Showing posts with label replacing dayjob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label replacing dayjob. Show all posts

Saturday 24 November 2018

12 Habits You Need to Become a Millionaire

Which of these twelve important habits do you have?
The key millionaire habit you should start today…
It might not sound sexy, but you’ll need to do THIS if you want to advance…

I’ve dedicated my life to understanding everything, the ins and outs of what it takes to actually become a millionaire and one of the most important lessons in your journey is that actions speak louder than words…

With that in mind, here’s a question: what habits and daily actions are ingrained in your everyday life?

And a follow-up: are they helping to move you forward or are they holding you back?

While there’s no exact science to determine how to be a millionaire, I have more millionaire students than anyone, and great financial successes like my students have accomplished is not random, but rather the result of hard work on my part and on the part of my students.

What I’ve found is that there are certain habits that many financially successful people have in common.

Read through this list and ask yourself: how many of these habits do I have? If these aren’t habits yet, how could you incorporate them into your life?

1: Be an Early Riser

You’ve heard the saying that time is money.

You’ve also heard the saying that the early bird gets the worm.

Mash these adages together and you can distill both down to the idea that the earlier you wake up, the more money-making time you can maximize.

There are countless benefits to waking up early.

Me, I like to wake up early so that I can answer emails, consider what will go on during the day and do reading and research for the day ahead.

Basically, I use this time to deal with things that might get in my way throughout the course of the day, so that by the time the market opens, I’m mentally prepared.

2: Know Where Your Money is Going

Do you track your expenses and know where your money is going?

If you do, then keep it up: it’s a key millionaire habit. If you don’t, cultivate this habit immediately.

If you want to get rich, you’ve got to learn how to handle your money now–not later.

Learning financial responsibility will mean that you’ll be able to enjoy the money when you make it, rather than just falling into irresponsible habits with increasingly larger sums.

3: Have Good Time Management

People love to talk about how little time they have.

They don’t have time to go to the gym.

They don’t have time to attend networking functions.

They don’t have time to study and learn how the stock market works.

They don’t have time to succeed!

These are limits that people put on themselves.

Watch a little less TV and take your focus away from Facebook for a while.

You’ll be amazed at how the time will open up for you to advance in business.

4: Save Responsibly

Longtime millionaires aren’t out there blowing every penny that they make.

They know that to continue advancing in their career, they need to save money.

Saving money might not sound sexy -- in fact, it might sound downright boring. But, the benefits that can come your way from saving are anything but boring.

Saving money means that you can improve your position in the market.

It also means that you can invest in a greater variety of stocks.

Over time, if you’re being responsible, this means that you will start making more and more money as you go. The bar will be raised, so to speak.

Additionally, on a practical level, saving also ensures that if you do have a business deal that doesn’t go as planned, you have a safety net.

5: Know What’s Going on in the World

It’s alarmingly easy to live a fishbowl existence.

Resist that temptation.

Make concerted efforts to know what is going on in the world.

The best way to do this? Be a voracious reader.

Read magazines, the paper, anything that you can get your hands on.

Know what is going on in your backyard and in the world at large. Not only can the news help inform your investments and keep you inspired, but it also keeps you current.

You will be better able to interact and network with others when you have an idea of what is going on in the world.

6: Keep Up on Your Education

A common habit among millionaires? Lifelong learning.

Just because someone has made a bunch of money doesn’t mean that they don’t have a thing or two (or ten) to learn.

To all my students, I keep on learning and growing right along with you.

Maintaining and increasing your level of knowledge is a millionaire habit that will serve you in business and in your personal life.

7: Revisit Your Goals Frequently

It’s extremely important to make goals.

But, simply making them isn’t enough.

To transform your goal-making into millionaire material, you need to revisit these goals frequently.

How frequently is up to you, but let me give you an example.

Say that you set an initial goal of making $50,000, so that you could pay off your student loan debt and that you reached that goal four months into your trading career.


But, at the same time, it’s time to adjust your goals, making them bigger and better, so that you still have something to work toward.

Goals are part of what keep us going and keep motivating us.

Revisit yours often, so that they remain a manageable “carrot” dangling in front of you.

8: Believe in Your Success

Don’t dream it; be it.

If you don’t believe that you are worthy and deserving of success, then any that comes your way will be pure luck.

By shifting your mindset to a place where you believe success is not only possible, but within your reach, you will be taking a huge step toward it.

This transforms success from a faraway dream to an attainable goal and allows you to set specific milestones to get where you want to go.

9: Connect with Others

Technically, you could become a millionaire alone.

But, quite frankly, it’s going to be a longer — and lengthier — journey without a little help from some friends.

First and foremost, seek out a great mentor.

Your mentor, who is further along in their career than you, can help guide you and help you through growing pains. It’s difficult to overstate the importance of a mentor!

Networking with peers is also invaluable.

Not only does it give you a sounding board with people who can totally understand, but it also creates relationships with people who can help raise you up (and vice versa).

Connecting with others, whether they are at your level, above your level or even below it (for now), has a huge impact on your career trajectory.

10: Evaluate What is Going Well (and What’s Not)

Millionaires aren’t characterized by being self-destructive.

They’re not running around in circles, agonizing about what they could have done differently.

However, they are imbued with a healthy amount of self reflection.

Millionaires are able to constructively look at the past and see how it can inform the future.

Things not going well with some investments?

Look at why and how you could change that going forward.

At the same time, if certain things are going well, they have the ability to look at that and try to take it push it even further forward.

11: Test Your Limits Constantly

A millionaire isn’t one to rest on his or her laurels. Never content to let the last accomplishment define them, millionaires are (in a good way) addicted to the game.

They constantly want to challenge their limits, so that they can go further and do more good.

What is your relationship with risk and trying new things?

If it is not so good, then it might be time to work on that.

Becoming more comfortable with risk and testing your limits is vital if you want to attain true financial success.

12: Give Back to Others

Maybe, right now, you’re coming from a place of scarcity.

If so, the idea of giving back might seem ludicrous.

But, trust me, the more you make, the more you should give.

Just like millionaires save quite a bit of what they make, they also give plenty. This is a habit that you can get into now.

Even if you don’t have money (yet), there are ways in which you can give back.

You can act as a mentor to someone less fortunate than you.

You can donate your time or a service as a volunteer.

Giving back actually makes the world (and your trading base) steadier and healthier.

Giving back is not just what is right, but something that can contribute to your bottom line in the long run.

Your habits are a huge part of what defines you.

So, by choosing to cultivate habits which millionaires share, you are taking a proactive step to joining that “tribe.” Making a concerted effort to make these millionaire habits yours will have a huge effect on your success and money-making potential!

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Free Website Traffic Sources

When it comes to marketing online for any business be it online or offline, the key is to drive as many eyes to your sites or in your stores doors as possible. You need to expose your business and build a brand for yourself that presents trust, great customer support and over delivers.

This is what makes social media so important now with new advancements on the internet social is all the rave. It's a great way to answer and address customers questions fast and to build a reliable and trust worth brand.

Word of mouth used to be the best way to make money with your business. Consider social media word of mouth on steroids. A simple like, comment or tweet could spark a huge flood of traffic your way. Below are a few key ideas to building your brand and spreading the word about what you have to offer quickly.

If your store has products which people can buy consider adding a few of your popular or really unique items to your Pinterest account and ask a few of your friends to repin it. It could take off and have people flooding your store and placing orders for this unique item.

It's important to keep in touch with your customers and some will leave comments on your fan page or just start tweeting. Be proactive and any time you see something come up where a customer might have an issue or maybe even give you praise be sure to get in contact with that person as soon as possible and help them out or thank you. A simple thank you can go a very long way.

One last method might be communication on your Facebook fan page. By interacting with customers with polls and other such tools you can gain a good amount of insight on what your customers are looking forward to and want. This is a great way to research and build your next products.

