Showing posts with label success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label success. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Comparing Affiliate Marketing and Cryptocurrencies: Choosing the Best Investment Strategy for Success

Affiliate marketing and cryptocurrencies are two different types of online industries that can be used to make money, but they have some key differences.

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services for a company and earning a commission on sales that are generated through your unique affiliate link. This can be a lucrative way to make money online, as you can earn passive income by promoting products that you believe in and that have a strong market demand. 

Affiliate marketing requires investing time and effort into creating content and building a dedicated audience to promote products to, but it can be a sustainable income stream if done correctly.

Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, involve investing in digital assets that can increase or decrease in value over time. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as online transactions or investment opportunities. 

While investing in cryptocurrencies can be highly profitable, it also comes with a higher risk due to the volatile nature of the market. Cryptocurrencies require knowledge of the industry and market trends to make informed investment decisions.

In conclusion, affiliate marketing and cryptocurrencies are both viable ways to make money online, but they come with different opportunities and risks. Affiliate marketing requires time and effort to build a successful income stream, while cryptocurrencies involve investing in digital assets that can potentially provide significant returns but also carry a higher risk. 


Ultimately, the choice between affiliate marketing and cryptocurrencies depends on your interests, skills, and risk tolerance.

Friday 31 August 2018

The truth about failure and making mistakes

The biggest mistake you can make in life is to make none…

Sitting on the fence

Doing nothing instead of taking the risk

Not making the decision

Everyone has something they truly want – but how many people actually go after it?

I get it…

Taking a risk can be terrifying,

It’s understandable to be scared of failure.

To not want to make a mistake…

But here’s the thing:

Everyone fails, everyone makes mistakes and things won’t go to plan 100% of the time.

Let me be clear: that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything.

It doesn’t give you an excuse to hold back and not give it your all.

Don’t play it safe.

Have the courage to do it anyway.

Making a mistake isn’t fun. Failure can be painful.

But the only thing that matters is what you do after.

Make the mistake, then learn from it.

Don’t use it as an excuse for not trying, or letting yourself become so afraid of failing that you never stretch out of your comfort zone.

Instead, go for it.

When you do fail - own it, do something about it and most importantly learn from it.

Trust me: Some of your biggest mistakes will become your greatest lessons.

Monday 16 July 2018

An Autopilot Online Business System Anyone Can Use

I started looking into online business models around 20 years ago. Initially I started out with eBay the auction giant. I bought and sold from the site and made a bit of extra money in between jobs.

After a while I decided there had to be a better way to earn money using the internet. I bought an eBook and decided this was probably the best model for selling online. It was a sale which didn't require anyone to personally be there. It was completely automated and because of the digital product it could be sold internationally, with no postage costs.

Although I knew nothing of how to operate a business like this successfully, I had stumbled on the best possible model for selling online. Nothing could stop me learning and despite many failures, I persevered until I found a business model which works.

It's called affiliate marketing and allows anyone to sell someone else's products over the internet. By linking to another product and recommending it, anyone can earn a commission if their link takes a customer to a product and makes a purchase.

Affiliate marketing is a bit like recommending a friend to a nice restaurant. Only, with affiliate marketing, you get to earn a commission if your friend goes to the restaurant which you recommended.

Despite finding this business model shortly after moving on from eBay, it was a while before I found any lasting success with it. I think that's partly because, at the time, there was very little help available on the internet for affiliate marketers. There were many "how to" courses which I bought, and some were more useful than others. Despite all my "failures", I persevered and found a good community to learn from.

This, I believe, is a major key to the success of many online entrepreneurs. They don't do it alone, they have help. I struggled for years because I didn't know who to turn to for help. It is possible to have success with an online business quite quickly, if you know the best possible route to take, and of course if you have the courage to go through on all the action steps.

The ultimate goal of course, with an online business, is financial freedom. Initially though this wasn't my goal. My goal was to be earning enough to survive from the internet without a job. I also wanted to earn in a way which was conducive to my happiness. Many of the jobs I had done had been stressful and lowly paid. The internet offered a means to earn from the comfort of my own home. At the time, just having a purpose and a direction was enough, even if it didn't make money immediately.

As time wore on though, I did wonder whether all this effort was really worth my time. I had made some progress, but there were many times when I thought about throwing it all in. I'm sure this is the same for many others who are out there working away at their various online pursuits.

What kept me going was the simple idea of the eBook I had bought. Someone, somewhere had made a commission from me buying that eBook and downloading it. I was going to do the same thing over and over.

One of my early successes was selling an affiliate marketing "how to" course which I sold using AdWords adverts and a landing page. The automation involved is one of the best things about an online business. It allows you to build a scalable business from anywhere in the world! I ran an advert which sent people straight to a landing page. From there I collected the emails with a piece of software known as an auto-responder.

Emails were automatically delivered to the subscribers and I started selling a few courses. I was just at the point where I could start increasing my budget to make more sales and my advertising platform got shut down. I was inconsolable! It hit me hard and I went through a long period of just having given up. I couldn't reinstate my account whatever I tried!

The internet is very forgiving though. Before long I was purchasing another course and learning something new. I did get stuck in learning mode for a long time. But, I still use the skills I learned years ago even now.

I got onto another course. This one taught a different approach. It was called The Keyword Academy and the course taught how to target specific keywords with articles and rank them on Google. It's a long time ago now and I'm sure the techniques are outdated. Things change quickly on the internet. After a good 6 months to a year I got almost nothing for all my work. I had built several websites but most of them were utterly useless!

I really don't know why I kept going and most (sensible) people would have given up. What kept me going was the idea of a business which ran itself, selling digital products over and over again.

I eventually found the aforementioned community and that's where I am now. If I had only had access to other people back then! A mentor is definitely what you need with an internet business. It's far too hard to go it alone. Get access to a community and learn by watching and modelling people who are already being successful.

Tim Halloran is an online marketer and martial artist. See his.: his website here

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Sunday 3 June 2018

Pick A Problem You Can Solve?

One of the keys to successful digital product creation is picking a problem you can solve. Too often, many new Internet marketers will choose to create a product they like, but that usually doesn't solve a problem that is currently in the marketplace. As a result, there is no real demand for that product.

The common result in this case is that the person will go to a great deal of time and effort to create his/her product, but when no or few sales comes through, the person becomes disillusioned by the prospect of making a profitable living online, calls it "a scam," and often returns to their dreary job, figuring it's the only way to "make it in the world."

To have an in-demand product, you need to create a product that solves a problem. If this problem is widespread throughout the industry, and you develop an effective solution for it, people from all across the industry will want to get their hands on your item, setting you up for some nice profits. Thus, it is critical that you find a problem you can solve, then develop a solution for it, whether it's an e-book with information of an effective solution for the problem, a software program that can alleviate the problem, a membership site with information and resources that can solve the problem, etc.

You may be wondering, "how do I identify a problem I can solve?" Here, you will need to do some observation and some research. Some of the best ways is to go to your favorite search engine, type in the industry or topic you are interested in along with "+ forums." This should bring up a list of online forums that serve the people in that industry or who deal with that topic. You can go to these forums and read about the current topics and issues being dealt with in that industry. You may have to register at these forums first in order to access some sections of them, but this is not the case at all forums.

