Showing posts with label finances. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finances. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 August 2018

8 Steps To Starting That New Career

Fed Up, Bored, Or Stuck In A Rut?

Are you fed up, tired, or bored with your current job or career? Do you hate having to get up each morning to go to a job or career that you really don't like? You know there must be something better out there but can't seem to take the action necessary to make any changes. Instead, it's easy to keep the same old boring routine and just get used to it, as the months and years roll on by.

Did you know that we only have so much time in our working careers and shouldn't waste them being miserable each day with our job or career? Isn't life far too short to be unfulfilled year after year?

Hopefully, you're not stuck in a rut and can't get out of it. If so, there is definitely hope for you as you learn and follow a few steps. For any changes to take place it's essential to take action every day in every way that you can. One thing that holds many back is that they don't want to be out of their comfort zones but probably need to be if there's a career change taking place.

Here are 8 steps for you about starting that new career or job and breaking out of that rut:

1. Attitude is very important. Mental preparation to change is needed to be committed to starting that new and best situation for you. See yourself as a valuable asset to anybody or company and worthy of consideration for whatever you're seeking after.

Also, understand that changing careers will take some time. There is probably a learning curve that can take a few weeks or 6 months, or longer. Mentally preparing and starting out with a goal in focus, a plan, and a take action attitude are critical for success.

Feel confident and good about yourself and do things like helping others, perhaps volunteering, that make you feel good. Upgrading your "style" in dress, vehicle, or another way can make someone feel good about themselves. Now that you're looking and feeling good you're ready for:

2. Re-evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. There are also many free Career Aptitude Tests online that anyone can take to help them decide on their best career choice. Take your time here and sleep on it. Then you're ready for the next step:

3. Education - If you're drastically changing careers then there would be a need to learn new things, take a class, get certified, or licensed. This will take some time but be well worth it. This training will look great on your resume as you move into your new career job. If you're using a resume, remake and update it or better yet have it professionally written up for you.

The resume is a tool to represent the person and open up doors of opportunity for them. Make sure that it draws a nice picture of your work history and qualifications. Most people will stretch the truth, or exaggerate a bit so that their resume will make them look as favorably and qualified as possible. A word of caution, don't lie as it's wrong and you certainly wouldn't want to be caught in a lie.

4. Start Networking online on social media like LinkedIn and Facebook. Update your profiles to reflect your purpose and attract what it is that you're looking for. Ask family and friends that you know and respect their suggestions or advice, however always consider the advice and make your own decisions after sleeping on them.

5. Personal Grooming - Next step is to get yourself ready for action, consider how you look and dress, are there some positive changes that can be made to help the cause, like a haircut, hairdo, shave, grow a beard, etc. How about clothing, can your wardrobe be updated to improve your image? Throw out or give away some old clothing and replace with some new shoes, pants, dresses or shirts and whatever else will give a polished and professional look.

6. Confidence, persistence, and patience need to be exercised daily as you enter and find your way into the new career choice. Always have a positive vibration and an attitude of expecting something good to occur, which puts the law of attraction into action. Remember that you are a valuable commodity and a great benefit to everyone that does business with or hires you. Act as if and walk the walk of the new and improved you with a new purpose in mind, forgetting any past failures and reach forward to the things which are ahead as you build a new career and attract success through your persistence, patience, and daily efforts.

7. Always have a list of things to do and keep an eye on that list, crossing off things as they are accomplished. This is very important and will get you into the habit of completing tasks and moving forward toward whatever goal(s) that you've set up for yourself.

8. Always have a goal written down and in mind, and be constantly and methodically moving toward it. Take a look at exactly where you are and exactly what the goal is and continually move toward that goal persistently and don't stop until your goals are met.

It's normal to alter the plan a little as you go but keep focused on the desired end result and the day's tasks to meet that goal. You can meet every goal one by one and build up a very successful career for yourself.

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Tuesday 8 May 2018

10 common investment mistakes that can ruin your retirement

 It is well known that as things stand, the majority of South Africans will not have enough money to sustain their current standard of living in retirement.

Recent increases to value-added tax and the fuel levy, among other things, have worsened the outlook for many.

Retirement savers would do well to avoid fairly common investment mistakes, according to chief executive officer at 10X Investments, Steven Nathan.

Here are the 10 mistakes retirement savers frequently make, and how to avoid them:

Mistake #1: Saving too little

The number one reason most people miss their retirement goal is because they don’t save enough.

“No rocket science here,” says Nathan. “You can’t save like a pauper and then expect to live like a prince in retirement.”

