Friday 31 August 2018

The truth about failure and making mistakes

The biggest mistake you can make in life is to make none…

Sitting on the fence

Doing nothing instead of taking the risk

Not making the decision

Everyone has something they truly want – but how many people actually go after it?

I get it…

Taking a risk can be terrifying,

It’s understandable to be scared of failure.

To not want to make a mistake…

But here’s the thing:

Everyone fails, everyone makes mistakes and things won’t go to plan 100% of the time.

Let me be clear: that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything.

It doesn’t give you an excuse to hold back and not give it your all.

Don’t play it safe.

Have the courage to do it anyway.

Making a mistake isn’t fun. Failure can be painful.

But the only thing that matters is what you do after.

Make the mistake, then learn from it.

Don’t use it as an excuse for not trying, or letting yourself become so afraid of failing that you never stretch out of your comfort zone.

Instead, go for it.

When you do fail - own it, do something about it and most importantly learn from it.

Trust me: Some of your biggest mistakes will become your greatest lessons.

Thursday 30 August 2018

The Great Affiliate Marketing Hoax?

It sucks.

You check your affiliate stats every day and there, staring you in the face like a
taunting wide-mouthed demon is the figure we all dread;



It doesn't take long until you start questioning the whole premise of affiliate

Will this ever work?

Have I wasted all my time setting all this stuff up?

Why can't I make any money at this?

What am I missing?

I know a few burned people who actually believe the whole thing is a hoax.

Well I'm hear to tell you that while it's not always easy - it is definitely not
a hoax either.

The difficulty lies in trying to adopt out-dated, "me-too" methods which
the market is immune to.

Your affiliate marketing methods are like white noise to most prospects.

They're ignoring you.

And it hurts.

The solution is to do something new, something different and something
which will get you noticed, get you clicks and get you sales.

They call it The Commission Machine and when you grab it through the special link below
you'll get a huge discount and AMAZING BONUSES.


Andre Niemand


Wednesday 29 August 2018

How to make lots of commissions without trying...

I'm not gonna lie.

Being an affiliate can be a real pain in the ass at times.

Especially if you're just starting out, don't have an email list and scrabbling around
for commission crumbs among the big guys.

This is how it was for tiny affiliate Naidy Phoon.

He thought he knew what he was doing and he was sure working hard at it.

But he was only making a few dollars a week.

Then he discovered The Commission Machine and now regularly makes $1500
to $2500 a day.

You can check out the rest of his story - and get the Commission Machine for
yourself at the special link.



Andre Niemand

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Struggling newbie vs. World Famous Guru: watch what happens next...

This teenager made history.

He was up against some of the biggest household names in internet marketing.

It was an affiliate contest in one of the big product launches recently and nobody gave him
a chance in hell.

He only had a tiny list.

He only had a few months' experience.

And he was practically a total no-namer online.

But he had a secret weapon.

At first it only worked slowly but gradually he began dominating the leaderboard.

He finished #1 beating some of the biggest, best and most famous internet marketers on
the planet.

What did he do?

He used The Commission Machine  (you can see his story for yourself  in his video on the page);

Grab The Commission Machine Here with some Amazing Bonuses


Andre Niemand

Monday 27 August 2018

EXPOSED: You won't believe how this struggling newbie makes $2500 a day

He's just a kid really.

His name is Naidy Phoon and he lives in Malaysia.

He'd been "dabbling" in internet marketing for a few months and had managed to make a
few dollars here and there but nothing much.

He saw the big potential in affiliate marketing but didn't have a massive list
and wasn't getting hardly any commissions.

He thought it was the size of his list.

It wasn't.

It was the WAY he was doing affiliate marketing.

It was all wrong.

Naidy invested in the groundbreaking Commission Machine and he started making $1500 to $2500 a day, winning affiliate contests and basically kicking a truckload of proverbial butt online.


You're getting your hands on never-before-seen tactics here.

Grab your piece of this money-making action here;



Andre Niemand

Sunday 26 August 2018

Broke newbie bags $296.88 in 48 hours using this 1 weird trick

Usually I'd shy away from "click-baity" headlines like this.

But usually headlines like this are a pile of steaming doo-daah.

This one ain't.

It's the real deal.

I know this newbie personally and saw this happen with my own eyes.

The best thing about it wasn't the fact he learned this cool new trick, or the money he
made - but the look on his face when it happened.

You see he's got two young sons to support and this $296 kept the wolves at
bay so he could focus on building his online business even more.

So what was the weird trick?


It's all revealed inside The Commission Machine and you can get it at a big discount
so grab it right now;


Andre Niemand

PS. If you want amazing bonuses then grab this here

How to Earn a Secure Residual Income From Home

OK, so you're here now,

And you're probably thinking about many things at this moment, but the one thing that's really pressing at the top of your to-do list is securing a way to generate secure income.

If I'm wrong in any way just let me know (wink)... But you're still reading my article - you have a "need" that you want my help with, true?

So let me explain something before we even get onto the part about you "earning" money...

For those of you who know hardship and struggle in life, I understand where you are at present - been there myself.

If you know what it's like to wake each day doing the same-old tired job, for the same old ungrateful boss/manager/director, you now have an opportunity to divorce your old working lifestyle for something more suited to your liking.

But don't be fooled!

I am not offering you another job, I'm not offering you a vacation, I'm not offering you an opportunity to become lazy and to throw your creativity aside - - -

Big, huge NOPE. We don't do that rubbish here ;) What I'm offering you is a proper opportunity to be in control of how you work, earning a residual income, even as you sleep...

How so? I hear you wondering.

The rich, powerful, and influential people of this world (those who had to work for their wealth) know about residual, or passive income.

If you've never heard of this until now, just know that if you truly desire real, continuous wealth then you need to be in there, earning that passive income.

The best way to understand this kind of income is to know how it differs from a wage that is paid to you for work that you do continually...

Building a residual/passive income is about doing work once and getting paid repeatedly for it each day, week, or month.

Yep. That's it - continuous money, if you have the knack of it.

So, you're now in the know about earning a residual income. Wealthy people know that it is not about working for the man if you truly wish to become rich.

You need to take matters into your own hands for this to happen. And here you're given all that you need to start this life-changing step with no cost to join and get started - imagine that!

No successful person ever allowed a lack of resources to hold them back from getting theirs. Clearly not - instead they fought for their right to be at the top, where they're at now...

Same place you probably want to be right now.

And then you might be one of those people who tend to watch the wealth of others, secretly wishing that it was your own wealth... I call this "watching and wishing." It gets you nowhere fast - nowhere ever, actually.

If you are the lazy kind who wants it all now, and never commits to the challenges that any business brings, then you may as well stop reading...

This opportunity to work on your OWN terms is ONLY for the individual who is earnest, wanting to "earn" their worth.

And so, I'd like to speak with you about stepping outside of your comfort zone...

This is wholly important for those of you who need to earn a living but usually fall short due to procrastination habits that have probably been bleeding you dry for a while now?

Having a "comfort zone" is all fine and well, providing that you know how to disengage from that place of comfort whenever needed.

Can you do that?

If you mean business and are serious about earning a solid residual home income, you'll know that falling shy to work is a sure way to forfeit your opportunity to create the lifestyle you need, and want.

There are vast opportunities just waiting for the hungry individual to step up and get busy.

This is the kind of business that gets you motivated to get up in the mornings, instead of wanting to stay in bed all lazy-like, producing nothing.

Have a good think about what it is that you need and want for yourself and your family (if you're providing for a family), once you've determined this then ask yourself WHY.

Becoming wealthy is about knowing the reason for your desires, making them count. Got a dream? Best you understand the nature and the root of that dream.

Want lots of money? Why? What's the reason behind the reason?

Visit my YouTube channel:

Email me:

I'll respond within 24 hours.