If an issue or problem continues to be brought up by several members of a forum, chances are that this is a problem you can build a product around in an effort to solve or alleviate it. This is a problem that is demanding a solution, and you have the opportunity to provide that solution and make good profits by doing it, plus build your reputation as a problem solver and solution creator.

You can also read about various topics and information in online newsletters, magazines, and ezines related to your industry to find potential problems that you can build a product around. Oftentimes, there are statistics in publications regarding common problems people in an industry are facing; if the statistics indicate a great deal of people are struggling with that same problem or issue, you have a potential product idea to build around.

Can You Download Free PLR E-book Here

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Saturday 5 May 2018

How To Sell Other People's Products Online

When you sell other people's products online, you don't have to devote time to creating the products, but you get a percentage of the sales that you make. This well established and popular business model is known as affiliate marketing and being a successful affiliate marketer can be very lucrative.

Here are some the key issues to concentrate on when you sell other people's products online.

Find The Right Audience

It's important to determine what type of audience you want to sell products to. By knowing the audience, you'll be able to find the right type of products or services for them. You'll know what their problems are and find a way to offer them products that solve them.

Find The Right Products and Services

Choose who your audience is first, then find products for them. Doing it the opposite way round can include the risk that there isn't an audience for that product in the first place. Once you know your audience, you can choose the right products and services to recommend to them. It's best that you test out the products or services that you plan to recommend. Any product you choose should offer a solution to a problem that your audience has.

Create the Right Type of Content

Knowing your audience, and the products and services that you're going to promote, will help you create the right type of content that attracts your audience to take your recommendations. Always aim to provide value above all else. If your content doesn't make your audience feel like they're getting great value, they're not going to feel motivated to buy from you.

Maintain Your Reputation

When you're marketing and selling other people's products or services, you're putting a lot of trust in the creators of the product. Even if you didn't create the product, if someone buys something on your recommendation that turns out to be rubbish, they'll blame you. That's why you should only promote products that you have bought yourself or that you truly believe in.

Communicate With Your Audience

Communicate regularly with your audience via email, social media, blog posts, video or any other channel where you can reach out. Talk about their problems and the solutions that you know about and why you know they're the right ones. The best thing you can give your audience is a look into who you are. That's what makes you unique and special. Your audience will appreciate getting to know you, and that will make them trust you more.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Thursday 3 May 2018

6 Actionable Ways To Get More Done In Less Time

I came across this wonderful analogy on time while researching for one of my events:

"Think about the airline industry. Their target is to have a full cabin in every flight. They don't really like empty seats. So, the prices are high. And dynamic. As the day of the flight nears, the prices keep on increasing. Good luck to anyone with a tight budget - if they want a seat on a flight at the last moment! It becomes a mad house then, the same seat which would have initially cost you probably 30-40% less.

But once the plane takes off, an empty seat has no value. That's a loss for the airline. There is no way they can get any money for it. However expensive the seat had been, once it's gone, it becomes valueless.

The same can be said about 'time'. A very expensive commodity indeed. While the clock ticks away, it keeps becoming more and more precious. You would kill to save those precious moments right before something has to be done. Do anything to have little more time at your disposal! Unfortunately, you cannot stop the clock.

And once it is gone, it ceases to be expensive. It ceases to be anything!"

There is a very simple thing I like to say,

Time pass = Time Fail

Let me give you some stats. The average person gets 1 interruption every 8 minutes, or approximately 7 an hour, or 50-60 per day. The average interruption takes 5 minutes, totaling about 4 hours or 50% of the average workday. 80% of those interruptions are typically rated as "little value" or "no value" creating approximately 3 hours of wasted time per day.

By taking 1 hour per day for independent study, 7 hours per week, 365 hours in a year, one can learn at the rate of a full-time student. In 3-5 years, the average person can become an expert in the topic of their choice, by spending only one hour per day.

If only we had that one hour we could take out from our crucial time (kept aside to be wasted)

I know it is difficult. The habit of wasting time if hard to beat, especially the blissful joy of doing nothing. And then running around in mindless panic at the 11th hour - that's not much fun though. Here are a few things you could do that have proved to work well for me, if you are looking to managing your time better:

1. Put a price on your time

Yes, make a guesstimate of the cost of your time. You may not make it comparable to some industry stalwart but consider yourself as someone who is fairly successful when you do so.

Depending on how much you earn (or spend, if you are a student) each year, you can count the number of productive days in a year and number of working hours in a day. Get you own hourly rate;)... If you do not know the value of your time, who will? I do this exercise every time I revise my compensation rates for clients.

Once you have that estimate, next time you have the urge to splurge your time on something, you can compare whether it is worth your time or not. The concept of value in marketing is defined as benefits/cost. (Some even consider it as benefits minus cost). Find out your own version of benefits upon cost for your time i.e. time value.

Now, I am not saying that you do everything according to this method. But a lot of your trivial activities could go through this simple test before you decide to undertake them. This will simply give you an idea of how much valuable time you generally waste doing stuff that you need not do really.

2. SWOT Analysis

You must have heard of SWOT right? It's an analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Generally it is done on an organization level vis a vis competitors to understand the road that has been traveled so far and what lies ahead.

But whoever said you couldn't do it for your own self?

SWOT can be helpful in prioritizing your time and to-dos. Between all the elements of your SWOT, I would suggest that you focus on your strengths. Give more time to things you are good at and play to your strengths. This will ensure you enjoy your productive hours more. But it will also help you figure out which of your weaknesses can you spend how much time on, so that you could turn them into your opportunities and subsequently, into your strengths. It is very much doable, should you put your heart on to the pursuit of 'better-ness'.

If you cannot picture a long term situation, don't panic. Take one day at a time. I would say, devote some time each day to your SWOT elements. Some will of high priority and some will be of low. But ensure that you take some time out. As mentioned in the very beginning of the post, merely taking out 1hour everyday can get you to gain expertise in a particular field (condition applied - dedicated one hour). Just find out time first for your priorities.

You will be amazed at how much buffer time will remain each day for you to decide how much of it to spend or trivials and non-essentials. SWOT has always come to my rescue. It will do the same for you - I guarantee!

3. Wake up early

This does not seem like a time management tip but trust me it is. When I started waking up early and tried to get done with 50% of my To-dos even before the rest of the world woke up, it gave me a very beautiful delusion of having more than 24hrs in my day. I had more time for myself, my family, my work - everything. This habit just does wonders.

Most important things get done early on, leaving time for leisure and fun and most importantly - getting more important things done than you had planned! That's a welcome delusion I would say. Here are a few early morning activities that can prime your day.

4. Creating To-Do lists

Creating to-do lists is a classic time management tool. I keep a white board right above my workstation where all the to-dos go. It is the simplest way to tackle your list of never ending works. Keep striking off what got done and keep writing what needs to be done further.

Place it strategically at a position where your eyes keep going from time to time. If you are a more organized person, you can even color code your white board of to-dos. The essence is to make you feel ashamed if the list of struck out items is smaller.

And don't be ashamed of jotting down to-dos. Once you have an exhaustive list, you can do your SWOT and prioritizing too! Find out what's more important and what needs to be done right away.

