Showing posts with label online money making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online money making. Show all posts

Friday 27 March 2020

Puma Products Review and Bonus

Thank you for watching my Puma Products review.
Puma Products is a video course by Dawud Islam.The Puma Products course is presented by Dawud Islam.Inside the this course you will learn a clever method to create and launch your own digital product in 2 weeks by using Dawud's step by step over the shoulder videos.

You will learn:

  • How To Create Your First Product From Start To Launch
  • How To List It For Sale on Warrior Plus
  • How To Promote To Get Affiliates To Sell It For You
  • How To Market It Yourself
  • How To Run Affiliate Contests
  • How To Get Free Traffic To Your Offer

You will be getting step by step over the shoulder videos.

The Prices & Up-Sells:

Front End Pricing   $7.95 ($9.95 after 24 hours)

The front end will show your clients everything they need to launch their very own first product in a a matter of a couple of weeks from now. All the information they need is here from initial idea through to launch.

OTO 1 - Puma Products Bargain Bundle $37

All EIGHT of my previous products for a one-time crazy low price: Cash List Creator, Moocow Moolah, Tigers Traffic, Panther Profits, Eagle Emails, Leopard Lists, Cougar Commissions and Internet Marketing Alphabet.

OTO 2 - Puma Products -Guarantee To Promote £67

I will guarantee to promote your launch (subject to agreeing a suitable date) and bring you the firepower of up to 50 additional sales to get you off to a flying start with your product.

OTO 3 - Quadruple Resller Rights $97

Sell Puma Products + 3 of my previous Products (Internet Marketing Alphabet, Cougar Commissions + Leopard Lists) as your own products and keep 100% of the commissions across the entire funnels.

OTO 4 - DFY Setup $197

We will check all of your pages for you and set up your product on Warrior Plus for you. Don't leave anything to chance - make sure your first launch is a huge success.

OTO 5 - Launch a Product with ME (Limited to 5 persons only) $997
This is an EXCLUSIVE opportunity to launch a product with me. Either chose your own product idea or have me one create one with you. All of my recent launches have achieved over 300 sales, with some passing 500 sales and winning Deal of the Day. Guarantee yourself success and a buyers list that will earn you money for years to come by taking advantage of this unique opportunity. Strictly limited to FIVE people.

All of this is covered by a 'no-questions asked' 30 day money-back guarantee

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Affiliate Disclaimer:  While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make.

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Thursday 24 October 2019

5 SEO Ranking Factors

Your search engine ranking is affected by hundreds of different things, but relevancy is the most important.

Being more relevant to a search means your page will rank higher, it seems obvious that it doesn't help. Instead you should focus on the top 5 search ranking factors.

1. Article title/keywords

2. Word count

3. Internal links

4. Reading length

5. Bounce rate

There are two categories of SEO ranking factors: user behaviour and article content.

It's easy to focus on the second and often people ignore the first, dismissing it as being out of control.

Writing engaging content will keep readers sticking around longer, boosting your search rank. But that takes practice and data on your readers. Instead, focus on the article content. By using the top 5 ranking factors you can start to make the Google algorithm work for you.

1 Using keywords and titles to rank higher on Google

Think of keywords as what you'd type into Google, though remember they won't be one word, but phrases.

Once you have found your topic, research how people search for that in Google. Use these phrases in your title, making sure it's grammatical and interesting. You'll see this strategy in post titles around the web.

2. How long should your blog posts be?

Longer is better. A 2,000-word article will rank higher than a 500-word article. But the doesn't mean you should bloat out your post with fluff.

A basic structure that will help add length to your post without being fluffy is:

1. Fulfil the promise of the article right at the beginning

2. Explain what led you to the answer

3. Expand on the answer; give details

4. Justify your answer

5. Answer any follow up questions people might have

Not only will this make your article longer, it will be better and more informative.

3. Use internal links

Link between different posts on your blog. If you touch on something you've previously written about link your readers to that page.

Identify your favourite or best posts. Link to them constantly. This tells Google to pay attention to these more.

4. Reading duration is important

The previous ranking factors were under your control. Not so for this one.

If people stay on your post longer it says to Google this is a good answer to their search.

When you post an article, monitor the traffic and see if the reading duration makes sense for the post length. Edit it if it doesn't.

5. Bounce rates

Bounce rate measures how many people left your site without going to a new page on it. If reading length shows how interesting one post is, bounce rate measures it for your site.

High bounce rates might be down to posts not delivering on their promise or no other relevant posts on your site.

Fix the keywords and title if you've got a high bounce rate because of the first. For the second, see what related topics are being searched for and write a post. Like with reading length, measure bounce rate and tinker.

6. Loading speed

How fast your site loads is an important search rank factor. Use this tool to measure loading speed and identify issues to fix.

How long does it take?

Getting to the first page of Google doesn't happen overnight. You'll have to be consistent and patient but follow these steps and within six months and dozens of posts you should be flying high.

How to get more traffic and turn that traffic into money:

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Article Source:

Thursday 21 February 2019

How to Skyrocket your Ecom Sales

Have you incorporated email marketing into your ecom store yet?
How about text message marketing?
Or FB Messenger Marketing?
If you haven’t starting doing ALL 3 of those then you’re leaving a TON of profit
on the table…
Well, Email, Text and FB Messenger marketing are the 3 BIGGEST marketing channels online
right now..
your customers are active on ALL 3 of the platforms..
Your customers are always checking their emails
They’re always checking their text messages
They’re always checking their Facebook inbox!
And today, a NEW autoresponder has opened up that allows you to PROFIT from all THREE of those
channels under ONE CENTRAL dashboard…
It allows you to:
– send unlimited emails
– send unlimited texts
– send unlimited FB messages
(and that’s just the tip of the iceberg)
ALL without EVER having to pay a monthly fee…
It’s a first of it’s kind product since
it’s the ONLY platform that combines the
3 most profitable marketing channels under
one central dashboard!
Email – Text – FB Messenger
– allows you to import unlimited lists
– lets you create unlimited email marketing campaigns
– lets you create unlimited Text message marketing campaigns
– lets you create unlimited Facebook Messenger campaigns
– let you create unlimited optin forms
– lets you create unlimited follow-up sequences
– lets you create unlimited one-off mailing campaigns
– and much much more..
PLUS, you can access ALL of this for a ONE-TIME cost!
Yup, you can now profit from the three MOST PROFITABLE platforms under ONE
central dashboard without ANY monthly fees..
Andre Niemand
Sendiio combines and automates each marketing
channel into 3 simple steps:
1. Import your lists and create your campaign
2. Send (or schedule) your campaign
3. Sit back and enjoy your profits
You no longer have to login to THREE different platforms to reach your target
You can now login to just ONE dashboard and skyrocket your profits.

