Showing posts with label changing careers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label changing careers. Show all posts

Friday 31 August 2018

The truth about failure and making mistakes

The biggest mistake you can make in life is to make none…

Sitting on the fence

Doing nothing instead of taking the risk

Not making the decision

Everyone has something they truly want – but how many people actually go after it?

I get it…

Taking a risk can be terrifying,

It’s understandable to be scared of failure.

To not want to make a mistake…

But here’s the thing:

Everyone fails, everyone makes mistakes and things won’t go to plan 100% of the time.

Let me be clear: that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything.

It doesn’t give you an excuse to hold back and not give it your all.

Don’t play it safe.

Have the courage to do it anyway.

Making a mistake isn’t fun. Failure can be painful.

But the only thing that matters is what you do after.

Make the mistake, then learn from it.

Don’t use it as an excuse for not trying, or letting yourself become so afraid of failing that you never stretch out of your comfort zone.

Instead, go for it.

When you do fail - own it, do something about it and most importantly learn from it.

Trust me: Some of your biggest mistakes will become your greatest lessons.

Saturday 25 August 2018

Careers You Can Work From Home - 3 Popular Choices

There are a lot of ways to make money online from the comfort of your home, some of which are simply time wasters that you might want to avoid. Many people spend hours taking surveys online hoping that the financial rewards would be well worth that time spent. Many also invest hours each day trying to sell items, used and new, on eBay.

The payout for these types of online income is generally pretty small. After all is said and done you would see that the total earnings for some of these "money-making" ideas would be at the minimum wage level or even less.

There are lots of jobs and businesses that you can do online that will pay so much more and be much more rewarding also. The suggestions in this article are to give you some ideas so that you can possibly find a nice career that offers a future and pays well.

So, get excited and start earning a full-time income working from home with any of the following suggestion opportunities. See if any of these ideas sound good or inspire you to find the right opportunity to earn a full-time income from home or anywhere on your laptop.

1. Affiliate Marketer

This is a very popular and potentially rewarding career. A merchant with a product(s) for sale will pay a commission to marketers for referring potential customers to their websites, and/or for selling their products. These are called "affiliate marketers" who only get paid after their promotional efforts results are in.

Affiliate marketing is performance based and there are various campaign methods used by affiliates including Pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, call-to-action, or pay for each conversion. The more viewers that you can attract to yours, or the merchant's website, the more transactions will potentially occur and the more money can be earned.

2. Amazon Associates

This was one of the first affiliate marketing programs online that started in 1996 and is very popular, one reason being the marketer will get a commission on anything that their viewer purchases on Amazon within 24 hours of their visit.

When an associate, or marketer, creates links from their own websites to the Amazon site and their viewers click through and make purchases, they earn referral commissions. It's free to join and with over a million products available to promote it's also very easy to use. They have easy to use linking tools to help with your advertising efforts as you monetize your website. Amazon associates can earn up to 10% in advertising fees depending on what was purchased and, to mention again, you earn a commission on anything that is purchased at the Amazon site, not just the products that you advertise.

But Wait

Before joining Amazon Associates make sure that your website has some traffic flow. If your efforts don't make any sales within a year of your start date, your account will be canceled. You can still open a new one in the future but avoid getting canceled, if possible. So the best advice is to build up your website with lots of nice content and start generating traffic to the site before joining the associate program.

3. Writer

A writer can produce any number of publications to reach people of any group or niche. Their texts are published in all areas of the media, and writers who are able to skillfully use language that expresses their ideas often positively, or negatively, add to the cultural content of the viewing public. There are a variety of types of writing and writers, some of which are:

Novelists, poet, satirist, short story writer, playwright, screenwriter, speechwriter, biographer, critic, and a few more types, no doubt.

The term writer is often used in reference to an author even though an author has a wider meaning and is used to carry a legal responsibility for some things that they write.

My name is Pete. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Sign Up at the bottom of every page @

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Wednesday 22 August 2018

How To Know When It's Time To Change Careers

Thinking About A New Career?

There are a lot of people who are unhappy with their employment situation and often think about the steps that they should take to successfully change their career. That's the reason why I'm writing this article, to encourage you to not let anything keep you from moving forward and bettering your life situation.

Many have successfully changed their careers and greatly improved the quality of their lives and you can too.

There's some good news in that we all have the ability to learn and it's never been easier to successfully change careers due to the enormous amount of research that can be done on the internet on just about any topic. Is a career change really a good idea right now?

Here are 4 things that make people think about doing something different with their lives:

They are bored at work - Are you bored once in a while or every day? Is there a more fulfilling job available in your workplace that you can do? Is there a change in the daily routine available that can get rid of the source of boredom? Do you need another company or another career, or both?

