Showing posts with label fb ads split test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fb ads split test. Show all posts

Monday 26 November 2018

The Power of Facebook Advertising

Social media was once considered to be only for teenagers or for those looking for romance and relationships but that has changed dramatically in recent years. Facebook has evolved as one of the most valuable assets to advertisers who are striving to reach a particular niche audience.

Facebook is the largest and most visited social network on the web today is.

Not only is it a popular location for social interactions but also it is becoming a fiercely competitive marketing tool. Many entrepreneurs are beginning to tap into this advantageous method of generating leads and sales for their businesses. Research is showing that the average Facebook user spends just over 6 hours a month on Facebook which is double the amount of time of its closest competitor, Google. Over 50% of these users are perusing Facebook from a mobile device which means that there are more than 543 mobile users searching for goods and services while on-the-go. Every day there are more than 3.2 billion items that are liked or commented about on Facebook pages and that translates into a very powerful mode of advertising for any business.

Advertising campaigns on Facebook are providing up to a 5 fold return on any investment because of the strategic targeting of the right audience. Consumers are becoming more aware of brands and are recalling what they are seeing more than other online advertising averages. Facebook advertising is the catalyst for more positive conversations about businesses as well. More importantly, the 47% trust rate for advertising on Facebook commands a respect and awareness of this tool that can effectively be used to expand the bottom line.

When considering the most efficient way to invest advertising dollars, you should include Facebook advertising in your plan. You can connect to this exploding power to target new business, to generate high quality leads, and to piggyback additional advertising strategies, like word-of-mouth advertising, to more effectively stretch your advertising monies. An entirely new world of possibilities will be opened up to you with Facebook advertising.

Facebook advertisers are permitted to geo-target an audience by country which allows the advertiser the ability to limit or expand the message of their ad based on settings that are selected. Most of the countries in the world are now Facebook friendly which expands boundaries that once limited the sale of products to smaller areas and locations.

One of the features of advertising with Facebook is the advantage of keyword interest targeting. When a user signs up for Facebook, they create a profile page that is based on their interests, likes, and activities. When you create your ad for Facebook, you have the option of searching and selecting keywords that are of interest to a specific user. This will better target an audience that is already interested in your ad before they even see it. As an example, let's say that you as an advertiser are trying to reach people who are doing home remodeling projects. When you type in the word home remodeling, a list of keywords will be pulled up for you that are related to the profiles of users who listed home remodeling as one of their interests. You can then choose any of these keywords in your ad to reach those people who have these keywords in their profiles. You are targeting an audience who is interested in your information and who will respond to your ad.

Before you begin your advertising campaign, it's important to clearly know who you want to target. Customize your Facebook advertising to the target market so that this tool work better for you and your company. Try to vary your approach so you can attract different groups. 20 year olds will view your ad differently than a 40 years old will even if they have the same need for your product. Appeal to your potential client in a positive and attention-getting way. Be clear, concise, and brief.

There are several ways to advertise on Facebook; you can use these cost-effective ways to increase the traffic to your website and generate more business and profits for you. The first way to advertise on Facebook is to create a business profile so you can interact with your list of "fans" whom you will persuade to become clients. You can send out updates, news articles, special offers and promotions, and discount information to the entire list; Facebook affords you the ability to communicate instantly with a list of people who have already indicated that they are interested in your products.

Another way that you can advertise powerfully on Facebook is to buy an ad that is targeted toward a segment of the user base. Each one of these users has an enormous amount of information stored in their profiles. This information can be used to target them based on a selected keyword or filter. Using this method will assure you of reaching potential customers who are most likely to buy your product.

Word-of-mouth advertising has been brought into the digital age with Facebook's beacon tool. News feeds let users access each other's personal profiles and postings or comments. Facebook allows businesses the ability to report a user's actions with the business website and company to the user's friends. If a Facebook customer buys a product from you or engages in discussion regarding their satisfaction with your company, their interaction with you will be posted in the news feed which will automatically create a referral system for your business. It's word-of-mouth in cyberspace.

The first thing to consider as you plan your Facebook ad strategy is your goal. Are you going to advertise your product, expand the number of people who like your business page, inform the Facebook community of your business and what you do, or are you simply getting the attention of potential customers. As your goals become clearer, begin to decide on the type of ad you will create; there are three types from which you can choose.

