Showing posts with label start small business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label start small business. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 June 2019

4 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Important for Small Businesses

83% of SMBs (small businesses) believe digital marketing (DM) is crucial for their businesses. Can you beat that? A simple "No". The modern world is increasingly driven by digital media. We are constantly hooked to the Internet for something or the other. Such a digitally-influenced space makes a digital presence more than compulsory for every business to reach the customers. Boosting sales figures is the prime goal for SMEs taking to DM today. Added to it, SMEs are also counting on online marketing for enhancing brand awareness, lead conversion, and improvement of website traffic.

The post below shares 4 significant benefits of digital marketing for small businesses.

Customers are online

80% of potential consumers take to online media for information. When we come across a new business or company, the immediate reflex is to search for digital marketing in the web world. Gone are the days when we used to visit a store physically or call it up to know about it. Thus, it's extremely crucial for a small business to have a strong presence online and digital marketing is the tool for it. Put simply, if your potential customer can't find you online, she will immediately go to your competitor.

To connect to the modern "smart" world

Mobile phones are no longer used for mere calling or texting. In fact, smartphones are one of the most important tools to browse the web world today. 91% American adults are in constant touch with their smartphones. When it comes to searching for a product or service, they will naturally prefer to make queries from their smartphone only. If your business is not present online, just imagine the huge chunk of potential leads you are going to lose!

More economical

Capital crisis is a major problem for most of the small businesses. And this is where digital marketing comes as a savior. Online marketing is any day cheaper compared to traditional marketing. In fact, some of the channels are even free of cost. For example, it costs you nothing to make your business page on social media and stay connected to your customers online.

Digital marketing also helps you to save money. There are many online marketing tools that are available for free like free website builder, free email marketing management tools and so on.

Better ROI

On one hand, DM helps you to reach your customers while keeping the costs low. On another hand, it helps you to save money for your business. The end result is better ROI for your business over time.

When are you going digital? If you need to learn digital marketing, probably can start with digital marketing course first.

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Wednesday 30 May 2018

Ways To Effectively Work From Home

In this day and age, there are several people who work from home on a regular or on an on-and-off basis. The reasons could be numerous, starting from health issues, long commute, maternity, and so on. The belief that an employee needs to be in the office to be efficient is now gradually changing, with benefits of working from home arising aplenty. However, for some people, especially if you have just begun to work from home, things can get a bit overwhelming. Here are a few things you can do to organize your 'home office'.

A Constant Office Space

Setting up one room (or a portion of a room) as your office can go a long way in creating a sense of mood and motivation that might otherwise be lacking when you are not in office. Fix a table, an ergonomic chair (yes, it is an investment you will not regret if you work from home regularly), and other essentials you might need for work, for example, a charging station for your computer or mobile phone around that area. Stick to that place the best you can while working and move away when you are not. You can still visit that area when you are not working, but make sure it is not close to the bed that you sleep in. In smaller houses this might be difficult to arrange but try to set up your workplace in a different room than your bedroom. This is not because you might accidentally climb onto your bed, and sleep during working hours, but because your quality of sleep at night might be affected by the presence of your work things.

Air Quality

While you are indoors through the major portion of the day, it is important to ensure you get sufficient ventilation, and good quality air to breathe. If you live in an area where the pollution level is low, keep your windows open at all times for the fresh air to stimulate your brain, and improve your efficiency. If, unfortunately, you live in an area where the outside air is horrid, an air purifier is recommended. Remember, your health is of utmost importance no matter from where you work.


Although exercising is a mandate for everybody, it is even more crucial for people who work from home. When you are in office, you might take frequent breaks down to the cafeteria or a roadside tea/coffee shop, but when you are home, these breaks are eliminated from your routine. Hence, it is of utmost importance to exercise regularly. Choose whatever works for you - yoga, aerobics, weights, cardio, but be regular and diligent about it.

Venture Out

Make it a point to get out of the house at least for ten or fifteen minutes every working day. You could either run a quick errand such as going to the ATM, picking up dry-cleaning, buying dinner, and so on, or you could take a simple walk in your neighbourhood at the very least. Going outside once in a day and seeing other people on the road helps your brain relax, because, after all, we are all social beings.

Do Not Overwork

Many people, especially in the beginning, tend to feel guilty about not working from the office. They feel that they are not working enough, or something is missing. Some people have it even worse because others who go to office regularly have a tendency to point fingers and condemn those who work from home. Snide remarks such as "Oh, what do you know about the hectic traffic we go through", or "You work from home, that must mean you have plenty of time", to "I don't think people who work from home actually get any work done", are very commonly heard. Do not get bogged down by such things. Just because you work from home does not mean you should work longer hours. Fix your work hours as you would if you were in office, and stick to it.

With the above-mentioned ways, one may find working from home a true bliss in the middle of all the chaos.

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Tuesday 22 May 2018

6 Reasons A Beginning Marketer Should Start With Affiliate Marketing

In this article, I will give you 6 Reasons A Beginning Marketer Should Start With Affiliate Marketing.

If you are wanting to start an online business but you don't know where to start, I think you should really give affiliate marketing a try. The reason I would start with this technique is that it's by far the easiest to get started with and has just about no upfront cost at all.

So let's take a look at 6 Reasons A Beginning Marketer Should Start With Affiliate Marketing.


Just about all the companies out there have affiliate programs you can join. And not just small companies but the really BIG COMPANIES as well. Such as Walmart, Bestbuy, Amazon, JVZoo, Warrior Plus, eBay, and tons of others. All you have to do is do a Google Search with "the company name" and put affiliate program behind it like this (example. Walmart Affiliate Program)


Affiliate programs pay you to promote their products and it's free to join them, so no upfront cost for you. Now depending on the company will depend on how much commission you will make. As an example, Walmart pays 8% commissions. And most vendors on JVZoo will pay a 50%-100% commissions depending on the vendor and product. While Amazon typically pays 4-8.5% depending on your seller rank.


When you do affiliate marketing you don't have to worry about creating a product because you are simply promoting someone else's product. This is a no-brainer and you don't have to have any skills in creating products from scratch. All of the hard work such as building a website, create awesome graphics for a product, paying someone to write the copy for the sales page are all already done for you. All you need to do is drive people to the page.


When you do affiliate marketing you will never have to struggle with having to ship a product because the vendor takes care of all of this. And it doesn't matter if it's a digital product or a physical product. The vendor takes care of all the hard work for you. All you do is get people to have a look at their products and if they buy you get paid and they ship or deliver the digital products.


There are unlimited ways you can promote these affiliate products. You can use email, Facebook, YouTube, Forums (read their rules and regulations before posting), Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Even if you are a beginner you can make some good passive income. To me, the easiest way to make affiliate sales though is to use your emails list. If you don't have one, start building one now. Build a good relationship with your list and once they trust you and you send them affiliate promotions and they like the offer they will buy from you.


Another great thing is you don't have to handle customer support. Everything is done for you.

Well, that about wraps up the 6 Reasons A Beginning Marketer Should Start With Affiliate Marketing. I hope now you can see why this is one of the easiest business to start making money online.

If affiliate marketing is something you would like to try for yourself but want more info on the subject, check out my video about affiliate marketing here:

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Sunday 29 April 2018

Entrepreneurs Need ONE Thing To Succeed - Survivability

The idea of being an "entrepreneur" is the new "rock star" - millions of young people going off the beaten track in order to try and secure a better future for themselves or their families.

Fuelled partly by the Internet and partly by a changing economic landscape, the young of today are more focused on themselves than ever, unwilling to take "menial" jobs at the likes of McDonald's; instead taking on large amounts of student debt in order to secure as lucrative career as possible.

It's in the midst of this tectonic shift (where barriers-to-entry have been eroded massively, and the world opened up for business) that many have placed "entrepreneurship"... the idea of "working for yourself". Unfortunately, it's most a lie.