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Saturday 25 August 2018

Transactions speak louder than words.

Lookie here;

$2500 in 1 day
$218.88 in 24 hours
$431.58 in 1 day
$674.95 in 48 hours
$180.68 in 9 hours
$4483 in four days
$983.47 in less than 72 hours
$171.47 in one day

These are the commissions of students who learned and applied a simple method which needs
no money for ads, no list and no experience.


No - most people do JACK with training they get.


Most certainly.

If you want to start making money like the guys above then go grab The Commission Machine now
from this special link to get all the amazing bonuses to accelerate your commissions;


Andre Niemand

PS. See the bonuses here:

Careers You Can Work From Home - 3 Popular Choices

There are a lot of ways to make money online from the comfort of your home, some of which are simply time wasters that you might want to avoid. Many people spend hours taking surveys online hoping that the financial rewards would be well worth that time spent. Many also invest hours each day trying to sell items, used and new, on eBay.

The payout for these types of online income is generally pretty small. After all is said and done you would see that the total earnings for some of these "money-making" ideas would be at the minimum wage level or even less.

There are lots of jobs and businesses that you can do online that will pay so much more and be much more rewarding also. The suggestions in this article are to give you some ideas so that you can possibly find a nice career that offers a future and pays well.

So, get excited and start earning a full-time income working from home with any of the following suggestion opportunities. See if any of these ideas sound good or inspire you to find the right opportunity to earn a full-time income from home or anywhere on your laptop.

1. Affiliate Marketer

This is a very popular and potentially rewarding career. A merchant with a product(s) for sale will pay a commission to marketers for referring potential customers to their websites, and/or for selling their products. These are called "affiliate marketers" who only get paid after their promotional efforts results are in.

Affiliate marketing is performance based and there are various campaign methods used by affiliates including Pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, call-to-action, or pay for each conversion. The more viewers that you can attract to yours, or the merchant's website, the more transactions will potentially occur and the more money can be earned.

2. Amazon Associates

This was one of the first affiliate marketing programs online that started in 1996 and is very popular, one reason being the marketer will get a commission on anything that their viewer purchases on Amazon within 24 hours of their visit.

When an associate, or marketer, creates links from their own websites to the Amazon site and their viewers click through and make purchases, they earn referral commissions. It's free to join and with over a million products available to promote it's also very easy to use. They have easy to use linking tools to help with your advertising efforts as you monetize your website. Amazon associates can earn up to 10% in advertising fees depending on what was purchased and, to mention again, you earn a commission on anything that is purchased at the Amazon site, not just the products that you advertise.

But Wait

Before joining Amazon Associates make sure that your website has some traffic flow. If your efforts don't make any sales within a year of your start date, your account will be canceled. You can still open a new one in the future but avoid getting canceled, if possible. So the best advice is to build up your website with lots of nice content and start generating traffic to the site before joining the associate program.

3. Writer

A writer can produce any number of publications to reach people of any group or niche. Their texts are published in all areas of the media, and writers who are able to skillfully use language that expresses their ideas often positively, or negatively, add to the cultural content of the viewing public. There are a variety of types of writing and writers, some of which are:

Novelists, poet, satirist, short story writer, playwright, screenwriter, speechwriter, biographer, critic, and a few more types, no doubt.

The term writer is often used in reference to an author even though an author has a wider meaning and is used to carry a legal responsibility for some things that they write.

My name is Pete. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Sign Up at the bottom of every page @

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Wednesday 22 August 2018

How To Know When It's Time To Change Careers

Thinking About A New Career?

There are a lot of people who are unhappy with their employment situation and often think about the steps that they should take to successfully change their career. That's the reason why I'm writing this article, to encourage you to not let anything keep you from moving forward and bettering your life situation.

Many have successfully changed their careers and greatly improved the quality of their lives and you can too.

There's some good news in that we all have the ability to learn and it's never been easier to successfully change careers due to the enormous amount of research that can be done on the internet on just about any topic. Is a career change really a good idea right now?

Here are 4 things that make people think about doing something different with their lives:

They are bored at work - Are you bored once in a while or every day? Is there a more fulfilling job available in your workplace that you can do? Is there a change in the daily routine available that can get rid of the source of boredom? Do you need another company or another career, or both?

Not enough income - Can you check out the possibilities for advancement in your present job and career situation? Would a better position and a rise in income, in the same field, be all that's needed?

Talents not being used - Is there another position available where you can better use your talents and do something more fulfilling? You might consider talking to the boss to see if you could make some changes to use those talents and perhaps even get a pay increase in the process.

Health issues - Are you physically unable to comfortably perform the present duties at work? Is it harder because of the age factor and stress on the body? Maybe it's time to evaluate yourself for the years ahead, what would you like to be doing 5-10 years from now? Sometimes after considering these things one can tell for sure if the idea of completely changing careers is right for their situation.Of course you must take family into consideration.

I would say that most often there is a real learning curve that takes place with your new career choice and the income might take many months to build up to what the person is currently earning. It's a must to have a good plan in place so that you can make it through the growing period and still maintain a certain comfort level.

You Gotta Have a Plan

Many would like to change their careers and they might go out looking for another job and find themselves in the same situations in a few years time. This is serious business due to the fact that we only have so many years in our working careers, and they go by quickly.

It's very important to have more than just an idea but a plan to follow that will bring you where you want to be in your older years. Think about how you can help others in your current or new career. See the rewards in their getting what they need and you being financially rewarded for your service.

Make Sure Of What You Want

Do you have a real desire or a short-lived and poorly thought out idea that gets replaced every so often with another great idea? Most people fail for lack of planning and a short-sighted view. Will the change bring you happiness and fulfillment or simply more money, and stress to go along with it?

My name is Pete, internet business entrepreneurs generally have multiple websites which are continuously attracting multiple sources of income. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come to see for yourself >>>

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Tuesday 21 August 2018

8 Steps To Starting That New Career

Fed Up, Bored, Or Stuck In A Rut?

Are you fed up, tired, or bored with your current job or career? Do you hate having to get up each morning to go to a job or career that you really don't like? You know there must be something better out there but can't seem to take the action necessary to make any changes. Instead, it's easy to keep the same old boring routine and just get used to it, as the months and years roll on by.

Did you know that we only have so much time in our working careers and shouldn't waste them being miserable each day with our job or career? Isn't life far too short to be unfulfilled year after year?

Hopefully, you're not stuck in a rut and can't get out of it. If so, there is definitely hope for you as you learn and follow a few steps. For any changes to take place it's essential to take action every day in every way that you can. One thing that holds many back is that they don't want to be out of their comfort zones but probably need to be if there's a career change taking place.

Here are 8 steps for you about starting that new career or job and breaking out of that rut:

1. Attitude is very important. Mental preparation to change is needed to be committed to starting that new and best situation for you. See yourself as a valuable asset to anybody or company and worthy of consideration for whatever you're seeking after.

Also, understand that changing careers will take some time. There is probably a learning curve that can take a few weeks or 6 months, or longer. Mentally preparing and starting out with a goal in focus, a plan, and a take action attitude are critical for success.

Feel confident and good about yourself and do things like helping others, perhaps volunteering, that make you feel good. Upgrading your "style" in dress, vehicle, or another way can make someone feel good about themselves. Now that you're looking and feeling good you're ready for:

2. Re-evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. There are also many free Career Aptitude Tests online that anyone can take to help them decide on their best career choice. Take your time here and sleep on it. Then you're ready for the next step:

3. Education - If you're drastically changing careers then there would be a need to learn new things, take a class, get certified, or licensed. This will take some time but be well worth it. This training will look great on your resume as you move into your new career job. If you're using a resume, remake and update it or better yet have it professionally written up for you.

