Showing posts with label earn money from home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earn money from home. Show all posts

Monday 19 February 2018

Getting Targeted Traffic For Free

Getting targeted traffic for free is not as difficult as you may think. The most important thing is to make sure your free traffic is qualified and from good sources. Some of these sources will cost some money but many of them are going to be at no cost.

One of the best kinds of free traffic is when you use the search engines to help you.

Here are some excellent sources:

1. Traffic from local search engine pages - It is relatively easy to claim a local page for your business. If you add reasonable content and links to your main website, this is a super easy way to generate quick traffic that can convert for you. Best of all, if you have a local business you will be adding gravity to your local searches.

2. Build Multiple HubPages - These platforms are free to build and if you post high quality content, follow the rules and deliver for your readers, you can drive traffic from the search engines right to your main website. You will need to add ongoing content and remember to research and follow suggestions from top page creators so that you don't get banned.

3. Reverse Engineer Google Alerts - Google alerts is a fantastic tool for having content find you. By using long tailed keywords related to your niche, you can keep up with press releases, competitors, video, blogs and just about any kind of latest and greatest content that people are putting online. By following content streams to blogs based on your keywords, you can post responses to what people are looking for and answer their questions (For example Yahoo answers). These answers can have a link to your website or blog, thereby drawing traffic from the search engines.

4. YouTube Videos Posted Under High Trafficked Videos - YouTube is one of the best ways to generate free traffic that is also targeted. By finding one of the top trafficked videos in your niche and creating a video response to it, you can post your video and expect to receive a small percentage of its traffic on an ongoing basis. Anyone can create a video response and don't forget to add links to your website/ squeeze page in your description.

These are just some of the ways you can get free and targeted traffic. If you think about it free traffic is everywhere and you can find new sources of targeted traffic if you look for it.

Discover an endless supply of targeted website traffic that you can get for little or no money involved. Learn how to get "No Cost" targeted web traffic to all of your money sites in my Traffic Tips 101 training guide today! You have nothing to lose and a ton of "FREE" targeted website visitors to gain.

Your online reputation is the most important asset that your business has! Let us show you how to use your 5 Star Reputation to get more customers go to Truman Marketing and let us show you how!

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Saturday 17 February 2018

Increasing Website Traffic, With Quality Context


Review the website for quality content. The information should be presented in simple, concise and practical language, with particular attention paid to good grammar and correct spelling. Ensure that the navigation is simple.

Your website branding, appearance and usability are a reflection of your business, so make sure to have good design and strong functionality.


It is good business to provide a way for customers to contact you, either by phone, email, or through a contact form. Have processes in place to respond to inquiries when customers contact you. Make sure that orders are filled properly and promptly, with the least possible inconvenience to the customer.

Here is a look at where website visitors come from and how to maximize each traffic channel:

Direct visitors - These are people who type in your domain name and go directly to your website. Three key tactics are regularly used to increase direct visitor traffic:

Memorable domain names - Choosing the right domain name to represent your business online can have a significant impact on visitor traffic. An existing business should generally try to use an established name as its domain name. For example, Joe's Beach Pails should obtain a domain name such as or By doing so, Joe is taking advantage of the branding that his company has achieved. People who are already familiar with the real world Joe's Beach Pails company will easily remember the domain name, which will make locating the website more intuitive.

Offline advertising and promotion - Business cards, postcards, traditional direct mail, newspaper ads, flyers, giveaways and brochures that feature a domain name are all excellent ways to promote a website. A good marketing campaign will use a combination of offline advertising techniques to direct a potential customer to your website where you can display more detailed sales information and encourage the visitor to make contact or to buy.

Viral marketing - The premise of viral marketing is that there is nothing quite as valuable as a friend's referral. On the Internet it is quick and easy to let someone know about a great website, company or product. Like a virus, a good idea can be spread at an incredible rate, passing from person to person and steadily increasing awareness of your website. By turning your own customers into sales agents, your business can implement viral marketing as an effective, inexpensive promotional tool.

Visitors who find you through search engines - Most people find websites through the help of a search engine or directory, so it is important that your website be properly listed and accessible to users.

Search engine services: Since listing a website can sometimes be a complicated process, you may find it easier to hire a business that specializes in search engine submission and website optimization. When you do, it is a good idea to check into the business' deliverables, follow-up services, customer service and track record.

Paid ads - All major search engines and directories offer a range of advertising options to suit every budget and every type of marketing campaign. Here's an overview of some of the options that are available:

Buying a higher ranking position - Search engines will provide your business with a higher ranking position if you buy a search term. For example, the term "fishing" may be bought by B's Fishing Store. When a visitor searches for the term "fishing", B's listing will appear at the top of the list, but will be identified as a paid listing.

Pay-per-click ads - Some search engines and websites offer an advertising option in which you are only charged for the actual number of clicks to your website. For example, when a visitor searches on the term "fishing", the ad and the link to B's Fishing Store website is displayed. If the visitor actually clicks on it, then B's Fishing Store will be billed.

Banner ads - Many sites offer banner advertising. You can negotiate various deals and models. Banner ads can be set to display based on the demographics or behavioural characteristics of the visitor (such as last few sites viewed) which are tracked through the visitor's browser cookies. Banner ads are often designed in multiple versions and then tested online to see which ones are most effective.

Linked visitors - By its nature the Internet connects people with other people and businesses, and encourages cross-linking and cross-integration. To drive more traffic to your website, it makes sense to have as many other websites as possible link back to yours. Many search engines also use the number and quality of links directing people back to your website when calculating the ranking position: the more quality links, the higher the position. Note, however, that paid links won't impact your ranking; only organic (free) ones will.

Depending on the type of website you have, you will have different linking strategies available to you. A website rich in content will be a more valued link than a business website that simply promotes its own product. There are various opportunities to explore.

Free links - Sources of potential free links include:

Clubs, organizations, and business affiliations to which you belong

Partners, suppliers, resellers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers

Niche business directories, government directories or non-profit organization sites

Paid links - Some of the same sources as above, plus:

Industry magazines, directories, news sites

Local government or business associations

Resource websites, online malls, search terms, retail directories

Banner/display advertising - This is available on a vast range of websites from search engines to portals to industry-specific websites. When planning a banner advertising campaign, you need a significant budget in order to sustain the ad strategy. One benefit of banner advertising is that the creative aspect can be tested while the campaign is still running and extensive data can be collected to measure the success of the campaign. The results can be used to adjust the design or the placement of the ads throughout the campaign.

Improving ranking

Improving visibility is known as search engine optimization, and you can do this as you create your content.

While each search engine uses its own algorithm for ranking, they each examine headings and descriptions. It is therefore wise to focus your energy in these areas.

Tips to improve ranking

Use reader-friendly words over industry terms

Write descriptions that attract readers and that represent your website

Link to reputable, complementary businesses and have them link to your website

Incorporate keywords, but remember that keyword flooding can lower your ranking

Submit your website to topic-specific and audience-specific directories

Limit your use of images and graphs; consider supplementing with plain text links

Promote your website and give readers a reason to visit it

Once your website's ranking has improved, keep it that way by reviewing these steps on a regular basis and making changes to your site when needed.

Thank you for reading

Sylvain owner of

Please visit my blog for more information about SEO, making money online, via blog or other program.

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Tuesday 13 February 2018

Prosperity And Wealth Are Yours By Understanding The Law Of Abundance

Being grateful daily for simply one week is proven to have had advantages for aligning with the universal law of wealth and abundance by studies of psychologists.

Spiritual masters have actually understood and promoted gratitude for literally millennia for prosperity and abundance.

Personal transformation gurus also mention that how to attract wealth is through appreciation by being thankful for realizing your inner light of eternal being.

To attract money to you and other material pleasures is by being be grateful?

The easy answer is aligning with the law of abundance is to do the opposite of being unappreciative or feeling that you lack and that there is absolutely nothing to be grateful for.

There are always millions of needs to be grateful thus aligning oneself with the law of abundance, well-being, and overall peace of mind.

The principle of thankfulness is realizing your limitless abundant self and reflecting that prosperity mindset into your material world.