If you're interested in this type of thing, the first thing you need to realize is that entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, not a vocation. Most people are not "entrepreneurs", they're merchants (buy and sell products).

REAL entrepreneurship is about doing / building something that's NEVER been done before. This might be something simple (a new flavour of soft drink), or something as difficult as getting humanity to Mars. It is NOT about "selling" products for the sake of it.

What many see as a "choice" between a Dystopic future of student debt, mortgages, auto loans and 40+ years of 9-5, is in fact fraught with the utmost danger and risk. The biggest problem is that no one will help you. You're 100% on your own.

In other words, don't become an "entrepreneur"... you have to either be "born" one (which isn't strictly true), or be so utterly determined to see your ideas come to fruition that you're willing to risk your life on making it work.

This is what most people don't see. They see the accolades, cars, success - they don't see what goes on behind the scenes. It's because of this that I wanted to write this article.

Angela Lee Duckworth called it "grit", Elon Musk called it "chewing glass and looking into the abyss of death"... the one thing that anyone looking to bring their ideas to life is survivability - the ability to persist even when everyone else has either quit or been killed.

Every time you look back through history, at the *true* entrepreneurs... the Galileo's of the world; Magellan's; Sir Francis Drakes... we see the same pattern every time. A world-defining event that THEY survived. This was then brought to the market in some form or another, transforming the way that people live and are able to operate.

What most people think of as "entrepreneurship"... starting a "blog", running a "social media" account or some other menial achievement... is nothing worthy of note.

It doesn't *do* anything. It's paper pushing.

To "become" an entrepreneur is very simple.

Shut up and get to work. Most make the error of telling everybody what they're doing. Not only is this a mistake, but kills and chances of actually completing the task you set out to perform. Move in silence.

In terms of what you "do", this is also simple - focus on completing a task that pays you money. Don't worry about changing the world or anything up front, that comes later. Just get your head down and focus on making more money than the other guy, by producing the *best quality work* you can.

Imbue EVERYTHING you do with excellence - reaching to your highest possible potential to pull it off. This is what it takes to become successful.

What's interesting is if you do this, you end up finding opportunities that come out of the blue. They just appear without actually being forced in any way, allowing you to then develop "systems" which can be used to elevate your work to a new level.

It's these systems which end up being the hallmark of an entrepreneur - having the insight to create *new* systems gives you the ability to continue on your upwards spiral. It's also where the "best" entrepreneurs begin to shine - they typically are dogged enough to understand that putting a "system" out into the world is - by far - the most important aspect to achieving growth in life. This is where the "grit" element comes from.

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Saturday 28 April 2018

Learn the Business Before You Go in Business

Being an entrepreneur is no easy task by far. You have to wear a lot of hats, especially when your business is just starting out and you are solely taking care of every aspect involved in managing your business.

Mastering the skills necessary to start and maintain a new business can be time-consuming and exhausting. Getting your business started and off the ground can be expensive as well. You want to advertise in every way you can. Selling tools can be costly. I suggest you do your homework before hand and attend workshops and expos so you can obtain as much information as you can so you will know how to market your brand and capture your target customers.

Fortunately there are a lot of educational resources online for those who might not be able to get out as much as they would like to or be able to link up with others to learn about business management and or marketing.

If you want to be the best Entrepreneur you can you need to know certain things when seeking to start and develop a business. You need to know about building websites and blogs, marketing your products, money management, how to attract customers, etc.

Google and YouTube can be informational if you have access to a computer. There are even Podcasts via iTunes that available to help with your research on certain subjects involved with the type of business you are seeking to start and some how to tips.

Think it over for a while and make sure you are ready for the task of becoming an Entrepreneur. It will involve many long days and nights. You will go to bed late and rise up early in the morning with a full plate in front of you in conjunction with managing your business. It is truly a full-time job especially if you are working solo with no one else to delegate certain responsibilities to that would shorten your daily to do list.

Being an Entrepreneur definitely requires patience. There will be highs and lows in your journey to get where you want to be in your business. There will also be some mistakes made along the way but it will teach you what not to do the next time. There will be times of frustration but you can't let quitting be your way to opt out because you can't reach your goals quick enough.

When in business we have to make wise decisions not rushed ones because we are anxious for faster results. Time can be our friend or our worst enemy.

Entrepreneurs seek to master the skills needed to be successful. Patience gives us the ability to work steadfast toward our goals. Let your mindset be one of consistency and perseverance, giving up is not an option. Think positive, crush defeat under your feet.

The life of your business is what you yourself invest into it. You get back results based on your efforts put in building, managing and marketing your brand. Good Customer Service is a must. Mix and mingle with your potential customers, be informational, not too much and not too little. In most cases we market ourselves through social media before we even decide to market something that we are passionate about. This is actually beneficial for you because friends can turn into potential buyers. They are already familiar with your personality which in most cases is a plus when people are choosing who they can do good business with.

Bottom line you have to be content with the pace your business is progressing until it arrives at the pace you desire it to be. When you operate in a non anxious state of mind it is easier to handle your business and it allows you to stay grounded in times of lack as well as times of increase.

Maintaining ones own business will present its challenges. You have to be prepared to encounter obstacles and be able to roll with the punches. You have to be willing as I have said before to stay committed and dedicated and trust in the possibility of a rewarding outcome.

Building a business takes time. Nothing grows to its full potential overnight it takes months of planning and nurturing and often reinventing your brand until it grows into what you want it to be. Remember think things through before making rash decisions which could lead to the decline or demise of your business.

Keep in mind all you have invested and how far you have come before you just give up, you might be closer than you think to a breakthrough in reaching your target audience who want what you are selling. This could lead to more doors opening with bigger and better things waiting for you and your business. Have Faith and continue to work diligently with humility and patience.

Never try to take on too much, plan, take steps at a pace you can handle without stressing yourself out. keep your brand visible so much that it begins to intrigue people to the point where they will keep coming back to get a glimpse of what you are doing and what new things you have to offer.

Think Big, Reach Big, Believe in yourself and keep working to make your dreams or plans a reality.

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Monday 19 March 2018

Five Simple Steps to Create Greater Success

Here are 5 simple steps to create greater success by managing our time and getting things done in business and life that are important.

We live in a busy world where our time, priorities and energy are constantly challenged so have a game plan to help...

EVALUATE. What do I really want? Where am I headed? What am I doing now?

GET REAL. What is really important that will impact and support your long-term goals the best? What is not important? What is distracting me? What is not really supporting my long-term goal?

PLAN. What do I need to do to accomplish my goal? What are the KEY action steps? How will I do this? What schedule or strategy will keep me focused?

FOCUS. Whom do you need to be and what structures do you need to have to accomplish this (mindset, attitude, accountability)?

MONITOR/EVALUATE. Am I doing little, unimportant things? Am I procrastinating? What is working/ what is not? How could I streamline what I am doing?

The key to the success of the idea is a plan. You know the saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Take your idea, write a SMART goal on paper and create a plan from start to finish on how you will accomplish your goal. Then, decide if you have the time, energy, resources and desire to bring it to completion. Next, estimate HOW LONG each task will actually take. It is common to underestimate how much time each step will take and therefore it never gets done. Remember, if you are going to add something to your schedule, you must also plan to say "No!" to something else to make time to accomplish your goal.

Goal setting and accomplishment is not rocket science. The challenge is to maintain the discipline, focus, and clarity to implement these basic strategies. Evaluate your long-term goal, be realistic, plan, set structures for focus and have checkpoints to monitor. Invest your time in your plan and maintain the course once it is set. If you are serious about these goals, take action today. Ensure your success by developing an accountability system for yourself. Hire a coach as your strategic partner to run with you. Find a buddy in a similar situation.