But overall you need to start somewhere with getting traffic and the best way to do that is via free website traffic sources. These types of traffic sources are the building blocks when you first get started and often times produce just as well or even better then paid traffic methods.

There are literally thousands of ways to get traffic to your sites below I will go over a few of the main ones that will get you results.

Consider swapping ads with other companies such as those that are not in direct competition with you. For example Amazon being promoted on UPS and UPS being promoted on amazon its a mutually beneficial trade in advertising as both companies support each others growth and do not take away from it.

Social media plays right into this as well as we disused above. Being proactive in it will yield you amazing results and cost you nothing but a few hours of your time or a few of an employees.

If your looking to learn how to build more traffic streams I created a free to download ebook at - Free website traffic ebook

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Tuesday 9 October 2018

My Beginner's Guide to E-Product Development

The internet is an elephant, so to speak. So how do you eat an elephant? One would say one piece at a time. Every internet guru has his own views about how to succeed in the internet or online, but like any other thing in life, there is no one perfect way, or one size fits all. Some say content is king. Some say begin with a list. Some say begin with 100% automation. Content, list, and automation all matter, but what about the person that is just beginning and doesn't know his left from his right? I believe a beginner should start with a product to prove his credibility and from there move on to building a list while at the same time gradually working towards automating his website to work on autopilot.

A Caveat about Starting With a Product 
Having said that it's better to start with a product, I believe it's appropriate to throw in this qualification by saying that at the highest levels, you can actually sell a product you have not yet developed to your list or followers, but as a beginner, you may not be able to employ that strategy. At its most basic, it involves telling your followers that you have a product that is coming out in say 90 days or 180 days time and any one among them that buys in advance would get it at 30 or 20 percent discount. Some may decide to buy and you can then use the cash to develop the product. This strategy is for already well known "brands" like Peter Diamandis, Brendon Burchard, Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins to mention just four.

How to Develop Your First Product 
This presentation focuses on how you can develop your first product. The truth is, in internet business, you don't have to wait until you have a perfect product. Just begin and continue improving along the way. If you compare cars or any product for that matter made in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s and 2000s, you notice that they keep getting better in terms of design, sleekness, and performance, to mention just three aspects. That should be your aim. Start, and keep improving day in and day out.

In this presentation, the focus is entirely on electronic products (eProducts), not the selling of physical products online, which is referred to as e-commerce. I'm assuming that you're already an expert operating in six dimensions as an author, trainer, speaker, coach, consultant, seminar leader and now gunning for the seventh dimension, information marketing. If you don't consider yourself an expert, don't worry too much, we'll come back to that and the scales will fall off from your eyes. Even if you're not operating in any of the dimensions yet, say you're just an employee, don't worry, this presentation will open your eyes to the possibilities ahead. The author of the book Instant Income, Janet Switzer, listed over 52 eProducts one can develop in her Maverick Program but we'll limit ourselves to just the simplest products as this is a beginner's program.

Understanding or knowing which products to develop, the demand for those products and how to position your products are beyond the scope of this presentation. Also marketing, selling and launching your product are outside the scope of this presentation. Having covered those preliminaries, let's dive in on your product development journey.

Products Suitable For E-Copies
The main products that you can easily convert to e-format are:
• Books
• Music
• Courses (seminars) - these are generally referred to as "How to Products."
• Speeches
• Research findings

The Top 7 Most Lucrative "How to Products" Areas In the Expert Industry

According to Brendon Burchard, in his book The Expert Messenger, the seven most lucrative how to product areas are:

1. Motivation Advice
2. Leadership Advice
3. Financial Advice
4. Business Advice
5. Marketing Advice
6. Relationship Advice
7. Spiritual Advice

E-Product Formats
The main formats are:
• E-pub
• Mobi
• Audio (MP3)
• Videos (MP4)

Sites For Uploading Your E-Products
Having made or created your product, the next thing to do is to launch. You can launch your products through a combination of channels, including:
• Your website
• Third-party websites
• YouTube
• Vimeo
• Stitcher
• iTunes
• SoundCloud
• CD Baby
• To your List through an e-marketing platform, example, Mailchimp.

The Various Product Formats In Detail 
Let us now take the product formats one at a time in slightly more detail.

PDF (Portable Document Format) 
One of the easiest ways to join the online business as an expert is to start with training course, workshop, seminar or a book. Your book in particular can and will open doors especially if you can write a New York Times best seller. For a beginner, that might be far-fetched so let's just begin with a good book or a well thought out course. Having done your book or course (this applies too to seminars and workshops), you save in word or PowerPoint and convert it to PDF. PDF (portable document format) is a special format developed by Adobe and can be bought online or better still buy the CD and install in your laptop. Once converted to PDF, no one can amend or tinker with your product and you can upload it to your website and start selling. Sounds so simple? Yes! Technology simplifies things. Anybody with a laptop or smart-phone can buy your product and start enjoying it right away. Most new generation laptops and smart-phones have PDF reader pre-installed or you can simply download an app that enables you read the PDF document.

E-Pub (ePub) is short for electronic publication and is an eBook file format that the majority of devices, including iPad, android smartphones, tablets, computers, or e-readers can read. To convert your book to e-Pub requires a special software, which an average business centre can help you achieve. If you cannot get a business centre near you to convert your book to epub, you can do it online through a company by the name Allzone.

Mobi is especially peculiar to Amazon Kindle as that is the only format that Kindle uses. Starting in 2011, some analysts projected that within five years there would be over 53million Kindles worldwide so if you want one of the Kindle users to buy your book, you have no choice but to have it in Mobi format. But there is good news. Amazon does not even require you to convert your book into Mobi before uploading to Amazon. You can upload to Amazon in Word format and Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) will automatically convert it to Mobi for you.

MP4 and MP3 
Just a few years ago we were using what was then known as CD (compact disc) before the mp3 format, which is an audio coding format for digital audio, was introduced. The mp3 (or MP3) format can store enormous amounts of sound so you don't need hundreds of CDs as before. Your finished work can be converted to mp3 very easily to be listened to using digital devices including smartphones, iPads and laptops. Don't worry about how to do this as an average sound or video editor would handle the technical aspects and help you uploaded your product to Stitcher, SoundCloud or CD Baby. Editing is not very expensive and goes for as low as $5 for a one hour episode depending on the editor and the fee keeps coming down as more and more people master the art of video editing.

Videos are what make the internet tick. Video engages more than any other medium so it's a must you learn how to do video. And the good news is that it's not as complex as you may imagine. You don't even need any technical skills. Direct-to-camera video is the one you make with an ordinary camera or camcorder. Camera comes highly recommended compared to camcorder not only because cameras are generally smaller in size and cheaper, but because they develop less heat compared to camcorders. Initially, you may have to rent the camera but with time, you may decide to acquire your own. The most popular camera type is Canon, but you can also make videos with your smart phone however there is a slight drawback as you may not be able to edit or get audio or MP3 out of a smart phone so having a camera has advantages.

The other type of video is the one you make with a software. For Windows computer, you use a software called Camtasia and for Apple computers, you use what is called screenflow. You have to pre-install camtasia (or screenflow if you're using Mac) in your computer to begin with. Let's focus on Windows computers since that is the one I use. Having installed camtasia in your computer, the other processes are pretty straight forward. You first prepare your presentation in PowerPoint. When your slides are ready, you put on the earphone and plug in the voice converter or adapter and switch on camtasia. Once camtasia is on, you start speaking and as you finish with one slide, you move to the next one until your presentation is over. Once your presentation is done, you save what you have done for editing and viola your video is ready and you can upload it to your website, YouTube or Vimeo. Editing is not very expensive and it's not something to worry about as an average business centre can handle it for you.

There is yet a third way of producing videos. This is different from camtasia video we just described above. In this case, there are actually companies that specialize in helping you make videos by providing you with prepared templates. One of them, which I use, is a company called Animoto. What you do is you sign on to Animoto and they give you the architecture to do a video complete with background music. You simply register with the company and once you log-in you just follow the straightforward instructions for preparing a video.

