Showing posts with label online income. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online income. Show all posts

Thursday 30 July 2020

How To Create More Income With Less Effort

So you want to create more income with less effort. Well, the good news is that it's actually very easy to accomplish.

However, if you don't get it setup correctly, you will waste a lot of time and money.

So, let's look at what needs to be done to create easy income in half the time.

A Highly Profitable Niche Topic

The topic is super important. In fact, it's everything. If you don't pick a niche topic that has a lot of people looking to buy and consume products, you'll be struggling to get anywhere.

I suggest you stick to one of these 3 niche topics: Make money online, Health and Wellness and Insurance. These 3 topics are full of HUNGRY buyers looking to solve their problems.

A High Paying Affiliate Program

Now that you have a niche topic that will make you money when you produce content, you'll need to find an affiliate program that pays out a high commission per sale you refer to the company.

I suggest aiming for 50% or 75% commission per sale referred. This gives you a HUGE opportunity to profit from paid ads.

An Automatic Selling System

You'll need a selling system in place to convert more affiliate sales from your efforts. There are plenty of platforms for you to create targeted sales funnels that you will use to get more commissions online.

Do your research and choose which platform fits your exact needs.

A Scalable Traffic Source

As they say, "Traffic is king." This couldn't be further from the truth. You can have the best product on the market, but if you don't have the "eye balls" or "visitors" clicking on your affiliate links, you'll be wasting your time.

Choose one of these 3 methods: Solo ads, Facebook ads and YouTube Ads. These are GREAT ways to drive targeted visitors to your automatic selling system.

A Budget Of At Least $500 Per Month

Now that you have chosen your niche topic, created your automatic selling system and have picked the scalable traffic source you will be using, it's important to have realistic expectations.

I'm not saying you can't have big dreams, but I am saying you should know what to expect from each method you use to get those affiliate commissions online.

A budget of $500 per month will give you the funds to test out those 3 traffic building strategies above. It also allows you to keep your traffic coming in at a steady pace so you can see results quickly.

Want to start your dream business for $1 buck?

If so, watch my free video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jump start your business and finally see profitable results online.:-)

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3 Steps to a Full-Time Income Online

Everyone wants to make money online. But few know how to do it effectively. Let's talk about the best ways to create income online.

The first step is to pick a highly profitable niche topic. The more competitive, the better your chances of making money. I know this is the opposite of what experts will tell you. But the fact is, you need people to buy your products to make affiliate commissions with your affiliate marketing business.

Once you have the right market in mind, you'll need to create a sales funnel around that target audience. You can use BuilderAll to do just that. But use whatever sales funnel creator you find most effective.

The third thing you'll need to do is create an optin page. This is a page where you will collect people's email address. Then you can follow-up with these people over time.

I suggest you write 30 emails to follow-up with them and educate them on why they should purchase your product or affiliate offer.

Now that you have that in place, you'll want to find highly targeted website traffic. The best traffic is search engine based. Meaning that people are literally searching for the information in Bing or Google.

To get that type of traffic you'll need to create content. This content can either by in video format or written format. I like to do both.

For articles, make sure they are 400 words or more. For videos, make sure they are 5 minutes or more.

Once you have the sales funnel created, the follow-up series of emails in place and the traffic going to your optin page, you'll start to see some conversions. I typically see about 1-5 percent sales conversion.

So out of 100 clicks or website visitors you should expect 1 to 5 sales for your information product or affiliate offer.

If you can get those results with an average customer value of $100 or more, you will succeed with digital marketing online. It's just a matter of scaling up your efforts and keeping track of your results.

As you can see, it's not that complicated to earn a full-time income online using information marketing or affiliate marketing. The trick is to have everything in place to do the "selling and telling" for you. So you don't have to literally explain your product or service to every single person who visits your website.

Want to start your dream business for $1 buck?

If so, watch my free video here and I'll show you the best online business you can start this year. I'll also give you all my marketing materials and sales funnels for you to jumpstart your business fast and finally see profitable results online.:-)

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Thursday 24 January 2019

The Shiny Object Syndrome in the Home Business Industry

If you've spent any amount of time online looking for legitimate ways to work from home and make money online, you've probably been exposed to hundreds of different business models. Some of these business models are legit and others are not.

Due to social media, the search engines and online advertising, a new issue has developed. I like to call it the "Shiny Object Syndrome." This syndrome has left some people depressed, others in financial ruins, and it's even chased others away from our industry altogether.

What is the Shiny Object Syndrome?

It is the promise that there is an easier, faster and cheaper way to make money online. It is a promise of done for you marketing. Just sit back, do nothing and collect a paycheck. It is the promise of "push button" profits. It is the promise of easy money.

The Truth

I've found that no legitimate online or offline business is fast, free or easy. Businesses cost money and take time to launch, grow and stabilize. Sadly, most people don't want to hear this.

Many people looking to make money online are in a tough financial situation and they are looking for that magic pill to solve their money problems today.

These ads promising "instant riches" do well because they appeal to people's greed. Many people want something for nothing. What these folks don't realize is that these "easy riches" do not exist.

My Advice to You

# 1 Find a Need in the Market Place

All successful businesses offer products and services that people want or need. There must be a legitimate demand in the marketplace for what you are promoting, whether it is a product or service. The demand can already be in place, or you can create a new demand by developing a new product or service that is unique.

# 2 Offer a Solution

Entrepreneurs provide solutions to their client's problems. We are solution providers. Our job is to identify a need and then offer a simple solution. The solution must provide value and solve your client's problem. If you can do that, you will make sales.

# 3 Put in the Time and Work

All businesses cost money to start, nurture and grow. More importantly, all businesses take time to grow. It takes time to learn the skills, learn from your mistakes, and figure out how to do everything you need to be doing. Once you start a new business, make a minimum two-year commitment and do nothing else during that time. Focus is key.

# 4 Avoid Shiny Objects

Put on your blinders. Avoid Shiny Objects at all costs. Focus on what you are doing. If you go down the path of chasing shiny objects, you will lose momentum, lose credibility and keep starting and stopping.

10 Legitimate Business Models

Some legitimate online business models, if done right, include:

  • Network Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Selling Items on eBay or Craigslist
  • Video Editing
  • Work as a Freelancer
  • Social Media Manager
  • Information Marketing
  • Sell Your Own Product or Service
  • Editor

Of course, not all of these business models will be a good fit for everyone. You have to pick something that aligns with your strengths, personality, skills, budget and available time.
The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that the Shiny Object Syndrome is alive and well, all over the internet. Your job is to find a legitimate way to make money online, get started, make a minimum two-year commitment and never look back. Do that and there is a good chance you will be successful.

