Showing posts with label marketing game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marketing game. Show all posts

Thursday 8 November 2018

3 Simple and Effective Forex Strategies

Using simple but effective Forex strategies need not be difficult. There are three popular styles when it comes to actually trading currency. Ideally, you should try to apply aspects of each of these styles to maximize your success.

Here we will discuss them so that you can begin to implement in your Forex investment plan:

Technical Information Analysis

This is when you take advantage of all information available on the currency pair. This is especially useful because you can have constant updates and keep a very close eye on the best possible time to affect your buyout or trade.

This will allow you to leave trade options open until a currency or currency pair will achieve the price that you're looking for and keep a constant eye on happenings.

Sentiment Trades

This is a different aspect from technical trading because it involves market shifts that move based on feeling rather than specific fundamental facts. Market sentiment can often require you to react on a very visceral or gut driven basis and what you think the market will also react to.

It assumes that you have an understanding and intuitive feel for the market and currency trades based on prior experience. One huge advantage of this kind of trading is that it allows you to anticipate a market based on prior experience and outperform the herd consistently.

Specific Forex Strategies

There are literally dozens of books written on Forex trading strategies. Each specific strategy builds upon prior knowledge bases and allows you the opportunity to take advantage of proven methods when it comes to currency exchanges.

For example, the London Jammer trade takes example of specific volatility and indecision that has characterized many of the European markets. Tactics like this work best with certain kinds of reoccurring events happening in the market.

It becomes the responsibility of the trader to recognize events, trends and specific day trading sessions that will trigger the ability to choose the correct Forex strategy. When patterns are identified, you would then invoke the strategy that you would use to counter or take advantage of the events in the markets.

In the end, all investment strategies involve risk, sufficient information, a feel for the market and the ability to make decisions on the fly. Effective Forex strategies take advantage of all of these events and combine together for the right opportunity for you and your future investments.

If you want to be a successful Forex trader then discover how to use Forex by signing up for my "NO COST" Forex online training course, learn valuable Forex trading tips and get advice on how to be successful with easy to implement Forex trading tips go to: Answers About Forex and you will discover the secrets to being successful with Forex!

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Friday 28 September 2018

Earn An Income Online

Have you ever tried to earn an income through part-time work online hoping that you'll be able to do that full-time when you can support yourself from the earnings?

Many of the money-making systems are outdated when purchased, they made money for someone and are now sold even though the system has been replaced with an up to date system which you won't get a chance to see until someone has used it all up and it's outdated and on the selling block once again.

Let me tell you, making money online is no simple task and don't let anyone fool you into thinking that they have some get-rich-quick system. However, once you learn how everything works and can make nice websites, you can generate a great income as an affiliate marketer, in a niche that you love.

With about 3 billion potential internet viewers, you can do quite well in your own online business with very little financial investment, and $0 to start!

When I was searching for a career change and needed to exchange a very active job for something that didn't require so much physical labor. I wanted to choose an encore career that would be challenging and something that I could do from home even well into my retirement years.

Learn Something New

Well, I learned how to build a solid online business, expand it and take it to the next level. You can do this too, through part-time work online in the evenings and weekends and when you have time until you get things built up. Then you can choose if you want to go full-time or keep the day job and enjoy the additional income from your part-time efforts.

Your online business should not feel like a day job. Earning money online should be fun, and it is fun. Once the learning curve is complete you will start following a well laid out plan for success. After all of your online efforts start paying off, even with a low-income, you'll want to spend more time with it. You can be a witness of and take part in the growth process of your own successful online business.

Making Money Online

There are many ways to make money, even with part-time work online... 1000's of different ways in fact! The problem is that people often get distracted by the "latest and greatest" product or service and they aren't able to stick with one method and build a successful, and revenue generating online business.

There are 3 things that you will need, a nice website, education or knowledge, and some expert help.

Choose a Niche

A niche is a distinct segment of a market, in other words, an "audience". So when choosing a niche that fits you, you should be choosing something that is ideally an interest, a passion, a hobby, a problem, a need or a want.

Almost everything you can think of is a niche and that is why we are going to get you to choose your niche based on things that you are interested in.

You can earn money online from absolutely every single niche because there are billions of people out there searching every day.

This all starts with choosing a niche that you are interested in and will enjoy working with. The more that you enjoy something the less it feels like a job and the more productive you're going to be.

