Tuesday 29 October 2019

5 Proven Ways to Make Money Online

There are endless ways you can use to make money online. Some will give you great returns while others will leave you working for pennies. If you are looking to make money online, here are the top 5 proven ways that you can consider.

Webinar Trainings

One of the ways you can make a significant amount of money online is through webinar training. A webinar is an online event held in real time. The people present are able to interact with each other and with the presenters by sending and receiving messages in real time.

If you are an expert in a certain field, you can use webinars to train people who are interested in what you offer. To be successful in webinar training, it is important that you have a recognized online presence in your niche or area or expertise.

Start an Online Course

Another way to make money online is by starting your own online course. Courses present a good source of passive income. When you create a course, you can sell it for many years to come with little to no updates depending on the topic.

It is easy to start a course and you can price it the way you want. According to Teachable.com, their instructors make upwards of $5,200 per month and most start making money immediately after launching their courses.

People are wired to seek education and skills, therefore, if you have a good course that really delivers value, it becomes easy to build a seven figure business with it.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the act of selling products owned by others for a commission. You can use affiliate networks such as ClickBank and others or look for other online businesses and companies that have their own affiliate offers.

You can easily make money with affiliate marketing if you have a blog with a good following. You can sell products or services that would interest your blog followers and make passive income without much effort.

Drop Shipping

With drop-shipping, you sell products through your site to people who are interested without having to deal with inventory or delivery of the same. It is also a great way to make money online without a lot of investment upfront.

Become a Freelancer

Finally, you can become a freelancer and engage in lucrative ventures such as content marketing, digital marketing and advertising, web analytics, web design, graphic design and others. All of these are freelancing careers that are scalable and able to bring in a decent amount of income. Many people have built million dollar online business offering such services.

Other good ways to make money online include starting a blog, becoming an online tutor, offering virtual assistant services and working with online business like Uber, Lyft and Amazon to offer driver and delivery services.

If you are looking to make money online, the time to start is now. If you are lucky, you might make money immediately; but for most ventures, you will need time to gain traction and start making a decent income.

Mathenge Kabui Is an expert author on matters to do with making money online. You can contact him to give you quality content for your website by following the link below: https://www.kenyawriters.com/customorders/

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mathenge_Kabui/557294
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10196137

Social Media for Small Businesses

Social media has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Businesses of all size and shapes have started making the most of available mediums. Today we will try to anatomize tips on social media for small businesses.

There are a plethora of small businesses eyeing social medium to promote their business/services. However, majorly these small businesses are failing or not being able to make optimum use of social media for their business growth.

There are many theories and strategies on how to effectively use social media for established brands, but the topic social media for small businesses is seldom addressed. According to Digital state of eMarketing India 2017 Octane Research:

60% small businesses promote their business on social media. 50% focus on SEO and 35% use multichannel marketing funnel.
70% small businesses consider content strategy as their primary marketing activity.
52% business owners are using social media as to efficiently address customer engagement.
More than 20% of business owners said that they are making 50% plus profit using social media.

The primary reasons for the low turnout are uncertainty on an application of social media, calculating return on investment and persuade employees/stakeholders to clinch social media. Hence it is important to address the elephant in the room and analyze how beneficial is Social media for small businesses.

Social media for small businesses is a great way for emerging businesses to generate lead and build a reputation. If regularly updated, social media can deliver more results as compared to traditional mediums. Social media for small businesses gives brands an edge of control over the content that they want to post. Also, since social media is a two-way dialogue process, it helps businesses to instantly identify what is benefitting them. Social media for small businesses also helps generate Word of Mouth, which is one of the best tools for emerging businesses.

Social Media for small businesses | 10 Tips to effectively use Social Media

Define your Target Audience
The first and foremost important part that small businesses should focus on is to define their target audience. This helps small businesses to device their social media strategy accordingly. The target audience should be defined basis age group, sex, location, users' online behaviors, their likes, interests, and preferences. For niche products, business owners can even target users based on their birthdays, anniversaries and important milestone. Audience targeting plays a very crucial role in the outcome of the results. For e.g.: a local shop selling footwear should not target users with interest in entertainment. The shop definitely won't get the desired results.