Saturday 24 November 2018

12 Habits You Need to Become a Millionaire

Which of these twelve important habits do you have?
The key millionaire habit you should start today…
It might not sound sexy, but you’ll need to do THIS if you want to advance…

I’ve dedicated my life to understanding everything, the ins and outs of what it takes to actually become a millionaire and one of the most important lessons in your journey is that actions speak louder than words…

With that in mind, here’s a question: what habits and daily actions are ingrained in your everyday life?

And a follow-up: are they helping to move you forward or are they holding you back?

While there’s no exact science to determine how to be a millionaire, I have more millionaire students than anyone, and great financial successes like my students have accomplished is not random, but rather the result of hard work on my part and on the part of my students.

What I’ve found is that there are certain habits that many financially successful people have in common.

Read through this list and ask yourself: how many of these habits do I have? If these aren’t habits yet, how could you incorporate them into your life?

1: Be an Early Riser

You’ve heard the saying that time is money.

You’ve also heard the saying that the early bird gets the worm.

Mash these adages together and you can distill both down to the idea that the earlier you wake up, the more money-making time you can maximize.

There are countless benefits to waking up early.

Me, I like to wake up early so that I can answer emails, consider what will go on during the day and do reading and research for the day ahead.

Basically, I use this time to deal with things that might get in my way throughout the course of the day, so that by the time the market opens, I’m mentally prepared.

2: Know Where Your Money is Going

Do you track your expenses and know where your money is going?

If you do, then keep it up: it’s a key millionaire habit. If you don’t, cultivate this habit immediately.

If you want to get rich, you’ve got to learn how to handle your money now–not later.

Learning financial responsibility will mean that you’ll be able to enjoy the money when you make it, rather than just falling into irresponsible habits with increasingly larger sums.

3: Have Good Time Management

People love to talk about how little time they have.

They don’t have time to go to the gym.

They don’t have time to attend networking functions.

They don’t have time to study and learn how the stock market works.

They don’t have time to succeed!

These are limits that people put on themselves.

Watch a little less TV and take your focus away from Facebook for a while.

You’ll be amazed at how the time will open up for you to advance in business.

4: Save Responsibly

Longtime millionaires aren’t out there blowing every penny that they make.

They know that to continue advancing in their career, they need to save money.

Saving money might not sound sexy -- in fact, it might sound downright boring. But, the benefits that can come your way from saving are anything but boring.

Saving money means that you can improve your position in the market.

It also means that you can invest in a greater variety of stocks.

Over time, if you’re being responsible, this means that you will start making more and more money as you go. The bar will be raised, so to speak.

Additionally, on a practical level, saving also ensures that if you do have a business deal that doesn’t go as planned, you have a safety net.

5: Know What’s Going on in the World

It’s alarmingly easy to live a fishbowl existence.

Resist that temptation.

Make concerted efforts to know what is going on in the world.

The best way to do this? Be a voracious reader.

Read magazines, the paper, anything that you can get your hands on.

Know what is going on in your backyard and in the world at large. Not only can the news help inform your investments and keep you inspired, but it also keeps you current.

You will be better able to interact and network with others when you have an idea of what is going on in the world.

6: Keep Up on Your Education

A common habit among millionaires? Lifelong learning.

Just because someone has made a bunch of money doesn’t mean that they don’t have a thing or two (or ten) to learn.

To all my students, I keep on learning and growing right along with you.

Maintaining and increasing your level of knowledge is a millionaire habit that will serve you in business and in your personal life.

7: Revisit Your Goals Frequently

It’s extremely important to make goals.

But, simply making them isn’t enough.

To transform your goal-making into millionaire material, you need to revisit these goals frequently.

How frequently is up to you, but let me give you an example.

Say that you set an initial goal of making $50,000, so that you could pay off your student loan debt and that you reached that goal four months into your trading career.


But, at the same time, it’s time to adjust your goals, making them bigger and better, so that you still have something to work toward.

Goals are part of what keep us going and keep motivating us.

Revisit yours often, so that they remain a manageable “carrot” dangling in front of you.

8: Believe in Your Success

Don’t dream it; be it.

If you don’t believe that you are worthy and deserving of success, then any that comes your way will be pure luck.

By shifting your mindset to a place where you believe success is not only possible, but within your reach, you will be taking a huge step toward it.

This transforms success from a faraway dream to an attainable goal and allows you to set specific milestones to get where you want to go.

9: Connect with Others

Technically, you could become a millionaire alone.

But, quite frankly, it’s going to be a longer — and lengthier — journey without a little help from some friends.

First and foremost, seek out a great mentor.

Your mentor, who is further along in their career than you, can help guide you and help you through growing pains. It’s difficult to overstate the importance of a mentor!

Networking with peers is also invaluable.

Not only does it give you a sounding board with people who can totally understand, but it also creates relationships with people who can help raise you up (and vice versa).

Connecting with others, whether they are at your level, above your level or even below it (for now), has a huge impact on your career trajectory.

10: Evaluate What is Going Well (and What’s Not)

Millionaires aren’t characterized by being self-destructive.

They’re not running around in circles, agonizing about what they could have done differently.

However, they are imbued with a healthy amount of self reflection.

Millionaires are able to constructively look at the past and see how it can inform the future.

Things not going well with some investments?

Look at why and how you could change that going forward.

At the same time, if certain things are going well, they have the ability to look at that and try to take it push it even further forward.

11: Test Your Limits Constantly

A millionaire isn’t one to rest on his or her laurels. Never content to let the last accomplishment define them, millionaires are (in a good way) addicted to the game.

They constantly want to challenge their limits, so that they can go further and do more good.

What is your relationship with risk and trying new things?

If it is not so good, then it might be time to work on that.

Becoming more comfortable with risk and testing your limits is vital if you want to attain true financial success.

12: Give Back to Others

Maybe, right now, you’re coming from a place of scarcity.

If so, the idea of giving back might seem ludicrous.

But, trust me, the more you make, the more you should give.

Just like millionaires save quite a bit of what they make, they also give plenty. This is a habit that you can get into now.

Even if you don’t have money (yet), there are ways in which you can give back.

You can act as a mentor to someone less fortunate than you.

You can donate your time or a service as a volunteer.

Giving back actually makes the world (and your trading base) steadier and healthier.

Giving back is not just what is right, but something that can contribute to your bottom line in the long run.

Your habits are a huge part of what defines you.

So, by choosing to cultivate habits which millionaires share, you are taking a proactive step to joining that “tribe.” Making a concerted effort to make these millionaire habits yours will have a huge effect on your success and money-making potential!

Wednesday 17 October 2018

4 Steps To Building A Business Online

Did you know that there are well over 3 billion people online today and they are constantly searching for something and entering search phrases (keywords) into the search bar?