Here are 37 Ways to Make Money Online. Learn more about the Shiny Object Syndrome in Network Marketing. Charles Holmes is a blogger, author and Network Marketing Professional.

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Tuesday 2 October 2018

MLM Success - Is Your Content Valuable, or a Waste of Web Space?

If you're looking to create MLM success, which I know you are... then there's one thing that you better make sure of.

That one thing is that you're putting out great content.

Now what do I mean when I say great content? You see there's only one secret to great content and that's that the content is valuable. When content is valuable it simply means that your readers will be able to use that content and make some sort of use of it.

If your MLM success is dependent on you having valuable content, what are some of the ways that you can ensure that your content is usable by your readers.

Here are 3 Ways to Create MLM Success by Making Your Content Valuable and Usable

First... Give Tips That Are Immediately Useful - If you give your readers a tip that they can use today, to see some success, then they're going to look at you as someone that they want to know more about and work with.

Of course, this assumes that you're marketing to people who are already in the home business arena. This is a huge way to bring some heavy hitters into your downline, simply by showing them that you too are serious and know what you're talking about.

This also brings the people who are looking for mentorship into your downline. These are the people who have put their faith in another sponsor with another business with high hopes, only to find out that this sponsor knew little more than they did about creating MLM success for themselves.

So, putting out great content that people can use pronto will grab these people and have then knocking down your door to join you and your business opportunity.

Second... Be Inspiring - Creating inspiration will go a long way in creating raving fans that want to work with you. This is because we're all dying to be inspired. We read books that inspire us, we buy posters with inspiring quotes, we watch inspiring movies over and over again, basically we'll walk over hot coals for inspiration.

If you're the one providing that inspiration then you're going to win a lot of friends and well... influence a lot of people to steal the title of the great book.

Inspiring people means giving them a kick in the pants to get them to act. Helping them see the reasons and the ways to reach their goals, and achieve their dreams. When they're inspired they'll be looking for your mentorship to get them closer and closer... and in the situation of MLM success, or home business success this means very likely joining your MLM business opportunity.

Third... Be Entertaining - Sure, people want inspiration and they want great tips, but what they also really want is to be entertained. The proof is simply looking at movie sales, music sales, sports stadium seating, concert halls, Broadway, and television. People want to be entertained, and so if you can provide that entertainment along with the two points above, then you've got yourself a heck of a captivated audience.

This means an audience captivated by your voice.

So, as you can see, creating MLM success isn't that difficult as long as you're creating valuable content that people flock to... and now you know exactly how to do that.

About The Author

David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit;

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Sunday 26 August 2018

How to Earn a Secure Residual Income From Home

OK, so you're here now,

And you're probably thinking about many things at this moment, but the one thing that's really pressing at the top of your to-do list is securing a way to generate secure income.

If I'm wrong in any way just let me know (wink)... But you're still reading my article - you have a "need" that you want my help with, true?

So let me explain something before we even get onto the part about you "earning" money...

For those of you who know hardship and struggle in life, I understand where you are at present - been there myself.

If you know what it's like to wake each day doing the same-old tired job, for the same old ungrateful boss/manager/director, you now have an opportunity to divorce your old working lifestyle for something more suited to your liking.

But don't be fooled!

I am not offering you another job, I'm not offering you a vacation, I'm not offering you an opportunity to become lazy and to throw your creativity aside - - -

Big, huge NOPE. We don't do that rubbish here ;) What I'm offering you is a proper opportunity to be in control of how you work, earning a residual income, even as you sleep...

How so? I hear you wondering.

The rich, powerful, and influential people of this world (those who had to work for their wealth) know about residual, or passive income.

If you've never heard of this until now, just know that if you truly desire real, continuous wealth then you need to be in there, earning that passive income.

The best way to understand this kind of income is to know how it differs from a wage that is paid to you for work that you do continually...

Building a residual/passive income is about doing work once and getting paid repeatedly for it each day, week, or month.

Yep. That's it - continuous money, if you have the knack of it.

So, you're now in the know about earning a residual income. Wealthy people know that it is not about working for the man if you truly wish to become rich.

You need to take matters into your own hands for this to happen. And here you're given all that you need to start this life-changing step with no cost to join and get started - imagine that!

No successful person ever allowed a lack of resources to hold them back from getting theirs. Clearly not - instead they fought for their right to be at the top, where they're at now...

Same place you probably want to be right now.

And then you might be one of those people who tend to watch the wealth of others, secretly wishing that it was your own wealth... I call this "watching and wishing." It gets you nowhere fast - nowhere ever, actually.

If you are the lazy kind who wants it all now, and never commits to the challenges that any business brings, then you may as well stop reading...

This opportunity to work on your OWN terms is ONLY for the individual who is earnest, wanting to "earn" their worth.

And so, I'd like to speak with you about stepping outside of your comfort zone...

This is wholly important for those of you who need to earn a living but usually fall short due to procrastination habits that have probably been bleeding you dry for a while now?

Having a "comfort zone" is all fine and well, providing that you know how to disengage from that place of comfort whenever needed.

Can you do that?

If you mean business and are serious about earning a solid residual home income, you'll know that falling shy to work is a sure way to forfeit your opportunity to create the lifestyle you need, and want.

There are vast opportunities just waiting for the hungry individual to step up and get busy.

This is the kind of business that gets you motivated to get up in the mornings, instead of wanting to stay in bed all lazy-like, producing nothing.

Have a good think about what it is that you need and want for yourself and your family (if you're providing for a family), once you've determined this then ask yourself WHY.

Becoming wealthy is about knowing the reason for your desires, making them count. Got a dream? Best you understand the nature and the root of that dream.

Want lots of money? Why? What's the reason behind the reason?

Visit my YouTube channel:

Email me:

I'll respond within 24 hours.

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Friday 17 August 2018

Autoresponder - The Key to Running a Successful Online Business

In this article, we shall define what autoresponders are, and why you should utilize them to achieve successful online business.

If you run an online business it means you already own a website or a blog. Once your online business is setup, the next most important thing to consider is using an effective autoresponder.

Autoresponder defined

In simple understandable term, it is actually electronic newsletters forwarded automatically to your subscribers via your mailing list, and this is done at intervals that you specify or define. By sample, you can design and specify an autoresponder so that once a person signs up to your mailing list he or she will receive a welcome note from your business. Subsequently, you can send other messages such as business discount codes, invitation to connect on social media, new product launch, etc.