The resume is a tool to represent the person and open up doors of opportunity for them. Make sure that it draws a nice picture of your work history and qualifications. Most people will stretch the truth, or exaggerate a bit so that their resume will make them look as favorably and qualified as possible. A word of caution, don't lie as it's wrong and you certainly wouldn't want to be caught in a lie.

4. Start Networking online on social media like LinkedIn and Facebook. Update your profiles to reflect your purpose and attract what it is that you're looking for. Ask family and friends that you know and respect their suggestions or advice, however always consider the advice and make your own decisions after sleeping on them.

5. Personal Grooming - Next step is to get yourself ready for action, consider how you look and dress, are there some positive changes that can be made to help the cause, like a haircut, hairdo, shave, grow a beard, etc. How about clothing, can your wardrobe be updated to improve your image? Throw out or give away some old clothing and replace with some new shoes, pants, dresses or shirts and whatever else will give a polished and professional look.

6. Confidence, persistence, and patience need to be exercised daily as you enter and find your way into the new career choice. Always have a positive vibration and an attitude of expecting something good to occur, which puts the law of attraction into action. Remember that you are a valuable commodity and a great benefit to everyone that does business with or hires you. Act as if and walk the walk of the new and improved you with a new purpose in mind, forgetting any past failures and reach forward to the things which are ahead as you build a new career and attract success through your persistence, patience, and daily efforts.

7. Always have a list of things to do and keep an eye on that list, crossing off things as they are accomplished. This is very important and will get you into the habit of completing tasks and moving forward toward whatever goal(s) that you've set up for yourself.

8. Always have a goal written down and in mind, and be constantly and methodically moving toward it. Take a look at exactly where you are and exactly what the goal is and continually move toward that goal persistently and don't stop until your goals are met.

It's normal to alter the plan a little as you go but keep focused on the desired end result and the day's tasks to meet that goal. You can meet every goal one by one and build up a very successful career for yourself.

Multiple Sources Of Income

Most, if not all, internet business entrepreneurs have multiple websites attracting multiple sources of income. My name is Pete. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Sign up at the bottom of every page -

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Monday 20 August 2018

Social Media Platform Review

Unless you are an incredibly well-connected Solopreneur who is making a killing and maybe even turning business away, social media will play a role in your branding and marketing strategies. Each platform has its cohort of devoted users and will be a good fit for some businesses, but maybe less so for others.

The platforms are free of charge, aside from the time it costs to keep your content up-to-date. No matter how responsive to social media marketing your venture is, time will not allow most Solopreneurs and business owners to maintain a presence on all platforms, unless social media management is outsourced. If the ROI positively impacts sales revenues, then the investment will be worthwhile. Let's take a look at Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


The most popular social media platform has 2.19 billion users (Statista, 1Q 2018) around the world. There are somewhat more female users than male and the bulk of the age demographic is 18-44 years. Forbes Magazine data indicates that 47% of Americans report that Facebook is their primary influencer when it comes to making purchases.

Facebook often delivers excellent ROI for B2C enterprises (somewhat less for B2B). In-store events and promotions, speaking engagements, your workshops and other events can be announced to Facebook Friends. Content provided in text, photos, or video can be uploaded. You can create groups and build communities, or post a customer survey. Share behind-the-scenes information about your business and what it takes to do what you do and in the process, you'll engage customers, strengthen your brand and build relationships.

Does that sound like too much work and too much sharing? Then create a Fan Page and limit your presence to basic info and a good call to action. Be aware that your presentation of text, photos and other content should be relaxed and welcoming, to create a personal feel (but remember that business is the context).


You'll find 1 billion users (Statista, June 2018) from around the world and 80% are outside of the U.S. 95 million posts are shared daily, with many accessed on a mobile device. Approximately 59% of U.S. users are 18-29 years. As of 1Q 2018, there are 300 million daily Instagram Stories users and 30% of users have purchased a product.

Visual storytelling, behind-the-scenes photo montages, social selling, brand awareness, engaging with customers and creating relationships are good uses of Instagram. If you are in public relations or special event/conference planning, then you will find worthwhile B2B use, otherwise it's B2C as far as I can tell.

Photo sharing, brief video trailers and concise text postings that include a hashtag # to better distribute your content are ideal content. Add a link to your profile bio. Decide if you want a public or members-only account. Links cannot be shared.


Considered the gold standard B2B social media platform, LinkedIn has 500 million members globally (Statista, January 2018). Business ventures large and small, Solopreneurs, corporate and nonprofit leaders, physicians and dentists, any employee who harbors professional aspirations and most college students maintain a profile page. Recruiters use LinkedIn to identify potential candidates for job openings. LinkedIn ProFinder helps Solpreneurs find project work.

LinkedIn is an excellent platform on which to build a community of professional colleagues through your connections and share with them your professional story, successes, highlights and other updates that support your personal brand. My B2B blog posts to my LinkedIn page and my connections receive notice of its arrival. Your connections will also share their stories and there is great opportunity to be in touch and nurture relationships.

Professional portfolios, videos, white papers, newsletters, blogs, infographics, SlideShare presentations and podcasts can be featured on your profile page to add depth to your brand story. Links to articles or studies that might interest your connections can be posted. Recommendations and endorsements let others verify your professional bona fides and you can return the favor.

In the Groups section, you'll engage with colleagues within your industry, or with alumni of your school. Topics of interest are explored through posted questions and group members can respond and in the process get to know one another and possibly, forge relationships that lead to doing business.

Thanks for reading,

Kim L. Clark is an external strategy and marketing consultant who brings agile skills to the for-profit and not-for-profit organization leaders with whom she works. Ensure that your organization is positioned to achieve mission-critical goals when you contact Kim

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Sunday 19 August 2018

Tips To Help You Become A Better Online Business Person

Starting and maintaining a home business enterprise is a bold move. Home businesses can be immensely successful if you know how to maintain your businesses affairs in the right way. This article will cover some of the essentials you need to consider, to ensure the growth, success and profitability of your online business.

If you have a home based business, don't miss out on the home office tax credit. You can claim this space even if you don't devote an entire room to your business. If you have an area which is only or primarily used for business purposes, you can claim it based on square footage, and calculate the portion of your home that is taken up by your office space.

Once you've decided on a product to sell, do your homework and check out your competition. Look at their prices and study the quality of the goods that they are selling. Make sure not to price yourself out of the market, and figure out how to deliver the best value to your customers.

Set up a Post Office box for all your business mail. It's best to do this, rather than put your family at risk by using your physical address. This is especially important if you are doing most of your business online. Don't ever post your home address online, for any reason.

To reduce distractions keep your office off limits to children. Have set work hours that enable you to run your business and still have time for your family. Older children should understand not to disturb you while you are working. For your business to succeed your family needs to be supportive and respectful of your work schedule.

Take all of the home-business tax deductions that are legally allowed. For example, you can deduct the cost of a second telephone line or a mobile phone if you use it exclusively for your business, but be sure to keep sufficient records to prove your deductions. Taking all permissible write-offs helps you keep more of what you earn.

Although you may be used to working eight hours a day and then being off, you have to realize that in order for a home business to thrive more of a time commitment may be needed. Once everything is in place you will be able to relax a little.

Maintain a professional attitude as you begin your home based business. Keep your personal life and your professional life separate. Just because you are working from home, does not mean that you should engage in any family responsibilities during the time that you are supposed to be working. You will not be successful if you do not put the time into running your business efficiently.

Don't walk into a home business enterprise blind! There are many online discussion forums designed for small business owners to discuss the unique obstacles in this field. Look locally for other small business and home business organizations that meet in person. Either way you go, networking with other business owners gives you an excellent support system.

Having a business license for your home business often allows you to purchase things wholesale. This is excellent news for people who make their product, since you can search on product search engines for bulk orders of raw materials. This minimizes trips to the store, and frees up your wallet for other expenditures.