These people are searching to buy things, searching for information, and solutions to an unlimited number of problems. This is where you come in as the affiliate with your website to help these searchers and show them the solution, or the answer to their search. The affiliate helps people and earns a commission in the process.

In this article, I'll show you one of the most fundamental and the absolute best way of building up a steady, long-lasting and consistent income online.

Building A Business Online Is Easy

There is a system that 100,000's of affiliates use and believe to be the ultimate online money-making system that worked years ago, works now, and will work for many years to come. It's a system that will show you just how huge the online world is and the limitless potential that only depends on what you are setting as your goal.

But before any money is generated, a website needs to be built, in a specific niche, and a traffic flow of visitors needs to have begun. The #1 attractant of visitors to your website is the quality content on each page. Five minute videos are also great to use on website pages. Until the website is built up with quality relevant content and drawing a flow of traffic, no money can be generated.

So there's no race pace, you'll get to feel the thrill of making online sales soon enough but a solid foundation first needs to be created. Then an empire can grow from there with a lot of hard work, dedication, and great management.

There are said to be almost 4 billion people using the internet and with that great number comes to a very large group of people who you can hook up with in any direction you choose to go.

A Quick Look at How To Build A Business Online

The 4 Steps to get rolling:

Step #1 - Choose an interest. This can be anything and everything you can think of. So choose a niche that you will enjoy of any interest, or passion, something that you are an expert at or have no experience with at all.

Step #2 - Build up a website which is the foundation of your online real estate store property. First, your site must be built up and filled with information and content that visitors are searching for. This is similar to opening a brick and mortar store, one wouldn't open for business until the store was ready.

Step # 3 - Draw traffic to the site, attract visitors. There are many ways to do this so it's best to start out with the free traffic options. One basic strategy is that traffic from organic searches, social media or YouTube video drives traffic to your site blog page which then leads the viewer to a product offer or recommendation.

Article marketing is a great way to enter a lot of content online for the search engines to rank, and for the viewers globally searching for that content.

Another strategy is to put one or more of the paid traffic options to work to reach targeted groups of viewers from any niche and draw as many as possible into your funnel, or onto your website page.

Step # 4 - Earn Income - Once there is a traffic flow to the site you can start earning revenue. There are said to be over 50 ways to monetize a website, which shows an unlimited earning potential.

Pete's #1 Recommendation: If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. See for yourself at the bottom of every page.

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Monday 15 October 2018

10 Creative Strategies For Promoting Your Website

Do you have a website or blog you publish content to every day but still not able to get enough visitors?

Have you just created your very first blog and are keen to try out all the ways to promote it?

This article presents 10 smartest and most effective strategies you can use to promote your blog and instantly attract visitors who are genuinely interested in your niche.

1. Stop Tweaking / Modifying Your Blog

Are you spending too much time tweaking your blog to give it the right feel? Let me tell you, the overall design does not matter to your audience as much as your content does. Instead of tweaking your blog every now and then, focus on creating content that is fresh, engaging and informative for your readers and make them come back for more.

2. Creating Pillar Content

Producing quality content is one of the biggest challenges for bloggers because creating high-quality content on a regular basis isn't easy. Good content makes a powerful impact on your audience, which is why it is important that you take the time to create the high-quality pillar content that can solidify your blog's reputation. Pillar content refers to a series of posts that represents your blog's best content. It includes all the great posts that you will refer new visitors to for their usefulness.

Great content serves as a go-to source for good and informative message for your audience within your particular industry. Pillar posts provide major support to your blog and are considered a very important component or staple of your blog. When you start promoting your blog, pillar content will serve as your bait to attract more traffic.

Once you have set up your blog, the very first strategy you should implement is to create relevant posts and populate your blog with some really new, yet interactive information.

3. Don't Focus On Monetizing Your Blog Too Much

Many new bloggers create blogs to earn money. Although there is no harm in earning money, putting too many banner ads on your blog can become too distracting for your audience. If there are too many, they can make your blog look really ugly and they can actually take your visitors away from your blog. Do you still think this could be a great way to promote your blog? I bet you don't. In fact, you should focus on building your email list and a targeted pixel list. Both of them will help you get what you're desperately looking for, more visitors and more money by re-targeting your visitors through paid ads.

4. Research Your Niche and Find Out Who and What Matters

A very important step you should take before starting your blog is to thoroughly research your niche. You should need to spend know all the ins and outs of your niche and know who matters, for instance, who are the influencers, big players and small players contributing to the niche in their own capacities. You should make a list of all the competing sites, channels, podcasts, influencers, communities and groups that are working within your particular niche. It's very easy with SE Ranking competitor research.

By doing so, you will have a major reference file of all your competitors within your niche. You will be able to see what they are doing and talking about and also all the items they are putting for sale and products that are popular among your audience.

5. Reach Out To Your Audience

Once you have your blog nicely set up and great content to pull your audience in, start promoting your blog. Take out the detailed list of all the influencers, big players and small players you're made prior to starting your blog. Keep a close eye on the small players, because you need them for blog promotion. You can start by offering them testimonials, case studies or even a blog post they would be interested in publishing. It is important for you to start a one-on-one relationship with the big and small players. By contribute on other people's' sites through commenting and sharing their work on your blog, they will start to recognize you and connect with you.

6. Become An Expert In Your Niche

Whether your niche is SEO, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing or any other, you should not only attain extensive knowledge about your niche but also present it in an interactive and engaging way through your blog. Your future audience is waiting to read content that addresses them and their needs. It is the power of your writing and expert analysis that will help you attract your audience.

7. Post Comments

Commenting on blog posts and participating in various forums and social groups is often seen as a way to get backlinks. But if it's done right, no such issue will arise. Always post comments on blog posts only when you have something meaningful and informative to add. Make sure to use your own name to do it, and not your brand. Participate in niche groups and influential communities on social media. Present yourself as an authority in your niche and genuinely help people. Don't just drop links.

8. Create An Interactive Conversation Flow And Acknowledge Your Readers

When creating content, make sure it is engaging enough to get the audience talking. Your posts should pose questions from your audience and encourage them to respond or share their own similar experiences. Your audience can talk to you via blog comments or email, make sure to acknowledge them and reply to them. This will encourage facilitate interaction.

9. Monetize Your Site

When it comes to earning money from your blog, take a proactive approach, because it can bring organic traffic. When you offer a product or service on your site you can attract your target audience. By creating a profit funnel, you cannot only generate more leads but also generate a lot of revenue in the next few months.

10. Use Paid or Sponsored Media

Utilizing paid or sponsored media is a viable option and an effective strategy for blog promotion. It includes blog promotion through Facebook ads, Google ads, promoted tweets, YouTube pre-roll ads, and much more. These social networks can bring an incredible amount of traffic, as well as, hundreds of leads to your site.