Whatever it is, build environments to support your vision. Take the time to plan and design structures for success and you will see a difference!

Here's to you and your success! Have fun!

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Saturday 17 March 2018

Work From Home Guide: Choosing Freelancing As a Career

Have you already tried risking your time, money, and effort just to reach your own goal? Probably some of us have done it but still didn't get the result we desired. We all dream that we can travel and enjoy the gift of life that God has given. Isn't it beautiful if we can share more time and have enjoyable moments with our loved ones? Yes, I know what you're thinking right now. The eagerness and determination that someday your dreams will come true at last.

As of now, poverty is still visible in our country. Many families experience hunger because of unemployment. There are graduates who unable to achieve their profession due to a high level of competitiveness. Every day, we suffer in traffic just to get to our offices. These are the situations that we cannot afford to set aside. But we Filipinos are born with a brave heart and wise instincts. So, many strategies were performed just for survival.

Maybe some have tried to search "how to make money fast" or "how to make money online" to the internet. And guess what? That leads you to what they so-called "freelancing." It is also known as work from home job. According to BusinessDictionary, freelance means working on a contract basis for a variety of companies. There are some benefits that you can enjoy as a freelancer.

Benefits of Freelancing

Free from Office Slavery

You can finally go out from the traditional working from the office job. You can work in the comfort of your home. Free from the rules that choke us as an employee.


You can manage your time more if you are working from home. You can maintain a balanced life between work and for the family.

Health Control

You're less likely to get sick since you deal with the clients remotely. You don't have to deal with the traffic every day or face the fast-changing weather in our country.

Higher Salary Rate

Most of us consider the work based on salary. With freelancing, you can earn dollars which can benefit you as a person with desired needs as well to your family.

Aren't you infatuated? You can start freelancing as part-time for additional income or make it as a full-time opportunity. But you must consider first is how you prepare yourself for the new chosen career.

Preparation for Freelancing Job

Make an Investment

As what mentioned earlier, you have to risk your money and effort for this job. Computer and reliable internet is a must. It will benefit you in the end, just remember what your goals are.

Enhance English Language Skills

Clients need a person with a good verbal and written English skills. You can buy a dictionary for bigger vocabulary. Try to read books and watch Hollywood movies. Being aware of your grammar is also important, so don't leave it behind.

Make Yourself Ready

Here, you can encounter new things or new knowledge. You must be open-minded and try to explore. Learning is eternal so make yourself ready at all times.

Skills to Must Have

For example, those who work in BPO companies already have the skill for providing customer service. So skills or expertise is essential since you will be working with the clients. Remember, confidence in doing the job build trust and good relationship.

Interested in learning new skills at the lowest cost? Experience the course which can develop you as a professional. Added a Coach who was a top-rated freelancer in Upwork. I was one of the products of the academy. "Don't wait for an opportunity. Create it."

Open the link below for more info.

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Friday 16 March 2018

5 Factors to Consider When Starting a Home Based Business

More and more people are starting to run a home based business for a wide range of reasons. A major positive of this type of work environment is the ability to avoid the cost of rent for a separate office space or having to spend several hours at the start and end of the day commuting to and from a traditional office. However, there are many different things that need to be considered before starting up a home based business.

Let's take a look at five of the major points related to starting your home based business:


A basic requirement is to conduct a little research to learn the laws, rules and regulations that apply to setting up the home based business. The regulations will differ with the different industries and certain to be stricter for a business involved in food preparation compared to web design or similar office based activities. The standard requirements include issues related to safety, licensing and registration. It is essential to check the rules specific to your business industry to avoid any problems with the authorities in the future.


Many businesses will begin as a small venture and slowly expand over time when they start to see increased brand exposure, more clients, and more money to invest. When first planning the home based business, it is worth putting together a detailed business plan that outlines the future growth of the business, and details how to expand your venture and the time-frame for the different stages of growth. Also, the particular service or product offered is certain to have a major influence on the future scope and success of a business.


The type of home based business will determine the amount of capital needed to get up and running. This type of business does have the advantage of cutting out the cost of renting or leasing a property because you intend to use your home. However, it is still necessary to have sufficient funds to cover all other business expenses. Related costs may include professional services like accountants, office equipment, production supplies, inventory, licensing and marketing.

Storage space

Any home based business involved in selling physical products is certain to need a decent amount of storage space for not only holding the actual inventory, but also space to prepare and pack the items before shipping.


A well planned marketing strategy is essential to see a business succeed. With no physical presence, such as a storefront to bring in the customers, you must look at the most effective options to market your brand and business. There are plenty of marketing techniques that can be used. It is simply a case of finding the most effective ones for your business, and using those that are affordable.

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Thursday 15 March 2018

Selecting A Home Based Business

The very first thing you will have to identify is exactly what you anticipate from a home based business. Do you desire a bit of money to make your cars and truck payment, or do you have to be making adequate earnings to reside on. Normally, the more effort and time you take into business, the more cash you can make. Choose what does it cost? time you can take into business. If you are beginning your organisation on the side, then you do not wish to neglect your routine task. You likewise do not wish to compromise excessive time with your household.

Beginning a home based business can be carried out in just a couple of hours a week or you can put in forty plus hours weekly. Remember, that the more you take into your organisation, the more you'll leave it.

As soon as you have actually discovered your market, and picked your product and services, you will have to establish a site and promote it. Among the most convenient methods to do this is through social networks. You can establish a page on Facebook or a profile on Twitter, and begin developing a following. Simply make sure that you aren't including simply anybody to your list, however include individuals that fit your target audience. Make certain not to spam your fans. Usage social networks to obtain to understand them, and to engage with them. Do not just send out message after message stating "Buy! Purchase! Purchase!" Let them ask concerns, and make sure to address them nicely.

Many individuals nowadays are taking a look at picking a home based business. Depending upon business and the quantity of time that is taken into it, business can either generate a bit of additional money, or it can generate a fortune, and throughout between. Not every home based business is best for everybody, so you will have to pick one that is ideal for you.

Choose who your clients will be. You will have to called much as possible about your possible consumers. Are they primarily males or females? How old are they? Exactly what is their education level? You have to choose who your target audience is, and who you wish to deal with. As soon as you have actually recognized your target audience, then you have to understand exactly what they desire and exactly what they require. When you understand this, you can choose the best ways to finest fill their requirements, and to discover a company design to assist them.

You can offer your clients with either product and services. Most of the times, a service offering an item will take less effort and time than offering a service. If you offer an item, you do not even have to have an item to offer. Oftentimes, you can offer somebody else's item, and make a commission for each sale. If you can produce your very own item, however, your revenue can be greater. If you choose that you have abilities that others require, you can offer them your service. Bear in mind; this can take more of your time than offering an item.

For free Network Marketing training visit https://DerecoCherry.Com

Make sure to grab my free audio 13 ways to generate leads online so you never run out of people to talk to about your business.

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Wednesday 14 March 2018

Online Store - Small Start, Large Fortune

All of us know about Amazon. This is one of the biggest online stores in the world. Another name in the category of online stores is Alibaba, owned by a Chinese, Jack Ma. Most of the time we see these two names in search results when we look for a consumer product on the internet. Gone are the days when we had to go out for shopping. Now almost all types of consumer products are available online, that too on a global level. People can have their required things while sitting at home or office.

The concept of online stores started from the West and now is a growing trend in Asian countries. Seeing their popularity, many brands, and businesses got online. All big corporate names have an online presence now. Social media has played a great role in it. Brands and individuals own online stores also. Individuals along with their teams or families are also inclined toward opening online stores with a wide range of products. It includes books and magazines, garments, furniture, cosmetics and handbags, herbal products and medicines, construction material, electronic, and jewelry, etc. The sole purpose of opening an online store is to expand the outreach and tap in the maximum number of potential customers. An online store can give us a huge fortune as a long-term business even if it started on a small or medium scale.