Building Your Own Website

Now that you have chosen your niche you are going to create your very own website.

My name is Pete and if you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come to see for yourself at the bottom of every page and Sign Up >>>

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Wednesday 11 April 2018

Nuts and Bolts of How to Make Money Online - For Real

You see a gazillion emails everyday bombarding you for everything imaginable about making money online. How do you tell the difference between hype and ripe?

Well to start off, it has to be simple. You shouldn't have to create web pages, you shouldn't have to create capture pages, you shouldn't have to write auto-responder messages.

Everything should be done for you. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

It doesn't get any easier than this. All you have to do is learn to send traffic to a capture page to build your list so that you can follow-up and introduce them to you business flopportunity.

Get them from skeptical visitor to getting them engaged by sharing your story. (And everybody has one). Your job is not to sell them on the business, but to build a relationship with the people on your list.

Learn to be a Leader. Get out of the learning curve. Find a strategy that works and... Master It.

If you've never grown a business before, if you have zero business experience, no internet experience... you're in the right place at the right time because there is nowhere better to learn all this... and nowhere easier.

Don't get left behind - start your business online. It's very easy to be a leader in your own home business.

You're told... "We have everything here for you to help you develop the skills that you need to develop. You will learn how to turn those leads into members and to be the leader you want to be."

Helping other people to realize their dreams, helping other people to become healthier, helping other people to understand or find a solution to the problem they're having is pretty rewarding - pretty sweet, (and it helps that you're making big money).

That feeling is what you need to fall in love with. Fall in love with helping the people whom you introduce your business to. You need to put YOU into your business. Engage, Learn, Teach!

And here is a million dollar idea for you...

When you wake up in the morning the first thing you need to do is decide that you're going to have a GREAT day. Regardless of what went on yesterday, regardless of how good or how bad your results are, regardless of the amount (or lack of amount) is in your bank account, wake up and decide...

You're going to have a Great Day!

Carl Willoughby is an internet entrepreneur that has been online more than 20 years and can help you start a successful online internet business. Visit his blog at:

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Monday 2 April 2018

Let's Play The Marketing Game

Marketers, like most professionals, find their work a mental challenge - not unlike playing chess or other games of strategy and tactics. A favorite mental game that marketers play is called "How would I do it?" Want to play?

The rules are simple. Just observe how others are marketing and ask yourself, "How would I do it better?" Okay, ready to play?

On your way home from work this evening, I'll bet that you need to stop at the grocery, the drug store, or the cleaners. As you approach, start playing the Marketing Game by judging the store's appearance and the images you see. Observe as you zoom through the aisles; is the entrance inviting, clean, and well organized? Are you welcomed or ignored by staff? Is the signage clear? How's the housekeeping? Ask yourself how your customer experience could be improved.

Open your mail; look at the catalogs and brochures. Judge what catches your eye and what specifically captures your attention - graphics, message, or offer? Consider what would help make both your eye and your thought process linger, leaving you to ponder and perhaps make a purchase.

At lunch, read the menu critically - how do they attempt to entice you with mouth-watering extras like appetizers and that crave-able piece of "Mom's Famous Apple Pie" with a scoop of ice cream?

Look at the ads in the newspaper, those that pop up in your cell phone, and the ones you see on TV. Read the messages and look at the graphics. Each time, attempt to understand their strategy, check if their message is communicated effectively, and ask yourself, "How would I do it better?"

Play the game every chance you get. Think through the marketing challenges for each. How would you improve the strategy? What do you think the message should be? How could you improve the word usage, graphics, attitude, or media usage?

Of course, it's very easy to play the Marketing Game at a business you are not involved in because you don't need to deal with the constraints of time, money, and projects competing for your attention and effort. You are just being the critic.

As you continue to play the game, transfer the thought process to your business. Think about your overall strategy and ask the same questions about message, media, attitude, words, graphics, etc. The longer you play the game, the more you think like a marketer. Over time, you will become better at it. Better marketers win!

Larry Galler coaches and consults with high-performance executives, professionals, and small businesses since 1993. He is the writer of the long-running (every Sunday since November 2001) business column, "Front Lines with Larry Galler". For a free coaching session, email Larry for an appointment - Sign up for his free newsletter at

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