Animoto has free and paid versions of the service. The paid version starts at about $96 per annum. You don't need any skills to do a video. The website provides all the needed headings, such as description of video, which you fill in and upload the pictures and provide a description of your video and viola, your video is ready. In the free and lower end paid versions, the company's logo, Animoto, will appear on your video, but in the premium versions, nothing appears so no one would know you used Animoto. For the very high end versions, you can even customize by putting your name or company's name and logo on the video. For the free version, you'll be provided with a maximum of 6 place holders for just 1 minute video and no more. If you want longer videos then you have to go for the paid versions.

A journey of a thousand miles as the saying goes begins with one step. Internet or online expert business sounds and appears hard when you have no one to guide and show you the way. The fastest way to cut your learning curve is to get a coach and you'll be up and running in no time. In our Expert Empire Program we guide you through how to develop e-Products.

Paul Uduk is the author of five books, including Bridges to the Customer's Heart, Wealth Beyond Your Imagination and The Celebrity Speaker, all available at his website, and on Amazon. He is the CEO of Vision & Talent, one of Nigeria's most respected service excellence and process excellence training consultancies, which can be reached via In addition to training for some of the most respected brands, including Nestoil, Heineken, Inlaks, Dangote and Berger, to name a few, he coaches executives on book writing and the list of his clients read like who is who. Paul recently launched The Expert Empire Program that helps beginners stake a claim in the expert industry on Vimeo. Paul can be reached by email via or and by phone +2348033075133.

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Sunday 26 August 2018

How to Earn a Secure Residual Income From Home

OK, so you're here now,

And you're probably thinking about many things at this moment, but the one thing that's really pressing at the top of your to-do list is securing a way to generate secure income.

If I'm wrong in any way just let me know (wink)... But you're still reading my article - you have a "need" that you want my help with, true?

So let me explain something before we even get onto the part about you "earning" money...

For those of you who know hardship and struggle in life, I understand where you are at present - been there myself.

If you know what it's like to wake each day doing the same-old tired job, for the same old ungrateful boss/manager/director, you now have an opportunity to divorce your old working lifestyle for something more suited to your liking.

But don't be fooled!

I am not offering you another job, I'm not offering you a vacation, I'm not offering you an opportunity to become lazy and to throw your creativity aside - - -

Big, huge NOPE. We don't do that rubbish here ;) What I'm offering you is a proper opportunity to be in control of how you work, earning a residual income, even as you sleep...

How so? I hear you wondering.

The rich, powerful, and influential people of this world (those who had to work for their wealth) know about residual, or passive income.

If you've never heard of this until now, just know that if you truly desire real, continuous wealth then you need to be in there, earning that passive income.

The best way to understand this kind of income is to know how it differs from a wage that is paid to you for work that you do continually...

Building a residual/passive income is about doing work once and getting paid repeatedly for it each day, week, or month.

Yep. That's it - continuous money, if you have the knack of it.

So, you're now in the know about earning a residual income. Wealthy people know that it is not about working for the man if you truly wish to become rich.

You need to take matters into your own hands for this to happen. And here you're given all that you need to start this life-changing step with no cost to join and get started - imagine that!

No successful person ever allowed a lack of resources to hold them back from getting theirs. Clearly not - instead they fought for their right to be at the top, where they're at now...

Same place you probably want to be right now.

And then you might be one of those people who tend to watch the wealth of others, secretly wishing that it was your own wealth... I call this "watching and wishing." It gets you nowhere fast - nowhere ever, actually.

If you are the lazy kind who wants it all now, and never commits to the challenges that any business brings, then you may as well stop reading...

This opportunity to work on your OWN terms is ONLY for the individual who is earnest, wanting to "earn" their worth.

And so, I'd like to speak with you about stepping outside of your comfort zone...

This is wholly important for those of you who need to earn a living but usually fall short due to procrastination habits that have probably been bleeding you dry for a while now?

Having a "comfort zone" is all fine and well, providing that you know how to disengage from that place of comfort whenever needed.

Can you do that?

If you mean business and are serious about earning a solid residual home income, you'll know that falling shy to work is a sure way to forfeit your opportunity to create the lifestyle you need, and want.

There are vast opportunities just waiting for the hungry individual to step up and get busy.

This is the kind of business that gets you motivated to get up in the mornings, instead of wanting to stay in bed all lazy-like, producing nothing.

Have a good think about what it is that you need and want for yourself and your family (if you're providing for a family), once you've determined this then ask yourself WHY.

Becoming wealthy is about knowing the reason for your desires, making them count. Got a dream? Best you understand the nature and the root of that dream.

Want lots of money? Why? What's the reason behind the reason?

Visit my YouTube channel:

Email me:

I'll respond within 24 hours.

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Wednesday 22 August 2018

How To Know When It's Time To Change Careers

Thinking About A New Career?

There are a lot of people who are unhappy with their employment situation and often think about the steps that they should take to successfully change their career. That's the reason why I'm writing this article, to encourage you to not let anything keep you from moving forward and bettering your life situation.

Many have successfully changed their careers and greatly improved the quality of their lives and you can too.

There's some good news in that we all have the ability to learn and it's never been easier to successfully change careers due to the enormous amount of research that can be done on the internet on just about any topic. Is a career change really a good idea right now?

Here are 4 things that make people think about doing something different with their lives:

They are bored at work - Are you bored once in a while or every day? Is there a more fulfilling job available in your workplace that you can do? Is there a change in the daily routine available that can get rid of the source of boredom? Do you need another company or another career, or both?

Not enough income - Can you check out the possibilities for advancement in your present job and career situation? Would a better position and a rise in income, in the same field, be all that's needed?

Talents not being used - Is there another position available where you can better use your talents and do something more fulfilling? You might consider talking to the boss to see if you could make some changes to use those talents and perhaps even get a pay increase in the process.

Health issues - Are you physically unable to comfortably perform the present duties at work? Is it harder because of the age factor and stress on the body? Maybe it's time to evaluate yourself for the years ahead, what would you like to be doing 5-10 years from now? Sometimes after considering these things one can tell for sure if the idea of completely changing careers is right for their situation.Of course you must take family into consideration.

I would say that most often there is a real learning curve that takes place with your new career choice and the income might take many months to build up to what the person is currently earning. It's a must to have a good plan in place so that you can make it through the growing period and still maintain a certain comfort level.

You Gotta Have a Plan

Many would like to change their careers and they might go out looking for another job and find themselves in the same situations in a few years time. This is serious business due to the fact that we only have so many years in our working careers, and they go by quickly.

It's very important to have more than just an idea but a plan to follow that will bring you where you want to be in your older years. Think about how you can help others in your current or new career. See the rewards in their getting what they need and you being financially rewarded for your service.

Make Sure Of What You Want

Do you have a real desire or a short-lived and poorly thought out idea that gets replaced every so often with another great idea? Most people fail for lack of planning and a short-sighted view. Will the change bring you happiness and fulfillment or simply more money, and stress to go along with it?

My name is Pete, internet business entrepreneurs generally have multiple websites which are continuously attracting multiple sources of income. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come to see for yourself >>>

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Tuesday 17 July 2018

How to Earn a Secure Residual Income From Home

OK, so you're here now,

And you're probably thinking about many things at this moment, but the one thing that's really pressing at the top of your to-do list is securing a way to generate secure income.

If I'm wrong in any way just let me know (wink)... But you're still reading my article - you have a "need" that you want my help with, true?

So let me explain something before we even get onto the part about you "earning" money...

For those of you who know hardship and struggle in life, I understand where you are at present - been there myself.

If you know what it's like to wake each day doing the same-old tired job, for the same old ungrateful boss/manager/director, you now have an opportunity to divorce your old working lifestyle for something more suited to your liking.

But don't be fooled!