5. Right here Right now

If it takes 2 minutes to do a thing, do it now. Don't procrastinate even for very small things. It is often the 2 minute tasks, that when piled up - look like an Everest that you have to conquer. It is this pile of 2minute noodles that gets perceived as crisis often. And believe me, a major part of crisis management is dealing with these simple things efficiently. It is not that big a deal. We just turn it into one.

It would also be advisable that you do the things you fear most first. Or abhor. That inertia of having put good effort gets carried forward to the rest of the day (or sitting). You may not succeed initially. But slowly, you will get into the habit of facing your fears and getting things done in time - that's two things nailed!

6. Kill your Distractors

Have you heard of Pareto's principle? The 80-20 rule by Pareto, when applied to time management, says - 80% of your half-hearted time generates only 20% of the results.

And it is no rocket science that your 80% unfocused time is a result of too much distraction. Kill those distractors. Free, high speed internet, YouTube streaming without buffer, endless social media networks and their apps, so many relationship issues to worry about, numerous trivial things to think about, useless people issues to get into - a lot of work, a modern living is!

It is possible to keep these distractions at bay. A little will power is all you need. And what starts as will power, soon becomes a habit. Progressively remove your distractions if you want to reach somewhere in life. Because what doesn't take you towards your goals, takes you away from them!

There are many more ways to manage your time better. But the first step to all of them is - your sheer, infallible determination to make use of these non-renewable, very important resource - in a better, more judicious way.


The difference between a Steve Jobs and a normal job is - how one utilizes their 24hrs!

Akash Gautam a Motivational Speaker for Youth & Corporate Events in India. He has more than 16yrs of experience as a Public Speaker, Writer & Career Counsellor. He is known for his comic & sarcastic style as a speaker. He believes that he still is an ardent student of life and learning. He writes regularly on his blog answering questions that his audiences mostly ask. You may know more about him and his work at:

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Saturday 28 April 2018

Learn the Business Before You Go in Business

Being an entrepreneur is no easy task by far. You have to wear a lot of hats, especially when your business is just starting out and you are solely taking care of every aspect involved in managing your business.

Mastering the skills necessary to start and maintain a new business can be time-consuming and exhausting. Getting your business started and off the ground can be expensive as well. You want to advertise in every way you can. Selling tools can be costly. I suggest you do your homework before hand and attend workshops and expos so you can obtain as much information as you can so you will know how to market your brand and capture your target customers.

Fortunately there are a lot of educational resources online for those who might not be able to get out as much as they would like to or be able to link up with others to learn about business management and or marketing.

If you want to be the best Entrepreneur you can you need to know certain things when seeking to start and develop a business. You need to know about building websites and blogs, marketing your products, money management, how to attract customers, etc.

Google and YouTube can be informational if you have access to a computer. There are even Podcasts via iTunes that available to help with your research on certain subjects involved with the type of business you are seeking to start and some how to tips.

Think it over for a while and make sure you are ready for the task of becoming an Entrepreneur. It will involve many long days and nights. You will go to bed late and rise up early in the morning with a full plate in front of you in conjunction with managing your business. It is truly a full-time job especially if you are working solo with no one else to delegate certain responsibilities to that would shorten your daily to do list.

Being an Entrepreneur definitely requires patience. There will be highs and lows in your journey to get where you want to be in your business. There will also be some mistakes made along the way but it will teach you what not to do the next time. There will be times of frustration but you can't let quitting be your way to opt out because you can't reach your goals quick enough.

When in business we have to make wise decisions not rushed ones because we are anxious for faster results. Time can be our friend or our worst enemy.

Entrepreneurs seek to master the skills needed to be successful. Patience gives us the ability to work steadfast toward our goals. Let your mindset be one of consistency and perseverance, giving up is not an option. Think positive, crush defeat under your feet.

The life of your business is what you yourself invest into it. You get back results based on your efforts put in building, managing and marketing your brand. Good Customer Service is a must. Mix and mingle with your potential customers, be informational, not too much and not too little. In most cases we market ourselves through social media before we even decide to market something that we are passionate about. This is actually beneficial for you because friends can turn into potential buyers. They are already familiar with your personality which in most cases is a plus when people are choosing who they can do good business with.

Bottom line you have to be content with the pace your business is progressing until it arrives at the pace you desire it to be. When you operate in a non anxious state of mind it is easier to handle your business and it allows you to stay grounded in times of lack as well as times of increase.

Maintaining ones own business will present its challenges. You have to be prepared to encounter obstacles and be able to roll with the punches. You have to be willing as I have said before to stay committed and dedicated and trust in the possibility of a rewarding outcome.

Building a business takes time. Nothing grows to its full potential overnight it takes months of planning and nurturing and often reinventing your brand until it grows into what you want it to be. Remember think things through before making rash decisions which could lead to the decline or demise of your business.

Keep in mind all you have invested and how far you have come before you just give up, you might be closer than you think to a breakthrough in reaching your target audience who want what you are selling. This could lead to more doors opening with bigger and better things waiting for you and your business. Have Faith and continue to work diligently with humility and patience.

Never try to take on too much, plan, take steps at a pace you can handle without stressing yourself out. keep your brand visible so much that it begins to intrigue people to the point where they will keep coming back to get a glimpse of what you are doing and what new things you have to offer.

Think Big, Reach Big, Believe in yourself and keep working to make your dreams or plans a reality.

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Saturday 21 April 2018

Being Financially Stable

If saving for retirement is a struggle, imagine yourself if you lost a job. More and more people really take care of their own retirement security. To avoid unnecessary financial constraints, create a plan to reduce debt as you approach retirement. Design your savings and spending plans.

Retirement planning is definitely difficult, especially if the implications of your choices tend to get magnified. You'll need to determine the amount of savings needed for your desired lifestyle. A spending strategy is equally important. However, rather than following a budget, many people spend more than what comes in.

Determine your annual base or mandatory expenses on food, clothing, shelter, utilities, medical, and transportation expenses. Also consider investing in long-term health care insurance which can typically cover the cost of home care, nursing-home care, and assisted living which is not usually covered by traditional health insurance.

Safeguarding your finances while you are still employed will help you become financially stable even after retirement. Many people are anxious when their retirement years are fast approaching. Imagine being at that point in your life and feeling you haven't achieved your goals yet. It could get especially worrisome if you don't have enough savings to be able to sustain your lifestyle after you retire. So, you need to enjoy spending within your means.

Securing a retirement fund is definitely needed if you want to live comfortably. The best time to start saving for your future is now. Not next year, not next week, not tomorrow, and not even later. Start planning for retirement at this very moment. It's better to start sooner than later. The earlier you plan, the more time you have to save money, pay off debt, and invest in the future. You also give yourself some leg room in case you make a bad decision and need to recover from a mistake. If you start investing late, then you lower the possibility of accomplishing your retirement plans.

Consistency is essential in saving money for your retirement. At first, it may be difficult, but you'll find it easier to save as you get along. One of the solutions for this is to set aside savings every month, even just a small amount. Save more as you go along-but never, never go below the initial savings amount.

