Showing posts with label replace job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label replace job. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 October 2018

MLM Success - Is Your Content Valuable, or a Waste of Web Space?

If you're looking to create MLM success, which I know you are... then there's one thing that you better make sure of.

That one thing is that you're putting out great content.

Now what do I mean when I say great content? You see there's only one secret to great content and that's that the content is valuable. When content is valuable it simply means that your readers will be able to use that content and make some sort of use of it.

If your MLM success is dependent on you having valuable content, what are some of the ways that you can ensure that your content is usable by your readers.

Here are 3 Ways to Create MLM Success by Making Your Content Valuable and Usable

First... Give Tips That Are Immediately Useful - If you give your readers a tip that they can use today, to see some success, then they're going to look at you as someone that they want to know more about and work with.

Of course, this assumes that you're marketing to people who are already in the home business arena. This is a huge way to bring some heavy hitters into your downline, simply by showing them that you too are serious and know what you're talking about.

This also brings the people who are looking for mentorship into your downline. These are the people who have put their faith in another sponsor with another business with high hopes, only to find out that this sponsor knew little more than they did about creating MLM success for themselves.

So, putting out great content that people can use pronto will grab these people and have then knocking down your door to join you and your business opportunity.

Second... Be Inspiring - Creating inspiration will go a long way in creating raving fans that want to work with you. This is because we're all dying to be inspired. We read books that inspire us, we buy posters with inspiring quotes, we watch inspiring movies over and over again, basically we'll walk over hot coals for inspiration.

If you're the one providing that inspiration then you're going to win a lot of friends and well... influence a lot of people to steal the title of the great book.

Inspiring people means giving them a kick in the pants to get them to act. Helping them see the reasons and the ways to reach their goals, and achieve their dreams. When they're inspired they'll be looking for your mentorship to get them closer and closer... and in the situation of MLM success, or home business success this means very likely joining your MLM business opportunity.

Third... Be Entertaining - Sure, people want inspiration and they want great tips, but what they also really want is to be entertained. The proof is simply looking at movie sales, music sales, sports stadium seating, concert halls, Broadway, and television. People want to be entertained, and so if you can provide that entertainment along with the two points above, then you've got yourself a heck of a captivated audience.

This means an audience captivated by your voice.

So, as you can see, creating MLM success isn't that difficult as long as you're creating valuable content that people flock to... and now you know exactly how to do that.

About The Author

David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit;

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Friday 28 September 2018

Earn An Income Online

Have you ever tried to earn an income through part-time work online hoping that you'll be able to do that full-time when you can support yourself from the earnings?

Many of the money-making systems are outdated when purchased, they made money for someone and are now sold even though the system has been replaced with an up to date system which you won't get a chance to see until someone has used it all up and it's outdated and on the selling block once again.

Let me tell you, making money online is no simple task and don't let anyone fool you into thinking that they have some get-rich-quick system. However, once you learn how everything works and can make nice websites, you can generate a great income as an affiliate marketer, in a niche that you love.

With about 3 billion potential internet viewers, you can do quite well in your own online business with very little financial investment, and $0 to start!

When I was searching for a career change and needed to exchange a very active job for something that didn't require so much physical labor. I wanted to choose an encore career that would be challenging and something that I could do from home even well into my retirement years.

Learn Something New

Well, I learned how to build a solid online business, expand it and take it to the next level. You can do this too, through part-time work online in the evenings and weekends and when you have time until you get things built up. Then you can choose if you want to go full-time or keep the day job and enjoy the additional income from your part-time efforts.

Your online business should not feel like a day job. Earning money online should be fun, and it is fun. Once the learning curve is complete you will start following a well laid out plan for success. After all of your online efforts start paying off, even with a low-income, you'll want to spend more time with it. You can be a witness of and take part in the growth process of your own successful online business.

Making Money Online

There are many ways to make money, even with part-time work online... 1000's of different ways in fact! The problem is that people often get distracted by the "latest and greatest" product or service and they aren't able to stick with one method and build a successful, and revenue generating online business.

There are 3 things that you will need, a nice website, education or knowledge, and some expert help.

Choose a Niche

A niche is a distinct segment of a market, in other words, an "audience". So when choosing a niche that fits you, you should be choosing something that is ideally an interest, a passion, a hobby, a problem, a need or a want.

Almost everything you can think of is a niche and that is why we are going to get you to choose your niche based on things that you are interested in.

You can earn money online from absolutely every single niche because there are billions of people out there searching every day.

This all starts with choosing a niche that you are interested in and will enjoy working with. The more that you enjoy something the less it feels like a job and the more productive you're going to be.

Building Your Own Website

Now that you have chosen your niche you are going to create your very own website.

My name is Pete and if you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come to see for yourself at the bottom of every page and Sign Up >>>

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Thursday 27 September 2018

Tips To Help You Become A Better Online Business Person

Starting and maintaining a home business enterprise is a bold move. Home businesses can be immensely successful if you know how to maintain your businesses affairs in the right way. This article will cover some of the essentials you need to consider, to ensure the growth, success and profitability of your online business.

If you have a home based business, don't miss out on the home office tax credit. You can claim this space even if you don't devote an entire room to your business. If you have an area which is only or primarily used for business purposes, you can claim it based on square footage, and calculate the portion of your home that is taken up by your office space.

Once you've decided on a product to sell, do your homework and check out your competition. Look at their prices and study the quality of the goods that they are selling. Make sure not to price yourself out of the market, and figure out how to deliver the best value to your customers.

Set up a Post Office box for all your business mail. It's best to do this, rather than put your family at risk by using your physical address. This is especially important if you are doing most of your business online. Don't ever post your home address online, for any reason.

To reduce distractions keep your office off limits to children. Have set work hours that enable you to run your business and still have time for your family. Older children should understand not to disturb you while you are working. For your business to succeed your family needs to be supportive and respectful of your work schedule.

Take all of the home-business tax deductions that are legally allowed. For example, you can deduct the cost of a second telephone line or a mobile phone if you use it exclusively for your business, but be sure to keep sufficient records to prove your deductions. Taking all permissible write-offs helps you keep more of what you earn.

Although you may be used to working eight hours a day and then being off, you have to realize that in order for a home business to thrive more of a time commitment may be needed. Once everything is in place you will be able to relax a little.

Maintain a professional attitude as you begin your home based business. Keep your personal life and your professional life separate. Just because you are working from home, does not mean that you should engage in any family responsibilities during the time that you are supposed to be working. You will not be successful if you do not put the time into running your business efficiently.

Don't walk into a home business enterprise blind! There are many online discussion forums designed for small business owners to discuss the unique obstacles in this field. Look locally for other small business and home business organizations that meet in person. Either way you go, networking with other business owners gives you an excellent support system.

Having a business license for your home business often allows you to purchase things wholesale. This is excellent news for people who make their product, since you can search on product search engines for bulk orders of raw materials. This minimizes trips to the store, and frees up your wallet for other expenditures.

In the end, for most, having a online business allows for a level of control and creativity that the mainstream approach lacks. However, after reading this article, you may realize that you cannot necessarily go about maintaining a successful home business in the same way that you would maintain a traditional business. By utilizing these tips and advice, you will set your business up for a lucrative and stable future.

Kurt Tasche is an internet entrepreneur and home business professional who enjoys sharing his ideas through his Home Business Ideas and Opportunities blog. You can read and subscribe to his blog by going to

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Sunday 26 August 2018

Broke newbie bags $296.88 in 48 hours using this 1 weird trick

Usually I'd shy away from "click-baity" headlines like this.

But usually headlines like this are a pile of steaming doo-daah.

