Showing posts with label online presence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online presence. Show all posts

Thursday 8 November 2018

Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2019

We are almost on the corner of the year 2018. But, I am sure it's not late talking about next years' biggest digital marketing trends. Somewhere between a robust plan of action for Q1, 2019 and making digital marketing strategies, it's good to know about how the market will shape up in the year 2019.

Below are a few trends which will rule the digital marketing all over the globe.

Video Marketing

One of the most effective digital marketing techniques next year will be video marketing. According to a report, 80% of the online content will transform into a visual representation. It will give an overview of the product and services with a tint of entertainment and humor.

Since the adoption of smartphones and social media platforms video is preferred as one of the best ways of marketing a product. A short video not only communicate a message effectively, but it is also capable of giving your campaign an emotional environment.

AI - The Future of Machines

According to a report from Adobe, soon machines will be decisive enough to make strategic marketing decisions. Isn't it mesmerizing? Imagine all you have to do is to store all your data in a machine server and you will get suggestions for your marketing strategies. It's not over yet; these strategies will be in sync with your customer behavior patterns. AI will change the face of marketing immensely in the near future.

Automated Chatboxes

I am sure you must have encountered a chat box while surfing on the internet. Chat boxes are one of the most widely implemented applications of Artificial Intelligence. Not just they display results at a faster rate, also chat boxes are humorous and offer a personalized experience to the clients. Moreover, in a recent report from IBM, 85% of all the customer service interactions will be done by machines by the end of this year.

Voice Search

You must be hearing about Alexa and Google Home these days. If not, read about it. A research report says, 65% of smart speaker owners say that they don't want to go back to a life without a voice-controlled assistant. Smart speakers will change the ways of data surfing.

Have you tried searching content through voice commands? That's where digital marketing comes into play. All the SEO you do on your website must rely on voice commands as well.

The fall of the Kingdom- Internet vs. TV

In this millennial generation, where a person spends more time using a phone or surfing internet television is merely a device to connect gaming modules. According to study, people will spend approximately 2.5 hours online and 2.7 hours spending their time on tube. This leads to a change in advertising pattern transforming from television channels to internet sites.

Content - The Trustworthy Soldier

We read articles, blogs, newsletters, and what not, on a daily basis. But what if you don't find genuine content which you can trust? Content is not just about facts and figures, it must be easy, clean, and lean. In the year 2019, content will have the same importance which it had earlier. It makes a data set trustworthy and genuine though any media.

If you still seek any information regarding the same, connect to us and let our experts help you with some deep-dive insights on digital marketing trends in 2019.

The author of this article, Mr. Prashant Bhatia is associated with Praadis Consulting Inc., which deals in IT, ICT, Smart City Solutions, and Smart Learning Services for a long time. Praadis Consulting Inc. is dedicated to deliver tangible value for data-intensive business processes that help enterprises across the globe deal with their business challenges.

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Tuesday 2 October 2018

MLM Success - Is Your Content Valuable, or a Waste of Web Space?

If you're looking to create MLM success, which I know you are... then there's one thing that you better make sure of.

That one thing is that you're putting out great content.

Now what do I mean when I say great content? You see there's only one secret to great content and that's that the content is valuable. When content is valuable it simply means that your readers will be able to use that content and make some sort of use of it.

If your MLM success is dependent on you having valuable content, what are some of the ways that you can ensure that your content is usable by your readers.

Here are 3 Ways to Create MLM Success by Making Your Content Valuable and Usable

First... Give Tips That Are Immediately Useful - If you give your readers a tip that they can use today, to see some success, then they're going to look at you as someone that they want to know more about and work with.

Of course, this assumes that you're marketing to people who are already in the home business arena. This is a huge way to bring some heavy hitters into your downline, simply by showing them that you too are serious and know what you're talking about.

This also brings the people who are looking for mentorship into your downline. These are the people who have put their faith in another sponsor with another business with high hopes, only to find out that this sponsor knew little more than they did about creating MLM success for themselves.

So, putting out great content that people can use pronto will grab these people and have then knocking down your door to join you and your business opportunity.

Second... Be Inspiring - Creating inspiration will go a long way in creating raving fans that want to work with you. This is because we're all dying to be inspired. We read books that inspire us, we buy posters with inspiring quotes, we watch inspiring movies over and over again, basically we'll walk over hot coals for inspiration.

If you're the one providing that inspiration then you're going to win a lot of friends and well... influence a lot of people to steal the title of the great book.

Inspiring people means giving them a kick in the pants to get them to act. Helping them see the reasons and the ways to reach their goals, and achieve their dreams. When they're inspired they'll be looking for your mentorship to get them closer and closer... and in the situation of MLM success, or home business success this means very likely joining your MLM business opportunity.

Third... Be Entertaining - Sure, people want inspiration and they want great tips, but what they also really want is to be entertained. The proof is simply looking at movie sales, music sales, sports stadium seating, concert halls, Broadway, and television. People want to be entertained, and so if you can provide that entertainment along with the two points above, then you've got yourself a heck of a captivated audience.

This means an audience captivated by your voice.

So, as you can see, creating MLM success isn't that difficult as long as you're creating valuable content that people flock to... and now you know exactly how to do that.

About The Author

David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit;

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Sunday 30 September 2018

Personalizing Your Network Marketing Business

If you want to make your business more successful than it is now, you may want to look into personalization techniques. You will find such techniques from places like McDonald's, Burger King, IHOP and Starbucks. Learning personality to add your business is not a bad thing because most people nowadays will not pay attention to generic brands. This doesn't mean you have to be edgy and bold but it can mean you could be gentle and passionate through the words and placement of your content. Read on to learn more about personalization techniques and tactics for your business.

Building your network marketing business, the easy way

when you are building your network marketing business you can do it the easy way or the hard way. The hard way is figuring out who you are and why you do what you do. This can take decades or longer if you choose to focus on the cash flow instead of focusing on attraction and Authority. If you ever went to the store and bought chips or cookies or even a health food item, there's always a catchy slogan somewhere on there. The best examples are Nikes old motto "just do it." This is only icing on the cake though. You have to dig down and show your personality through your specific actions and words in everything you produce.

This could be called branding for your network marketing business. It is preferred to think of it as personalization. This includes color choices, graphic choices, targeting and many other factors. If you choose to leave a signature or motto that also will help brand or personify your business. You may have seen a lot of cartoons and videos online from certain businesses to help reinforce this personal branding by sharing a particular cartoon character. This will also help as well because it sticks in the in the viewers mind. And viewers will remember and relate to this character later on as they surf your website.