The importance of autoresponders

Using autoresponders for your online business keeps a large bulk of your email marketing automated, and that's if you setup things appropriately. With an autoresponder installed on your website, your subscribers will be able to receive specific vital key messages about your business. With this benefit, you do not need to bother about manually sending these messages out, as it is fully automated as set. This simply makes the importance of using autoresponders all the more clear. In short, they help you save time running your online business, loads of it.

How can you utilize autoresponders to help promote your online business?

• You can utilize them to forward custom birthday greetings with other related offers to subscribers on your mailing list.

• You can transition a subscriber from one phase of communication to another after they purchase an item/product. For example, you can move a subscriber from a 'prospect' level series of messaging to 'upsell' series of communication.

• You can forward mails to subscribers exactly one month after they purchased a product. This can be done to motivate them to renew a 'policy or guarantee.'

When autoresponders are utilized in such creative and meaningful ways, it can help generate substantial sales and income - with high returns on investment for your business.

To use them, you can sign up with popular providers such as MailChimp, Getresponse, Aweber, Mad Mimi or Campaign Monitor, etc. These providers are renowned for offering businesses robust autoresponders with dedicated tools for hosting mailing lists and forwarding newsletters and messages.

Finally, autoresponders when setup and used properly can help online businesses automate lots of marketing activities and tailor specific messages to a mailing list for profit making and client engagement.

The $ is in the LIST! All the Web tools you need to achieve success under one roof for only $10/month! Autoresponder, Hosting, Splash/Squeeze page builder, Tracker, Rotator, Advertising and much more! Plus Unique Pay Plan, unmatched in the MLM industry - 100% commission! Discover how you can build a successful online business and start making $ NOW!


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Thursday 16 August 2018

The Importance of Knowing and Following All YouTube Rules

As it was formerly pointed out, if you are preparing on submitting videos to YouTube and sharing them with other web users, you are more likely to discover a bigger number of guidelines to follow. YouTube motivates you to utilise care when making your videos, as you never ever truly understand who will be seeing them. Not just do you have to stress about online predators seeing your YouTube videos, however you likewise have to fret about law enforcement doing the exact same thing.

In connection with your YouTube video material, you likewise require to make sure that your video material is in fact yours. In current times, there have actually been numerous circumstances where YouTube made it on the news for having a big number of copyright products on their site. You will desire to make sure that videos you publish online were really made by you.

If you are, you will require signing up for a complimentary YouTube subscription account. In a matter of minutes, you can be on your method to ranking or evaluating the YouTube videos you enjoy or even submitting your own videos!

In a matter of minutes, you can be on your method to ranking or evaluating the YouTube videos you enjoy or even publishing your own videos! YouTube is a lot of enjoyable, whether you are just interested in seeing videos or if you desire to publish your own, YouTube, like all other online sites, have a number of limitations and guidelines. Must you forget your YouTube login info; you must be able to follow YouTube's guidelines to obtain your YouTube indication in name, as well as your password.

Another guideline that lots of video watchers have to follow issues leaving remarks on YouTube video pages or getting involved in the YouTube online forums. In connection with your YouTube video material, you likewise require to make sure that your video material is really yours.

If you are just interested in enjoying YouTube videos, not always submitting your own, you will discover that there are fewer guidelines and constraints for you. Need to you forget your YouTube login info, you ought to be able to follow YouTube's guidelines to obtain your YouTube indication in name, as well as your password.

The above discussed guidelines are simply a few of the lots of that you might be anticipated to follow when utilising YouTube. If you sent a video that went versus YouTube's standards, your video might be gotten rid of.

Another guideline is that numerous YouTube video watchers have to follow issues leaving remarks on YouTube video pages or taking part in the YouTube online forums. Whenever you leave remarks for a YouTube video submitter, you are encouraged to utilize your finest judgment.

YouTube is a lot of enjoyable, whether you are just interested in seeing videos or if you desire to publish your own, YouTube, like all other online sites, have a number of limitations and guidelines. It is not just essential that you understand those guidelines, however that you follow them, as there are a variety of repercussions for not.

Simply a few of the guidelines imposed on YouTube are detailed listed below.

1. You should only have one email address linked with your account.
2. You should certainly not post duplicate content.
3. You should always make your videos applicable to its title & keywords.
4. You should not ever purchase views.
5. You should certainly not ever use software to add ratings, comments, or friends automatically.
6. You should not use irrelevant keywords
7. With YouTube's new insight feature, they are following the attention people are giving to each video. YouTube can understand this and then easily assume that your title is very relevant to the information on the video if people are watching your entire video.

8. The Google search ranking rules of providing good, decent and, accurate content that generate public attention are exactly the same rules that You Tube is using as well so bear that in mind when choosing the title.

So these are all some common stipulations you should keep in mind before publishing any video in YouTube.

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Saturday 11 August 2018

7 Effective Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

An online business needs traffic to succeed, Traffic is the main bloodstream of an online business. If a website does not get a flow of traffic, it will surely fail to make any sales and the online business will fail. It is therefore, important to take some steps to drive sufficient traffic to online business website.
You can buy customized traffic to your website on any budget, this unique article suggests all the essential ways so that you can drive more effective and targeted traffic to your website.

1. Visitors want always fresh, unique and useful content on a website. Usually visitors visit a website for information and sometimes buy stuffs if they need it. You should have high quality and unique content on your website. When visitors find interesting and useful content on your website, they will surely spend more time on your website, bookmark your website and also buy from your products. Posting lots of valuable information on your website, you will be considered as an expert in your subject, and you will get easily customers on returns.

2. There is no alternative of search engine optimization. If you want to make your site visible in search engines so that, interested visitors may find your site on the top of search engine search results, find and utilize niche keywords and phrases and place on your titles and in the rest of the content on your website. Usually a visitor search with a keywords or a phases and your website will show up and will rank high when search engines find those keywords on your website, and this will drive more traffic to your website.

3. PPC (Pay per Click) advertising is an effective way to drive traffic to your website. If you have enough money to pay for the advertising, you may run an advert on Google AdWords or Yahoo Overture to drive keyword targeted traffic to your website.

4. If you are good on writing than write some useful articles on your subject and submit articles. Now a days, articles submission is a powerful tool for driving traffic to website or blog. Make sure to have a resources box or author's biography on your all articles and put your website's URL. If your articles are interesting and useful, people will read it and may want to visit your website, so write more reliable and valuable articles and submit articles on various articles submission directories and you will more drive to your website. I personally do not like article spinner. Try hard to write grammatical error free articles so that people get benefit from those articles.