You can never lack things to be grateful for, since the real universe-- which is you from within where your true free will exists, never ceases to support you, even when it seems things are going wrong.

Things only appearing to be going in a wrong-minded direction is simply the real universe pointing out that your ego-based negativity is obscuring your inner Light of creation.

The Course in Miracles states, "The cornerstone of God's creation is you, for His thought system is light."

Why don't individuals get the lesson and continue to act as victims of an unjust and cruel world?

It is simply a valuable life lesson-- in appreciation.

Appreciation is not limited to winning in the stock market, or real estate values sky rocketing, and watching your bank account grow.

To be grateful can imply to realize that you have the power within you for how to attract wealth, today with exactly what you have within you at your inner core.

It's what the Course in Miracles terms, "Lights center."

Yes, the center of the light that you are!

I personally ensure that around you, right now, you have more than 25 to 35 things you could be grateful for.

Deciding to be appreciative triggers positive ideas and feelings and is how to attract money to you.

Can not you be grateful for the technology we have at our finger tips today?

How about having food on the table? What about clothes? Do you have any close acquaintances and friends and a loving family?

What if you could be appreciative for those things?

Previously we discussed more on when you think How to Change my Life, consider the law of attraction and its reflection principles

This is not a reason to beat yourself up, or a criticism that states you "ought to be" grateful. This can be disadvantageous.

Remember the old 'cliché' of our parents telling us when we were kids about all the starving people around the world when we wouldn't eat our vegetables? (I remember my little sister telling our Dad one evening at dinner, "Let's get their address and send them this terrible broccoli on my plate!)

That was funny, but my point is if anything it taught children to pack themselves beyond their physical need, worse yet created food addictions and obesity.

Exactly what this article is stating is that if you do select to be grateful, and you do have the power of the law of abundance.

It begins with the little things that possibly have been taken for granted, then increased prosperity and abundance in some capacity is in fact guaranteed if it is formed into a daily routine over the course, ideally of 21 days or more.

Begin being grateful today and start owning up to the universal law of abundance if you have ANY concerns in your life.

Start by jotting down in a journal every day for at least 21 days, and then onward, 7 things that you might be grateful for-- even if you feel there is absolutely nothing to be grateful for.

It will be like sowing a seed that will change your life for the better.

The Course in Miracles teaches, "Every idea has a purpose, and its purpose is always the natural outcome of what it is."

That said, begin a prosperity and abundance appreciation list of little and huge things that anybody could be grateful for, specifically when you are holding on to things which serves little sane or real purpose in order to just be cranky.

Yes, make a random list for you.

It is advised that you make your own list based on your goals and objectives. Beginning now, I mean in this instant, today.

Not later on. Not when you've remembered this article a few days from now, examined your email or anything else.

Now, put thankfulness into action and see exactly what it does for you.

One last thing we should consider, and say you've got an actually bad obstacle in your way that appears like it simply can not be fixed.

Maybe it's a longstanding health concern, or possibly you've been stuck in a self-created or "natural disaster" created monetary scenario that has been badgering you.

Sometimes, these apparently unfortunate occasions can be entirely turned around when trying to find the good in the situation.

Ask yourself: exactly what in this situation might teach me something, so I may move forward in life.

To a life of abundance and well-being! Hi, I'm James Nussbaumer, I'd like to introduce myself through my thought provoking self-improvement and inspirational books, articles, and other content which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. I'm also offering you a Free version of my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter, where you'll get updates on my weekly podcasts, videos, livestreams, other events and so much more, helping everyday people live life on their own terms. This is for folks who are interested in letting go of the past and attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wellness in their lives.

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Saturday 10 February 2018

7 Reasons Behind Growing Importance of Content Marketing in 2017

1.) It aids marketers make more money, generate more sales & pull in unexpected customers 

• This one sentence sums it up for me as if a marketing strategy does not help you make profit; Small businesses depend on large sales, and content Marketing.

2.) It helps you build valuable relationships and it is cheaper than other forms of marketing 

• It helps marketers create valuable relationships with their audiences and make sales.

• It can help build deals and relationship to boost sales by meeting prospects wherever they are at in the purchasing process and cajoling them forward by giving the knowledge they need to make their next stride. If you do this in a right way, you can convert them to walk them down on your path and increase ROI.

3.) It enhances your Brand Image and helps you make a Personal Connection 

• Businesses of various kinds can enhance their brand image by creating different types of brandings and sharing quality content. Subsequently, building up a content marketing plan can be a power-full game changer for your business' online growth.

• It is very powerful in establishing a personal relationship with users. Content that has your own personal touch helps you have chance to increase followers in the marketplace. By exposure of high-quality content consistently, you can develop the trust of your audience that will help you establish your name as a brand and nowadays people only like brands. It will help you to enhance your Digital Marketing Company brand image as well.

4.) It enhances Customer Engagement & helps you beat your Competitors 

• Content marketing lets marketers see execution through live on Facebook platform it will increase more traffic on your page and chance to make better relationship with users. This is the very personalized tool nowadays to make content effective. It is so, because your audiences love it; it is low cost-effective; it engages your customers, produces more popularity and helps you beat your competitors in a sustainable way.

• Value of content marketing is as if you have two platforms with similar Performa will prefer engaging with the one that includes content in their online marketing strategy like Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. This sustainable effort will makes your company unique, which helps you enjoy superiority in your industry in more powerful manner.

5.) Content marketing can work with any Industry, can let Non-Profits make Profits & can Attract People with Real Interest in Your Brand 

• The power of content marketing in 2017 is people will follow anything that they don't know and it will be knowledgeable. It will be time consuming people will connect through the world with the help of content and internet.

• It is very important that you build strong relationship and well-targeted and customized content marketing strategy with the help of digital marketing company.

6.) It is very powerful in Improving your Customer Experience & growing Long-term Audiences 

• Importance of Content Marketing includes in its ability of improving customer experiences and ensuring long-term facilities of audiences. Great content material gives brands something highlighted to talk about with their clients beyond complaints and difficulties, compliments, or inquiries. Each interaction you have with a prospect or customer can give you knowledge and increase the inquiries/issues they have.

• Through content marketing, you can answer those questions clearly and early in the process that helps you reduce the amount of complaints and confusions. Each part of content offers a great opportunity to hook new personalities and grow your fan base. As such gathering of audiences grows; you will have a much greater base of individuals willing to share your content that is the huge advantage of digital content marketing.

• Rather than beginning without any preparation as in traditional marketing, you can establish on your own success through content marketing with the way you want to. You can use follow up strategies with the help of digital marketing or email nurturing and social media marketing that help you enjoy steady gains in your users.

7.) It can help marketers increase Email Response Rates & encourage Virality 

• Content Marketing company importance includes its ability to increase email response rates and encourage Virality of internet population marketing campaigns. The email trafficking will increase rates it can be effectively increased by keeping professional communication intact through efficient content marketing by understanding site's audience and channelizing custom-fit campaigns.

• All the interactions that you have with a prospect or customer through Facebook, LinkedIn and Google. Whether in person, in phone call, in email, or through other traditional marketing methods, you have to be focused on giving value and truthful substance.

• For effective It, you need to create something that is highly interesting and entertaining like an interesting post on Facebook, Twitter and Google. Then you are ready to see special kind of Virality for your brand that no other marketing channel can provide.

This article has been written by Amit Kumar. This firm is the topmost SEO Company in Delhi helping firms to rank high. Choose this Digital marketing company in Delhi to boost your sales.

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Thursday 8 February 2018

Learning the Art of Digital Marketing From Your Competitors

An all-encompassing content marketing strategy, white hat organic SEO practices, consistent link building efforts and solid social media marketing, well, this sure makes for a killer digital marketing strategy.

But hey, too much of it all, and you're only doing what the rest of the world is doing. Today, let's try and look through the things a little differently.

Let's deal with a few questions first.

Do you remember when exactly was the last time you ran a competitive analysis? Don't mind me asking it, but have you ever done it at all? If your answer is a big, naive no, then perhaps you don't have any idea how your digital marketing strategy stands compared to your competitors.