Not enough income - Can you check out the possibilities for advancement in your present job and career situation? Would a better position and a rise in income, in the same field, be all that's needed?

Talents not being used - Is there another position available where you can better use your talents and do something more fulfilling? You might consider talking to the boss to see if you could make some changes to use those talents and perhaps even get a pay increase in the process.

Health issues - Are you physically unable to comfortably perform the present duties at work? Is it harder because of the age factor and stress on the body? Maybe it's time to evaluate yourself for the years ahead, what would you like to be doing 5-10 years from now? Sometimes after considering these things one can tell for sure if the idea of completely changing careers is right for their situation.Of course you must take family into consideration.

I would say that most often there is a real learning curve that takes place with your new career choice and the income might take many months to build up to what the person is currently earning. It's a must to have a good plan in place so that you can make it through the growing period and still maintain a certain comfort level.

You Gotta Have a Plan

Many would like to change their careers and they might go out looking for another job and find themselves in the same situations in a few years time. This is serious business due to the fact that we only have so many years in our working careers, and they go by quickly.

It's very important to have more than just an idea but a plan to follow that will bring you where you want to be in your older years. Think about how you can help others in your current or new career. See the rewards in their getting what they need and you being financially rewarded for your service.

Make Sure Of What You Want

Do you have a real desire or a short-lived and poorly thought out idea that gets replaced every so often with another great idea? Most people fail for lack of planning and a short-sighted view. Will the change bring you happiness and fulfillment or simply more money, and stress to go along with it?

My name is Pete, internet business entrepreneurs generally have multiple websites which are continuously attracting multiple sources of income. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come to see for yourself >>>

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Tuesday 21 August 2018

8 Steps To Starting That New Career

Fed Up, Bored, Or Stuck In A Rut?

Are you fed up, tired, or bored with your current job or career? Do you hate having to get up each morning to go to a job or career that you really don't like? You know there must be something better out there but can't seem to take the action necessary to make any changes. Instead, it's easy to keep the same old boring routine and just get used to it, as the months and years roll on by.

Did you know that we only have so much time in our working careers and shouldn't waste them being miserable each day with our job or career? Isn't life far too short to be unfulfilled year after year?

Hopefully, you're not stuck in a rut and can't get out of it. If so, there is definitely hope for you as you learn and follow a few steps. For any changes to take place it's essential to take action every day in every way that you can. One thing that holds many back is that they don't want to be out of their comfort zones but probably need to be if there's a career change taking place.

Here are 8 steps for you about starting that new career or job and breaking out of that rut:

1. Attitude is very important. Mental preparation to change is needed to be committed to starting that new and best situation for you. See yourself as a valuable asset to anybody or company and worthy of consideration for whatever you're seeking after.

Also, understand that changing careers will take some time. There is probably a learning curve that can take a few weeks or 6 months, or longer. Mentally preparing and starting out with a goal in focus, a plan, and a take action attitude are critical for success.

Feel confident and good about yourself and do things like helping others, perhaps volunteering, that make you feel good. Upgrading your "style" in dress, vehicle, or another way can make someone feel good about themselves. Now that you're looking and feeling good you're ready for:

2. Re-evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. There are also many free Career Aptitude Tests online that anyone can take to help them decide on their best career choice. Take your time here and sleep on it. Then you're ready for the next step:

3. Education - If you're drastically changing careers then there would be a need to learn new things, take a class, get certified, or licensed. This will take some time but be well worth it. This training will look great on your resume as you move into your new career job. If you're using a resume, remake and update it or better yet have it professionally written up for you.

The resume is a tool to represent the person and open up doors of opportunity for them. Make sure that it draws a nice picture of your work history and qualifications. Most people will stretch the truth, or exaggerate a bit so that their resume will make them look as favorably and qualified as possible. A word of caution, don't lie as it's wrong and you certainly wouldn't want to be caught in a lie.

4. Start Networking online on social media like LinkedIn and Facebook. Update your profiles to reflect your purpose and attract what it is that you're looking for. Ask family and friends that you know and respect their suggestions or advice, however always consider the advice and make your own decisions after sleeping on them.

5. Personal Grooming - Next step is to get yourself ready for action, consider how you look and dress, are there some positive changes that can be made to help the cause, like a haircut, hairdo, shave, grow a beard, etc. How about clothing, can your wardrobe be updated to improve your image? Throw out or give away some old clothing and replace with some new shoes, pants, dresses or shirts and whatever else will give a polished and professional look.

6. Confidence, persistence, and patience need to be exercised daily as you enter and find your way into the new career choice. Always have a positive vibration and an attitude of expecting something good to occur, which puts the law of attraction into action. Remember that you are a valuable commodity and a great benefit to everyone that does business with or hires you. Act as if and walk the walk of the new and improved you with a new purpose in mind, forgetting any past failures and reach forward to the things which are ahead as you build a new career and attract success through your persistence, patience, and daily efforts.