5. Forums posting is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. Find appropriate forums on net and participate in targeted forums. The forums topics should match with the topics of your website. Do not write your website URL directly on the topics, you may ban from forums because of spam. Such as Warrior forums is very strict. Have your website link in your signature.

6. Today viral marketing is a wonderful and effective way to drive traffic to your website. You may write free e-books or short reports with a link to your website. Build a blog and have a link of your website on it.Put your website URL as signature on your business mail or free email accounts from G-mail or Yahoo. These techniques will surely drive more traffic to your website.

7. Make a nice video about your website or products and post it on YouTube, Dailymotion etc. Today many webmaster use video marketing to drive traffic to website. Post your website link on that video description, interested people who has viewed your video may become interested to visit your website. When I built my website on photography, I made a video and posted it on YouTube. I have got a good number of visitors from YouTube.

Finally, just do not read the 7 points above, utilize those techniques on your website. I hope you will get much traffic in the very short-time.

For more article go to

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Thursday 9 August 2018

Building a Web Site for Your Home Based Business

It is possible to make money online, running your business from home. But to be able to do this, you have to have a web site. Most people starting up a home based business will try and build their own, that's fine if you know what you are doing but can reflect very badly if you don't. Home based business web sites, need to be professional looking but not overly flashy!

Some work-from-home opportunities include a web site when you sign up but if starting up a business, consider either one of two options.

1) Pay someone to build your web site for you. Look around you, web sites can be purchased at low cost these days.

2) Use a Free template or paid for template. Web designers work from home too and are happy to work for low fees to get their own online/home-based business off the ground.

Make sure your web site is consistent.

Your customers will want to see a consistent web layout. Most users will make an impression of your site in seconds. The difference between a good looking site and a bad looking site is a potential lost sale.

If you run an e-commerce business from home, don't try and build the shopping cart yourself. Use a third party product like PayPal, particularly good for selling a few products and well respected. Payment processors like PayPal take care of your Data Protection requirements and leave you to get on with promoting your internet business.

Third party software

With a small investment, you can purchase a complete shopping cart or if you are on a tight budget, you could use an open source e-commerce product. Either way if your home based business sells a lot of products, why try and re-invent the wheel!

Paid host or free host?

Don't make me laugh! A years internet hosting with your own domain name costs less that taking someone out for dinner. If you don't make this one investment, then why bother starting a business at home? Owning a domain adds professionalism to your business. How many www. web sites have you seen, that are successful online businesses?

How much does it all cost?

Hosting your new web site and fitting it out with e-commerce might cost you less than a $100 per year. This depends how many products you sell and how much of the work you are prepared to do your self. But be realistic know your limitations and know when to ask for help!

Good luck working from home.

Visit our site for more valuable information on Online Business Success

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Friday 27 July 2018

Building a Web Site for Your Home Based Business

It is possible to make money online, running your business from home. But to be able to do this, you have to have a web site. Most people starting up a home based business will try and build their own, that's fine if you know what you are doing but can reflect very badly if you don't. Home based business web sites, need to be professional looking but not overly flashy!

Some work-from-home opportunities include a web site when you sign up but if starting up a business, consider either one of two options.

1) Pay someone to build your web site for you. Look around you, web sites can be purchased at low cost these days.

2) Use a Free template or paid for template. Web designers work from home too and are happy to work for low fees to get their own online/home-based business off the ground.

Make sure your web site is consistent.

Your customers will want to see a consistent web layout. Most users will make an impression of your site in seconds. The difference between a good looking site and a bad looking site is a potential lost sale.

If you run an e-commerce business from home, don't try and build the shopping cart yourself. Use a third party product like PayPal, particularly good for selling a few products and well respected. Payment processors like PayPal take care of your Data Protection requirements and leave you to get on with promoting your internet business.

Third party software

With a small investment, you can purchase a complete shopping cart or if you are on a tight budget, you could use an open source e-commerce product. Either way if your home based business sells a lot of products, why try and re-invent the wheel!

Paid host or free host?

Don't make me laugh! A years internet hosting with your own domain name costs less that taking someone out for dinner. If you don't make this one investment, then why bother starting a business at home? Owning a domain adds professionalism to your business. How many www. web sites have you seen, that are successful online businesses?

How much does it all cost?

Hosting your new web site and fitting it out with e-commerce might cost you less than a $100 per year. This depends how many products you sell and how much of the work you are prepared to do your self. But be realistic know your limitations and know when to ask for help!

Good luck working from home.

Visit our site for more valuable information on Online Business Success

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Monday 23 July 2018

How to Start a Small Business Online Today

Although many are drawn to the idea of having their own small internet business, many budding entrepreneurs do not know how to start a small business online.

Have a Solid Business Model

The first rule of how to start a small business online is to have a solid business model. There is no secret 'push-button' model to generating income online. There are many hyped-up schemes on the internet that promise that you will make millions of dollars for doing very little work by just pushing a few buttons. But these are just not reality. Having a small online business is just like any other business.

However, a small internet business is scalable and enjoys higher margins and lower set up costs than a traditional 'offline' business. A solid business model for an online business has the prefect mixture of recurring income, affiliate income and high ticket income.

Take Action

You have to be willing to actually get started. The internet is a great resource and there a many articles, forums and websites that all provide information on how start a small business online. It is important to do research on the best business that suits you, but you have to commit and get started building a list of potential customers. This list of potential customers will become a valuable asset as you start to build a relationship with them. You need to provide valuable and relevant information to them to build their trust so that they will be willing to buy from you.

Provide Value

As mentioned above, one of the keys of how to start a small business online is to provide value. In the business world of the internet, if you give, you will receive. If you provide valuable information to your potential customers for free, they will be grateful for it and want more and will be willing to buy it. If you provide rubbish, they will think that you product is rubbish too.

Generate Traffic

A business online without traffic is like a shop in the back street of a old run-down town with no passers-by and nobody knows that it is there. If you really want to know how to start a small business online, you need practical skills to generate traffic to your website pages. Website traffic can either be free or paid for and they both have their advantages and disadvantages. But, with a skilled combination of both, you can have a long term stream of potential customers coming to your online business.

Invest In Education

As with any business, if you want to know how to start a small business online the most important skill you can learn, is marketing. There are many online business entrepreneurs who have gone before you. If they have had success with a business model that interests you, you can learn from their efforts. It is vital to have access to a community and mentors because learning from someone who's already successful online will make a big difference to your results.