Let me tell you a secret, peeping over your competitors can be an unexpectedly wonderful can massively help you find your own shortcomings and in the process, help you get better at the game. I'm sure you've heard this saying countless times before - keep your friends close, and your enemies, even closer. And in the realm of online marketing, this is one quote you need to live by.

See, every business that exists on this planet has at least a competitor who's aiming for the bigger portion of the pie. So doesn't it make sense to know how your competitors are sailing more smoothly than you when both of you are dealing in the same products or services. If you look at it closely, it's quite a creative way to get a better understanding of your target audience. Once you're familiar with the tactics, you can formulate some really killer strategies.

So here are some of the things your business competitors can teach you about digital marketing.

Target audience and traffic: I'm sure that you think that you have a fair idea of who your customers are and where they come from. But a simple analysis can determine whether any of your competitors is attracting more traffic than you or not. It they actually are, it would be a wise idea to go for the strategies they're going for.

Content that matters: It's a misconception that anything that's original, it sells. Within an industry, there is only a limited type of content that gets shared. It could be anything - blog posts or weekly quizzes and surveys or Q&As. Perhaps your competitors know it better than you do.

You also get to know what doesn't work: The best way to progress is actually to learn through others' mistakes, don't you think? Your competitors can also go wrong. So it's a good idea to constantly monitor their marketing campaigns and learn what catches the eye and what just doesn't work with the masses.

The key here is to learn from those who are better at this game. And once you've figured out the key players, you make their good moves better and avoid their failures.

And yes, always remember that there's no substitute to originality.

If you're not comfortable managing your digital marketing, it's best to hire an agency. Would love to learn more about it, schedule a call +91-9999-30-3344 with Brands Martini's digital marketing experts today.

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Tuesday 30 January 2018

Ambiton - A Passion That Motivates

Life is a competition - a daring adventure, and success usually comes to those who are ambitious. Ambition is a deep desire for achievement, and is propelled by an internal drive to fulfill one's dreams.

"Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude for achieving his goals; nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong attitude," says Thomas Jefferson.

Without ambition life is as insipid as a dish without salt and spices. No matter how intelligent and talented a person is, he will not be able to achieve much without ambition. Ambition gives us a purpose in life and helps to escape mediocrity. It envisages no short cuts. Sacrifices will have to be made and oppositions overcome. But nothing can compare with the joy of achieving one's goal.

There are people who are famous today because they did not abandon their ambitions. Nobody believed that a blind boy like David Hartman would become a doctor one day. He was discouraged by family and friends. His applications for admission to various medical colleges were ignored until Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia decided to give him a chance. The obstacles that seemed insurmountable were conquered through sheer determination and David completed his course successfully. Those who doubted a blind man's ability to complete such a rigorous course had to admit that David Hartman was 'supernormal.'

Bettina Bechgaard a 19 year old Ballet dancer who was to perform at the Sadler Wells Theatre in London, was knocked down by a car that left her with multiple fractures of her limbs and in a semi-comatose condition. But her fierce determination through grinding weeks of pain set her back on her dancing feet after a long period of recuperation. Through physiotherapy, psychotherapy and counseling, Bettina was back to dancing. Her strong ambition took control of her body and enabled her to perform pirouettes and other intricate steps. Nobody even noticed the hint of a wobble at times.

Poverty did not dampen the ambitions of many famous writers, who early in life had to struggle to survive, yet never succumbed to defeat. In his autobiography "Tell the Tale," Gabriel Garcia Marquez tells how he was desperate to write and be read. He kept scraps of paper in his pocket and kept writing through his penury and hardships. He even had to borrow a typewriter to type out his manuscripts. The world cheers at his rise to fame.

Stephen King the famous author was so poor that he had to borrow clothes for his wedding. He lived in a caravan with his wife on a hand-to-mouth existence. But poverty did not turn him away from his ambition of writing. Today he is one of the best known and richest of writers.

The story of J. K. Rowling's rise to fame is unbelievable. She had to type out the manuscript of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' which was 90,0000 words long, on an old type writer. Each time she was rejected, she had to type the manuscript all over again, and the rejections were many. To her good luck the daughter of the CEO of Bloomsbury read the story and loved it. Since then Rowling has never looked back.

It is said that "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept, were toiling upwards through the night."

Qualities of an ambitious person:
- He is the architect and builder of his life.
- He is organized, focused and self-motivated.
- He is persistent. "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again."
- He keeps his ears and eyes open for new ideas.
- He makes the best of the opportunities that come his way to enhance his personal development and growth.

How to stay true to one's ambition.
- Believe in the tremendous potential in every human being.
- Believe in yourself and be spurred on by your desire to excel.
- Define your values and goals.
- Chalk out workable plans to achieve your dreams.
- Never quit.

Some people have bad ambitions. They have a one-track mind to achieve wealth and power no matter on whose feet they trample and how many lives they destroy. This is not ambition but greed.

Joseph Conrad says "All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upwards on the miseries and credulities of mankind."

Oprah Winfrey who is now a famous superstar with her own TV Network is an example of somebody with ambition and drive. She fought her way through racism, sexual abuse, and obesity to educate herself and work her way to the top.

"Never envisage defeat," says Norman Vincent Peale, "Giving up is defeat of a personality." He encourages people to live by the principle "I can if I think I can."

Eva Bell is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists,
She is a freelance writer, and her articles, short stories and children's stories have been published in magazines, newspapers, on the Net, and in several anthologies.
She is the author of:
Novels - "Silver Amulet," "When Shadows Flee," "Halo of Deceit," "Runaway Widow" "Power Surge in Eden." "Knee Jerks and Gallop Rhythms."
Non-Fiction- "Grace Abounding," "Womanism- The Adventure of being a Woman."
Children's Books: "Lost on the beach," "Sniffer Dog and other stories." "Wandering into Wonderland."
E-books: Cactus Hill, Survival Strategies in an Angry World, Storm in the Desert, Womanism and Runaway Widow, Back From Beyond (Amazon Kindle.) The Singing Gondolier(Amazon Kindle)

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Monday 29 January 2018

Is Everyone Capable Of Successfully Doing Work From Home?

Work from home or freelancing looks to be a great idea. Isn't it? Many people think that working from home for any business, online job, or freelancing gives them more space and freedom. Definitely, it does. It has many advantages I'm going to discuss later, however, one must not disregard the demands and disadvantages of it also.


Let's talk about both the positives and negatives of work from home:

Work according to your own schedule: This is perhaps the greatest advantage you have in home-based work. You can make a flexible schedule according to your comfort level. You start or stop work whenever you like. If you feel a bit need to have rest, you just shut down and take a break. Some people like to work in the late evening or night hours. They will be more than happy if they get a work at home opportunity. You can have lunch, dinner, tea, and coffee whenever you feel like to. Just relax, make your own timetable and work anytime or any length of hours round the clock. Manage time as you feel comfortable.

Be your own BOSS: Unlike office-based jobs, you don't have a BOSS. No one will come to your desk to check whether you are working or not. No reporting to and scolding by BOSS at all. 'No sword is hanging over the head' is one of the most relaxing thoughts for many people. Therefore, no or less stress than office work.

Can be managed on weekends or part-time: Flexibility is one of the biggest advantages of work from home. If your work is not too much stretched out, you can manage it on weekends and as part-time along with a regular job. If you are working with a company that allows working as much as easily manageable, you must take the advantage of work from home. It would be a great source of making money, though may not be very highly paid. However, with a few hours of weekly working, you can make some extra bucks.

Decorate your office place as you like: Not only time, space is also yours in work from home. You can fix a corner for your table and computer system wherever you like. Decorate it with flowers, photos, colors and things of your choice. If and when need, you can change the place also. If your work is mostly computer-based, you can sit with your laptop on the lawn, roof-top, balcony etc. Not bound to a single space.