7. Always have a list of things to do and keep an eye on that list, crossing off things as they are accomplished. This is very important and will get you into the habit of completing tasks and moving forward toward whatever goal(s) that you've set up for yourself.

8. Always have a goal written down and in mind, and be constantly and methodically moving toward it. Take a look at exactly where you are and exactly what the goal is and continually move toward that goal persistently and don't stop until your goals are met.

It's normal to alter the plan a little as you go but keep focused on the desired end result and the day's tasks to meet that goal. You can meet every goal one by one and build up a very successful career for yourself.

Multiple Sources Of Income

Most, if not all, internet business entrepreneurs have multiple websites attracting multiple sources of income. My name is Pete. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Sign up at the bottom of every page -

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Saturday 28 July 2018

Changing Careers - What Is Your Encore Career?

You can be part of the revolution that's been taking place in the U.S for some years now, the first wave of Americans that are changing careers after their 50th birthday. In the previous generations, for centuries, people would work at the same job or within the same profession right up to the end of their working careers.

But that mold has been broken and now more and more people are starting second, or encore careers that can continue until they no longer desire to work. These new career adventures can be exciting, challenging and rewarding and can be managed as long as the person desires, even well into their 70's and 80's.

These new online careers can also be passed on to family members and can become quite lucrative. One study that I've read about shows that 40 percent of those working at the age of 62 had started their second careers since they turned 55.

When someone has a passion or a purpose and they set their mind and follow a well laid out plan anything is possible and new careers can take off at any age. Some can become financial gold mines while others supplement Social Security and pension checks while paying off more in satisfaction and peace of mind.

The Comfort of Your Own Home

Many have always had to go through the routines of getting up early in the morning and getting ready for work, driving off into the rush hour traffic, working all day and then driving home again risking life and limb on the freeways and streets of any city. That gets less and less appealing as we get older and working from home sounds like a great idea, it did for me. A question that I asked myself many times over a period of a couple of years was "what is your encore career".

Well, it's entirely possible for anyone to make that career change at any age and stay in the comfort of your own home and make money online. After all there are well over 2 billion people searching the internet for everything and that number grows every day. Once you decide on a new career choice that you can do online, you can set your own work schedule around your life instead of having it the other way around.

If you're dissatisfied with your current work situation and would like to step out and do something different then making a career change just might be an answer and the beginning of a new chapter in your life.

The Law of Sowing and Reaping

Changing your career at any age can be challenging and will force your mind to grow. Of course it will take lots of time and focused energy to become a professional at anything and there needs to be that investment on the sowing end prior to doing any reaping. It's an exciting time because you're creating something new, your career and future lifestyle. You are building a career and source of income and maybe even wealth and riches.

When someone mixes their energy with motivation to follow a well laid out plan the goal is sure to be met with constant forward progress toward the goal. Once you answer the question "what is your encore career" and step toward your choice it's just a matter of time before you become an expert in your new career field. It's only a matter of time before you become an expert, earning an online income and reaching for the potential in your new career.

What Would You Like To Do?

You are in a great position if you already know just what it is that you want to do and can jump right in with the right skills and get started with lots of enthusiasm, focus, and positive energy. If you're in the "searching for new careers" stage the process will take a little longer according to how long it takes to decide on the right course to take, and gaining the skills needed to excel in your new chosen career.

If you're in this stage of development know that there are a number of career test websites, that can give a good idea of what strengths and weaknesses a person has and can help with the decision on the best path to take. It would also be a good idea to ease into your new career while still hanging onto the "old" one as it may take a while to generate a steady income.

It's also a great idea to take whatever time is necessary to discover what it is that you really want to do. This new career, especially an over age 50, second or encore career will be a long-lasting work-at-home enjoyable experience. It's important to settle on a specific plan to accomplish some pre-set goals and take an organized and monitored approach and as you reach each goal, make a new one.

Be Part of the Revolution

To find out what your talents are you can make two well-thought-out lists, 1- things that you're good at, and 2- what you enjoy doing. Notice just what your talents and interests are as you take your time and neatly write down on the two lists. Think of the things done in the past and what you can comfortably do now taking into consideration age, disabilities, and work environment. Is the work-from-home situation the best one for you as it is for so many others?

Make a list of 3-4 possible career choices, then decide on one of those choices and focus on that one only and forget about the others. Be sure to choose something that you will enjoy well into your retirement years. There are many work-at-home opportunities, and not just for the over 50 crowd but for anyone that will give their full effort to the growth process of their career idea, according to their plan.

My name is Pete. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come see for yourself and Sign Up at the bottom of every page:

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