When you follow the strategies discussed above for promoting your site you will not only be able to boost traffic to your site but also generate revenue from it. Remember, promoting a site or blog is not a difficult task. It just takes a little time and understanding of what works. Implement one strategy at a time and see the difference.

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Article Source:

Friday 12 October 2018

Discovering the Idea That Earns You Millions

We are in a digital world where almost everything is integrated into a single system of the world wide web. We are in an era where we don't have to have a shop to sell our products, an era where we don't have to meet to communicate, an era where we don't necessarily need to follow the traditional door to door method to advertise our products but rather an era where everything is done in a simple and faster way.

With the high rising level of graduate unemployment in Nigeria, I began to think of the way out as I will soon be graduating from the University. Then I recalled listening to speaker at the World leadership forum emphasizing the statement "You don't need capital, what you need is an idea". I began to brainstorm about the statement for the fact that I am scared to be an unemployed graduate like the millions who are yet to secured a job.

However with time, I began to understand that the leading world entrepreneurs never started with a capital but rather an idea. Bill gate the richest man in the world never did start the Microsoft with an a huge capital but rather his idea, Mark Zuckerberg the Facebook CEO who is also the fifth richest man never start the Facebook with capital but rather an idea, Steve Jobs who is also a Co-founder of Apple start the company to revolutionalize the smartphone industry with just an idea, Jobberman was created out of an idea, Linda Ikejis blog was created out of an idea and in fact every good business that developed into a multimillion dollars was created out of an idea.

To look further into it, I discovered that capital is easier to get but no matter how huge a capital is, without a good idea the capital is a waste or can be lost whereas a good idea is difficult to find and never can it be lost. so the question remains how do you discover a multimillion dollars idea. How do you break from the chain of unemployment in Nigeria. Below is a five tips to discover that business idea that will change your life forever.


1. OBSERVATION: To discover a good business idea, one has to observe things and circumstances around him. As you wander in the land of observations you need to be able to identify what people do often, what challenges they face on a daily basis, what they need, how they want their needs to be met, when and where. As you observe an ask yourself all this questions you must be able to identify the way out.

Steve Jobs will often go to the park to observe how people listen to music, Mark Zuckerberg possibly observed what if he and his friends don't necessarily have to meet on a daily basis but rather connect online to gist and share pictures, JOBBERMAN knew people submit their CV and application letter directly but what if they can do it on their behalf.

So the most important aspect in discovering an idea is to observe the market you are interested in, how do they go about doing their businesses, is they anything that needs to be readjusted and many more things.


Your observations will be futile and unnecessary if you are yet to identify a problem in the way people conduct their business. Idea can only be realised out of the desire to offer solution and better services to people. JUMIA and KONGA discovered a problem in marketing, so they create an online market where you make purchases and get it delivered to your door steps, if you are yet to discover any problem that needed o be resolved then you are far from identifying a multimillion dollars idea.


Now that you have discovered the problem in the way people conduct their business as an entrepreneur, you must offer a solution that fills that gap or void of unsatisfaction in the customers of such market. This can come by reading books and materials related to that niche of business.


Have you discovered that idea you think might fetch you millions, you shouldn't just ventured fully into it but rather make a feasibility study to ascertain if that solution you are to offer is viable. This entails possibly preparing a survey or a questionnaire to hear the views of your potential customers about the service you are about to offer and how they feel about it. You must however delink your emotions from the answers you received.


This aspect has to do with the financial aspect to your idea. Don't panic, they are a lot of people who will be willing to sponsor your idea if they found it fantastic and viable. You can obtain loan from the financial institutions here (Guaranty trust bank, Access bank, Diamond Bank etc) here in Nigeria at a minimal interest rate, but all you need is a good business plan.

In conclusion, do you have a superb idea that will fetch you money, you don't have to wait, the time is now. Forget the fact that you need to school and come out with a good class of degree, what is important is the fact that you move out of your financial bondage and experience a world of financial freedom and independence. Remember Bill gate, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and many more business tycoons were dropouts at a point in time but today the world has written their names in gold, you can also achieve same. Good luck.

Article Source:
Article Source:

Saturday 8 September 2018

How To Generate Traffic Using Reddit represents one of the biggest social networking sites
nowadays, featuring plenty of user- submitted content and lots of
relevant news on a multitude of topics from people all over the

Each submitted link is ranked by using a voting system where all
the Reddit users can put their vote on each link: either positive
or negative.

The real advantage of using Reditt is that if your content is
good- quality and original, therefore being positive voted by
many Reditt users, will be pushed higher to the first page of
Reddit, so that everybody accessing Reditt will see it.

How To Generate Traffic Using Reddit

The most important step you have to make is to submit your link
to Reddit.

Reditt is an excellent tool to promote your site or blog content,
especially if you offer something new and amazing, as nowadays
internet users are attracted by new things, not boring old ones.

After you' ll activate your account, you' ll be able to submit as
many links as you want, getting direct traffic to your site.

If you will also spend some time on Reddit, by promoting or
demoting other users submitted links (by easily pressing the
positive arrow or the negative one that is found beside each
link), your popularity will increase and therefore you' ll
attract many other users.

Other tip on how to quickly generate traffic using Reddit is to
present your article with an interesting title and photo.

Asking a question in your link is an effective way to get readers
to click.

The more controversial your article is, the more benefits you' ll
have, because the users want to be involved, not just to be

Be an active member of Reddit by posting constantly.

One of the last tip is to post your link  in the correct
subreddit queue, targeting the correct niche.

Thursday 30 August 2018

The Great Affiliate Marketing Hoax?

It sucks.

You check your affiliate stats every day and there, staring you in the face like a
taunting wide-mouthed demon is the figure we all dread;



It doesn't take long until you start questioning the whole premise of affiliate

Will this ever work?

Have I wasted all my time setting all this stuff up?

Why can't I make any money at this?

What am I missing?

I know a few burned people who actually believe the whole thing is a hoax.

Well I'm hear to tell you that while it's not always easy - it is definitely not
a hoax either.

The difficulty lies in trying to adopt out-dated, "me-too" methods which
the market is immune to.

Your affiliate marketing methods are like white noise to most prospects.

They're ignoring you.

And it hurts.

The solution is to do something new, something different and something
which will get you noticed, get you clicks and get you sales.

They call it The Commission Machine and when you grab it through the special link below
you'll get a huge discount and AMAZING BONUSES.


Andre Niemand


Thursday 12 July 2018

The Biggest Social Media Changes in 2018

As the year 2018 has started it makes sense that in this new year what could be the biggest social media changes that can be expected.

Typically, the world of social media has witnessed a continuous growth in technology and innovation. Every day some new innovations are seen, or new announcements are heard.

So, let's discuss the prospective trends that can follow in this year and ways in which the social media managers can plan for these changes.

1.Continuous growth in the Live video content.