The do's and don'ts of personalization for network marketing

Brought up quickly and efficiently, there are only a couple of do's and don'ts for network marketing personalization. Don't make it forced, be natural and allow your personality to show through. Be creative in all areas of it and work with it until you're happy with the results from your marketing effort. Keep your text font readable and large enough for all types of audiences. Do a test run with your project before going completely with it. Run it with a small test group and get feedback and make changes from it. Don't overly spend on advertising cost for it you will lose more than you will gain. Be original and don't steal ideas and have fun with it.

About The Author

David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit;

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Friday 28 September 2018

Earn An Income Online

Have you ever tried to earn an income through part-time work online hoping that you'll be able to do that full-time when you can support yourself from the earnings?

Many of the money-making systems are outdated when purchased, they made money for someone and are now sold even though the system has been replaced with an up to date system which you won't get a chance to see until someone has used it all up and it's outdated and on the selling block once again.

Let me tell you, making money online is no simple task and don't let anyone fool you into thinking that they have some get-rich-quick system. However, once you learn how everything works and can make nice websites, you can generate a great income as an affiliate marketer, in a niche that you love.

With about 3 billion potential internet viewers, you can do quite well in your own online business with very little financial investment, and $0 to start!

When I was searching for a career change and needed to exchange a very active job for something that didn't require so much physical labor. I wanted to choose an encore career that would be challenging and something that I could do from home even well into my retirement years.

Learn Something New

Well, I learned how to build a solid online business, expand it and take it to the next level. You can do this too, through part-time work online in the evenings and weekends and when you have time until you get things built up. Then you can choose if you want to go full-time or keep the day job and enjoy the additional income from your part-time efforts.

Your online business should not feel like a day job. Earning money online should be fun, and it is fun. Once the learning curve is complete you will start following a well laid out plan for success. After all of your online efforts start paying off, even with a low-income, you'll want to spend more time with it. You can be a witness of and take part in the growth process of your own successful online business.

Making Money Online

There are many ways to make money, even with part-time work online... 1000's of different ways in fact! The problem is that people often get distracted by the "latest and greatest" product or service and they aren't able to stick with one method and build a successful, and revenue generating online business.

There are 3 things that you will need, a nice website, education or knowledge, and some expert help.

Choose a Niche

A niche is a distinct segment of a market, in other words, an "audience". So when choosing a niche that fits you, you should be choosing something that is ideally an interest, a passion, a hobby, a problem, a need or a want.

Almost everything you can think of is a niche and that is why we are going to get you to choose your niche based on things that you are interested in.

You can earn money online from absolutely every single niche because there are billions of people out there searching every day.

This all starts with choosing a niche that you are interested in and will enjoy working with. The more that you enjoy something the less it feels like a job and the more productive you're going to be.

Building Your Own Website

Now that you have chosen your niche you are going to create your very own website.

My name is Pete and if you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come to see for yourself at the bottom of every page and Sign Up >>>

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Sunday 23 September 2018

How to Generate Traffic Using a Blog

I am sure by now you've found out that there are a lot of different things you can do to generate traffic on the internet.

Some are instant.  Some are free.  Some take a lot of time.

However, one of the best things you can do for your business to generate traffic is to start a blog.

A blog is a great way to get traffic because you can use a variety of different methods to promote it.

You can use SEO for each blog post that will help you build traffic over time.

If you're using something like wordpress for your blog, you'll be able to use a variety of search engine plug-ins that will help you with doing seo.

This takes a lot of the technicality out of getting good rankings for your websites.

Another great thing about a blog is that you can focus solely on creating great content without having to worry about getting top search engine rankings.

If you create useful content, people will start linking to your blog.

You'll start receiving visitors from another trusted website.

When people link to your blog it's like they're giving you a vote of confidence.

They're telling their readers that you have a good website that will provide them with awesome content.

Automatically you already have trust in their eyes.  Whereas getting traffic from a search engine you'll have to build the trust.

Blogs are interactive so people love them. 

You'll be able to read some of the comments on your blog and be able to respond accordingly which is another great way to build trust.

One of the other positives about blogs is a thing called an "RSS Feed".

This will make it so your content can get syndicated by other websites and this is why it's important that you have interesting headlines for your readers.

The feed will pick up the headlines and the person will decide to read depending on how interested they are in what you're offering.

So if you're looking at starting a blog, you can now see the benefits of doing so.

You'll get traffic.  You'll build trust.  You'll build relationships. 

In the end you'll make a lot more money.

Friday 31 August 2018

The truth about failure and making mistakes

The biggest mistake you can make in life is to make none…

Sitting on the fence

Doing nothing instead of taking the risk

Not making the decision

Everyone has something they truly want – but how many people actually go after it?

I get it…

Taking a risk can be terrifying,

It’s understandable to be scared of failure.

To not want to make a mistake…

But here’s the thing:

Everyone fails, everyone makes mistakes and things won’t go to plan 100% of the time.

Let me be clear: that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything.

It doesn’t give you an excuse to hold back and not give it your all.

Don’t play it safe.

Have the courage to do it anyway.

Making a mistake isn’t fun. Failure can be painful.

But the only thing that matters is what you do after.

Make the mistake, then learn from it.

Don’t use it as an excuse for not trying, or letting yourself become so afraid of failing that you never stretch out of your comfort zone.

Instead, go for it.

When you do fail - own it, do something about it and most importantly learn from it.

Trust me: Some of your biggest mistakes will become your greatest lessons.

Saturday 11 August 2018

7 Effective Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

An online business needs traffic to succeed, Traffic is the main bloodstream of an online business. If a website does not get a flow of traffic, it will surely fail to make any sales and the online business will fail. It is therefore, important to take some steps to drive sufficient traffic to online business website.
You can buy customized traffic to your website on any budget, this unique article suggests all the essential ways so that you can drive more effective and targeted traffic to your website.

1. Visitors want always fresh, unique and useful content on a website. Usually visitors visit a website for information and sometimes buy stuffs if they need it. You should have high quality and unique content on your website. When visitors find interesting and useful content on your website, they will surely spend more time on your website, bookmark your website and also buy from your products. Posting lots of valuable information on your website, you will be considered as an expert in your subject, and you will get easily customers on returns.

2. There is no alternative of search engine optimization. If you want to make your site visible in search engines so that, interested visitors may find your site on the top of search engine search results, find and utilize niche keywords and phrases and place on your titles and in the rest of the content on your website. Usually a visitor search with a keywords or a phases and your website will show up and will rank high when search engines find those keywords on your website, and this will drive more traffic to your website.

3. PPC (Pay per Click) advertising is an effective way to drive traffic to your website. If you have enough money to pay for the advertising, you may run an advert on Google AdWords or Yahoo Overture to drive keyword targeted traffic to your website.