Planning may be easy, but it's the willingness and determination to stick to your plans that could bend at times. It's important to have a clear vision ahead. No matter how far away your retirement years may seem, it is always a good idea to learn how to manage your personal finances. Those people who know how to manage their money succeed in allotting enough money not just for their savings but also for other financial matters.

It's important to create a budget. Separate your needs from your wants and try to track your spending on a monthly basis by listing down all your expenses. Seeing where you spend your money can help you sort out your priorities and plan how you can save more from your income and spend less on non-important expenses.

Retiring from work is a major leap in one's life. Prepare for the inevitable as early as now and assure a financially stable future for yourself and your family.

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Tuesday 17 April 2018

Some Nuggets on How To Be Rich

Everyone no matter their age, they all want to know how to be rich, how to hack life and make it financially. The significant driving force has been the perception that wealth or money means everything or can buy you all and make you happy. Millions of books have been written since the ancient times and yet you will find yourself looking for more and hopefully direct and easy ways around how to just make it. Well, you did great reading this article since you will see that most of what you need to make it you already have it.

Most young people just want to hack life and make it all at once without that effort nor patience of learning. This has created severe habits such gambling and fraud as a means to get rich quick. The other vice that has risen due to the elusive fact that all can make it is a generation of desperate and drug-addicted youths who believe that their fate is already sealed. This article is a wakeup call and a call to action to drop page thumping and expecting to find that one magical trick. You are all that you need.

How to start.

To begin with, by reading this means that you are ready and willing to make something out of yourself, get your head straight now and acknowledge that you have a working brain and a desire to make it.

The second move is to dream and make sure that you do not just imagine. The moment you can visualize anything in your head means that you can be able to make it happen for real.

Go ahead and write down your plan and evaluate how you are planning to achieve that. This, therefore, has to begin with small ideas and seeing them through. You cannot start planning for a Ferrari, and you do not own an account even. Start small and be patient to look at the fruits of your hard work.

Patience as a value comes in hand even when managing your wealth later in life. You have to carry out planned and well-calculated risk and wait patiently and trust in yourself that it will work.

The other thing is growing some balls because the moment you start investing you will have to be ready for risks and failures. Do not dwell on the failures instead move on and have better plans, do not lose focus but keep the desires, and all will work eventually.

Lastly, when you start making something, reinvest and work to grow bigger. Instead of celebrating and blowing up everything take it back and let it grow. Always have the mentality of safeguarding the capital you input at any time and then re-invest the profits for growth.


The smart ones only win the money game and wealth creation. By accessing such information, you have been made smart, and that means you can go forth and grow yourself to whatever level you want.

You can always find more interesting articles here or hire my writing services. Reach me via

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Thursday 12 April 2018

Make Money Online Completing Micro Tasks

Freelancing becoming more popular everyday.

The young generating is getting seriously into freelancing, making it their first priority. Everybody wants to become their own boss, to really enjoy the life and live without stress. Thanks to technology and specifically the Internet, freelancing has become way much simpler compared to 10 years ago. It's actually becoming a huge business, where people use their skills to help others at a lower rate.

Short tasks or micro tasks.

Several college students, for example, are working from home. Same for homemakers and stay home mothers. All this is thanks to online platforms that allow anyone to join an accept online jobs from companies. Housewives, for instance, perform micro jobs in their spare time. The good thing is that these jobs require maximum one hour per day to complete. In case you have kids at home, you know how hard it's to get things done, but that doesn't mean you can't work from home. Short tasks or micro tasks are perfect for busy moms. They can earn some good money this way and take care of their kids at the same time. Here is a good list of the tasks you can perform if you're in that group of people:

Take surveys: you can easily make up to $100 per month just by taking online surveys. All you need to do is perform a Google search for "paid survey sites". Join several of these sites to increase the income. When you register, use your main email address to receive regular invitations to make new surveys.

Most of these surveys pay up to $3 and take up to 45 minutes to complete.
You get paid in cash, gift cards, free products, or free entries to sweepstakes.
You don't need to pay to participate in surveys, so if anyone asks you for money to join a survey site, don't pay them.

Check the privacy policy of the website to verify they won't sell your personal information.
Test websites: participate in something called "remote usability testing", this means getting paid to navigate a website and provide feedback. Most of these tests take 15 minutes to do, and you get paid up tp $10 per test. One of these tests is about performing a scenario in the client's website and while recording yourself. An example: go through the process of buying a product on a retailer's website. You'll need: a computer, a microphone, fast internet connection.

Tutor students: you can certainly help students by being what is known as online tutors. Nowadays several families really like this option to teach their kids. You can help a kid with his homework or help a college student studying for an exam. It depends on the level of education you have. All you need is your own computer and fast internet. Online companies assign students to you depending on your profile. You get paid from $9 to $30 per hour, it depends on your educational background and the subject you'll teach.

Learn How to Make Money Online right now! Take my Free Make Money Online Email Course. Also make sure you visit my Make Money Online Blog to read more similar articles of this topic.

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Wednesday 11 April 2018

Nuts and Bolts of How to Make Money Online - For Real

You see a gazillion emails everyday bombarding you for everything imaginable about making money online. How do you tell the difference between hype and ripe?

Well to start off, it has to be simple. You shouldn't have to create web pages, you shouldn't have to create capture pages, you shouldn't have to write auto-responder messages.

Everything should be done for you. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

It doesn't get any easier than this. All you have to do is learn to send traffic to a capture page to build your list so that you can follow-up and introduce them to you business flopportunity.

Get them from skeptical visitor to getting them engaged by sharing your story. (And everybody has one). Your job is not to sell them on the business, but to build a relationship with the people on your list.

Learn to be a Leader. Get out of the learning curve. Find a strategy that works and... Master It.

If you've never grown a business before, if you have zero business experience, no internet experience... you're in the right place at the right time because there is nowhere better to learn all this... and nowhere easier.

Don't get left behind - start your business online. It's very easy to be a leader in your own home business.

You're told... "We have everything here for you to help you develop the skills that you need to develop. You will learn how to turn those leads into members and to be the leader you want to be."

Helping other people to realize their dreams, helping other people to become healthier, helping other people to understand or find a solution to the problem they're having is pretty rewarding - pretty sweet, (and it helps that you're making big money).

That feeling is what you need to fall in love with. Fall in love with helping the people whom you introduce your business to. You need to put YOU into your business. Engage, Learn, Teach!

And here is a million dollar idea for you...

When you wake up in the morning the first thing you need to do is decide that you're going to have a GREAT day. Regardless of what went on yesterday, regardless of how good or how bad your results are, regardless of the amount (or lack of amount) is in your bank account, wake up and decide...

You're going to have a Great Day!

Carl Willoughby is an internet entrepreneur that has been online more than 20 years and can help you start a successful online internet business. Visit his blog at:

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Tuesday 3 April 2018

Excellent Advice on How to Make Your Online Posts Even More Interesting

The Big issue with the big volume of the content published online.

There's one huge issue with the large sum of the content on the internet at this time. And that's that it's not really interesting. Regrettably, an enormous percentage of the social media posts, blog posts, content articles and actually videos that are on the internet are just dull or boring. They inform us common points we currently know, they do it in a trend that's not interesting and they also have boring, descriptive titles.