Recently Facebook announced some changes to its News Feed algorithm that will change itself based on the type of content users that shifting from the user's friends and families to the type of content or pages which the user's followers. This further implies that it is going to initiate an intensive discussion among the users as they share a content in their own private network.

2. Messaging apps will be an important mode of communication.

Today there are various messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat etc. Almost 4 billion people use these kinds of messaging Apps to communicate with the each other. These kinds of Apps provide a much faster and easier way to contact people. In fact, using messaging for customer service is more far more scale and lesser to cost especially for businesses and customer services.

3. Virtual reality on the rise of better marketing experiences.

In the era of Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality is making the headlines. With its unique features, it creates a memorable experience unlike other mediums in the field of marketing. In fact, due to this brand are instantly acknowledging its value.

4. Voice search and AI will be the game changer

As the development continues the voice-powered devices which are quick in responding to the verbal commands are heavily dependent on Artificial Intelligence. As we can see in the market that some voice controlled for personal help are being built into a few devices that we use such as smart speakers, TVs etc.

The other innovation where Artificial Intelligence plays an important role is in autonomous vehicle technology continues to progress. Based on this technology, it is apparent that voice activation will be certainly used for the self-driving cars too. As these kinds of vehicles will be equipped with voice-powered capabilities that will allow the drivers to execute other functions like making phone calls without taking your hands away from the steering.

5. A boom in Live Streaming

There will be an outgrowth of Live streaming and we are going to see a lot more to it. The presence of Live Streaming will increase as it works. For instance, through this technology, we get an upgrade in the phones every day.

6. Online Hangouts will be the order of the Day

The online hangouts are trending fast with the Generation Z which believes in more of socializing and partying. In fact, Online Hangouts goes hand in hand with the VR.

7. Influencer Marketing will be at the Focal point in the Social Media Engagement

The influence of marketing is a Big business with a billion-dollar riding on it. In fact, there are many people mint money up to 6 figures through influencer marketing.

It has a huge impact on the millennials in making their career choices and kind of choices they make in everyday life such as the kinds of products they want to buy.

8. Making stories with Instagram

From a marketing standpoint, the Instagram stories will have a lot of relevance as compared to another marketing platform. There is a flood of Instagram stories which accounts for almost 10,000 followers.

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Tuesday 19 June 2018

6 Ways to Effectively Market Your Facebook Page

With the constant changes on Facebook, promoting your page has become more difficult. Despite this, Facebook marketing is still a must for businesses because of the sheer amount of users. Facebook is one of the giant platforms when it comes to social media marketing. For a modern business to be more visible, they must exert effort into marketing their page on Facebook.

Now, this doesn't instantly mean spending money on ads. There are other ways to promote your page without it costing you a dime. Here are some tips for you to grow and maintain your audience.

1. Reach Out Your Current Network

For a young page, it can be quite a rough start. But you have your initial likers and followers. You can't work with only a small audience. Encourage your current likers to share your page to their friends and followers. You can also tell your friends and family for a promotion as well. This might be the most difficult stage, but once you've got it out of the way, everything will be a breeze.

2. Promote Your Facebook Page on Your Website

If you have a website, you may direct some of the traffic you get to your Facebook page. This works well if your website has good rankings on search engines. It will increase the visibility of your Facebook page as well.

Your Facebook page can also direct traffic to your website. Many people use social media to discover information. Your audience might search for your page instead of your website.

3. Produce Useful and Relevant Content

When planning how to attract more likers, try to put yourself in their shoes. What would make them like your page? There must be a reason. Of course you must the nature of your business clear in your page. If you are a restaurant, it must be visible at first glance when they visit your page. Aside from that, your content must provide some form of benefit or entertainment. Share content that is helpful or relevant to them. This will encourage them to interact with your content instead of being a passive viewer.

Tell them which dishes are best-sellers at the moment. Got a promo? Make sure to announce it. They appreciate it when you update them with information they needed to know.

4. Make Your Customers Market for You

Social media is not at all social when it does not prioritize interaction. Your likers and followers are what keeps your page alive. When they provide feedback about your product or service, you must always acknowledge. Nothing gains trust more than a positive review from an actual person. It works better than you marketing your own product or service.

Respond to comments and messages on your page. Facebook shows how you reply to inquiries. When your audience sees that your page is active and responsive, it will encourage them to ask questions or like your page and posts.

5. Tap Influencers in Your Business Area

Influencer marketing is on the rise these days. Getting promoted by an influencer will expose you to their large number of followers. This one usually doesn't come for free, though. You can negotiate with them on what they can get in return for promoting you. Contact one that is related to your area of business. If you are a facial spa, for example, get an influencer in the beauty industry.

6. Try Advertising on Facebook

Facebook ads cost money, but you can make the money spent all worthwhile. Use the targeting feature to filter your target audience from the rest. For a new page, this is also helpful to immediately gain a significant amount of audience that is within your target.

With all these tips, you are set to start your Facebook marketing campaign! Do you know some tips that weren't mentioned above? Don't hesitate to share them with us!

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Thursday 10 May 2018

Start Your Home-Based Online Business With These eCommerce Platforms

Starting an online venture these days is super easy. There are many inexpensive or free open source platforms for eCommerce store development.And, with the right development team, you are just one step away from getting your own website. Starting a home-based shop to trade your handicraft items, or other locally sourced products is a great idea as a startup. Starting an online business is trouble-free with ample of flexible open source and inexpensive eCommerce platforms available. The only secret of success is not to stop halfway but go on expanding product categories and store's features to convert from a small startup to a leading online business.

While we know that for any individual who is not much aware of the functioning of the eCommerce world and how things go live overnight, selecting a platform rightly to set their own online shop is a backbreaking job. So, here's a list of most powerful and easy-to-use platforms which can help owners to successfully transform their startup idea into a vibrant reality.

#1 Magento

Acclaimed as the leading and fastest evolving platform, Magento is the benchmark platform. It supports all trades and can accommodate up to 500,000 products and 80,000 orders an hour. With a number of advanced features, easy integration, SEO oriented and versatile content management, it stands to the best solution available within the budget.

Further, it is modular and customisable, means you can gradually expand your store and add new features over time.

#2 OpenCart

If there is one simple platform for startups, then it is OpenCart! This is the reason it is exceptionally popular amongst small retailers or the home-based ventures. Easy backend functionality, extensive feature plugins, unlimited products capacity and less server load are few of the perks bestowed by OpenCart.

#3 Shopify

It comes as a befitting platform for eCommerce stores that simultaneously wants focus on mobile shopping and also social shopping. Easy integrations, lightning-fast loading speed, versatile payment gateway integrations, SEO features, direct social selling are the key features Shopify offers.

#4 WooCommerce

Those who are at ease with WordPress, then WooCommerce is the right platform for them. Based on the WordPress, it is easy to install and start and hence developers will charge you less. Further, there's a large number of additional plugins or templates and themes of WooCommerce, which will help owners to deck up their stores as per the business category.

