Showing posts with label earn money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earn money. Show all posts

Saturday 14 July 2018

How To Improve Your Affiliate Income in 2018

Want to increase your affiliate earning but don't know how to? Well, you are in the right place as the following tips will boost your affiliate earning to the next level.

Do not be afraid to mention things that you do not like about a given product or service. Rather than lose any points for you, this will make your recommendation more realistic and will tend to increase your credibility.

Furthermore, if your visitors are really interested in what you are offering, they will be more than delighted to learn what is good about the product, what is not so good, and how the product will benefit them.

When you are recommending a certain product, there are some things to remember on how to make it work effectively and for your advantage. Sound like the true and leading expert in your field.

Remember this simple equation: Price resistance diminishes in direct proportion to trust. If your visitors feel and believe that you are an expert in your niche, they are more inclined to making that purchase. On the other hand, if you are not exuding any confidence and self-assurance in endorsing your products, they will probably feel that same way and will go in search of another product or service which is more believable.

How do you establish this aura of expertise? By offering unique and new solutions they would not get anywhere else. Show proof that what you are promoting works as promised. Display prominent testimonials and endorsements from respected and known personalities, in related fields of course.

Avoid hype at all costs. It is better to sound low key and confident, than to scream and seek attention. Besides, you would not want to sound unprofessional and have that thinking stick to your potential customers and clients, now would you? Best to appear cool and self-assured at the same time.

And remember; prospects are not stupid. They are actually turning to experts and may already know the things that you know. If you backup your claims with hard facts and data, they would gladly put down hundreds, or even thousands worth of money to your promotions. But if you don't, they are smart enough to try and look at your competitors and what they are offering.

While recommending a product, it is also important that you give out promotional freebies. People are already familiar with the concept of offering freebies to promoting your own products. But very few people do this to promote affiliate products. Try to offer freebies that can promote or even have some information about your products or services.

Before you add recommendations to you product, it is given that you should try and test the product and support. Do not run the risk of promoting junk products and services. Just think how long it took you to build credibility and trust among your visitors. All that will take to destroy it is one big mistake on your part.

If possible, have recommendations of products that you have 100% confidence in. Test the product support before you begin to ensure that the people you are referring it to would not be left high and dry when a problem suddenly arouse.

Affiliate marketing is still one of the great ways to make money online until today, and continue to grow. In affiliate marketing, there are many ways you can increase your earnings and grow your business further.

One of the more important ways of increasing affiliate marketing bottom line and sale is through the use of product recommendations. Many marketers know that this is one of the most effective ways in promoting a certain product.

If the customers or visitors trust you enough, then they will definitely trust your recommendations. Be very careful in using this approach, though. If you start promoting everything by recommendation, your credibility will actually wear thin. This is seen especially when recommendations are seemingly exaggerated and without much merit.

Have a look at your affiliate market and look at the strategies you are using. You may not be focusing on the recommendations that your products need to have. You plan of action is sometimes not the only thing that is making your program works.

Try product recommendation and be among those few who have proven its worth.

Charlie Alexander is a freelance professional writer for multiple companies and websites. He is an expert on topics like marketing, business, writing, making money, and more.

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Friday 13 July 2018

How To Make Money Online Selling Other People's Products

To make money online don't have to create, own or stock your own product. You can direct potential customers to websites already selling products that have been created by other people and if somebody buys the product following your referral to that website, the product owner will pay you a commission.

The product owner also organizes the customer payment, delivery and fulfillment of the product. This is called affiliate marketing and it's your job as an affiliate to connect prospective customers with products or services that they're looking to buy.

So how do you get started?

Choose Your Audience

Before you start to look for products you can sell, you have to determine your target audience or niche. What problems do the audience in your chosen niche want to resolve? The affiliate products you promote should offer the solutions they're looking for. You can find a huge number of products to sell from affiliate marketing companies like Amazon, CJAffiliate, ClickBank and JVZoo.

Start Small

You won't make hundreds of thousands in a single day. Start small and keep improving your online reputation. Develop and provide high-value content on your website and social media. There are affiliate programs that do not require a website, but your own website makes it possible for you to concentrate on being authentic so that you come across as being reliable and professional.

Build An Email List

Concentrate on developing an email list of prospective customers from your website and social media accounts. You can send emails to your list whenever you want. This is the most effective way you'll have people buying the products and services you recommend.

Treat It Like A Business

Even if you only work it part-time you need to treat it like a real business and not something you play around with. It's okay to play around at the beginning to see if it's right for you and it's a good way to learn. But eventually, if you want to create a real online business you'll have to treat it that way.

Think 'Telling' Not 'Selling'

Be helpful, friendly and care about the things you promote. Look at it as more about 'telling' rather than 'selling'. When you put it in the perspective of helping people find what they need or want, you take the strain off yourself to be continuously selling. This will allow your efforts to flow from genuineness rather than looking overeager in trying to make money.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Wednesday 11 July 2018

Social Media Marketing Tips - Following the 80%-20% Rule

There are endless ways you can reach your audience, there is no secret formula as such. Applying the 80-20 rule should always be an integral part of your social media marketing strategy. In short it means 80% of your content should be engagement oriented which gives something valuable to read to your viewers and engage them in conversations or participation and only 20% should be dedicated for your business promotion.