A lot of saving: When you join an office, you need to go to the job 5 days a week. You have to maintain a proper wardrobe as well as taking out a chunk of money for monthly transportation and food expenses. Sometimes, your office is located far away and reaching there is no less than a hassle. Or you have to rely on outside food which you don't like. Some of the companies offer to give pick and drop and food for the employees for a reasonable cutting from their salary. But that way, they get a great facility. Wardrobe, transportation, and food expenses eat up a great portion of your paycheck. Work from home totally minuses the expenses of wardrobe and transportation. Then remains the food only which you enjoy in the form of home-made healthy and low-priced meals.

No frustrating co-workers or workplace issues: One of the biggest and stressful problems of office and a regular job is the presence of unpleasant and non-cooperative co-workers. Harassment is also a great workplace issue for females especially. Work from home saves you from these frustrating things which can have a negative effect on your health and career growth also.


Above were a few positives of work from home. Now, let's have a look at negatives also:

Laziness: Work from home gives you the advantage of time flexibility but it also demands a great self-discipline. If you are lazy, you can't meet the deadlines. You must have to make a timetable and set daily working hours to run it smoothly. Postponing the work for the next day will hurt your progress.

Working alone offers no competition: Presence of co-workers offers a competitive environment and motivates you to work better and better. Work at home has nothing like that. You are your own competitor there so performance comparison is also not involving. Competing with, and defeating your own self is not easy for everyone.

Providing a space at home: If you have plenty of space at home, well and good. But if you are living in a tight space, taking out a room for home-based work may be difficult. Additionally, you may have to tolerate the noise and disturbance by kids and family.

Lack of communication in-between the team: If you are working for a remote or out-of-country employer, you feel a lack of communication with other teammates and employers. Online meetings and chat can't produce the results as the face-to-face and office-based jobs offer. Time difference between the countries also matters. You may need to wait for the meeting or chat for long hours.

Work ethics and culture: Ethics and culture matter a lot if you are working for an out-of-country employer. If an African is working for an American company, he/she may have to face cultural and behavioral issues. Some cultures don't like to hear NO from the employees; some encourage to express their opinion. So work from home may also be stressful due to cultural differences.

So these are the positives as well as negatives involved in work from home. If you like it, you must keep all these aspects in mind. Take into account all the facets before plunging into home-based work. It is not suitable for everyone. If you are ready to take on and fulfill the demands of work from home, go ahead. If not, prefer an office based job instead.

Rizwanaa Shaikh is fond of reading and writing on general topics and issues. She believes in bringing awareness and positive changes to the public through writing. She can be found on Twitter: @Rashwriter.

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Sunday 28 January 2018

How To Manage Your Own Amazon Business From Home

The internet has given new businessmen the facility to launch their business with more ease, but it can still be difficult to get a strong foothold. Although, there are a huge number of retail websites online, a few major brands carry on dominating, much like the conventional high street retail. At the moment, Amazon is the biggest online retailer of all. The reality is that very few companies will ever be able to fight with Amazon. In this situation, the most excellent thing that you can do if you want to establish an online retail business from home is to get involved with Amazon, and turn it to your maximum benefit. Read on to find out the basics of getting up and managing your own Amazon business. You'll realize that by treating Amazon as a partner, you too can set up earning a great living from home.

Understanding how you should sell products in the retail setting means understanding what customers look for when they purchase them. Of course, every customer glances at the highest quality products at the lowest possible prices. If you can put forward something truly ground-breaking, or enter an existing sector with lesser prices, you can definitely attract a large amount of interest in your business. However, this interest is only useful if it turns into revenue.

Amazon is the biggest online retailer, in view of the fact that it is a brand that customers trust. If you begin selling on Amazon, they'll trust you too. To start with, you need to sign up for a seller account with Amazon. The standard Basic Seller Account is free, and offered to those vendors that sell less than 35 products a month. Products can be listed in up to 20 special categories, and you will basically pay a fee for each product sold.

As your business develops, you would like to upgrade to a Pro Seller Account. This type of account is charged at a minimal fess, and incorporates the ability to create new products, and sell them across up to 25 special categories. Even otherwise, an Amazon SEO Company can guide you more on how to manage your Amazon business in an efficient way. For checking the status of an Amazon SEO Company, always read the customer reviews that may have been publicized on their website. If they've made success for a particular product on Amazon, in all likelihood they have the resources to do it yet again.

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Monday 22 January 2018

How to Make Money Selling On Amazon

You might be interested in learning how to make money selling on Amazon and earn commissions for your sincere efforts. There are many internet marketers who are earning good revenue due to the rising popularity of the internet and online shopping. Identifying how to make money selling on Amazon can lead to a flourishing internet business. Here, I will mention some supportive tips that can help you achieve this all together.

Identifying how to make money selling on Amazon is not as difficult as you think it. How to make money selling on Amazon involves some information, and understanding of what to carry out and when? Furthermore, it does need a certain skill set to effectively get a campaign up and running. For the beginners, you are required to decide on which platform you have to build a website. Keep in mind that Amazon will need to endorse your website at the time you submit an application for the affiliate program. In this situation, the best way is getting a functional website about the products you would like, together with some unique content. You will get approved at once, and then you will be able to sell your products utilizing Amazon links.

As I said earlier that making money selling on Amazon is not certainly that difficult, but it does necessitate you to apply some fundamental internet marketing principles and techniques. Some of these would incorporate keyword research, building basic websites, learning SEO techniques, website promotion, and many others. Fortunately, these things are something everyone can carry out.

Paid advertising may deliver results for you; however, they are expensive because they are removed as soon as your subscription ends. On the other hand, Amazon SEO provides you with the everlasting publicity. An Amazon SEO expert creates an outline on how you can perk up the visibility of your listing to boost the traffic flow to it and connect efficiently with your target market.

The booming internet marketers, the ones who distinguish how to make money selling on Amazon and with other affiliate networks have one thing in common i.e. Proper knowledge and Excellent training. As a part of well-planned strategy, keywords set your SEO drive and with the inclusion user-friendly, high-quality content specifically designed to increase your product visibility to targeted customers. Efficient search engine optimization steps are utilized by the Amazon SEO companies to provide your listing maximum exposure followed by better conversion rate, increased sales, and higher rankings.

Furthermore, an Amazon SEO Company can also help you more on how to make money selling on Amazon, along with efficient SEO techniques, Listing optimization, Website development, and many more.

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Saturday 13 January 2018

6 Incredible Benefits Of the Cryptocurrency

Over the past few years, people have been talking a lot about cryptocurrency. At first, this business sounded scary but people started developing trust in it. You may have heard of Ether and Bitcoin. They both are crypto currencies and use the Blockchain Technology for highest security possible. Nowadays, these currencies are available in several types. Let's know more about it.

How Can cryptocurrency help you?

As far as fraud is concerned, this type of currency can't be faked as it's in digital form and can't be reversed or counterfeited unlike the credit cards.

Immediate settlement

Buying real property involves third parties, such as lawyers and notary. So, delays can occur and extra costs may incur. On the other hand, Bitcoin contracts are designed and enforced in order to include or exclude third parties. The transactions are quick and settlements can be made instantly.

Lower fees

Typically, there is no transaction fee if you want to exchange Bitcoin or any other currency. For verifying a transaction, there are minors who get paid by the network. Although there is zero transaction fee, most buyers or sellers hire the services of a third-party, such as Coinbase for the creation and maintenance of their wallets. If you don't know, these services function just like Paypal that offers a web-based exchange system.

Identification of theft

Your merchant gets your full credit line when you provide them with your credit card. This is true even if the transaction amount is very small. Actually, what happens is that credit cards work based on a "pull" system where the online store pulls the required amount from the account associated with the card. On the other hand, the digital currencies feature a "push" mechanism where the account holder sends only the amount required without any additional information. So, there is no chance of theft.

Open access

According to statistics, there are around 2.2 billion people who use the Internet but not all of them have access to the conventional exchange. So, they can use the new form of payment method.


As far as decentralization is concerned, an international computer network called Blockchain technology manages the database of Bitcoin. In other words, Bitcoin is under the administration of the network, and there is no central authority. In other words, the network works on a peer-to-peer based approach.


Since cryptocurrency is not based on the exchange rates, transaction charges or interest rates, you can use it internationally without suffering from any problems. So, you can save a lot of time and money. In other words, Bitcoin and other currencies like this are recognized all over the world. You can count on them.