In the end, for most, having a online business allows for a level of control and creativity that the mainstream approach lacks. However, after reading this article, you may realize that you cannot necessarily go about maintaining a successful home business in the same way that you would maintain a traditional business. By utilizing these tips and advice, you will set your business up for a lucrative and stable future.

Kurt Tasche is an internet entrepreneur and home business professional who enjoys sharing his ideas through his Home Business Ideas and Opportunities blog. You can read and subscribe to his blog by going to

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Saturday 18 August 2018

10 Sure-Fire Strategies That Can Be Easily Implemented to Generate Sustainable Income Streams Online

1. Affiliate Marketing:

You can make a fortune by affiliating with brands and business to build their brand awareness and patronage for pay of various magnitudes. Affiliate marketing usually entails signing up for an affiliate program, and then disseminating your special affiliate code in order to get people to act on the message contained in the affiliate code. And anytime a sale is generated from a visitor who visits the link contained in the code, you get a commission on the sale. There are a plethora of effective techniques for engaging affiliate marketing, ranging from running a website or blog to social media marketing. Another effective strategy for Affiliate marketing is liaising with other affiliate marketers to exchange ideas and to go into joint ventures with.

2. Google AdSense:

Google AdSense has been around for ages, and is still helping a lot of average folks to make insane amounts of money today. Nearly every ad you come across when browsing websites is effectuated by the auspices of Google AdSense. The program becomes even more lucrative for a site owner the higher the amount of traffic converging on the site where Google AdSense ads are displayed.

The hook here is that even though the program has the potential of generating thousands of dollars per month for a blog or website owner, you can sign up for and set up a Google AdSense account completely for free, and you can monetize your blog or website through the program without investing a red cent on anything, as long as you're able to channel a substantial amount of traffic to your site. Google generates a code for you to paste in your site with which Google monitors your site's matrices, including page views and number of visitors, with respect to the program.

3. Lead Sales:

By setting up a website, driving traffic to the site and collecting personal information of visitors which can be sold to lead buyers, you can generate a steady stream of income through the internet. You can collect such leads and then sell them to people or business who have something to offer the leads similar to the idea or product that got the leads to give out their personal information on your site. There are virtually a ton of businesses and services that can make use of leads generated with this strategy in various legitimate ways. You also get to set the amount you charge for every lead.

4. Forex Trading:

Forex trade is another highly lucrative online business. Although it is associated with a lot of risks, it can generate tremendous amounts of money for you once you're able to gain mastery over it.

One decisive factor in Forex trade is the trading tools. The good news is that it's not challenging to find the right tools and guides for Forex trade. Simply look for those with great reviews from people who've already used them. You can visit Forex trading forums to garner good suggestions concerning online tutorials that you can use to hone your analytical skills.

You also need to choose the right trading platform and tap into the potentials of that platform using the right host. You also need a VPS in order to cater to the high-speed requirements for Forex transactions.

5. Selling Books:

As the use of digital files and documents in the workplace and at homes continue to rise, there's a greater opening now to make money from publishing and selling books online. These days, you can create and publish a book from scratch to finish using free online resources. There's also the Kindle Direct Publishing program (KDP), run by Amazon, that allows you to self-publish your books on Amazon's Kindle platform. All you need is a strategy for coming up with great ideas for books in order to make the most of this free self-publishing scheme. There are also many websites like Create Space which allows you to bypass publishing houses to get printed copies of your eBook up the stands and bookshelves of on-ground bookshops.

6. Online consultations:

You can share your expert knowledge online for worthwhile compensations. You need not underestimate your potentials when it comes to offering your expert knowledge to people and businesses online. With the right tools and right guidance, you get yourself right up the alley of people and businesses looking to make consultations pertaining to your field.

You can start out by signing up for consultation sites such as Such sites allow you to set up appealing profiles which people soliciting for expert advice can easily turn to.

7. Podcasting:

An online podcast is another no-brainer avenue for generating a stable income stream online. Sponsors and advertisers looking for a well-run podcast will pay up handsome rewards to book for ad slots in the podcast. You simply need to find a profitable niche to run a podcast in, and then grow your audience base progressively, and then you'll find it easy to connect with sponsors in order to monetize your podcast.

8. Serving Up Expert Knowledge Through Subscription:

You may have come across wildly successful subscription box services like Birchbox, and may have had the impression that it's untenable for small businesses or an average Joe to run a successful subscription box service. However, there are a number of websites that have been created to actually make subscription box services more tenable and worthwhile for anyone looking to offer expert knowledge for pay. Sites like SubHub allow you to set up a worthwhile subscription service with monthly membership for just about any form of knowledge distribution ranging from academic courses to workout plans.

9. Remote ESL Tutorship:

There are uncounted numbers of people from various nationalities looking to learn English via the internet. You can earn a decent income teaching English to these people on a very flexible schedule, even if you don't have any form of certification for teaching English. You can sign up for sites like SayABC to set up a profile and schedule English lessons for decent pay.

10. Transcription Services:

The demand for online transcription services has been on the rise for years now. Today, there are ways of crowdsourcing sites that allow businesses to get transcription services from a pool of fast and efficient transcribers at alluring rates. Without any experience with transcription, you can sign up for these sites and get in line for transcription tasks that are worthwhile. And you stand a good chance of increasing your rates once you're able to gain a significant breadth of experience in transcribing.


With persistence and due diligence, you can convert any of these money making schemes into source of tremendous income streams. You need to find what works best for you, and once you begin to gain a profitable momentum in the business, you can then venture to scale it and make it even more profitable.

Dr. Olusola Coker is a webmaster General, SEO Expert, Web Designer and Web Developer. He is the chairman of Leonard Babs and Co, an Hosting company with servers in USA. UK. Australia, Europe and Canada. His website is

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Friday 17 August 2018

Autoresponder - The Key to Running a Successful Online Business

In this article, we shall define what autoresponders are, and why you should utilize them to achieve successful online business.

If you run an online business it means you already own a website or a blog. Once your online business is setup, the next most important thing to consider is using an effective autoresponder.

Autoresponder defined

In simple understandable term, it is actually electronic newsletters forwarded automatically to your subscribers via your mailing list, and this is done at intervals that you specify or define. By sample, you can design and specify an autoresponder so that once a person signs up to your mailing list he or she will receive a welcome note from your business. Subsequently, you can send other messages such as business discount codes, invitation to connect on social media, new product launch, etc.

The importance of autoresponders

Using autoresponders for your online business keeps a large bulk of your email marketing automated, and that's if you setup things appropriately. With an autoresponder installed on your website, your subscribers will be able to receive specific vital key messages about your business. With this benefit, you do not need to bother about manually sending these messages out, as it is fully automated as set. This simply makes the importance of using autoresponders all the more clear. In short, they help you save time running your online business, loads of it.

How can you utilize autoresponders to help promote your online business?

• You can utilize them to forward custom birthday greetings with other related offers to subscribers on your mailing list.

• You can transition a subscriber from one phase of communication to another after they purchase an item/product. For example, you can move a subscriber from a 'prospect' level series of messaging to 'upsell' series of communication.

• You can forward mails to subscribers exactly one month after they purchased a product. This can be done to motivate them to renew a 'policy or guarantee.'

When autoresponders are utilized in such creative and meaningful ways, it can help generate substantial sales and income - with high returns on investment for your business.

To use them, you can sign up with popular providers such as MailChimp, Getresponse, Aweber, Mad Mimi or Campaign Monitor, etc. These providers are renowned for offering businesses robust autoresponders with dedicated tools for hosting mailing lists and forwarding newsletters and messages.

Finally, autoresponders when setup and used properly can help online businesses automate lots of marketing activities and tailor specific messages to a mailing list for profit making and client engagement.

