Showing posts with label ambition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ambition. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Life Equals Time - Style Equals Money

Put yourself in a position where you have... Time AND Money.

Become the best version of You. Invest money in yourself.

Put your money into things that make money.

Have the attitude that... Money is abundant and money is all around you.

You can survive weeks without food, days without water but only minutes without oxygen. As soon as you take away oxygen...

It becomes the most important thing in life!

It's something we seldom consciously think about, unless you take it away.

You don't think about breathing unless you can't breath... (And usually that only happens once).

However, when you don't have any money, it dominates your daily life... All Day Long - Everyday!

It's all you think about. Fortunately, when you get to the place in life where you have an abundance of money, a productive life changes and becomes about helping others.

And when you focus on helping others... You will be rewarded by "The Universe" and have even more abundance.

We can't prove it. Some call it spiritual, others call it karma, luck, favor... Science can't prove it. No machine can measure it. It just works!

Some call it "Faith."

You can then go out and bless others. Become an abundance warrior.

Set a personal goal. Surpass it. Learn how to empower others.

Build a social media influence and scale your business.

Get a digital product such as an automated webinar funnel.

And then put the webinar on replay.

People will purchase from the automated webinar.

Then, by promoting affiliate offers, the selling is done "auto-magically".

You just collect, keep, and cash the commission checks.

What a wonderful life!

Build... Grow... Scale... and Multiply

Always sounds so easy. But is it really?

The truth is NO, it is not.

It's hard and like anything worth having in life... It takes work!

That's the dirty little secret they don't tell you in the ads.

But the reality is... The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Become.

I saw Donald Trump at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City about a decade ago. It was a FREE speech, no charge to get in, no security checks, no bomb sniffing dogs. Open to the general public.

Anybody could come, no metal detectors.

It was a different world back then... Safer!

(I heard 'The Donald' got paid a million bucks for the speech).

I remember Trump was talking about Paul McCartney. Trump said... 'that poor bastard Paul McCartney' didn't have a pre-nup.

That divorce cost Paul a ton of money, No pre-nup!

After an interesting, unscripted and entertaining speech, at the end of the evening, 'The Donald' concluded his talk by saying something I'll never forget.

Donald Trump said... "Never, never, never, never, Never Give Up!"

Here it is now a decade later, and that still sticks in my mind.

Carl Willoughby is an internet entrepreneur that has been online more than 20 years and can help you start a successful online internet business. Visit his blog at:

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Tuesday 13 February 2018

Prosperity And Wealth Are Yours By Understanding The Law Of Abundance

Being grateful daily for simply one week is proven to have had advantages for aligning with the universal law of wealth and abundance by studies of psychologists.

Spiritual masters have actually understood and promoted gratitude for literally millennia for prosperity and abundance.

Personal transformation gurus also mention that how to attract wealth is through appreciation by being thankful for realizing your inner light of eternal being.

To attract money to you and other material pleasures is by being be grateful?

The easy answer is aligning with the law of abundance is to do the opposite of being unappreciative or feeling that you lack and that there is absolutely nothing to be grateful for.

There are always millions of needs to be grateful thus aligning oneself with the law of abundance, well-being, and overall peace of mind.

The principle of thankfulness is realizing your limitless abundant self and reflecting that prosperity mindset into your material world.

You can never lack things to be grateful for, since the real universe-- which is you from within where your true free will exists, never ceases to support you, even when it seems things are going wrong.

Things only appearing to be going in a wrong-minded direction is simply the real universe pointing out that your ego-based negativity is obscuring your inner Light of creation.

The Course in Miracles states, "The cornerstone of God's creation is you, for His thought system is light."

Why don't individuals get the lesson and continue to act as victims of an unjust and cruel world?

It is simply a valuable life lesson-- in appreciation.

Appreciation is not limited to winning in the stock market, or real estate values sky rocketing, and watching your bank account grow.

To be grateful can imply to realize that you have the power within you for how to attract wealth, today with exactly what you have within you at your inner core.

It's what the Course in Miracles terms, "Lights center."

Yes, the center of the light that you are!

I personally ensure that around you, right now, you have more than 25 to 35 things you could be grateful for.

Deciding to be appreciative triggers positive ideas and feelings and is how to attract money to you.

Can not you be grateful for the technology we have at our finger tips today?

How about having food on the table? What about clothes? Do you have any close acquaintances and friends and a loving family?

What if you could be appreciative for those things?

Previously we discussed more on when you think How to Change my Life, consider the law of attraction and its reflection principles

This is not a reason to beat yourself up, or a criticism that states you "ought to be" grateful. This can be disadvantageous.

Remember the old 'cliché' of our parents telling us when we were kids about all the starving people around the world when we wouldn't eat our vegetables? (I remember my little sister telling our Dad one evening at dinner, "Let's get their address and send them this terrible broccoli on my plate!)