Set achievable goals
Overnight success is a myth. Small businesses must understand this basic fact. Generally, when a new business starts selling on social media, there is palpable excitement is achieving more than set targeted sales. Businesses need to set goals which are upwards and forward. To achieve enormous goals, small businesses start updating social feed with multiple updates in shorter duration. This leads to user's disinterest in the product/service. The set goals should be in sync with brand's core capabilities and expertise. For e.g.: if a business is into selling shoes, they shouldn't set a goal to repair maximum shoes in their area.

Choose the right medium
By now everyone knows, social media is for free. Even paid campaigns can be conducted at a relatively low cost as compared to traditional mediums. It is in this scenario, that we often see small businesses jumping the bandwagon and creating profiles on all the available platforms. Creating social profile doesn't hamper brand image, but aggressively promoting a brand on wrong platforms can lead to brand losing its potential customers. Hence it is advisable for SME's to first identify the right platform through which they can maximize their business. For e.g.: If a shoe selling brand tries to aggressively sell on LinkedIn, they won't get a plausible response as compared to promotions on Facebook/Instagram.

Promote your core product/services
Since each and every business is riding in the social media wave, it is important for a them to promote their core product/services. Nowadays, we see a lot of businesses promoting their services as well as promoting peripheral products/services, which revolves around their core product/services. Majority of the times, this SME's doesn't have capabilities to fulfill a requirement, which can lead to a bad word of mouth for their business on social media platforms. Let us go back to our example; if a shoe seller is trying to aggressively promote socks instead of shoes, it is not going to benefit the business in the long run.

Create quality content
Now that we have covered the topics of identifying the target audience, setting achievable goals, choosing the right medium and promoting the right product/services let us now take a look at the type of content a business should promote on their social pages. A business should always focus on creating good quality content rather than not-good quantity content. Even if the business updates their page once in a day as long as it is relevant to their business, advocates about its core products send across a clear message it is considered as a good quality content.

Antagonistically, if a business posts multiple updates which aren't even relevant to the business's products and services leads to users considering the business as fake/spam. Also, new businesses should try and refrain from promoting other businesses on their social platforms initially.

Create a content calendar
Making a small business successful on social platforms is no small task. It takes a lot of efforts for the businesses to keep up their conversion ratio. One such effort is to create a content calendar. Small businesses must anticipate important events and create a content calendar accordingly. Ideally, a content calendar must be planned a month in advance but an even weekly content calendar is highly recommended. This helps businesses to avoid any last minute hassles, strategize much more effectively and it also helps in creating curiosity amongst its loyal fans/customers.

Test and re-test
Social media is highly unpredictable. The content a business posts today, might not work for tomorrow. Hence, small businesses must always test their content before publishing it on their pages. Testing content also applies to the platform a small business chooses to promote. Small business owners must always don the consumer's hat before posting about any product feature, updates, schemes or offers. A consumer's perspective is the key when testing the content that has to be uploaded.

Look for inspiration
Small businesses must always look for inspiration from a competitor who is successful in the same category. Copy pasting competitors idea or content is not the answer. Small businesses must look for the kind of content its competitors are putting up and derive their own strategies subsequently. Inspiring content/stories always make a business to strive to create their own content that is appreciated by one and all. It helps in increasing brand consideration, brand visibility thereby increasing conversions for the business.

Calculate ROI
Even a small promotional budget is not justifiable if there is no mechanism to calculate its return on investment. It is more important in case of small businesses. It is very important for a small business to keep a tab on the budgets allocated to any promotions and the subsequent ROI related to it. If a certain promotion is not doing well or the business is not getting desired results, the brand custodian can always look for other platforms to generate quality conversions.