4. If you are good on writing than write some useful articles on your subject and submit articles. Now a days, articles submission is a powerful tool for driving traffic to website or blog. Make sure to have a resources box or author's biography on your all articles and put your website's URL. If your articles are interesting and useful, people will read it and may want to visit your website, so write more reliable and valuable articles and submit articles on various articles submission directories and you will more drive to your website. I personally do not like article spinner. Try hard to write grammatical error free articles so that people get benefit from those articles.

5. Forums posting is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. Find appropriate forums on net and participate in targeted forums. The forums topics should match with the topics of your website. Do not write your website URL directly on the topics, you may ban from forums because of spam. Such as Warrior forums is very strict. Have your website link in your signature.

6. Today viral marketing is a wonderful and effective way to drive traffic to your website. You may write free e-books or short reports with a link to your website. Build a blog and have a link of your website on it.Put your website URL as signature on your business mail or free email accounts from G-mail or Yahoo. These techniques will surely drive more traffic to your website.

7. Make a nice video about your website or products and post it on YouTube, Dailymotion etc. Today many webmaster use video marketing to drive traffic to website. Post your website link on that video description, interested people who has viewed your video may become interested to visit your website. When I built my website on photography, I made a video and posted it on YouTube. I have got a good number of visitors from YouTube.

Finally, just do not read the 7 points above, utilize those techniques on your website. I hope you will get much traffic in the very short-time.

For more article go to

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Sunday 29 July 2018

10 Creative Strategies For Promoting Your Website

Do you have a website or blog you publish content to every day but still not able to get enough visitors?

Have you just created your very first blog and are keen to try out all the ways to promote it?

This article presents 10 smartest and most effective strategies you can use to promote your blog and instantly attract visitors who are genuinely interested in your niche.

1. Stop Tweaking / Modifying Your Blog

Are you spending too much time tweaking your blog to give it the right feel? Let me tell you, the overall design does not matter to your audience as much as your content does. Instead of tweaking your blog every now and then, focus on creating content that is fresh, engaging and informative for your readers and make them come back for more.

2. Creating Pillar Content

Producing quality content is one of the biggest challenges for bloggers because creating high-quality content on a regular basis isn't easy. Good content makes a powerful impact on your audience, which is why it is important that you take the time to create the high-quality pillar content that can solidify your blog's reputation. Pillar content refers to a series of posts that represents your blog's best content. It includes all the great posts that you will refer new visitors to for their usefulness.

Great content serves as a go-to source for good and informative message for your audience within your particular industry. Pillar posts provide major support to your blog and are considered a very important component or staple of your blog. When you start promoting your blog, pillar content will serve as your bait to attract more traffic.

Once you have set up your blog, the very first strategy you should implement is to create relevant posts and populate your blog with some really new, yet interactive information.

3. Don't Focus On Monetizing Your Blog Too Much

Many new bloggers create blogs to earn money. Although there is no harm in earning money, putting too many banner ads on your blog can become too distracting for your audience. If there are too many, they can make your blog look really ugly and they can actually take your visitors away from your blog. Do you still think this could be a great way to promote your blog? I bet you don't. In fact, you should focus on building your email list and a targeted pixel list. Both of them will help you get what you're desperately looking for, more visitors and more money by re-targeting your visitors through paid ads.

4. Research Your Niche and Find Out Who and What Matters

A very important step you should take before starting your blog is to thoroughly research your niche. You should need to spend know all the ins and outs of your niche and know who matters, for instance, who are the influencers, big players and small players contributing to the niche in their own capacities. You should make a list of all the competing sites, channels, podcasts, influencers, communities and groups that are working within your particular niche. It's very easy with SE Ranking competitor research.

By doing so, you will have a major reference file of all your competitors within your niche. You will be able to see what they are doing and talking about and also all the items they are putting for sale and products that are popular among your audience.

5. Reach Out To Your Audience

Once you have your blog nicely set up and great content to pull your audience in, start promoting your blog. Take out the detailed list of all the influencers, big players and small players you're made prior to starting your blog. Keep a close eye on the small players, because you need them for blog promotion. You can start by offering them testimonials, case studies or even a blog post they would be interested in publishing. It is important for you to start a one-on-one relationship with the big and small players. By contribute on other people's' sites through commenting and sharing their work on your blog, they will start to recognize you and connect with you.

6. Become An Expert In Your Niche

Whether your niche is SEO, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing or any other, you should not only attain extensive knowledge about your niche but also present it in an interactive and engaging way through your blog. Your future audience is waiting to read content that addresses them and their needs. It is the power of your writing and expert analysis that will help you attract your audience.

7. Post Comments

Commenting on blog posts and participating in various forums and social groups is often seen as a way to get backlinks. But if it's done right, no such issue will arise. Always post comments on blog posts only when you have something meaningful and informative to add. Make sure to use your own name to do it, and not your brand. Participate in niche groups and influential communities on social media. Present yourself as an authority in your niche and genuinely help people. Don't just drop links.

8. Create An Interactive Conversation Flow And Acknowledge Your Readers

When creating content, make sure it is engaging enough to get the audience talking. Your posts should pose questions from your audience and encourage them to respond or share their own similar experiences. Your audience can talk to you via blog comments or email, make sure to acknowledge them and reply to them. This will encourage facilitate interaction.

9. Monetize Your Site

When it comes to earning money from your blog, take a proactive approach, because it can bring organic traffic. When you offer a product or service on your site you can attract your target audience. By creating a profit funnel, you cannot only generate more leads but also generate a lot of revenue in the next few months.

10. Use Paid or Sponsored Media

Utilizing paid or sponsored media is a viable option and an effective strategy for blog promotion. It includes blog promotion through Facebook ads, Google ads, promoted tweets, YouTube pre-roll ads, and much more. These social networks can bring an incredible amount of traffic, as well as, hundreds of leads to your site.

When you follow the strategies discussed above for promoting your site you will not only be able to boost traffic to your site but also generate revenue from it. Remember, promoting a site or blog is not a difficult task. It just takes a little time and understanding of what works. Implement one strategy at a time and see the difference.

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Thursday 26 July 2018

The Upturn of Influencer Marketing in The Digital Domain

Influence is subtle yet powerful and this quote by TemitOpe Ibrahim does make us understand the potential of it: "Influence is when you are not the one talking and yet your words fill the room; when you are absent and yet your presence is felt everywhere." Well, business does not work on strategies alone, in fact, business runs on the science of marketing and advertising too.