Post some thing innovative.

Give thought to just how many articles you've browse in your life time with titles just like: "How to Obtain Wonderful Abs" Or "The top 10 SEO Mistakes". Most likely hundreds right? And right now that sort of thing is simply aged, tired and uninteresting. If you need to be noticeable and be heard therefore you ought to ensure that what you're putting out is interesting, diverse and exclusive. Here's just how you do that. Develop Some thing Fresh. If you take a look at a flock of sheep then simply which usually one usually shines? The black sheep right? You have to be that black sheep in the event that it involves the chorus of content on Facebook and also on Twitter. You can't merely post the exact content articles and matters that absolutely everyone else is publishing or you'll simply blend into the crowd. Rather, you will need to offer a thing that persons can't get everywhere else and that is totally exclusive.

Provide your own personalized view a favorite subject.

You may ask yourself how do you do that? One solution is to develop anything completely brand-new by merging diverse topics, or by providing your own special take on a famous subject. An additional alternative is to only discover the most recent and unique stories you can. That may imply studying scientific reports or even checking press releases. It requires even more work nonetheless the effect is some thing that's far better!

Tell Stories.

Now you possess the topic, the subsequent point to consider is the delivery. And one approach that by no means gets old is to tell stories. If you could very well report on the comparable point as almost everyone else nevertheless give your version a narrative hook, a starting, middle and as well, end with a protagonist, then simply it will probably be even more persuasive and a lot more pleasant to read. Take into consideration the moment you've examine a great book, occasionally it seems nearly as though you're coming out of a fantasy experience once you stop. Or how about observing a movie and totally losing track of time? By way of a wonderful story, you can certainly have the precise equal effect on your visitors. And in that case they'll be connected.

Learn Internet Marketing and start making money right now! Take my Free Internet Marketing Email Mini Course. Also make sure you visit my Internet Marketing Blog to read more similar articles of this topic.

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Sunday 1 April 2018

A Guide to Going Viral

Reaching customers and creating awareness is something that determines the success of any business. The access to customers has become significantly easier over the years thanks to the development of social media platforms. These platforms have given businesses a way to reach out to their customers in an effective and efficient manner. This is the reason why it has become significantly important for businesses to come up with campaign ideas for their viral marketing efforts and implement these ideas by teams that have been specifically designed to take care of viral marketing efforts of the business.

All of the famous brands worldwide have successfully built a strong viral presence and that is exactly what you need to do in order to succeed and take your business forward. In this article, we discuss tips that will enable you to design and implement a strong viral marketing campaign thus creating awareness for your business and making a place for it on The Virality Map.

Step 1: Identify Your Target Audience

The first step of making a strong viral presence is doing the background work that will help you understand your marketing goals. This includes identifying and understanding your target audience. As well all know anything that goes viral catches the attention of millions of people. However, you need to specify the audience that your campaign intends to target to guarantee success. Do a detailed analysis of your target audience including the demographics, psychographics,and other behavioral factors.

Once you have identified your target audience, it is necessary to understand the kind of material they are likely to share and be interested in. Find out more about your target audience in order to come up with a campaign that is sure to grab their attention.

Step 2: Pick the Right Platforms

After identifying and understanding your target audience you have to decide on the kind of platform you will be using for your marketing efforts. There are a number of options that are available to marketers in terms of social media platforms. However, the kind of platform you choose will depend on the kind of marketing technique you will be using to move your message across.

Instagram will, for example, give you an option of choosing a picture story whereas LinkedIn can be used if you have written content that you wish to use for your campaign, Facebook can be used for video messages as well as other strategies. While choosing the right platform also keep in mind the interests of your target audience in order to guarantee success. You can seek help from consultants who can help your determine the right strategy to be used when dealing with the different platforms available.

Step 3: Create Engaging Content

Most of the social media platforms suggest content to their users based on their interests and behaviors. This is done by using an algorithm that gives ranking to different content going viral according to the needs and interests of the user. So, in order to reach the target audience, it is necessary for you to create the kind of content that will be surely enjoyed by your target customer. It is also important to keep the content interesting and exciting for the target audience. This can be done by using catchy headlines or using content that will make the audience feel emotionally connected. You can also use the services of different independent creative consultants to help you create the perfect content for your needs.

Step 4: Post at the Right Time

Timing is extremely important in determining the success of your viral marketing campaign. In order to make your viral efforts successful, you need to keep yourself updated about the latest trends and news based on the interests of your target audience. If there is a hot trending topic that seems relevant and beneficial for your post you can plan the posting in such a way that it coincides with the trending topics.

Do not forget to use those hashtags! However, if there is no such trend, you can plan your posting accordingly. Just make sure not to post it at a time of tragedy. Nobody wants their business to be associated with a negative event.

Step 5: Use Ads To Create Visibility

Another way of creating awareness for your business/brand could be by spending some money on paid ads that will help you gain some visibility. This can help your content becoming viral however it will require some amount of investment from your side.

Step 6: Engage Influencers

Using an influencer in order to gain visibility and awareness for your brand is an effective and time-saving strategy. With the advent of social media, there has been an increasing trend of influencers creating awareness of different brands to their target audience. You can use the help of a social media influencer who can help you introduce the brand to the target audience. However, it is extremely important to choose the right social media influencer. This can be done by going back to your research done in Step

Step 7: Track And Measure

It is also imperative to keep track of your viral marketing efforts to ensure effectiveness. Once the viral marketing campaign has started you need to use different analytics tools in order to determine the success. Do not expect yourself to reach your goals with the first campaign. If you find something to be unsuccessful in a particular campaign that does not produce desired results, you should immediately make changes accordingly in the strategy. For this, you will have to keep tracking and measuring the performance of your ongoing viral marketing campaign.

Step 8: Add Calls To Action

Do not leave your audience hanging after grabbing their attention. Make sure you add a call to action factor in your viral marketing campaign that will motivate the audience to take a step. This can be done by offering discounts on their first purchase, offering them free membership or a free trial.

Step 9: Attract More Attention

Once your viral marketing campaign has reached a considerable number of views, you can then move on to attracting more attention for your campaign by contacting different news organizations and bringing their attention to the success of your marketing campaign. However, before contacting any news organization, it is a good idea to work on developing a press release that is sure to get attention and does not lack content and authenticity.

Step 10: Use Content To Create Originality

Nothing great comes from plagiarizing and copying the efforts of others. Similarly, it will not be beneficial for you if you use content for your viral marketing effort that uses the ideas of others. A campaign that lacks originality will not be welcomed by the audience and will have a difficult time becoming etched in their minds. Hence, make sure your campaign uses new ideas and thoughts. If you require ideas and innovation in your campaign you can use the services of creative consultants who are known for creating and designing successful viral marketing campaigns. li

In the end, it can be established that the use of viral media marketing in developing awareness for the business cannot be undermined. So plan your campaign with the help of creative consultants such as Matta Baggiani and witness the success of your business.

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Monday 26 March 2018

Time To Make A Blogging Difference To Your Business

Do blogs really matter? A website will market your products and services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. But people do business with people they know, like and trust. Blogs are usually less formal in tone than the text on business websites, giving business owners a chance to really connect with their audience.