Analyze and Re-strategize
There can be umpteen instances where a particular campaign/promotion might not work for a business. That doesn't mean that the promotion is wrong or the product/service is not good. Doing an analysis of the campaign is as important as setting the objective. This helps the business to formulate their upcoming strategies in more effective ways. At the end of every campaign, brands must note down the learning's from that campaign and identify if the content/idea was appreciated by their fans or not. This helps businesses to skip the non-performing updates from future communications.

Final Thoughts
Social media for small businesses is definitely beneficial and fruitful. If followed correctly, small businesses can benefit tremendously from the power of social media promotions.

For More details you can visit: http://www.infunotion.com/blog
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shashank_Dhadiwal/2543191
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9931702

Thursday 24 October 2019

Short Introduction to SEO and Its Best Practices

What is SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an Internet marketing strategy that increases the traffic generated into websites by increasing the visibility of the websites in search engines such as Bing and Google. If you can fully utilize search engines in your business, you would experience a growth rate and increase in traffic like never before.

The higher the ranks in SEO, the higher the website ranks in Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and the more traffic is generated to the website. Below are a few research facts to prove how important SEO is:

  1. 93% of all traffic to a website comes from a search engine;
  2. 67k searches are performed on Google every second;
  3. Having the first position on Google has over 34% of click through rate;
  4. Almost 75% of users do not scroll past the first page in Google;
  5. Nearly 80% of users ignore paid ads in search results;
  6. 58% of all searches come from mobile devices.
  7. Those are among a few proven facts and statistics when it comes with SEO. Remember, this industry is always changing so you and your business would need to evolve with it as much as possible. Below are the basic SEO strategies you would need to increase your website rankings:
  8. Keyword optimization

SEO keywords are keywords or phrases in your web content which make it possible for your website to be found through the search engines. You use them according to the niche you're writing on, and anyone who searches certain keywords involving that niche can easily find your website. This way, they help you to direct targeted audience to your website and increase your traffic.

Title tags

Each web content you produce should be tagged in the title. That is, the title, header and sub headers should have at least one keyword related to the niche you're talking about. This makes Google easily locate your article among others when certain keywords are searched. It all starts from the title.

And don't forget to make your title informative and intriguing enough to attract targeted audience.

Meta descriptions

The meta description is an excerpt that summarizes a web pages' content. Meta descriptions are shown when there are keywords related to the site searched for in search engines. This is crucial for on-page SEO and encourages targeted audiences to click through your website.

Engaging content

This is by far the most important thing of them all. What is the point of doing all of the above if the content itself is not interesting? After inviting so many people inside your website, what would they do if the content itself is the problem? Is your call to action strong in its own right? Are your blog posts just random information that does not concern your niche? Are you writing just for the sake of it? Or worse, do you not write at all?

People won't read something if it was unrelated to what they're searching for in the first place. This would just increase your website's bounce rates and reduce your website rankings on Google - which translates into a reduction of your traffic. Make sure that you do adequate research on anything you are going to write on your website, and add the references if necessary. Because if the content itself is lacking, all the work would have been for nothing.

And, if you do not have the time to write, get yourself a content writer to do it for you.

Browsing through Cleveland SEO companies to find one which can improve organic traffic to your site and bring more sales to your business? Do you need a team of skilled Cleveland website designers? Come and visit our website today!

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Karina_Popa/1432444
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10136217

5 SEO Ranking Factors

Your search engine ranking is affected by hundreds of different things, but relevancy is the most important.

Being more relevant to a search means your page will rank higher, it seems obvious that it doesn't help. Instead you should focus on the top 5 search ranking factors.

1. Article title/keywords

2. Word count

3. Internal links

4. Reading length

5. Bounce rate

There are two categories of SEO ranking factors: user behaviour and article content.

It's easy to focus on the second and often people ignore the first, dismissing it as being out of control.