The basics of  a successful model for retirement is that people should save 15% of their gross salary throughout their working life (an average of 40 years) and invest in a balanced high equity fund that charges low fees.

Mistake #2: Paying high fees

Fees matter a lot more than most people imagine, says Nathan. In the context of a 6.5% real return (that is after inflation), every 1% paid in fees reduces the return by more than 15%.

If investors are paying 3% in fees the return will be reduced by 45%, which means that more than half of the real annual return is lost to fees.

When the effect of compounding, where you earn a return on your return, is included the negative impact can be devastating.

Nathan urges investors to understand the fees they are paying, and to look for a low-cost provider that charges no more than 1% in total annual fees.

Mistake #3: The wrong asset mix

Choosing an asset mix that mirrors personal risk tolerance, such as conservative or risk averse, but is not appropriate for the investment time horizon can dramatically damage a retirement outcome.

"It is critical to grow your savings at a high rate for the majority of your savings period, which is why you should be invested in a high equity fund," said Nathan.

"A lower growth portfolio would be insufficient in the context of a 40-year savings plan, based on a 15% savings rate."

A life-stage solution, where one can automatically be switched to the appropriate portfolio as the time horizon changes, is a simple and effective solution.

Mistake #4: Investing in an underperforming fund

Nathan said that, when it comes to retirement investing, it is more important to eliminate the downside risk and reach the minimum savings goal than to entertain upside risk in the hope of overshooting the savings goal.

"No one should be gambling with something as important as their retirement savings," says Nathan.

Mistake #5: Emotional switching

Chopping and changing funds or asset classes, especially during periods of market turbulence, often leads to buying high and selling low.

Investors should rather stick to their plan and avoid the temptation to switch or try to time the market.

Mistake #6: Inadequate diversification

If you are over-invested in one asset class or security, you assume concentration risk, the risk that one investment will have a disproportionate impact on your savings outcome. As a retirement investor, you cannot afford the downside risk as it may ruin your pension.

Nathan says: “Remember, it’s about reaching your goal with the lowest possible risk; it is not about speculating your way to a dream existence.”

Savers should invest in various asset classes (equities, bonds, property and cash), each providing exposure to many different underlying securities, held across different currencies (local and international) and regions (for example, developed and emerging countries).

Mistake #7: Saving outside retirement funds

Tax-free deductions and investment returns can potentially increase the value of your retirement savings by up to 30%.

And you score again because your retirement income is almost always taxed at a lower average rate than the marginal tax you saved on your contributions.

Mistake #8: Starting to save too late

Few people in their 20s worry about retirement but, ideally, we should start saving towards retirement from our first pay cheque. We should keep it up throughout our working life (around 40 years on average).

Nathan says it is important to remember that contributions are only one source of your future retirement income. The other is the net investment return you earn on your contributions.

“The sooner you start contributing to your retirement fund, the longer your money has to grow.”

Initially, Nathan adds, the returns add only a little to your total pot, but once compounding (earning a return on your return) kicks in, the growth will pick up and continue building momentum.

“The effect is much like a snowball rolling down a mountain, until the compounded investment return totally overwhelms your contributions.”

Mistake #9: Cashing in savings on changing jobs

Not preserving what has already been saved is a very common mistake in South Africa: up to 80% of fund members have at some point cashed out their savings when they changed jobs.

Not preserving is like starting late: people lose not just the accumulated savings, but the return on those savings for the remainder of the savings term.

The foregone return becomes a big number when a fund is cashed in 30 years ahead of time.

Mistake #10: Underestimating how much money is required

Using a quality retirement calculator (based on accurate inputs and assumptions) provides a good sense of where savers stand relative to their goal, and what they could do to improve their savings outcome.

“When it comes to retirement planning, various factors are beyond your control, such as the macroeconomic environment and stock market performance, which makes it even more important to understand and control the many factors that you can,” says Nathan.

Steven Nathan is the chief executive officer at 10X Investments.

Saturday 21 April 2018

Being Financially Stable

If saving for retirement is a struggle, imagine yourself if you lost a job. More and more people really take care of their own retirement security. To avoid unnecessary financial constraints, create a plan to reduce debt as you approach retirement. Design your savings and spending plans.

Retirement planning is definitely difficult, especially if the implications of your choices tend to get magnified. You'll need to determine the amount of savings needed for your desired lifestyle. A spending strategy is equally important. However, rather than following a budget, many people spend more than what comes in.