This one ain't.

It's the real deal.

I know this newbie personally and saw this happen with my own eyes.

The best thing about it wasn't the fact he learned this cool new trick, or the money he
made - but the look on his face when it happened.

You see he's got two young sons to support and this $296 kept the wolves at
bay so he could focus on building his online business even more.

So what was the weird trick?


It's all revealed inside The Commission Machine and you can get it at a big discount
so grab it right now;


Andre Niemand

PS. If you want amazing bonuses then grab this here

How to Earn a Secure Residual Income From Home

OK, so you're here now,

And you're probably thinking about many things at this moment, but the one thing that's really pressing at the top of your to-do list is securing a way to generate secure income.

If I'm wrong in any way just let me know (wink)... But you're still reading my article - you have a "need" that you want my help with, true?

So let me explain something before we even get onto the part about you "earning" money...

For those of you who know hardship and struggle in life, I understand where you are at present - been there myself.

If you know what it's like to wake each day doing the same-old tired job, for the same old ungrateful boss/manager/director, you now have an opportunity to divorce your old working lifestyle for something more suited to your liking.

But don't be fooled!

I am not offering you another job, I'm not offering you a vacation, I'm not offering you an opportunity to become lazy and to throw your creativity aside - - -

Big, huge NOPE. We don't do that rubbish here ;) What I'm offering you is a proper opportunity to be in control of how you work, earning a residual income, even as you sleep...

How so? I hear you wondering.

The rich, powerful, and influential people of this world (those who had to work for their wealth) know about residual, or passive income.

If you've never heard of this until now, just know that if you truly desire real, continuous wealth then you need to be in there, earning that passive income.

The best way to understand this kind of income is to know how it differs from a wage that is paid to you for work that you do continually...

Building a residual/passive income is about doing work once and getting paid repeatedly for it each day, week, or month.

Yep. That's it - continuous money, if you have the knack of it.

So, you're now in the know about earning a residual income. Wealthy people know that it is not about working for the man if you truly wish to become rich.

You need to take matters into your own hands for this to happen. And here you're given all that you need to start this life-changing step with no cost to join and get started - imagine that!

No successful person ever allowed a lack of resources to hold them back from getting theirs. Clearly not - instead they fought for their right to be at the top, where they're at now...

Same place you probably want to be right now.

And then you might be one of those people who tend to watch the wealth of others, secretly wishing that it was your own wealth... I call this "watching and wishing." It gets you nowhere fast - nowhere ever, actually.

If you are the lazy kind who wants it all now, and never commits to the challenges that any business brings, then you may as well stop reading...

This opportunity to work on your OWN terms is ONLY for the individual who is earnest, wanting to "earn" their worth.

And so, I'd like to speak with you about stepping outside of your comfort zone...

This is wholly important for those of you who need to earn a living but usually fall short due to procrastination habits that have probably been bleeding you dry for a while now?

Having a "comfort zone" is all fine and well, providing that you know how to disengage from that place of comfort whenever needed.

Can you do that?

If you mean business and are serious about earning a solid residual home income, you'll know that falling shy to work is a sure way to forfeit your opportunity to create the lifestyle you need, and want.

There are vast opportunities just waiting for the hungry individual to step up and get busy.

This is the kind of business that gets you motivated to get up in the mornings, instead of wanting to stay in bed all lazy-like, producing nothing.

Have a good think about what it is that you need and want for yourself and your family (if you're providing for a family), once you've determined this then ask yourself WHY.

Becoming wealthy is about knowing the reason for your desires, making them count. Got a dream? Best you understand the nature and the root of that dream.

Want lots of money? Why? What's the reason behind the reason?

Visit my YouTube channel:

Email me:

I'll respond within 24 hours.

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Saturday 25 August 2018

Careers You Can Work From Home - 3 Popular Choices

There are a lot of ways to make money online from the comfort of your home, some of which are simply time wasters that you might want to avoid. Many people spend hours taking surveys online hoping that the financial rewards would be well worth that time spent. Many also invest hours each day trying to sell items, used and new, on eBay.

The payout for these types of online income is generally pretty small. After all is said and done you would see that the total earnings for some of these "money-making" ideas would be at the minimum wage level or even less.

There are lots of jobs and businesses that you can do online that will pay so much more and be much more rewarding also. The suggestions in this article are to give you some ideas so that you can possibly find a nice career that offers a future and pays well.

So, get excited and start earning a full-time income working from home with any of the following suggestion opportunities. See if any of these ideas sound good or inspire you to find the right opportunity to earn a full-time income from home or anywhere on your laptop.

1. Affiliate Marketer

This is a very popular and potentially rewarding career. A merchant with a product(s) for sale will pay a commission to marketers for referring potential customers to their websites, and/or for selling their products. These are called "affiliate marketers" who only get paid after their promotional efforts results are in.

Affiliate marketing is performance based and there are various campaign methods used by affiliates including Pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, call-to-action, or pay for each conversion. The more viewers that you can attract to yours, or the merchant's website, the more transactions will potentially occur and the more money can be earned.

2. Amazon Associates

This was one of the first affiliate marketing programs online that started in 1996 and is very popular, one reason being the marketer will get a commission on anything that their viewer purchases on Amazon within 24 hours of their visit.

When an associate, or marketer, creates links from their own websites to the Amazon site and their viewers click through and make purchases, they earn referral commissions. It's free to join and with over a million products available to promote it's also very easy to use. They have easy to use linking tools to help with your advertising efforts as you monetize your website. Amazon associates can earn up to 10% in advertising fees depending on what was purchased and, to mention again, you earn a commission on anything that is purchased at the Amazon site, not just the products that you advertise.

But Wait

Before joining Amazon Associates make sure that your website has some traffic flow. If your efforts don't make any sales within a year of your start date, your account will be canceled. You can still open a new one in the future but avoid getting canceled, if possible. So the best advice is to build up your website with lots of nice content and start generating traffic to the site before joining the associate program.

3. Writer

A writer can produce any number of publications to reach people of any group or niche. Their texts are published in all areas of the media, and writers who are able to skillfully use language that expresses their ideas often positively, or negatively, add to the cultural content of the viewing public. There are a variety of types of writing and writers, some of which are:

Novelists, poet, satirist, short story writer, playwright, screenwriter, speechwriter, biographer, critic, and a few more types, no doubt.

The term writer is often used in reference to an author even though an author has a wider meaning and is used to carry a legal responsibility for some things that they write.

My name is Pete. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Sign Up at the bottom of every page @

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Wednesday 22 August 2018

How To Know When It's Time To Change Careers

Thinking About A New Career?

There are a lot of people who are unhappy with their employment situation and often think about the steps that they should take to successfully change their career. That's the reason why I'm writing this article, to encourage you to not let anything keep you from moving forward and bettering your life situation.

Many have successfully changed their careers and greatly improved the quality of their lives and you can too.

There's some good news in that we all have the ability to learn and it's never been easier to successfully change careers due to the enormous amount of research that can be done on the internet on just about any topic. Is a career change really a good idea right now?

Here are 4 things that make people think about doing something different with their lives:

They are bored at work - Are you bored once in a while or every day? Is there a more fulfilling job available in your workplace that you can do? Is there a change in the daily routine available that can get rid of the source of boredom? Do you need another company or another career, or both?

Not enough income - Can you check out the possibilities for advancement in your present job and career situation? Would a better position and a rise in income, in the same field, be all that's needed?

Talents not being used - Is there another position available where you can better use your talents and do something more fulfilling? You might consider talking to the boss to see if you could make some changes to use those talents and perhaps even get a pay increase in the process.

