Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Monday 24 April 2023

What is chat GPT and how it can help you earn money from home?

 As an SEO expert, it’s imperative that you constantly stay up-to-date with the latest search engine optimization trends and strategies. One of the biggest advances in online communication technology that is currently getting a lot of attention is chat GPT.

So, what exactly is chat GPT? Chat GPT stands for “Generative Pre-training Transformer” and it is a language processing model that uses machine learning to generate conversational responses. Put simply, it’s a computer program that can simulate human conversation.

In today’s digital age, chat GPT technology has become increasingly popular due to its ability to transform online interactions and the way we communicate with computers. It essentially allows businesses to interact with their customers more naturally and effectively.

Now, when it comes to earning money from home, chat GPT has become an excellent opportunity for people who are looking to work as freelance writers or content creators. More specifically, chatbots that use GPT technology are often used to create content for businesses, e-commerce sites, and social media accounts.

So, how exactly can chat GPT help you earn money from home?

1. Writing Chatbot Scripts

As we mentioned earlier, chatbots that use GPT technology are increasingly being used by businesses as a means of interacting with their customers in a more natural way. As a freelance writer or content creator, you could be hired to write scripts for chatbots, ensuring that the chatbot responses accurately reflect the tone and style of the company or brand.

2. Creating Social Media Content

More and more businesses are now using chat GPT to create content for their social media pages. As a freelance writer or content creator, you could be hired to write engaging social media posts, Instagram captions, and Twitter updates for various businesses.

3. Blog Post Creation

Chat GPT can also be used to increase blog post frequency and quality. As a freelance writer, you can be hired to write blog post drafts where the chat GPT tool will assist in generating unique and relevant content for a variety of niches.

4. SEO Optimization

As an SEO expert, you can use chat GPT technology to optimize and improve website content. You can use the chat GPT tool to identify relevant keywords and phrases, which can then be incorporated into your website copy and metadata to improve search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

5. Improving Customer Experience

Finally, chat GPT can also be used to enhance the customer experience by providing a natural and intuitive interface for customers to interact with. This can be achieved through the use of chatbots that are able to provide personalized assistance and recommendations based on a customer's previous interactions.

In conclusion, chat GPT is an exciting technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate with computers. In particular, it provides a range of opportunities for freelance writers and content creators looking to work from home. Whether you are writing chatbot scripts, creating social media content, improving website SEO, or enhancing the customer experience, the potential for success in this field is limitless. It’s time to harness the power of chat GPT and start earning money from the comfort of your own home.

Secrets to Passive Profits released here.

How to Make Money with Chat Gpt

How to make money with chat gpt - If you are looking for chatgpt money, then watch this video to learn everything you need to make money with chat gpt 

#ChatgptIncomeMoney #ChatgptIncome #HowToMakeMoneyWithChatGPT

00:00 How to make money with Chat Gpt

00:30 Chat GPT Bonus link

01:30 Chat GPT Offer

04:45 3 Things You Need For A Profitable Online Business

05:47 Profit from Chat Gpt

06:45 Make More Money with Chat GPT

Are you tired of struggling to make ends meet every month? Do you want to turn your spare time into a second income stream? Well, if you're like millions of people out there, then this is for you.

Many people are out there searching on how to make money with chat gpt.Now is the opportunity to show them how! 

So why wait? Grab ChatGPT Second Income PLR today and start turning your spare time into a second income stream. With ChatGPT, the possibilities are endless.

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Unlock the Secret to Passive Income with ChatGPT - Start Earning Money Now!

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Friday 21 April 2023

How To Make Money With Chat GPT - Chat GPT Income Money

Chatgpt income money - If you are looking for chatgpt income money, then watch this video to learn everything you need to know about chatgpt income money and 00:00 with chat gpt

#ChatgptIncomeMoney #ChatgptIncome #HowToMakeMoneyWithChatGPT

00:00 Chat GPT Income Money

01:15 Google Trends 

03:32 Bonuses

04:32 Opportunity, prices and upsells

07:50 3 Things For A Profitable Online Business

10:22 Make More Money with Chat GPT

Are you tired of struggling to make ends meet every month? Do you want to turn your spare time into a second income stream? Well, if you're like millions of people out there, then this is for you.

Many people are out there searching on how to make money with chat gpt.Now is the opportunity to show them how! 

So why wait? Grab ChatGPT Second Income PLR today and start turning your spare time into a second income stream. With ChatGPT, the possibilities are endless.

And with the bonuses, even better!

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Thanks for watching my ChatGPT Second Income PLR bonus video. I hope you got value from it. Please don't forget about my ChatGPT Second Income PLR review bonus pack that I have for you...super valuable.

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Affiliate Disclaimer:  While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you 

Friday 15 June 2018

Everything You Need to Know About Mobile SEO

Smartphone addiction is real and it is a global phenomenon. For a majority of people, checking their phone first thing in the morning is a ritual. Needless to say, mobile devices have changed lives dramatically and also the way people use the web, leading to changing SEO. If you have not optimised your website for mobile SEO, there is a high chance that you are not reaching out to your target audience or satisfying the needs of your customers. Keep reading to know how you can deliver the ideal mobile experience to your audience.

What is the Importance of Mobile SEO?

Mobile SEO is critical because it enables you to reach your target audience at the right time and in the right place. Every day, people are discovering more and more advantages of smartphones, which is leading to mobile traffic surpassing desktop traffic. In order to connect with millions of mobile phone users, you need an effective mobile SEO strategy. As per reports, smartphone users have a much higher intent of buying than desktop users. So, you need to be there when potential buyers are looking for your products or services.

Google's Mobile-first Index Raised the Importance of Mobile SEO

Making websites mobile-friendly was a concern amongst most online businesses thanks to the rising number of smartphone users all over the world. But, Google's mobile-first index made it mandatory for online businesses to have a mobile version of their website. As per the mobile-first index, the search giant announced that it would be giving more preference to website's that has a mobile version when it comes to ranking. The mobile websites will be crawled by Googlebot to determine their content, performance and user experience. This announcement means that online businesses must take action if they do not want to lose their customers to their competitors.

Websites with Responsive Design Fares Well on Search Engines

When developing your mobile website, you are going to have 3 options - responsive design, a separate site on a subdomain or dynamic serving. Amongst the three options, Google prefers responsive design because that way, you will only have one website adapting to the devices that it is being used on. You would not have to build different websites for different mobile devices and screen sizes.

Having a responsive website is less of a hassle, as well. Such websites have only one code base, making maintenance extremely easy. Also, responsive design is going to make your website readily eligible for Google's mobile-first index.

Important Considerations for Mobile SEO

Page speed: You cannot afford to have a mobile website that loads extremely slow. Mobile users are even more impatient than desktop users, and they might not wait for 5 to 7 seconds for your website to load. You need to periodically analyse the performance of your mobile website and make the necessary changes. Some suggestions for improving page speed would be optimising the images, upgrading to HTTPS, use a CDN and so on. Professionals offering SEO optimization services can give you more inputs.