Crafted ads target Facebook users by filtering demographic information such as age, location, and gender. These ads will be featured in the right hand column of Facebook pages. You can create sponsored stories which interact with a Facebook fan's page with the specific story. The ad will show up in the right hand column once the fan likes your particular post. You can also select promoted posts which are more visible in the posts on friends' pages and on their contacts' pages as well. One of the most powerful aspects of Facebook advertising is the customer loyalty that you will build. Create your own business Facebook page that will allow you to directly interact with your clients. This will give a more personal touch to your business and also will allow you to use word-of-mouth advertising that you generate from your Facebook ads to spread the word in a cost-effective way. Client satisfaction, customer service, and buyer protection are all tenets of a marketing strategy that will work nicely for you and your Facebook advertising campaign.

You can offer special promotions, new products, or the latest trends with your product with your Facebook ads to reach clients that are strategically targeted and already interested in your product or service. This will provide up-dated information to your clients and keep them better informed in a time-efficient way. Today's consumers on are the go with busy schedules and demanding deadlines. These ads will connect with them and solve their issues and concerns in a timely fashion.

Facebook ads are much more flexible than other internet locations. You will be offered additional character length for any ad descriptions that you might have. You can also improve your flexibility with image-based ads that attract the visual buyer. If someone participates in the Facebook community, then they are already proven to be a visually stimulated consumer. Use images and photos of high quality and that convey your message with the power of a thousand words. Your Facebook ads will be more visible to an audience who is there to engage in obtaining information as well as to create it themselves.

With the Facebook site itself generating such a high rate of traffic on a daily basis, your ad has a much better chance of being seen and having a positive effect. It will be seen a multitude of times by a targeted audience who is already comfortable shopping the online arena. Users visit the site many, many times a day and your ad will be there to greet them as they login and begin to participate.

You are also allowed with your Facebook ad to purchase space on a click-based or impression-based fee structure. Using your budget and personal preferences, you can tailor your ad campaign to meet the needs and goals of your business plan.

Because of the targeted nature of Facebook, advertising on Facebook can be affordable for you company. You can reach your targeted audience with your online campaign for a very reasonable price. The selection of packages that you can select is extensive so that you can reach as many users as your budget will allow you to.

The use of smart-phones has skyrocketed in recent years and your ability to reach this high volume of consumers is phenomenal. Access to these devices happens every second of every day and you can tap into this gold mine of prospects. Your ads won't just be limited to laptop and computer users; you will be expanding your potential client base.

You will be offered a choice between pay-per-click (CPC) or per 1,000 impressions (CPM). Studying your demographic clicks and responses will be an important first step. Begin by starting a campaign that includes everyone and then, after a set number of impressions, see who clicked on your ad and the responses that you received. After some study and careful insights, you can then rewrite the ad to appeal with that demographic audience in mind. You can then reset your campaign as a CPC method. Finely segment your ad to appeal to different age groups, or sexes, or relationship statuses. With this small touch, you will get more bang for your advertising buck. Continually test and modify your presentation to foster higher results with substantially lower costs.

With Facebook targeting, the natural skew is toward a younger than average audience that is female. Sometimes users mislead others by submitting incorrect data on profile pages. This will cause misrepresentation of data and some of your ads will be seen by users who are not interested by their very nature; you can only get a rough estimate of the people who might see your ad. When initially targeting your ad to an audience, you might begin with 10,000 people; 50% of them will log into Facebook and see your ad. By choosing this number, you will keep your costs under control and more efficiently modify it before you launch the ad to a larger audience. Carefully select connections of people you know who trust you and your business. This will give you a base circle of community with which to begin your advertising campaigns.

Another important thing to consider when you are creating your advertising strategy is to include additional languages other than English. Inexpensive translators can be hired on some of the work at home web locations to translate your copy for you. Many advertisers neglect this segment of the population and lose many dollars in profit for this lack of attention to detail. You can open up a new section of loyal clients with just a simple effort of reaching them in a language in which they feel comfortable purchasing.

Another powerful tenet of advertising on Facebook is the low risk involved in using this format. You will have full control of your advertising budget and it will be a good testing ground for your ad. You can learn if your message is effective in communicating to a potential buyer who you are, what you are offering, and how they can purchase your product quickly and safely. You are free to modify your message as needed and promote it to a better target. You can ascertain what works best with a particular demographic and how to reach them with your message. Especially if you have a fledgling business, you might want to use the high power, lost cost approach of a Facebook ad.