The internet and the new digital economy has made it possible for many people to discover how to start a small business online. An online business does not require a bricks and mortar premises, staff, stock or large financial investment in inventory to make it a success. If you have a computer and access to the internet you can start straight away. You do not have to buy stock or worry about how to supply it to your customers and your online business can work for you whilst you are sleeping!

If you want a step by step guide on how to start a small business online so that you can can quickly and easily get started earning money online from a fast growing profitable market even if you have no previous training, knowledge or your own products to sell go to

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Saturday 21 July 2018

How To Build Multiple Streams Of Passive Income

Passive income, also known as recurring income, is a popular term right now, and it includes a wide range of income streams from rental properties, membership services, book or eBook sales, and more. The phrase "passive income" can be inaccurate because there's nothing passive about creating a passive income stream.

Recurring income is simply an income stream where you don't trade your time for a specific amount of money. It's not time or project based. It also takes work to maintain a passive income stream so it continues to make you money.

You must proactively build and maintain a passive income stream if you want it to continue to earn money for you for a long period of time. The more work and attention you give to income streams, the more money it will make you.

Membership Website

A membership website is a good way to develop a unique community around the products that you provide. Exclusivity sells, and this is no different with a paid membership area on your website for members to network, get unique content, and exclusive access to you.


If you're an info-product creator, subscriptions are an excellent way to build passive income streams. You can sell subscriptions to your content where people subscribing gain access to regularly released content for as long as their subscription is available. It is much easier to keep regular customers with a subscription-based business model.


Although webinars are not a passive income source, having said that, you can record a webinar and then sell access to it. This can make you money given that the content remains relevant. It can be stand-alone or be part of a course, subscription, or even in a bundle with several of your products.


There are several ways to develop a course to go alongside another product you have or as a stand-alone product. There are a number of websites out there for course creation, or you can choose to host your course on your own site. You may also prefer to email a course to customers.

Sponsorships and Ads

Sponsorships and ads are often overlooked examples of passive income streams. You can sell advertising spots on your website in set spaces either on your main page or in the sidebars. Also, you can sell sponsorships for individual posts or categories on your blog. If you have a podcast, you can have sponsors for each episode of your podcast.

Creating a membership website is a great way to set up recurring, passive income. You build the website and create the content once, and you receive recurring weekly, monthly or quarterly payments. For an easy to follow guide, download my free checklist, How To Start A Membership Website, at

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Wednesday 18 July 2018

10 Creative Strategies For Promoting Your Website

Do you have a website or blog you publish content to every day but still not able to get enough visitors?

Have you just created your very first blog and are keen to try out all the ways to promote it?

This article presents 10 smartest and most effective strategies you can use to promote your blog and instantly attract visitors who are genuinely interested in your niche.

1. Stop Tweaking / Modifying Your Blog

Are you spending too much time tweaking your blog to give it the right feel? Let me tell you, the overall design does not matter to your audience as much as your content does. Instead of tweaking your blog every now and then, focus on creating content that is fresh, engaging and informative for your readers and make them come back for more.

2. Creating Pillar Content

Producing quality content is one of the biggest challenges for bloggers because creating high-quality content on a regular basis isn't easy. Good content makes a powerful impact on your audience, which is why it is important that you take the time to create the high-quality pillar content that can solidify your blog's reputation. Pillar content refers to a series of posts that represents your blog's best content. It includes all the great posts that you will refer new visitors to for their usefulness.

Great content serves as a go-to source for good and informative message for your audience within your particular industry. Pillar posts provide major support to your blog and are considered a very important component or staple of your blog. When you start promoting your blog, pillar content will serve as your bait to attract more traffic.

Once you have set up your blog, the very first strategy you should implement is to create relevant posts and populate your blog with some really new, yet interactive information.

3. Don't Focus On Monetizing Your Blog Too Much

Many new bloggers create blogs to earn money. Although there is no harm in earning money, putting too many banner ads on your blog can become too distracting for your audience. If there are too many, they can make your blog look really ugly and they can actually take your visitors away from your blog. Do you still think this could be a great way to promote your blog? I bet you don't. In fact, you should focus on building your email list and a targeted pixel list. Both of them will help you get what you're desperately looking for, more visitors and more money by re-targeting your visitors through paid ads.

4. Research Your Niche and Find Out Who and What Matters

A very important step you should take before starting your blog is to thoroughly research your niche. You should need to spend know all the ins and outs of your niche and know who matters, for instance, who are the influencers, big players and small players contributing to the niche in their own capacities. You should make a list of all the competing sites, channels, podcasts, influencers, communities and groups that are working within your particular niche. It's very easy with SE Ranking competitor research.

By doing so, you will have a major reference file of all your competitors within your niche. You will be able to see what they are doing and talking about and also all the items they are putting for sale and products that are popular among your audience.

5. Reach Out To Your Audience

Once you have your blog nicely set up and great content to pull your audience in, start promoting your blog. Take out the detailed list of all the influencers, big players and small players you're made prior to starting your blog. Keep a close eye on the small players, because you need them for blog promotion. You can start by offering them testimonials, case studies or even a blog post they would be interested in publishing. It is important for you to start a one-on-one relationship with the big and small players. By contribute on other people's' sites through commenting and sharing their work on your blog, they will start to recognize you and connect with you.

6. Become An Expert In Your Niche

Whether your niche is SEO, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing or any other, you should not only attain extensive knowledge about your niche but also present it in an interactive and engaging way through your blog. Your future audience is waiting to read content that addresses them and their needs. It is the power of your writing and expert analysis that will help you attract your audience.

7. Post Comments

Commenting on blog posts and participating in various forums and social groups is often seen as a way to get backlinks. But if it's done right, no such issue will arise. Always post comments on blog posts only when you have something meaningful and informative to add. Make sure to use your own name to do it, and not your brand. Participate in niche groups and influential communities on social media. Present yourself as an authority in your niche and genuinely help people. Don't just drop links.

8. Create An Interactive Conversation Flow And Acknowledge Your Readers

When creating content, make sure it is engaging enough to get the audience talking. Your posts should pose questions from your audience and encourage them to respond or share their own similar experiences. Your audience can talk to you via blog comments or email, make sure to acknowledge them and reply to them. This will encourage facilitate interaction.

9. Monetize Your Site

When it comes to earning money from your blog, take a proactive approach, because it can bring organic traffic. When you offer a product or service on your site you can attract your target audience. By creating a profit funnel, you cannot only generate more leads but also generate a lot of revenue in the next few months.

10. Use Paid or Sponsored Media

Utilizing paid or sponsored media is a viable option and an effective strategy for blog promotion. It includes blog promotion through Facebook ads, Google ads, promoted tweets, YouTube pre-roll ads, and much more. These social networks can bring an incredible amount of traffic, as well as, hundreds of leads to your site.