The $ is in the LIST! All the Web tools you need to achieve success under one roof for only $10/month! Autoresponder, Hosting, Splash/Squeeze page builder, Tracker, Rotator, Advertising and much more! Plus Unique Pay Plan, unmatched in the MLM industry - 100% commission! Discover how you can build a successful online business and start making $ NOW!


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Thursday 16 August 2018

The Importance of Knowing and Following All YouTube Rules

As it was formerly pointed out, if you are preparing on submitting videos to YouTube and sharing them with other web users, you are more likely to discover a bigger number of guidelines to follow. YouTube motivates you to utilise care when making your videos, as you never ever truly understand who will be seeing them. Not just do you have to stress about online predators seeing your YouTube videos, however you likewise have to fret about law enforcement doing the exact same thing.

In connection with your YouTube video material, you likewise require to make sure that your video material is in fact yours. In current times, there have actually been numerous circumstances where YouTube made it on the news for having a big number of copyright products on their site. You will desire to make sure that videos you publish online were really made by you.

If you are, you will require signing up for a complimentary YouTube subscription account. In a matter of minutes, you can be on your method to ranking or evaluating the YouTube videos you enjoy or even submitting your own videos!

In a matter of minutes, you can be on your method to ranking or evaluating the YouTube videos you enjoy or even publishing your own videos! YouTube is a lot of enjoyable, whether you are just interested in seeing videos or if you desire to publish your own, YouTube, like all other online sites, have a number of limitations and guidelines. Must you forget your YouTube login info; you must be able to follow YouTube's guidelines to obtain your YouTube indication in name, as well as your password.

Another guideline that lots of video watchers have to follow issues leaving remarks on YouTube video pages or getting involved in the YouTube online forums. In connection with your YouTube video material, you likewise require to make sure that your video material is really yours.

If you are just interested in enjoying YouTube videos, not always submitting your own, you will discover that there are fewer guidelines and constraints for you. Need to you forget your YouTube login info, you ought to be able to follow YouTube's guidelines to obtain your YouTube indication in name, as well as your password.

The above discussed guidelines are simply a few of the lots of that you might be anticipated to follow when utilising YouTube. If you sent a video that went versus YouTube's standards, your video might be gotten rid of.

Another guideline is that numerous YouTube video watchers have to follow issues leaving remarks on YouTube video pages or taking part in the YouTube online forums. Whenever you leave remarks for a YouTube video submitter, you are encouraged to utilize your finest judgment.

YouTube is a lot of enjoyable, whether you are just interested in seeing videos or if you desire to publish your own, YouTube, like all other online sites, have a number of limitations and guidelines. It is not just essential that you understand those guidelines, however that you follow them, as there are a variety of repercussions for not.

Simply a few of the guidelines imposed on YouTube are detailed listed below.

1. You should only have one email address linked with your account.
2. You should certainly not post duplicate content.
3. You should always make your videos applicable to its title & keywords.
4. You should not ever purchase views.
5. You should certainly not ever use software to add ratings, comments, or friends automatically.
6. You should not use irrelevant keywords
7. With YouTube's new insight feature, they are following the attention people are giving to each video. YouTube can understand this and then easily assume that your title is very relevant to the information on the video if people are watching your entire video.

8. The Google search ranking rules of providing good, decent and, accurate content that generate public attention are exactly the same rules that You Tube is using as well so bear that in mind when choosing the title.

So these are all some common stipulations you should keep in mind before publishing any video in YouTube.

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Wednesday 15 August 2018

The 4 Rules That Developers Follow for a Great Website

In the present times, websites have become the face of most business around the globe. The reason being the digital world that people have started living in. On an average, 98% of adults owning a smart phone spends a considerable amount of time online and whenever there is a need to search for a business type or probably any information, the smartphone or the computer comes to the rescue.

Taking advantage of such a situation, businesses are known to create websites that represents them in the digital platform while ensuring that all possible information is conveyed to the visitors and accordingly can the sales be retrieved.

When it comes to creating a website, there is the need for a good development team who would come up with a complete package right from creating trendy designs to making it a user-friendly website. While bringing along more traffic and increased sales is the motto behind a good website, here is what the developers are known to follow that gives great results.

Analyzing the trends

Website developers are not just updated on the technical aspect of creating a website but also the market trends that makes any website a success. They are known to follow leading websites and how things function. They analyse the reasons behind such a success and how they can imply the same for creating websites for their clients. They know what would be right when it comes to putting inputs for the website and that is when they come up with the perfect plan.

They customize the website

While they follow modern trends in website making, they wouldn't imply the exact methods in the websites they create. It is something that is against the rules. By taking inspiration from them and customizing it according to your needs, website developers would ensure that you have a website that is made solely to suit your company and its products and services. This would give a sense of uniqueness while personalizing things the way you intend to portray your business to the audience.

They follow the needs of viewers

This is where artificial intelligence plays an active role where data science is known to help developers acquire information based on user data as well as the type of browsing that the masses undertake. This helps in know what the viewers look out for and that is what helps in coming up with the right type of website. Following old trends is no more the 'in' things to stay out of the league. Everyone follows modern trends and that is what all developers do.

Simple coding procedures

Complex coding is something that not everyone would understand. There is the need to make online browsing really simple as the masses lack patience. They do not have the time to browse through multiple pages and layers of a website and unless they find the exact thing that they are looking for, they would move on to the next relevant website. This would create trouble for the website traffic and thus isn't a good idea to follow.

While these are the things that website developers pay attention to, you are to select someone who has the right expertise to help you with a great website.

The author Nina Unger has had close association with a web development company in Bangalore and writes this article to help people know of what professionals for Magento development in Bangalore follow.

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Tuesday 14 August 2018

How Can I Generate More Traffic To My Website?

It's the question asked by every new online entrepreneur and every seasoned online entrepreneur, "How can I generate more traffic to my website?". But you don't just want traffic. You want to get more web traffic that is targeted and wants more than your free stuff. You want to catch the attention of people who really want what you're offering and will buy what you're offering.

Plan the Right Content

Check to see what content is most popular on your website. The create more of that type of content. If you don't have much content so far, study the content material that your audience looks at from your competition and create similar content. Don't copy, but do deliver to your audience the type of content that they want.

Learn Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important to learn when it comes to getting more traffic to your website. It enables potential customers to find your website by using the search engines. For instance, using keywords in headings, anchor text, titles, subject lines, meta descriptions and alt text for images that are related to your content, you'll move further up the search engine results.

Advertise Your Content

Just like you would advertise one of your most valuable products or services, you need to promote your content. The good news is, using paid traffic to your website does not have to be costly. As an example, Facebook Ads make it possible to directly target your audience in a very cost effective way.

Create Targeted Freebies

Create freebies that are targeted toward a need that your audience has. If you can solve one problem for them, create that freebie. Then offer that freebie in exchange for a prospect's email address. When you have their email address you can message them with links to your website whenever you want.

Use Different Types Of Content

Don't just use written text for on your website. Search engines like a mixture of content. Mix it up and use text, illustrations or photos, online video and audio to make the ways you provide information to your audience complete.

Facebook Groups

A Facebook group is essentially a community where people with similar interests can interact with you and each other. Facebook groups bring in more website traffic because once you gain trust, make friends, and gain followers, you can promote your business effectively in these groups.

Study Your Analytics

The analytics you can gather from your website are very important, because it can tell you what content is getting traffic to your website so that you know what to create more of.

Everybody likes 'free'. If you're a website owner, you probably want more free, targeted traffic from Google and other search engines, rather than having to pay for it. For more free website traffic methods that will lower your reliance on potentially costly paid traffic sources download my Free Website Traffic Checklist at

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Monday 13 August 2018

Skyrocketing Website Traffic the Quickest Way

All business goals are geared towards attracting the customers into their trade. That is probably the ultimate target of every entrepreneur. Business requires websites, the influx of visitors into one's site as gauged by Analytics demands unique strategies to boost site traffic. More website visitors mean more customers, more sales and therefore more revenue! Increase in traffic requires a more aggressive approach though your campaign should be more organic in nature.