#5 ZenCart

The whole reason for putting ZenCart in this list is its user-friendly approach and easy store management. It bears a set of far-reaching tools that offer full-scale customisation options to the owners. Moreover, it focuses on the store security features to safe keep all customers and products information.

For a household person who is new to the eCommerce world with zero technical knowledge, selecting a platform that serves their business interests fully is tough. So, the wisest decision lies in choosing the one that offers best user-experience and inherent SEO features that will help the store outshine on the Google results.

Rob Stephen is one of professed Magento developers in Melbourne, who works at PHPProgrammers, a pioneered company for eCommerce solutions development. It houses a pool of talented eCommerce experts, not only in Magento but other platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify and ZenCart. Follow the Facebook page to have more insights on our services, markets we cover and solutions we offer.

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Monday 23 April 2018

7 Top Tips to Build Trust Faster With Prospects

Have you ever dealt with an overhyped salesperson that made you feel like they were a car salesman? I know I have.

They make you feel like the biggest thing they care about is not helping you, but about making their sales commission.

Our biggest goal as business owners who have an online presence is knowing how to build trust fast with prospects.

How can you convey that you are a trusted solution to solve their problems? Keep reading for solutions that will help you build trust fast with prospects online.

1) Encourage Reviews and Testimonials: When I go to buy something from a new vendor, I love Googling "Reviews from VENDOR" online.

It's great to hear honest words from people who have tried their products and services as to the results they have achieved.

Ask your happy clients and customers to share reviews on Yelp, Amazon, or your Facebook page. You want to make it easy for prospective customers to see that your offerings work and deliver results.

And don't forget your website should also display testimonials throughout depicting how beneficial your products or services were for them.

2) Show How You Solve Problems: One of the biggest selling points is showing how your competitors or others have tried to deliver results and failed and how you succeeded in helping those people get positive results.

If you can show that you hung in there, listened to their issues and resolved the problems that were plaguing them with competitive solutions, it goes a long way to show you are a trusted source.

3) Demonstrate Consistency: If you can show how you consistently get results, it builds trust.

Show how you have achieved customer satisfaction rewards year after year. Let them see you have achieved consistent 5-star ratings on Amazon.

Add a direct link to your Yelp profile where customers consistently sing your praises.

4) Deliver Outstanding Customer Service: If the media, or awards or customer reviews show that you are a top provider, then maintain that top-level service.

When you do what you promise and go the extra mile, customers are happy to come back for continued service and talk about you to their friends and colleagues.

Be someone worth of referrals.

5) Prove Yourself to be a Giver and not a Taker. Give major value in your blog articles, social media posts (especially videos) and when meeting new people at events.

Show how you are helping your community. Offer freebies that solve problems for your audience.

6) Share Real Life Customer Success Stories. If you made a major impact in a customer's life, share it with your audience.

Show what situation they were in before, what actions you recommended they take, and the results they achieved afterward.

There's nothing as powerful as real-life results that help people believe you are the answer they have been searching for.

7) Showcase Outside Validation. Has the media interviewed you? Have you received an award? Have you gotten an incredible customer review? The more you can show how others find you a valuable, proven solution in your industry the better.

Seek and feature these accreditations to build credibility. Share posts on your social media. Write blog posts showing your honours. Highlight great customer reviews.

Trust is the biggest key to building sales online. Incorporate these tips into your business marketing strategy and they will help you create and highlight the credibility factors for your business.

Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.

If you are new to Social Media and online marketing or find it overwhelming and confusing, my monthly group coaching program, AMPLIFY! Business Academy is a perfect way for you to incrementally learn the best strategies and tactics to help you grow your business online.

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Monday 9 April 2018

Why Trading As a Home Business Is the Best Option

At one point or another, we all dreamed of leaving our 9-5 job to have our own business. I had 2 very successful business in my lifetime. One as a college student selling handbags and women's accessories, which led me to leave college because I was making more doing that business than I would graduating from college. The second business was owning and distributing coin-operated video games. I started that business after a very successful US Federal Government career that took me all the way to Washington DC. Even with all the success that I had as a Budget Director at the Secretary's level, I still believe that nothing compares to running your own business.

Both my businesses relied on customer acquisition. Without customers, there was no business. That is true with any business that relies on selling services or products.

Online businesses are no different. Whether you run a blog or have a Shopify account or sell through Amazon or eBay, you will need customers. You may read about SEO rankings, Pay Per Cick ads, or Google AdSense among others. You may also want to try to acquire customers through YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or any other of the many social media outlets available today. Whichever way you decide to promote your business, you will need customers not only to "follow" you, but, more importantly, to buy your product(s).

Hence, enter trading as a home business. With trading, all you need is to do is learn and master a set of skills. You don't need to rely on social media or Pay Per Clicks to make your money. All you need to do is rely on your ability to make money trading by following some simple rules.

Trading has never been easier than it is today. Computers have taken some of the mystique of trading away. There are many automated solutions available today that can make even the most inexperienced trader a successful trader if they follow the simple rules outlined by the software. There are even fully automated software aka robots aka Expert Advisors that will execute your trades for you making trading a totally hands-free business.

Forex has the biggest number of automated solutions in the market today. For that reason, these solutions are available at much lower prices ($200-$600) than their counterparts in the stock, e-minis, and commodity markets. When you consider the cost of just setting up a website for your business versus the cost of an Expert Advisor in Forex, to me the choice was not only obvious, but easy. The added benefit is that after acquiring your Expert Advisor(s), you don't have to worry about acquiring customers to start making profits, but rather immediately start making profits instead.

As a business owner, I can say that trading is, without a doubt, a more appealing option to me. I now work/trade to live instead of live to work. I love spending time with my family and being able to trade/do my business from anywhere in the world. Through trading, me and my family are living the life we dreamed off a few years back. You can live that life too.

I wish you success in any endeavor you choose to embark.

Next... My life long passion is to educate investors like you on how to have a successful career trading. Sign up now to my blog and instantly get your copy of the Understanding The Myths Of Market Trends And Patterns E-Book.! It is absolutely free to join here

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Thursday 5 April 2018

Video Marketing For Targeted Traffic

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate targeted traffic. Once you create the right video you can submit to YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Viddler and other places that allow video submissions. By listing your website information in the description section, most people tend to follow-up with the video presentation if it is compelling enough. Remember that people preferred videos over reading and you should take advantage of this.

This is because it is much easier to watch videos and it is simpler to convey your points when you do so using images and someone speaking directly to them. In fact, in a recent survey from Vimeo, respondents explained that they were three times more likely to want to watch a video instead of reading a blog post.