Blogging is a relationship-building tool. A blog, either on its own or as part of your website, can illustrate that you are a specialist in your niche who really knows what you are speaking about. It can also show that you have the skills and experience to create quality products.

Content Is King

Content is the main driver of effective marketing these days. And a blog provides content and helps your target audience find you. And that means content in all forms. This includes your videos, reports, eBook, infographics, image names, and more.

Free Traffic

In terms of getting a continuous flow of traffic, the more posts to have, the better. As soon as you have published one, you can share links to it on social media and via email. Provided that the quality of the content is good and relevant to your target audience, you should have no trouble driving traffic to your blog.

Your Blog Posts Are Free Samples

If you sell any types of information products, your blog posts will give a clear idea of the quality your customers can expect. Information products include items like eBooks, reports, videos, audio files etc. Your blog reader will see the quality of what you provide for free and will directly relate that with the quality of your paid products.

Your Recognition

Innovative and well-researched blog posts let readers know that you're serious about your business and know what you're doing. This confidence in you will not only make your audience more likely to buy from you, it will also give them a reason to spread the word about your blog and your business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Due to their ease of navigation and frequency of updates, the search engines and will crawl your blog often, sending new traffic your way. In many instances, these will be people you haven't connected with yet. Studies have shown that shorter posts might rank in the top 20, but longer posts that are considered highly relevant will usually get into the top three slots.

Are you are ready to be a better blogger? Discover 21 different one-a-day tasks and activities for getting more traffic, more prospects, more customers and more sales. Download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog, at

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Wednesday 21 March 2018

Super Tips For Turning Failure Into Success

How to Turn Failure Into Success

Acceptance, Communication, Success
DO NOT Let Failure Affect Your Self Worth
"Success is failure turned inside out."
Author unknown.

I honestly wish I knew who wrote this so I could thank him for giving me a guide to what success looks like. I was a freshman in high school when I read this quote and it stayed with me, not only stayed with me... but it changed my life. It was so clear, things can really be that simple!

Whoever wrote this must have known about a young girl who wanted to be successful but had no idea what success looked like. She thought her life was full of failures but in reality, the failures were really successes. It's like holding a t-shirt in your hand and you're about to put it on but than you realize it's inside out. What do you do? Well, you fix it and you put your shirt on the correct way. Then you go about your business, never giving it a single thought.

My friend, it is that simple. All you must do is take the failures and turn them into successes. Why is it so hard for you to turn your failures into success? Because you've tied your self worth to both the success and the failure.

Here's the problem. As humans, we give everything way more meaning than it should carry. For example, let's say your marriage failed and you started blaming yourself. You ask: How come I did not see this or that? Shouldn't I have known better? All the signs were there, so how could I have missed it? I'm such an idiot... and on and on... the madness goes. Pretty soon, you begin to feel badly about yourself. You start calling yourself dumb, idiot, loser, etc. You begin to think about all the people you let down and what they must think of you. Sound familiar?

What if you didn't give it any meaning at all? What if a failed relationship was just a failed relationship? What if a bankruptcy was just a bankruptcy? What if losing your job was simply that. What if none of it had any deeper meaning at all?

Here's what you should do to keep the failures in your life from affecting your self worth. First, you must stop taking everything personally. This was huge for me. When I stopped taking everything personally, and looking at them as "things that happen in a broader context" I could look at things more objectively. The failures aren't personal. It's all part of this thing call "life". Everyone who takes on this human incarnation is going to have a certain level of failure as well as success.

The second thing to do is to look at the failure objectively. It has no meaning except for the meaning you give it. I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to work with T. Harv. Ecker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. One of the things T. Harv. Ecker taught me was that nothing had any significant meaning at all. He constantly reminded me of this simple fact. It's the same thing with failure and success. They have absolutely no meaning at all besides the meaning we give to them.

For a lot of people, having success means they've made something of themselves. they've proven to aunt so and so or their father that "I'm not a loser." Here's what I've learned. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, not even yourself. Just accept that your successes and failures are impersonal.

I meet millennials who seem to define themselves by their career. What they do for a living has become such a priority, they don't even realize how closely they've attached their self worth to it. Today, the pressure to get married has been replaced with the pressure to become successful in your career as quickly as possible. Sure, it's a good thing to be successful in your career, but you are not your career. There's more to you than the initials behind your name or the title of your job. When you are at the bottom of the totem pole at work, you can't translate that as to where you stand in life. This is where you are today. That's not where you will be five years or ten years from now, so why does it matter so much?

Here's a different take on it. You may lose your job, all your money, and all your earthly possessions, but you can never lose the ability within you that got you those things in the first place. And if you can remember that, then you can turn every failure into success. When I left Florida, I left with my Honda Civic, my clothes in the trunk, and a few toiletry items, and that's all I had. My tribe was very upset because they felt like I had thrown away everything I had worked so hard to achieve. What they didn't realize was that my ability to get those things was still within me.

I don't know how I knew this but I knew that I could own another home. I knew that I could recreate an even better life than the life I'd had in Florida, and I did. I want you to awaken to the possibility that you can create better. You can always have better than you had before. The ability to get a great paying job is inside of you. The ability to start a new business after you've lost a business that you've worked hard at is all inside of you.

Last year I had the opportunity to interview Angela Martindale. She transforms lives from ordinary to extraordinary. She's a highly sought-after nutritionist, and fitness coach to Hollywood moguls and models. She's the creator of Chi Yoga Flow. The one thing that stuck with me during our interview is the fact that she lost everything after her divorce. Angela moved in with her parents with only a backpack crammed with a few personal items. This is after she had built a thriving business. But what she still possessed was the ability to create the results she had created before! Although her ex took her earthly possessions, he couldn't take her ability to rebuild both her life and her business. Angela anchored herself down and rebuilt not just her life, but also her business, and today she is happier than ever. In the process, her work has truly transformed my life and the lives of many other women.

If you want to turn your failures into successes all you have to do is detach your self worth from both the failures and the successes. You've heard of child actors or other performers who committed suicide or became drug addicts and alcoholics because their career started to slide. This happens because their self worth was attached to their job. When your self worth is not attached to your job, your career, or your bank account, you are free to turn your failures into successes. The next time you find yourself down, just remember Angela's story and remember what my mentor, T. Harv. Ecker said: "Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it." Stop giving your successes and failures meaning, just live your life. Enjoy the successes when they happen and when you fall down, just get back up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game.

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Tuesday 20 March 2018

The Keys To Getting What You Want

I would like to let you know what qualifies me to mentor you. My name is Dr. Mark L. Huddleston. I started my exciting journey April 14th, 1998. I experience a quantum shift in paradigms. I went from disbelieving to believing. I went from being a pessimist to an optimist. Instead of seeing the glass half empty, I began to see the glass half full and opportunity all around me. I will never forget that day as long as I live. I remember waking up in a total panic. I remember that I was totally broke. I was bringing home $7,000 a month and my rent on my apartment was only $800 a month. After all my bills were paid I had over $5,000 to myself to spend, so why was I broke?