Today, the face of marketing has made the world more open to opportunities, however, the latest concept that business runs on is influencer marketing as the archaic methods of marketing are not delivering what they used to deliver earlier in terms of audience attraction and profit maximization. Also, we live in an era where people have more faith on self-help gurus, experts, and buyers who provide genuine feedback that is why people now value advice from third parties and influencers whether micro or macro depending on the dynamism of the business.

Various studies have shown that many business houses, whether startups or multinationals have increased their budget for marketing and are mainly focusing on the power of 'influencer marketing'. Since, ages we have seen cricketers and actors influencing the mass audience by endorsing various brands. Well, this is one perfect example of influencer marketing because as an audience, we tend to buy a product that is recommended to us by someone who is the face of the country and we have seen, otherwise, we know, there is no synergy between a cricketer and a toothpaste brand.

Why Does Your Business Need Influencers?

Any business works well when word-of-mouth is a part of it. In our daily lives also, recommendations play a great deal. Imagine yourself buying a product or a service online by just reading the reviews mentioned by some random people whom you don't even know. Well, mostly, we don't fall for it even if the product and services are great in reality. On the other hand, when the same piece of information comes from a reliable source then our brain automatically tends to believe it and gives a positive feedback if the influence is strong.

Hence, an influencer is the connecting thread between the targeted mass audience and a particular brand.

Influencers are great traffic generators, if influencers are ensuring to enlighten your brand amongst audiences then you ought to have a landing page as all this traffic will directly land to your website in order to generate good revenue.

However, now the smart customers do not fall for archaic marketing done via commercials or billboards, in fact, people now do all the research themselves and want to hear an honest feedback from someone they know and share a connection with and this is a major reason why various startups and multinationals are doing influencer marketing on various digital platforms.

Why Audience Matter?

Doing marketing on a larger scale has its own pitfalls if distinctions are not made. As a company, you must know what topics, blogs, and hashtags will your targeted audience follow and then play the influencer marketing card.

Every brand needs a different influencer marketing strategy as attracting the audience varies from brand to brand and if the influencer strategies are not distinctive then the end result will not be productive. Triggering the area of interest in the individuals will automatically let them follow you, share, or purchase your product or services.

How Influencer Marketing Works?

Specify Your Audience: 
The first step to influencer marketing is identifying the online audience. Once that is done, understand the science behind their decision making, what impacts them the most, and what is the unique buying factor that they consider the most.

Think of An Apt Influencer: 
After figuring out what the audiences need and how their decision making power works, implant a human magnet that attracts their needs in the right manner. If the buyers' decision-making power is not what is being targeted then the purpose of influencer marketing is not being fulfilled at all.

Track Influencers and Their Activities: 
By tracking your influencers you get to know a lot about the activities they do to attract the audience. Always listen to the advice of your influencers. Watch them carefully; figure out what topics do they focus on, how and what do they share with the targeted audience, and how do they respond to the queries of the targeted mass audience?

Assessing The Result: 

If you do not evaluate the outcome of the influencer marketing strategy you use, then it may suffer bottlenecks as and when it grows. Keep a close eye on your relationships. Develop a bond with them and then convert your targeted audience to your clients by providing a positive experience.

If the concept of influencer marketing is foreign to your brand still, then remember the saying; it is better to be late than never!

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Thursday 19 July 2018

Learning the Art of Digital Marketing From Your Competitors

An all-encompassing content marketing strategy, white hat organic SEO practices, consistent link building efforts and solid social media marketing, well, this sure makes for a killer digital marketing strategy.

But hey, too much of it all, and you're only doing what the rest of the world is doing. Today, let's try and look through the things a little differently.

Let's deal with a few questions first.

Do you remember when exactly was the last time you ran a competitive analysis? Don't mind me asking it, but have you ever done it at all? If your answer is a big, naive no, then perhaps you don't have any idea how your digital marketing strategy stands compared to your competitors.

Let me tell you a secret, peeping over your competitors can be an unexpectedly wonderful can massively help you find your own shortcomings and in the process, help you get better at the game. I'm sure you've heard this saying countless times before - keep your friends close, and your enemies, even closer. And in the realm of online marketing, this is one quote you need to live by.

See, every business that exists on this planet has at least a competitor who's aiming for the bigger portion of the pie. So doesn't it make sense to know how your competitors are sailing more smoothly than you when both of you are dealing in the same products or services. If you look at it closely, it's quite a creative way to get a better understanding of your target audience. Once you're familiar with the tactics, you can formulate some really killer strategies.

So here are some of the things your business competitors can teach you about digital marketing.

Target audience and traffic: I'm sure that you think that you have a fair idea of who your customers are and where they come from. But a simple analysis can determine whether any of your competitors is attracting more traffic than you or not. It they actually are, it would be a wise idea to go for the strategies they're going for.

Content that matters: It's a misconception that anything that's original, it sells. Within an industry, there is only a limited type of content that gets shared. It could be anything - blog posts or weekly quizzes and surveys or Q&As. Perhaps your competitors know it better than you do.

You also get to know what doesn't work: The best way to progress is actually to learn through others' mistakes, don't you think? Your competitors can also go wrong. So it's a good idea to constantly monitor their marketing campaigns and learn what catches the eye and what just doesn't work with the masses.

The key here is to learn from those who are better at this game. And once you've figured out the key players, you make their good moves better and avoid their failures.

And yes, always remember that there's no substitute to originality.

If you're not comfortable managing your digital marketing, it's best to hire an agency. Would love to learn more about it, schedule a call +91-9999-30-3344 with Brands Martini's digital marketing experts today.

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Thursday 12 July 2018

The Biggest Social Media Changes in 2018

As the year 2018 has started it makes sense that in this new year what could be the biggest social media changes that can be expected.

Typically, the world of social media has witnessed a continuous growth in technology and innovation. Every day some new innovations are seen, or new announcements are heard.

So, let's discuss the prospective trends that can follow in this year and ways in which the social media managers can plan for these changes.

1.Continuous growth in the Live video content.

Recently Facebook announced some changes to its News Feed algorithm that will change itself based on the type of content users that shifting from the user's friends and families to the type of content or pages which the user's followers. This further implies that it is going to initiate an intensive discussion among the users as they share a content in their own private network.

2. Messaging apps will be an important mode of communication.

Today there are various messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat etc. Almost 4 billion people use these kinds of messaging Apps to communicate with the each other. These kinds of Apps provide a much faster and easier way to contact people. In fact, using messaging for customer service is more far more scale and lesser to cost especially for businesses and customer services.

3. Virtual reality on the rise of better marketing experiences.

In the era of Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality is making the headlines. With its unique features, it creates a memorable experience unlike other mediums in the field of marketing. In fact, due to this brand are instantly acknowledging its value.