User experience: Besides being found easily, your mobile website should offer an outstanding user experience. You need to be vigilant about the common tasks performed by your customers and their search intent. Make sure to do away with any kind of obstacle that might hinder your users from reaching their goals fast.

Optimise for local: Smartphones become particularly useful when users are out and about. About 76% of mobile users search for things are nearby to where they are. This means that to truly achieve SEO success, you need to optimise your mobile website for local search.

The digital and mobile landscape undergoes rapid changes. So, even once you have a foolproof mobile SEO strategy, significantly invest in upgrading it.

Nhance Digital is a leading provider of SEO optimization services in the UK. Anchored with an expert and experienced team of SEO experts, they have a proven track record of helping their clients achieve huge visibility and success online. They offer bespoke SEO strategies and can also help with website design & development, social media campaigns, PPC campaigns, content development & marketing requirements and more.

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Wednesday 9 May 2018

Work From Home And Make Money With Your Own Online Business

Start Your Own Online Business- Top Reasons Why You Should
It isn't easy to start an online business. Some people may lie to you and say it is the easiest thing they have ever done, but they are being at best unrealistic. Running an online business is as the name implies, "a business that is online". So there are certain rules you must follow in order to earn cash online (and do it the right way).

Even though there are challenges to running a business online there are benefits to it as well. In my view it is better to start a business online. Below I have listed some of the top reasons I believe this to be true.

The Traditional Way To Get Cash Is Becoming Outdated
There are a lot of people who have great ideas, but can never seem to the get them off of the ground. Many times this is due to lack of resources or the ability to properly fund their business. With the traditional business model there is normally a substantial investment. An internet business does not require this major investment (though there could be a small one).

Using the example of a brick and mortar store an owner must invest in their business only to have their money at times locked in the business itself for years. Many times it takes years for the store owner to recuperate their entire investment. With an online business model you would have less overhead and other means to store your inventory (such as drop shipping or as an affiliate). This means that inventory is not a requirement allowing you to ship product upon demand versus investing in the goods upfront.

Each Industry Dictates It's Threshold To Make Money
Certain industries require you to invest money to make money. Depending upon the industry itself starting small may be out of the question. The reason? In order to compete you must be competitive. To be competitive in the traditional sense may require a significant investment of funds from the beginning. This is not even mentioning physical location(s), staff and security issues.

However, a home based business that exists on the internet can grow as you grow. We all want to grow. With a smaller investment you can leverage your advantage for greater profits. If staff is required, the positions are minimal and physical security becomes one less thing for you to worry about (especially if you are an affiliate or you don't house your products in-house).

The Internet Is Becoming The Standard For Communicating A Business
The day is coming where if you're not online you don't exist. Even traditional brick and mortar organizations are now vying for a presence on the web.

The level of innovation new technologies are providing the entrepreneur online are endless. You are limited by your imagination and ambition.

With the internet you can make as much or as little as you want. This is determined by your willingness and effort to take your business to the next level. Will you press forward the wheel of innovation a success and become the next internet millionaire (or billionaire)? Or maybe you're not as ambitious and are only looking to take care of your needs (and maybe your families too)? An online business can provide you with this ability.

If you are serious about taking the next step and take the quick path to getting your online business off the ground (and making you money), get my new quick start guide here now!

I am serious about my internet business, and thankful for the time you have taken to read this article. If you are serious about beginning an online business then I recommend my Internet Business Quick Start Guide. Get your kit here now.

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Friday 20 April 2018

7 Simple Steps to Weather Any Economic Storm

When the US economy gets bad, we all feel the pinch. However, some parts of our population feel the pinch harder than others. For example, many senior citizens live on a fixed income consisting of Social Security, small pensions and investment income. For these people, even small changes in costs of food or medicines can take a huge toll on their financial fitness. Listed below are 7 simple steps that everyone can take to improve their financial condition and put themselves in a better position to weather upcoming economic storms.

1) Save more money. I know, this sounds simple and common sense tells us to always have some savings for a "rainy day". However, most people make the mistake of not saving enough. As a general rule of thumb, you should have no less than two months worth of expenses saved in cash (savings account, CD, checking, etc.). For some people, the amount of savings will need to be higher. Putting money into your savings should be a routine part of your financial habits. Make it a point to put a standard amount away every month. For example, have your bank automatically transfer $100 to your savings account each month. Do not take from this account unless you have an emergency!

2) Spend less. This tends to be the hardest change that people have to make. Spending money makes us feel good and we all like that. However, when spending gets out of control we can find ourselves in a hopelessly deep hole that may take some serious cuts to get out of. It is much easier to make small spending "adjustments" along the way. For example, instead of spending $3 each day for that gourmet coffee, simply make a small pot at home for about $0.70. There are many small coffee brewers available that make excellent coffee and buying in bulk saves a lot of money! Another way to spend less is to look for loyalty clubs that pass along savings to the members. I am a member of one such club at my local grocer. Each week there are two or more pages of special purchases only available to members of the loyalty club--and it costs nothing to join! I save tons of money with that.

3) Diversify investments. I have written entire articles on this in the past but it bears repeating here. If you are a senior citizen, you most likely should not be invested 100% in the stock market. Most seniors that I work with need to produce income from their portfolio to supplement their other retirement income sources. In order to give their investment portfolio the best chance of surviving an economic downturn, we use various combinations of stocks, bonds, cash, annuities and alternative investments. Unfortunately, this is an area where many people just do not have the expertise (or courage) necessary to properly identify investment choices that are right for them. You may need to seek the advice of a qualified professional. A fee-only advisor does not accept commissions and therefore has no financial incentive to place you in one investment over another. Go a bit further and seek a fee-only advisor with a credential like the CFP mark. ( A good advisor can pay for themselves many times over and this is money well spent!

4) Negotiate. Practically everything is negotiable these days. Everyone knows that big ticket items are negotiable like cars and homes. But I have personally found success in negotiating the cost of everyday items like trash pickup, newspaper delivery, satellite TV and phone service. You might be surprised that you can reduce the costs of some of these items by as much as 50% or more with a simple phone call. You may have to threaten to cancel your service (which you should do if you can get the service cheaper somewhere else) in order to get the lower price. After all, the service provider had rather be making some money from your account than to lose your business all together. Trust me on this one and make some calls today!

5) Be more efficient. There are some clear ways to be more efficient like running all of your errands early in the morning rather than spacing them out throughout the day and keeping your car tires properly inflated. You should also have a programmable thermostat installed in your home. These devices can save you hundreds of dollars each year by carefully controlling the climate in your home for optimal comfort and savings. Additionally, only run other appliances like the dishwasher or washing machine/dryer when you have a full load. Also try not to run any household appliances during the summer peak energy consumption hours of 11AM to 3PM. My local municipality charges over 30% more for electric power during these hours. Be sure to have your windows and doors checked for leaks at least one per year. A $3 tube of latex caulk is a solid investment for making your home more efficient.