  • Building your brand by coming out with a well-designed, efficiently developed, highly optimized website; 
  • Second is to get social by engaging your customers through social media marketing which of course should be consistent. Daily postings are necessary of course but it should contain catchy and relevant insights while actively participating in the community; 
  • Third is to include a blog in your business website where your team can publish high-quality, compelling and original topics. It is where you can speak your mind about significant topics related to the nature of your trade, a way to invite visitors who are in the same niche; 
  • Fourth is to focus on your On-Page and Off-Page SEO by optimizing your business site and its content so it can easily crawl on Search Engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and the like; 
  • Fifth and final is to ensure that your website is responsive and fast. This is precisely a must in the development of websites as most customers now use mobile devices to access the web.

Websites should be accessible and viewable in varied devices even on the smallest smartphones. Your webpage should load fast as well or you probably will push your prospective customer onto some other sites. That is why website developers should guarantee that your website is technically optimized and made highly responsive to load better and faster.This will definitely attract more customers as your website is found on the first page of a search engine results page (SERP).

Engaging your customers to explore on your webpages means entrusting the task only to the best website designers and developers.We cannot risk our resources on fly by night agencies which does not possess the expertise of the real developers who have spent years in the creation of e-commerce sites, blogs, travel sites and the like. Choosing the authorities in the field of web design and development entails checking on their credibility and reliability. Hence it is a must to seek for the assistance of premium web developers who will work hard for your business marketing but will offer only the most affordable business site because your resources are not finite so return of investment should be assured.

Increase in traffic requires a more aggressive approach. Every business campaign should be more organic in nature. We need to employ the assistance of premium web developers and genuine marketing specialists who will work hard for your business goals. They should offer only the most affordable business site because your resources are not finite so return of investment should be guaranteed for trade security.

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Sunday 12 August 2018

How to Choose the Right Traffic Source

If you knew that articles were where you were going to be able to get all of your traction... Or guest blogging was where you were going to get all your traction... Or Google+, or Facebook was where you were going to get all of your traction... Then you could take what I just shared with you and you could say, "Okay, I'll just go out and I will become an expert at that one source of traffic."

However, there's a preliminary stage that has to happen. You've got to figure out which one of these is going to work better for you. In the process of figuring out which one is better for you, you might try multiple sources of traffic.

You'll notice I talked about this second, not first. That's because I wanted you to hear what I just said about specialization first, before I talked about trying out the different traffic sources. Because, if you're not careful you'll come away from what I'm getting ready to say, and say "Okay, well they said go out and try 10 different traffic sources."

Then they don't hear the part where I say "for a limited time period."

They try 10 different traffic sources, 10 years later they're still wallowing in 10 different traffic sources, and they've never become an expert. So they're not generating very much traffic.

What I recommend that you do is: choose any, some, or all of these traffic sources that you wish. And you set up a tracking page for every one of these.

For example, if you write an article that goes to EzineArticles, you send them to a unique squeeze page, that has a unique webform code on it, so you know exactly how many subscribers are being generated every single month from those articles.

You know exactly how many subscribers are generated every month from guest blogging.

You know exactly how many subscribers are generated from LinkedIn, from Facebook, from your affiliate program, from anywhere else.

Then you'll combine that with a time sheet. Call it a traffic time sheet. Every time you sit down to work on traffic, you log into your traffic time sheet. You can do this in an Excel spreadsheet. You can do this with pencil and paper.

Here's how to use it:

If you work on articles for 15 minutes you write down "Articles - 15 minutes."

Let's say, for example, that it's April, so you have an April spreadsheet. And it says, "Articles - 15 minutes. LinkedIn - 30 minutes." Then you spend another 20 minutes in Articles, so you need to update Articles to 35 minutes.

At the end of the month you'll be able to see at a glance that you spent 200 minutes on articles. You spent 100 minutes on guest blogging. You spent 75 minutes in LinkedIn. You spent 95 minutes in Facebook. So on, and so on.

Next you're going to look at how many subscribers you generated from each one of those traffic sources. Do the math! For example:

You spent 75 minutes on Facebook and you got 4 subscribers. That's 1 subscriber every 18.5 minutes or so. For articles you get 10 subscribers for 200 minutes of work, that's 1 subscriber per 20 minutes of work. And at the end of the month, you'll be able to say "Okay, from one traffic source I get a subscriber for every 10 minutes of work. From one traffic source I get a subscriber from 20 minutes of work. From another traffic source it takes me 30 minutes of work."

What does this mean?

It means if you're going to continue to do the work in the future, you probably want to get subscribers that are coming in from sources that don't take you as long to get. Or, what it means is, if you hire somebody to do your work for you, you know what to have them do to be the most cost-effective. Let's say you hire somebody for 10 hours a week to do work for you. If you're going to pay them for 10 hours of work a week, you want them on the traffic source that will allow them to generate the most number of subscribers for you as fast as possible.

The only way you will know is with your spreadsheet.

By the way, would you like to get the newbie-friendly insider's secrets to building a stable, thriving business online... year after year? Swing on by our friendly Business Builders Cafe at for the latest freshly-made marketing techniques... that just plain work beautifully. You'll love what you receive!

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Saturday 11 August 2018

7 Effective Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

An online business needs traffic to succeed, Traffic is the main bloodstream of an online business. If a website does not get a flow of traffic, it will surely fail to make any sales and the online business will fail. It is therefore, important to take some steps to drive sufficient traffic to online business website.
You can buy customized traffic to your website on any budget, this unique article suggests all the essential ways so that you can drive more effective and targeted traffic to your website.

1. Visitors want always fresh, unique and useful content on a website. Usually visitors visit a website for information and sometimes buy stuffs if they need it. You should have high quality and unique content on your website. When visitors find interesting and useful content on your website, they will surely spend more time on your website, bookmark your website and also buy from your products. Posting lots of valuable information on your website, you will be considered as an expert in your subject, and you will get easily customers on returns.

2. There is no alternative of search engine optimization. If you want to make your site visible in search engines so that, interested visitors may find your site on the top of search engine search results, find and utilize niche keywords and phrases and place on your titles and in the rest of the content on your website. Usually a visitor search with a keywords or a phases and your website will show up and will rank high when search engines find those keywords on your website, and this will drive more traffic to your website.

3. PPC (Pay per Click) advertising is an effective way to drive traffic to your website. If you have enough money to pay for the advertising, you may run an advert on Google AdWords or Yahoo Overture to drive keyword targeted traffic to your website.

4. If you are good on writing than write some useful articles on your subject and submit articles. Now a days, articles submission is a powerful tool for driving traffic to website or blog. Make sure to have a resources box or author's biography on your all articles and put your website's URL. If your articles are interesting and useful, people will read it and may want to visit your website, so write more reliable and valuable articles and submit articles on various articles submission directories and you will more drive to your website. I personally do not like article spinner. Try hard to write grammatical error free articles so that people get benefit from those articles.

5. Forums posting is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. Find appropriate forums on net and participate in targeted forums. The forums topics should match with the topics of your website. Do not write your website URL directly on the topics, you may ban from forums because of spam. Such as Warrior forums is very strict. Have your website link in your signature.

6. Today viral marketing is a wonderful and effective way to drive traffic to your website. You may write free e-books or short reports with a link to your website. Build a blog and have a link of your website on it.Put your website URL as signature on your business mail or free email accounts from G-mail or Yahoo. These techniques will surely drive more traffic to your website.

7. Make a nice video about your website or products and post it on YouTube, Dailymotion etc. Today many webmaster use video marketing to drive traffic to website. Post your website link on that video description, interested people who has viewed your video may become interested to visit your website. When I built my website on photography, I made a video and posted it on YouTube. I have got a good number of visitors from YouTube.