One of the recent trends in video marketing for targeted traffic is a video called a Vine. These short videos that are around five or 6 seconds and tap into the emotion, understanding of trends and focus into a single expression that can captivate thousands even millions of viewers. This new style of video marketing has also been linked to products and services that can be promoted quickly and in an entertaining and interesting fashion that deals with the short attention span that most potential customers and clients have.

Another powerful form of video marketing is when you take the time to teach and/or instruct people in a hot topic and then follow-up with them by demonstrating that you can provide additional information that they need to be successful.

For example, there are many videos online teaching about the basics of internet marketing; but in order to get the full story you will need to subscribe to the marketers e-mail list and then follow-up for additional lessons, usually at a service fee or membership fee rate. These how-to videos generate huge amounts of targeted traffic and almost anybody can create them. Remember to focus on solving problems and you will have plenty of traffic from these videos.

Another great way to generate traffic using videos is to focus on high targeted videos that are receiving millions of views and then approaching the owner and asking them if you can pay them some money for them to post your URL in their description section. Since most people are not marketers and see this as an opportunity to make a few dollars each month, a majority of people will be happy to do this and you will also receive lots of targeted traffic when you do this.

Discover an endless supply of targeted website traffic that you can get for little or no money involved. Learn how to get "No Cost" targeted web traffic to all of your money sites in my Traffic Tips 101 training guide today! You have nothing to lose and a ton of "FREE" targeted website visitors to gain.

Your online reputation is the most important asset that your business has! Let us show you how to use your 5 Star Reputation to get more customers go to Truman Marketing and let us show you how!

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Monday 26 March 2018

Time To Make A Blogging Difference To Your Business

Do blogs really matter? A website will market your products and services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. But people do business with people they know, like and trust. Blogs are usually less formal in tone than the text on business websites, giving business owners a chance to really connect with their audience.

Blogging is a relationship-building tool. A blog, either on its own or as part of your website, can illustrate that you are a specialist in your niche who really knows what you are speaking about. It can also show that you have the skills and experience to create quality products.

Content Is King

Content is the main driver of effective marketing these days. And a blog provides content and helps your target audience find you. And that means content in all forms. This includes your videos, reports, eBook, infographics, image names, and more.

Free Traffic

In terms of getting a continuous flow of traffic, the more posts to have, the better. As soon as you have published one, you can share links to it on social media and via email. Provided that the quality of the content is good and relevant to your target audience, you should have no trouble driving traffic to your blog.

Your Blog Posts Are Free Samples

If you sell any types of information products, your blog posts will give a clear idea of the quality your customers can expect. Information products include items like eBooks, reports, videos, audio files etc. Your blog reader will see the quality of what you provide for free and will directly relate that with the quality of your paid products.

Your Recognition

Innovative and well-researched blog posts let readers know that you're serious about your business and know what you're doing. This confidence in you will not only make your audience more likely to buy from you, it will also give them a reason to spread the word about your blog and your business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Due to their ease of navigation and frequency of updates, the search engines and will crawl your blog often, sending new traffic your way. In many instances, these will be people you haven't connected with yet. Studies have shown that shorter posts might rank in the top 20, but longer posts that are considered highly relevant will usually get into the top three slots.

Are you are ready to be a better blogger? Discover 21 different one-a-day tasks and activities for getting more traffic, more prospects, more customers and more sales. Download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog, at

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Saturday 17 March 2018

Work From Home Guide: Choosing Freelancing As a Career

Have you already tried risking your time, money, and effort just to reach your own goal? Probably some of us have done it but still didn't get the result we desired. We all dream that we can travel and enjoy the gift of life that God has given. Isn't it beautiful if we can share more time and have enjoyable moments with our loved ones? Yes, I know what you're thinking right now. The eagerness and determination that someday your dreams will come true at last.

As of now, poverty is still visible in our country. Many families experience hunger because of unemployment. There are graduates who unable to achieve their profession due to a high level of competitiveness. Every day, we suffer in traffic just to get to our offices. These are the situations that we cannot afford to set aside. But we Filipinos are born with a brave heart and wise instincts. So, many strategies were performed just for survival.

Maybe some have tried to search "how to make money fast" or "how to make money online" to the internet. And guess what? That leads you to what they so-called "freelancing." It is also known as work from home job. According to BusinessDictionary, freelance means working on a contract basis for a variety of companies. There are some benefits that you can enjoy as a freelancer.

Benefits of Freelancing

Free from Office Slavery

You can finally go out from the traditional working from the office job. You can work in the comfort of your home. Free from the rules that choke us as an employee.


You can manage your time more if you are working from home. You can maintain a balanced life between work and for the family.

Health Control

You're less likely to get sick since you deal with the clients remotely. You don't have to deal with the traffic every day or face the fast-changing weather in our country.

Higher Salary Rate

Most of us consider the work based on salary. With freelancing, you can earn dollars which can benefit you as a person with desired needs as well to your family.

Aren't you infatuated? You can start freelancing as part-time for additional income or make it as a full-time opportunity. But you must consider first is how you prepare yourself for the new chosen career.

Preparation for Freelancing Job

Make an Investment

As what mentioned earlier, you have to risk your money and effort for this job. Computer and reliable internet is a must. It will benefit you in the end, just remember what your goals are.

Enhance English Language Skills

Clients need a person with a good verbal and written English skills. You can buy a dictionary for bigger vocabulary. Try to read books and watch Hollywood movies. Being aware of your grammar is also important, so don't leave it behind.

Make Yourself Ready

Here, you can encounter new things or new knowledge. You must be open-minded and try to explore. Learning is eternal so make yourself ready at all times.

Skills to Must Have

For example, those who work in BPO companies already have the skill for providing customer service. So skills or expertise is essential since you will be working with the clients. Remember, confidence in doing the job build trust and good relationship.

Interested in learning new skills at the lowest cost? Experience the course which can develop you as a professional. Added a Coach who was a top-rated freelancer in Upwork. I was one of the products of the academy. "Don't wait for an opportunity. Create it."

Open the link below for more info.

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Friday 16 March 2018

5 Factors to Consider When Starting a Home Based Business

More and more people are starting to run a home based business for a wide range of reasons. A major positive of this type of work environment is the ability to avoid the cost of rent for a separate office space or having to spend several hours at the start and end of the day commuting to and from a traditional office. However, there are many different things that need to be considered before starting up a home based business.

Let's take a look at five of the major points related to starting your home based business:


A basic requirement is to conduct a little research to learn the laws, rules and regulations that apply to setting up the home based business. The regulations will differ with the different industries and certain to be stricter for a business involved in food preparation compared to web design or similar office based activities. The standard requirements include issues related to safety, licensing and registration. It is essential to check the rules specific to your business industry to avoid any problems with the authorities in the future.