6) Pay off debt. Credit card debt is especially burdensome during rough economic times. Your interest rate can go up, your credit line can be cut or both. This goal has to be balanced with saving but it can be done. Adding another $25 to your monthly credit card payment can significantly speed up the payback period. When it is all paid off, don't close or cancel the account because that may hurt your credit rating. Instead, remove the card from your wallet and leave it in a safe place in your home so that you will not be tempted to use it for impulse purchases.

7) Volunteer. Many studies have shown that people spend more money when they are unhappy or unfulfilled. Likewise, the same studies show that people who feel happy and content spend less money on impulse items. Volunteering in your community is a great (and free) way to boost your morale and feel better about yourself. Doing something for others pays dividends to the community in big ways. Your local animal shelter, homeless center or church can always use additional volunteers. This opportunity also provides you with time to interact with other people who have similar interests as yours. You might even pick up some tips on how to save money!

There are many more ways to prepare for the next financial crisis. If you feel like you are unable to do these things, seek professional help. Referrals from friends or relatives is a good place to start but always be sure to check up on any advice giver especially if they charge a fee or earn a commission from their activity.

Todd Fields, CFP is an expert in the fields of financial planning and investment management. He is founder and President of Trusted Wealth Management, Inc. serving senior citizens and retirees in the Atlanta, GA area. He can be reached via his website at [] or via e-mail at

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Tuesday 17 April 2018

Some Nuggets on How To Be Rich

Everyone no matter their age, they all want to know how to be rich, how to hack life and make it financially. The significant driving force has been the perception that wealth or money means everything or can buy you all and make you happy. Millions of books have been written since the ancient times and yet you will find yourself looking for more and hopefully direct and easy ways around how to just make it. Well, you did great reading this article since you will see that most of what you need to make it you already have it.

Most young people just want to hack life and make it all at once without that effort nor patience of learning. This has created severe habits such gambling and fraud as a means to get rich quick. The other vice that has risen due to the elusive fact that all can make it is a generation of desperate and drug-addicted youths who believe that their fate is already sealed. This article is a wakeup call and a call to action to drop page thumping and expecting to find that one magical trick. You are all that you need.

How to start.

To begin with, by reading this means that you are ready and willing to make something out of yourself, get your head straight now and acknowledge that you have a working brain and a desire to make it.

The second move is to dream and make sure that you do not just imagine. The moment you can visualize anything in your head means that you can be able to make it happen for real.

Go ahead and write down your plan and evaluate how you are planning to achieve that. This, therefore, has to begin with small ideas and seeing them through. You cannot start planning for a Ferrari, and you do not own an account even. Start small and be patient to look at the fruits of your hard work.

Patience as a value comes in hand even when managing your wealth later in life. You have to carry out planned and well-calculated risk and wait patiently and trust in yourself that it will work.

The other thing is growing some balls because the moment you start investing you will have to be ready for risks and failures. Do not dwell on the failures instead move on and have better plans, do not lose focus but keep the desires, and all will work eventually.

Lastly, when you start making something, reinvest and work to grow bigger. Instead of celebrating and blowing up everything take it back and let it grow. Always have the mentality of safeguarding the capital you input at any time and then re-invest the profits for growth.


The smart ones only win the money game and wealth creation. By accessing such information, you have been made smart, and that means you can go forth and grow yourself to whatever level you want.

You can always find more interesting articles here or hire my writing services. Reach me via

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Wednesday 14 February 2018

Life Equals Time - Style Equals Money

Put yourself in a position where you have... Time AND Money.

Become the best version of You. Invest money in yourself.

Put your money into things that make money.

Have the attitude that... Money is abundant and money is all around you.

You can survive weeks without food, days without water but only minutes without oxygen. As soon as you take away oxygen...

It becomes the most important thing in life!

It's something we seldom consciously think about, unless you take it away.

You don't think about breathing unless you can't breath... (And usually that only happens once).

However, when you don't have any money, it dominates your daily life... All Day Long - Everyday!

It's all you think about. Fortunately, when you get to the place in life where you have an abundance of money, a productive life changes and becomes about helping others.

And when you focus on helping others... You will be rewarded by "The Universe" and have even more abundance.

We can't prove it. Some call it spiritual, others call it karma, luck, favor... Science can't prove it. No machine can measure it. It just works!

Some call it "Faith."

You can then go out and bless others. Become an abundance warrior.

Set a personal goal. Surpass it. Learn how to empower others.

Build a social media influence and scale your business.

Get a digital product such as an automated webinar funnel.

And then put the webinar on replay.

People will purchase from the automated webinar.

Then, by promoting affiliate offers, the selling is done "auto-magically".

You just collect, keep, and cash the commission checks.

What a wonderful life!

Build... Grow... Scale... and Multiply

Always sounds so easy. But is it really?

The truth is NO, it is not.

It's hard and like anything worth having in life... It takes work!

That's the dirty little secret they don't tell you in the ads.

But the reality is... The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Become.

I saw Donald Trump at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City about a decade ago. It was a FREE speech, no charge to get in, no security checks, no bomb sniffing dogs. Open to the general public.

Anybody could come, no metal detectors.

It was a different world back then... Safer!

(I heard 'The Donald' got paid a million bucks for the speech).

I remember Trump was talking about Paul McCartney. Trump said... 'that poor bastard Paul McCartney' didn't have a pre-nup.

That divorce cost Paul a ton of money, No pre-nup!

After an interesting, unscripted and entertaining speech, at the end of the evening, 'The Donald' concluded his talk by saying something I'll never forget.

Donald Trump said... "Never, never, never, never, Never Give Up!"

Here it is now a decade later, and that still sticks in my mind.

Carl Willoughby is an internet entrepreneur that has been online more than 20 years and can help you start a successful online internet business. Visit his blog at:

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Tuesday 13 February 2018

Prosperity And Wealth Are Yours By Understanding The Law Of Abundance

Being grateful daily for simply one week is proven to have had advantages for aligning with the universal law of wealth and abundance by studies of psychologists.

Spiritual masters have actually understood and promoted gratitude for literally millennia for prosperity and abundance.

Personal transformation gurus also mention that how to attract wealth is through appreciation by being thankful for realizing your inner light of eternal being.

To attract money to you and other material pleasures is by being be grateful?

The easy answer is aligning with the law of abundance is to do the opposite of being unappreciative or feeling that you lack and that there is absolutely nothing to be grateful for.

There are always millions of needs to be grateful thus aligning oneself with the law of abundance, well-being, and overall peace of mind.