Finally, just do not read the 7 points above, utilize those techniques on your website. I hope you will get much traffic in the very short-time.

For more article go to

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Friday 10 August 2018

The Internet Lifestyle For College Students

The reality that most college students are facing when they graduate from school are either.


They will not be able to find a job.


If they do find a job, it won't be the one that they want to work at.

Which is why starting an internet business in their dorm room and working on it around their schedule is the best option for them.

Many go out and do part-time work, but that is really a waste of time.

Students would better off using that same amount of time to working on an internet business that will start bringing them in passive income.

There are 2 types of income that you can earn.

Active income- the amount you are paid for by the hour for being there.

Passive Income- money coming to you, whether or not you working or not!!

See the difference?

Your main goal in your career is to set up a business that allows you to earn MASSIVE passive income daily!!

This what the schools aren't teaching their students and it is a huge problem in our society.

Okay, now that you understand the difference between active and passive income.

Here are the 4 steps to starting your online business from your dormitory and living the internet lifestyle.

1). Target a market or niche.

2). Set-up a 1-page opt-in site.

3). Drive a lot of traffic to that site.

4). Monetize that traffic.

This is an outline of what your internet business should look like.

Now, let go little more into details here about each step.

Targeting a niche.

Do your research and find out what type of problems your classmates are facing in school or look to find a product or market that is being underserved.

Once you find it.

Go get a product or service that can solve that problem.

It's really that simple.

Also, make sure that the market you choose is full of hungry prospects.

Because the market will always determine the niche that you choose.

After you find your affiliate product.

Buy a domain name and set up a 1-page site.

You will need to write up a short 12-page report that you give away to people who opt-in to your newsletter.

Your report must be of value to your prospect, because you want to build trust with them.

Next, do videos to drive traffic to your site.

I would interview experts and then link your site in the resource box.

Start a Facebook group as well.

Write a few articles or share some in your newsletter.

The next thing is to start making money from all your previous efforts.

You should have already signed up with a ClickBank/Commission Junction and any other affiliates.

It's free too, so don't worry about that.

I like to contact companies who don't have an affiliate program and then help them create one and create a distribution channel from it.

Look, this is just an outline that any college student can use.

Keep in mind too.

This only cost you about 30$ to start and you can use that money bootstrap your way from there.


Get started today on doing your market research and find a hungry market and then follow the steps I gave you here in this article!

Good luck!

Get the free online course that shows college students how to pay off your student loans here-

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Thursday 9 August 2018

Building a Web Site for Your Home Based Business

It is possible to make money online, running your business from home. But to be able to do this, you have to have a web site. Most people starting up a home based business will try and build their own, that's fine if you know what you are doing but can reflect very badly if you don't. Home based business web sites, need to be professional looking but not overly flashy!

Some work-from-home opportunities include a web site when you sign up but if starting up a business, consider either one of two options.

1) Pay someone to build your web site for you. Look around you, web sites can be purchased at low cost these days.

2) Use a Free template or paid for template. Web designers work from home too and are happy to work for low fees to get their own online/home-based business off the ground.

Make sure your web site is consistent.

Your customers will want to see a consistent web layout. Most users will make an impression of your site in seconds. The difference between a good looking site and a bad looking site is a potential lost sale.

If you run an e-commerce business from home, don't try and build the shopping cart yourself. Use a third party product like PayPal, particularly good for selling a few products and well respected. Payment processors like PayPal take care of your Data Protection requirements and leave you to get on with promoting your internet business.

Third party software

With a small investment, you can purchase a complete shopping cart or if you are on a tight budget, you could use an open source e-commerce product. Either way if your home based business sells a lot of products, why try and re-invent the wheel!

Paid host or free host?

Don't make me laugh! A years internet hosting with your own domain name costs less that taking someone out for dinner. If you don't make this one investment, then why bother starting a business at home? Owning a domain adds professionalism to your business. How many www. web sites have you seen, that are successful online businesses?

How much does it all cost?

Hosting your new web site and fitting it out with e-commerce might cost you less than a $100 per year. This depends how many products you sell and how much of the work you are prepared to do your self. But be realistic know your limitations and know when to ask for help!

Good luck working from home.

Visit our site for more valuable information on Online Business Success

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Wednesday 8 August 2018

Home Based Business Made EAsy

Everyone wants to start their own business and become their own boss, but many do not know how to do it. There are several types of home-based businesses. Service companies, product sales, and web-based home-based businesses, to name a few.

In this article, I will walk you through the process of starting your own online home business. I will try to eliminate some of the mystery of the process. By following this guideline, you'll be up and running in no time without making a huge investment.

First, you need to know what your business is going to do. Will he provide a service? Do you intend to sell products? These are the two general types of home-based online businesses I will discuss in this article.

If you plan to provide a service, what kind of service will you provide? Will it be provided to people who own websites? Will it be a service that everyone can use or will it be confined to your area?

Ask similar questions if you plan to sell a product. Will it be a product that you sell and deliver locally, nationally or internationally? If you choose around the world, do you know anything about shipping your product abroad? The same applies to national delivery. Do you know the costs associated with delivering your product anywhere in the country where you live?

Once you have answered these questions, you will have more of an idea on how your home web business will eventually be shaped.

Then you will need a domain name. Most people think that the name of their business is the best way to get a domain name, however, a generic domain name with keywords associated with your product or service will serve you a lot better. You can also register your company name as a domain name and direct it to your website, but it is not necessary.

The generic domain name can help you with search engine traffic and can be more memorable. This is just one of many factors that will help you with search engine optimization, but it's a step you should take at startup. Example: is a better domain name than, even though Ford has spent millions advertising and branding itself. Even is better because people will look for that.

You have to find a good domain name registrar, not a cheap domain registrar. Cheap means cheap in the field of domain names. Your domain name is important. Spending $ 25 a year on a registrar who offers more services and quality VS spending $ 10 or less at a cheap registrar is what we are talking about here. If this extra $ 15 a year will make or break your home business, then maybe you should not start one.

Then you will need a web hosting service. Again, cheaper is not better. There are good hosting services for $ 100 a year or even a little less. Anyone who offers you hosting for less than that should trigger a red flag. Choose and pay for at least a year, just as you have registered your domain name. If you are going with a monthly plan, you are probably not fully engaged in your new home business.

Now you have your domain name and hosting your new website, but where is the website and how can I get it? You have several options. You can learn HTML and build your own. You can use a WYSIWYG editor like FrontPage to create your own website. You can hire someone to build your website for you.

First, let's talk about learning HTML to build your own website for your home business. There is a learning curve here. This is the best option of the three that I mentioned above, but it takes time to learn. You will probably not be operational in a few days with this option. In the long run, it will save you a lot of money to learn HTML and build your own websites. The more websites you have in your wallet, the more you will have at least one who will be a big winner. Writing your own code means that you can create a new site as often as you want.

Then build your own home-based business website with a WYSIWYG publisher. (What you see is what you get). These editors are similar to creating a document. Everything is visual and you do not need to

Code a piece.

Then hiring a web designer to build your home business website is another option. A professional website designer knows how to give your website the look and feel you need. However, be careful when choosing a web designer. I will add a few things that you need to be aware of here;

1. If they say they will register the domain name for you, say no. Registering a domain name is not technically difficult. Do it yourself. Many web designers register the domain name at the cheapest place they can find, then charge you $ 100 or more per year for the domain name. Then, many of them record it in their own name! This will cause you huge problems if you decide to stop using their services. The domain name should always be in your name.

2. Ask them which program they use to build your website. If they will be using FrontPage or Dreamweaver or another WYSIWYG publisher, you may as well build your own home business website. If they do not write HTML from scratch, then they should not be in the web design business.