I am not offering you another job, I'm not offering you a vacation, I'm not offering you an opportunity to become lazy and to throw your creativity aside - - -

Big, huge NOPE. We don't do that rubbish here ;) What I'm offering you is a proper opportunity to be in control of how you work, earning a residual income, even as you sleep...

How so? I hear you wondering.

The rich, powerful, and influential people of this world (those who had to work for their wealth) know about residual, or passive income.

If you've never heard of this until now, just know that if you truly desire real, continuous wealth then you need to be in there, earning that passive income.

The best way to understand this kind of income is to know how it differs from a wage that is paid to you for work that you do continually...

Building a residual/passive income is about doing work once and getting paid repeatedly for it each day, week, or month.

Yep. That's it - continuous money, if you have the knack of it.

So, you're now in the know about earning a residual income. Wealthy people know that it is not about working for the man if you truly wish to become rich.

You need to take matters into your own hands for this to happen. And here you're given all that you need to start this life-changing step with no cost to join and get started - imagine that!

No successful person ever allowed a lack of resources to hold them back from getting theirs. Clearly not - instead they fought for their right to be at the top, where they're at now...

Same place you probably want to be right now.

And then you might be one of those people who tend to watch the wealth of others, secretly wishing that it was your own wealth... I call this "watching and wishing." It gets you nowhere fast - nowhere ever, actually.

If you are the lazy kind who wants it all now, and never commits to the challenges that any business brings, then you may as well stop reading...

This opportunity to work on your OWN terms is ONLY for the individual who is earnest, wanting to "earn" their worth.

And so, I'd like to speak with you about stepping outside of your comfort zone...

This is wholly important for those of you who need to earn a living but usually fall short due to procrastination habits that have probably been bleeding you dry for a while now?

Having a "comfort zone" is all fine and well, providing that you know how to disengage from that place of comfort whenever needed.

Can you do that?

If you mean business and are serious about earning a solid residual home income, you'll know that falling shy to work is a sure way to forfeit your opportunity to create the lifestyle you need, and want.

There are vast opportunities just waiting for the hungry individual to step up and get busy.

This is the kind of business that gets you motivated to get up in the mornings, instead of wanting to stay in bed all lazy-like, producing nothing.

Have a good think about what it is that you need and want for yourself and your family (if you're providing for a family), once you've determined this then ask yourself WHY.

Becoming wealthy is about knowing the reason for your desires, making them count. Got a dream? Best you understand the nature and the root of that dream.

Want lots of money? Why? What's the reason behind the reason?

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I'll respond within 24 hours.

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Friday 11 May 2018

Make Money Online With Your Own Internet Business

The Make Money Farce
You have seen them and probably received thousands of them since you have begun internet marketing. They come out the wood works, don't they? Opportunities promising that you too can make money online with little to no effort. You then invest your money into the opportunity only to find out there aren't any pies in the sky... only the cold hard reality that you just spent some of your rent money on someone's new car.

Yes, this is the reality many internet marketers face. I have been there. I started in this business with my father and let me tell you... we have seen every scam under the sun. Why? Because we were those people who had a dream and wanted to help other people through success only to find out there ain't no free lunch in business. The cold hard truth is that "business is business". Period. There are a million work from home opportunities contrived each year. There are many more gullible individuals who buy into the dream. In the end, they are left like me and my dad... a few thousand dollars shorter.

But, It's Online And It Has To Be TRUE
Here is a revelation. People who scam lie. They don't just lie a little, its more like lie a lot. They want you to trust them, and to believe their story. But when it comes to delivering... well. You know. You've been there a thousand and one times. You've spent your money on the magic potions of the internet only to realize that you are out of money and now have a rash (the legendary rash of discouragement).

I'm not here to sell you a pie in the sky. I am here to be your jolt of reality. Sleeper, it's time to wake up! The internet is not some new invention that defies the laws of business. It is business on steroids. Imagine the business rules you know and then multiply them by the sheer volume of variables now introduced by the online component. The internet can allow you to become very wealthy or very broke.

So... Can I Make Money Online Or Not?!
You can young Jedi. I know some of the things I've said may be a little cheeky but I am serious. There is no money like "internet business" online money. The thing is you have to see it for what it is. Your internet business is just that... a business. Do not enter the online business field with any other mindset than "I am going to run MY business".

There is nothing more rewarding and satisfying professionally then running your own business. And if ran right, your internet business can feed you and your family. You may be looking for quick ways to make money. Once you setup your business depending upon the model you use the money can come quick. It all comes down to you and your imagination. Add hustle, grind, and grit and you got something.

Nowhere to start? If you would like to skip the line click here for the proven method to get your internet business up and running quickly (which means more money).

I am serious about home business, and thankful for the time you have taken to read this article. If you are serious about beginning an online business then I recommend my Internet Business Quick Start Guide. Get your kit here now.

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Thursday 10 May 2018

Start Your Home-Based Online Business With These eCommerce Platforms

Starting an online venture these days is super easy. There are many inexpensive or free open source platforms for eCommerce store development.And, with the right development team, you are just one step away from getting your own website. Starting a home-based shop to trade your handicraft items, or other locally sourced products is a great idea as a startup. Starting an online business is trouble-free with ample of flexible open source and inexpensive eCommerce platforms available. The only secret of success is not to stop halfway but go on expanding product categories and store's features to convert from a small startup to a leading online business.

While we know that for any individual who is not much aware of the functioning of the eCommerce world and how things go live overnight, selecting a platform rightly to set their own online shop is a backbreaking job. So, here's a list of most powerful and easy-to-use platforms which can help owners to successfully transform their startup idea into a vibrant reality.

#1 Magento

Acclaimed as the leading and fastest evolving platform, Magento is the benchmark platform. It supports all trades and can accommodate up to 500,000 products and 80,000 orders an hour. With a number of advanced features, easy integration, SEO oriented and versatile content management, it stands to the best solution available within the budget.

Further, it is modular and customisable, means you can gradually expand your store and add new features over time.

#2 OpenCart

If there is one simple platform for startups, then it is OpenCart! This is the reason it is exceptionally popular amongst small retailers or the home-based ventures. Easy backend functionality, extensive feature plugins, unlimited products capacity and less server load are few of the perks bestowed by OpenCart.

#3 Shopify

It comes as a befitting platform for eCommerce stores that simultaneously wants focus on mobile shopping and also social shopping. Easy integrations, lightning-fast loading speed, versatile payment gateway integrations, SEO features, direct social selling are the key features Shopify offers.

#4 WooCommerce

Those who are at ease with WordPress, then WooCommerce is the right platform for them. Based on the WordPress, it is easy to install and start and hence developers will charge you less. Further, there's a large number of additional plugins or templates and themes of WooCommerce, which will help owners to deck up their stores as per the business category.

#5 ZenCart

The whole reason for putting ZenCart in this list is its user-friendly approach and easy store management. It bears a set of far-reaching tools that offer full-scale customisation options to the owners. Moreover, it focuses on the store security features to safe keep all customers and products information.

For a household person who is new to the eCommerce world with zero technical knowledge, selecting a platform that serves their business interests fully is tough. So, the wisest decision lies in choosing the one that offers best user-experience and inherent SEO features that will help the store outshine on the Google results.

Rob Stephen is one of professed Magento developers in Melbourne, who works at PHPProgrammers, a pioneered company for eCommerce solutions development. It houses a pool of talented eCommerce experts, not only in Magento but other platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify and ZenCart. Follow the Facebook page to have more insights on our services, markets we cover and solutions we offer.

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Friday 27 April 2018

Why Entrepreneurs Starting at 50+ Have a High Success Rate

It may seem like starting young is the best way to build a successful business, today more than ever. After all, when you're young you have nothing to lose and a lot of energy to spend, and since your whole life is ahead of you, you can afford to make mistakes and learn from them. But starting older isn't bad either. In fact, it turns out that for many people, starting at 50+ years is even better than starting young. Yep, you read that correctly.