Many businesses will begin as a small venture and slowly expand over time when they start to see increased brand exposure, more clients, and more money to invest. When first planning the home based business, it is worth putting together a detailed business plan that outlines the future growth of the business, and details how to expand your venture and the time-frame for the different stages of growth. Also, the particular service or product offered is certain to have a major influence on the future scope and success of a business.


The type of home based business will determine the amount of capital needed to get up and running. This type of business does have the advantage of cutting out the cost of renting or leasing a property because you intend to use your home. However, it is still necessary to have sufficient funds to cover all other business expenses. Related costs may include professional services like accountants, office equipment, production supplies, inventory, licensing and marketing.

Storage space

Any home based business involved in selling physical products is certain to need a decent amount of storage space for not only holding the actual inventory, but also space to prepare and pack the items before shipping.


A well planned marketing strategy is essential to see a business succeed. With no physical presence, such as a storefront to bring in the customers, you must look at the most effective options to market your brand and business. There are plenty of marketing techniques that can be used. It is simply a case of finding the most effective ones for your business, and using those that are affordable.

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Tuesday 13 March 2018

Taking Control of Your Online Reputation 1 - What Is Reputation Management?

Online reputation is all about perception. What do people think of you? How do they view your business? Are they sharing positive experiences or negative ones?

If you can find out what your customers think BEFORE they decide to post online you can limit bad reviews and ratings and increase your percentage of good reviews.

We all have a good idea of what the word reputation means: what people think of us, how they view our business, what people are saying about us.

Here is a definition from the Merriam-Website dictionary:

1a: overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general

1b: recognition by other people of some characteristic or ability

Jane has the reputation of being clever

2: a place in public esteem or regard: good name

Joe is trying to protect his reputation

To manage one's online reputation means to be aware of and control the things people are saying about you online.

It's always been important to know what people think of your business. Do patients or customers like you? Do they think you're doing a good job? Is there some employee who is rude who's turning people away?

It used to take surveys and extensive market research programs to find out what people thought about your business. Consumer research groups would gather consumers together and chat about products or businesses. This was one way of obtaining more data.

And if one customer was unhappy that usually affected on that one person and perhaps several of their closest friends. But... no more.

However, in the past, word never spread as quickly nor remained as fixed as it does now. And, instead of checking with a couple of friends to get a review or rating, people check online.

Yelp, Amazon, and the various other industry specific sites such as Vitals, TripAdvisor and are some of the "go-to" places for those seeking advice on what products to buy or services to use.

Unfortunately, the majority of people are inspired to write reviews when they're upset. For every negative rating placed online, there are dozens of happy customers who feel that getting a quality product or great service should be just the norm - so why say anything.

Most reputation management companies think only in terms of how to get more reviews.

While this is important, what you really need to do as a professional or business owner is to CONTROL YOUR REPUTATION.

This is real Reputation Management.

For more information about this subject, give us a call at (323) 254-9976. We'll be happy to explain what we do and how getting and keeping your online reputation under control can help your business thrive.

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Friday 9 March 2018

3 Excellent Ways to Make Money Online

One of the wonderful things about the word wide web is that it's such a superb way to get right into business for yourself. No matter where you are located, as long as you possess an internet connection, you can produce money online. That cash can free you from the day-by-day work of a 9 to 5 job, enable you to travel, engage in hobbies, and dedicate time with family members. Maybe the second best part regarding making money online is the fact that there are so many methods to do it! That means that whole lot more than most likely there is a lucrative niche market or on the web business chance that is attractive to you. Here I'll list three methods I like the most:

1. Affiliate Marketing.

You most likely already understand affiliate marketing as it's one of the best veteran on the web money makers out there. You set up an internet site or blog or social media profile or email newsletter. Essentially, you can employ one of these or a mixture. Nevertheless you want to get your promotional communication out there. You choose a hot affiliate niche industry, one with multiple potential customers. Look at tendencies and what's hot on places just like Amazon, for instance.

You offer useful articles as well as advertising messages targeted at your potential customers. When you publicize products, you don't offer your very own. Rather, you turn into an affiliate and market the merchandise of others. When clients on your web page click on a link to buy, they are taken to your affiliate marketer partner's site to accomplish the purchase. You get a commission payment for every accomplished sale. You don't have to be concerned about shipping and delivery or customer service. Be assured to check out and sign up for top affiliate marketer sites just like and CJ Affiliate to understand all the diverse products you can sell as an affiliate marketer.

2. Amazon, Etsy and eBay.

One of the fastest ways to begin selling online is to control the power of third party websites online. Ecommerce site leaders like eBay, Amazon and Etsy are very strong sales and also marketing systems with a strong built in customer base. Hundreds of thousands of persons currently visit these types of sites to shop. And they are prepared to buy, that's why they frequented the site, after all. On these websites online, they make it convenient to set up your own shop exactly where clients can search your goods on offer, no need for you to create your own site or anything at all. And you'll get a built-in search option so that interested potential customers will discover your special online store.

In addition, you use their shopping cart solution. In a nutshell, you avoid very much of the expenditure and trouble of setting up an individual e-commerce site. And so, with Amazon, you can easily even possess them satisfy your orders. No hassle, no muss. Amazon affirms there are more than 2 million vendors on their site, symbolizing 40 percent of all product sales. So you'll be in great company. With eBay, the process is very comparable. You just first turn into an eBay seller. Stay in great standing and ensure you're PayPal confirmed. Then you can register for your shop. Once again, right here you take benefit of eBay's popularity, reach, and product sales and advertising system to sell your own products.

Etsy is concentrated on hand made and exclusive items. It has 1.5 million vendors around the globe. Like Amazon and so eBay, you can build your own on the web shop on the internet site. All of these types of sites, as well as other third party websites online out there, actually are a very convenient way to begin selling online, even though you do have to spend fees to the supplier. A few pro tips: use very clear, high level of quality images of your goods; keep your product information complete and precise: and check out what your competition charge to make it easier for determine prices.

3. Blogging.

By offering valuable articles on a frequent basis you catch the attention of like minded potential customers who are interested in info and goods related to your specific niche market. They desire to keep studying to find out even more and purchase. These are people primed to buy the goods you offer up often through ads, affiliate marketing links in blog articles, or whatever. How come? Since you've been offering useful free of charge content. They arrive to know, just like, and have confidence in yourself. And that's simply precisely who you want to be browsing your blog and viewing your advertising communications too.

Nevertheless, significantly, you likewise make your internet site, your on the web storefront, very appealing in the sight of Google when you regularly and persistently add useful info in the styles of articles, video, and more. That represents you show up bigger in the Google search ratings, many persons don't go further than the first page). And so that results in more people, potential buyers, make it to your internet site. One point to bear in mind with a blog website: ensure you concentrate on a particular niche and stay with it. That will make it less difficult for you to produce content, for the search engines like Google to locate and rank your internet site, and for your potential customers to stay devoted.

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