When you follow the strategies discussed above for promoting your site you will not only be able to boost traffic to your site but also generate revenue from it. Remember, promoting a site or blog is not a difficult task. It just takes a little time and understanding of what works. Implement one strategy at a time and see the difference.

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Monday 16 July 2018

An Autopilot Online Business System Anyone Can Use

I started looking into online business models around 20 years ago. Initially I started out with eBay the auction giant. I bought and sold from the site and made a bit of extra money in between jobs.

After a while I decided there had to be a better way to earn money using the internet. I bought an eBook and decided this was probably the best model for selling online. It was a sale which didn't require anyone to personally be there. It was completely automated and because of the digital product it could be sold internationally, with no postage costs.

Although I knew nothing of how to operate a business like this successfully, I had stumbled on the best possible model for selling online. Nothing could stop me learning and despite many failures, I persevered until I found a business model which works.

It's called affiliate marketing and allows anyone to sell someone else's products over the internet. By linking to another product and recommending it, anyone can earn a commission if their link takes a customer to a product and makes a purchase.

Affiliate marketing is a bit like recommending a friend to a nice restaurant. Only, with affiliate marketing, you get to earn a commission if your friend goes to the restaurant which you recommended.

Despite finding this business model shortly after moving on from eBay, it was a while before I found any lasting success with it. I think that's partly because, at the time, there was very little help available on the internet for affiliate marketers. There were many "how to" courses which I bought, and some were more useful than others. Despite all my "failures", I persevered and found a good community to learn from.

This, I believe, is a major key to the success of many online entrepreneurs. They don't do it alone, they have help. I struggled for years because I didn't know who to turn to for help. It is possible to have success with an online business quite quickly, if you know the best possible route to take, and of course if you have the courage to go through on all the action steps.

The ultimate goal of course, with an online business, is financial freedom. Initially though this wasn't my goal. My goal was to be earning enough to survive from the internet without a job. I also wanted to earn in a way which was conducive to my happiness. Many of the jobs I had done had been stressful and lowly paid. The internet offered a means to earn from the comfort of my own home. At the time, just having a purpose and a direction was enough, even if it didn't make money immediately.

As time wore on though, I did wonder whether all this effort was really worth my time. I had made some progress, but there were many times when I thought about throwing it all in. I'm sure this is the same for many others who are out there working away at their various online pursuits.

What kept me going was the simple idea of the eBook I had bought. Someone, somewhere had made a commission from me buying that eBook and downloading it. I was going to do the same thing over and over.

One of my early successes was selling an affiliate marketing "how to" course which I sold using AdWords adverts and a landing page. The automation involved is one of the best things about an online business. It allows you to build a scalable business from anywhere in the world! I ran an advert which sent people straight to a landing page. From there I collected the emails with a piece of software known as an auto-responder.

Emails were automatically delivered to the subscribers and I started selling a few courses. I was just at the point where I could start increasing my budget to make more sales and my advertising platform got shut down. I was inconsolable! It hit me hard and I went through a long period of just having given up. I couldn't reinstate my account whatever I tried!

The internet is very forgiving though. Before long I was purchasing another course and learning something new. I did get stuck in learning mode for a long time. But, I still use the skills I learned years ago even now.

I got onto another course. This one taught a different approach. It was called The Keyword Academy and the course taught how to target specific keywords with articles and rank them on Google. It's a long time ago now and I'm sure the techniques are outdated. Things change quickly on the internet. After a good 6 months to a year I got almost nothing for all my work. I had built several websites but most of them were utterly useless!

I really don't know why I kept going and most (sensible) people would have given up. What kept me going was the idea of a business which ran itself, selling digital products over and over again.

I eventually found the aforementioned community and that's where I am now. If I had only had access to other people back then! A mentor is definitely what you need with an internet business. It's far too hard to go it alone. Get access to a community and learn by watching and modelling people who are already being successful.

Tim Halloran is an online marketer and martial artist. See his.: his website here

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Thursday 12 July 2018

The Biggest Social Media Changes in 2018

As the year 2018 has started it makes sense that in this new year what could be the biggest social media changes that can be expected.

Typically, the world of social media has witnessed a continuous growth in technology and innovation. Every day some new innovations are seen, or new announcements are heard.

So, let's discuss the prospective trends that can follow in this year and ways in which the social media managers can plan for these changes.

1.Continuous growth in the Live video content.

Recently Facebook announced some changes to its News Feed algorithm that will change itself based on the type of content users that shifting from the user's friends and families to the type of content or pages which the user's followers. This further implies that it is going to initiate an intensive discussion among the users as they share a content in their own private network.

2. Messaging apps will be an important mode of communication.

Today there are various messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat etc. Almost 4 billion people use these kinds of messaging Apps to communicate with the each other. These kinds of Apps provide a much faster and easier way to contact people. In fact, using messaging for customer service is more far more scale and lesser to cost especially for businesses and customer services.

3. Virtual reality on the rise of better marketing experiences.

In the era of Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality is making the headlines. With its unique features, it creates a memorable experience unlike other mediums in the field of marketing. In fact, due to this brand are instantly acknowledging its value.

4. Voice search and AI will be the game changer

As the development continues the voice-powered devices which are quick in responding to the verbal commands are heavily dependent on Artificial Intelligence. As we can see in the market that some voice controlled for personal help are being built into a few devices that we use such as smart speakers, TVs etc.

The other innovation where Artificial Intelligence plays an important role is in autonomous vehicle technology continues to progress. Based on this technology, it is apparent that voice activation will be certainly used for the self-driving cars too. As these kinds of vehicles will be equipped with voice-powered capabilities that will allow the drivers to execute other functions like making phone calls without taking your hands away from the steering.

5. A boom in Live Streaming

There will be an outgrowth of Live streaming and we are going to see a lot more to it. The presence of Live Streaming will increase as it works. For instance, through this technology, we get an upgrade in the phones every day.

6. Online Hangouts will be the order of the Day

The online hangouts are trending fast with the Generation Z which believes in more of socializing and partying. In fact, Online Hangouts goes hand in hand with the VR.

7. Influencer Marketing will be at the Focal point in the Social Media Engagement

The influence of marketing is a Big business with a billion-dollar riding on it. In fact, there are many people mint money up to 6 figures through influencer marketing.

It has a huge impact on the millennials in making their career choices and kind of choices they make in everyday life such as the kinds of products they want to buy.