The principle of thankfulness is realizing your limitless abundant self and reflecting that prosperity mindset into your material world.

You can never lack things to be grateful for, since the real universe-- which is you from within where your true free will exists, never ceases to support you, even when it seems things are going wrong.

Things only appearing to be going in a wrong-minded direction is simply the real universe pointing out that your ego-based negativity is obscuring your inner Light of creation.

The Course in Miracles states, "The cornerstone of God's creation is you, for His thought system is light."

Why don't individuals get the lesson and continue to act as victims of an unjust and cruel world?

It is simply a valuable life lesson-- in appreciation.

Appreciation is not limited to winning in the stock market, or real estate values sky rocketing, and watching your bank account grow.

To be grateful can imply to realize that you have the power within you for how to attract wealth, today with exactly what you have within you at your inner core.

It's what the Course in Miracles terms, "Lights center."

Yes, the center of the light that you are!

I personally ensure that around you, right now, you have more than 25 to 35 things you could be grateful for.

Deciding to be appreciative triggers positive ideas and feelings and is how to attract money to you.

Can not you be grateful for the technology we have at our finger tips today?

How about having food on the table? What about clothes? Do you have any close acquaintances and friends and a loving family?

What if you could be appreciative for those things?

Previously we discussed more on when you think How to Change my Life, consider the law of attraction and its reflection principles

This is not a reason to beat yourself up, or a criticism that states you "ought to be" grateful. This can be disadvantageous.

Remember the old 'cliché' of our parents telling us when we were kids about all the starving people around the world when we wouldn't eat our vegetables? (I remember my little sister telling our Dad one evening at dinner, "Let's get their address and send them this terrible broccoli on my plate!)

That was funny, but my point is if anything it taught children to pack themselves beyond their physical need, worse yet created food addictions and obesity.

Exactly what this article is stating is that if you do select to be grateful, and you do have the power of the law of abundance.

It begins with the little things that possibly have been taken for granted, then increased prosperity and abundance in some capacity is in fact guaranteed if it is formed into a daily routine over the course, ideally of 21 days or more.

Begin being grateful today and start owning up to the universal law of abundance if you have ANY concerns in your life.

Start by jotting down in a journal every day for at least 21 days, and then onward, 7 things that you might be grateful for-- even if you feel there is absolutely nothing to be grateful for.

It will be like sowing a seed that will change your life for the better.

The Course in Miracles teaches, "Every idea has a purpose, and its purpose is always the natural outcome of what it is."

That said, begin a prosperity and abundance appreciation list of little and huge things that anybody could be grateful for, specifically when you are holding on to things which serves little sane or real purpose in order to just be cranky.

Yes, make a random list for you.

It is advised that you make your own list based on your goals and objectives. Beginning now, I mean in this instant, today.

Not later on. Not when you've remembered this article a few days from now, examined your email or anything else.

Now, put thankfulness into action and see exactly what it does for you.

One last thing we should consider, and say you've got an actually bad obstacle in your way that appears like it simply can not be fixed.

Maybe it's a longstanding health concern, or possibly you've been stuck in a self-created or "natural disaster" created monetary scenario that has been badgering you.

Sometimes, these apparently unfortunate occasions can be entirely turned around when trying to find the good in the situation.

Ask yourself: exactly what in this situation might teach me something, so I may move forward in life.

To a life of abundance and well-being! Hi, I'm James Nussbaumer, I'd like to introduce myself through my thought provoking self-improvement and inspirational books, articles, and other content which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. I'm also offering you a Free version of my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter, where you'll get updates on my weekly podcasts, videos, livestreams, other events and so much more, helping everyday people live life on their own terms. This is for folks who are interested in letting go of the past and attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wellness in their lives.

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Wednesday 10 January 2018

What Are Top 5 Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin?

Bitcoin has lead the crypto world for so long, and so dominantly that the terms crypto and Bitcoin are often used interchangeably. However, the truth is, the digital currency does not only comprise of Bitcoin. There are numerous other crypto currencies that are part of the crypto world. The purpose of this post is to educate our readers on cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin to provide them with a wide range of options to choose from - if they intend on making crypto-investments.

So let's get started with the first name on our list, that is:


Launched in 2011, Litecoin is often referred to as 'silver to Bitcoin's gold.' Charlie Lee - MIT graduate and former engineer at Google - is the founder of Litecoin.

Similar to Bitcoin, Litecoin is a decentralized, open source payment network which functions without a central authority.

Litecoin is similar to Bitcoin in many ways and often leads people to think: "Why not go with Bitcoin? Both are similar!". Here's a catch: the block generation of Litecoin is much faster than that of Bitcoin! and this is the main reason why merchants around the world are becoming more open to accepting Litecoin.


Another open source, decentralized software platform. The currency was launched in 2015 and enables Smart Contracts and Distributed Applications to be built and run without any downtime.

The applications on Ethereum platform require a specific cryptographic token - Ether. According to the core developers of Ethereum, the token can be used to trade, secure, and decentralize just about anything.

Ethereum experienced an attack in 2016 which saw the currency split into two parts: Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.

In the race of leading cryptocurrencies, Ethereum is second most popular and is right behind Bitcoin.


Zcash came out in the later part of 2016. The currency defines itself as: "if Bitcoin is like http for money, Zcash is https".

Zcash promises to provide transparency, security, and privacy of transactions. The currency also offers the option of 'shielded' transaction so the users can transfer data in the form of encrypted code.


Dash is originally a secretive version of Bitcoin. It is also known as 'Darkcoin' due to its secretive nature.

Dash is popular for offering an expanded anonymity which allows its users to make transactions impossible to trace.

The currency first appeared on the canvas of digital market in the year 2014. Since then, it has experienced a large fan following over a very short span of time.


With a market capitalization of over $1bn, Ripple is the last name on our list. The currency was launched in 2012 and offers instant, secure, and low-cost payments.

The consensus ledger of Ripple doesn't require mining, a feature which makes it different from Bitcoin and other mainstream crypto currencies.

The lack of mining reduces the computing power which ultimately minimizes the latency and makes transactions faster.

Wrap Up:

Although Bitcoin continues to lead the pack of crypto, the rivals are picking up the pace. Currencies like Ethereum and Ripple have surpassed Bitcoin in enterprise solutions and are growing in popularity each day. Going by the trend, the other cryptos are here to stay and will soon be giving Bitcoin a real tough time to maintain its stature.

Talha Farooq is a Bitcoin enthusiast and an author for Do not hesitate to land in his inbox via

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Thursday 28 December 2017

How to Make Money Online: A Beginners Guide to Earn From Home

How To Make Money Online 
Making money online is NOT EASY at all. But it's NOT THAT DIFFICULT too, if you are following a proper path. Without these following three things making money online will always remain a dream for you:-

  • Hard work
  • Perseverance
  • Patience

If you think you have got the above mentioned three things, then let's jump right into the topic.
Below are some of the most authentic and legit ways to make money online


What is Freelancing?
If you are into making money online, you must have heard the term Freelancing. But what does it really mean? Freelancing means working on a contract basis rather than on a regular basis for a company or organization and getting paid for hour of work, days of work or per project.