3. If they want to bill you monthly to run your website for you, be careful. Do not sign annual contracts. Their job is to build you a home business website. Let them stick to that. Most designers are just designers. They are not search engine gurus, business leaders, or anything else. Hire a designer to design and others to do what they are good at.

4. Do not let them talk about features you do not need. Just like used car salesmen, they will try to make you add a lot of bells and whistles you do not need.

5. A brochure website is one that is basically designed to just let people know what products or services you are providing and to contact you for more information. Usually it's a main page, a page about, and a contact page. It should not cost you more than $ 500.

6. If you are going to add the ability to purchase your product or service by paying for it through your home-based business website, then it becomes an ecommerce website. Again, pay attention to the bells and whistles that the used website seller is trying to sell you. PayPal is a good option when you are starting out. You can get a PayPal account easily. You can create your own purchase buttons and insert them into your website with the code they provide without being an HTML guru. You can even set the shipping costs and everything else via PayPal for free. They charge small percentages per sale, but the services they provide are worth it. In addition, they have no setup fees or monthly fees like other e-commerce solutions. When your sales volume reaches thousands of dollars a month, you can look for a better solution, but until then, use PayPal.

7. An old adage among those who make money on the web is "You build the first for the show and the rest for the dough". What does this mean? You will probably be very concerned about the appearance of your website at first, but the design is the least important aspect of your home web business. Many will disagree, but who cares? Let me repeat, design is the least important aspect of your home business. A beautiful website without traffic becomes uglier every day. An ugly website with the traffic that makes money becomes more beautiful by the dollar. Create a total budget for your home web business. Do not spend more than 30% of this budget on design. Spend the rest of your website promotion, advertising and other actions that bring you customers. Do not let a designer tell you that his design is more important than the success of your home-based business.

Now that your domain name, hosting and website are up and running, you now need customers. Where do you find them? I have my website, will not they find me now? NO, they will not do it.

There are many things you can do to get traffic. You can buy AdWords from Google, MSN (coming soon), or Yahoo. This sends you traffic from people who are looking for specific keywords. Pay attention to bidding and set your spending limits until you see what keywords will earn you.

I am an Internet infopreuner. If you like my articles, you may leave feed back. For more articles, please visit my website at:

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Tuesday 7 August 2018

How to Earn a Secure Residual Income From Home

OK, so you're here now,

And you're probably thinking about many things at this moment, but the one thing that's really pressing at the top of your to-do list is securing a way to generate secure income.

If I'm wrong in any way just let me know (wink)... But you're still reading my article - you have a "need" that you want my help with, true?

So let me explain something before we even get onto the part about you "earning" money...

For those of you who know hardship and struggle in life, I understand where you are at present - been there myself.

If you know what it's like to wake each day doing the same-old tired job, for the same old ungrateful boss/manager/director, you now have an opportunity to divorce your old working lifestyle for something more suited to your liking.

But don't be fooled!

I am not offering you another job, I'm not offering you a vacation, I'm not offering you an opportunity to become lazy and to throw your creativity aside - - -

Big, huge NOPE. We don't do that rubbish here ;) What I'm offering you is a proper opportunity to be in control of how you work, earning a residual income, even as you sleep...

How so? I hear you wondering.

The rich, powerful, and influential people of this world (those who had to work for their wealth) know about residual, or passive income.

If you've never heard of this until now, just know that if you truly desire real, continuous wealth then you need to be in there, earning that passive income.

The best way to understand this kind of income is to know how it differs from a wage that is paid to you for work that you do continually...

Building a residual/passive income is about doing work once and getting paid repeatedly for it each day, week, or month.

Yep. That's it - continuous money, if you have the knack of it.

So, you're now in the know about earning a residual income. Wealthy people know that it is not about working for the man if you truly wish to become rich.

You need to take matters into your own hands for this to happen. And here you're given all that you need to start this life-changing step with no cost to join and get started - imagine that!

No successful person ever allowed a lack of resources to hold them back from getting theirs. Clearly not - instead they fought for their right to be at the top, where they're at now...

Same place you probably want to be right now.

And then you might be one of those people who tend to watch the wealth of others, secretly wishing that it was your own wealth... I call this "watching and wishing." It gets you nowhere fast - nowhere ever, actually.

If you are the lazy kind who wants it all now, and never commits to the challenges that any business brings, then you may as well stop reading...

This opportunity to work on your OWN terms is ONLY for the individual who is earnest, wanting to "earn" their worth.

And so, I'd like to speak with you about stepping outside of your comfort zone...

This is wholly important for those of you who need to earn a living but usually fall short due to procrastination habits that have probably been bleeding you dry for a while now?

Having a "comfort zone" is all fine and well, providing that you know how to disengage from that place of comfort whenever needed.

Can you do that?

If you mean business and are serious about earning a solid residual home income, you'll know that falling shy to work is a sure way to forfeit your opportunity to create the lifestyle you need, and want.

There are vast opportunities just waiting for the hungry individual to step up and get busy.

This is the kind of business that gets you motivated to get up in the mornings, instead of wanting to stay in bed all lazy-like, producing nothing.

Have a good think about what it is that you need and want for yourself and your family (if you're providing for a family), once you've determined this then ask yourself WHY.

Becoming wealthy is about knowing the reason for your desires, making them count. Got a dream? Best you understand the nature and the root of that dream.

Want lots of money? Why? What's the reason behind the reason?

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I'll respond within 24 hours.

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Sunday 5 August 2018

Why Not Work From Home On Your Computer?

Earn An Income Online

Have you ever tried to earn an income through part-time work online hoping that you'll be able to do that full-time when you can support yourself from the earnings?

Many of the money-making systems are outdated when purchased, they made money for someone and are now sold even though the system has been replaced with an up to date system which you won't get a chance to see until someone has used it all up and it's outdated and on the selling block once again.

Let me tell you, making money online is no simple task and don't let anyone fool you into thinking that they have some get-rich-quick system. However, once you learn how everything works and can make nice websites, you can generate a great income as an affiliate marketer, in a niche that you love.

With about 3 billion potential internet viewers, you can do quite well in your own online business with very little financial investment, and $0 to start!

When I was searching for a career change and needed to exchange a very active job for something that didn't require so much physical labor. I wanted to choose an encore career that would be challenging and something that I could do from home even well into my retirement years.

Learn Something New

Well, I learned how to build a solid online business, expand it and take it to the next level. You can do this too, through part-time work online in the evenings and weekends and when you have time until you get things built up. Then you can choose if you want to go full-time or keep the day job and enjoy the additional income from your part-time efforts.

Your online business should not feel like a day job. Earning money online should be fun, and it is fun. Once the learning curve is complete you will start following a well laid out plan for success. After all of your online efforts start paying off, even with a low-income, you'll want to spend more time with it. You can be a witness of and take part in the growth process of your own successful online business.

Making Money Online

There are many ways to make money, even with part-time work online... 1000's of different ways in fact! The problem is that people often get distracted by the "latest and greatest" product or service and they aren't able to stick with one method and build a successful, and revenue generating online business.

There are 3 things that you will need, a nice website, education or knowledge, and some expert help.

Choose a Niche

A niche is a distinct segment of a market, in other words, an "audience". So when choosing a niche that fits you, you should be choosing something that is ideally an interest, a passion, a hobby, a problem, a need or a want.

Almost everything you can think of is a niche and that is why we are going to get you to choose your niche based on things that you are interested in.

You can earn money online from absolutely every single niche because there are billions of people out there searching every day.

This all starts with choosing a niche that you are interested in and will enjoy working with. The more that you enjoy something the less it feels like a job and the more productive you're going to be.

Building Your Own Website

Now that you have chosen your niche you are going to create your very own website.

My name is Pete and if you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come to see for yourself at the bottom of every page and Sign Up >>>

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