Showing posts with label $1000 A Week Online.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label $1000 A Week Online.. Show all posts

Friday 7 August 2020

E - Learning in Today's Corporate World

The Importance of E- Learning in Today's Corporate World

The concept of e-learning is not new to corporate organizations and individuals albeit the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has fueled the need for organizations to leverage technology platforms to drive learning initiatives. In simple terms, e- Learning (Electronic Learning) is the act of learning (educating or training) through the use of digital resources such as computers, the internet, software programmes and mobile devices.

Now more than ever before, there is a heightened need for organizations to provide learning solutions to employees using digital platforms as the benefits far outweigh the demerits. With digital learning solutions, organizations are able to achieve much more than was possible in times past. This article brings to light the benefits of digital learning and reasons why organizations must rethink their learning strategies.

Why it is imperative for organizations to leverage digital platforms for learning

The use of digital platforms for learning is dramatically changing our education system and the corporate world should be willing to adopt this new reality. The days of classroom training are gradually coming to an end due to hi-speed internet and other advancements in technology. It is becoming more difficult for employees to stay engaged and attentive during lengthy classroom training sessions, the attention span of learners has declined significantly over the years. Research shows that e- Learning requires about 60% less time than learning the same information in a classroom setting. Training providers must look for ways to provide training programmes that ensure learners are properly engaged- leveraging technology makes this possible.

Advancement in technology has made access to information a lot easier and faster, individuals now have easy access to news articles, videos, podcasts and other forms of digital content. The benefits of e-learning are numerous, we have listed some of them below

1. E-Learning gives room for more flexibility in terms of training delivery method and timing.
2. Through digital learning, information can be accessed easily anywhere and at any time.
3. E-Learning courses are typically less expensive thus saving employers additional costs.
4. There is practically no limit to the number of learners that can take a course at the same time unlike a typical classroom training.
5. Digital learning allows learners learn at their own pace thereby increasing engagement and retention.

The future of corporate learning

For organizations to survive, they must constantly evolve to meet the needs of our ever-changing world and e-Learning is a key enabler for the success and growth of any organization. According to Forbes, "Companies like IBM, Sears, and Visa are starting to turn off their old systems and build a new generation of learning infrastructure that looks more like a 'learning network' and less like a single integrated platform." Forward thinking organizations acknowledge the fact that employees are more receptive to e-Learning, they understand that the younger generation of the workforce grew up with technology embedded in their daily lives and education, hence they are tailoring their training to accommodate, interactive videos and other multimedia learning techniques. This is an important piece in the continued success of such organizations while the other organizations that fail to evolve will eventually fade away.

A study by the Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education states that "Satisfaction level with web-enhanced teaching increased to 95% in the 2011 - 2012 investigation, compared to 73% - 87% in the 2003 - 2004 one." This study shows that in both investigations students were pleased with the concept of online learning, especially the students from 2011 - 2012. From such studies, organizations should realize that E- Learning is not simply an additional feature to education or training but is indeed a core and effective educational method that can and should be adopted, it is a powerful tool that provides businesses with highly skilled employees and also benefits the corporation economically. E- Learning is an important factor in training and education and it is here to stay.

The organizations that will survive now and in the future are those who constantly evolve their systems and processes to meet modern-day demands. Organizations that are serious about survival must not only update what their employees learn, they must also revamp how their employees learn.

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Thursday 9 July 2020

This ‘hands off’ income generator is a complete game changer

If you like the idea of hands off passive income, check out the world’s first self perpetuating revenue system

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Wednesday 4 March 2020

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Monday 2 March 2020

How to generate $28,368 in the next 30 Days

Does that possibility scare you or excite you?

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You’d think I was crazy, wouldn’t you?

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Wednesday 25 September 2019

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Tuesday 18 June 2019

Money - And How to Make More of It

I don't know many independent professionals who wouldn't like to make more money.

It seems so simple. Ultimately there are only four ways to make more money in your business:

1. Get more new clients or customers

2. Raise your rates or fees

3. Sell more services to each client

4. Get more repeat business from existing clients.

Yes, but how do you actually accomplish those three things?

For the next several weeks, I'm going to write a series of articles on how to make more money in your business.

And I'm going to do my best to give you practical, actionable ideas that work. I know they work because I've3 used them and so have many of my clients over the years.

But before I start, there's an important things to understand about money.

Money. Is. An. Emotional. Issue.

Money isn't dollar bills in our pocket or numbers in our bank account.

No, in our minds, money is about our self worth, about how we compare ourselves to others, about how we feel about ourselves, about our success, and ultimately about our survival.

I have a favorite story about money that makes this very clear.

A few years ago, I worked with a husband and wife team who were executive coaches.

Because of our work together, they started to attract more clients on a consistent basis.

However, like many independent professionals, they were undercharging for their professional services.

But when I suggested they raise their fees, they became very uncomfortable.

And when I dug in, I discovered why.

It turns out that both had been raised in relatively poor families and they continually got the message that "rich people are dishonest."

Because they believed that to be true, of course they didn't want to raise their fees. That would make them, in their minds, dishonest.

And, if they felt they were dishonest, that would be a moral failure. That wouldn't feel good. It actually felt better to make less money!

After we explored this belief in depth, they realized that it was both emotional and illogical. It clearly wasn't true that all rich people were dishonest.

Their belief started to transform to: "We offer an honest service that makes a difference to our clients and it's OK to charge what that service is really worth."

This new belief felt a lot better than the old one.

And realizing this, they finally clearly saw that the fees they then charged were virtually nothing compared to the value their clients received.

And before too long they had doubled their fees with almost no pushback from their clients.

And no angst on their part.

So, the very first thing to examine if you are not making the money you want, are your beliefs about money.

Sounds simple, but it's trickier than it seems.

Why? Because we believe what we believe to protect us from any kind of harm - even if this harm is imaginary.

My clients believed they'd become dishonest if they raised their fees. So, in their minds, not raising their fees prevented that from happening.

What shifted this belief was clearly seeing that it was essentially nonsense. They could raise their fees and still be honest people.

With this powerful insight, their belief was forever changed.

And now, as a business owner, I challenge you to question your beliefs about money. First, identify the ones that are holding you back.

Here are a few very popular ones:

Money is scarce

My clients can't pay higher fees

People will think I'm greedy

More money will lead to problems

It feels wrong to make money doing what I love

Money will corrupt me

Being wealthy will make me arrogant

I don't deserve a lot of money

Money leads to bad things

More money just means more taxes

Wanting more money is selfish and shallow

List yours here: ______________________

I don't know which of these beliefs is running you, but if you aren't making the money you want it's almost certain that one or more of these beliefs is holding you back.

What are the fears behind the beliefs?

Honestly ask if those beliefs are true and if they are serving you or limiting you.

Then ask how things might change without those beliefs.

You just might find that it's not so hard to raise your fees after all.

So, the first thing you must do to earn more money is to question your beliefs about money. Unless you do that, you're unlikely to take the practical steps that will help you earn more money.

Do this honest questioning about your money beliefs and you'll be ready to learn a number of step-by-step approaches to earning more money that I'll cover in the following weeks.

Cheers, Robert

Action Plan Marketing helps self-employed people attract more clients through action-oriented marketing strategies that get you in front of prospective clients. Get our free report on how you can attract more of your ideal clients at this link:

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