Determine your annual base or mandatory expenses on food, clothing, shelter, utilities, medical, and transportation expenses. Also consider investing in long-term health care insurance which can typically cover the cost of home care, nursing-home care, and assisted living which is not usually covered by traditional health insurance.

Safeguarding your finances while you are still employed will help you become financially stable even after retirement. Many people are anxious when their retirement years are fast approaching. Imagine being at that point in your life and feeling you haven't achieved your goals yet. It could get especially worrisome if you don't have enough savings to be able to sustain your lifestyle after you retire. So, you need to enjoy spending within your means.

Securing a retirement fund is definitely needed if you want to live comfortably. The best time to start saving for your future is now. Not next year, not next week, not tomorrow, and not even later. Start planning for retirement at this very moment. It's better to start sooner than later. The earlier you plan, the more time you have to save money, pay off debt, and invest in the future. You also give yourself some leg room in case you make a bad decision and need to recover from a mistake. If you start investing late, then you lower the possibility of accomplishing your retirement plans.

Consistency is essential in saving money for your retirement. At first, it may be difficult, but you'll find it easier to save as you get along. One of the solutions for this is to set aside savings every month, even just a small amount. Save more as you go along-but never, never go below the initial savings amount.

Planning may be easy, but it's the willingness and determination to stick to your plans that could bend at times. It's important to have a clear vision ahead. No matter how far away your retirement years may seem, it is always a good idea to learn how to manage your personal finances. Those people who know how to manage their money succeed in allotting enough money not just for their savings but also for other financial matters.

It's important to create a budget. Separate your needs from your wants and try to track your spending on a monthly basis by listing down all your expenses. Seeing where you spend your money can help you sort out your priorities and plan how you can save more from your income and spend less on non-important expenses.

Retiring from work is a major leap in one's life. Prepare for the inevitable as early as now and assure a financially stable future for yourself and your family.

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Friday 20 April 2018

7 Simple Steps to Weather Any Economic Storm

When the US economy gets bad, we all feel the pinch. However, some parts of our population feel the pinch harder than others. For example, many senior citizens live on a fixed income consisting of Social Security, small pensions and investment income. For these people, even small changes in costs of food or medicines can take a huge toll on their financial fitness. Listed below are 7 simple steps that everyone can take to improve their financial condition and put themselves in a better position to weather upcoming economic storms.

1) Save more money. I know, this sounds simple and common sense tells us to always have some savings for a "rainy day". However, most people make the mistake of not saving enough. As a general rule of thumb, you should have no less than two months worth of expenses saved in cash (savings account, CD, checking, etc.). For some people, the amount of savings will need to be higher. Putting money into your savings should be a routine part of your financial habits. Make it a point to put a standard amount away every month. For example, have your bank automatically transfer $100 to your savings account each month. Do not take from this account unless you have an emergency!

2) Spend less. This tends to be the hardest change that people have to make. Spending money makes us feel good and we all like that. However, when spending gets out of control we can find ourselves in a hopelessly deep hole that may take some serious cuts to get out of. It is much easier to make small spending "adjustments" along the way. For example, instead of spending $3 each day for that gourmet coffee, simply make a small pot at home for about $0.70. There are many small coffee brewers available that make excellent coffee and buying in bulk saves a lot of money! Another way to spend less is to look for loyalty clubs that pass along savings to the members. I am a member of one such club at my local grocer. Each week there are two or more pages of special purchases only available to members of the loyalty club--and it costs nothing to join! I save tons of money with that.

3) Diversify investments. I have written entire articles on this in the past but it bears repeating here. If you are a senior citizen, you most likely should not be invested 100% in the stock market. Most seniors that I work with need to produce income from their portfolio to supplement their other retirement income sources. In order to give their investment portfolio the best chance of surviving an economic downturn, we use various combinations of stocks, bonds, cash, annuities and alternative investments. Unfortunately, this is an area where many people just do not have the expertise (or courage) necessary to properly identify investment choices that are right for them. You may need to seek the advice of a qualified professional. A fee-only advisor does not accept commissions and therefore has no financial incentive to place you in one investment over another. Go a bit further and seek a fee-only advisor with a credential like the CFP mark. ( A good advisor can pay for themselves many times over and this is money well spent!

4) Negotiate. Practically everything is negotiable these days. Everyone knows that big ticket items are negotiable like cars and homes. But I have personally found success in negotiating the cost of everyday items like trash pickup, newspaper delivery, satellite TV and phone service. You might be surprised that you can reduce the costs of some of these items by as much as 50% or more with a simple phone call. You may have to threaten to cancel your service (which you should do if you can get the service cheaper somewhere else) in order to get the lower price. After all, the service provider had rather be making some money from your account than to lose your business all together. Trust me on this one and make some calls today!