Health issues - Are you physically unable to comfortably perform the present duties at work? Is it harder because of the age factor and stress on the body? Maybe it's time to evaluate yourself for the years ahead, what would you like to be doing 5-10 years from now? Sometimes after considering these things one can tell for sure if the idea of completely changing careers is right for their situation.Of course you must take family into consideration.

I would say that most often there is a real learning curve that takes place with your new career choice and the income might take many months to build up to what the person is currently earning. It's a must to have a good plan in place so that you can make it through the growing period and still maintain a certain comfort level.

You Gotta Have a Plan

Many would like to change their careers and they might go out looking for another job and find themselves in the same situations in a few years time. This is serious business due to the fact that we only have so many years in our working careers, and they go by quickly.

It's very important to have more than just an idea but a plan to follow that will bring you where you want to be in your older years. Think about how you can help others in your current or new career. See the rewards in their getting what they need and you being financially rewarded for your service.

Make Sure Of What You Want

Do you have a real desire or a short-lived and poorly thought out idea that gets replaced every so often with another great idea? Most people fail for lack of planning and a short-sighted view. Will the change bring you happiness and fulfillment or simply more money, and stress to go along with it?

My name is Pete, internet business entrepreneurs generally have multiple websites which are continuously attracting multiple sources of income. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come to see for yourself >>>

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Saturday 18 August 2018

10 Sure-Fire Strategies That Can Be Easily Implemented to Generate Sustainable Income Streams Online

1. Affiliate Marketing:

You can make a fortune by affiliating with brands and business to build their brand awareness and patronage for pay of various magnitudes. Affiliate marketing usually entails signing up for an affiliate program, and then disseminating your special affiliate code in order to get people to act on the message contained in the affiliate code. And anytime a sale is generated from a visitor who visits the link contained in the code, you get a commission on the sale. There are a plethora of effective techniques for engaging affiliate marketing, ranging from running a website or blog to social media marketing. Another effective strategy for Affiliate marketing is liaising with other affiliate marketers to exchange ideas and to go into joint ventures with.

2. Google AdSense:

Google AdSense has been around for ages, and is still helping a lot of average folks to make insane amounts of money today. Nearly every ad you come across when browsing websites is effectuated by the auspices of Google AdSense. The program becomes even more lucrative for a site owner the higher the amount of traffic converging on the site where Google AdSense ads are displayed.

The hook here is that even though the program has the potential of generating thousands of dollars per month for a blog or website owner, you can sign up for and set up a Google AdSense account completely for free, and you can monetize your blog or website through the program without investing a red cent on anything, as long as you're able to channel a substantial amount of traffic to your site. Google generates a code for you to paste in your site with which Google monitors your site's matrices, including page views and number of visitors, with respect to the program.

3. Lead Sales:

By setting up a website, driving traffic to the site and collecting personal information of visitors which can be sold to lead buyers, you can generate a steady stream of income through the internet. You can collect such leads and then sell them to people or business who have something to offer the leads similar to the idea or product that got the leads to give out their personal information on your site. There are virtually a ton of businesses and services that can make use of leads generated with this strategy in various legitimate ways. You also get to set the amount you charge for every lead.

4. Forex Trading:

Forex trade is another highly lucrative online business. Although it is associated with a lot of risks, it can generate tremendous amounts of money for you once you're able to gain mastery over it.

One decisive factor in Forex trade is the trading tools. The good news is that it's not challenging to find the right tools and guides for Forex trade. Simply look for those with great reviews from people who've already used them. You can visit Forex trading forums to garner good suggestions concerning online tutorials that you can use to hone your analytical skills.

You also need to choose the right trading platform and tap into the potentials of that platform using the right host. You also need a VPS in order to cater to the high-speed requirements for Forex transactions.

5. Selling Books:

As the use of digital files and documents in the workplace and at homes continue to rise, there's a greater opening now to make money from publishing and selling books online. These days, you can create and publish a book from scratch to finish using free online resources. There's also the Kindle Direct Publishing program (KDP), run by Amazon, that allows you to self-publish your books on Amazon's Kindle platform. All you need is a strategy for coming up with great ideas for books in order to make the most of this free self-publishing scheme. There are also many websites like Create Space which allows you to bypass publishing houses to get printed copies of your eBook up the stands and bookshelves of on-ground bookshops.

6. Online consultations:

You can share your expert knowledge online for worthwhile compensations. You need not underestimate your potentials when it comes to offering your expert knowledge to people and businesses online. With the right tools and right guidance, you get yourself right up the alley of people and businesses looking to make consultations pertaining to your field.

You can start out by signing up for consultation sites such as Such sites allow you to set up appealing profiles which people soliciting for expert advice can easily turn to.

7. Podcasting:

An online podcast is another no-brainer avenue for generating a stable income stream online. Sponsors and advertisers looking for a well-run podcast will pay up handsome rewards to book for ad slots in the podcast. You simply need to find a profitable niche to run a podcast in, and then grow your audience base progressively, and then you'll find it easy to connect with sponsors in order to monetize your podcast.

8. Serving Up Expert Knowledge Through Subscription:

You may have come across wildly successful subscription box services like Birchbox, and may have had the impression that it's untenable for small businesses or an average Joe to run a successful subscription box service. However, there are a number of websites that have been created to actually make subscription box services more tenable and worthwhile for anyone looking to offer expert knowledge for pay. Sites like SubHub allow you to set up a worthwhile subscription service with monthly membership for just about any form of knowledge distribution ranging from academic courses to workout plans.

9. Remote ESL Tutorship:

There are uncounted numbers of people from various nationalities looking to learn English via the internet. You can earn a decent income teaching English to these people on a very flexible schedule, even if you don't have any form of certification for teaching English. You can sign up for sites like SayABC to set up a profile and schedule English lessons for decent pay.

10. Transcription Services:

The demand for online transcription services has been on the rise for years now. Today, there are ways of crowdsourcing sites that allow businesses to get transcription services from a pool of fast and efficient transcribers at alluring rates. Without any experience with transcription, you can sign up for these sites and get in line for transcription tasks that are worthwhile. And you stand a good chance of increasing your rates once you're able to gain a significant breadth of experience in transcribing.


With persistence and due diligence, you can convert any of these money making schemes into source of tremendous income streams. You need to find what works best for you, and once you begin to gain a profitable momentum in the business, you can then venture to scale it and make it even more profitable.

Dr. Olusola Coker is a webmaster General, SEO Expert, Web Designer and Web Developer. He is the chairman of Leonard Babs and Co, an Hosting company with servers in USA. UK. Australia, Europe and Canada. His website is

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Tuesday 7 August 2018

How to Earn a Secure Residual Income From Home

OK, so you're here now,

And you're probably thinking about many things at this moment, but the one thing that's really pressing at the top of your to-do list is securing a way to generate secure income.

If I'm wrong in any way just let me know (wink)... But you're still reading my article - you have a "need" that you want my help with, true?

So let me explain something before we even get onto the part about you "earning" money...

For those of you who know hardship and struggle in life, I understand where you are at present - been there myself.

If you know what it's like to wake each day doing the same-old tired job, for the same old ungrateful boss/manager/director, you now have an opportunity to divorce your old working lifestyle for something more suited to your liking.

But don't be fooled!

I am not offering you another job, I'm not offering you a vacation, I'm not offering you an opportunity to become lazy and to throw your creativity aside - - -

Big, huge NOPE. We don't do that rubbish here ;) What I'm offering you is a proper opportunity to be in control of how you work, earning a residual income, even as you sleep...

How so? I hear you wondering.

