in the right place at the right time because there is nowhere better to learn all this... and nowhere easier.

Don't get left behind - start your business online. It's very easy to be a leader in your own home business.

You're told... "We have everything here for you to help you develop the skills that you need to develop. You will learn how to turn those leads into members and to be the leader you want to be."

Helping other people to realize their dreams, helping other people to become healthier, helping other people to understand or find a solution to the problem they're having is pretty rewarding - pretty sweet, (and it helps that you're making big money).

That feeling is what you need to fall in love with. Fall in love with helping the people whom you introduce your business to. You need to put YOU into your business. Engage, Learn, Teach!

And here is a million dollar idea for you...

When you wake up in the morning the first thing you need to do is decide that you're going to have a GREAT day. Regardless of what went on yesterday, regardless of how good or how bad your results are, regardless of the amount (or lack of amount) is in your bank account, wake up and decide...

You're going to have a Great Day!

Carl Willoughby is an internet entrepreneur that has been online more than 20 years and can help you start a successful online internet business. Visit his blog at:

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Tuesday 10 April 2018

Top 3 Ways to Earn Passive Income

To be a financially successful person you have to work really hard and there is no way around it. You have to give at least 40 to 50 hours a week to earn an active income. But what if I told you that you can also earn while you sleep? Too good to be true right? But it is true, though it requires a little bit of your time, but again everything worthwhile requires time. You can dedicate your free time into earning passive incomes. What is a passive income, you ask? Passive income is any source of income where you do not take part actively but do it on a less regular basis, like in your free time which continues to earn money for you even while you sleep. To have a strong financial foundation, having more than one income source is very essential. You can read it in every financial book or hear it from every great investor that having more than one source of income is of the vital importance.

So, you understood that and want to take up on your own passive income venture, but you are confused about how to get things rolling initially. If this is your dilemma then do not fear even a little because I am here to help you out with your problem. I will discuss some great passive income sources which you can take up in your free time and open many different channels of income. So, without wasting any time, let us get started.


Blogging took the world by storm a few years back and even today it is very popular. Many people have their own blogs which have become their primary source of income. If you also want to start an alternative cash flow you should consider opening a blog. There are various free and paid blogging platforms where you can get started. The main income for blogs are advertisements and affiliate programs. Your aim should be to write interesting articles which drive an insane amount of traffic to your blog.

Teach Online

Various educational websites online offers various educational courses from high school to college level. If you have a knack for teaching you can consider to create an online course as an instructor and upload them to various educational websites to set up a source of passive income.

Amazon FBA

I think this is the best source to earn money and many people have made this their primary source of income. You can sell your own products on Amazon, which is a huge worldwide marketplace and guarantees a plethora of customers. Things become more interesting when Amazon lets you use their resources to increase your sales, which are called Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA). They provide with fast and free delivery and round the clock customer service. Inventories are maintained by Amazon themselves so you can focus on increasing your customer base and your business in the process. If you want to make good amounts of money FBA is definitely a good choice to start your journey.

If you want to learn how to grow your Amazon business and learn every trick available in the market I strongly recommend to check out which offers a very well rounded course on how to sell on Amazon FBA. So, do not let your dreams wait anymore and start fulfilling them today.

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Monday 9 April 2018

Why Trading As a Home Business Is the Best Option

At one point or another, we all dreamed of leaving our 9-5 job to have our own business. I had 2 very successful business in my lifetime. One as a college student selling handbags and women's accessories, which led me to leave college because I was making more doing that business than I would graduating from college. The second business was owning and distributing coin-operated video games. I started that business after a very successful US Federal Government career that took me all the way to Washington DC. Even with all the success that I had as a Budget Director at the Secretary's level, I still believe that nothing compares to running your own business.

Both my businesses relied on customer acquisition. Without customers, there was no business. That is true with any business that relies on selling services or products.

Online businesses are no different. Whether you run a blog or have a Shopify account or sell through Amazon or eBay, you will need customers. You may read about SEO rankings, Pay Per Cick ads, or Google AdSense among others. You may also want to try to acquire customers through YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or any other of the many social media outlets available today. Whichever way you decide to promote your business, you will need customers not only to "follow" you, but, more importantly, to buy your product(s).

Hence, enter trading as a home business. With trading, all you need is to do is learn and master a set of skills. You don't need to rely on social media or Pay Per Clicks to make your money. All you need to do is rely on your ability to make money trading by following some simple rules.

Trading has never been easier than it is today. Computers have taken some of the mystique of trading away. There are many automated solutions available today that can make even the most inexperienced trader a successful trader if they follow the simple rules outlined by the software. There are even fully automated software aka robots aka Expert Advisors that will execute your trades for you making trading a totally hands-free business.

Forex has the biggest number of automated solutions in the market today. For that reason, these solutions are available at much lower prices ($200-$600) than their counterparts in the stock, e-minis, and commodity markets. When you consider the cost of just setting up a website for your business versus the cost of an Expert Advisor in Forex, to me the choice was not only obvious, but easy. The added benefit is that after acquiring your Expert Advisor(s), you don't have to worry about acquiring customers to start making profits, but rather immediately start making profits instead.

As a business owner, I can say that trading is, without a doubt, a more appealing option to me. I now work/trade to live instead of live to work. I love spending time with my family and being able to trade/do my business from anywhere in the world. Through trading, me and my family are living the life we dreamed off a few years back. You can live that life too.

I wish you success in any endeavor you choose to embark.

Next... My life long passion is to educate investors like you on how to have a successful career trading. Sign up now to my blog and instantly get your copy of the Understanding The Myths Of Market Trends And Patterns E-Book.! It is absolutely free to join here

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