Let's have a look at how an online store is different from physical shops and what benefits are there for you that are not available otherwise.

No requirement of physical space: 
Your presence will be web-based so you don't need to worry about hiring or purchasing a physical space, buying bulk/huge consignments of items or goods at once, and their storage. However, you have to pay for a domain name and relevant charges.

No middleman hassles: 
You can pick up the items/goods direct from a factory or manufacturer and transport it to the customer at retail price. Your profit ratio will also be high because of no middleman. A very useful tip for small and medium-sized industries and home-based handicrafts is that they can reach out to potential customers and get orders directly. But for this, they will have to spend reasonably on advertising.

Work according to the capacity and resources: 
Are you to manage the store on your own or is a team or family there to help you? Make a work plan accordingly. If you are the sole manager, you can do it as part-time along with your job. You can expand it according to the available resources and when it begins to give you a reasonable monthly or annual income, you can quit your job or other work.

Manage it while on the go: 
You can manage your online store while travelling with the help of a tab, laptop, or smart phone. No hassle of being bound to sit in a place.

Long-term benefits and safe investment: 
You invest a small or reasonable amount according to the circumstances in an online store at first. So, the investment is safer than other businesses. First, it is slow but with the passage of time, it starts gaining customers and huge benefits. It will fetch long-term benefits if you keep on working 'slow and steady'.

Product-wise distribution of work: 
If a team or family is helping you out in managing and maintaining the online store, you can distribute work product-wise. Like, females can handle cosmetics, handbags, ladies' garments etc., while males can take care of technical and electronic items. This work distribution can make things easy.

Now have a look at a few requirements also for maintaining a great online store and reaping the benefits.

Attention-grabbing and user-friendly design: 
Hire the designers and inventory experts for designing the store who are already experienced in this field. For multiple types of items in the store, you will have to make sections. Links, buttons for easy navigation, ordering and cart, newsletter sign-up, and other necessary things must be there. Keep on reviewing the design every two years or so.

Advertisement and social media presence: 
All of us use social media these days so it is a great way to catch up with the customers and market. Make social media pages/profiles of your online store and available products, and rightly advertise it to the specific audience.

High quality products and customer service: 
Make no compromise on quality and customer service! Sometimes, customers complain that they get a different item from the one they ordered or selected. This puts a bad impression on customers and the repute of online store suffers. Give customers what you claim to give. Only good customer service can earn you a great name. The better the customer service, the more positive the outcome.

On time response and delivery: 
Check out the orders regularly and deliver the items on time. Set a specific period for delivery like 24 hours for local orders and 48 or 72 hours for out of the city and away places. Delay in response and delivery is going to hurt your business and reputation. Arrange for a live chat with customers as well.

Product description and charges clearly specified: 
Specify the charges including product price and shipment fee clearly with each product. There must not a confusion between the price mentioned online and the price demanded at the time of delivery or purchase.

Wise spending: 
Hire a financial consultant who can guide you concerning how to spend money and on which things. Do research and study about the operations and running of online stores. Your financial consultant must be knowledgeable and expert in online store management as well as inventory.

Storage space for expansion: 
If and when you need a new space for storage, you will have to arrange for it as soon as possible. The internet is the greatest source of having knowledge concerning online store management, inventory, and storage. Study the way it works. You may need to do things like that in future for your own store. Keep a keen eye on everything going on and be ready to act according to the new situations.

Hard work for reputation: 
You have to spare a reasonable amount of time for making your online store a success. First, you may not need to give long hours but once your store start running successfully, you will have to give full-time and attention to it.

With dedication and hard work, you will surely get the result of your efforts.

Rizwanaa Shaikh is directly involved in network marketing business. She closely follows network marketing trends and can be contacted for any relevant assistance on Twitter: @Rashwriter.

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Monday 5 March 2018

8 Home Based Business Ideas

It is very possible to make a good living right from the comfort of your own home! Yes it is! Because, I personally know people who have been working from home for many years now. So, the question is not, "Is it possible?", but the question is, "Will you do it?".

The truth is, if you are a stay at home mother, a House-Wife, or if you're just a self-employed entrepreneur, then you're gonna need to do something to bring in some income. You can't just stay in that house and do nothing, because those bills are not gonna pay themselves! So, you gotta get cracking!

There is no one size fits all approach to establishing a good home-based business, because everyone is different and unique. But, here are 8 home-based business ideas that you might consider.

1. Daycare / Babysitting Services

If you are good with children, then why not consider making a living off them? You can totally turn your living room into a kid friendly daycare spot!

You can charge per child for the week or for the day. This can really bring you in some serious cash, because face it, people can't take their children to work with them all the time. So, a professional woman or a working man may need an extra set of eyes and hands to look after their little booger while they are at work or running errands.

To be successful with this home-based business, you are going to need to be well organized and very punctual. You need to be on time with this one, because you may be getting clients in the early morning or needing to collect kids at the late evening time.

2. Personal Assistant / Office Administrator

If you are a professional at heart, then this might be a great home-based business venture for you.

Plenty of entrepreneurs, start-up attorneys, artists, musicians, and freelancers require administrative help. You can easily provide that office hand that they need to make their business run smoothly and easily.

If you find one single client, you can make some good top dollars. But, if you decide to accept a few clients, then you can even pull in way more!

This type of home-based business would be ideal for a person who has a history of working in an office setting.

3. Tutoring Services (Instrument - Academics - Computers)

If you have an area of expertise, you can totally turn that into a money maker! Tutoring, teaching what you know, and helping others to become proficient in a subject will never go out of style.

If you are serious about your approach, you can easily find yourself booked all up for every day of the week with a client!

Give lessons in guitar, or teach word processing in Microsoft Word, or even give lessons in math, history, or language arts. Really, the only limitations are the ones you put on yourself.

4. Tarot / Psychic Readings

This one may seem a bit different and odd, but the truth is, it still qualifies as something you can totally do from home.

If you're into this type of work, you can easily pull in a decent weekly or daily income.

You can provide services via phone, or you can have clients come visit you.

Many of your clients are simply seeking a mutual talking face to face buddy. Someone who is gonna speak positive to them and help them sort their own spiritual path out.

5. Book Authoring / Writing

You have some great ideas and some stunning stories floating around in your head! It's time to bring them to life! Becoming a book author might be the perfect thing for you.

If you sat down and wrote just a few hours a day, you can put out nearly a dozen books for the year! Writing a book isn't hard at all, but it only requires discipline and focus.

The money might trickle in at the start, but if you continue to write, you will eventually build up a loyal readership.

As long as you produce quality content, the books will basically sell themselves.

Also, you can blog, and write articles, and make money off of marketing in your articles or via donations that readers make because they love your style so much!

6. Personal Laundry Services

This is a different one, but it still makes the list! Face it, people can't go to work smelling like butt and feet! Those clothes must be washed! You might be the perfect person for the job too.

Don't overlook this one. It's the jobs that nobody wants to do that you can truly make a killing off of.

People can bring their laundry to you at the end of the week, and you can have them fresh and smelling clean for the next week to come. Even, if they dropped the clothes off at the start of the week, you can have them done in a day or so.

7. Food Catering Services

If you're a Chef at heart, then this might be your calling! Put your apron on and get busy.

You can create a menu, which would be the foods that you prepare the best and the most often. Then, you can have your clients place their orders in advance.

You can service big events if you're up for the tasks, but you can also do small jobs too. Cook for your entire building or town, or provide catering for weddings, birthdays, and even baby showers! The possibilities are only limited to your imagination.

8. Barber / Hair Stylist

Do you have that magic touch when it comes to hair? Because, you so could make a great living doing hair right from your own home!

Many people are not too good at doing their own hair, but the thing is, they still need to look decent and presentable. This is where you come in and save the day!