Writing engaging content will keep readers sticking around longer, boosting your search rank. But that takes practice and data on your readers. Instead, focus on the article content. By using the top 5 ranking factors you can start to make the Google algorithm work for you.

1 Using keywords and titles to rank higher on Google

Think of keywords as what you'd type into Google, though remember they won't be one word, but phrases.

Once you have found your topic, research how people search for that in Google. Use these phrases in your title, making sure it's grammatical and interesting. You'll see this strategy in post titles around the web.

2. How long should your blog posts be?

Longer is better. A 2,000-word article will rank higher than a 500-word article. But the doesn't mean you should bloat out your post with fluff.

A basic structure that will help add length to your post without being fluffy is:

1. Fulfil the promise of the article right at the beginning

2. Explain what led you to the answer

3. Expand on the answer; give details

4. Justify your answer

5. Answer any follow up questions people might have

Not only will this make your article longer, it will be better and more informative.

3. Use internal links

Link between different posts on your blog. If you touch on something you've previously written about link your readers to that page.

Identify your favourite or best posts. Link to them constantly. This tells Google to pay attention to these more.

4. Reading duration is important

The previous ranking factors were under your control. Not so for this one.

If people stay on your post longer it says to Google this is a good answer to their search.

When you post an article, monitor the traffic and see if the reading duration makes sense for the post length. Edit it if it doesn't.

5. Bounce rates

Bounce rate measures how many people left your site without going to a new page on it. If reading length shows how interesting one post is, bounce rate measures it for your site.

High bounce rates might be down to posts not delivering on their promise or no other relevant posts on your site.

Fix the keywords and title if you've got a high bounce rate because of the first. For the second, see what related topics are being searched for and write a post. Like with reading length, measure bounce rate and tinker.

6. Loading speed

How fast your site loads is an important search rank factor. Use this tool to measure loading speed and identify issues to fix.

How long does it take?

Getting to the first page of Google doesn't happen overnight. You'll have to be consistent and patient but follow these steps and within six months and dozens of posts you should be flying high.

How to get more traffic and turn that traffic into money: https://fromclicktosale.com/blog

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/James_R._Pierce/1235372
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10167943

How To Increase Organic Traffic On Your Website In 2019

One of the more commonly asked questions with the aid of internet entrepreneurs, website house owners and bloggers alike is tips on how to get internet visitors to their web pages and blogs. Understandably so, being that getting extra internet site visitors to their web sites gives them a so much bigger opportunity to get their messages, products, presents and offerings obvious, evaluated, and bought by means of folks from all over the place the sector.

Yeah that's a just right intent to need to be able to drive a continuous drift of free special traffic to your websites. One of the basic and foremost methods used to do this is SEO. One of the vital problems with this method is with no trouble that many people do not appreciate how to apply it to their web pages or pages. This article will give you some insight concerning methods to began with the aid of discussing one of the crucial basic SEO strategies for getting traffic.

To get web traffic utilizing SEO it's very fundamental in your internet site to get a top role within the search engine rankings on your chosen key words and search phrases. So when reckoning on search engine optimization for site visitors iteration you have to advance a website that's mighty at meeting the net searcher's requirements which factors the quite a lot of search engines like Google to wish to steer extended site visitors to your web site.

Your task, because the web page owner or clothier shall be to construct a website which shows the major search engines that your website has worth to those browsing for that targeted search term. For this reason, you boost the amount of folks touring your website as good as beef up your business's being positive on the net. That is one general key to the best way to get internet site visitors with search engine optimization.

You are going to have to make sure that your internet site makes use of key terms thoroughly and has a high great layout and design; You should now not over use your key words. It is far more predominant to provide excessive first-class content material that is imperative to the hunt phrases and priceless to the visitors.

These days the major search engines use exact algorithms that can opt for up on the great and relevancy of the internet sites content after which index them hence. So under no circumstances stuff key words, it is extremely encouraged just to supply nice content material. What issues the most is how user-friendly and functional your internet site will likely be, so concentrate less on a variety of keyword phrases and more on central and priceless content material of worth.