The rich, powerful, and influential people of this world (those who had to work for their wealth) know about residual, or passive income.

If you've never heard of this until now, just know that if you truly desire real, continuous wealth then you need to be in there, earning that passive income.

The best way to understand this kind of income is to know how it differs from a wage that is paid to you for work that you do continually...

Building a residual/passive income is about doing work once and getting paid repeatedly for it each day, week, or month.

Yep. That's it - continuous money, if you have the knack of it.

So, you're now in the know about earning a residual income. Wealthy people know that it is not about working for the man if you truly wish to become rich.

You need to take matters into your own hands for this to happen. And here you're given all that you need to start this life-changing step with no cost to join and get started - imagine that!

No successful person ever allowed a lack of resources to hold them back from getting theirs. Clearly not - instead they fought for their right to be at the top, where they're at now...

Same place you probably want to be right now.

And then you might be one of those people who tend to watch the wealth of others, secretly wishing that it was your own wealth... I call this "watching and wishing." It gets you nowhere fast - nowhere ever, actually.

If you are the lazy kind who wants it all now, and never commits to the challenges that any business brings, then you may as well stop reading...

This opportunity to work on your OWN terms is ONLY for the individual who is earnest, wanting to "earn" their worth.

And so, I'd like to speak with you about stepping outside of your comfort zone...

This is wholly important for those of you who need to earn a living but usually fall short due to procrastination habits that have probably been bleeding you dry for a while now?

Having a "comfort zone" is all fine and well, providing that you know how to disengage from that place of comfort whenever needed.

Can you do that?

If you mean business and are serious about earning a solid residual home income, you'll know that falling shy to work is a sure way to forfeit your opportunity to create the lifestyle you need, and want.

There are vast opportunities just waiting for the hungry individual to step up and get busy.

This is the kind of business that gets you motivated to get up in the mornings, instead of wanting to stay in bed all lazy-like, producing nothing.

Have a good think about what it is that you need and want for yourself and your family (if you're providing for a family), once you've determined this then ask yourself WHY.

Becoming wealthy is about knowing the reason for your desires, making them count. Got a dream? Best you understand the nature and the root of that dream.

Want lots of money? Why? What's the reason behind the reason?

Visit my YouTube channel:

Email me:

I'll respond within 24 hours.

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Sunday 5 August 2018

Why Not Work From Home On Your Computer?

Earn An Income Online

Have you ever tried to earn an income through part-time work online hoping that you'll be able to do that full-time when you can support yourself from the earnings?

Many of the money-making systems are outdated when purchased, they made money for someone and are now sold even though the system has been replaced with an up to date system which you won't get a chance to see until someone has used it all up and it's outdated and on the selling block once again.

Let me tell you, making money online is no simple task and don't let anyone fool you into thinking that they have some get-rich-quick system. However, once you learn how everything works and can make nice websites, you can generate a great income as an affiliate marketer, in a niche that you love.

With about 3 billion potential internet viewers, you can do quite well in your own online business with very little financial investment, and $0 to start!

When I was searching for a career change and needed to exchange a very active job for something that didn't require so much physical labor. I wanted to choose an encore career that would be challenging and something that I could do from home even well into my retirement years.

Learn Something New

Well, I learned how to build a solid online business, expand it and take it to the next level. You can do this too, through part-time work online in the evenings and weekends and when you have time until you get things built up. Then you can choose if you want to go full-time or keep the day job and enjoy the additional income from your part-time efforts.

Your online business should not feel like a day job. Earning money online should be fun, and it is fun. Once the learning curve is complete you will start following a well laid out plan for success. After all of your online efforts start paying off, even with a low-income, you'll want to spend more time with it. You can be a witness of and take part in the growth process of your own successful online business.

Making Money Online

There are many ways to make money, even with part-time work online... 1000's of different ways in fact! The problem is that people often get distracted by the "latest and greatest" product or service and they aren't able to stick with one method and build a successful, and revenue generating online business.

There are 3 things that you will need, a nice website, education or knowledge, and some expert help.

Choose a Niche

A niche is a distinct segment of a market, in other words, an "audience". So when choosing a niche that fits you, you should be choosing something that is ideally an interest, a passion, a hobby, a problem, a need or a want.

Almost everything you can think of is a niche and that is why we are going to get you to choose your niche based on things that you are interested in.

You can earn money online from absolutely every single niche because there are billions of people out there searching every day.

This all starts with choosing a niche that you are interested in and will enjoy working with. The more that you enjoy something the less it feels like a job and the more productive you're going to be.

Building Your Own Website

Now that you have chosen your niche you are going to create your very own website.

My name is Pete and if you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come to see for yourself at the bottom of every page and Sign Up >>>

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Thursday 31 May 2018

Work-At-Home Hacks For People Just Like Me

There are rules of thumb but there are no hard and fast rules. The 'things people do every day to become successful' in what they do has so many variables.

Some swear by morning coffees, others a 20-minute nap. Give or take, that's almost always the story. Like I said, variables.

Routine, or better yet, discipline is what makes people successful. I will never claim to be a 'successful person' but what I HAVE been doing is working from home for the past 18 years. I hope you can share YOUR story about how you soften the rough edges off of your everyday work week too because it helps. Every little bit of advice helps, actually, because most successful people listen.

1. No Emails - Most people start their days off by rolling off their beds with everyone screaming at them. Your alarm is screaming. Your boss is screaming, your kids are screaming, your email is screaming. So, one of the things that I DON'T do early in the morning is to check my emails. People who know me know not to expect an instant reply from me early in the morning. That's when I am trying to sort my shit together so that I can get stuff done for you throughout the day. So, no emails in the morning. Only coffee is allowed.

2. Stay Dressed - This one is for those who work from home. One of the things that I've noticed in nearly 2 decades is that I dress for work (even if I will be in my home office or living room) the whole time I am going to be working. I don't know about you but the moment I slip on my cutesy 'lil comfy clothes, my zest for life and roaring enthusiasm to get things done slithers off from me like a layer of dead skin cell.

3. Meditate -Oprah's said it. So did Deepak Chopra and Cameron Diaz. It's not the woo-woo-woo stuff, trust me. It's more like sitting there in complete silence or with soft music gently caressing my ear, or just sweeping the floor (the movement is meditatively repetitive, try it!). Instead of thinking of it as a 'new age fad', think of it as Loading Your Gun Ready to Kick Down the Doors of the World. Badass when reworded, huh? I use an app to 'help me along' - Insight Timer. It has music, guided meditation, and... well... complete silence.

4. Don't multitask - It's something I was really proud of and multitasking was the only way for me to move the needle forward when the list of things-to-do was just way too long. I don't do it anymore. Instead, I think doing things in spurts is far more productive. One example would be that if I found vacuuming the floor THE daunting task of the day, I would mindfully vacuum the living room and leave the rooms and kitchen for tomorrow.

Silly example, I know, but when applied to work, it's pretty amazing when you give the tasks at hand short bursts of active, productive attention. When I am tired, I will come back with a whole lot more to contribute AFTER I've dealt with my brain fog instead of muscling through it. I mean, who am I to argue with the chemicals in my brain?

5. Coffee - I am just going to leave this right here. Explaining it any further is going to make me angry if you don't understand it. It's my survival poison.

6. Laugh a Little - A sense of humor provides a buffer against the build-up of stress and anxiety in your system. So, occasionally, load up your Tumblr or Twitter (where you are encouraged to follow people like 9gag - just a personal preference, of course) and just laugh a little.