Now a day You-tube is booming like anything. More and more people are coming to YouTube to find a solution to their problem, to learn something new and to entertain themselves. With this increasing popularity YouTube is also becoming a money making machine for content creators. Yes! In case you don't know you can earn a decent amount of money by creating YouTube videos. Although YouTube videos don't pay by themselves, you can make money by placing Google AdSense ads on your videos (of course there are other ways to make money on YouTube but for now we will stick to Google AdSense). The more views and clicks your ads get the more money you will make.

Blogging basically means writing posts on any niches on the internet, which are updated frequently. You can write on different niches which include but not limited to personal journals, News, Technology, Health and Fitness, Gaming, Parenting or any other topic you are interested in.

Affiliate Marketing 
These days almost every product is available online, whether it is as small as a needle or as big as a car, everything is available online. And people are inclining more and more towards buying products from online stores may be because of the easy accessibility of products and convenient home delivery system.

These online stores need to advertise their products in some way and affiliate marketing is one of the many ways they promote their products. So affiliate marketing is a form of advertisement in which the affiliate (in this case you) promotes the products from different online store in his/her blog or website through a unique link (generally referred as affiliate link). The affiliate gets a commission when someone buys a product through that link then (generally some percentage of the price of the purchased product).

Almost every big online store has an affiliate program which you can join to promote their products in your website and get a commission in return if someone buys from your affiliate link.

You can visit to view a detailed post on how to make money online.

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Friday 8 December 2017

Excellent Tips To Help You Make Money Online

Making money online is something that seems impossible, especially if you don't know much about it. But, it is simpler than you might imagine, as long as you are educated. This article contains information that will help you do just that.

If owning your own blog is a bit too time consuming, but you would still like to write and earn money, thing about creating articles for existing blogs. There are a number out there, including Weblogs and PayPerPost. With a little research and a bit of initiative, you could get set up with one of these sites and start earning money in no time.

Consider the things you already do, be they hobbies or chores, and consider how you can use those talents online. If you make your children clothing, make two of each and sell the extra on the internet. Love to bake? Offer your skills through a website and people will hire you!

Start out small when you want to make money online, to minimize potential losses. For example, something that looks promising could turn out to be a bust and you don't want to lose a lot of time or money. Do a single task, write just one article or order only one item until the site you choose proves to be safe and worthy.

Freelancing is a great way to work online. There are a number of sites that will allow you to log on and put in an idea or proposal. Buyers then search the available options and figure out what they would like to purchase. Freelancing is best suited for skills that involve things like programming and data entry.

Create honest reviews of some of the new software that is out on the market today. SoftwareJudge is a site that will pay you to try out this new software and create a review of how good or bad you think it is. This will skyrocket your earnings if you can do this often.

There are legit ways to make money, but there are also scams online. Research any site before you do business with them in any way. Check out the BBB for any complaints that may have been lodged.

If you have a blog or website ready to go, think about selling advertising space on it. You will earn money each time one of your visitors stops what they are doing and clicks on the ad. The best way to be successful and earn money with pay-per-click advertising is to have a good website that offers valuable information. This will increase your traffic flow as well as the number of clicks you are getting. Google AdSense is one program that can get you started.

To make real money online, consider launching a freelance writing career. There are numerous reputable sites that offer decent pay for article and content writing services. By checking into these options and reading feedback of each company, it really is possible to earn an income without ever leaving your home.

Now you have the information you need to earn cash online. There are many opportunities, but you need to stay vigilant and try these tips. Take each day step-by-step. With time, you'll see your bank account grow.

Kurt Tasche is an Internet entrepreneur, martial artist and motivational speaker. He writes articles on the topics of Internet marketing, personal development, network marketing, business, motivation, martial arts and more. You can learn more about Kurt by reading his blog at:

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Thursday 7 December 2017

Ten Tips for Investing in Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is the newest trend in the money market that contains the elements of computer science and mathematical theory. Its primary function is to secure communication as it converts legible information into an unbreakable code. You can track your purchases and transfers with cryptocurrency. Following are the top ten tips for investors to invest in cryptocurrency.

1.It's Just Like Investing in Commodities:

Investing in cryptocurrency is just like investing in any other commodity. It has two faces - it can be used as an asset or as an investment, which you can sell and exchange.

2.Buy Bitcoin Directly:

Buy Bitcoins directly if you do not want to pay the fee for investing or if you are interested in possessing real Bitcoins. There are a lot of options all over the world including, BitFinex, and BitFlyer from where you can buy Bitcoins directly.

3.Only an Absolute Minority Uses Cryptocurrency:

Today, Bitcoin is the most common cryptocurrency in the world of investment. In the United States, only 24% of the adults know about it, and surprisingly only 2% Americans use it. It is good news for the financial investors as the low usage represents a fruitful investment for the future.

4.Usage is Growing:

The combined market cap of the cryptocurrencies is more than 60 billion American dollars. It includes all cryptocurrencies in existence including hundreds of smaller and unknown ones. The real-time usage of the cryptocurrencies has gone up, showing a rise in trend.

5.Usage is the Key Criteria:

As an investor, the usage must be the key for you. The demand and supply data of cryptocurrencies exhibits a decent investment opportunity right now. There exists a strong usage of the currencies for facilitating payments between financial institutions and thus, pushing transaction costs down meaningfully.

6.The Market Cycle:

Currently, the cryptocurrency market is in euphoria. It is the point where the investment may not appear as a golden opportunity to you but the values will go higher from here. Businesses, governments, and society across the globe will soon be considering cryptocurrencies.

7.It will Solve Problems for You:

Money is to solve problems, and so is the cryptocurrency. The bigger problem it solves, the higher potential value it gets. The sweet spot for possessing cryptocurrency is that it provides access to money and basic bank functions including paying and wiring.

8.Crypto to Money:

Today, cryptocurrencies can be exchanged to conventional paper money. Therefore, the lock-in risk that existed a while ago is gone now.

9.Create Your Portfolio:

Since cryptocurrencies are exchangeable, they have become another way to build your portfolio. You can now store cash in the form of crypto and exchange it for cash anytime you need the traditional money.

10.Read the Right Resources:

'Everyone and his uncle' becomes a guru during any hype. Be very skeptical while selecting reading sources and people who do cryptocurrency investment.
If you like investing in cryptocurrency or need advice, check out

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Wednesday 6 December 2017

Is Bitcoin As Good As Gold?

Gold and Bitcoin have been used synonymously as safe havens and currencies. What is a safe haven?