A Few Illustrious Examples

Some of the world's best-known and most profitable businesses were started by entrepreneurs past 50. Raymond Kroc was 52 and driving around the US selling milkshake machines when he started McDonald's. Pharmacist and physician John Pemberton was 55 when, in an effort to create an alternative to morphine, removed the "French Wine" from his French Wine Coca recipe and founded the famous Cola company. Colonel Harland David Sanders was 65 when he opened a small service station and started working with franchises, establishing what would later become one of the world's best-known brands: KFC.

You could say "that was then, but things have changed." To some extent things have changed, in that it's now easier than ever for anyone to become an entrepreneur and start a business, which is why so many entrepreneurs are starting young. But here are some present-day facts that can inspire anyone past 50 to start a business.

Entrepreneurs over 55 are almost twice as likely to build successful businesses than entrepreneurs aged 20 to 34. This is true even for the highly competitive tech industry, where young entrepreneurs are thought to have a head start because they grew up with the Internet and 21st century technology.

The highest rate of entrepreneurial activity in the United States in the last 10 years was dominated by entrepreneurs aged 55 to 64. There are many reasons for this, including a new approach to retirement that technology and modern life makes possible, strong professional connections, and the ease with each almost anyone can start a business.

Startups that survive are more likely to be led by owners over 45 years of age, according to a 2004 to 2008 study based on 5,000 startups carried out by the Kauffman Ewing Institute. No less than 64% of the surviving startups were headed by older entrepreneurs.

People over 50 years of age have a greater potential to create innovative companies, products, and solutions. This may sound a bit surprising, but innovators do get better with age. Whether you want to create a startup in an industry you've worked in before or start afresh pursuing a passion in a new industry, the experience that comes with being 50+ can be a big advantage.

People over 55 years are more likely to launch a high-growth startup than those under 35. What's more, this doesn't seem to be localized to specific industries, but can be noticed across the board. Older entrepreneurs have the experience, skills, and insight necessary for them to guide their venture to success. They can better manage fears and expectations and have the balance and determinate to persist in spite of obstacles.

When 50 Is Just Right

Put together all these interesting findings and the message is simple: age is not only not an obstacle to becoming an entrepreneur, but being 50 or older increases your chances of meeting with success. While this insight won't make the creation of your startup any less easy, nor will it eliminate challenges, it can be a wonderful incentive for you to finally create the business you always wanted to have.

Pamela Wigglesworth CSP, is an International Speaker, entrepreneurship & marketing consultant and Managing Director of Experiential Hands-on Learning. She is the author of The 50-60 Something Start-up Entrepreneur: How to Quickly Start and Run a Successful Small Business.

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Wednesday 18 April 2018

Great Lessons About Money

Money is very important in life. Therefore, there is a need to be properly educated on the issue of finances in order to handle them in a better way. Let us briefly look at the following three lessons:

1) Money is an Idea

The ordinary pursues money in life. But the great ones pursue great ideas. Good ideas normally solve people's challenges or problems in life. Once there is a great idea that is changed into reality, it automatically brings money. Think of great Edison and the light bulb? Today the electric industry is just great. It is hard to live without it. Think of Henry Ford and the invention of the car? It is just mind-blowing. We can't finish the list. You, therefore, need to generate ideas that will benefit mankind. Once you have done that, you will have the money you require in your life. There will be mutual benefit. People will benefit from your idea that has been turned into a solution for their problems. On the other hand, you will get the money you need.

Money is an idea.

2) Money does not make you rich

There are people who have money. Some earn big money but they are not rich. What does that tell you? Money does not make you rich. But what makes you rich? It is what you do with it. It is how you use money that makes you rich. If you follow those who are rich, you find that they use their money to buy assets. Then those assets work for them to build their wealth. But others, they use the money to buy liabilities. Some have been destroyed by failure to properly handle money.

How do you use your money?

3) Deal with two Money problems

Basically, there are two kinds of money problems. Those are; lack of money i.e. too little and too much money. You, therefore, need to learn how to deal with either of these two problems. Which of the two problems do you have? How are you dealing with it?

You have now learned three lessons about money. I pray that you may put these lessons into practice. Each lesson is very important. You need to deal with challenges you have that are associated with any of them. God wants you to enjoy life. Great things in life do not just come. You need to take action. Take responsibility for your life including finances. Get yourself a Life Coach.

Visit for more information. Hire Me as Your Life Coach. I will assist you achieve the goals of your life in any area- Finances, Career, Marriage, Relationships, etc.

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Monday 16 April 2018

Focus Is What Creates Wealth

A few months ago, I wrote about the two driving forces in every decision we make. Each decision you make is based on your attempt to avoid pain or pursue pleasure. In many areas of our lives, pain seems more intense and therefore, most of us base our decisions trying to avoid pain. Take someone who is out of shape for example.

Are they out of shape because they do not possess the knowledge to get in shape? No, we know what it takes to be in shape, but we also know it's hard, it takes work and commitment. For some, the idea of not eating what they want and working out is more painful than the pleasure of being in shape. Being in financial shape is not different.

We know that we need to budget our personal finances and we need to earn more than we spend to be in good financial health, but some people associate too much pain with not spending, so they spend. Each person has their own associations with pain and pleasure. In the article I wrote a few months ago, I focused on the benefits of pain and how it is necessary to reach your goals and how we should not avoid it. Success does not come easy and pain is part of that journey.

Knowing that pain is positive helps us when we are going to make a decision that could cause pain, but that knowledge alone might not be enough. What can make a big difference is our ability to focus on the pursuit of pleasure over the avoidance of pain. The idea is to make the thought of the pleasure more powerful than the thought of the pain. This is done in two ways:


Obviously, we know goals are important in business. In fact, some will argue you will not be successful without them. What is not so easy to understand is why goals are so important. By having and focusing on goals, you are focusing on what you want, which is the pleasure we get from the decisions we make. When you are newer to business I would suggest focusing on a SMART goal, but my SMART goal might be a little different than what you have been taught.

Specific: The more specific your goal is the better. Your picture of what you want should be very clear.

Measurable: A goal like getting into shape is not only not specific but it cannot be measured. How will you know when you reach it? Great goals are easy to measure and know when they are accomplished.

Action Focused: This is the one that changes a little from what others are teaching. When you are getting started, created goals that are based on actions will help you. This is because they are easy to accomplish, and you can create some momentum. Small success leads to great things. For example, you might want to make a goal that you will make 5 offers each day or each week instead of doing one deal a month. Although you might want to do a deal a month, the focus should be on the actionable items that will get you there.

Reasonable: This is one that is challenging for a lot of us. We hear that if you shoot for the stars and miss, at least you will land on the moon. Although I do believe that we need to think big, I also understand that we need to believe our goals are attainable or we will not hit them. Our mind is so incredibly powerful that if it does not believe you can hit the goal... you can't. My advice is to make short term goals that stretch you, but that you believe are possible. As you start hitting your goals you will be expanding your mind and can create bigger and bigger goals. There is also nothing wrong with dreaming or setting lofty longer-term goals. That too can be very positive in your development.

Time Based: As mentioned above I like the idea of short term goals. My preference is a year or less on the actual goals that you are going to focus on. Monthly goals work well. There should also be rewards for hitting these short terms goals. In no case should your goal not come with a definitive date to accomplish.


I have written several articles and posts about this, so I will not spend too much time here, but it is important to mention that it is my strong opinion that your why is the one fail safe way to have success in anything you do. As long as your why is big enough, you cannot fail. Period.

The second way to shift your focus to the pleasure is your big why. Your why is very different than a goal, as it might not meet any of the SMART criteria. It is huge, much bigger than you, and is often something that is hard for you to even realize you are capable of accomplishing. Your goals will be based on this, but it is not something that you are tracking in most cases. It is often times much bigger than you, like leaving a legacy or helping or starting a charity. It is my why that keeps me going when things get hard and it is my why that helps me make decisions that I know will cause some temporary pain. It helps you bust through fear.