4. Voice search and AI will be the game changer

As the development continues the voice-powered devices which are quick in responding to the verbal commands are heavily dependent on Artificial Intelligence. As we can see in the market that some voice controlled for personal help are being built into a few devices that we use such as smart speakers, TVs etc.

The other innovation where Artificial Intelligence plays an important role is in autonomous vehicle technology continues to progress. Based on this technology, it is apparent that voice activation will be certainly used for the self-driving cars too. As these kinds of vehicles will be equipped with voice-powered capabilities that will allow the drivers to execute other functions like making phone calls without taking your hands away from the steering.

5. A boom in Live Streaming

There will be an outgrowth of Live streaming and we are going to see a lot more to it. The presence of Live Streaming will increase as it works. For instance, through this technology, we get an upgrade in the phones every day.

6. Online Hangouts will be the order of the Day

The online hangouts are trending fast with the Generation Z which believes in more of socializing and partying. In fact, Online Hangouts goes hand in hand with the VR.

7. Influencer Marketing will be at the Focal point in the Social Media Engagement

The influence of marketing is a Big business with a billion-dollar riding on it. In fact, there are many people mint money up to 6 figures through influencer marketing.

It has a huge impact on the millennials in making their career choices and kind of choices they make in everyday life such as the kinds of products they want to buy.

8. Making stories with Instagram

From a marketing standpoint, the Instagram stories will have a lot of relevance as compared to another marketing platform. There is a flood of Instagram stories which accounts for almost 10,000 followers.

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Wednesday 11 July 2018

Social Media Marketing Tips - Following the 80%-20% Rule

There are endless ways you can reach your audience, there is no secret formula as such. Applying the 80-20 rule should always be an integral part of your social media marketing strategy. In short it means 80% of your content should be engagement oriented which gives something valuable to read to your viewers and engage them in conversations or participation and only 20% should be dedicated for your business promotion.

It is necessary to establish the fact that people come to social media platforms for social interactions and not to read your sales pitch! Social media marketing is more inclined to building relationships, trust and authority online rather than annoying your audience with repeated sales pitch.

80% Content - informative & interactive:

This part of the marketing strategy mainly aims at sharing good content related to your business. Simply put, look over for the content that interests your audience and share the same across various social networking platforms. Think about re-tweets, re-sharing posts, links to reviews, inspirational quotes, greetings, polls, trivia & contests and other such engagement oriented ideas. If confused how to come up with such posts, do as listed below:

  • Follow top influencers in your industry, watch their posts, tweets and design your own or probably re-share them as a good piece of information.
  • Share your own interesting facts, content amongst your own page followers and get them engaging.
  • Make your content reach out to your influencers and try to connect them.
  • Organize trivia, competition and award the winners which compels the audience to engage in the activity and gain confidence in your brand.

20% self promotion:

While working on this section, include information which "benefits" your audience by providing discounts, special offers with a call to action button leading to your website which will enable them to learn more about your services/products. Publish your products/services advantages, reviews, testimonials, specifications and all other information you need to keep your reputation.

The bottom line: 

If a brand focuses too much on its sales and irritates the audience on social network with non stop sales pitch is sure to drive away visitors and referrals. Audience will simply jump in and out of your social media page without even landing on your website (traffic to your website is the sole motive of any marketing strategy). Give your audience what they want to read at regular intervals and you shall see a spike in your brand's followers and authority and maintain a consistent social media presence.

If you like what you read or require any digital marketing assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

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Thursday 5 July 2018

How To Look Professional Online

There are billions of people who are using internet for professional purposes. It is called online reputation management. No matter what field of work you are in, online content is powerful in making and marring the image of a person. Though no specific rules define professional behavior online but it is advisable to follow some basic steps in order to look more like an expert and less like an amateur. Here is a guide to help you put your best foot forward on the Web-

The best stands out

The internet does not filter out items you don't want other people to see. If somebody key in your name into Google then it will deliver the most relevant results. So, load the web with professional content that reflects well on your name.

Maintain your reputation

Your privacy and reputation should be taken care of. This process is time consuming but try to dedicate some time to find out and remove dubious content. For e.g. If your friend an objectionable photo on Facebook, try and remove the tag yourself. Make sure, no questionable content should be available related to you on web. Though it is virtually impossible to entirely remove the content once published online but your best option is to keep negative materials from ever hitting the web at the first place.

Protect personal information

Protecting password and other vital information is of supreme importance on the web. If anyone gets access to your account, it may ruin things beyond repair. People get victims of identity theft, sometimes financial resources get stolen and other times computers are hacked. So, the password should not be easy-to-guess thing. Keep on monitoring all accounts on daily basis.

Branding is must

Maintaining online reputation is not just being safe about your data but think of your online reputation as a product that needs to be marketed continuously. Creating a business fan page on Facebook, joining professional sites like LinkedIn, writing a blog are some of the effective ways to manage your professional presence. It will be great if colleagues and clients review your services or goods. Honest reviews are powerful. Never forget smart web surfers can quickly spot fake reviews. Try to be consistent with messages and profiles. While writing content, make sure you use the same logos, slogan and even fonts. When anybody offers criticism, respond amicably and figure out the solution to solve the problem.

Cash your expertise

It is important to be online to pump up your reputation in unlimited ways. There is no better way to present yourself as a well-rounded, trustworthy professional than blogging about a topic that interest you. This initiative will help you establish as an expert on a relevant subject. Even you are not among world's top experts but putting a thought and value into online content is always appreciated.

The internet memory is accurate

Internet never forgets. If you put write anything online, it is there forever. So be cautious and vigilant what you are feeding it. Not everyone is happy with the internet's long memory but your vigilance is your best protection.

Reshali Balasubramaniam
Head of HR, HR Counselor and adviser at and EFutureTech Systems. Submit your resume online and be contacted by prospective employers.

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Saturday 2 June 2018

Growing Your Online Social Community Effectively

Start at

Social communities are all around you and the chances are very good that you are a part of at least a few online social communities for your business. However, did you ever think about building your own online community and populating it with the people who you feel will be most effective? There are easy ways to accomplish that and before you know it, you will have created an amazing online social community of your own.

Choosing the right theme and the right people 
When it comes to growing a social community online, there are certain important things that you will want to consider so that your community is really effective and it really accomplishes the goals that you have set up to accomplish over time.

Once you have been able to build your social community, you will need to grow that community and continue to populate it with the most appropriate people so that the discussions that occur help the community to flourish. That means that you not only need to work the community once you have attracted the initial number of people but that you also need to continue to attract the right kind of people so that your community can grow and grow in the right way.

At this point, you are probably wondering exactly you should go about establishing and growing your social community and you should understand that it is not as intimidating or difficult as you may think it is.