5) Be more efficient. There are some clear ways to be more efficient like running all of your errands early in the morning rather than spacing them out throughout the day and keeping your car tires properly inflated. You should also have a programmable thermostat installed in your home. These devices can save you hundreds of dollars each year by carefully controlling the climate in your home for optimal comfort and savings. Additionally, only run other appliances like the dishwasher or washing machine/dryer when you have a full load. Also try not to run any household appliances during the summer peak energy consumption hours of 11AM to 3PM. My local municipality charges over 30% more for electric power during these hours. Be sure to have your windows and doors checked for leaks at least one per year. A $3 tube of latex caulk is a solid investment for making your home more efficient.

6) Pay off debt. Credit card debt is especially burdensome during rough economic times. Your interest rate can go up, your credit line can be cut or both. This goal has to be balanced with saving but it can be done. Adding another $25 to your monthly credit card payment can significantly speed up the payback period. When it is all paid off, don't close or cancel the account because that may hurt your credit rating. Instead, remove the card from your wallet and leave it in a safe place in your home so that you will not be tempted to use it for impulse purchases.

7) Volunteer. Many studies have shown that people spend more money when they are unhappy or unfulfilled. Likewise, the same studies show that people who feel happy and content spend less money on impulse items. Volunteering in your community is a great (and free) way to boost your morale and feel better about yourself. Doing something for others pays dividends to the community in big ways. Your local animal shelter, homeless center or church can always use additional volunteers. This opportunity also provides you with time to interact with other people who have similar interests as yours. You might even pick up some tips on how to save money!

There are many more ways to prepare for the next financial crisis. If you feel like you are unable to do these things, seek professional help. Referrals from friends or relatives is a good place to start but always be sure to check up on any advice giver especially if they charge a fee or earn a commission from their activity.

Todd Fields, CFP is an expert in the fields of financial planning and investment management. He is founder and President of Trusted Wealth Management, Inc. serving senior citizens and retirees in the Atlanta, GA area. He can be reached via his website at [] or via e-mail at

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Tuesday 17 April 2018

Some Nuggets on How To Be Rich

Everyone no matter their age, they all want to know how to be rich, how to hack life and make it financially. The significant driving force has been the perception that wealth or money means everything or can buy you all and make you happy. Millions of books have been written since the ancient times and yet you will find yourself looking for more and hopefully direct and easy ways around how to just make it. Well, you did great reading this article since you will see that most of what you need to make it you already have it.

Most young people just want to hack life and make it all at once without that effort nor patience of learning. This has created severe habits such gambling and fraud as a means to get rich quick. The other vice that has risen due to the elusive fact that all can make it is a generation of desperate and drug-addicted youths who believe that their fate is already sealed. This article is a wakeup call and a call to action to drop page thumping and expecting to find that one magical trick. You are all that you need.

How to start.

To begin with, by reading this means that you are ready and willing to make something out of yourself, get your head straight now and acknowledge that you have a working brain and a desire to make it.

The second move is to dream and make sure that you do not just imagine. The moment you can visualize anything in your head means that you can be able to make it happen for real.

Go ahead and write down your plan and evaluate how you are planning to achieve that. This, therefore, has to begin with small ideas and seeing them through. You cannot start planning for a Ferrari, and you do not own an account even. Start small and be patient to look at the fruits of your hard work.

Patience as a value comes in hand even when managing your wealth later in life. You have to carry out planned and well-calculated risk and wait patiently and trust in yourself that it will work.

The other thing is growing some balls because the moment you start investing you will have to be ready for risks and failures. Do not dwell on the failures instead move on and have better plans, do not lose focus but keep the desires, and all will work eventually.

Lastly, when you start making something, reinvest and work to grow bigger. Instead of celebrating and blowing up everything take it back and let it grow. Always have the mentality of safeguarding the capital you input at any time and then re-invest the profits for growth.


The smart ones only win the money game and wealth creation. By accessing such information, you have been made smart, and that means you can go forth and grow yourself to whatever level you want.

You can always find more interesting articles here or hire my writing services. Reach me via

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Monday 26 March 2018

Time To Make A Blogging Difference To Your Business

Do blogs really matter? A website will market your products and services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. But people do business with people they know, like and trust. Blogs are usually less formal in tone than the text on business websites, giving business owners a chance to really connect with their audience.