By focusing on your dreams and your goals you will be able to look past temporary pain, so you can create lifelong pleasure. Combine this strategy with the knowledge that pain is positive and you will be unstoppable!

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Wednesday 4 April 2018

How Technology Has Altered Your Work/Life Balance

If you work 48 weeks in the year and spend a conservative 5 hours per week commuting to and from work, you are spending 240 hours per year driving. This takes time away from family, hobbies, friends, and much more. How can technology be leveraged to gain that time back?

Up until recent years, the only option for working was to physically go into an office to put in your 40-50 hours per week behind a stuffy desk surrounded by people you may or may not enjoy working with. As technology has evolved, so has the flexibility of whether you work at the office, at home, at the beach, or some other locale.

While technology does make it easier for employers to allow telecommuting, there is still a trust factor that comes into play. There are ways each employer can measure productivity differently, but some employers are simply more comfortable knowing for certain their employee is at their desk during a specified time every day. Another consideration for employers is the morale of employees that are not working from home while another is permitted that luxury. Should they have 1 happy employee and 10 disgruntled employees or 10 content employees and 1 disgruntled employee? Rather than examining the struggles for employers that are faced with this decision, lets examine the technologies that allow working from home to be a reality much more frequently than it was 20-30 years ago.

If an employer decides to allow telecommuting, there are several tools on the market that safeguard their investment.

· Worksnaps: This tool allows an employer to monitor how productive the work-at-home employee has been throughout the day. There are less detailed tools available but this one doesn't leave a lot of room for a work around by the employee. Beyond monitoring the time spent in productive programs (Facebook not being one of them) the tool takes screenshots of the worker's computer screen throughout the day to make sure the employee is productive while activity is showing on their computer. They will even count the number of mouse and keyboard clicks.

· Internet: This is rather obvious but probably the most important tool. The internet allows you to communicate with members of your team, your company, and any outside clients. Many companies have web-based products they use for housing databases or other tools that are essential to job duties of their employees.

· Google docs: This is free to anyone that has a Gmail account. It provides Microsoft based tools to people no matter where they are in the world. Google docs can be accessed to share documents whether for informational purposes or for each member of a team to edit the document. If you don't have Microsoft programs on your home computer, this is a great way to use them. They don't have the most current benefits of the current programs, but it will work in a pinch.

· Trello: This is a popular tool that allows for project management across your team no matter everyone's location. This can be used for individuals to organize to-do lists or monitor projects, so everyone knows where the team is at. The program permits you to break the project into segments that can be more closely observed as the project progresses.

· Zoho: This is another project management tool, but it looks to have an abundance of features including overlapping features I've already discussed. There is the ability to monitor time spent on projects, offers charts and written documentation of the progress of the specific projects the team is working on, a calendar that the entire team can contribute to and view, document sharing capabilities, notes area for recording specific hurdles or bugs that need to be resolved. This is just the tip of the ice burg in terms of the capabilities of this tool. The cost is relatively inexpensive as well ranging from $0 for limited access to $100/month/employee for all access.

· Yammer: This is described as a Facebook for work. This platform allows an employer to send only relevant information to employees. Then employees can communicate within their specific teams to accomplish goals.

· Skype: This is a free service that allows face-to-face communication between employees. The tool is internet based and allows you to bring several people into the conversation/collaboration.

· GoTo Meeting: This is a great tool for webinars as it will allow you to broadcast to hundreds of people that join. In addition, for those that cannot attend the meeting or want to watch the meeting for a second time the meetings can be recorded. You can share your screen with those that signed up for the meeting allowing for project collaboration or even training.

· Viewflux: There are several sites geared towards designers, viewflux being one of them. These sites allow you to share your designs with a group of people. Those people can specify changes they want made by marking up the page. Have you ever wanted someone to change something about a graphic and you try to describe in several words what just a few words and an arrow could describe? These sites make a world of difference for designers and their clients and team members.

· Dropbox: If you have files larger than what can fit on the Google drive, dropbox is an option for a place to share files with your team. According to Dropbox, this is a secure way to share files.

· Nimble: This is a great tool for sales people and people with large networks to stay organized. This tool combines your social media and email contacts into a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution. The tool even links conversations you've had with these contacts, so you can remember the contact in that specific context.

These are just a few of the tools that people can use when they work from home or even work in the office. The collaboration potential with the tools can simplify processes that are long overdue for change. In addition, the telecommuter can easily connect with and contribute to projects that are being working on in the office. Without these connections, the telecommuter could quickly be disregarded as part of the dynamic of the department they once worked with in person.

While some may argue that society is more disconnected from one another than ever before, consider that technology is not a hindrance to our efforts to communicate but rather an advantage. I would maintain that society is communicating more efficiently, more frequently, and more effectively than ever before because of technology.

Imagine being able to work from 7:00-4:00 and being able to start dinner at 4:05 rather than 5:05. Now you have time to patiently help the kids with their homework, easily pick up the kids from soccer practice, spend time focusing on your spouse. The pressure to get things done can decrease as the level of technology increases if we leverage the two. What would the ability to telecommute mean to your life? Do you do it currently? What have you found to be beneficial about it?

Read more about Remote Work Options.

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Tuesday 3 April 2018

Excellent Advice on How to Make Your Online Posts Even More Interesting

The Big issue with the big volume of the content published online.

There's one huge issue with the large sum of the content on the internet at this time. And that's that it's not really interesting. Regrettably, an enormous percentage of the social media posts, blog posts, content articles and actually videos that are on the internet are just dull or boring. They inform us common points we currently know, they do it in a trend that's not interesting and they also have boring, descriptive titles.

Post some thing innovative.

Give thought to just how many articles you've browse in your life time with titles just like: "How to Obtain Wonderful Abs" Or "The top 10 SEO Mistakes". Most likely hundreds right? And right now that sort of thing is simply aged, tired and uninteresting. If you need to be noticeable and be heard therefore you ought to ensure that what you're putting out is interesting, diverse and exclusive. Here's just how you do that. Develop Some thing Fresh. If you take a look at a flock of sheep then simply which usually one usually shines? The black sheep right? You have to be that black sheep in the event that it involves the chorus of content on Facebook and also on Twitter. You can't merely post the exact content articles and matters that absolutely everyone else is publishing or you'll simply blend into the crowd. Rather, you will need to offer a thing that persons can't get everywhere else and that is totally exclusive.

Provide your own personalized view a favorite subject.

You may ask yourself how do you do that? One solution is to develop anything completely brand-new by merging diverse topics, or by providing your own special take on a famous subject. An additional alternative is to only discover the most recent and unique stories you can. That may imply studying scientific reports or even checking press releases. It requires even more work nonetheless the effect is some thing that's far better!

Tell Stories.

Now you possess the topic, the subsequent point to consider is the delivery. And one approach that by no means gets old is to tell stories. If you could very well report on the comparable point as almost everyone else nevertheless give your version a narrative hook, a starting, middle and as well, end with a protagonist, then simply it will probably be even more persuasive and a lot more pleasant to read. Take into consideration the moment you've examine a great book, occasionally it seems nearly as though you're coming out of a fantasy experience once you stop. Or how about observing a movie and totally losing track of time? By way of a wonderful story, you can certainly have the precise equal effect on your visitors. And in that case they'll be connected.

Learn Internet Marketing and start making money right now! Take my Free Internet Marketing Email Mini Course. Also make sure you visit my Internet Marketing Blog to read more similar articles of this topic.

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Monday 19 March 2018

Five Simple Steps to Create Greater Success

Here are 5 simple steps to create greater success by managing our time and getting things done in business and life that are important.

We live in a busy world where our time, priorities and energy are constantly challenged so have a game plan to help...

EVALUATE. What do I really want? Where am I headed? What am I doing now?

GET REAL. What is really important that will impact and support your long-term goals the best? What is not important? What is distracting me? What is not really supporting my long-term goal?