It is a place to park wealth or money when there is a high degree of uncertainty in the environment. It has to be something that everyone can believe in even if the current institutions, governments or players in the business game are not available. The wealth has to be kept safe in times of trouble.

What are the risks to someone's wealth? There is theft by robbery if it is a physical asset. There is damage by fire, flood or other elements. There is the legal issue in not being able to determine if the asset is really yours or not. There is access risk in that you may own the asset but may not be able to get your hands on it. You may own the asset but may not be able to use it due to some restriction. Who else do you have to rely on to be able to use your wealth - spending it, investing it or converting it into different units of measure (currencies)?

In cases like cash or currencies, you may have the asset and can freely use it, but it does not have value due to a systemic issue. There may be too many units of the currency such that using them would not purchase very much (hyperinflation). There is also devaluation - where a currency is arbitrarily devalued due to some economic or institution issue. Most of these issues come from too much debt and not enough assets to pay for them. A currency devaluation is like a partial or slow motion bankruptcy for a government or issuer. In a foreclosure scenario, the creditors (or users of the currency) would be getting a fraction of what the asset (or currency) was originally worth.

No Liability

One key aspect for both bitcoin and gold is that in creating either of them, there is no liability involved. National currencies are issued with interest attached, which means there is a liability to the issuer of the currency. The currencies due to being centralized can also be "delisted" or have their value altered, devalued or swapped for other currencies. With Bitcoin, there would have to be consensus among the players for this to happen. Gold is nature's money, and since it was found, there is no one really in charge of how it works. Gold also has the history of being used as money for thousands of years in virtually every culture and society.

Bitcoin does not have this reputation. The internet, technology and power grid are needed for Bitcoin to function, whereas gold just is. The value of gold is based on what it is being exchanged for. The value of Bitcoin is similar to buying a stock or a good: It is determined by what the buyer and seller agree it is worth.

Bitcoin Issues

Are there regulatory, institutional or systemic risks with Bitcoin? The answer is yes. What if a bunch of central banks or governments took over the Bitcoin issuance? Would this not lead to control issues that could either stop the Bitcoin transactions or impair them? What if the justification was to stop terrorism or illegal activities?

There are also technology issues like who controls the internet, the electrical energy involved in mining Bitcoins, or other issues in infrastructure (the electrical grid, the nuclear grid, the internet servers, the telecom companies etc.) Regulatory risks can also run the gamut from restricting who buys Bitcoins, how many can trade each day or perhaps issuing trillions of units of fiat currency and buying and selling Bitcoins with them which would cause convulsions in the prices of the unit, leading to mistrust and lack of use?

Gold does not have these shortcomings. Once it is mined, it cannot get destroyed. It is not reliant on technology, infrastructure or any institution to make it valid. Since it is small and portable, it can be taken anywhere and still be useful without any other mechanism needed. The prevailing institutions can be changed many times and gold will still be valuable.

Gold is a classic safe haven because it does not need institutions to exist, is very hard to forge, cannot be destroyed by the elements and does not have issues of access or restrictions. Physical theft and restriction may be factors, but gold fares better than currencies or digital currencies at this point in time.

Do you want to:

Learn how the world of money really works without the need of a time consuming or expensive course of study?
Discuss what you want to achieve according to your horizon?
Restructure your finances to achieve your goals?
Advice that is not affiliated with any institution or any product - an independent opinion?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, contact me at: Contact me, Joe Barbieri by email at, my web site at or by telephone at 647-286-8020 for an independent consultation on what your options are. Note: This article is intended for people who want to learn about the world of finance and how to research for themselves. If you would like to buy or sell investment products, or specific advice on investment products, tax or legal issues, please consult your investment advisor, accountant or legal counsel

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Tuesday 5 December 2017

Crypto TREND

Everyone has heard how Bitcoin and other crypto currencies have made millionaires of those who bought as recently as a year ago. Gains of 1,000% or more are not just possible, they have been common place with many of these crypto currencies. Someone who bought Bitcoin in May 2016 at less than $500, would have had a gain of 1,400% in about 17 months. Then over the past few days, we saw Bitcoin lose almost $1,000, so to say these crypto currencies are volatile would be a massive understatement.

Since the inception of Bitcoin in 2008, we at Trend News have been skeptical of crypto currencies' ability to survive, given that they present a very clear threat to governments who want to see and tax all transactions. But while we may still be cautious on the actual crypto currencies, we are very aware of the potential of the underlying technology that powers these electronic currencies. In fact, we believe that this technology will be a significant disruptor in how data is managed, and that it will impact every sector of the global economy, much like how the internet impacted media.

Here are some questions & answers to get us started...

Q: What are Crypto Currencies?

The most well known crypto currency (CC) is BITCOIN. It was the first CC, started in 2008. Today there are more than 800 CC's, including Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, Ripple, Monero, and they are all "virtual". There are no "physical" coins or currency.

Q: How do CC's work?

CC's are virtual currencies that exist in very large distributed databases. These databases use BLOCKCHAIN technology. Because each Blockchain database is widely distributed, it is thought to be immune to hacking, as there is no central point of attack and every transaction is visible to everyone on the network. Each CC has a group of administrators, often called "miners", who validate transactions. One CC called Ethereum uses "smart contracts" to validate transactions. Crypto TREND will provide more details in upcoming news publications.


Blockchain is the technology that underpins all CC's. Each transaction for the purchase, sale, or exchange of CC's is entered into a BLOCK that is added to the chain. This technology is complex and will not be explained here, but it has the potential to revolutionize the financial services industry, as transactions can be executed quickly and easily, reducing or eliminating fees. The technology is also being examined for applications in many other industries.

Q: Are CC Exchanges regulated by government?

For the most part, the answer is NO, which, for some users, is a big attractions of this market. It is the "wild west" right now, but governments in most developed countries are examining this market to decide what regulation may be needed. A big decision is whether to treat CC's as a currency or a commodity / security. Canada and USA have so far declared that CC's are legal, however the situation remains fluid as for reporting and tax implications. Crypto TREND will be following and reporting on these developments.

Q: How do I invest in this market?

You can buy, sell, and exchange CC's using the services of specialized "Exchanges" that act as a brokerage. You start by selecting an Exchange, setting up an account, and transferring fiat currency into your account. You can then place your BUY and SELL CC orders. There are many exchanges around the world. Opening an account is fairly simple and these exchanges all have their own rules about initial funding and withdrawals.

Crypto TREND will be recommending CC Exchanges in future.

Q: Where do I keep my CC?

To have the freedom to move your crypto currencies around, and to pay bills, you will need to have a digital wallet. These wallets come in several formats, such as desktop, cloud based, hardware (USB), mobile phone, and paper. Many of them are FREE, however, security is a big factor as no one ever wants to lose their wallet or have it stolen. Crypto TREND will be recommending digital wallets in future.