Blogging is a relationship-building tool. A blog, either on its own or as part of your website, can illustrate that you are a specialist in your niche who really knows what you are speaking about. It can also show that you have the skills and experience to create quality products.

Content Is King

Content is the main driver of effective marketing these days. And a blog provides content and helps your target audience find you. And that means content in all forms. This includes your videos, reports, eBook, infographics, image names, and more.

Free Traffic

In terms of getting a continuous flow of traffic, the more posts to have, the better. As soon as you have published one, you can share links to it on social media and via email. Provided that the quality of the content is good and relevant to your target audience, you should have no trouble driving traffic to your blog.

Your Blog Posts Are Free Samples

If you sell any types of information products, your blog posts will give a clear idea of the quality your customers can expect. Information products include items like eBooks, reports, videos, audio files etc. Your blog reader will see the quality of what you provide for free and will directly relate that with the quality of your paid products.

Your Recognition

Innovative and well-researched blog posts let readers know that you're serious about your business and know what you're doing. This confidence in you will not only make your audience more likely to buy from you, it will also give them a reason to spread the word about your blog and your business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Due to their ease of navigation and frequency of updates, the search engines and will crawl your blog often, sending new traffic your way. In many instances, these will be people you haven't connected with yet. Studies have shown that shorter posts might rank in the top 20, but longer posts that are considered highly relevant will usually get into the top three slots.

Are you are ready to be a better blogger? Discover 21 different one-a-day tasks and activities for getting more traffic, more prospects, more customers and more sales. Download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog, at

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Wednesday 21 March 2018

Super Tips For Turning Failure Into Success

How to Turn Failure Into Success

Acceptance, Communication, Success
DO NOT Let Failure Affect Your Self Worth
"Success is failure turned inside out."
Author unknown.

I honestly wish I knew who wrote this so I could thank him for giving me a guide to what success looks like. I was a freshman in high school when I read this quote and it stayed with me, not only stayed with me... but it changed my life. It was so clear, things can really be that simple!

Whoever wrote this must have known about a young girl who wanted to be successful but had no idea what success looked like. She thought her life was full of failures but in reality, the failures were really successes. It's like holding a t-shirt in your hand and you're about to put it on but than you realize it's inside out. What do you do? Well, you fix it and you put your shirt on the correct way. Then you go about your business, never giving it a single thought.

My friend, it is that simple. All you must do is take the failures and turn them into successes. Why is it so hard for you to turn your failures into success? Because you've tied your self worth to both the success and the failure.

Here's the problem. As humans, we give everything way more meaning than it should carry. For example, let's say your marriage failed and you started blaming yourself. You ask: How come I did not see this or that? Shouldn't I have known better? All the signs were there, so how could I have missed it? I'm such an idiot... and on and on... the madness goes. Pretty soon, you begin to feel badly about yourself. You start calling yourself dumb, idiot, loser, etc. You begin to think about all the people you let down and what they must think of you. Sound familiar?

What if you didn't give it any meaning at all? What if a failed relationship was just a failed relationship? What if a bankruptcy was just a bankruptcy? What if losing your job was simply that. What if none of it had any deeper meaning at all?

Here's what you should do to keep the failures in your life from affecting your self worth. First, you must stop taking everything personally. This was huge for me. When I stopped taking everything personally, and looking at them as "things that happen in a broader context" I could look at things more objectively. The failures aren't personal. It's all part of this thing call "life". Everyone who takes on this human incarnation is going to have a certain level of failure as well as success.

The second thing to do is to look at the failure objectively. It has no meaning except for the meaning you give it. I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to work with T. Harv. Ecker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. One of the things T. Harv. Ecker taught me was that nothing had any significant meaning at all. He constantly reminded me of this simple fact. It's the same thing with failure and success. They have absolutely no meaning at all besides the meaning we give to them.

For a lot of people, having success means they've made something of themselves. they've proven to aunt so and so or their father that "I'm not a loser." Here's what I've learned. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, not even yourself. Just accept that your successes and failures are impersonal.

I meet millennials who seem to define themselves by their career. What they do for a living has become such a priority, they don't even realize how closely they've attached their self worth to it. Today, the pressure to get married has been replaced with the pressure to become successful in your career as quickly as possible. Sure, it's a good thing to be successful in your career, but you are not your career. There's more to you than the initials behind your name or the title of your job. When you are at the bottom of the totem pole at work, you can't translate that as to where you stand in life. This is where you are today. That's not where you will be five years or ten years from now, so why does it matter so much?