Experts say that humor provides a powerful buffer against stress and fear. "Humor is about playing with ideas and concepts," said Martin, who teaches at the University of Western Ontario. "So whenever we see something as funny; we're looking at it from a different perspective. When people are trapped in a stressful situation and feeling overwhelmed, they're stuck in one way of thinking: This is terrible. I've got to get out of here. But if you can take a humorous perspective, then by definition you're looking at it differently - you're breaking out of that rigid mind-set."

7. Being understanding - I know this doesn't fit into the normal mold of 'things people do to be successful' but I think it's pretty important. Because most of us work with others, whether in the office or remotely, we often assume that people are being evil of mean when they're being a little less than nice to us. Sometimes, it's because they're tired just like you, exhausted just like you, overwhelmed just like you, have to pay bills just like you, are worried about their kids/parents just like you, or simply had an argument with a friend/spouse just like you.

I think this point is particularly important in the digital world. With the digital divide, we sometimes forget that we're dealing with human beings. Just like you.

Marsha Maung is a mother, writer, social media consultant, internet marketer and human. Her mission, as far as her work is concerned, is to bring brands, products, services and companies exposure. Find out more about her life from her personal blog (cooking, life, sense, parenting, writing, etc) or her professional WordPress blog MarshaMaung.Me. Hope to see you and connect there.

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Tuesday 15 May 2018

Transitioning From Employee to Solopreneur

Is your number one Bucket List goal to establish your own entity and become a business owner or Solopreneur consultant? Are you planning to abandon the "safety" of a traditional job to directly market and sell your products or services to customers with the money and motive to do business with you?

Going out on one's own is a thrilling and sometimes frightening prospect. Those who take the plunge eventually discover that many resources that are casually taken for granted while working in an office are not readily available to those who step out on their own. As you weigh your options and prepare to write your business plan, be aware of a few changes and additional expenses to expect should you join the self-employed sector:

No paid days off

There will be no more paid sick days, holidays, vacation days, or personal days when you become the captain of your own enterprise. Neither will there be any pay for days off that result from bad weather. When winter arrives and snow begins to fall, there will be days when harsh weather conditions impact your business and your income. When the governor of your state declares a snow emergency, important meetings will be postponed and businesses may be unable to open and operate.

In particular for those who own a B2B or B2C venture where the business model requires you or your employees to visit the customer's location (e.g., cleaning services), or customers to visit your location (e.g., a laundromat), snow days = no revenue days. Small businesses have been known to go out of business within a year following periods of extreme weather.

Establish business credit

For tax purposes, it will be useful to open a separate business bank account and also apply for a business credit card or two. There will be business expenses to write off and you'll want to make it easy to monitor spending. Do yourself a favor and check your personal credit ASAP and pay off outstanding credit card balances to improve your credit score and correct any errors.

Financial management

Financial management will assume more than one form. As noted above, you'll need to establish credit for the business, so that you can order inventory and supplies without immediately impacting the business cash flow, for example. Those are Accounts Payable items. You will also need to ensure that customers pay you on time, or at all, and that is an Accounts Receivable function.

Maintaining sufficient cash flow is crucial to the business' survival and your own ability to keep a roof over your head, food on the table and your car on the road. You must develop a business budget and plan for the purchase of equipment, licensing costs (if applicable), insurance (if applicable), professional certifications (if applicable), or space rental (if needed).

In addition, you may consult with a business attorney or accountant to discuss the legal structure of your venture: Sole Proprietor, Corporation (chapter S or C), or Limited Liability Company (LLC). The type of business that you're in and your exit strategy will play a role in choosing the business legal entity.

Paying for office supplies

Free scanning and photocopying will be over. When you need to staple a few pieces of paper together, you must buy the stapler and the staples and you'll buy paper clips and envelopes, too.

There will likewise be no meeting space or audiovisual equipment for you to reserve. You'll have to meet at the client's office, or at a coffee shop or other restaurant. Privacy might be an issue and arranging a Power Point or other visual presentation might be awkward as well.

A lap top computer or tablet will be office equipment must-haves. It will be imperative to possess the tools of your trade and to always appear as a competent and prepared professional as you develop your reputation and build your brand. Good luck!

Thanks for reading,

Kim L. Clark is an external strategy and marketing consultant who brings agile skills to the for-profit and not-for-profit organization leaders with whom she works. Please visit to learn how your organization can achieve mission-critical goals when you work with Kim.

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Wednesday 9 May 2018

Work From Home And Make Money With Your Own Online Business

Start Your Own Online Business- Top Reasons Why You Should
It isn't easy to start an online business. Some people may lie to you and say it is the easiest thing they have ever done, but they are being at best unrealistic. Running an online business is as the name implies, "a business that is online". So there are certain rules you must follow in order to earn cash online (and do it the right way).

Even though there are challenges to running a business online there are benefits to it as well. In my view it is better to start a business online. Below I have listed some of the top reasons I believe this to be true.

The Traditional Way To Get Cash Is Becoming Outdated
There are a lot of people who have great ideas, but can never seem to the get them off of the ground. Many times this is due to lack of resources or the ability to properly fund their business. With the traditional business model there is normally a substantial investment. An internet business does not require this major investment (though there could be a small one).

Using the example of a brick and mortar store an owner must invest in their business only to have their money at times locked in the business itself for years. Many times it takes years for the store owner to recuperate their entire investment. With an online business model you would have less overhead and other means to store your inventory (such as drop shipping or as an affiliate). This means that inventory is not a requirement allowing you to ship product upon demand versus investing in the goods upfront.

Each Industry Dictates It's Threshold To Make Money
Certain industries require you to invest money to make money. Depending upon the industry itself starting small may be out of the question. The reason? In order to compete you must be competitive. To be competitive in the traditional sense may require a significant investment of funds from the beginning. This is not even mentioning physical location(s), staff and security issues.

However, a home based business that exists on the internet can grow as you grow. We all want to grow. With a smaller investment you can leverage your advantage for greater profits. If staff is required, the positions are minimal and physical security becomes one less thing for you to worry about (especially if you are an affiliate or you don't house your products in-house).

The Internet Is Becoming The Standard For Communicating A Business
The day is coming where if you're not online you don't exist. Even traditional brick and mortar organizations are now vying for a presence on the web.

The level of innovation new technologies are providing the entrepreneur online are endless. You are limited by your imagination and ambition.

With the internet you can make as much or as little as you want. This is determined by your willingness and effort to take your business to the next level. Will you press forward the wheel of innovation a success and become the next internet millionaire (or billionaire)? Or maybe you're not as ambitious and are only looking to take care of your needs (and maybe your families too)? An online business can provide you with this ability.

If you are serious about taking the next step and take the quick path to getting your online business off the ground (and making you money), get my new quick start guide here now!

I am serious about my internet business, and thankful for the time you have taken to read this article. If you are serious about beginning an online business then I recommend my Internet Business Quick Start Guide. Get your kit here now.

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Sunday 6 May 2018

The Passive Income Myth

According to the IRS there are three categories of income: Active, passive, and portfolio.

Active is what it sounds like. You do income-producing activities that you get income.

Portfolio is also what it sounds like. You invest money into things like stocks, real estate funds, or other investment vehicles and - in the best of times - your investment yields gains, or income.

Then there is passive income.

The sacred cow of network marketing companies and continuity/membership site experts.

The goal of every over-worked, under-earning, praying-for-a-miracle self-employed type.

Passive intimates no work. You, on the beach, cocktail in hand, checking your PayPal account for the sales every few hours. Or, better yet, you, on your couch, in your jammies, binge watching GOT or House. Again.