That was funny, but my point is if anything it taught children to pack themselves beyond their physical need, worse yet created food addictions and obesity.

Exactly what this article is stating is that if you do select to be grateful, and you do have the power of the law of abundance.

It begins with the little things that possibly have been taken for granted, then increased prosperity and abundance in some capacity is in fact guaranteed if it is formed into a daily routine over the course, ideally of 21 days or more.

Begin being grateful today and start owning up to the universal law of abundance if you have ANY concerns in your life.

Start by jotting down in a journal every day for at least 21 days, and then onward, 7 things that you might be grateful for-- even if you feel there is absolutely nothing to be grateful for.

It will be like sowing a seed that will change your life for the better.

The Course in Miracles teaches, "Every idea has a purpose, and its purpose is always the natural outcome of what it is."

That said, begin a prosperity and abundance appreciation list of little and huge things that anybody could be grateful for, specifically when you are holding on to things which serves little sane or real purpose in order to just be cranky.

Yes, make a random list for you.

It is advised that you make your own list based on your goals and objectives. Beginning now, I mean in this instant, today.

Not later on. Not when you've remembered this article a few days from now, examined your email or anything else.

Now, put thankfulness into action and see exactly what it does for you.

One last thing we should consider, and say you've got an actually bad obstacle in your way that appears like it simply can not be fixed.

Maybe it's a longstanding health concern, or possibly you've been stuck in a self-created or "natural disaster" created monetary scenario that has been badgering you.

Sometimes, these apparently unfortunate occasions can be entirely turned around when trying to find the good in the situation.

Ask yourself: exactly what in this situation might teach me something, so I may move forward in life.

To a life of abundance and well-being! Hi, I'm James Nussbaumer, I'd like to introduce myself through my thought provoking self-improvement and inspirational books, articles, and other content which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. I'm also offering you a Free version of my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter, where you'll get updates on my weekly podcasts, videos, livestreams, other events and so much more, helping everyday people live life on their own terms. This is for folks who are interested in letting go of the past and attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wellness in their lives.

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Monday 12 February 2018

Get Free Marketing From YouTube

Why should you take the time to market on YouTube? There are a lot of other sources for advertising that you can consider, so why would YouTube be one of the options that you put on your list. There are actually the number of reasons why YouTube can work so well, sometimes way better than the other avenues, and this can be true no matter what type of product or service you are trying to sell.

Free marketing!

Firstly, and importantly if you don't have a large marketing budget, YouTube is free. While you will need to invest a bit of your time to figure out your target audience and to create the videos that you want to use, being able to upload and even make the videos that you want to upload will be completely free. What is another advertising source going to be free?

Video content is really powerful

In a world that is moving more and more online, content is king. And out of all this content, video content is some of the best. Many times people would rather watch information about a product or service online rather than read about it. Also, there is a chance that your video could go viral. If you make a video that is particularly good, emotional, funny, or something else, your video could have the potential to go viral in no time. What going viral means is that there could be thousands of people who will share your video with others they know. If it does really well, this could mean that your business is exposed to an infinite amount of people.

YouTube also appeals to a global and a local audience (perfect for local search success. Based on the types of keywords that you use, your video could be seen by people all over the world. You could even end up with clients from other countries if it all goes well. If you are worried about the reach going too far because you are just a local business, it is possible to change this so that you are only found by people in your region.

Demonstrate your expertise on YouTube

YouTube is fabulous for demonstrating your expertise. You can spend your videos giving away great tips, which help to show your viewers that you are the expert in your particular field. For many customers or clients that you are going after, they will have a choice between two businesses and you want to make sure that they pick you. If you have videos on YouTube that show why you are a good choice, this will help your business to stand out.

Make it once and let it sell for you

Just because you just spend a little bit of time on a video and then post it doesn't mean the work your video is doing is all done. Making a video is like one of the best salespeople in the world. You only have to make the video once and then load it to YouTube. Then the video can go to work, being available any time of the day or night that someone wants to take a look at it. And for each new video you create, you are making a new salesperson. There is really no limit to what you can do with this.

YouTube provides the customer with a face

Sometimes what you need is to provide the customer with a face, a person they can trust, in order to form that connection to make the sale. And since it is impossible for you to go out there and meet all of your customers, creating a video that can do this work for you can really help If you are camera shy, you can make a video that is in PowerPoint and then add in a headshot so people can still see how you look.

Search engine friendliness

Videos on YouTube are very SEO friendly as YouTube is owned by Google. This is really important. When someone is doing a search online, it is likely that a video is going to hold onto a top spot during the organic searches. If this ends up being your video, this is a big deal because for one reason or another, and your hard work, your video is standing out above the other links. And of course, more people are going to see your video if it is a ranked high in search results, however much you concentrate on your onsite SEO tactics.