If you are striving to target your local audience, Facebook ads have been proved to be very effective. You can inform local and regional clients about your business and have the "friend" network assist you as well. Many local communities enjoy supporting local businesses that give back to civic groups and Facebook can get your ads to them quickly and efficiently. When you have a happy, satisfied customer, they can tell the seven people in their social circle and those seven people will tell seven of their closest friends and so the network will distribute the message about you and your product. Testimonials serve to peak the interest of clients ready to buy but who have just one more question. If someone has purchased your product already, they can attest to its quality and your excellent customer service. Facebook is being used in your area by all of the local people who are just waiting to be approached by your ad. The appeal of Facebook extends to everyday people; you don't have to be a computer genius to take advantage of this advertising power.

By promoting your Facebook business page through the ads you place on Facebook, you are guaranteed that the people you are targeting with your ads already have a Facebook account. You can be assured your ads are reaching the audiences most likely to buy from you and the communication vehicle is at your disposal 24/7.

One of the most powerful reasons of advertising on Facebook is the budget management that is available to you. Thousands of dollars of advertising fees are not required upfront. So, you don't have to have capital outlay at the onset of your advertising campaign. Your budget can be as low as $1 per day if that is the option that you choose to employ. Budgets can be changed daily or at any time and by any amount that you wish. The measure performance tools available on Facebook advertising allow you to see and test ad rotations and explore which are the most effective tools for you. After you run your first ad, try changing a combination of the ad's image, description, and title. You will measure the performance rate of your campaigns by viewing the click-through rate which is the percentage of clicks from the number of times it was viewed on Facebook. You will select the ad which shows the highest click-through rate for you.

In a world of social media, advertising can be an excellent way to reach customers. The users of Facebook are very active; they log on daily sometimes multiple times. It provides a way for you to reach customers with whom you might not have otherwise connected. They are going to find your ad on a social media sight more rapidly than they would your own blog or website.

The exposure you receive is a very lucrative benefit to advertising on Facebook. The more customers who are exposed to your product, the higher your profits can become. Facebook does an excellent job of allowing all advertisers a multitude of targeting options that include age, gender, interests, and relationship status. These targeting filters will strategically develop an audience who is primed and ready to buy. This is possibly the most beneficial tool of Facebook advertising.

In addition to an effective list of potential clients, you will have all of the benefits of instant results. In our fast-paced society of today, speed in purchasing is important. A client will spend approximately 90 seconds looking at your ad before moving on to something else. Quality images and representations of your product along with concise and clear descriptions are dynamic tools to capture the attention of the audience and cause the perusing to develop into purchasing. You can attract many new customers in a single day and the profits can rise along with those viewing your ads.

Before you even begin your advertising campaign, you must set your budget and stick to it. There are expensive options for you with Facebook advertising but you will have to operate within your budget to obtain the success you are seeking. Use a common sense approach with your newly acquired technological advertising to promote your company and profits.

In addition, a Facebook ad will provide you with a more personal platform of advertising. Research shows that consumers are more likely to trust your ad especially if they see a link to a Facebook friend. Your ad is placed in the right hand column and is a bit more engaging than an ad they see randomly on a search engine. Even in the world of internet marketing the handshake and confidence in a deal is important to make. By personalizing your Facebook ad, it's like extending your hand across cyberspace to reach out and seal the deal. This type of business advertisement will foster good business relationships that ensure repeat business.

In effective advertising, everything is a balance. You don't want to spend a lot of time reworking your ads if they aren't accurately targeting the audience you need to be targeting. Spend time tracking your progress and your effectiveness but don't forget to interact and connect with potential and current clients. Follow through with all of your strategies and the components of your plan to generate new customers and increase your profits. A Facebook ad campaign will be an effort that takes time and patience. Keep in mind that Facebook advertising is about developing relationships and connecting with consumers not just selling them a product immediately. This platform of marketing is still developing and using these advertisements effectively will take research, study, and modifications that better hone your ad for consumers to view.

Facebook has become a powerful tool in the advertising world. The expanse of active users coupled with the micro-targeting tools make this method of telling others about your product one that will reap dramatic rewards for your bottom line. You will boost sales and maximize profits at a cost-efficient way for your business. Your business will be given the opportunity to build, improve, and maintain client relationships which is a satisfying aspect of having your own business.

The clients with whom you connect will provide you with feedback, encouragement, and testimonials that can help you reach your goals and dreams as a successful entrepreneur. By using the proper demographic, copy, and image, you will see your Facebook ad come to life. Don't be afraid to try this new and unique method of advertising. It's a fun and interesting way to reach an enormous audience with a few simple guidelines that anyone can perform.