Here's a different take on it. You may lose your job, all your money, and all your earthly possessions, but you can never lose the ability within you that got you those things in the first place. And if you can remember that, then you can turn every failure into success. When I left Florida, I left with my Honda Civic, my clothes in the trunk, and a few toiletry items, and that's all I had. My tribe was very upset because they felt like I had thrown away everything I had worked so hard to achieve. What they didn't realize was that my ability to get those things was still within me.

I don't know how I knew this but I knew that I could own another home. I knew that I could recreate an even better life than the life I'd had in Florida, and I did. I want you to awaken to the possibility that you can create better. You can always have better than you had before. The ability to get a great paying job is inside of you. The ability to start a new business after you've lost a business that you've worked hard at is all inside of you.

Last year I had the opportunity to interview Angela Martindale. She transforms lives from ordinary to extraordinary. She's a highly sought-after nutritionist, and fitness coach to Hollywood moguls and models. She's the creator of Chi Yoga Flow. The one thing that stuck with me during our interview is the fact that she lost everything after her divorce. Angela moved in with her parents with only a backpack crammed with a few personal items. This is after she had built a thriving business. But what she still possessed was the ability to create the results she had created before! Although her ex took her earthly possessions, he couldn't take her ability to rebuild both her life and her business. Angela anchored herself down and rebuilt not just her life, but also her business, and today she is happier than ever. In the process, her work has truly transformed my life and the lives of many other women.

If you want to turn your failures into successes all you have to do is detach your self worth from both the failures and the successes. You've heard of child actors or other performers who committed suicide or became drug addicts and alcoholics because their career started to slide. This happens because their self worth was attached to their job. When your self worth is not attached to your job, your career, or your bank account, you are free to turn your failures into successes. The next time you find yourself down, just remember Angela's story and remember what my mentor, T. Harv. Ecker said: "Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it." Stop giving your successes and failures meaning, just live your life. Enjoy the successes when they happen and when you fall down, just get back up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game.

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Tuesday 20 March 2018

The Keys To Getting What You Want

I would like to let you know what qualifies me to mentor you. My name is Dr. Mark L. Huddleston. I started my exciting journey April 14th, 1998. I experience a quantum shift in paradigms. I went from disbelieving to believing. I went from being a pessimist to an optimist. Instead of seeing the glass half empty, I began to see the glass half full and opportunity all around me. I will never forget that day as long as I live. I remember waking up in a total panic. I remember that I was totally broke. I was bringing home $7,000 a month and my rent on my apartment was only $800 a month. After all my bills were paid I had over $5,000 to myself to spend, so why was I broke?

I had to do some soul searching. I had to try to make sense of what was happening in my life before it was too late. My health was failing me, and my mental state of mind was dwindling also. The only difference between me and millions of people from around the world was that I was facing my demons and trying to make sense out of doing so.

During my soul searching, I recognized that all people were given the number one power ever given to any animal on this planet. That power, is the power to choose. Even if you choose not to choose, you have made a choice to choose.

I found out in a few hours that I had no clue to what I wanted out of life. I also found out that I was supporting a bunch of freeloaders that lived in my apartment complex. I found that I was buying my so-called friends. I also found that I was the one initiating the contact all the time with those so-called friends. The only time they ever seemed to come around was then they wanted something. They never seemed to come around when they had money or anything of value. This was a wake-up call for me. I realized that I did not have any friends at all. Even the members of my family were scum. I recognized that I always initiated the contact with them also.

From that sunny day in April on, I would never be the same person that I presently was. I made a vow with God that I would change and be the best that I could possibly be in anything that I ventured into. From that sunny day in April I swore to become engaged in personal self-development.

I realize on that sunny in April that I lived in the greatest country on the planet and there was no reason why I should be in the predicament that I was in. I knew that there was something holding me back from my purpose on earth.

The first thing I did was to sit down and set some attainable goals. Then I had to come up with a list of things I wanted out of life. I concluded that if I wanted anything out of life I first had to know what I wanted. Not knowing what you want is like starting out on a trip without knowing your destination and what direction to travel in. Your chance of reaching an unknown destination in an unknown direction by driving on an unknown road for an unknown length of time is just plain absurd.

What is needed is you to have a destination in life. This would be your life goal. You need a target to aim at. How can you hit your target if you don't first take aim at it? That's like a blind man entering a skeet shooting contest and expecting to win. The reason why people fail is that they do not know what they truly want. So, they wander aimlessly through life looking for something that never materializes. They go around in circles, chasing their own tail, only to come back to where they first started. They think they're going up, when they're really sinking down.