So, if you have been looking for a way to invest your extra money, you can consider investing in Bitcoin. You can either become a miner or investor. However, make sure you know what you are doing. Safety is not an issue but other things are important to be kept in mind. Hopefully, you will find this article helpful.

Bitmora is the new game changing development of today. If you are into digital currencies, we suggest that you check out Bitmora cryptocurrency exchange.

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Friday 12 January 2018

Setting Up a Small Business in 2018 - It's Not All About How Much Money You Have

When you think of starting a business, the first thing that comes to mind is money/capital. Of course, you need money to start a business, even if it is very little considering the fact how easy it is to start a business in the digital age. However, there could be many other factors that affect a business in today's digital economy-some you show serious concern to and some you don't really pay attention to much.

Blockchain Is Affecting All Types of Businesses

One of the biggest concerns for today's entrepreneurs before they start business is probably blockchain or crypto technology. The world is seeing the rise of crypto technology and how it is being integrated into the existing business ideas. A little more than a couple of years ago, you must have heard the term "bitcoin". From bitcoin, people still believe that blockchain is all about digital currency i.e. money in the digital world. However, this is far from truth. Blockchain is expected to affect all types of businesses and industries in the world in the coming days.

It is a technology that redefines the security aspect of many businesses in 2018, introduced decentralization in modern business technologies and benefits the end consumers in multiple ways. For example, you could launch a gaming platform where no one needs the existing currencies. You could launch your own platform with your own money today. You don't really have to start everything from the scratch; instead you could base your currency on the existing blockchain platforms like Ethereum. Through ICOs, you could have investors from around the world invest in your idea. So, blockchain is definitely a consideration for all businesses starting in 2018 and the coming years.

Physical Warehouses Are Not Necessary

A few years ago, only a certain types of business could be called truly online businesses. For businesses where products have to be stored for some time, a complete online presence was not the solution. Entrepreneurs who had such business ideas in mind had to have enough money to have their own warehouses. However, this has also changed quite a bit in the past couple of years. With the idea of drop shipping becoming common with time, it is becoming easier for businessmen to start their own businesses without much investment.

In a drop shipping model, all you have to do is collect orders from customers, forward those orders to the manufacturers or suppliers and have the goods shipped. You only act as a liaison in this particular model because it is the supplier that sends the products directly at the customers' doorsteps. You will still need an online store with all the products listed for customers to see. However, you don't need any warehouses because you don't have to own, buy or store any products. The good thing is that this model now allows drop shippers to offer much more competitive rates so penetrating into the market is easier for them.

Big Data Is the Big Difference

Another technology that has been influencing business decisions and the way businesses operate is big data. While the term "big data" seems that you are referring to just large amounts of data but in reality, you are also referring to the methodologies and technologies that are in use to handle big data. You will be completely wrong to think that traditional software and hardware solutions can deal with big data in any way. Let's take the example of a bank. A bank could have hundreds of branches located all around the country. In these hundreds of branches, the bank will have hundreds of thousands of customers.

The bank has account information of hundreds of thousands of these customers. In addition to that, the bank is constantly investing in stock and foreign markets, storing and utilizing that information. The same bank handles the data of all micro and macro loans it is forwarding to its customers. It is also storing information about customers through its mobile application to know what customers expect from the mobile website. On all of those hundreds of branches, the bank also has CCTV cameras collecting terabytes of footage on a daily basis.

Do you think all this data goes to waste? No, the data bank collected from banks is utilized in making bank branches securer. Data from mobile devices helps bank refine their mobile application. Data collected through financial softwares helps a bank improve its insurance, loan, mortgage, etc. offerings. It may seem on the surface that big data is a headache for big businesses only, but big data is just as important for small businesses as well. What this mean is that businesses starting in 2018 will have to have a big data approach right from day one.

Internet Security Is the Biggest Threat Now

It is unfortunate that rather than making the world a safer place, the new technology has led to greater internet threats. Cyber attacks are becoming more frequent with time, and much more sophisticated too. In the past few years, cyber attacks on some of the biggest companies of the world, including tech companies have proved that security has to be the major concern for every business-small, mid-scale or large. If you think starting a new business or having a small business gives you any advantage over large ones.

As a matter of fact, it's the small businesses that are at a higher risk when they are under any type of cyber attack. This is because large businesses have the technologies and capital to fight the attack, recover and get back on their feet again. On the other hand, small businesses usually don't have any of that.

Final Thoughts

The challenges for any small businesses in 2018 are much bigger and technology-related than they have ever been in the past. The need of the time for small business owners in 2018 is to say goodbye to the traditional thinking and embrace new technologies to be successful. They must also remember that in the modern age and coming years, every business is (like) a tech business to some extent due to its dependence on technology to collect customer data, create marketing campaigns and secure customer information.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at

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Tuesday 9 January 2018

The Basics of Cryptocurrency and the Way It Works

In the times that we're living in, technology has made unbelievable advancement as compared to any time in the past. This evolution has redefined the life of man on almost every aspect. In fact, this evolution is an ongoing process and thus, human life on earth is improving constantly day in and day out. One of the latest inclusions in this aspect is cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency is nothing but digital currency, which has been designed to impose security and anonymity in online monetary transactions. It uses cryptographic encryption to both generate currency and verify transactions. The new coins are created by a process called mining, whereas the transactions are recorded in a public ledger, which is called the Transaction Block Chain.

Little backtrack

Evolution of cryptocurrency is mainly attributed to the virtual world of the web and involves the procedure of transforming legible information into a code, which is almost uncrackable. Thus, it becomes easier to track purchases and transfers involving the currency. Cryptography, since its introduction in the WWII to secure communication, has evolved in this digital age, blending with mathematical theories and computer science. Thus, it is now used to secure not only communication and information but also money transfers across the virtual web.

How to use cryptocurrency

It is very easy for the ordinary people to make use of this digital currency. Just follow the steps given below:

You need a digital wallet (obviously, to store the currency)
Make use of the wallet to create unique public addresses (this enables you to receive the currency)
Use the public addresses to transfer funds in or out of the wallet
Cryptocurrency wallets

A cryptocurrency wallet is nothing else than a software program, which is capable to store both private and public keys. In addition to that, it can also interact with different blockchains, so that the users can send and receive digital currency and also keep a track on their balance.

The way the digital wallets work

In contrast to the conventional wallets that we carry in our pockets, digital wallets do not store currency. In fact, the concept of blockchain has been so smartly blended with cryptocurrency that the currencies never get stored at a particular location. Nor do they exist anywhere in hard cash or physical form. Only the records of your transactions are stored in the blockchain and nothing else.

A real-life example

Suppose, a friend sends you some digital currency, say in form of bitcoin. What this friend does is he transfers the ownership of the coins to the address of your wallet. Now, when you want to use that money, you've unlock the fund.

In order to unlock the fund, you need to match the private key in your wallet with the public address that the coins are assigned to. Only when both these private and public addresses match, your account will be credited and the balance in your wallet will swell. Simultaneously, the balance of the sender of the digital currency will decrease. In transactions related to digital currency, the actual exchange of physical coins never take place at any instance.

Understanding the cryptocurrency address

By nature, it is a public address with a unique string of characters. This enables a user or owner of a digital wallet to receive cryptocurrency from others. Each public address, that is generated, has a matching private address. This automatic match proves or establishes the ownership of a public address. As a more practical analogy, you may consider a public cryptocurrency address as your eMail address to which others can send emails. The emails are the currency that people send you.

Understanding the latest version of technology, in form of cryptocurrency is not tough. One needs a little interest and spend time on the net to get the basics clear.

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Sunday 7 January 2018

How to Avoid Losing Money in Forex Trading

If you have been struggling to make profit from Forex trading, we suggest that follow the tips given below. These tips will help you avoid losing money. Read on to know more.

1. Acquire Knowledge

Just because you have got started easily doesn't mean you don't need to take your time to do some research. For success in trading online, you have to do your best to learn as much as possible.