It's not rocket science but it can provide you with an astronomical income that makes your business the success you knew it could be.

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Wednesday 1 August 2018

How to Generate Traffic Using Facebook

Social networking sites like Facebook are great platforms to not only find your old friends and make new ones, but also to use for generating traffic to any website or blog

  • You have to create a Facebook profile for your business and add a link to your site or blog with a brief introduction to generate traffic to your site or blog. 
  • Make it a point to add new people as your Facebook friends everyday as the more friends you have, the more people your profile is shared with. The more people who see your website or blog link on your Facebook profile, the more traffic and potential sales it generates. 
  • Start a group related to your business and invite your friends to join your group so that you can prove to your friends that you are an expert in your industry and use this avenue for generating more sales for your business. 

  • Join groups related to your business, and have your friends join them so that you can share your views on your industry, prove your expertise at your work and thus experience more sales
  • By creating a Facebook page, it gets indexed by search engines so that it can be accessed even by people who are not on Facebook.
  • Organize an event based on or related to your business and use Facebook to promote it by inviting all your Facebook friends and thus increase your website traffic

Facebook has a provision where you can advertise either a Facebook page or your website on the site and have more visitors to your site. You can use the Facebook marketplace to sell your products and services and thus have more visitors to your site. 

With the help of these tips and the social networking site Facebook, you will soon see a marked increase in your website traffic.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

6 Ways to Effectively Market Your Facebook Page

With the constant changes on Facebook, promoting your page has become more difficult. Despite this, Facebook marketing is still a must for businesses because of the sheer amount of users. Facebook is one of the giant platforms when it comes to social media marketing. For a modern business to be more visible, they must exert effort into marketing their page on Facebook.

Now, this doesn't instantly mean spending money on ads. There are other ways to promote your page without it costing you a dime. Here are some tips for you to grow and maintain your audience.

1. Reach Out Your Current Network

For a young page, it can be quite a rough start. But you have your initial likers and followers. You can't work with only a small audience. Encourage your current likers to share your page to their friends and followers. You can also tell your friends and family for a promotion as well. This might be the most difficult stage, but once you've got it out of the way, everything will be a breeze.

2. Promote Your Facebook Page on Your Website

If you have a website, you may direct some of the traffic you get to your Facebook page. This works well if your website has good rankings on search engines. It will increase the visibility of your Facebook page as well.

Your Facebook page can also direct traffic to your website. Many people use social media to discover information. Your audience might search for your page instead of your website.

3. Produce Useful and Relevant Content

When planning how to attract more likers, try to put yourself in their shoes. What would make them like your page? There must be a reason. Of course you must the nature of your business clear in your page. If you are a restaurant, it must be visible at first glance when they visit your page. Aside from that, your content must provide some form of benefit or entertainment. Share content that is helpful or relevant to them. This will encourage them to interact with your content instead of being a passive viewer.

Tell them which dishes are best-sellers at the moment. Got a promo? Make sure to announce it. They appreciate it when you update them with information they needed to know.

4. Make Your Customers Market for You

Social media is not at all social when it does not prioritize interaction. Your likers and followers are what keeps your page alive. When they provide feedback about your product or service, you must always acknowledge. Nothing gains trust more than a positive review from an actual person. It works better than you marketing your own product or service.

Respond to comments and messages on your page. Facebook shows how you reply to inquiries. When your audience sees that your page is active and responsive, it will encourage them to ask questions or like your page and posts.

5. Tap Influencers in Your Business Area

Influencer marketing is on the rise these days. Getting promoted by an influencer will expose you to their large number of followers. This one usually doesn't come for free, though. You can negotiate with them on what they can get in return for promoting you. Contact one that is related to your area of business. If you are a facial spa, for example, get an influencer in the beauty industry.

6. Try Advertising on Facebook

Facebook ads cost money, but you can make the money spent all worthwhile. Use the targeting feature to filter your target audience from the rest. For a new page, this is also helpful to immediately gain a significant amount of audience that is within your target.

With all these tips, you are set to start your Facebook marketing campaign! Do you know some tips that weren't mentioned above? Don't hesitate to share them with us!

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Saturday 26 May 2018

Ready To Give Up Marketing On Facebook?

The recent changes to the Facebook algorithm has set many entrepreneurs who were using Facebook to promote their businesses into a tailspin. In basic terms, Facebook will now prioritize relevant content from friends and family on timelines.