So, the first thing you want to do is, find out what you want to do and make a plan to accomplish it. What is your end-game? Are you looking for happiness? Are you looking for love? Are you wanting to be successful? Do you want to be wealthy? What is it that you want? Just know, that you can have anything you desire, but you first have to know what you want before you can obtain it.

I found out that getting what you want in life can be as simple as making the right choices. You must decide what, when, and how you will go about getting what you want. Consciously or subconsciously, your mind is continuously confronted by the necessity of making choices. You must decide if you will do something or not. There is no such thing as not deciding. Even if you choose not to choose, you have made a choice. Choosing to do nothing is a choice which may well determine whether or not you get what you want, just ask anyone that has dropped out of school!

Always know that you cannot avoid the necessity of constantly making choices. If you try to avoid or delay making a choice, you are choosing to do nothing and that is a choice which can affect your life as much, or perhaps more, than deciding to do something. If you do nothing you are guaranteed to be nothing. If you do something, you are guaranteeing yourself the possibility of getting what you want. You must choose which action to take, which group to join, which cause to advocate, which job to take, which city to live in, and which life style you choose to live.

This article cannot make these decisions for you because these choices will have to be your own personal choices to make. This article gives you the knowledge to make you aware of your choices you make and the consequences that come along with the choices you make.

The last key to getting what you want would be self-development. You need to learn how to get what you want. If you don't know how to get what you want, you will never obtain it. I began to pick up every book I could get my hands on that interest me. I wanted more out of life, so I began to absorb anything and everything that I came in contact with.

I began getting mentored by some of the greatest minds in the world today. People like, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Robert Kiyosaki, Steven Covey, and Jack Canfield, just to name a few. Can you imagine being mentored by people like this? If you seek, you will find. Just know, when the student shows up, the teacher will appear.

I learned what the law of attraction can do for a person. I learned what you put out is what you receive back on most cases. This law stands true to this day. There are several elements that you may want to apply to your daily routine.

1. You will want to use the power of positivity to propel you into successful action and enable you to motivate others to act in your behalf to help you get what you want. Positive attitude is what ignites the soul and gives you the personal power to turn others on! Positive attitude will give you the lift you need to get what you want.

2. The methods shared with you in this article taught me about personal development which is the easiest, fastest, way to improve the quality of your life. Your friends, family, and the people that you know that you want to impress will noticed the positive change within you once you begin your personal improvement journey. Only through self-development can you earn, deserve and get what you want in life. Know that your rewards in life are in direct proportion to the services you provide.

3. Understand, that you cannot obtain the help and win the required cooperation of others by pressure or by force. Pressure creates resistance. Force creates enemies. And resistance and enemies are things you don't need in your life if you want to get what you want in life.

You can obtain the enthusiastic cooperation of others by using the power of self-development and the power of attraction to get others to do what you want them to do. So, right now you will want to get started. It is up to you and you only to create a positive boldness in your life. Once this begins to happen you will begin to radiate an enthusiastic aura from your being. You will begin to look like a success! You will begin to act like a success! You will begin to be successful by undertaking in the many things you will learn by investing in yourself.

I truly hope that this article has helped you. Helping others is what keeps me motivated and inspired. I believe that we all must motivate, inspire, and encourage others throughout our lives if we want the world to be a better placed to live. We must become that change we want in life. The reason why I feel you should read my articles over other people's articles would be that I write from true life happenings. I know without a doubt that if you were to follow the advice I share with you that your life will exponentially change. You can find more resources at There is more helpful information in "The Manufacturing Of A Dream" and Eluding The Toxic Enemy within.

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Thursday 15 February 2018

Getting Started With Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing in which the focus is on influencers rather than on the target market as a whole. The concept is simply to identify the people who impact potential buyers and direct marketing activities around these influences.

Influencer content may be framed as some form of advertising evidence in which they themselves play the role of potential buyers or may be third parties. These third parties exist in a supply chain (traders, manufacturers, etc.) or can be called value-added influencers.

The world has slipped into social networks. Many consumers watch their co-consumers about their purchasing decisions. It's not like before, consumers trust each other, and one of those consumers is these personalities on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms that enjoy a lot of followership. This concept of social networking has exceptionally revitalized online industry; this surprisingly effective marketing technique is helping different international brands achieve their marketing goals.