Usually Hair Stylist charge per session, but you can be super creative. If you cut hair or braid often, then you can consider a monthly service fee, and keep a regular in your chair. This way, it won't feel like a hustle to you, because the money is already set in place.

Working from home can truly be a great option for many. Don't forget that there are pros and cons with just about everything you can think of though! Because, working from home may be super convenient. You won't have to worry about commuting or travel expenses. You don't have to worry about a boss hanging over your shoulder either! But, since your work is at home, you won't have a place that you can fully retreat to and relax. Plus, since you're home, you may be tempted to dine a bit more, use more electricity, and the expenses of your home may generally increase a bit.

Regardless of where you work, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you enjoy what you're doing. Because when you enjoy what you're doing, you will be able to do a super good job!

"Bringing Positive Light And Empowering Perspective To Your Life!"

James J. Elleyby

Motivational Life Coach

Go to my website to learn more about me.

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Friday 2 March 2018

Digital Marketing For Industrial Products & Services

Now a day's most of the consumers look for company products & services reviews through different search information and get educated for themselves before going to purchase or order services.

More people are turning towards the internet as the first stop for information. The changes of communicating, connecting with people and consumers have been changed and it is no surprise that digital marketing has been an essential part of any business strategy to connect & communicate with the people through the internet.

A business that doesn't connect with their customers through digital marketing for their industrial product & services promotions is missing the opportunities of getting more sales & leads.

How To Use Digital Marketing To Expand More Business Opportunities

Digital marketing can impact on any kind of industrial business, digital marketing is not just about posting ads it is about building an online presence that adds valuable customers. For example, a business that sells machine parts might post content about streamlining the manufacturing process or cutting costs with sustainable solutions. Construction companies might create content regarding their projects & development of a particular location and target to that particular location people.

Digital Marketing Strategy For Industrial Products & Services

Strategy No1 - Social Media Marketing - social media platform is a great way to build your company professional network. Which establish connections with consumers for your product & services which can lead to more communications & eventual sales lead

Strategy No2 - Content Marketing - distributing the content which is related to your product & services in social media platform is a great way to communicate. A hand in hand distribution of content through social network helps in aggregate audiences and gives them material to share & circulate to their audiences in turn which results in an increase of your product & services reach to more audiences.

Strategy No3 - Branding - People trust that the primary listing in Google may be an esteemed company. By doing SEO, your website becomes THE BRAND. You're the guy the competitors need to beat. Any back area unit you're in rankings on Google then a lot of people are doubtful in concerning your website.

If Google includes a spot dedicated to you at prime the highest particularly if it's a prime tier listing with alternative subpages listed below of the most home pages it offers your website believability that no ad will top. Ads will typically be seen as annoying and plenty of folks have ad blockers put in on their browsers.

Strategy No4 - Expand Website Traffic - Top positions on the web index result pages get a dominant part of the impressions and snaps, so positioning in these best positions can bring about huge activity increments for your site. Website design enhancement additionally concentrates on making instructive and watchword important title labels and meta portrayals, which appear in the outcome pages. Having enhanced labels and portrayals expands active clicking factor, which likewise advances increments in qualified web movement.

Strategy No5 - SEO - Google's search engine uses a range of strategies to work out what pages are displayed 1st within the results. Their actual formula may be a secret, however, there are forever a couple of belongings you will do to boost your rank in Google search results. The term for this can be known as search engine optimization or SEO. We, at SEO Provider, offer the following services, efficiently customized to suit your needs.

Organic natural search
Paid search
Complete campaign management
Extensive data and clear insights
Efficient lead nurturing
Creative content strategy
Mobile strategy
Email strategy

We would love to partner with you too! To know more, call us

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Wednesday 28 February 2018

Create A Solid Online Presence to Make Money

In today's modern world, it's difficult to be a successful freelance writer without a solid online presence. Sure, you may get one or two clients via in-person networking, but the vast majority of your work, as an online freelance writer, will come from the web, on places like your website, your social media platforms and even via Google search results.

So if you're just starting your freelancing journey, consider building your online presence as step #1. It will be the foundation for everything you do as a writer, and it will help you build the lucrative and successful career that you've been dreaming of. Don't know where to start?

Here are the four must-have essentials:

1. A Portfolio Site - Your portfolio site is the most important piece of the puzzle. It's where potential clients can go to learn about you and your skills and read samples of your writing. It's also what will show up in Google search results if you practice search engine optimization techniques.

2. A LinkedIn Page - LinkedIn is a great place to find new clients and new projects. Upload samples of your work, get recommendations from colleagues and past employers, and create a profile to show off to potential clients.

3. A Twitter Account - With Twitter, you can establish yourself as a true expert in your niche and as a writer. Use this platform to share news and industry insights, and promote your work (and your client's!) whenever possible. Optimize your profile with the right terms and hashtags, and you may even snag a few new projects.

4. Your Own Blog - Starting a blog can help your career in numerous ways. First, it can display a great snapshot of your skills. If you don't have many samples yet, a blog also offers potential clients a way to evaluate your talents and see what you can really do. And it can help you establish yourself as an expert in a specific niche or industry as well.

Be sure to tend to your blog and profiles regularly, update them with new skills and samples as you gain them, and use them to their fullest potential.

If you need advice on how to create a client-attracting online presence that will help you get more writing gigs and build your freelance writing career, then you should check out Maggie Linders' Freelance Profit Academy.

Maggie, a six-figure freelance writer, teaches writers exactly how to build full-fledged, successful freelance writing businesses while offering personal coaching and support as well as daily scam-free job opportunities.

The Fastest Way to Earn Your First $1,000 as a Freelance Writer - You know what feels great? Earning your first big chunk of cash as a professional freelance writer. It makes you feel like you made the right choice - like quitting your 9-to-5, branching out on your own and blazing your own path was the best thing you've ever done. But if you're just starting out, it can feel like that day is a long way away. If you're starting off with content mills and bidding sites, you may very well be working for pennies - and that can take a while to add up.

Fortunately, those aren't your only options. You can earn $1,000 as a freelance writer fast - long before your mortgage is due and the tax man comes calling.

Here's how to do it:

Find A Few Clients In Need - Scour your LinkedIn network and check out the websites of local businesses and companies. Is there any group with a less-than-stellar website? You could probably beef up their web content and make a big difference. Are any of your connections starting a new job? Find out if their company could use content help. Is someone in the market for employment? Offer to write copy for their personal portfolio site.

Request A "Per-Project" Rate - If you want to reach $1,000 fast, forget billing hourly. Instead, propose a flat, per-project rate for your clients. Factor in how much time the project will take you, as well as your experience and skills, and come up with a fee that's fair (but profitable!)

Exceed Your Deadlines - Sure, that new client might give you a month to complete their new website content, but do you really need that long? More importantly, do you want to wait that long for your payment? The quicker you get to work, the quicker you get paid!

Get Deposits And Ask For "Milestone" Payments - If you're working on a particularly large project, a great way to get your cash early is to ask for a deposit or collect milestone payments. With a deposit, you'll ask for a certain percentage of your total fee upfront. This is to reserve your time and protect you from getting stiffed. With milestone payments, you can have the client pay you for each chunk of content you turn in - maybe per webpage your write, per blog post or per eBook chapter.

Make Payment Easy - Finally, don't make payment a hassle for your clients. Get a PayPal and Venmo account, and ditch the old mailed, paper checks you're used to. Bill clients via email, and let them pay you instantly and seamlessly online. It's better for both you and them. Earning your first $1,000 can seem like an uphill battle but it doesn't have to be that way. If you want a proven, step-by-step system to earning your first $1,000 and more in a short period of time, check out Maggie Linder's Freelance Profit Academy. This program has become very popular among freelance writers and has produced hundreds of success stories.