I googled a ton of content on passive income and although there are some sound possibilities out there - lend money for interest for instance - many take a sound idea and run it right off the rails, like this one that admits you must frontload the work to get to passive: "first you need to haul ass and do something crazy, e.g. write a quality 20,000-word eBook (insane, not passive hahahah)", but here is where it runs wild -"but then you get to sit back and enjoy seeing PayPal sale messages pop up on your iPhone each morning as sale after sale after sale is made... on an ongoing basis and without any additional work. That's some seriously Pina Colada flavored passive goodness!"

There's some seriously delusional-flavored thinking.

Let's look at digital products. You write or create it once, set it up on a landing page, hook up the cart, drive traffic and you are off to the beach to collect your moolah.

A well done e-book or virtual program takes hours of research, writing, producing, formatting, etc. Those hours cost your time, and during those hours you are not making money. But OK, we can all agree, there has to be work on the front end right?

Right, but it doesn't end there.

Now we have marketing. If your landing page is optimized, your copy is killer, and your ads are spot on - something by the way that takes daily monitoring - and your e-book/product/program is targeted to the right audience, you could see recurring revenue from this evergreen type product.

Phew. We've done quite a bit of work so far and there are lots of "ifs" from a marketing perspective. (If your landing page converts because you've got conversion copy and the page is optimized for SEO, and you are targeting an audience that wants what you've got from you, and on and on.)

And marketing doesn't end if you want to keep the sales coming.

What about managing affiliate partners, returns, customer service? Even outsourced, there is still some active participation.

This type of income, as you see, is far from passive but it is leveraged.

Leveraged is good. It's how businesses grow and in our case, entrepreneurs, how we get out of the income-capping trap in the fee-for-service-only model.

I don't want to be Debbie downer, but part of my commitment to my clients and you, my readers, is to bring the truth; shine a light on traps, false gods, and naked emperors.

Am I suggesting not to do an e-book, a virtual program, or a continuity program? NO! (Well, I might in the case of the membership/continuity program, and I'm getting a few experts together to parse the good and bad and who should and shouldn't and when. I'll have details next week here.)

I am suggesting that you examine your attraction to a marketing idea before jumping in. No one idea will "save" a shaky business - sales is the exception here - and one idea that promises to "change everything" in your business is likely to fall short of its promise. What it really requires will only be found in the mice type - that tiny print at the bottom of webpages and print ads that gives you the disclaimer.

Always read the mice type.

And start researching leveraged income streams. Find out what it will really take to set one up and get started. It may not be passive, but it's income that requires less of you one-on-one or one-to-many. And that means more time to work on your portfolio or pina coladas.

Gregory Anne Cox is a free spirited entrepreneur who offers marketing in a fashion without using tired and boring content but a new fresh approach getting away from "Squishy Language" From becoming a freelance writer in NYC, to opening her own restaurant in San Diego, she is also a world renown author. Her most recent publications are "Everything is Food Journal" & "Your Genes Do Not Determine The Size of Your Jeans". Gregory now specializes in Online copy assessment, Done-For-You and Speaker and Engagement Services.

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Saturday 5 May 2018

How To Sell Other People's Products Online

When you sell other people's products online, you don't have to devote time to creating the products, but you get a percentage of the sales that you make. This well established and popular business model is known as affiliate marketing and being a successful affiliate marketer can be very lucrative.

Here are some the key issues to concentrate on when you sell other people's products online.

Find The Right Audience

It's important to determine what type of audience you want to sell products to. By knowing the audience, you'll be able to find the right type of products or services for them. You'll know what their problems are and find a way to offer them products that solve them.

Find The Right Products and Services

Choose who your audience is first, then find products for them. Doing it the opposite way round can include the risk that there isn't an audience for that product in the first place. Once you know your audience, you can choose the right products and services to recommend to them. It's best that you test out the products or services that you plan to recommend. Any product you choose should offer a solution to a problem that your audience has.

Create the Right Type of Content

Knowing your audience, and the products and services that you're going to promote, will help you create the right type of content that attracts your audience to take your recommendations. Always aim to provide value above all else. If your content doesn't make your audience feel like they're getting great value, they're not going to feel motivated to buy from you.

Maintain Your Reputation

When you're marketing and selling other people's products or services, you're putting a lot of trust in the creators of the product. Even if you didn't create the product, if someone buys something on your recommendation that turns out to be rubbish, they'll blame you. That's why you should only promote products that you have bought yourself or that you truly believe in.

Communicate With Your Audience

Communicate regularly with your audience via email, social media, blog posts, video or any other channel where you can reach out. Talk about their problems and the solutions that you know about and why you know they're the right ones. The best thing you can give your audience is a look into who you are. That's what makes you unique and special. Your audience will appreciate getting to know you, and that will make them trust you more.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Thursday 3 May 2018

6 Actionable Ways To Get More Done In Less Time

I came across this wonderful analogy on time while researching for one of my events:

"Think about the airline industry. Their target is to have a full cabin in every flight. They don't really like empty seats. So, the prices are high. And dynamic. As the day of the flight nears, the prices keep on increasing. Good luck to anyone with a tight budget - if they want a seat on a flight at the last moment! It becomes a mad house then, the same seat which would have initially cost you probably 30-40% less.

But once the plane takes off, an empty seat has no value. That's a loss for the airline. There is no way they can get any money for it. However expensive the seat had been, once it's gone, it becomes valueless.

The same can be said about 'time'. A very expensive commodity indeed. While the clock ticks away, it keeps becoming more and more precious. You would kill to save those precious moments right before something has to be done. Do anything to have little more time at your disposal! Unfortunately, you cannot stop the clock.

And once it is gone, it ceases to be expensive. It ceases to be anything!"

There is a very simple thing I like to say,

Time pass = Time Fail

Let me give you some stats. The average person gets 1 interruption every 8 minutes, or approximately 7 an hour, or 50-60 per day. The average interruption takes 5 minutes, totaling about 4 hours or 50% of the average workday. 80% of those interruptions are typically rated as "little value" or "no value" creating approximately 3 hours of wasted time per day.

By taking 1 hour per day for independent study, 7 hours per week, 365 hours in a year, one can learn at the rate of a full-time student. In 3-5 years, the average person can become an expert in the topic of their choice, by spending only one hour per day.

If only we had that one hour we could take out from our crucial time (kept aside to be wasted)

I know it is difficult. The habit of wasting time if hard to beat, especially the blissful joy of doing nothing. And then running around in mindless panic at the 11th hour - that's not much fun though. Here are a few things you could do that have proved to work well for me, if you are looking to managing your time better:

1. Put a price on your time

Yes, make a guesstimate of the cost of your time. You may not make it comparable to some industry stalwart but consider yourself as someone who is fairly successful when you do so.

Depending on how much you earn (or spend, if you are a student) each year, you can count the number of productive days in a year and number of working hours in a day. Get you own hourly rate;)... If you do not know the value of your time, who will? I do this exercise every time I revise my compensation rates for clients.

Once you have that estimate, next time you have the urge to splurge your time on something, you can compare whether it is worth your time or not. The concept of value in marketing is defined as benefits/cost. (Some even consider it as benefits minus cost). Find out your own version of benefits upon cost for your time i.e. time value.

Now, I am not saying that you do everything according to this method. But a lot of your trivial activities could go through this simple test before you decide to undertake them. This will simply give you an idea of how much valuable time you generally waste doing stuff that you need not do really.

2. SWOT Analysis

You must have heard of SWOT right? It's an analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Generally it is done on an organization level vis a vis competitors to understand the road that has been traveled so far and what lies ahead.

But whoever said you couldn't do it for your own self?