The reason for the change was, to some extent, a reaction to the issue of "fake content" on the social media platform. Facebook now wants to promote "real content" from real people, not international propaganda agencies disguised as people.

This means that posts from businesses will be less visible and is particularly hard on ordinary, honest businesses that are producing genuine content without trying to misinform or damage anyone.

So what does this mean for your business?

Good Content Will Always Be Shared

If you have plenty of engagement in regards to your content, you have a better likelihood of being in the new news feed. But even if you're not, those who genuinely like what you do will generally come to visit your page specifically to see what's new and to interact with your content.

Create a Facebook Group

Your personal Facebook page is for socializing. Your Facebook group is for socializing, and communicating with others that are interested in the topic or market in which you are doing business. When people join a group that you create, on a topic they're interested in, they look at you as a leader in that area. This means that you can promote your business while being in control of the process, something you can't do in someone else's Facebook group, or successfully from your own personal profile page.

Leverage Influencers

Influencers are folks who have grown a significant following on Facebook over time. They often keep to one niche or subject and offer their thoughts, opinions and expertise. Interact with their content, and you will become more noticeable. When people click on your name, they can go to your account, like your page, and start receiving your posts on their data feeds.

Offer A Variety of Content

Don't limit your marketing on Facebook to one kind of content, for example text only. Include things like memes, video, live video, short content, long content, infographics and so on. Videos should be short, sharp, informative and entertaining. Don't forget to ask for comments and shares.

It's not the first time Facebook have made major changes, and at least they informed people about them on this occasion. It's just a case of being more innovative and thorough, and watching how things unfold in the future.

Facebook wants you to succeed using their advertising platform. This just makes sense. If you achieve your business goals while spending money on Facebook advertising, you're likely to use that marketing practice again in the future. To learn how to make your Facebook marketing successful and profitable, download my Free Checklist, Successful Facebook Ads at

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Saturday 31 March 2018

What Are Your Digital Marketing Challenges? Here Are Our Top 5 (and Some Solutions Too!)

We're already at the end February (and the countdown to spring is on!). If you're like most small business owners, you kicked off January with a new and improved plan for your business, and most likely that included marketing to new prospects and collecting leads.

There are several challenges we're seeing with small business, specifically around marketing:

  • Small business owners don't have time to market online -there's a tendency to get lost on social media, in fact some refer to it as noisy.
  • Small business owners don't understand how to make the most of the marketing they're doing - This really comes down to strategy, what do you post when? If you're investing the time, you want to time it when you'll have the most eyes on your feed.
  • SMBs don't have a clear plan for market online (specifically with social media) - its not just what to post when, but it's the connection between the platforms that seems confusing. This is why a plan is essential.
  • Small businesses understand the need for automation, but don't like the feel of automation - you know what we mean here, there are emails you receive that just feel canned and generic. How can automation work when it feels so impersonal?
  • The learning curve is steep and continuous - even those of us who work in social media daily need to work to keep up on changing algorithms, so we get it!

What can you, as a small business owner, do right now?

  • Watch the efforts of someone you admire, how are they marketing?
  • Actively analyze what they're doing by examining when they post and what they post.
  • Do you see any trends behind their efforts, for example curated content versus original?
  • Time of day? 
  • Tone?

Accept that you'll always be learning and look to subscribe to a blog or podcast that regularly posts about social media trends. Endeavor to try something new every month (yes, that may mean video!).

Embrace video, that's YouTube, Facebook Live and Instagram. Everyone feels uncomfortable at first, but when you start seeing the results, you'll quickly embrace it. Remember, people want to connect with you before they buy, and sometimes that seeing and hearing you!

Don't feel like you must do everything alone, do what you do best, outsource the rest.

Create a content schedule and mix planned content with spontaneous content.
Struggling to create a schedule? Read last week's blog that will help you get back on track!

Still not sure if you've got the hang of digital marketing? Give us a call! We can have a quick chat about what you're doing now, and help find ways to fine tune your efforts for making impact (and efficiency!).

We help business owners find more time.

Discover how entrepreneurs just like you have freed themselves from the overwhelm of tech. Download our FREE report at

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Sunday 11 March 2018

Why A Lead Capture Funnel Is Essential For Facebook Ads Success

Knowing what a lead or sales funnel is and how sales funnels work is essential for you to succeed in Facebook Ads. Otherwise, you're leaving money on the table because you're not optimizing ads for every stage of the sales process.