8. Making stories with Instagram

From a marketing standpoint, the Instagram stories will have a lot of relevance as compared to another marketing platform. There is a flood of Instagram stories which accounts for almost 10,000 followers.

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Monday 9 July 2018

The Role of Content Transformation in the Digital World

Media companies, entertainment firms, and IT organizations to some extent, are literally getting more and more distraught in the modern era. It is because of the Digital Transformation factor, which they are being forced to consider. More specifically, the Information, Media and Entertainment (IME) channels are totally watchful of the current situation and are playing a safe game.

Given below are some steps helpful in realizing content transformation digitally.

Content Marketing

Generating quality content is not just enough. Remember that it requires a lot of efforts to produce top-notch content after a lot of research. Why not take financial advantage of the situation by publishing the content generated and earning revenue from it through the best available subscription plans.

Google tells smaller content creators to increase base to more than 1,000 subscribers

Dynamic Content

Multidimensional content that is ultra-rich in quality besides being effective and informative with a faster reach will have maximum impact. Creating the initial impressions in the minds of the readers ahead of the rest gives your company the competitive advantage that is quintessential. The below-mentioned tools are ideal and helpful in this regard.

Content Developer Tools
Drag & Drop editor
Web 2.0 User Authoring
Those content resources aiding quicker generation along with social integration is something that one needs to prefer in the first place.
Operational Model

Every customer will have a definitive objective as far as their content requirement is considered. Leveraging the content and matching it with the operational aspects of the corresponding businesses will be highly effective. The focus should be on creating different content strategies fitting in a single framework yields best results.


Content plays a vital role in any organization when it comes to it getting transformed digitally.

Reuse Your Content

A centralized editorial system is your platform for creating content. However, you cannot go on producing content in a context where reusability plays a huge role. A single piece of content could be considered across platforms helping you to gain more traffic.

Maximize Your Technology

Going digital is not an easy task to manage as it requires to consider multiple domains with respect to technology. It is possible to drive increased user engagement as bots take care of a majority of your requirements resulting in a comprehensive automated experience.

Revamp Your Market

Reconsidering a business decision from a new perspective will play a huge role in your future growth. It should not be forgotten that business trends constantly impact current market situation. Hence, it is a must for business processes to scale up and obtain maximum savings.
If you have any questions about the different marketing services or just don't know where exactly to start, reach out to Aptiva Corp for a consultation.

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Thursday 28 June 2018

Top Tips for Video Marketing

Video marketing is going beyond just a fad that some people do and is quickly becoming an essential aspect of digital marketing strategies. Since more businesses are using video, the expectation of quality, and the need to create a piece that will capture the attention of viewers, for the right reasons, is more important than ever before. The competition for your attention is fierce - marketers know that they have only seconds to get you and keep you on their video, with most reports indicating that the average is 10 seconds.

That's it. 10 seconds is all you get for a viewer to decide whether they want to spend more time on your video or keep scrolling. Not a lot of time is it?

We've pulled together some of our top tips to help you get started with video marketing: 

1. Start with a script - now we don't mean a script that your read off making your delivery stiff and uncomfortable, we mean have an idea of what you want to talk about and how its going to flow. If you're showing products, make sure they're within reach. Check your lighting and eliminate background noise (I even put a note on my door that alerts everyone that I'm recording).

2. Observe your own viewing habits, what captures your attention? Do a peer review of videos in line with your business - what did you like about the videos, what did they do well? How often do they post? How long are the videos? What could they have done better?

3. The first introduction to your video that your prospect will see is your thumbnail, so make it visually appealing and include text.

4. Even before your thumbnail is how they found you in the first place, so optimize your description and title for SEO and tag your video with relevant keywords.

5. Your video, although short, should have structure, start with create a story as a part of your video to keep your prospects engaged. Think of your video like a funnel, drawing your prospect further in.

6. A pitch is inevitable, but don't make that the intent of the video, give your prospects a tip that they can use right away.

7. Always include a call to action - this can be subtle in your video, but also in your description.

8. Don't make it your goal to go viral, make it your goal to provide informational content.

9. Keep it fun, but not too edgy (unless that's your market), if you are going to go viral, you don't want to go viral for the wrong reasons.

10. Don't be afraid to include subtitles for those who watch without sound. Many people who are at work, or scrolling through their feed without headphones, will typically watch but not listen to videos.

And one bonus tip: Video marketing takes time - more time than you realize! Invest in editing software, and expect that you'll be spending a few hours editing, creating the thumbnail, and perfecting the description.

We'd love the hear your video marketing challenges - have you embraced it? What's holding you back?

We help business owners find more time.

Discover how entrepreneurs just like you have freed themselves from the overwhelm of tech. Download our FREE report at

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Tuesday 26 June 2018

How Video Marketing Can Help Your Business

Reaching the target audience and encouraging engagement are challenging for businesses today with all the updates and changes. Out of all forms of media circulating on the internet, video is the one that's on top. Why is it the top and rising trend today?

Think of a topic and there's probably a video about it. For many people, videos are fun and easy to consume. It's no wonder why it's effective at marketing your products or services. Want to know other benefits of video marketing?

Improves SEO

To get more visibility, businesses also put effort into search engine optimization. The good thing about videos is that it can boost your website's traffic. Videos increase a visitor's time on your page if you get them hooked enough to finish or watch a good chunk of it. You can also share it on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more.

Works for Many Types of Audiences

Making a fun and creative video is hard, but watching one is not. Your target audience can view it anywhere and anytime--from their sofa, on the commute, at the office, before they go to bed. The possibilities are endless. People go on the internet to relax and unwind. Most times they won't be inclined to read through your explanation about your product.

It doesn't mean that they are completely shut off from buying. It just has to be less work and more entertaining. How do we do that? Show it with a short entertaining clip, an effective script and attractive graphics.

Highly Shareable Across Platforms

You've seen how many videos go viral on social media in a matter of hours. It doesn't have to be boosted. All you need is to be innovative enough to catch the interests of your target audience. Aside from that, social media platforms now prioritize video content more than images and text posts. They also increase your posts' reach when you can gain more personal engagements such as reactions, shares, and comments. And there's no content more capable of doing that other than video.

More Effective for Ads

Compared to banner and sidebar ads, video ads are not immediately skippable. Within the short time frame, you have the opportunity to capture your viewers' attention so that they continue watching. There's definitely more you can accomplish, given the right copy, so don't forget to include a call to action.

Don't be afraid to experiment with video marketing if you have not tried it yet. Videos have no limit, you can make use of imagery, sound, and message. It's all up to your imagination to craft an effective video that will compel your customers to patronize your brand and buy your product or service.