I had to do some soul searching. I had to try to make sense of what was happening in my life before it was too late. My health was failing me, and my mental state of mind was dwindling also. The only difference between me and millions of people from around the world was that I was facing my demons and trying to make sense out of doing so.

During my soul searching, I recognized that all people were given the number one power ever given to any animal on this planet. That power, is the power to choose. Even if you choose not to choose, you have made a choice to choose.

I found out in a few hours that I had no clue to what I wanted out of life. I also found out that I was supporting a bunch of freeloaders that lived in my apartment complex. I found that I was buying my so-called friends. I also found that I was the one initiating the contact all the time with those so-called friends. The only time they ever seemed to come around was then they wanted something. They never seemed to come around when they had money or anything of value. This was a wake-up call for me. I realized that I did not have any friends at all. Even the members of my family were scum. I recognized that I always initiated the contact with them also.

From that sunny day in April on, I would never be the same person that I presently was. I made a vow with God that I would change and be the best that I could possibly be in anything that I ventured into. From that sunny day in April I swore to become engaged in personal self-development.

I realize on that sunny in April that I lived in the greatest country on the planet and there was no reason why I should be in the predicament that I was in. I knew that there was something holding me back from my purpose on earth.

The first thing I did was to sit down and set some attainable goals. Then I had to come up with a list of things I wanted out of life. I concluded that if I wanted anything out of life I first had to know what I wanted. Not knowing what you want is like starting out on a trip without knowing your destination and what direction to travel in. Your chance of reaching an unknown destination in an unknown direction by driving on an unknown road for an unknown length of time is just plain absurd.

What is needed is you to have a destination in life. This would be your life goal. You need a target to aim at. How can you hit your target if you don't first take aim at it? That's like a blind man entering a skeet shooting contest and expecting to win. The reason why people fail is that they do not know what they truly want. So, they wander aimlessly through life looking for something that never materializes. They go around in circles, chasing their own tail, only to come back to where they first started. They think they're going up, when they're really sinking down.

So, the first thing you want to do is, find out what you want to do and make a plan to accomplish it. What is your end-game? Are you looking for happiness? Are you looking for love? Are you wanting to be successful? Do you want to be wealthy? What is it that you want? Just know, that you can have anything you desire, but you first have to know what you want before you can obtain it.

I found out that getting what you want in life can be as simple as making the right choices. You must decide what, when, and how you will go about getting what you want. Consciously or subconsciously, your mind is continuously confronted by the necessity of making choices. You must decide if you will do something or not. There is no such thing as not deciding. Even if you choose not to choose, you have made a choice. Choosing to do nothing is a choice which may well determine whether or not you get what you want, just ask anyone that has dropped out of school!

Always know that you cannot avoid the necessity of constantly making choices. If you try to avoid or delay making a choice, you are choosing to do nothing and that is a choice which can affect your life as much, or perhaps more, than deciding to do something. If you do nothing you are guaranteed to be nothing. If you do something, you are guaranteeing yourself the possibility of getting what you want. You must choose which action to take, which group to join, which cause to advocate, which job to take, which city to live in, and which life style you choose to live.

This article cannot make these decisions for you because these choices will have to be your own personal choices to make. This article gives you the knowledge to make you aware of your choices you make and the consequences that come along with the choices you make.

The last key to getting what you want would be self-development. You need to learn how to get what you want. If you don't know how to get what you want, you will never obtain it. I began to pick up every book I could get my hands on that interest me. I wanted more out of life, so I began to absorb anything and everything that I came in contact with.

I began getting mentored by some of the greatest minds in the world today. People like, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Robert Kiyosaki, Steven Covey, and Jack Canfield, just to name a few. Can you imagine being mentored by people like this? If you seek, you will find. Just know, when the student shows up, the teacher will appear.

I learned what the law of attraction can do for a person. I learned what you put out is what you receive back on most cases. This law stands true to this day. There are several elements that you may want to apply to your daily routine.

1. You will want to use the power of positivity to propel you into successful action and enable you to motivate others to act in your behalf to help you get what you want. Positive attitude is what ignites the soul and gives you the personal power to turn others on! Positive attitude will give you the lift you need to get what you want.

2. The methods shared with you in this article taught me about personal development which is the easiest, fastest, way to improve the quality of your life. Your friends, family, and the people that you know that you want to impress will noticed the positive change within you once you begin your personal improvement journey. Only through self-development can you earn, deserve and get what you want in life. Know that your rewards in life are in direct proportion to the services you provide.

3. Understand, that you cannot obtain the help and win the required cooperation of others by pressure or by force. Pressure creates resistance. Force creates enemies. And resistance and enemies are things you don't need in your life if you want to get what you want in life.

You can obtain the enthusiastic cooperation of others by using the power of self-development and the power of attraction to get others to do what you want them to do. So, right now you will want to get started. It is up to you and you only to create a positive boldness in your life. Once this begins to happen you will begin to radiate an enthusiastic aura from your being. You will begin to look like a success! You will begin to act like a success! You will begin to be successful by undertaking in the many things you will learn by investing in yourself.

I truly hope that this article has helped you. Helping others is what keeps me motivated and inspired. I believe that we all must motivate, inspire, and encourage others throughout our lives if we want the world to be a better placed to live. We must become that change we want in life. The reason why I feel you should read my articles over other people's articles would be that I write from true life happenings. I know without a doubt that if you were to follow the advice I share with you that your life will exponentially change. You can find more resources at There is more helpful information in "The Manufacturing Of A Dream" and Eluding The Toxic Enemy within.

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Monday 19 March 2018

Five Simple Steps to Create Greater Success

Here are 5 simple steps to create greater success by managing our time and getting things done in business and life that are important.

We live in a busy world where our time, priorities and energy are constantly challenged so have a game plan to help...

EVALUATE. What do I really want? Where am I headed? What am I doing now?

GET REAL. What is really important that will impact and support your long-term goals the best? What is not important? What is distracting me? What is not really supporting my long-term goal?

PLAN. What do I need to do to accomplish my goal? What are the KEY action steps? How will I do this? What schedule or strategy will keep me focused?

FOCUS. Whom do you need to be and what structures do you need to have to accomplish this (mindset, attitude, accountability)?

MONITOR/EVALUATE. Am I doing little, unimportant things? Am I procrastinating? What is working/ what is not? How could I streamline what I am doing?

The key to the success of the idea is a plan. You know the saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Take your idea, write a SMART goal on paper and create a plan from start to finish on how you will accomplish your goal. Then, decide if you have the time, energy, resources and desire to bring it to completion. Next, estimate HOW LONG each task will actually take. It is common to underestimate how much time each step will take and therefore it never gets done. Remember, if you are going to add something to your schedule, you must also plan to say "No!" to something else to make time to accomplish your goal.

Goal setting and accomplishment is not rocket science. The challenge is to maintain the discipline, focus, and clarity to implement these basic strategies. Evaluate your long-term goal, be realistic, plan, set structures for focus and have checkpoints to monitor. Invest your time in your plan and maintain the course once it is set. If you are serious about these goals, take action today. Ensure your success by developing an accountability system for yourself. Hire a coach as your strategic partner to run with you. Find a buddy in a similar situation.