It is an open secret that a celebrity that can run your brand regularly and help promote it is a brilliant idea, more companies are beginning to exercise the authority of social networks which is more efficient than the conventional advertising. For this reason, Influencer Marketing could be the next big success in advertising. Here's why:


There are many methods that can help increase sales in your business. But for now, nothing can contest the record that Influencer Marketing has played in recent years. Research has shown that consumer-to-consumer marketing leads the consumer to generate more sales than paid advertising can do. This only shows that influential marketing can provide an exceptional opportunity for brands to capture the power of word of mouth thanks to the influential people who follow and admire.


Since the world has embraced the social media, this may be the right time for your business. Social media is more than just a replacement for conventional media. Previously, consumers Would buy an item based on what they see or hear. Today, social media is the main thing; consumers can easily connect with other consumers and can make a better buying decision by discussing their product or service experience. The use of social networks is growing rapidly across age groups and gender. Influencers communicate with consumers using these platforms and gives influencer marketing a key addition to any successful marketing strategy.


There are over 200 million people worldwide who are using ad-blocking apps already, what happens to the money you have spent on those pop-up advertisements if the most of the internet users don't even view them. It's time for the internet marketers to up their game and change to something internet users have less issue with. Consumer trusts influencers and their recommendations; more of your marketing and business strategy should go into working with influencers


Influencer marketing has the ability to change the overall outlook of your business for the better along with email marketing; it is actually very cost-effective. The fact that your competitors are already investing in it, is an indicator that it's the next big and shouldn't be overlooked, as influencers can truly affect consumers' choice on buying a product.

Overall, the digital world is completely different. A lot of marketers are already using Influencer Marketing, because of its effectiveness and high return on investment. Social media likes and shares can be gathered turned into valuable insights to your advertising sojourn. There is no better time for you to start reaping the benefits of influencer marketing than now.

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Thursday 1 February 2018

Great Goal-Setting Methods You Can Use

The Long & Short Goal Method

The first goal-setting method that we'll cover is probably the one that you're most familiar with. This is the setting of long-term goals that can be broken down into smaller ones. The way that these method works is by setting long-term goals that you want to achieve over a specified period of time.

For example, write down 10 goals that you want to achieve in the next five years. Then determine what short-term goals that you will have to accomplish in order to make this happen.

These short goals may be things that you can do in a week, month or it may take as long as a year. There are no time limit requirements on short-term goals. The only rule is that they lead to long-term ones.

The Checklist Method

If the above method doesn't appeal to you, then you may want to try the checklist method. The checklist method is similar to the long and short method, but it brings your task list down to a daily level. How you use this method is by creating your long-term goals. Then, make a list of things that you can do daily to achieve those goals. This will be your daily checklist. Put it on your phone or tablet, or as the background of your desktop computer, and make sure that you check off all of those goals every day. At first, it will be difficult to get used to it, but after a while, it will become second nature to finish your checklist before you go to bed.

The Journal Method

Finally, there is the journal method. The journal method simply encourages you to write your goals down in a journal or diary, and then write an entry as often as you can about what you are doing to progress towards your goals. This is a much less restrictive method than the checklist or journal and highly creative people may prefer it.

Three Financial Habits that are Preventing Your Success

When it comes to financing, some people have developed habits from the time they started handling money that has brought them some level of achievement in their lives - whether that be having good enough credit to putting money away for emergencies or future investments. But most people aren't quite as good at managing their money. You don't have to become a financial guru to be successful, but there are three habits that nearly everyone does that are very likely going to prevent you from achieving the success that you desire.

Spending Money on Convenience

One of the worst bad habits that people have, especially in the United States, is wasting money on convenience. Store owners know this too and they take advantage of it. For example, while you might be able to go to a big box department store and buy motor oil for $2.50, you'll be paying $5 or $6 if you get it at a convenience store. Knowing that you are paying a great deal more money for not much more convenience will allow you to stop yourself when you are considering it. Put that money in savings instead.

Not Keeping Good Records

Another financial habit that will make it difficult for you to be successful is not keeping good records. Keeping records of your income and expenses is important because then you know what you are earning and spending in relation to each other and can see ways that you might be able to save money. Saving money is vital to future financial success because it is available in the case of an emergency, it will help you avoid credit card debt that could block your path to wealth and it could become your startup money when the next great idea comes along.

Failing to Create or Stick to a Budget

Another thing that people do is fail to create a budget, or even if they have a budget, they often do not stick to it. This means that they are less likely to save money and will not learn the skills that are going to be required to start a business and run the financial aspect of it down the road. Creating and adhering to a budget is directly related to success in business, and many of the top entrepreneurs in the world say it is one of the most important skills to have.

My name is Daniel Taylor and I'm a internet marketing, entrepreneur, product creator and mentor.

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