PLAN. What do I need to do to accomplish my goal? What are the KEY action steps? How will I do this? What schedule or strategy will keep me focused?

FOCUS. Whom do you need to be and what structures do you need to have to accomplish this (mindset, attitude, accountability)?

MONITOR/EVALUATE. Am I doing little, unimportant things? Am I procrastinating? What is working/ what is not? How could I streamline what I am doing?

The key to the success of the idea is a plan. You know the saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Take your idea, write a SMART goal on paper and create a plan from start to finish on how you will accomplish your goal. Then, decide if you have the time, energy, resources and desire to bring it to completion. Next, estimate HOW LONG each task will actually take. It is common to underestimate how much time each step will take and therefore it never gets done. Remember, if you are going to add something to your schedule, you must also plan to say "No!" to something else to make time to accomplish your goal.

Goal setting and accomplishment is not rocket science. The challenge is to maintain the discipline, focus, and clarity to implement these basic strategies. Evaluate your long-term goal, be realistic, plan, set structures for focus and have checkpoints to monitor. Invest your time in your plan and maintain the course once it is set. If you are serious about these goals, take action today. Ensure your success by developing an accountability system for yourself. Hire a coach as your strategic partner to run with you. Find a buddy in a similar situation.

Whatever it is, build environments to support your vision. Take the time to plan and design structures for success and you will see a difference!

Here's to you and your success! Have fun!

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Tuesday 13 March 2018

Taking Control of Your Online Reputation 1 - What Is Reputation Management?

Online reputation is all about perception. What do people think of you? How do they view your business? Are they sharing positive experiences or negative ones?

If you can find out what your customers think BEFORE they decide to post online you can limit bad reviews and ratings and increase your percentage of good reviews.

We all have a good idea of what the word reputation means: what people think of us, how they view our business, what people are saying about us.

Here is a definition from the Merriam-Website dictionary:

1a: overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general

1b: recognition by other people of some characteristic or ability

Jane has the reputation of being clever

2: a place in public esteem or regard: good name

Joe is trying to protect his reputation

To manage one's online reputation means to be aware of and control the things people are saying about you online.

It's always been important to know what people think of your business. Do patients or customers like you? Do they think you're doing a good job? Is there some employee who is rude who's turning people away?

It used to take surveys and extensive market research programs to find out what people thought about your business. Consumer research groups would gather consumers together and chat about products or businesses. This was one way of obtaining more data.

And if one customer was unhappy that usually affected on that one person and perhaps several of their closest friends. But... no more.

However, in the past, word never spread as quickly nor remained as fixed as it does now. And, instead of checking with a couple of friends to get a review or rating, people check online.

Yelp, Amazon, and the various other industry specific sites such as Vitals, TripAdvisor and are some of the "go-to" places for those seeking advice on what products to buy or services to use.

Unfortunately, the majority of people are inspired to write reviews when they're upset. For every negative rating placed online, there are dozens of happy customers who feel that getting a quality product or great service should be just the norm - so why say anything.

Most reputation management companies think only in terms of how to get more reviews.

While this is important, what you really need to do as a professional or business owner is to CONTROL YOUR REPUTATION.

This is real Reputation Management.

For more information about this subject, give us a call at (323) 254-9976. We'll be happy to explain what we do and how getting and keeping your online reputation under control can help your business thrive.

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Sunday 4 March 2018

The 6 Truths Behind Online Marketing

In my opinion, through much trial and error where I experienced a lot more of the latter due to the 6 things they don't Tell You. But the reasons for not telling you justifies the silence, because the truth leaves a really bad taste and have a nasty habit of inspiring despair.

The Number 1 Truth - You Will Not be making money tomorrow, or next week and even next month. I know, and I'm sure you have that bad taste I was referring to earlier right? It doesn't change the fact due to one simple little necessity.

The products you will be promoting as a successful affiliate marketer Must All Come with a Back Door, kind of like a safety net in the form of a 100% No Questions Asked 60 Day Money back Guarantee. So even if you had a sale tomorrow (Which You Won't), you still need to honor the 60 day waiting period before the Product Vendor will release your commissions.

The Number 2 Truth - The Sport Cars and Yachts with the lovely Island Condos, and blue beaches... and two weeks later your dreams are shattered. It sucks, I know believe me but the real kicker is that in some cases it's in fact the truth. There are professional affiliate marketers earning Thousands of dollars per day, after like 10 years of exceptionally hard work and research. These guys literally worked almost 24/7, because most of them still had a day job to sustain for an income when they got started. They sacrificed the needed time, which can only be determined by each individual separately. They spent their money, fuelled by the fascination of the long term goal of Financial Freedom and they refused to give up!

Rule Of Life Applies - What you put in is what you get out, and little effort with minute determination will result in an equal to income. There's that bad taste again, bear with me.

The Number 3 Truth - There are Literally Hundreds of Thousands of Affiliate marketers competing With You. ClickBank Alone have close on 200,000 Affiliates and each one of them is trying to earn a commission. So no, the chances of you shining as a Professional amid a Disgustingly Large Crowd is slim to none... and there's that taste again! If you want to stand out your Best Kung Fu in this "Fight" Is Content, and you will not have that unless you have tested the product you wish to promote. So yes, you Will Spend Money if you want to Make Money.

Get used to the taste, there's more;

The Number 4 Truth - Those traffic Packages you've been spending hundreds of dollars on with Zero ROI (Return on Investment), just stop it already! The chances of you generating actual Sales Online with that is slim to none at best... Why? Because in my opinion, and after wasting the same amounts of money I realized something. None of these "Clicks" were even remotely interested in my offer. Yes, with bounce rates as high as 90% I fail to see any interest from that Visitor.

Now a bounce rate is basically an indication of how many "Visitors" just opened your URL, and left which is completely pointless I'm sure you'll agree? The shocker is that the Majority of Super Successful Affiliate Marketers do Not Pay a Cent for Traffic! Because they all have their own Blogs, Websites, eBooks, Products, Articles, Groups, Pages, Communities, Impressive Social Profiles and a Vault of Information. Yes, THAT'S how much work Online Success Is.

The Number 5 Truth - That Nice 24/7 Holiday, snap out of it already! There Is NO Magic Button that will turn your PC into a money spitting ATM! If your 9 - 5 job is getting the better of you, then you seriously need to reconsider your strategy. You are going to be working harder than you ever have in any job or position you hold in any company. And you will be fortunate if you can afford an Island holiday in 5 Years' Time.

The Number 6 Truth - All those Social Profiles you have with the Thousands of Followers and Friends, from whom you never receive anything but sales pitches? Cut yourself lose because you're going to find it extremely difficult to stand out. How many of your Friends, Followers and Community Members are in fact targeted to your Profitable Niche?

Wait, hang on... what's your Profitable Niche? And this is where I say we add the crème de la crème of bad tasting Sauce to this meal. Your Profitable Niche is where your actual starting point should be. Not your own Blog, or Website and even your Email List because everything you do online must be targeted or not even attempted.

And that brings us to the extent of my Bitch-Craft (The Art of Upsetting People by Telling Them the Truth)... for now. I'll try to go a little easier next time, but I sincerely hate to sugar coat the truth in a desperate attempt to a sale.

Just because the truth leaves a bad taste, doesn't mean it is lesser the truth. It only confirms your suspicion.

But there's Light at the End of the Tunnel - Allow reality to set in, get comfortable and accept the fact that your Primary Focus is learning. NOT EARNING, Learning as much as you possibly can about your Niche. It starts with Testing Your First Product, and consider it as Pure Learning where you expect nothing but progress (Not Perfection). Whatever system you decide to test, be sure that the training starts with Keyword Research.

I know I sound like a Broken Record, but that is the One And Only Secret of Successful Affiliate Marketing. Now you may want to take a look at one of the training programs I find second to none when it comes to WordPress and Search Engine Optimization.

