Showing posts with label Ministry Of Freedom Legit Ministry Of Freedom Ministry Of Freedom review Ministry Of Freedom Legit reviews Jono Armstrong Jonathan Armstrong affiliate marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ministry Of Freedom Legit Ministry Of Freedom Ministry Of Freedom review Ministry Of Freedom Legit reviews Jono Armstrong Jonathan Armstrong affiliate marketing. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Is Ministry Of Freedom Legit?

The Ministry Of Freedom is proven blueprint training by Jono Armstrong where he gives you all the tools and training you need to set up a successful online business. It does not only focus on affiliate marketing, but it also teaches you how to develop and sell your own products.

A 9-week journey

After Jono has taken you through the tools and applications, the marketing training starts with a very in-depth training about launch jacking. With launch jacking, you are taking advantage of a great amount of traffic that is being sent to affiliate offers by big marketers

One crucial part to be able to make launch jacking sales is by giving away bonuses to anyone who will purchase through your link. 

Learn how to create your own products and launch them into the market. This is one of the fastest ways to build your buyers email list. With a soft launch you will learn how to get an idea to create a simple small product and how to send traffic to it to make sales and to build your list.

Added to the rotator which results in you getting commissions through your affiliate link without having to send traffic yourself. 

  • Guaranteed affiliate approval
  • Guaranteed review access
  • Share code and a complete done for you Bonus page is being shared with you.

Every time Jono is launching a new product, you will be set to 100% commissions throughout the whole funnel. This means that when you sell this product 100% of the commissions will go directly to you as a member of M.O.F.

Use Jono’s high-ticket ads & webinar

This one is big as it allows you to run Youtube in-stream ads without having to shoot any video yourself.

When you become a member you are able to connect your Youtube channel to Jono’s channel. This means that when you want to do paid ads, you can select Jono’s followers as an audience which means a very targeted audience if you promote similar offers.

Become a Ministry Of Freedom member you are allowed to add one of your products as a bonus spot in Jono’s upcoming launch products. 

Ministry Of Freedom also has its own Facebook group.

Within the Ministry of Freedom you’ll get everything you need to succeed. From free traffic, to paid traffic to creating your own product by building your list, by getting support, and I could go on and on. The question is, will you do what it takes to become successful. Are you willing to put in the effort and time to discover what works for you.