What you need to do is acquire as much knowledge as possible regarding the Forex market. For instance, you should know about economic and geopolitical factors that may have an effect on your selected pair of currency. Make sure you have due diligence. Aside from this, you should be ready to deal with the changes that may happen.

2. Look for the right broker

In Forex trading, people often choose a not-so-popular broker. The repute of a broker is very important for success in this type of business. Ideally, you may want to choose a professional who is part of the National Futures Association (NFA). It's even better to for a better qualified one.

Before you hire one, make sure you know about the account offerings, withdrawal policies, spreads, commissions and other things.

3. Use practice accounts

No matter which platform you choose, you can try demo or practice accounts for free. While using a demo account, you can place theoretical bids. This will help you become familiar with the entry techniques.

Your trading account may get damaged if you make some terrible mistakes. For instance, you should not push the wrong butting during the opening or closing of a position. Aside, a major loss can occur if you commit multiple errors in order entry. Apart from the financial losses, you may suffer from intense stress.

4. Understand tax matters

It's very important you know the tax matters. Moreover, you may want to understand the implications as well as the treatment of activities in the world of Forex Trading. This will help you a lot when you are going to pay tax down the road.

It's better if you talk to a good tax specialist or accountant. The professional will help you avoid surprises when it's time to pay tax. Moreover, you will be able to take advantage of tax laws as well. The problem is that the laws related to tax keep on changing. Therefore, we suggest that you develop a good relationship with a good broker or other specialist.

5. Use reasonable leverage

Leverage is what benefits you in Forex trading. If you earn high leverage, you can earn a lot of profit even if the amount you invested was small. In the same way, it can turn around to make you bear huge losses. So, it's a good idea to avoid using unreasonable leverage.

So, if you are going to get started as a Forex trader, we suggest that you take each step after understating all the things. This way you can avoid losses and make profits. Hope this helps.

If you want to avoid losing money in Forex Trading, we suggest that you hire a good online broker. HQBroker Reviews may be a helpful resource for you.

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Saturday 6 January 2018

How to Trade Cryptocurrencies - The Basics of Investing in Digital Currencies

Whether it's the idea of cryptocurrencies itself or diversification of their portfolio, people from all walks of life are investing in digital currencies like. If you're new to the concept and wondering what's going on, here are some basic concepts and considerations for investment in cryptocurrencies.

What cryptocurrencies are available and how do I buy them? 

With a market cap of about $278 billion, Bitcoin is the most established cryptocurrency. Ethereum is second with a market cap of over $74 billion. Besides these two currencies, there are a number of other options as well, including Ripple ($28B), Litecoin ($17B), and MIOTA ($13B). Being first to market, there are a lot of exchanges for Bitcoin trade all over the world. BitStamp and Coinbase are two well-known US-based exchanges. is an established European exchange. If you are interested in trading other digital currencies along with Bitcoin, then a crypto marketplace is where you will find all the digital currencies in one place. Here is a list of exchanges according to their 24-hour trade volume.

What options do I have to store my money?

 Another important consideration is storage of the coins. One option, of course, is to store it on the exchange where you buy them. However, you will have to be careful in selecting the exchange. The popularity of digital currencies has resulted in many new, unknown exchanges popping up everywhere. Take the time to do your due diligence so you can avoid the scammers. Another option you have with cryptocurrencies is that you can store them yourself. One of the safest options for storing your investment is hardware wallets. Companies like Ledger allow you store Bitcoins and several other digital currencies as well.

What's the market like and how can I learn more about it? 

The cryptocurrency market fluctuates a lot. The volatile nature of the market makes it more suited for a long-term play. There are many established news sites that report on digital currencies, including Coindesk, Business Insider, Coin Telegraph, and Cryptocoin News. Besides these sites, there are also many Twitter accounts that tweet about digital currencies, including @BitcoinRTs and @AltCoinCalendar. Digital currencies aim to disrupt the traditional currency and commodity market. While these currencies still have a long way to go, the success of Bitcoins and Ethereum have proven that there is genuine interest in the concept. Understanding the basics of cryptocurrency investment will help you start in the right way.

Salman Jaffry is an experienced content writer. He writes on various topics related to investment and finance. You can contact him him through his Skype ID: salman.jaffry or email: Article Source: Article Source:

Friday 5 January 2018

The Importance of a Good, Clean Image for Your eCommerce Store

We live in a world where people are overwhelmingly focused on visuals, and, especially when it comes to the internet, appearance is everything. What customers see when visiting your website has an enormous impact on the success of your online business. When considering the most successful online retailers, they all have one thing in common: a streamlined and visually stunning website complete with high-quality, professional imaging.

It is crucial as a business owner to present the product you are selling in the best way possible, and in an online setting this means presenting it through good, clean images. With a well-designed site complete with great images, any business can be successful-but why is that? We've written a little more about it to help you have a better understanding as to why good, clean images are so important for eCommerce and online retail stores.

Humans Are Visual Creatures

The science behind why people react positively and quickly to images as opposed to text is actually quite simple-images can be immediately deciphered by the brain, whereas text is a language that must be decoded in order for the brain to comprehend. This is why it is so important to have good, clean images on your eCommerce/online retail store-customers will have an immediate reaction to the images as their brains will immediately comprehend and judge them.

Research has shown that the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than it processes text, meaning that your online customers will be processing the image of your product before they even read the title or product description. Having clean, high-resolution visuals on your website will help customers become interested in the product before they even know all the details.

You Can't Sell High-Quality Product without High-Quality Images

It's really that simple. If you don't have good, clean images of the products you are selling on your website, then people will not believe that they are quality products. This is a prime example of getting a return out of the amount of work that you put in. If you are designing your website to include low-res, visually cluttered, or stock images, then your customers are not going to believe that you are serious about your business and will not want to spend their money there.

It also has a lot to do with the perceived authenticity of the website. There are a lot of scam websites on the internet these days, and often customers will perceive an online retailer or eCommerce business with bad images as a scam, whether it is or not. You do not want your website to read as inauthentic to its visitors, and there is a really simple solution to this: have your images done professionally, take the images on your website just as seriously as you take the rest of your business, and present your product in the best way possible.

The Takeaway

In order to have a successful eCommerce business, you must first focus on making sure that your products are justly represented through good, clean images so that your customers have an accurate visual representation of the business that you run.

The best way to handle this is by outsourcing tasks such as photo-editing such as Clipping path, background removal, retouch etc., to a photo editing agency that specializes in producing high-quality image edits like ClippingArts ( ).

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Saturday 30 December 2017

Anyone Can Be an Internet Mogul

For over a decade, internet marketing has revolutionised the home-based business model. Gone are the days of having to hoof-it from store to store, trying to sell those cookies, scarfs or Grandma's secret apple sauce. The entrepreneurs of today are only armed with a laptop and an idea. Not thumbing my nose at those guys who has 'made It' the conventional way, but let's face it not all of us are idea guys. I mean, how many people would have thought to take a skateboard wheel bearing and encased it with plastic to make a Fidget Spinner. That simple design has given the onset to a business netting in billions.

So how does the average Joe start his own home based business, if he doesn't have billion-dollar toy idea? Simple, Email marketing. Now, I know that email marketing has been around for some time, but it is still the best and MOST effective manner of generating a viable stable income with the least amount of effort. What? The least amount of effort? I must be full of bs for making such a statement, right. Since the start of the dotcom business model, the internet has turned out more self-made millionaires than any other medium of communication or advertising.

Now just think about it, you probably received an email form a store thanking you for signing up for credit. Or you entered your email address in the opt in box of you favourite news channel to get all the latest sport headlines straight to your inbox. Well you are part of an email marketing campaign, on the receiving part anyway. Now these companies are regularly informing you of what is the next big thing or event, right. Now, what if you are the person sending out these notifications and embedding a link in the message which sends the reader to a sales page of your choosing? The reader then buys whatever you are offering. Instant cash.