You must preclude using SEO procedures that abuse the search engine directions. Be trained to use SEO appropriately and conveniently that's tips on how to get web site visitors to your sites. With the aid of abusing this system, it'll best make it more difficult for you to get the ranking and site visitors you need.

Create the proper content For SEO site visitors

Simply how do you create content material that's well suited for search engine optimization?

There are countless elements, which play an element in the grade, and excellent of content material you generate. You'll must make use of keywords, nevertheless it's also main to recollect the precise constitution of what you're writing.

For instance, for probably the most effectiveness of your content, that you could have the primary paragraphs gift a common chunk of information along with a lead in, then the remainder content provides extra unique know-how and information.

This procedure tends to attract the reader further into your writing at the same time imparting your main key phrases within the first paragraph. This makes it less complicated for each the search engines and reader to discover.

How To Increase Organic Traffic On Your Website In 2019. Click Here for more ways to get organic traffic.

To help you employ this process readily listed here are beneficial suggestions to maintain in intellect:

  • Make exact that your first paragraph explains the information, which is developing. The knowledge right here must no longer be your most important understanding but just a proposal of what the reader must expect.
  • Remember to make use of your keywords in the first paragraph however certainly not use too many. This isn't how you can get web visitors and will simplest damage your efforts.
  • Use the subsequent paragraph to broaden your subject additional. It's essential so that you can regularly advance the readers interest as they read extra. That is moreover a right time so as to add your key phrase again.
  • Proceed to provide additional special knowledge and details, as you get deeper into your content. To hold the readers interest you have to provide something new in every sentence or paragraph. This may increasingly help preserve you from repeating yourself over and reason your vacationer to stop reading.
  • Make the last paragraph an extraordinarily brief abstract of your whole content. Your intention is to preserve them studying so that they will see your call to action or what you want them to do subsequent. So do not depart out the directions they will need in order so that you can get an action.

Utilizing this style of content material constitution, you now not only without problems organize important, useful, excessive best content and understanding in your internet site visitors, You're also optimizing your website for the various search engines by way of including the correct key phrases, in the proper areas, and within the correct quantities.

This will obviously enable you to acquire each of your objectives with the aid of proper use of search engine optimization to the all - circular readability and effectiveness of accomplishing all of the viewer's necessities as well as getting the visitors you want.

How one can get internet site visitors with appropriate Use Of keywords within the text

The best way to get web site visitors additionally includes the proper use of your search terms and key terms in the course of your webpages and content material. Even though I've touched on it in short, I want to be a bit extra designated about how and where your keywords must be used for the most mighty results.

The first main factor to recall is to use key words in a natural way. in no way position excessive key terms to your content material, articles or weblog posts it takes away the worth and readability for your visitors and might purpose penalties from the various search engines.

To support you stay clear of that, use your keywords effectively, and without difficulty use the following recommendations:
  • Be certain to use your key phrases in the title of your article or publish. This may increasingly positively affect the search engines as good as your readers.
  • Make sure your keywords are placed in the first 90 characters of every article, content material or blog entries. Nonetheless simply use one utilizing this procedure.
  • Have a keyword within a subheading somewhere on your article or submit.
  • Use a keyword in the final paragraph of a web sites content material.
  • Place your key words the place they will sound usual in the remaining content material.
Continually keep in mind that key words is also some of the useful keys to getting internet site visitors to your web pages, so long as they're relevant to your area of interest and furnish price in your visitors.

Each line and paragraph of your content material will have to add something useful to your reader. You must also maintain your expertise of excessive pleasant and of value by way of not utilizing replica content material.

By means of utilizing all of these search engine optimization approaches and techniques, your web page rank will have to fortify in the various search engines. you are going to additionally finish-up with an extra strong internet site when you consider that that it has a first-rate amount of pleasant content material that holds worth and interest in your website viewers to your niche market looking for more ways to get organic traffic?