Q: What can I do with my CC?

As well as investing in CC products, you can also use crypto currency for some financial transactions, such as money transfers and paying bills. The list of companies accepting crypto currency is growing fast, and includes big hitters like Microsoft, GAP, JC Penny, Expedia, Shopify,, Dish Network, Zynga, Subway, and WordPress.

Q: What's next?

As we start off, we will keep each of the Crypto TREND articles short and keep the scope of each one as narrow as possible. As we noted earlier, we believe that the crypto currency technology will be a game changer and potential investment opportunities like this come by once or twice in a lifetime. Make no mistake, early investing in this sector will be only for your most speculative capital, money that you can afford to lose.

Even if you are not wanting to invest at this time, gaining an early understanding of this new disruptive technology will put you in an advantageous position to profit from our recommendations as we move forward.

Expect to see more news and specific recommendations from Crypto TREND as we start this journey into what may seem to be a foreign jungle at first. This is a volatile market and may not appeal to all investors, however, Crypto TREND will be your guide if and when you are ready.

Stay Tuned!

Martin Straith -

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Monday 4 December 2017

Bitcoin - Yes or No? Should You Invest in Bitcoin?

Wondering if you should invest in Bitcoin? If you've been around any kid of financial news lately, you've no doubt heard about the meteoric rise in the world's most well-known cryptocurrency.

And if you're like a lot of people right about now, you're probably wondering, "Bitcoin - yes or no?"

Should you invest? Is it a good option? And what the heck is Bitcoin anyway?

Well here's a few things you should know about Bitcoin before you invest. Also note that this article is for information purposes only and should not be taken as any kind of financial advice.

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is known as a cryptocurrency or a digital currency. It's basically online money. Like any currency you can exchange it for other currencies (like say, buy bitcoins with US dollars or vice versa) and it fluctuates in relation to other currencies as well.

Unlike other currencies however it is decentralized, meaning there isn't any one central bank, country or government in charge of it. And that means it's not as susceptible to government or central bank mismanagement.

Pros of Bitcoin

#1 Easy To Send Money

Because it's decentralized, this also means that you can send a friend Bitcoin (money) on the other side of the world in seconds without having to go through a bank intermediary (and pay the banking fees).

This fact alone makes Bitcoin very popular. Instead of waiting for a wire transfer which can take days, you can send your payment in seconds or minutes.

#2 Limited Supply

There are only 21 million Bitcoins that will ever be mined. This limits the amount of Bitcoin that can ever be produced. This is like saying a government cannot print money because there is a limited supply of bills - and they won't print anymore.

When there is a set supply your purchasing power is preserved and the currency is immune to runaway inflation.

This limited supply has also helped to contribute to the rise in the price of Bitcoin. People don't want a currency that can be printed - or inflated - into infinity at the whim of a greedy government.

#3 Private

Most people think that Bitcoin is completely anonymous. But actually it's not anonymous - it's more private. All Bitcoin transactions ever made can be seen on the Blockchain - the public Bitcoin ledger.

But your name and identifying details behind the transaction are not seen. Each transaction is linked to an address - a string of text and characters. So while people might see your address - there is no way to link that address to you.

A lot of people who don't like their banks spying on them (or telling them how much of their own money that they can or can't move), really like this privacy feature.

#4 Cheaper to Transact

Many businesses have to take Visa or MasterCard these days to stay competitive. However these cards take some rather substantial fees out of each sales transaction.

But a merchant who accepts Bitcoin doesn't pay these hefty fees - so it puts more money in their pockets.

So those are some of the main pros of Bitcoins. What about the cons?

Cons of Bitcoin

#1 Risky - Price Fluctuations

Bitcoin is famous for rising slowly over months - and then falling 20 - 50% over a couple of days.

Because it's being traded 24 hours a day 7 days a week, the price is always fluctuating. And all it takes it some bad news - like the news of the Mt Gox hack a few years ago - to send the price tumbling down.

So basically it's not stable - and there are a lot of unknowns out there that can affect the price. The rule here is this: don't put any money into Bitcoin that you can't afford to lose.

#2 Slowing Transaction Speeds

Bitcoin is starting to run into problems with slower transaction speeds and higher transaction fees. Other cryptocurrencies have come along that are faster and cheaper.

The Bitcoin miners are working on the problem. However until these issues are resolved, you can expect the price to be extremely volatile.

#3 Bitcoin Transactions Not Reversible

Unlike a credit card charge, Bitcoin transactions are not reversible. So if you send Bitcoin to the wrong address - you can't get it back.

Also, there are a lot of tales from people who have lost their Bitcoin wallet address (through hacking, phones being stolen, virus-infected computers, etc.) and they've completely lost their coins. There's no way to get them back.

For this reason, you really need to know what you're doing and take the time to research how to buy and store your coins properly if you want to invest in Bitcoins - or any other cryptocurrency.

So those are some of the things to consider before investing in Bitcoin. Basically while Bitcoin has a lot of great things going for it - and while it has the potential to change financial transactions as we know it - there is still a lot of risk. There are a lot of unknowns out there still.

If you do decide to buy, take your time and research your options. Don't buy from just any seller. Some of them are trustworthy and run a great business. But there are others that will overcharge you and may not even deliver your coins.

Be safe and do your research first. Find a trusted seller with a stellar reputation - there are quite a few of them out there. And remember the golden rule here - never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Want to learn more? Visit for more tips on how to buy safely, where to buy and how to store your coins.

For a quick list of where to buy Bitcoins with your credit card visit

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Sunday 3 December 2017

Ideal Solutions To Success Online

If you have ever spent time looking for ideal solutions to success online, you could find yourself very frustrated. You found that there are basic ways to succeed in this line of work. You know that online work isn't hard, physical labor.

Working online is easy in that there isn't a lot of physical work involved. People who work hard as builders, factory workers, office personnel and in administration, must work hard and produce good results or they no longer have a job. Online work isn't hard physically.

However, it takes tenacity, perseverance, and a little knowledge to be successful. Perhaps herein lies part of your annoyance. Let's look at some things that bring frustration into your ideal online performance. The items are not listed in any particular order of difficulty or ordered frustration levels.

Number 1, Building a Website

The number one thing that frustrates many people and keeps them from being successful online is building a website. This one thing kept me from being successful online years ago. When you find the right training building a website can be really easy. You don't have to know HTML to build one today. You can learn how to make a website at certain locations on the Internet. There are places where you can learn how to make a free website.

Number 2, Finding a Domain Name

The best way to relieve frustration from finding a domain name is to first find the niche you want to promote. The name of your site needs to match the niche you have chosen. So, the way you keep this from being frustrating is to identify your niche, and then write a list of 10 to 15 names that describe your niche. It's like choosing a title for a book, the title must tell what the book is about. Same with your domain name. It must tell what your niche is about. I prefer to stick with a .com. It's just a personal preference that you don't have to adhere to.