In fact, most of my own Blogging tactics I have learned I have done so with this exact system and I'm a member to this day! What I like most, is the fact that it starts by guiding you to discover your profitable Niche first and then on to Keywords. But please, I have to remind you that it is not a Magic Button because I cannot offer what I cannot provide.

I have to warn you however, as the video does start with rather impressive figures. But bear in mind the fact that it is an indication of what is Possible not Imminent, and the guy Earning those figures (George Brown) does not have One Blog. He may very well have a few Hundred Blogs, with keyword rich content, constantly updating. He's also a Product Designer and Content Master and I can sincerely confirm that he knows exactly what he's talking about, all you need to do is pay attention and be ready to learn. You will soon find something you absolutely Love Doing and be Blogging like a Pro before you know it. Take it one step at a time and strive only to be a little better than you were yesterday, even if you only learn One New thing each day.

You may want to Take A Look At The Video, because I am convinced this is the best place for you to start your journey, and yes there is a "Back Door" as I have mentioned earlier. But please take your time, set realistic monthly goals, because you're about to start a journey to which there is no final destination.

Success Means Going From Failure To Failure Without The Loss Of Enthusiasm -

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Thursday 22 February 2018

Selecting A Home Based Business

The very first thing you will have to identify is exactly what you anticipate from a home based business. Do you desire a bit of money to make your cars and truck payment, or do you have to be making adequate earnings to reside on. Normally, the more effort and time you take into business, the more cash you can make. Choose what does it cost? time you can take into business. If you are beginning your organisation on the side, then you do not wish to neglect your routine task. You likewise do not wish to compromise excessive time with your household.

Beginning a home based business can be carried out in just a couple of hours a week or you can put in forty plus hours weekly. Remember, that the more you take into your organisation, the more you'll leave it.

As soon as you have actually discovered your market, and picked your product and services, you will have to establish a site and promote it. Among the most convenient methods to do this is through social networks. You can establish a page on Facebook or a profile on Twitter, and begin developing a following. Simply make sure that you aren't including simply anybody to your list, however include individuals that fit your target audience. Make certain not to spam your fans. Usage social networks to obtain to understand them, and to engage with them. Do not just send out message after message stating "Buy! Purchase! Purchase!" Let them ask concerns, and make sure to address them nicely.

Many individuals nowadays are taking a look at picking a home based business. Depending upon business and the quantity of time that is taken into it, business can either generate a bit of additional money, or it can generate a fortune, and throughout between. Not every home based business is best for everybody, so you will have to pick one that is ideal for you.

Choose who your clients will be. You will have to called much as possible about your possible consumers. Are they primarily males or females? How old are they? Exactly what is their education level? You have to choose who your target audience is, and who you wish to deal with. As soon as you have actually recognized your target audience, then you have to understand exactly what they desire and exactly what they require. When you understand this, you can choose the best ways to finest fill their requirements, and to discover a company design to assist them.

You can offer your clients with either product and services. Most of the times, a service offering an item will take less effort and time than offering a service. If you offer an item, you do not even have to have an item to offer. Oftentimes, you can offer somebody else's item, and make a commission for each sale. If you can produce your very own item, however, your revenue can be greater. If you choose that you have abilities that others require, you can offer them your service. Bear in mind; this can take more of your time than offering an item.

For free Network Marketing training visit https://DerecoCherry.Com

Make sure to grab my free audio 13 ways to generate leads online so you never run out of people to talk to about your business.

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Monday 19 February 2018

Getting Targeted Traffic For Free

Getting targeted traffic for free is not as difficult as you may think. The most important thing is to make sure your free traffic is qualified and from good sources. Some of these sources will cost some money but many of them are going to be at no cost.

One of the best kinds of free traffic is when you use the search engines to help you.

Here are some excellent sources:

1. Traffic from local search engine pages - It is relatively easy to claim a local page for your business. If you add reasonable content and links to your main website, this is a super easy way to generate quick traffic that can convert for you. Best of all, if you have a local business you will be adding gravity to your local searches.

2. Build Multiple HubPages - These platforms are free to build and if you post high quality content, follow the rules and deliver for your readers, you can drive traffic from the search engines right to your main website. You will need to add ongoing content and remember to research and follow suggestions from top page creators so that you don't get banned.

3. Reverse Engineer Google Alerts - Google alerts is a fantastic tool for having content find you. By using long tailed keywords related to your niche, you can keep up with press releases, competitors, video, blogs and just about any kind of latest and greatest content that people are putting online. By following content streams to blogs based on your keywords, you can post responses to what people are looking for and answer their questions (For example Yahoo answers). These answers can have a link to your website or blog, thereby drawing traffic from the search engines.

4. YouTube Videos Posted Under High Trafficked Videos - YouTube is one of the best ways to generate free traffic that is also targeted. By finding one of the top trafficked videos in your niche and creating a video response to it, you can post your video and expect to receive a small percentage of its traffic on an ongoing basis. Anyone can create a video response and don't forget to add links to your website/ squeeze page in your description.

These are just some of the ways you can get free and targeted traffic. If you think about it free traffic is everywhere and you can find new sources of targeted traffic if you look for it.

Discover an endless supply of targeted website traffic that you can get for little or no money involved. Learn how to get "No Cost" targeted web traffic to all of your money sites in my Traffic Tips 101 training guide today! You have nothing to lose and a ton of "FREE" targeted website visitors to gain.

Your online reputation is the most important asset that your business has! Let us show you how to use your 5 Star Reputation to get more customers go to Truman Marketing and let us show you how!

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Wednesday 14 February 2018

Life Equals Time - Style Equals Money

Put yourself in a position where you have... Time AND Money.

Become the best version of You. Invest money in yourself.

Put your money into things that make money.

Have the attitude that... Money is abundant and money is all around you.

You can survive weeks without food, days without water but only minutes without oxygen. As soon as you take away oxygen...

It becomes the most important thing in life!

It's something we seldom consciously think about, unless you take it away.

You don't think about breathing unless you can't breath... (And usually that only happens once).

However, when you don't have any money, it dominates your daily life... All Day Long - Everyday!

It's all you think about. Fortunately, when you get to the place in life where you have an abundance of money, a productive life changes and becomes about helping others.

And when you focus on helping others... You will be rewarded by "The Universe" and have even more abundance.

We can't prove it. Some call it spiritual, others call it karma, luck, favor... Science can't prove it. No machine can measure it. It just works!

Some call it "Faith."

You can then go out and bless others. Become an abundance warrior.

Set a personal goal. Surpass it. Learn how to empower others.

Build a social media influence and scale your business.

Get a digital product such as an automated webinar funnel.

And then put the webinar on replay.

People will purchase from the automated webinar.

Then, by promoting affiliate offers, the selling is done "auto-magically".

You just collect, keep, and cash the commission checks.

What a wonderful life!

Build... Grow... Scale... and Multiply

Always sounds so easy. But is it really?

The truth is NO, it is not.

It's hard and like anything worth having in life... It takes work!

That's the dirty little secret they don't tell you in the ads.

But the reality is... The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Become.

I saw Donald Trump at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City about a decade ago. It was a FREE speech, no charge to get in, no security checks, no bomb sniffing dogs. Open to the general public.

Anybody could come, no metal detectors.

It was a different world back then... Safer!

(I heard 'The Donald' got paid a million bucks for the speech).

I remember Trump was talking about Paul McCartney. Trump said... 'that poor bastard Paul McCartney' didn't have a pre-nup.

That divorce cost Paul a ton of money, No pre-nup!

After an interesting, unscripted and entertaining speech, at the end of the evening, 'The Donald' concluded his talk by saying something I'll never forget.

Donald Trump said... "Never, never, never, never, Never Give Up!"

Here it is now a decade later, and that still sticks in my mind.

Carl Willoughby is an internet entrepreneur that has been online more than 20 years and can help you start a successful online internet business. Visit his blog at:

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