Recognize that establishing and growing your online social community is a really good thing: There are several positive aspects of this. First of all, if the community belongs to you, you have control over who you admit and who you don't admit. You can choose to put limits on the types of discussions that occur or to let the people who are interacting to have a tremendous amount of freedom with the discussions that they are having. It is totally your call. Of course, the other people have free will. They can choose to be a part of your community or not.

If they choose to leave, so be it. On the other hand, if they find your community to be valuable and to support their values and what they are trying to accomplish with their own businesses, they will probably be with you for quite a while. Another thing that is totally under your control is the types of people you want to have in your community.

You can promote the community in different ways and you can customize your promotion to appeal to the people you want to have around you. You should remember that if you populate your community with the right people, the quality of the interactions that you share with the community members will be very high.

Do it for the right reasons: If you are going to go through the effort and time to establish your community and then to populate it with cherry-picked members, you need to make sure that the commitment that you are making to the community is for the right reasons. Your community is a reflection of you and of the members of your community.

That means that you will express your values and anyone who is involved with your community will understand your position on a whole bunch of issues, not to mention that your core values and your mission will be apparent as well. Just as is the case with the other communities (belonging to other people) of which you are a member, you will need to revolve around top-quality, relevant, valuable content that allows the community to grow in the right direction.

It is important to remain well aware of the fact that your community is made up of human beings. That means that you all interact on an emotional level. That fact alone will allow you to grow the groups successfully because the relationships that you share with the other group members will become deeper and more meaningful over time.

Choose the right members: In addition to establishing your social community for the right reasons, you also need to choose the right people with whom to populate your community. Without them, your community will not be successful. You will want to be very careful about the demographics that you choose. Considering that it is an online community, geography may not play an extremely important role. However, each community is different and your community may end up being a combination of online and in-person. That is entirely up to you. Whatever demographic aspects you choose, you will want to make sure that the people who possess those features actually enhance your community.

Ensure that your community experience is valuable to your members: The truth is that there is a lot of information out there and, let's be honest, a lot of garbage out there as well. The fact is that, once you establish your community, you have a responsibility to the members of that community. You should make certain decisions right at the beginning, as you are building the foundation of your community. It is important to remember that your social community is not just for your benefit. The members of the community deserve just as much as you do.

The only difference between you is that you are in a position in which you can make decisions. In your quest to attract the most appropriate people, you will need to make a tremendous effort to let those people know that not only is your community worthwhile for them but that you will also do your best to make them want to stick around for a long time. Smoke and mirrors can be very impressive; however, if you have not substance or real meaning to your community, what is the point?

The people are what is important: The reality is that you will need to tell the right people about your community; however, the promotion of the community is not nearly as important as the people themselves. Your community is a democracy (to a great extent). That means that your members have opinions, thoughts, and feelings that matter to you and that matter to the community as a whole. You must always make the community members understand that you are not in it by yourself. Without them, there would be no community. Human beings love to be valued and they love to feel that there needs and want are important.

Your online social community can really do a lot of great work. Your online social community will increase your business' visibility and your credibility will increase. The people in your community will take you a very long way if you choose them appropriately. For that reason, you will want to take your time and choose them carefully. If you combine the right people (who have all sorts of amazing ideas) with the right information (content that is on target and extremely effective), you have a winning combination that will be a raging success.

Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and web technologies. Mr. Cohn spent a significant amount of time at a major telecommunications company, where his main focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all business units by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and the company's Intranet capabilities, which accelerated gains in business productivity. He also reduced company travel and travel costs by introducing and implementing various collaboration technologies.

His expertise includes business analysis; project management; management of global cross-matrix teams; systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration; technology evaluation and assessment; systems development; performance evaluation; and management of off-shore development.

Mr. Cohn earned a Master's degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master's degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.

Mr. Cohn is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

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Thursday 24 May 2018

Understanding Your Content Through Facebook's Video Insights

A big number of videos are being viewed on Facebook every day. And now that Facebook's algorithm prioritizes video over other types of posts, you've probably also included video in your Facebook paid advertising strategy.

Like every other piece of content on that site, yours is competing for your target audience's attention. This means that while your videos are getting views, they might not actually keep your audience's interest for long. Worse, it won't lead to your ultimate goal-getting conversions.

Luckily, Facebook has a feature to measure how long your audiences view your videos, and then some. By understanding all these tools, Facebook allows you to work around what your audiences consider interesting. It can help you develop better strategies for video marketing.

Audience Retention

This feature shows your video's retention over time. That includes:

• the average view duration

• the total views for the first 28 days since it was uploaded, and

• the number of users who watched your video to completion or for 30 seconds.

Audience retention is useful for knowing how long people spend watching your videos. For instance, you could find that within ten seconds, your audience views dropped by 40 per cent. With this information in mind, you can create shorter content to keep your audience intrigued by what you offer.

If in the middle of your video you find that there was a large drop in views, try to find what people didn't find engaging, and work on it.

Facebook will be adding new and even more useful features to measure audience retention. They are currently not available yet, but we're rounding up how it can benefit content creating more.

Followers vs. Non-followers

This metric segregates viewers who are followers and non-followers of a page. This can help provide insights as to which people are able to reach your content and the kind of audience you want your page to attract.

Zoom Chart

The Zoom Chart helps you manage your data more accurately by letting you look closer at your stats to see which moments in your video are more engaging than the rest. This can help you create more content that focuses on something your audience considers engaging.

Audience Demographics

This metric helps you measure your audiences' retention by gender. In other words, you'll be able to see whether male or female viewers have longer video retention.

While creating content is not always easy, measuring what your audiences consider interesting can help. In the golden age of videos, it can seem like your advertising campaign could be fighting to stay relevant. By understanding what your customers want, you can come up with more ways to create engaging videos.

Whether you're hiring a company to assist you with your videos for Facebook paid advertising or creating them by yourself, it helps to know how to use these features for measuring your videos' impact on Facebook.

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Thursday 17 May 2018

What Best We Can Do In Social Media To Get Maximum Exposure

Once we come into a fresh chapter on a new year, it is time to begin planning regarding successful SMM techniques for your little business. So as or perhaps you to remain in front of the rival it is important so that you can set your online marketing strategy to make the most of prevailing trends and also the ever developing marketplace for different company industries.

The little business platform has altered a whole lot in the last couple of years and remaining as much as date with those modifications could be a obstacle.

Here are some SMM tips to help keep you in front of the competition in 2018.

Raise your presence - The main reason SMM is really big is because more and more people spend some time there. You cannot enhance presence for your needs and on the internet personality with a personal page. Throughout the year 2017, I saw lots of this created me scratch my head a little. I am not sure why nevertheless the drawbacks for this can harm your brand.