Check out our site allaboutreviews.net
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Juan_C_Ruiz/406086
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10160256

Thursday 10 October 2019

Viral News Jacker Review and Bonuses

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Viral News Jacker is an all-in-one software, system and FREE viral traffic method for banking hands-free DAILY income. This automated traffic and sales app creates self updated viral news sites using other peoples trending news!

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Watch Viral News Jacker review:https://youtu.be/wCeLHiwxU1Y
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Wednesday 2 October 2019

Video Marketing has Changed- TUBE CHARGE is Here(2019)

TODAY: video marketing CHANGES forever
They’ve CHANGED video marketing forever..
Video Marketing will NEVER be the same after today..

Don’t you love it when someone TRULY disrupts
an ENTIRE industry and the way it operates?

I’m talking about REAL change that makes
things easier, faster and MORE profitable?

Well, today is one of those days.

After today, video marketing as you know it
will NEVER be the same..

A couple of guys have just released a new
system of ranking videos that’s unlike ANYTHING
you’ve ever seen before..

They’ve officially ELIMINATED the traditional
way of ranking and getting traffic with videos..

Instead of ranking videos ONE by ONE, like we’re
all accustomed to, these guys have figured out
how to rank videos in BULK!

And they’ve automated their entire process into
a simple, 3-step web-app.

Their new web-app, Tube Charge, AUTOMATICALLY
Claims DOZENS of Page 1 Rankings Simultaneously
In 48 Hours or Less With MASS Video Creation,
MASS Video Uploading AND Automatic Optimization!

It’s unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever seen before..

Short on time? Check out the demo video here

Tube Charge allows you to dominate page 1 the NEW way by :

– automatically creating DOZENS of videos for you at a time
– automatically optimizing DOZENS of videos for you at a time
– automatically uploading ALL those videos for you on a DAILY basis, so it ALL looks 100% natural and human-like, which boosts your channels authority!
– AND even automatically creating video playlists from those videos – 100% hands free

This is the ULTIMATE platform for MASS
video rankings in 48 hours or less!

Tube Charge Automatically Creates Videos
In BULK, Automatically Optimizes Videos
In Bulk AND Automatically Uploads Videos
In Bulk and Much Much MORE!!

Plus they’ve Simplified It Into A Simple,
3-Step Process:

1. Login To their Web-app and Turn ONE video into DOZENS of Variations At the Click of a couple buttons with their powerful Video Spinner

2. Fill out the simple video optimization template and connect it to the videos you just created so our app automatically optimizes ALL your Videos For YOU

3. Configure Your Upload Settings So You Have Fully-Optimized Videos Automatically Uploaded To Your YouTube Channel EVERY SINGLE DAY!

P.S. you should NOT be doing video marketing
the OLD, slow way ANY longer.

Ranking videos ONE at a TIME, is “old-school”

Instead, start ranking DOZENS of videos at
a time and have MOST of the work done-for-you..

New Way Of Ranking Videos In (2019) - [TUBE CHARGE]

the NEW way of ranking videos is HERE
[WOW] the NEW way to rank videos on page 1
they CRACKED a NEW code for ranking videos..
have you heard of the NEW way to rank videos?
the TRADITIONAL way of ranking videos is DEAD!

If you’re looking for a better, faster and
MORE profitable way of leveraging the power
of video to get as much targeted traffic and
sales as you’d like, keep reading…

The traditional way of ranking videos is DEAD!

Today, video marketing has changed FOREVER!

A couple of guys have figured out a NEW
way of ranking videos that is better,
faster and A LOT more efficient than
ANY other ranking method out there..

In fact, NO ONE is doing video marketing
like they are..

Instead of trying to rank videos ONE-BY-ONE,
they’re out there ranking DOZENS upon DOZENS
of videos at a time…

Yup, I’m talking about claiming page 1 video
rankings in BULK!