The Top 4 Places to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

You can find freelance writing jobs virtually anywhere - through old employers and colleagues, on Craigslist and bidding sites, and even on social media. Freelance writing opportunities are all around us. But as nice as it is to wade through the numerous opportunities, it can also make the process of landing new freelance gigs pretty time-consuming. Do you really have hours to scour the web, checking in on every possible job site, social platform and blog? Definitely not - at least not if you want to be profitable! Thankfully, you don't have to. Below are a few of the best possible spots for finding gigs - gigs that can be lucrative and interesting and get you on the fast track to earnings.

1 - Morning Coffee Newsletter

This handy newsletter found at Freelancewritingjobs sends daily job alerts straight to your inbox. It features 10 to 20 handpicked freelance writing jobs from across the Internet, each with a different client, pay and focus. Some come from Craigslist (which means you don't have to scour the dozens and dozens of city-based Craigslist ads for gigs!) and some come from other job sites across the web. The main point? The work is already done for you. Just sit back, check your email, and apply for anything that sounds like a good fit.

2 - Blogging Pro

The Blogging Pro job board is a great place to find high-paying, legitimate freelance writing gigs for one big reason: Clients have to pay to post a job on it. Sure, it's only $30, but when there are alternative sites that are absolutely FREE for posting, you know a client means business if they're willing to shell out cash for their post! You'll find everything from niche, industry-specific gigs to full-time remote opportunities for single clients. It's a must-see stop on your weekly job hunt.

3 - LinkedIn

LinkedIn can provide freelance writing job opportunities in two ways: 1 - Job postings on the site 2 - Easy and seamless networking. Though networking takes a little more work, you can often spot opportunities for gigs just by checking your feed daily. Did someone change jobs or get promoted? Reach out and see if they could use your services. Is someone launching a new website? Ask if they could use help with web content. You never know when a job is right around the corner.

4 - Freelance Profit Academy

Job scams are plenteous on the web, and unsuspecting freelance writers can get caught in their devious web easily. Thankfully, the Freelance Profit Academy houses a daily, scam-free job board that weeds out scams and supplies you with the highest-quality jobs sourced from around the web. Review each and every job to provide you with only the best ones.

Success Means Going From Failure To Failure Without The Loss Of Enthusiasm -

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Monday 26 February 2018

How to Create a Content Calendar for Your Blog

If you've been following our blog lately, you'll notice that we've been talking a lot about social media and the need for a strategy. Yes, most definitely social media is also about sharing the content of others, and spontaneous posting, but an overall social media marketing strategy is essential.

One of the core concepts in any strategy is planning - and in this case, we're talking about planning your content, so you're never struggling to find a topic to write about, but you're also thinking through what makes sense for you.

Here are our top 10 tips for creating a content calendar for social media:

1.Start with a way to get organized, I personally like Excel for this. If you have a team and are collaborating on the content calendar, you may want to use Google sheets, so you can all see it in real time. You'll want 12 columns for the months, and then you can use the rows for the weeks of the month.

2.The easiest tip is to look at statutory holidays, and time themed blog posts. We strongly recommend that for holidays that are commemorative in nature, that your blog be a resource for giving back, for example prior to Thanksgiving you may want to post resources to give to those who are less fortunate, or volunteer opportunities.

3.Now its time to do a little research - what industry events are coming up that are relevant to your market. These could be conferences that you may or may not be attending, or big releases you are aware of. Mark these down on your calendar - ESPECIALLY if you're going to be there.

4.Schedule a blog before the conference talking about why its relevant, perhaps comparing it to years previous. If you're there, blog the week you're there about it, and of course schedule a wrap up blog to comment about what a success it was!

5.Do the same thing for any thought leaders in your industry - do they have events coming up (in-person or virtual). Dedicate a week to promote them!
For both 2 and 3 above, reach out to the organizers of the event and see when registration opens, ask them if they have content that you can share.

6.And while you're at it, offer them a guest blog spot!

7.Look at your own calendar, do you have a launch this year? You'll want to schedule blogs before your launch, during and after. Remember, you'll also want to blog about your planning, do a slow release (teasers) about the launch. This is your opportunity to build excitement!

8.Now look at your travel schedule - where are you going to be (personally or professionally). Blog about what you're going to be up to. Your followers may reach out when they know you'll be in the area to meet up in person.

9.Plan a regular feature, for example if you're a nutrition coach, start the month with a blog about meal planning for the month, and then for the last week of the month do a check in.

10.For each of the ideas noted above, you'll now want to build out how the message will be delivered across your different digital marketing platforms (LinkedIn, blog, Facebook, Instagram, etc.). How should your message differ depending on the medium its being posted to? How do they all connect back to a lead magnet to collect contact information?

With just these 10 tips, you should find your calendar filling up nicely! You can use current events or a literature review relevant to your industry to fill in the gaps.

You're done!

We'd love to see what you've come up with! Feel like sharing? Send it along, we'd be happy to offer a few more suggestions to fill in any gaps or answer any questions you may have.
Happy planning!

We help business owners find more time.

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Saturday 24 February 2018

5 Ways To Make Money From Home in 2018

If you want to make money from home pay close attention. In this article I'm going to give you 5 ways you could be getting paid on the internet in 2018.

Have you noticed that in 2017 the term "side hustle" became very popular?

I recently read an article that said over 50% of the workforce in the United States has some sort of "side hustle" that they use to supplement their income.

With that many people looking to do something on the side, you have to admit that the cost of living is growing faster than the minimum wage.

So let's go over a few of the ways that you could be earning money from home in 2018.

#1: Become a Social Media Manager

Social Media Managers have become really popular since the explosion of social media over the last decade.

A social media manager is exactly that; a manager.

So if you were to become a social media manager your job would entail sending/receiving friend requests, posting multiple times per day, engaging and reading incoming comments, etc.

You'd think that this is something that anyone could do, but there are many successful entrepreneurs and business owners out there that are gladly willing to pay someone to handle these mundane tasks on their behalf.

If you think you are proficient on social media maybe this is just the side gig for you?

#2: Learn How to Trade Forex and Cryptocurrency

It amazes me how few people have even heard of Forex. Forex is an acronym for Foreign Exchange.

With Forex you are buying and selling currencies just like people buy and sell commodities like corn, coffee, and orange juice.

This is an invaluable skill to learn because when you have it, you can write your own paycheck. Just keep in mind that this is considered the same as gambling in the eyes of Uncle Sam, so you will have to pay some hefty capital gains taxes on anything that you pull in.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are not only something that you buy and hold. You can actually trade cryptocurrencies as well.

#3: Join a Network Marketing Company

Although network marketing companies tend to get a bad rap, most people are oblivious to the fact that network marketing is a 100+ billion dollar per year industry.

More money per year is generated from network marketing than from all of the professional sports in the United States each year, combined!

A network marketing company gives you the chance to become the CEO of your own organization from day number one.

In Corporate America you typically start off at the bottom of the ladder and are forced to work your way up. In Network Marketing, you start of at the top of your organization, but you're responsible for building and training a team of independent sales representatives who have common goals.

#4: Get Started With e-Commerce

You can also get involved with e-Commerce. You know, things like eBay, Amazon, and even Shopify.

This is where you have yourself a virtual business. You can sell virtually anything that you can muster up from your imagination.

Dropshipping is also a big part of successful e-Commerce selling. Otherwise you'll need your own products to sell and most people don't have that.

e-Commerce is a great way to make money working from home if you're not really a people person and you're not cut out for the sales life.

#5: Get Involved in Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is all about selling other people's products/services.

Virtually every company known to man has an affiliate program of some sort these days. For example, if you refer someone to Time Warner, they will pay you.

By simply sharing products and services that you use every day you can earn a percentage each and every time someone makes a purchase from your individual affiliate link.

Which One Of These Methods Are Best?