SWOT can be helpful in prioritizing your time and to-dos. Between all the elements of your SWOT, I would suggest that you focus on your strengths. Give more time to things you are good at and play to your strengths. This will ensure you enjoy your productive hours more. But it will also help you figure out which of your weaknesses can you spend how much time on, so that you could turn them into your opportunities and subsequently, into your strengths. It is very much doable, should you put your heart on to the pursuit of 'better-ness'.

If you cannot picture a long term situation, don't panic. Take one day at a time. I would say, devote some time each day to your SWOT elements. Some will of high priority and some will be of low. But ensure that you take some time out. As mentioned in the very beginning of the post, merely taking out 1hour everyday can get you to gain expertise in a particular field (condition applied - dedicated one hour). Just find out time first for your priorities.

You will be amazed at how much buffer time will remain each day for you to decide how much of it to spend or trivials and non-essentials. SWOT has always come to my rescue. It will do the same for you - I guarantee!

3. Wake up early

This does not seem like a time management tip but trust me it is. When I started waking up early and tried to get done with 50% of my To-dos even before the rest of the world woke up, it gave me a very beautiful delusion of having more than 24hrs in my day. I had more time for myself, my family, my work - everything. This habit just does wonders.

Most important things get done early on, leaving time for leisure and fun and most importantly - getting more important things done than you had planned! That's a welcome delusion I would say. Here are a few early morning activities that can prime your day.

4. Creating To-Do lists

Creating to-do lists is a classic time management tool. I keep a white board right above my workstation where all the to-dos go. It is the simplest way to tackle your list of never ending works. Keep striking off what got done and keep writing what needs to be done further.

Place it strategically at a position where your eyes keep going from time to time. If you are a more organized person, you can even color code your white board of to-dos. The essence is to make you feel ashamed if the list of struck out items is smaller.

And don't be ashamed of jotting down to-dos. Once you have an exhaustive list, you can do your SWOT and prioritizing too! Find out what's more important and what needs to be done right away.

5. Right here Right now

If it takes 2 minutes to do a thing, do it now. Don't procrastinate even for very small things. It is often the 2 minute tasks, that when piled up - look like an Everest that you have to conquer. It is this pile of 2minute noodles that gets perceived as crisis often. And believe me, a major part of crisis management is dealing with these simple things efficiently. It is not that big a deal. We just turn it into one.

It would also be advisable that you do the things you fear most first. Or abhor. That inertia of having put good effort gets carried forward to the rest of the day (or sitting). You may not succeed initially. But slowly, you will get into the habit of facing your fears and getting things done in time - that's two things nailed!

6. Kill your Distractors

Have you heard of Pareto's principle? The 80-20 rule by Pareto, when applied to time management, says - 80% of your half-hearted time generates only 20% of the results.

And it is no rocket science that your 80% unfocused time is a result of too much distraction. Kill those distractors. Free, high speed internet, YouTube streaming without buffer, endless social media networks and their apps, so many relationship issues to worry about, numerous trivial things to think about, useless people issues to get into - a lot of work, a modern living is!

It is possible to keep these distractions at bay. A little will power is all you need. And what starts as will power, soon becomes a habit. Progressively remove your distractions if you want to reach somewhere in life. Because what doesn't take you towards your goals, takes you away from them!

There are many more ways to manage your time better. But the first step to all of them is - your sheer, infallible determination to make use of these non-renewable, very important resource - in a better, more judicious way.


The difference between a Steve Jobs and a normal job is - how one utilizes their 24hrs!

Akash Gautam a Motivational Speaker for Youth & Corporate Events in India. He has more than 16yrs of experience as a Public Speaker, Writer & Career Counsellor. He is known for his comic & sarcastic style as a speaker. He believes that he still is an ardent student of life and learning. He writes regularly on his blog answering questions that his audiences mostly ask. You may know more about him and his work at:

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Wednesday 2 May 2018

How High Achievers Harvest Time and Accomplish Their Dreams - Part 1

Have you ever wondered why some people achieve so much more than others?

Our research of high achievers (HAs as we call them), regardless of their chosen field of endeavor, show shared characteristics. Here are 6 of the most important; all of which speak directly to the issue of harvesting time to achieve their dreams.

1. They know what they want.

2. They know why they want it.

3. They have set goals to achieve it.

4. They have a clearly defined plan to get them there.

5. They take action.

6. They commit their time and resources to its accomplishment.

While only a part of the total formula for Time Harvesting these 6 factors are important, contributing elements. In Part 1 we will look at the first element: they know what they want.

Envisioning the outcome.

HAs know exactly what they want. There is no ambiguity about their dream. They are totally focused on the outcome. They can describe it in vivid detail. They're convinced it can and will happen. It's not about "if," it's about "when."

The "what" defines the priorities.

Because the outcome is both crystal clear and expected, there is singleness of purpose. Thus, dedicating time to accomplish the goal becomes top priority understanding that the sooner the plan is executed, the sooner the dream is realized.

Competing priorities.

Unfortunately, like everyone else, HAs don't have the luxury of only dealing with the dream. Life gets in the way and HAs must deal with other issues, as well. But, just like the consistency of the compass needle, after the fires are put out; HAs return to accomplishing the dream.

The lesson.

The lesson is clear. To get the absolute benefit out of every moment of your time you must have a compelling, desired outcome. Otherwise, your time is just dissipated as you wander about aimlessly. Unfortunately, too many people do not have a clearly defined, realistic, defined outcome for their life. That is why they waste so much time and feel unfulfilled.

Remember, if you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.

Going forward, the compelling question is, "Where will you be, and is that where you really want to be?" What a terrible shame to live an unfulfilling life because you aren't doing what you really want.

The critical issue.

The critical issue is the necessity to define your dream. Take the time to figure that out. You simply must. Then, each day you can devote your time to getting there.

In Part 2, we will look at your "why;" what drives you to accomplish the "what."

Would you, too, as so many other have, like to effectively have a 13th month or more every year to achieve your dreams? Author Jan Schrader shares the secrets of Time Harvesting in the book, The Secret of the Thirteenth Month - Harvesting the Time to Achieve Your Life's Dreams. To learn more, just go to, and discover the power of Time Harvesting.

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Sunday 29 April 2018

Entrepreneurs Need ONE Thing To Succeed - Survivability

The idea of being an "entrepreneur" is the new "rock star" - millions of young people going off the beaten track in order to try and secure a better future for themselves or their families.

Fuelled partly by the Internet and partly by a changing economic landscape, the young of today are more focused on themselves than ever, unwilling to take "menial" jobs at the likes of McDonald's; instead taking on large amounts of student debt in order to secure as lucrative career as possible.

It's in the midst of this tectonic shift (where barriers-to-entry have been eroded massively, and the world opened up for business) that many have placed "entrepreneurship"... the idea of "working for yourself". Unfortunately, it's most a lie.

If you're interested in this type of thing, the first thing you need to realize is that entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, not a vocation. Most people are not "entrepreneurs", they're merchants (buy and sell products).

REAL entrepreneurship is about doing / building something that's NEVER been done before. This might be something simple (a new flavour of soft drink), or something as difficult as getting humanity to Mars. It is NOT about "selling" products for the sake of it.

What many see as a "choice" between a Dystopic future of student debt, mortgages, auto loans and 40+ years of 9-5, is in fact fraught with the utmost danger and risk. The biggest problem is that no one will help you. You're 100% on your own.

In other words, don't become an "entrepreneur"... you have to either be "born" one (which isn't strictly true), or be so utterly determined to see your ideas come to fruition that you're willing to risk your life on making it work.