For simplicity's sake, we're going to define a sales funnel as having three stages: the top, middle, and bottom. To get higher conversion rates, you need to create separate types of ads for each stage of the funnel.

For instance, at the top of the sales funnel, people wouldn't know your brand, and what you do, so you need to introduce yourself to them. For this purpose, Brand Awareness and Reach ads are great objectives to use for your Facebook advert. You don't want to sell on them aggressively as it could turn them off your brand. Instead, try to offer something of value. When they engage with your ad, you can retarget them later on with another ad using the retargeting tool (Facebook Pixel) which we spoke about in another article

At the middle of your funnel, your audience will be at the stage where they will be more likely to consider your business as the solution to their pain point. Since this is your second point of contact with your audience, they'd be more likely to engage with your advert. You can use different campaign objectives depending on what you want to achieve. For instance, you can choose from Traffic, Engagement, App Installs, Video Views, Lead Generation, and Messages objectives on Facebook ads. Maybe a few people in your audience will be willing to buy something from you now, but most of them will need some more prodding. So we go into the next stage of the funnel.

At the bottom of the funnel, this is where you ask people to buy your stuff. You've already made some contact with them, you've provided massive value so far, they've engaged with your past adverts, they've visited your site, signed up to your mailing list, downloaded your app, and more. They should be ready to buy now. You can create a Facebook ad with any of the following objectives: Conversions, Catalog Sales, and Store Visits. When you create the perfect advert, one that will resonate with your bottom of the funnel audience, then you've got them in the bag. You can also do a few split tests so you can find the winning advert which you can scale later on.

And of course, you can always use Facebook Pixels to retarget your existing customers (who already bought from you) for an upsell of the same product, to offer them a brand new product you've just created or simply to run a survey and ask them what do they expect you to create for them next to solve a current new problem that they are facing.

Your Bro.
Jalal Zaitouni

For more content like this and to master Facebook ads and reach more of your clients for less advertising cost on Facebook, download the free guide "7 Techniques to Minimize Your Facebook Ads Costs Instantly" here:

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Saturday 10 March 2018

Split Testing Your Facebook Ads - Why It's A Must

Split testing is an important aspect of Facebook Ads optimization. However, not all ad objectives support split testing so it's a bit unfortunate. Maybe in the future Facebook will allow split testing for all of their campaign objectives. For now, here's a list of objectives that support split testing:

  • Reach 
  • Traffic 
  • Engagement 
  • App installs 
  • Video views 
  • Lead generation 
  • Conversions 
  • Catalog sales

If you're on the fence about using this feature, and whether it's worth your time and money, read this short article to find out some of its benefits:

You might be asking now: What is split testing?

Well it's a feature you can use to test your ad's performance against a single or a set of variables and see which version of your ad is performing best so you can deactivate the ones that aren't delivering and keep or even accelerate the one or maximum two that are delivering the best results (Best ROI to be specific)

Variables can include gender, age, location, interest, and even certain dates and times to show your ad in the news feed.

1. You don't need to guess at what's working and what's not

Utilizing this feature of Facebook Ads, you get to cross off your list all those elements that are not working for your ads. By the end of a few tests, you'll know exactly what's working and what's resonating with your audience, and what's not. This will definitely help you save time in the future by now using those elements which are proven failures again, but you are also a step closer to creating the perfect high-converting ad for your business.

2. Your results are not due to luck

Some people get lucky with their first advert. But they're few and far in between. If you depend on luck, you're not going to get very far. Advertising means you need to spend money to reach people. If you depend on luck, you're throwing money to the wind. With split testing, you can pinpoint exactly what made your ad successful. You can say with certainty that these elements are the reason for your ad's success, and you can use the same elements again in your future campaigns.

3. It's a worthy investment

With split testing, you get to spend money up front, but once you find a winning campaign, you can easily recover the cash you've paid for those failed adverts. You just need to have a detailed plan in mind and at least have an idea of the kinds of elements you'd want to test. There's an infinite number of elements and combinations for every advert, so you need to narrow down your choices from the get-go and not spend too much money. This is the smart way to do split tests, have a theory or objective in mind and set to prove that theory right (or wrong).

Your Bro
Jalal Zaitouni

For more actionable tips on how to Minimize Your Facebook Ads Costs, reach thousands of potential clients while spending pennies per lead and capture more leads for less bucks on Facebook ads, download my free guide here "7 Techniques To Minimize Your Facebook Ad Costs".

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