While all of the above methods are great, there really isn't one that's "best" per se. However, if you plan on making money from home on your computer you're going to need to receive the proper training. Otherwise it could realistically take years for you to learn and become a master of online marketing.

How would you like to receive training from an 8 figure earner on all 5 of the strategies listed in this article? To learn more about how to make money from home in 2018 visit my blog and read my LifePreneur Review

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Friday 16 February 2018

5 Advanced Twitter Lead Generation Tips

If you tweet regularly, use image and videos often, and socialize more than you sell, you can generate a lot of leads on Twitter. You should also use plenty of keywords and hashtags you want to be found for in your Twitter bio. You need to generate an engaging cover photo that includes a call to action, and you should be tweeting, retweeting and interacting with your followers and prospects daily.

Those tried-and-true but simple tactics work well to build an email list or prospect pool. When you want to harness the full lead-capture ability of Twitter, you need to use some proven advanced tactics. The following Twitter lead-generation tips and strategies are the ones the pros use every day to maximize their efforts on the world's second-largest social media site.

1 - Approach Lead-Generation Tweets Differently

If you are just tweeting for engagement, you can create some catchy text, a hashtag or two, an image, and you are ready to go. When you attempt to use tweets to create leads, you have to take a little different approach if you want your efforts to succeed.

Lead-gen tweets deliver the best results when they are simple and straightforward. Make them as short as possible, and don't worry about using all your allotted characters. The attention span of web surfers is short and is getting shorter all the time. When your message is to the point, and you have a clear call to action (CTA), like a link to your email opt-in page, you will get better performance than a long update that is ambiguous and unclear.

Use the link-shortening website to make your actionable link as short as possible. If your clickable link is awkward and ugly, this can actually lower your click through rate. Don't include multiple mentions or links. Just 1 CTA, clear direction about what to do, a catchy image and a short message combine to make a high-performance lead-gen tweet.

2 - Try Twitter Cards

Twitter has a feature that is custom-made for generating leads. Twitter Lead Generation Cards work so well because they allow you to add people to your email list or prospect pool without them having to leave Twitter. People on social media sites are there to hang out and socialize. They don't always like the idea of being removed from their favorite social media hangout.

Twitter Cards, among other excellent features, have the ability to generate leads without your prospects feeling as if they are being routed through some sales funnel. As Twitter states:

- "With Twitter Cards, you can attach rich photos, videos, and media experience to Tweets that drive traffic to your website. Simply add a few lines of HTML to your web page, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a 'Card' added to the Tweet that's visible to all their followers."
This means a Twitter user, whether they are a follower of yours or not, can join your email newsletter, buy a product or service, download an application or perform some other actions without moving off their Twitter feed. This makes them feel comfortable, not like they are being sold to or manipulated.

The fewer steps a prospect must take for you to get them to take the required action, the higher your odds of making the conversion you seek. There are 8 different Twitter Cards, and each of them offers different lead-gen properties. Buffer has created a Twitter Card primer to help get you started.

3 - Twitter's Search Box Can Be Used To Generate Content Ideas

Twitter moves a mile a minute, especially when you have a large group of followers. The average tweet stays on-screen approximately 30 seconds, and if your followers are active, it may not even last that long. This means it is crucial to link your tweets to topics and subjects that are driving engagement right now.

You can use Twitter's search feature to discover what topics are currently red-hot. Then you simply come up with a clever way to attach your call to action, tweet topic or lead-generating link to subjects that are getting a lot of action. Take the following steps to come up with fresh ideas about what to tweet about, while also using trending topics to improve your click through rate and lead-gen success.

Go to Twitter Search

Across the bottom of the way, you will see several hashtags, words, and phrases listed under a section titled "Trends for You."

These are the trending topics which are lighting up the Twitterverse. Find one that relates to your industry or niche, or one of the red-hot topics that you can somehow relate to your message.

You can also search for an industry keyword, hashtag or phrase you are trying to be found for, and see what people are saying about it right now. You need to heed a word of warning here. Blindly attaching your tweet to an irrelevant topic, even though it is popular right now, can do more than good.

4 - Use Twitter Advanced Search

You just learned an advanced tactic for using Twitter's basic search feature to generate leads. Now you are going to step up your game, using a veteran tactic that harnesses even more power from Twitter search.

This an excellent targeting feature which allows you to see anyone that is currently on Twitter who matches a set of selection data you enter. A London-based company could immediately target other Twitter users in London, and you can also look for people who made specific statements or asked particular questions.

Head over to

Enter your search term. For example, you can look for people who have searched for "I need a London, SEO specialist." You can then add date ranges to keep your data relevant and updated, and filter according to specific Twitter accounts. You can also limit your results to negative or positive input, retweets, questions and other information. Use this feature to find any and every tweet mentioning your username or the username of industry leaders in your field.

5 - Schedule and Automate Your Tweets

As a business owner, you have a lot to do. If you are a one man or one woman operation, like so many Internet entrepreneurs and coffee-table business owners, you may find it harder than most to create the free time needed for your Twitter lead-gen tasks. Unlike some other social media networks, Twitter requires that you continually post content, if your marketing efforts are going to pay off. You will find that 5 to 10 tweets each day, spread out over an 8 to 12-hour time-frame, will provide the biggest bang for your lead-gen buck.

Beginners to Twitter often find this daunting.

One way to ensure you are regularly and consistently posting content is to do so on your smart phone. It only takes a few seconds to retweet the content of others, mention a particular user, or create and publish a brand-new tweet. However, even if you are pretty quick at tweeting and interacting with others on Twitter, your time investment can still add up.

That's why you should consider using the following Twitter automation tools to schedule your tweeting and lead-generation efforts for you. They allow you to schedule new updates and republish your most popular content for dates and times in the future. This means a once a week you could spend an hour or so creating and scheduling your Twitter content delivery, and then the following software suites and applications take care of the process for you on autopilot.

CoSchedule - This marketing calendar does more than just allow you to schedule your updates on Twitter and other social media sites. Their editorial calendar gives you the ability to plan your social updates for immediate delivery or schedule them for later. Also, you can publish at those times which have proven to provide maximum interaction, and you can upload large amounts of updates and previous tweets to be republished on a regular schedule.

Buffer - This is one of the most popular social media management applications. You can handle your Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts from one dashboard. With this app, it is easy to plan the delivery of your updates for a later time, including videos and images.

Social Oomph - Put simply, this is an effective social media scheduling tool. It works with Twitter and other popular social media networks, allowing you to monitor and track mentions, retweets, keywords, hashtags and other data. It has a built-in linkshortener, so you have more room in your tweet for your message, rather than a link.

PostPlanner - You can tell from the name exactly what this application does. Instead of just planning and scheduling your content for you, which is evident from the name, you can additionally use this app to find out what keywords and hashtags are generating the most interest. One of many nice features is that PostPlanner knows the best time to post, and it will automatically share and retweet great content.

Author: Syed Mubashir
For more information like this, visit:
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Thursday 15 February 2018

Getting Started With Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing in which the focus is on influencers rather than on the target market as a whole. The concept is simply to identify the people who impact potential buyers and direct marketing activities around these influences.

Influencer content may be framed as some form of advertising evidence in which they themselves play the role of potential buyers or may be third parties. These third parties exist in a supply chain (traders, manufacturers, etc.) or can be called value-added influencers.

The world has slipped into social networks. Many consumers watch their co-consumers about their purchasing decisions. It's not like before, consumers trust each other, and one of those consumers is these personalities on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms that enjoy a lot of followership. This concept of social networking has exceptionally revitalized online industry; this surprisingly effective marketing technique is helping different international brands achieve their marketing goals.