This is what most people don't see. They see the accolades, cars, success - they don't see what goes on behind the scenes. It's because of this that I wanted to write this article.

Angela Lee Duckworth called it "grit", Elon Musk called it "chewing glass and looking into the abyss of death"... the one thing that anyone looking to bring their ideas to life is survivability - the ability to persist even when everyone else has either quit or been killed.

Every time you look back through history, at the *true* entrepreneurs... the Galileo's of the world; Magellan's; Sir Francis Drakes... we see the same pattern every time. A world-defining event that THEY survived. This was then brought to the market in some form or another, transforming the way that people live and are able to operate.

What most people think of as "entrepreneurship"... starting a "blog", running a "social media" account or some other menial achievement... is nothing worthy of note.

It doesn't *do* anything. It's paper pushing.

To "become" an entrepreneur is very simple.

Shut up and get to work. Most make the error of telling everybody what they're doing. Not only is this a mistake, but kills and chances of actually completing the task you set out to perform. Move in silence.

In terms of what you "do", this is also simple - focus on completing a task that pays you money. Don't worry about changing the world or anything up front, that comes later. Just get your head down and focus on making more money than the other guy, by producing the *best quality work* you can.

Imbue EVERYTHING you do with excellence - reaching to your highest possible potential to pull it off. This is what it takes to become successful.

What's interesting is if you do this, you end up finding opportunities that come out of the blue. They just appear without actually being forced in any way, allowing you to then develop "systems" which can be used to elevate your work to a new level.

It's these systems which end up being the hallmark of an entrepreneur - having the insight to create *new* systems gives you the ability to continue on your upwards spiral. It's also where the "best" entrepreneurs begin to shine - they typically are dogged enough to understand that putting a "system" out into the world is - by far - the most important aspect to achieving growth in life. This is where the "grit" element comes from.

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Saturday 28 April 2018

Learn the Business Before You Go in Business

Being an entrepreneur is no easy task by far. You have to wear a lot of hats, especially when your business is just starting out and you are solely taking care of every aspect involved in managing your business.

Mastering the skills necessary to start and maintain a new business can be time-consuming and exhausting. Getting your business started and off the ground can be expensive as well. You want to advertise in every way you can. Selling tools can be costly. I suggest you do your homework before hand and attend workshops and expos so you can obtain as much information as you can so you will know how to market your brand and capture your target customers.

Fortunately there are a lot of educational resources online for those who might not be able to get out as much as they would like to or be able to link up with others to learn about business management and or marketing.

If you want to be the best Entrepreneur you can you need to know certain things when seeking to start and develop a business. You need to know about building websites and blogs, marketing your products, money management, how to attract customers, etc.

Google and YouTube can be informational if you have access to a computer. There are even Podcasts via iTunes that available to help with your research on certain subjects involved with the type of business you are seeking to start and some how to tips.

Think it over for a while and make sure you are ready for the task of becoming an Entrepreneur. It will involve many long days and nights. You will go to bed late and rise up early in the morning with a full plate in front of you in conjunction with managing your business. It is truly a full-time job especially if you are working solo with no one else to delegate certain responsibilities to that would shorten your daily to do list.

Being an Entrepreneur definitely requires patience. There will be highs and lows in your journey to get where you want to be in your business. There will also be some mistakes made along the way but it will teach you what not to do the next time. There will be times of frustration but you can't let quitting be your way to opt out because you can't reach your goals quick enough.

When in business we have to make wise decisions not rushed ones because we are anxious for faster results. Time can be our friend or our worst enemy.

Entrepreneurs seek to master the skills needed to be successful. Patience gives us the ability to work steadfast toward our goals. Let your mindset be one of consistency and perseverance, giving up is not an option. Think positive, crush defeat under your feet.

The life of your business is what you yourself invest into it. You get back results based on your efforts put in building, managing and marketing your brand. Good Customer Service is a must. Mix and mingle with your potential customers, be informational, not too much and not too little. In most cases we market ourselves through social media before we even decide to market something that we are passionate about. This is actually beneficial for you because friends can turn into potential buyers. They are already familiar with your personality which in most cases is a plus when people are choosing who they can do good business with.

Bottom line you have to be content with the pace your business is progressing until it arrives at the pace you desire it to be. When you operate in a non anxious state of mind it is easier to handle your business and it allows you to stay grounded in times of lack as well as times of increase.

Maintaining ones own business will present its challenges. You have to be prepared to encounter obstacles and be able to roll with the punches. You have to be willing as I have said before to stay committed and dedicated and trust in the possibility of a rewarding outcome.

Building a business takes time. Nothing grows to its full potential overnight it takes months of planning and nurturing and often reinventing your brand until it grows into what you want it to be. Remember think things through before making rash decisions which could lead to the decline or demise of your business.

Keep in mind all you have invested and how far you have come before you just give up, you might be closer than you think to a breakthrough in reaching your target audience who want what you are selling. This could lead to more doors opening with bigger and better things waiting for you and your business. Have Faith and continue to work diligently with humility and patience.

Never try to take on too much, plan, take steps at a pace you can handle without stressing yourself out. keep your brand visible so much that it begins to intrigue people to the point where they will keep coming back to get a glimpse of what you are doing and what new things you have to offer.

Think Big, Reach Big, Believe in yourself and keep working to make your dreams or plans a reality.

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Saturday 21 April 2018

Being Financially Stable

If saving for retirement is a struggle, imagine yourself if you lost a job. More and more people really take care of their own retirement security. To avoid unnecessary financial constraints, create a plan to reduce debt as you approach retirement. Design your savings and spending plans.

Retirement planning is definitely difficult, especially if the implications of your choices tend to get magnified. You'll need to determine the amount of savings needed for your desired lifestyle. A spending strategy is equally important. However, rather than following a budget, many people spend more than what comes in.

Determine your annual base or mandatory expenses on food, clothing, shelter, utilities, medical, and transportation expenses. Also consider investing in long-term health care insurance which can typically cover the cost of home care, nursing-home care, and assisted living which is not usually covered by traditional health insurance.

Safeguarding your finances while you are still employed will help you become financially stable even after retirement. Many people are anxious when their retirement years are fast approaching. Imagine being at that point in your life and feeling you haven't achieved your goals yet. It could get especially worrisome if you don't have enough savings to be able to sustain your lifestyle after you retire. So, you need to enjoy spending within your means.

Securing a retirement fund is definitely needed if you want to live comfortably. The best time to start saving for your future is now. Not next year, not next week, not tomorrow, and not even later. Start planning for retirement at this very moment. It's better to start sooner than later. The earlier you plan, the more time you have to save money, pay off debt, and invest in the future. You also give yourself some leg room in case you make a bad decision and need to recover from a mistake. If you start investing late, then you lower the possibility of accomplishing your retirement plans.

Consistency is essential in saving money for your retirement. At first, it may be difficult, but you'll find it easier to save as you get along. One of the solutions for this is to set aside savings every month, even just a small amount. Save more as you go along-but never, never go below the initial savings amount.

Planning may be easy, but it's the willingness and determination to stick to your plans that could bend at times. It's important to have a clear vision ahead. No matter how far away your retirement years may seem, it is always a good idea to learn how to manage your personal finances. Those people who know how to manage their money succeed in allotting enough money not just for their savings but also for other financial matters.

It's important to create a budget. Separate your needs from your wants and try to track your spending on a monthly basis by listing down all your expenses. Seeing where you spend your money can help you sort out your priorities and plan how you can save more from your income and spend less on non-important expenses.

Retiring from work is a major leap in one's life. Prepare for the inevitable as early as now and assure a financially stable future for yourself and your family.

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