Number 3, Getting Site Ready

Until you learn, getting your site ready for search engine optimization can be really frustrating. Actually, it can be next to impossible if you don't have the proper training. Again, I have a page for you to review that explains the ins and outs of preparing your site for SEO. Again, you can write articles, use social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. The big question you need to ask is, "Where are you going to get the training and knowledge on how to make these ideas work for you?"

Number 4, Getting Traffic

The number one goal for any marketing site is to drive traffic to it. There are many ways to do this, but the only way I choose to do this is by writing good content for my website. What if you can't write, or at least you think you can't? Many sites offer training on how to write.The training on a few sites is phenomenal. Every bit of the training is to help you build a site, monetize it and then drive traffic to it. You can learn so many ideas on what to write that you will never run out of something to write about. Getting traffic is almost done for you. All you have to do is follow directions.

Number 5, Training

Before I found a helpful site, training was my nemesis. The lack of training defeated me every time and cost me money. The training I have gotten has given me a handle on success. I have learned how to succeed because I have been trained well. Following are a few things I have been able to find online:

Certification Courses: 5 Levels

1. Getting Started

2. Build Your own Traffic Producing Website

3. Making Money!

4. Mastering Social Engagement

5. Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

Each level has several courses and the training available to make you successful! I repeated most of the lessons. Some were simple but needed more exploring. Others were new to me and my then limited expertise. I can't believe how much knowledge is packed into these lessons. Yet the progress from one step to the next is given in easy steps for those who aren't technologically proficient when they begin the courses.

You Get All the Training

Every site that I tried before this would promise they could teach me how to be successful. What they taught me was that I needed to hire a group of professional online gurus to help me build a successful online business. I paid good money to learn this, too. Their ads said that even a monkey could learn how to use their program. I guess that I'm not as smart as a monkey because I couldn't begin to understand what they were trying to teach me. "You'll never believe how easy it is to make money online," their ads read. I learned the hard way, out of pocketbook hard way, that paper will lie still and let you write anything on it. At least the paper they wrote on did! I was never able to follow more than the first couple steps. Not nearly enough to learn anything. However, all that has changed now. Since I found this site, I have learned how to be successful online. All I've done since I've been here is grow and grow. That's where I am. That was what I was looking for in the first place. Can I tell you that I found a place where you can work at your pace, make the amount of money you want to make, and work when and where you want to.

Work for Yourself

The best boss you will ever have is YOU. Working for yourself online doesn't require lots of energy. You don't have to have a specific location where you go to work. With today's technological advances, you can work from nearly anywhere. I prefer to work at home with my family nearby. That's where you can find yourself, too. Are you ready for the change? Are you ready to be your own boss? Then don't wait! Visit me to begin today!

Learning to build a website, getting traffic, choosing a niche and getting ranked on Google are things that frustrated me and kept me from being successful online. No more! Visit to learn how you can achieve all the above. Actually, you can begin for free!

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Saturday 2 December 2017

Start Your Own Online Business - What You Should Know To Create A Stable Source Of Monthly Income

If you want to create a stable source of income for yourself, you will need to know this information that I am about to share with you.

Everyday, more people are starting online businesses. People are incorporating new methods in their marketing campaigns. If you are able to master the art of promoting your services by way of social media and by way of blogging, you can earn income very soon. People all over the world are frustrated with working for a living and they want to become financially secure.

Starting an online business is very promising, however I would recommend that you use these methods to help promote your brand in order to see success.

Method 1: Start A Blog

When you start an online business it is great to start your own blog. In order to be an effective blogger, you must provide quality content, on a daily basis, in regards to information that will help your market solve their problems. Everyday, your market goes on popular search engines to find products and services that will help solve their issues. As a blogger, you can go on websites, like, in order to find the keywords that your market is looking for. Once you find the keywords that your market is looking for, you can write articles in regards to those specific keywords.

It is important to be consistent when you are blogging. You must post on a weekly basis in order to grow your subscribers.

Method 2: Email Lists

There are a bunch of email marketing services that you can use in order to promote your services and products. As soon as you subscribe to an email marketing service, it is important to have integrity and respect. When you are sending emails to your leads, it is important to not "spam" them or annoy them. Do not send more than two emails a day per lead. Instead of sending too many emails a day to your leads, it is better to adjust the content in your emails to get better results.

Method 3: Seek help from experts

When you are starting an online business, it is important to gather as much information as possible. I would recommend that you join some forums in order to get help if you every run into some pitfalls. Forums are groups of people online who discuss different topics. You can go online and search for people who talk about online businesses. I am sure you will be able to find solutions to any problems you may have at that moment.

All the information you need in regards to starting your own online brand and creating a secure source of income for yourself monthly, check out Become Financially Independent

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Friday 1 December 2017

Can You Work After Retirement? Boomers Love The Freedom That Comes With Having An Online Business

Can You Work After Retirement? Most baby boomers these days are refusing to retire like their ancestors - accepting the gold watch and then reclining in a chair for the rest of their lives. Boomers are active, both mentally and physically, and are leaving their own footprints on the world.

Best of all, baby boomers are enjoying the financial freedom that comes from being an online business owner. Having your own online business means you can work whenever and wherever you want. At approximately 80 million (and growing), boomers are meeting their retirement years with entrepreneurial mindsets.

They're using the computer and the internet to forge new and exciting careers for themselves and supplement their incomes. This freedom they enjoy comes from having more time to devote to other interests and passions besides work and focusing on making money for their retirement.

They're making money and concentrating on building successful online businesses that they can be proud of and learn from. These new retirees are used to making an impact on the world in which they live and now they're redefining retirement by becoming successful online entrepreneurs.

They're enjoying traveling around the world and setting their own hours. Having an online business means that they can virtually work anywhere in the world. Being an online entrepreneur affords them the choice of when and how they want to work while also realizing a life-long desire of owning their own online business.

Most boomers are completely comfortable with computers and the Internet, which gives them a huge advantage in starting an online business. As past employees of various companies that use computers, they've learned and honed the skills necessary to make money online and share their knowledge rather than having it go to waste.

Boomers no longer have to risk their life savings to open a shop or spend a wealth of money on the knowledge and skills they need to begin an online business. What they know now and what they will learn will see them comfortably through their retirement years if they use that knowledge wisely.

Building and nurturing an online business will also boost a boomers' enthusiasm for life and excitement about owning their own business and supplementing their retirement incomes enough to enjoy their retirement years rather than dread them.

Information exists to help the new online entrepreneur overcome hurdles and gather knowledge about starting an online business. Make sure you double check any information and beware of online scams that offer immediate success.

Financial growth, security and the freedom to set your own hours and determine your own wealth are just some of the reasons that baby boomers are flocking to the Internet to become online entrepreneurs.

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