Yea I know it sounds a bit crazy, BUT,
that’s EXACTLY what they’ve done!

And they’ve automated nearly the ENTIRE

Getting Page 1 Rankings in BULK is the NEW
way of Dominating The First Page of Google
And YouTube!

They are DONE with creating campaigns one
at a time – And You Should be TOO!

You can now create dozens of campaigns at once
and absolutely DOMINATE the first page of Google
and YouTube in MASSIVE quantities!

Tube Charge allows you to dominate page 1 the NEW way by :

– automatically creating DOZENS of videos for you at a time
– automatically optimizing DOZENS of videos for you at a time
– automatically uploading ALL those videos for you on a DAILY basis, so it ALL looks 100% natural and human-like, which boosts your channels authority!
– AND even automatically creating video playlists from those videos – 100% hands free”

This is the ULTIMATE platform for MASS
video rankings in 48 hours or less!

Tube Charge Automatically Creates Videos
In BULK, Automatically Optimizes Videos
In Bulk AND Automatically Uploads Videos
In Bulk and Much Much MORE!!

Plus they’ve Simplified It Into A Simple,
3-Step Process:

1. Login To their Web-app and Turn ONE video into DOZENS of Variations At the Click of a couple buttons with their powerful Video Spinner

2. Fill out the simple video optimization template and connect it to the videos you just created so our app automatically optimizes ALL your Videos For YOU

3. Configure Your Upload Settings So You Have Fully-Optimized Videos Automatically Uploaded To Your YouTube Channel EVERY SINGLE DAY!

P.S. you should NOT be doing video marketing
the OLD, slow way ANY longer.

Ranking videos ONE at a TIME, is “old-school”

Instead, start ranking DOZENS of videos at
a time and have MOST of the work done-for-you..


A new web-app has just hit the market
that is completely changing the way
marketers rank videos, FOREVER!

If you look at the TRADITIONAL way
of ranking videos:

1. You find a keyword
2. You create a video for that keyword
3. You optimize and upload that video
4. You wait and see if it’ll rank
5. Repeat steps 1-4 over and over again..

If you’re doing it like that, it works,
but you’re wasting A LOT of time!

The traditional way is EXTREMELY inefficient!

Especially since we’re in 2019 where you
can automate pretty much ANYTHING!

So why not do it the NEW way!

Why not instead use this NEW web-app
that allows you to rank DOZEN’s of

Doesn’t that sound MUCH better?

Ranking DOZENS of videos at a time as
opposed to one-by-one?

Well, that’s EXACTLY what this NEW
web-app, Tube Charge, does for you!

Tube Charge allows you to dominate page 1 the NEW way by :

– automatically creating DOZENS of videos for you at a time
– automatically optimizing DOZENS of videos for you at a time
– automatically uploading ALL those videos for you on a DAILY basis, so it ALL looks 100% natural and human-like, which boosts your channels authority!
– AND even automatically creating video playlists from those videos – 100% hands free

This is the ULTIMATE platform for MASS
video rankings in 48 hours or less!

Tube Charge Automatically Creates Videos
In BULK, Automatically Optimizes Videos
In Bulk AND Automatically Uploads Videos
In Bulk and Much Much MORE!!

Plus they’ve Simplified It Into A Simple,
3-Step Process:

1. Login To their Web-app and Turn ONE video into DOZENS of Variations At the Click of a couple buttons with their powerful Video Spinner

2. Fill out the simple video optimization template and connect it to the videos you just created so our app automatically optimizes ALL your Videos For YOU

3. Configure Your Upload Settings So You Have Fully-Optimized Videos Automatically Uploaded To Your YouTube Channel EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Check out the demo video here

P.S. you should NOT be doing video marketing
the OLD, slow way ANY longer.