When it comes to marketing your business, there really isn't a site that is better than working with YouTube. This website will allow you to make some content that will connect with the customers and if you do the process right, which we will discuss more in later chapters, you are going to get some of the best conversion rates and sales ever.

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Tuesday 30 January 2018

Ambiton - A Passion That Motivates

Life is a competition - a daring adventure, and success usually comes to those who are ambitious. Ambition is a deep desire for achievement, and is propelled by an internal drive to fulfill one's dreams.

"Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude for achieving his goals; nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong attitude," says Thomas Jefferson.

Without ambition life is as insipid as a dish without salt and spices. No matter how intelligent and talented a person is, he will not be able to achieve much without ambition. Ambition gives us a purpose in life and helps to escape mediocrity. It envisages no short cuts. Sacrifices will have to be made and oppositions overcome. But nothing can compare with the joy of achieving one's goal.

There are people who are famous today because they did not abandon their ambitions. Nobody believed that a blind boy like David Hartman would become a doctor one day. He was discouraged by family and friends. His applications for admission to various medical colleges were ignored until Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia decided to give him a chance. The obstacles that seemed insurmountable were conquered through sheer determination and David completed his course successfully. Those who doubted a blind man's ability to complete such a rigorous course had to admit that David Hartman was 'supernormal.'

Bettina Bechgaard a 19 year old Ballet dancer who was to perform at the Sadler Wells Theatre in London, was knocked down by a car that left her with multiple fractures of her limbs and in a semi-comatose condition. But her fierce determination through grinding weeks of pain set her back on her dancing feet after a long period of recuperation. Through physiotherapy, psychotherapy and counseling, Bettina was back to dancing. Her strong ambition took control of her body and enabled her to perform pirouettes and other intricate steps. Nobody even noticed the hint of a wobble at times.

Poverty did not dampen the ambitions of many famous writers, who early in life had to struggle to survive, yet never succumbed to defeat. In his autobiography "Tell the Tale," Gabriel Garcia Marquez tells how he was desperate to write and be read. He kept scraps of paper in his pocket and kept writing through his penury and hardships. He even had to borrow a typewriter to type out his manuscripts. The world cheers at his rise to fame.

Stephen King the famous author was so poor that he had to borrow clothes for his wedding. He lived in a caravan with his wife on a hand-to-mouth existence. But poverty did not turn him away from his ambition of writing. Today he is one of the best known and richest of writers.

The story of J. K. Rowling's rise to fame is unbelievable. She had to type out the manuscript of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' which was 90,0000 words long, on an old type writer. Each time she was rejected, she had to type the manuscript all over again, and the rejections were many. To her good luck the daughter of the CEO of Bloomsbury read the story and loved it. Since then Rowling has never looked back.

It is said that "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept, were toiling upwards through the night."

Qualities of an ambitious person:
- He is the architect and builder of his life.
- He is organized, focused and self-motivated.
- He is persistent. "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again."
- He keeps his ears and eyes open for new ideas.
- He makes the best of the opportunities that come his way to enhance his personal development and growth.

How to stay true to one's ambition.
- Believe in the tremendous potential in every human being.
- Believe in yourself and be spurred on by your desire to excel.
- Define your values and goals.
- Chalk out workable plans to achieve your dreams.
- Never quit.

Some people have bad ambitions. They have a one-track mind to achieve wealth and power no matter on whose feet they trample and how many lives they destroy. This is not ambition but greed.

Joseph Conrad says "All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upwards on the miseries and credulities of mankind."

Oprah Winfrey who is now a famous superstar with her own TV Network is an example of somebody with ambition and drive. She fought her way through racism, sexual abuse, and obesity to educate herself and work her way to the top.

"Never envisage defeat," says Norman Vincent Peale, "Giving up is defeat of a personality." He encourages people to live by the principle "I can if I think I can."

Eva Bell is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists,
She is a freelance writer, and her articles, short stories and children's stories have been published in magazines, newspapers, on the Net, and in several anthologies.
She is the author of:
Novels - "Silver Amulet," "When Shadows Flee," "Halo of Deceit," "Runaway Widow" "Power Surge in Eden." "Knee Jerks and Gallop Rhythms."
Non-Fiction- "Grace Abounding," "Womanism- The Adventure of being a Woman."
Children's Books: "Lost on the beach," "Sniffer Dog and other stories." "Wandering into Wonderland."
E-books: Cactus Hill, Survival Strategies in an Angry World, Storm in the Desert, Womanism and Runaway Widow, Back From Beyond (Amazon Kindle.) The Singing Gondolier(Amazon Kindle)

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