That's the challenging part of it all. A dedicate content team from a trusted digital marketing company can take those worries off your shoulders.

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Saturday 23 June 2018

How to Get Media Exposure For Your Website Or Blog

There are several proven ways to get media exposure for your Website or Blog. From Social Networking to YouTube Videos and it does not have to cost you anything. Except you internet connection that is. Turning a Blog post into a video is among many exposure tactics used by Super Successful Marketers. But it always is and always will be the quality of your content to get media exposure for your website or blog.

To turn a blog post into a video use a Free Tool called "Lumen 5". You can easily search your browser and access this valuable tool. Please take your time and learn your way around Lumen 5, it's a great way to get media exposure.

With video ranking, the SEO is pretty much the same as with a website or blog. To get media exposure for your website or blog you need to be extremely descriptive and precise. Tell YouTube what your video is about. And always place your Target Keyword as the first word in your video title. In fact, try having around 3 target keywords in the video title. But be sure the keywords are used within context of the title.

Now the same target keywords must be present within the first sentence of the video description. But they must also populate the content of the description, and again. Always within context. Just cramming a bunch of keywords together that makes no sense will get your video nowhere.

The video description is your opportunity to convince the viewer that this is what they have been looking for.

Next we will look at another way to get media exposure for your website or blog. And it is something you most probably use every day. You guessed it... Facebook!

Create a Facebook Page related to your website or blog niche. Then you install a plugin called "Hello Bar" and follow the simple guidance to link your blog to that Facebook page. The Hello Bar displays as "Like Us On Facebook". But we're not done with the Plugins yet.

Another plugin I personally use is called "Tweedis" which is equally simple to understand. This allows you to use Highlight Text that is shared by your blog readers. Place one share option in the beginning of your Blog Post. And also one in the centre and at the end of the post.

In conclusion to plugins you want to use a plugin called "Digg Digg". That's the floating share button you see on so many professional websites and blogs.

These are all great tools and have proven themselves successful many times over. But without Unique and Compelling content any exposure tool may end up appearing pretty useless. Time is the most important ingredient to your online success. And to get media exposure to your website or blog will take time. Because you must build reputation and inspire your audience with content.

Remember, you're building an Empire and not a Shelter. Building an Empire takes time, and if it was easy then everyone would've been DotCom Millionaires by now. Just a thought.

Success Means Going From Failure To Failure Without The Loss Of Enthusiasm -

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Wednesday 20 June 2018

5 Digital Marketing Mistakes You Commit, You Repent

There is a need to look at the what-should-NOT-be-done side of things as well. This is essential so that you do not fool yourselves into thinking that you are on the right path and keep wasting money without getting an ROI.

When you know that you don't know something, you can find out. However, when you don't know that you don't know, such a situation is risky. Here, is a list from my side to make you aware of some undetectable errors you might commit in your digital marketing pursuit.

1. Promoting Rather than Problem Solving: 
Beating your own drum is something that doesn't go well with the internet-savvy people looking out for any product/services. They are bombarded with promotional information continuously, you don't want to do the same thing and get lost in the crowd.

Don't boast about how good your product/services are, tell them how it can help solve their problems. They have come to your site or your ad, looking out for a solution, provide them that and you will hit the bulls-eye.

While it is okay to display your achievements, stage even that to appear more for 'you-the-customer' rather than the 'I-me-myself' attitude. How? Show client testimonials! And let your audience think if you can solve the problem for your existing clients, then you can for them as well. Be customer-centric, portray your product/services as solutions and see the magic.

2. Relying Heavily on any one Marketing Channel: 
Doing this mistake would not only throw your digital marketing budget out of balance, but can reverse slingshot your revenue. You may have implemented many strategies throughout your experience, out of which say one or two may have worked the best.

And its the digital marketing mantra that one should maximize efforts on what works best; relying too much on this mantra could be dangerous. What if this channel suddenly becomes ineffective? What if the organic traffic that you were so proud of drops overnight thanks to the unannounced updates search engines come up with.

Such a repercussion would cause serious damage to your bottom line revenue. Therefore, resist the temptation to pour all the efforts into one channel and create a robust well-rounded multi-channel based marketing strategy.

3. Ignoring some Marketing Channels: 
This point is similar to the point above, yet different in the way that it proposes using every channel whenever the time is right for your business. It is understandable that a few channels like pay-per-click might instantly thrust you into the limelight, but you should not ignore the other seemingly slower channels.

While it important to leverage the high-ROI-producing channels at the beginning, at a later stage venturing out into the others should be the aim of your marketing strategy. Invest your due efforts in SEO, no matter how time-consuming. 6 months down the line, when the search engines would start paying you back with relevant traffic, you will thank yourself you did it.

Go social; get your name out there. But, select the social channels carefully. LinkedIn and Twitter works best for B2Bs and the famed Facebook is the go-to channel for B2Cs. As you progress, throw in email marketing into the marketing mix, you will be surprised with its potential.

4. Not Assigning Numbers to Campaign Goals: 
"Isn't this basic", you may think! Well... we usually deep-dive into the advanced stuff and forget the basics most of times. So, set measurable goals for your campaigns! Say, you want to increase the number of leads generated for a B2B company, set a goal of +20% in a given month, then work towards it.

Don't just say, I want to increase the leads - that's just wishful thinking! If you define your goals in terms of numbers is when you'll be able to scale your efforts, otherwise you'll keep stepping in all directions without moving an inch ahead.

In addition, remember, you are investing money in your efforts; the person who is carrying out the campaigns doesn't come free. Moreover, if you are investing money in paid marketing, not setting measurable goals is sure-shot recipe for disaster.

5. Poor Data Interpretation: 
If you have ever seen the analytics dashboard, you'll see how it shows different traffic channels like organic, direct, paid, referral etc. Now, direct traffic interprets into people manually typing in your website's URL and coming in.

However, you need to make sure that the direct traffic numbers doesn't consist of your internal employees. Ignoring this would result in data dilution and wrong interpretation of data.

Besides, choosing the wrong metric to define your data could be disastrous. For example, if you have a high 'pages per visit' or 'average visit duration', you may feel that your customer is spending more time on the site, whereas the reality would be your visitors are not finding what they are looking out for.

In conclusion, the 5 points given above are not about the tips or tricks of digital marketing, but more about its core. If you avoid these, you can make any campaign rock, while extracting the maximum bang for your buck.

Want to get some digital marketing done for yourself as a brand or your company?

Drop in an email to or visit

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