It is an open secret that a celebrity that can run your brand regularly and help promote it is a brilliant idea, more companies are beginning to exercise the authority of social networks which is more efficient than the conventional advertising. For this reason, Influencer Marketing could be the next big success in advertising. Here's why:


There are many methods that can help increase sales in your business. But for now, nothing can contest the record that Influencer Marketing has played in recent years. Research has shown that consumer-to-consumer marketing leads the consumer to generate more sales than paid advertising can do. This only shows that influential marketing can provide an exceptional opportunity for brands to capture the power of word of mouth thanks to the influential people who follow and admire.


Since the world has embraced the social media, this may be the right time for your business. Social media is more than just a replacement for conventional media. Previously, consumers Would buy an item based on what they see or hear. Today, social media is the main thing; consumers can easily connect with other consumers and can make a better buying decision by discussing their product or service experience. The use of social networks is growing rapidly across age groups and gender. Influencers communicate with consumers using these platforms and gives influencer marketing a key addition to any successful marketing strategy.


There are over 200 million people worldwide who are using ad-blocking apps already, what happens to the money you have spent on those pop-up advertisements if the most of the internet users don't even view them. It's time for the internet marketers to up their game and change to something internet users have less issue with. Consumer trusts influencers and their recommendations; more of your marketing and business strategy should go into working with influencers


Influencer marketing has the ability to change the overall outlook of your business for the better along with email marketing; it is actually very cost-effective. The fact that your competitors are already investing in it, is an indicator that it's the next big and shouldn't be overlooked, as influencers can truly affect consumers' choice on buying a product.

Overall, the digital world is completely different. A lot of marketers are already using Influencer Marketing, because of its effectiveness and high return on investment. Social media likes and shares can be gathered turned into valuable insights to your advertising sojourn. There is no better time for you to start reaping the benefits of influencer marketing than now.

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Saturday 3 February 2018

12 Great Reasons To Have A Niche Website

A Niche Website

I've heard that there are well over 3 billion and closer to 4b internet surfers as of 2017. That's such a huge number of potential viewers to your website with the sales revenue to go along with the visitors. This can proceed from day to day, 24/7 month after month, indefinitely. Listed in this article are 12 Great Reasons To Have A Niche Website.

There is the potential to draw or attract 100,000's of visitors to your site via various methods like article writing for sites and online publications, social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, etc., email marketing and many other methods including paid traffic.

All of these individuals from all over the world are looking for information of some sort, answers to their questions or solutions to problems and also they are looking to purchase something at the end of their search.

When your website is up and running a percentage of that internet traffic will be drawn to your site via Google search engines as well as Bing, Yahoo and the rest. Your site will show up in the search engine results pages or serp's, and searchers will click on your listing and be directed to your piece of the online real estate. They will read the site content and see what it is that you are offering that answers their search query. So you'll be helping these people and earning revenue in the process.

When you build up a niche site that will attract daily visitors your internet space becomes your point of contact with your chosen and targeted audience. Your website becomes the online platform and market where you share and care for your audience and all of those browsing the internet.

Why have a niche site

Is the whole point of having your website to simply sell a product(s) to a faceless crowd of individuals that come to our marketplace and buy with as little interacting as possible? Or is the purpose of your internet business to serve and help others in some way, to solve their problems, help them acquire information and/or purchase a product or two sold from your site?

I hope that you choose the latter of the two for a mindset because the first method will not reap the rewards as well as the latter and the visitors will possibly not be comfortable enough to make a purchase but jump to another site with more personality and service in mind.

You should choose a niche that excites you, one that you want to be active within as you build up your website and create a special place, on your internet real estate property, that will continue to grow in value as time goes by.

By answering questions, offering them quality content, on relevant topics and being there to help them in any way, the chances of them coming back and maybe even making a purchase increase. You become their authority on the subject and they become a long time customer or client of yours if all goes well. You can also recommend or promote your own or someone else's eBooks, motivational books, videos and other things related to the website niche that your visitors would like and find useful.

The important thing to remember is that real people are reading, searching and need help. They should be kept in mind before each article is written and their comments answered within a day or two.

Here are 12 great reasons to have a niche website:

Low Start-Up Cost: The financial investment for creating your own website and getting started in an online business pales in comparison to starting a brick and mortar business. For example: To start a small house painting business one would need a dependable truck, van, storage, spray machines, pressure washer, cash on hand for any number of unexpected costs that might arise, including the repair of the vehicles and machines. All of this totals thousands just to get started. Need I go on... An online business can be started and built up to a thriving revenue earning site for a few hundred dollars per year.

Having your own product is not required: There are millions of products, items, and services that you can become an affiliate to and sell online, ex. Amazon, eBay, Home Depot, CJ Affiliates, Bass Pro and hundreds of others. There are so many products that someone can promote and make a sales commission that the hardest part is to choose just what it is that you want to promote first.

No Overhead Cost: There are no offices to rent and electricity bills to pay each month or employees to hire with the taxes and workman's compensation insurance and more, all needing to be prepaid and regularly paid. In the case of an online business, all that you really need is a laptop computer, an outlet to plug into and an internet connection.

No Storage Space Required: Most offline service businesses need to have or rent a storage space for their machines, office equipment and materials. With an online business, everything is stored on the computer, backed up and easy to access.

Focus on drawing targeted customers: With a good keyword tool you can get in-depth statistics on exactly what "keywords" are used to search for an item, how many times per month and how much competition there is within that keyword. Much more information can be gained from a good keyword tool (Jaaxy Enterprise Keyword Tool) so that you can target a specific like-minded group for your outreach efforts.

No handling customer refunds or complaints: This is a good one as the affiliate just promotes the product and leaves the customer refunding and complaints to that merchant's department. The affiliate doesn't want to promote a product with a high return rate or one with a lot of complaints as there are millions of other products to promote.

Write about topics that interest you: By choosing your website niche you're also choosing the subject that you will be writing a lot of quality usable content on. Information that internet surfers can find and use to find answers, solve their problems, show them how to do something, or purchase a product.

You can earn passive income: Revenue that you earn even though you aren't actively working. Another name for passive income is residual income. With such a huge online audience there are many affiliates earning six and seven figure incomes. Most affiliates also have more than one website and some have many.

Even while you're sleeping your site is always open: This is awesome as your site is open for business in every zip code or region, 24/7, whether you're sleeping or on vacation. No need to hire someone to watch the store and take care of customer issues.

Work from home or anywhere: Another great reason for an online business is that you can be anywhere that there's an internet connection and with your laptop, you can completely run your business. It doesn't matter if you are in China or the US, with an internet connection you can run your business 24/7 from anywhere in the world.

Will generate sales income for years to come: Once the niche website is built up and starts earning revenue each month you'll keep on building and growing the business and it will bear fruit for you indefinitely and the sky's the limit as to your options and potentials.

One site is all you need to earn a full-time monthly income: This is so true, however, when you start making money online you will see other ways to earn and naturally branch out from there. Enjoy the journey but one site properly built up and optimized can pay all of your bills and much more.

You can have multiple websites: How many websites can you handle, some affiliates have ten or more. You can have a cool Amazon site, one for eBay, ClickBank, etc, all earning a very nice monthly income. That's how many affiliates get into the six and seven figure earnings.
Make sure that you only recommend things that are of quality and items that you would purchase for yourself. Only sell quality products because your reputation will grow continuously as time goes by, and that reputation should be for promoting quality products. Your role as an affiliate is to give an honest opinion and advice based on up to date information. You should feel like you are helping them make a wise choice or decision. I've listed only a few but there are more than 12 great reasons to have a niche website.

Make your own websites. The Starter membership is FREE! Step by Step directions and over 800,000 other like-minded individuals in this awesome community of online business owners.

If you're looking for a new career, or to start a non-profit, hobby, or just to make a few extra dollars each month, the training is absolutely free of charge to start and there's no limit to what you can make when you put your mind to it. I invite you to join me at

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