If the largest issue is undesirable spam comments, this is managed and removed with the block button and also by modernizing your settings. The target is to accommodate your audience and create leads. Make certain every bit of your social networking approach serves the objectives you set and also those who might find it. Improve your social networking existence. It is important to success of one's brand. Upping your presence drives visitors and invites involvement.

Concentrate on Mobile - Most searches and site visits are done via mobile phones. Unfortunately, most companies are yet to seriously accept mobile inside their marketing techniques. Take the time to optimize your internet site content and internet assets for mobile phone users this season.

The attempts will enhance your Return on Investment from all internet channels and can drive leads to your site improving traffic from the search engines within the proceeds. I am not just dealing with design and loading speed, but really optimizing an individual experience for website search, form entry, commerce, navigation and basic mobile phone usability.

Create Involvement a Priority - You want to become popular on social media. It isn't a soap box so that you can stop by to face on to done an announcement every now and then. It had been created in order that individuals around the globe might connect to each other. How big your "followers" on social networking does not matter if no body is attending to.

Big followings cause you to feel effective however if there isn't any message to allow them to abide by it's unlikely your brand is likely to make a lot impact. What actually matters is involvement. Engagement is exactly what earns you shares which produce leads that can become sales and achieving loyal clients. Additionally you should allow it to be a place this season to regularly revisit your buyer personas to make sure your message remains unique and highly relevant to your viewers. This amount of interaction is exactly what solidifies your brand.

Content - Making plans for your calendar and content approach with this year ought to be towards the top of your to-do list. For those who haven't got began yet, yesterday will be a great time. Paid advertisements on social networking are excellent. They produce effective leads. But, it is incredibly important to master how exactly to make a trusted, expected and scalable flow of traffic that changes into clients in order that company remains afloat with or without one. This may simply be carried out by creating awesome content. All it requires is a few efforts, testing out a couple of various tactics and consistency.

If you are ready to invest enough time, you could have all of the benefits of a well-trafficked company and site with no spending an astronomical sum on paid advertisements. As a company holder and content maker, it is element of your work to provide powerful info to your visitors regarding the services and products. Good content, powerful headlines, back-links, SEO, sales campaigns and e-mail marketing produced good, reliable traffic, and sales well before the social networking paid advertisement game was invented. It even performs.

Video Streaming - Video in real-time has become ever more popular with consumers. Numerous social networking platform giants are all investing more income into increasing their video streaming capabilities. It provide chances for content marketing along with client involvement. It really is a format which has achieved serious momentum within the last one year and it is the continuing future of branding. It is a good idea to include it to your online business marketing strategy this season.

As a whole, the greater particular and strategic you will get together with your SMM plan, the greater effective you will be with its implementation. Be it Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook or Instagram, there's a great deal you are able to do when it comes to marketing and producing latest chances on your own while including tremendous value to your customers, clients and readers. Do not create your SMM strategy so high and broad that it is difficult. Balance is key. Continue to keep your visitors and audience in your mind. A great company goal will guide your actions, however it may also be a measure through which you see whether you are profiting or failing.

If you are looking for an Online Digital Marketing Course or a SEO Course in Delhi, please visit our site Delhi Courses.

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Thursday 10 May 2018

Start Your Home-Based Online Business With These eCommerce Platforms

Starting an online venture these days is super easy. There are many inexpensive or free open source platforms for eCommerce store development.And, with the right development team, you are just one step away from getting your own website. Starting a home-based shop to trade your handicraft items, or other locally sourced products is a great idea as a startup. Starting an online business is trouble-free with ample of flexible open source and inexpensive eCommerce platforms available. The only secret of success is not to stop halfway but go on expanding product categories and store's features to convert from a small startup to a leading online business.

While we know that for any individual who is not much aware of the functioning of the eCommerce world and how things go live overnight, selecting a platform rightly to set their own online shop is a backbreaking job. So, here's a list of most powerful and easy-to-use platforms which can help owners to successfully transform their startup idea into a vibrant reality.

#1 Magento

Acclaimed as the leading and fastest evolving platform, Magento is the benchmark platform. It supports all trades and can accommodate up to 500,000 products and 80,000 orders an hour. With a number of advanced features, easy integration, SEO oriented and versatile content management, it stands to the best solution available within the budget.

Further, it is modular and customisable, means you can gradually expand your store and add new features over time.

#2 OpenCart

If there is one simple platform for startups, then it is OpenCart! This is the reason it is exceptionally popular amongst small retailers or the home-based ventures. Easy backend functionality, extensive feature plugins, unlimited products capacity and less server load are few of the perks bestowed by OpenCart.

#3 Shopify

It comes as a befitting platform for eCommerce stores that simultaneously wants focus on mobile shopping and also social shopping. Easy integrations, lightning-fast loading speed, versatile payment gateway integrations, SEO features, direct social selling are the key features Shopify offers.

#4 WooCommerce

Those who are at ease with WordPress, then WooCommerce is the right platform for them. Based on the WordPress, it is easy to install and start and hence developers will charge you less. Further, there's a large number of additional plugins or templates and themes of WooCommerce, which will help owners to deck up their stores as per the business category.

#5 ZenCart

The whole reason for putting ZenCart in this list is its user-friendly approach and easy store management. It bears a set of far-reaching tools that offer full-scale customisation options to the owners. Moreover, it focuses on the store security features to safe keep all customers and products information.

For a household person who is new to the eCommerce world with zero technical knowledge, selecting a platform that serves their business interests fully is tough. So, the wisest decision lies in choosing the one that offers best user-experience and inherent SEO features that will help the store outshine on the Google results.

Rob Stephen is one of professed Magento developers in Melbourne, who works at PHPProgrammers, a pioneered company for eCommerce solutions development. It houses a pool of talented eCommerce experts, not only in Magento but other platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify and ZenCart. Follow the Facebook page to have more insights on our services, markets we cover and solutions we offer.

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Tuesday 1 May 2018

This Year, Transform Your Time With the Stories You Tell Yourself

When you pause and listen, you may be surprised at how much 'chatter' is going on in your head. You're actually conversing with yourself almost constantly. And this isn't just idle chatter.

Indeed, the stories you tell yourself, to a surprising extent, define your reality.

So, when it comes to meaningful conversations, the silent ones you have with yourself may be the most important ones to pay attention to.

And what better time than the start of a New Year to think about that? Maybe it's time to consider telling yourself some new stories.