That is, it, no big unheard-of secret only spoken in select circles. The only method of capitalizing on this concept is sending out vast amounts of mails. Just imagine sending a hundred thousand mails out, ten percent visit the sales page and of that only ten percent buys the product you promoting. So, if the item you are selling goes for a meagre $1 US, you still make a whopping $1 000 US, with one email. I don't know about you, but that is a lot cash for very little effort. And at regular weekly intervals, sending out emails you'll be making money every single time. Little effort equals lots of money. The beauty of this business model is you do not need a substantial start-up capital, you do not even need to quit your current job. I mean, you'll only need to tend to your internet marketing business 1 to 2 hours a day to see a steady flow of income. So when you send out an email, say at lunch time, by dinner you would have made a sizable sum of cash. And with multiple email lists and different niches you can spread this out over a couple of days, alternating between lists.

Find more innovative and useful information on how anyone can start a internet business from scratch and not failing. Click Here to visit Internet Marketing Xplaned to find out how get start NOW!

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Monday 25 December 2017

Affiliate Links And How To Protect Them From The Commission Thieves

Number One Affiliate Advertising Danger

It isn't what you think it is. The number one danger to your affiliate commission is not the boogie man. It's not the competitor. No... it's the one that you have spent so much time trying to reach. The person you have been marketing to. They are the number one danger. Affiliate links matter to online marketers.

You may be saying, "How is this so?" Well, let me explain. You see the internet is this wonderful reservoir of information. This is good for so many reasons. It allows you to reach people like you have never reached them before. Also, information is easy to access. And this is where it gets tricky.

Introduction To Information Overload

You see the same people you are marketing to... well everyone else is also. In this pool of information you will find that the consumer has access to not only your information, but also the competitors.

What this means is that after they've read your article, there may be a good chance for them to read your competitions. This means that they may click their affiliate link, or even go directly to the website destroying your chance of getting your hard earned commission.

Almost Seems Unfair Doesn't It?

All that work for no return. That is the name of the game. Everyday hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of commissions are lost to this travesty. However, don't despair. There are some things you can do to ensure your commissions are not lost.

Here are some power tips that can help to ensure that you do not share the same fate as so many unfortunate internet marketers.

Protect Your Affiliate Links

This may sound like basics, but trust me in the long run its the best advice I can give. You can cloak your link with many different tools out there on the market. One of my favorites is to setup a custom URL to the offer allowing me to brand while directing traffic to the offer.

Promote Yourself First (Not Your Affiliate Links)

This is another simple method that seems simple at first but many don't follow this rule. You should build your list first. This allows you to capture a consumer's information, and repeatedly market to a warm lead.

You are building a relationship with this lead which builds trust. With trust comes commissions as they will follow your link to your offers.

In Conclusion

The two above methods are just a couple of ways you can protect your links and get you commissions. The lifeblood of an affiliate marketer is reciprocity. If they are not clicking on your links and purchasing you are not making money.

For the best way to protect your affiliate link from the commission thieves click here now, and begin protecting your profits.

Quit allowing others to steal your commissions. Dominion Makers has now released a new WP plugin that allows you to protect your commissions for good. There are only 350 total units of this item being sold, so time is limited. To gain instant access, click here now!

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Friday 22 December 2017

How To Start Affiliate Marketing With Amazon And ClickBank

Affiliate marketing is a great way to start an online business for very minimal investment. It's ideal for those who don't want to create products and for those who don't have much start up money for their online business.

You can promote a substantial variety of products and services with the affiliate marketing business model. Your job is to promote products created by other companies. When somebody buys from you, the product owner will pay you a commission.

Two of the most popular places to find products to sell as an affiliate marketer are Amazon and ClickBank.

How To Start Affiliate Marketing With Amazon

Amazon is the world's largest retailer, selling both physical and digital products. Their primary marketing method is affiliate marketing. In other words, they get other people, called Amazon Affiliates, to sell their products and services for them.

It's free to become an Amazon affiliate, and you can sell anything on the Amazon website. You start off with a 4% commission rate, which gets more substantial when you sell more products.

4 Stars And Up

As you probably know, Amazon sells a wide range of products. So how do you choose what to sell as an affiliate? As an Amazon affiliate, you can use their search feature to surf the products that you want to promote. Choose your niche, for example, 'dog training'.

Type that search term into the Amazon search engine. On the left-hand side of your search click on the '4 stars & up' filter. Amazon's top rating system score is 5. If a product receives a score of 4 or higher, you can be sure that the customers who purchased those products and left those reviews are very happy. These are the types of products you want to be promoting.

How To Start Affiliate Marketing With ClickBank

ClickBank is a well-known online marketplace where the vast majority of its products are digital information products. As soon as the customer buys a digital product, they can immediately download it to their computer.

ClickBank is free to join and is a widely known, highly regarded company in the online business world. Its online marketplace contains many thousands of affiliate products to promote so you're sure to always find offers that will appeal to your audience. You can earn commissions of 25%, 50% and even 75%.

Gravity Scoring

ClickBank products have what's known as a gravity scoring. This shows the popularity of the product. A gravity rating for the product that you want to promote should be at least 10 or more. If it's more than 100, it means that there are a lot of other affiliates selling the same product.

When you have identified the product that you want to promote, ClickBank will give you a unique URL called a'hoplink'. This is the link that you want your prospects to click and how sales are tracked to you.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Monday 18 December 2017

How To Make Money Online Today - The Basic Process

The Basic Process Of Earning Money Online

Did you know that just about everyone can be successful at earning an income online whether it be a part time or full time income. With way over 3 billion internet users whichever way that you decide to go there are many others interested in the same niche.

One of the first things that should be done prior to any niche selection is research into the niche to see just how many others are actively searching within the nook that you can connect to through various methods.

A Small Chunk Of Online Real Estate

I want to show you just how you can choose a small chunk of online real estate and develop it into a revenue producing website that keeps on giving month after month indefinitely.

I won't lie to you by saying that prior technical or internet experience doesn't matter because it does make a difference. However everybody can learn and the ones that have prior knowledge or experience can possibly put that to use, but there are a number of steps that need to be followed whether you are experienced or not.

It's obvious that some will progress at a faster pace than others due to a few different factors. So if you are a newbie to making money online or an experienced internet entrepreneur the same steps need to be followed in order for you to reach you full potential in all of your online ventures, so there's no need to be a "techie".

Don't Be Overwhelmed

I know that whenever we start something new there can be some hurtles to overcome and we can at times become overwhelmed. Accept that and take a break, maybe even a nice walk and regroup. Go back and take a fresh look and wear your "patience" cap while you break it down into small steps and overcome each obstacle one by one.

Get used to overcoming problems that are common to all and move forward because to be successful in any business, you need to be a problem solver and patient. Be someone that finishes and settles each matter as you grow in knowledge and experience each day.

I guess that its like skating or riding a bike, you might fall a time or two but when you are persistent you will see the positive results that you're seeking and accomplish the goals that lead you to success.

Don't Remake The Pathway

Keep in mind that many that wander off course and get lost also get shipwrecked and eventually quit or fall out never tasting the sought after success. Don't get distracted or confused and try to remake the pathway but regroup and stay on course to reach the desired destination. There's no doubt that if you can stick with it you'll get the needed understanding to proceed and bear fruit from your efforts.

Many are good at starting projects but successful people are those that are good at finishing projects. So find your answers and be a finisher.

Success is really an inner thing. Win every battle and overcome each hurtle or obstacle as it presents itself. By doing this the mind and spirit are trained to succeed and you'll reach your goals, don't settle for less. Everything that you do today, each step will certainly pay off in the future. The efforts that you put forth now will pay off in the future and many times will keep on paying you indefinitely, month after month.

Here's a look at how you'll be creating a continuous online income that can last as long as you live and well beyond that and can be sold or handed down to a loved one.

Step #1 is to choose a niche or interest that you like and can easily learn and write about. You can also choose something that is completely new to you if there's a passion for learning and growing within that niche.

Step #2 is to build a website or have one built for you. I would highly recommend building your own as you will need constant access to the admin dashboard for regular changes, additions and general editing. As you grow in knowledge and understanding you'll be making changes to your site and it will be transformed step by step.

Step #3 is getting traffic flowing to the site or attracting visitors. The first kind of traffic to get is the Free kind, and there is a lot of that with all of the social media, forums, etc.