Whatever it is, build environments to support your vision. Take the time to plan and design structures for success and you will see a difference!

Here's to you and your success! Have fun!

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Tuesday 20 February 2018

Developing New Leads and Prospects With Twitter Ads

Twitter rolled out a lead-generation advertising service in 2013. When they did, Internet marketers and brick-and-mortar businesses with a social media presence were ecstatic. They finally had a vehicle on the second-largest social network that gave them a wealth of information about Twitter users who responded to these lead-gen ads.

Then, in December of 2016, Twitter began phasing out the lead-generation ad format. The previous system allowed you to request people's names, email addresses and Twitter handles if your advertisement showed up in their news feeds. Twitter launched this type of transparent demographic advertising system as a way to compete with Facebook ads.

However, due to pressure from users about privacy concerns, Twitter did the right thing. They gave their constituents what they wanted, less access to sensitive information such as ZIP codes, country of residence, job title and phone numbers. Does this mean that using the current Twitter ad platform to generate leads is now a waste of time? Nothing could be further from the truth.

How to Use the New Twitter Ads to Generate Leads

With the new ad platform, you have 3 different types of ads you can use in one way or another to find new prospects.

Promoted tweets - You pay for your tweets to be displayed to people that are not already following you.
Promoted accounts - Your account is promoted to targeted Twitter users.
Promoted trends - You pay to promote a hashtag.
You can form a Twitter ad campaign that uses any, some, or all of the 3 ad types. The different types of campaigns are as follows.

Tweet engagements - your campaign focuses on building conversations and engagement about your business.
Followers - If you want to build your list of followers, this is the campaign to use.
Awareness - You pay for impressions here, rather than actions.
Video views - This campaign is pretty self-explanatory. It works to improve the number of views your videos get.
Website clicks or conversions - If you have a great landing page to build your email list or prospect pool, this is the campaign you want to focus on. This campaign type includes a Website Card, which lets viewers see a preview of your site inside your tweet, without having to leave Twitter.
App installs or re-engagements - This gets people to download your application, and also reaches out to those who have already downloaded your app, but haven't used it in a while.

As you can see, the many aspects of the new Twitter ad system can be used a number of ways to generate leads. While the lead-generation ad campaign has been removed from Twitter, constructing a campaign focusing on website clicks or conversions can be used instead, to generate leads by sending Twitter users to your opt-in page.

If you focus on increasing the number of views a video gets, use that video to offer a free opt-in bribe or gift in exchange for joining your newsletter. An app install campaign can likewise build your prospect pool, as long as your app provides some value for the end user. Likewise, using a Twitter ad campaign to boost the number of followers you have expands your reach, and the more people you interact with, the more leads you can generate.

Author: Syed Mubashir
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Monday 19 February 2018

Getting Targeted Traffic For Free

Getting targeted traffic for free is not as difficult as you may think. The most important thing is to make sure your free traffic is qualified and from good sources. Some of these sources will cost some money but many of them are going to be at no cost.

One of the best kinds of free traffic is when you use the search engines to help you.

Here are some excellent sources:

1. Traffic from local search engine pages - It is relatively easy to claim a local page for your business. If you add reasonable content and links to your main website, this is a super easy way to generate quick traffic that can convert for you. Best of all, if you have a local business you will be adding gravity to your local searches.

2. Build Multiple HubPages - These platforms are free to build and if you post high quality content, follow the rules and deliver for your readers, you can drive traffic from the search engines right to your main website. You will need to add ongoing content and remember to research and follow suggestions from top page creators so that you don't get banned.

3. Reverse Engineer Google Alerts - Google alerts is a fantastic tool for having content find you. By using long tailed keywords related to your niche, you can keep up with press releases, competitors, video, blogs and just about any kind of latest and greatest content that people are putting online. By following content streams to blogs based on your keywords, you can post responses to what people are looking for and answer their questions (For example Yahoo answers). These answers can have a link to your website or blog, thereby drawing traffic from the search engines.

4. YouTube Videos Posted Under High Trafficked Videos - YouTube is one of the best ways to generate free traffic that is also targeted. By finding one of the top trafficked videos in your niche and creating a video response to it, you can post your video and expect to receive a small percentage of its traffic on an ongoing basis. Anyone can create a video response and don't forget to add links to your website/ squeeze page in your description.

These are just some of the ways you can get free and targeted traffic. If you think about it free traffic is everywhere and you can find new sources of targeted traffic if you look for it.

Discover an endless supply of targeted website traffic that you can get for little or no money involved. Learn how to get "No Cost" targeted web traffic to all of your money sites in my Traffic Tips 101 training guide today! You have nothing to lose and a ton of "FREE" targeted website visitors to gain.

Your online reputation is the most important asset that your business has! Let us show you how to use your 5 Star Reputation to get more customers go to Truman Marketing and let us show you how!

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Sunday 18 February 2018

3 Simple Ways For Increasing Website Traffic

Increasing traffic to your website does not have to be done by a professional. This can be done by anyone who has a computer. When you get more traffic to your website you have more potential customers to show your products and services.

There are some easy methods to use that will contribute to acquiring more traffic for your site such as: utilizing search engines, choosing correct keywords, and having enough content to consistently direct traffic. These methods will slowly but surely draw more and more traffic to your website that will potentially make you more money.

Utilizing search engines can be a very significant way for your website to increase traffic. Building up a name in search engines will make it easier for people searching for whatever your website promotes to find it.

There is no point in having a website if no one can find it right?

So making sure your site is easily identifiable in major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing will make it much easier to gain more viewers to your site. Increasing website traffic can be a rewarding experience financially.

Keywords are very important when you are looking to increase website traffic. Using strong highly used keywords and keyword phrases correctly can draw substantial traffic to your website. Keywords are words or a phrase of words that relates to the service or product you have on your site. These words represent exactly what the consumers are searching for.

For example, if your website specializes in auto repair for Ford manufactured cars a keyword would be mustang repairs. The best keywords are very specific and unique. Providing highly used keywords makes your site easier to find in major search engines.

Providing original content is the most important task you can do to increase website traffic. With content you have keywords and more keywords. As mentioned before the more keywords you have that are being used the more people will find your website. Using blogs and articles to drive traffic is a popular method.

This provides continuous original content that is related and informative which draws regular consumers. Successful websites will have great content that provides information without boring the reader. If you are not a writer, it is a good idea to look into outsourcing for articles. There are plenty of writers for hire who know how to create great original content.

These three methods can increase traffic to your website extremely fast. With consistent work, you can have a website that draws hundreds of viewers a day in no time. Your job is to have the product and provide ways for customers to get it.

Without views there will be no sales so be sure to update content daily to have the potential to draw more and more traffic. Having the necessary information in creating keywords will be the best way for you and your business to flourish. Keywords are a very important part of online businesses, be sure to do your research.

Discover an endless supply of targeted website traffic that you can get for little or no money involved. Learn how to get "No Cost" web traffic to all of your money sites in my Traffic Tips 101 training guide today! You have nothing to lose and a ton of "FREE" targeted website visitors to gain.

Your online reputation is the most important asset that your business has! Let us show you how to use your 5 Star Reputation to get more customers go to Truman Marketing and let us show you how!

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