What you tell yourself is your choice...
Here's a scenario that a client told me about not long ago:

Joan had invited a few of her friends to join her family for their holiday meal. She was really looking forward to it, had cooked up a storm, and had created a centerpiece that she was really proud of. Just before the guests started arriving, her cat jumped up on the table and started tearing the centerpiece apart.

Upset, Joan sprang into action to shoo the cat away. In the process, she knocked over a pitcher of water. It soaked the tablecloth and was starting to puddle on the floor as the doorbell rang.

Telling the story, Joan smiled proudly and said that in that moment she made a really important choice. She decided to laugh as she opened the door to her first guests. And that decision powerfully defined her present reality and had a ripple effect that changed the shape of her day.

What our stories tell us...
So Joan told herself quite a bit with her laughter. She indicated that there was no need to feel ashamed or to panic. Her laughter meant that what had just happened was something she accepted. It became part of the unfolding story of her day and was a source of humor, not horror.

And I'm sure you can imagine how differently this would all have felt had she chosen differently. Picture her face as she opens the door. How does it look if she is furious with the cat or self-critical about knocking over the pitcher?

Choose your stories well.
So, as we move into a new year, I invite you to consider the power of the choices you make. And especially, think about the stories you tell yourself about your life. You can make such a big difference for yourself.

You'll find expert guidance quickly with our free Finding Time Success Kit, so check out our video at and then sign up for your Kit!

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Offered by Paula Eder, Ph.D. The Time Finder Expert

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Friday 6 April 2018

Innovative Promotional Tools You Probably Haven't Considered

Blogging has become one of the most popular ways for people to share ideas, engage in dialogue, and interact with others who share a common interest. They usually are short essays published online according to a regular schedule, such as daily or weekly, revolving around a particular subject, such as food, sports, raising children or any other topic.

Currently, there are an estimated 450 million blogs being published on the internet. Blogs are free to create on blog hosting sites such as WordPress and Blogger, most of which also provide easy-to-use free tools and pre-made "themes" to make your blog look professional.

Blogs can include photos, videos, audio recordings, slideshows and many other forms of rich text. Bloggers sometimes make their blogs more interactive and entertaining by including polls and contests, and by encouraging their readers to leave comments and interact with them online.

Free and Effective Way to Connect with Passion Markets

Creating your own blog can be an effective way to promote your webpage because it's an easy way to attract people who already are interested in your topic niche. By providing them with valuable information and rich content in your blog, you can build a relationship with your readers, ultimately directing them back to your website.
Plus, blogging is fun and interesting and you can quickly become immersed in a community of people who are friendly and knowledgeable about your niche subject

Growing Power of Audio

Podcasting is a form of digital media consisting of a series of audio or video files usually all devoted to a certain topic. They can be created for free using the audio and video tools that are included with most newer computers, laptops, tablets and even smartphones and can be distributed for free on iTunes, YouTube and other free distribution networks.

You can also send your podcast to a list of subscribers or post links to your podcasts on your web page or blog.

Like blogs, podcasts are an effective way to target people who share your passion for your niche subject, and can therefore be a great way to promote your website. Although some podcasts feature elaborate production - including professional-quality editing, musical scores and other production values - most are simply people talking into a microphone or video camera about a topic that interests them.

Unlike blogs, podcasts give you the opportunity to speak directly to your listeners or viewers. This can make it easier to engage them emotionally and show your personality, which can be an effective way of branding your website. Podcasts usually are played back later by users on iPods or portable viewing devices.

Video Blogging

During the early years of the internet, audio podcasts were the podcasting method of choice, but now with the near universality of video playback capabilities, video podcasts are becoming more popular.

Join Online Communities

Join the Party

Creating a reputation for your online business is no different than building a brand for a brick and mortar business. As the business owner, you need to get out into your community and meet people. Look for organizations that are relevant to your business' niche and become involved in their online communities.

Introduce yourself to as many people as necessary and be prepared to "sell" your website to them in a few short sentences. One of the best ways to make friends online - or in the real world, for that matter - is to offer to help the other person, instead of asking for something all the time.

If you offer to write a testimonial for their website, for example, or to provide a free sample of some of your products, they probably will be open to the idea of helping you in return.

Be Nice, Get Paid

It's also important to always be friendly and helpful to everybody that you encounter online because you never know who is going to be a potential customer. In most cases, the only point of contact people will have with you will be your online persona, so make sure you are consistently outgoing and always offer to assist people in whatever way you can.

Once you join online communities, find out what you need to do to get into positions of leadership. Not only will this help build your reputation and add to your resume, but it will put you in a position to make policy decisions that can be beneficial to your website and business in the future.


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Monday 2 April 2018

Let's Play The Marketing Game

Marketers, like most professionals, find their work a mental challenge - not unlike playing chess or other games of strategy and tactics. A favorite mental game that marketers play is called "How would I do it?" Want to play?

The rules are simple. Just observe how others are marketing and ask yourself, "How would I do it better?" Okay, ready to play?

On your way home from work this evening, I'll bet that you need to stop at the grocery, the drug store, or the cleaners. As you approach, start playing the Marketing Game by judging the store's appearance and the images you see. Observe as you zoom through the aisles; is the entrance inviting, clean, and well organized? Are you welcomed or ignored by staff? Is the signage clear? How's the housekeeping? Ask yourself how your customer experience could be improved.

Open your mail; look at the catalogs and brochures. Judge what catches your eye and what specifically captures your attention - graphics, message, or offer? Consider what would help make both your eye and your thought process linger, leaving you to ponder and perhaps make a purchase.

At lunch, read the menu critically - how do they attempt to entice you with mouth-watering extras like appetizers and that crave-able piece of "Mom's Famous Apple Pie" with a scoop of ice cream?

Look at the ads in the newspaper, those that pop up in your cell phone, and the ones you see on TV. Read the messages and look at the graphics. Each time, attempt to understand their strategy, check if their message is communicated effectively, and ask yourself, "How would I do it better?"

Play the game every chance you get. Think through the marketing challenges for each. How would you improve the strategy? What do you think the message should be? How could you improve the word usage, graphics, attitude, or media usage?

Of course, it's very easy to play the Marketing Game at a business you are not involved in because you don't need to deal with the constraints of time, money, and projects competing for your attention and effort. You are just being the critic.

As you continue to play the game, transfer the thought process to your business. Think about your overall strategy and ask the same questions about message, media, attitude, words, graphics, etc. The longer you play the game, the more you think like a marketer. Over time, you will become better at it. Better marketers win!

Larry Galler coaches and consults with high-performance executives, professionals, and small businesses since 1993. He is the writer of the long-running (every Sunday since November 2001) business column, "Front Lines with Larry Galler". For a free coaching session, email Larry for an appointment - Sign up for his free newsletter at

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