Step #4 is to earn revenue. Once you have visitors coming to your site on a regular basis you'll have all of the potential to earn revenue online. There are many ways to generate income with regular traffic flow.

This is a proven process and the one that 100,000's of others are using today. It is also the ultimate " money making" process that worked years ago, is working today and will continue to produce results for years to come. This is a process that will reveal as much opportunity within the world of the internet as you are willing to go after.

These 4 steps need to be focused on one at a time and the making money part is the last step, after all else is done. Without a nice website filled with quality content followed by regular site visitors the revenue earning part at the end just won't happen.

No Rushing Allowed

It is very important not to rush or try to go to fast as making a race out of the process will breed mistakes. Going to fast will most likely leave a number of things either undone or done poorly that you'll surely be correcting at a future date.

You will reach your goals and maybe later than originally planned but a solid foundation is essential to build your online business and generate continuous revenue for yourself. With over 3 billion viewers online in 2017 searching for things continuously, information, solutions to their problems, and looking to purchase items.

This is where you will come into the picture with your website and help these seekers by offering them answers, how to information, services and products to buy. So you are helping others and earning an income at the same time.

Serve Others First

One thing that you truly need to understand is that before the sales part of your business takes place you first need to take care of those seeking help. When you provide their answers and build their trust with fine quality website content, then they will feel comfortable and possibly purchase what it is that you are offering to them.

Don't Get The Cart before The Horse

If your website and online store is not ready to open for business it might be a good idea to wait until it is. Don't allow your site to become a portal, or worse, a dump for promotions or advertisements. That would really hurt your brand integrity and your recognition as an authority within your niche.

When you help others they are far more likely to purchase what you're offering to help solve their personal situations. If you just simply try to sell them products you most likely will lose them and your profits quickly. There are to many competing sites offering quality content and products to choose from.

One more thing on the subject is that your website won't get a very good ranking with the search engines without lots of quality content. So take your time with the correct understanding that you are building an online business from scratch, first the foundation and then step by step until it's ready for your visitors to see.

This business when it's built up will serve others in some way and generate income and more visitors month to month for years to come. So take your time and enjoy your learning experience and journey.

Customer Comprehension

There is something called "customer comprehension" where you first determine just who your potential customer is and what their needs are. It's really easy to waste time and money promoting something that you think sounds great and customers should love, but don't make assumptions about your customers preferences.

Do your research and see what the facts say, gain a true understanding through keyword searches and proceed from there. Developing this habit will help you to become much more successful as time goes by as your time management will be more productive.

Let's Take A Look At This

See the steps that someone takes between the time that they learn something and the time that they actually make a purchase:

Most customers can see through a scam promotion and are very turned off by it.
Customers are exchanging their hard earned money for something that you're offering them that will improve their situation.
Customers have access to all of the information on the internet, including reviews, and can make wise choices.
Customers won't buy from someone that they don't trust.
Customers rarely buy on their first opportunity or contact point.
It typically takes about seven times before someone makes an online purchase. This can be from emails, site visits and other sources.
Bearing Fruit From Your Efforts

We all want to make a profit and bear fruit from all of our efforts but it's easy to lose track of the fact that running a business is built upon getting to know our customers and building a trusting relationship with them.

These are real people and this is a people business. Real seekers coming to your site looking for answers, reading your content and if they have a very user friendly experience at your web space, might purchase something from you. Always remember, because your success will be affected one way or the other as time moves forward.

This, as previously stated, is a time tested and proven process on how to make money online that has worked in the past and will continue to work well into the future or indefinitely.

So there you have an explanation of the two ways to earn money from the comfort of your home. One way being to get an hourly online job working for any of the 100,000's of businesses on the internet. Another very popular method is to create your own site and become an online business owner. I encourage you to sign up for the Absolutely FREE OFFER of: 2 Sites to build and 10 Course Lessons - No Card Required! Visit Pete @

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Sunday 10 December 2017

You Only Have Three Choices

I know what you are thinking - three choices about what? No, I'm not a psychic, but the title is basically saying in life we generally have three choices when it comes to decisions, actions and behavior. Consider - A job offer? (three choices) Start a new relationship? (three choices) End a relationship? (three choices) Move? Invest? Retire? Start a business? Sell something? Buy something? (three choices).

See where I/m going with this? Not yet? OK, how about you are sitting in one of my seminars and as I share my ideas, approaches, solutions etc. you sit there thinking - this guy is an idiot or - he is a genius or - I'm not sure where he is going with this, but I'll give him a little more time? (Three choices). Ever been there? There now with a decision that needs to be made or an option you are considering that needs action?

I'm not trying to make something difficult or challenging seem simple or trite but ask you to look at most of life's choices in a more practical way rather than what I hear so often "It's complicate!"

What I'd like to share in this brief article is what contributes to which position we take based on the title regardless of what we are facing, dealing with or has come into our life unexpectedly - do we resist - say no, accept - say yes or consider - say I'll think about it?

Yes, I could go on for pages and there are thousands of books that address this issue but let me give you my short version. (say yes!!
Why we say no (resist) - sure we all know about the impact fear has on our life, decisions and actions but have you ever considered what fake fear (yes borrowing a line from politics - but it applies here) has on your actions? What is fake fear - it's simply stuff that doesn't warrant real fear in the present, but for whatever reason we talk ourselves into being fearful. Should I ask her/him out? Should I ask for a raise?

Should I _______? There are literally hundreds if not thousands of - should I's or should I not's - that we don't or do - do because of the impact of self-generated fear. (Yes, I just made that up). We convince ourselves that there is real (emotional or physical) danger with or without this action or decision. And where does this come from? I'll tell you - 10 years of early mental and emotional (and sometimes physical) conditioning given to you by your early environment (parents, teachers, friends, relatives etc.). They drilled into you - you can't, you shouldn't, you won't, you will never, and you know what - you are still hearing those messages no matter how subtle or distant. You are still behaving according to their rules, guidance or expectations. Enough - that was years ago - you are a new you - turn them off, let them go and no longer give them power over your life.

Why we say yes (accept) - we all have real and imaginary desires, goals, dreams and hopes and we really want them. Some we work hard to achieve while others remain in our "I hope someday" column but that's what they are - hopes or dreams that we want, think we want, believe we want etc. Ever had someone give you a special present you didn't ask for, expect or deserve? Did you refuse it? Return it?

Probably not because deep inside you feel/believe you are worthy of it, deserve it or want it even though you didn't even know it existed. Ever had a conversation with someone where all you did was keep nodding yes, saying - yeah or just keep agreeing with everything they uttered? Where did this come from? Read the above example (resist) again but this time just replace the fear and negative stuff with positive stuff - you know why - because the outcome has the same contributor or source - what you were taught, instructed, guided, conditioned etc. to believe before you were eleven years old. Try it.

I'll do one for you. "Name" - have you ever thought about starting your own business?" "You know I always have but just didn't know what the best time would be, or circumstances were - to begin." "What are you waiting for?" OK - here comes either the fake fear or the fake optimism - you will either convince yourself that now is the time (say yes - accept) or feel uncertain (say no - resist). Or, the next camp which is to say - maybe (I'll think about it). Think about something in your life right now where you are either in camp one (resisting) or camp two (accepting). What's contributing to the thoughts, feelings, emotions or actions? And where are these coming from?

Why we say maybe (I'll consider) - If you are still with me - I'm sure you know where I am going with the third option or choice. Yes, you're right - the maybe or I'll consider it - is a mix of both camp one and camp two above and you just are not sure at this point which way to go. Well, let me tell you if you aren't sure which way will be your final verdict. Whichever is the strongest in your mind, (you can't or won't lessons or can and will ones) history and experience will ultimately sway or convince you to go in that direction.

So, you have some no's in your past, but you also have some yes's there also. I'll leave you with a final question - you are considering something new or different (what should I do or say) you already know which way you want to go (and even will go) and you are just waiting to receive, feel or experience enough validation, evidence, proof or confirmation to admit your decision, choice or action. Am I right?

Think about it.

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