Ranking videos ONE at a TIME, is “old-school”

Instead, start ranking DOZENS of videos at
a time and have MOST of the work done-for-you..

check out the demo here

[TUBE CHARGE] Dominate Local Video Rankings (2019) in Bulk

Imagine if you can step into just about
ANY local market and start dominating
page 1 rankings in BULK..

I’m not talking about the traditional
way where you’re doing ONE campaign at
a time..

I’m talking about BULK video rankings!

Why would you continue to do SINGULAR
campaigns at a time when you can claim

Well, that’s EXACTLY what these guys are

They’ve created a NEW system and web-app
1 Rankings Simultaneously In 48 Hours or Less
With MASS Video Creation, MASS Video Uploading
AND Automatic Optimization!

It’s unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever seen before..

You can literally use this BEAST to step
into ANY local market and dominate for EVERY
zip code in town..

And have it be FULLY-automated!

Talk about awesome, right?

Check out the demo video here

Tube Charge allows you to dominate page 1 the NEW way by :

– automatically creating DOZENS of videos for you at a time
– automatically optimizing DOZENS of videos for you at a time
– automatically uploading ALL those videos for you on a DAILY basis, so it ALL looks 100% natural and human-like, which boosts your channels authority!
– AND even automatically creating video playlists from those videos – 100% hands free

This is the ULTIMATE platform for MASS
video rankings in 48 hours or less!

Tube Charge Automatically Creates Videos
In BULK, Automatically Optimizes Videos
In Bulk AND Automatically Uploads Videos
In Bulk and Much Much MORE!!

Plus they’ve Simplified It Into A Simple,
3-Step Process:

1. Login To their Web-app and Turn ONE video into DOZENS of Variations At the Click of a couple buttons with their powerful Video Spinner

2. Fill out the simple video optimization template for ANY location you’d like and connect it to the videos you just created so our app automatically optimizes ALL your Videos For YOU

3. Configure Your Upload Settings So You Have Fully-Optimized Videos Automatically Uploaded To Your YouTube Channel EVERY SINGLE DAY!

P.S. you should NOT be doing video marketing
the OLD, slow way ANY longer.

Ranking videos ONE at a TIME, is “old-school”

Instead, start ranking DOZENS of videos at
a time and have MOST of the work done-for-you..

Getting page 1 video rankings in BULK?(2019)... TUBE CHARGE!

A new web-app has just hit the market that
is doing things differently then ANY other
video ranking app out there…

This app is fully-designed to the first
of it’s kind to SAFELY get page 1 video
rankings in BULK!

How exactly?

Well, that’s what Tube Charge was beautifully
designed to do.

Tube Charge allows you to dominate page 1 the NEW way by :

– automatically creating DOZENS of videos for you at a time
– automatically optimizing DOZENS of videos for you at a time
– automatically uploading ALL those videos for you on a DAILY basis, so it ALL looks 100% natural and human-like, which boosts your channels authority!
– AND even automatically creating video playlists from those videos – 100% hands free”

This is the ULTIMATE platform for MASS
video rankings in 48 hours or less!

Short on time? Check out the demo here

Tube Charge Automatically Creates Videos
In BULK, Automatically Optimizes Videos
In Bulk AND Automatically Uploads Videos
In Bulk and Much Much MORE!!

Plus they’ve Simplified It Into A Simple,
3-Step Process:

1. Login To their Web-app and Turn ONE video into DOZENS of Variations At the Click of a couple buttons with their powerful Video Spinner

2. Fill out the simple video optimization template and connect it to the videos you just created so our app automatically optimizes ALL your Videos For YOU

3. Configure Your Upload Settings So You Have Fully-Optimized Videos Automatically Uploaded To Your YouTube Channel EVERY SINGLE DAY!

P.S. you should NOT be doing video marketing
the OLD, slow way ANY longer.

Ranking videos ONE at a TIME, is “old-school”

Instead, start ranking DOZENS of videos at
a time and have MOST of the work done-for-you..

check out the demo here