It is necessary to establish the fact that people come to social media platforms for social interactions and not to read your sales pitch! Social media marketing is more inclined to building relationships, trust and authority online rather than annoying your audience with repeated sales pitch.

80% Content - informative & interactive:

This part of the marketing strategy mainly aims at sharing good content related to your business. Simply put, look over for the content that interests your audience and share the same across various social networking platforms. Think about re-tweets, re-sharing posts, links to reviews, inspirational quotes, greetings, polls, trivia & contests and other such engagement oriented ideas. If confused how to come up with such posts, do as listed below:

  • Follow top influencers in your industry, watch their posts, tweets and design your own or probably re-share them as a good piece of information.
  • Share your own interesting facts, content amongst your own page followers and get them engaging.
  • Make your content reach out to your influencers and try to connect them.
  • Organize trivia, competition and award the winners which compels the audience to engage in the activity and gain confidence in your brand.

20% self promotion:

While working on this section, include information which "benefits" your audience by providing discounts, special offers with a call to action button leading to your website which will enable them to learn more about your services/products. Publish your products/services advantages, reviews, testimonials, specifications and all other information you need to keep your reputation.

The bottom line: 

If a brand focuses too much on its sales and irritates the audience on social network with non stop sales pitch is sure to drive away visitors and referrals. Audience will simply jump in and out of your social media page without even landing on your website (traffic to your website is the sole motive of any marketing strategy). Give your audience what they want to read at regular intervals and you shall see a spike in your brand's followers and authority and maintain a consistent social media presence.

If you like what you read or require any digital marketing assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

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Wednesday 4 July 2018

Setting Goals For Your Online Business

The need for goals

Reaching our goals helps us to believe in ourselves and setting goals is a great way to fuel our ambitions. It isn't just about creating a plan for our success in life, it's also to give us the inspiration we need to reach out and reap more than we ever thought possible. Goals focus our acquiring of knowledge and help us to set our time and resources in an order to get the very best for our situations.

In this article we'll discuss:

Guidance in your niche selection
What are niche goal projections and outcomes?
Are you busy or productive
Ninja productivity hack revealed
Video - Goal projections and outcomes
Guidance in your niche selection
What do you like to do? What are your habits, hobbies, or passions? There are a number of niche choices within any main topic when you break it down.

An example could be Baseball which is a very broad term with lots of competition. If we break that down there are many niche selections to choose from within that keyword: baseball teams, major or minor league, kids, uniforms, statistics, jerseys, caps, equipment, collectables, magazines, etc.

All of these baseball niche can be fine selections to build a website around and can be quite profitable. I have an entrepreneur friend that has a number of sites, one of which is a website about football snack helmets, which has been doing well for a few years now.

What are niche goal projections and outcomes?

A projected outcome of your goals within your chosen niche.

Niche - The topic or category that you've chosen for your site.

Goal - The end result that you are seeking.

Projection - An estimation of when the end result will occur,

for example:

First commission sale within 30 days.
>>>>By writing an article per day for 30 days.
First page ranking with my targeted keyword within 30 days.
>>>>By writing posts three times a week for four weeks, with each having an internal link to my targeted keyword page.

What exactly are you going to do to reach your goal? Or what are you willing to give up in exchange for the desired goal? Maybe turn off the TV for a few hours each day, or trade in some wasted time for, that same time being spent to reach your goals.

The law of sowing and reaping

There is a time for sowing and a time for reaping. The time spent sowing, or creating the business can be for years depending on the project and the desired result. Once the sowing time is up, the reaping time can start and be indefinite.

There are many tasks that need to be done with any set goal and each one takes time and effort to complete. I've heard that "excellence is a commitment to completion", so we need to be good finishers of each task and reach our goals.

The time spent sowing can be less depending on the effort given to it. If we sow little we will reap little also. If we are building a website and posting to it once a week it will take quite a while longer to reach our goals of filling it up with quality content, as opposed to posting 3-4 times per week.

Are you busy or productive?

The definition for:

Busy - actively involved in doing something, or having a lot of things to do.

Productive - achieving or producing a significant amount or result.

Are we busy doing many things without a proper order or timely, continuous task completion?

Example: spending hours on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and also additional hours on other things without making posting quality content for our viewers our #1 priority.

It's easy at times to get involved or over-involved in a project that ends up taking a lot more time than we thought but aside from that we'll be more productive and reach our goals quicker if we properly structure our time and always make posting fresh quality content a priority.

Create clear niche images

We need to do some internal and external research and visually see some other website businesses within our niche. This will give a look at how the other niche sites are presenting themselves and their products. The internal research is making a list, over a couple or few days, of things that we love to do, or what are we passionate about. It's best to select a niche that you would like to spend a lot of time and energy on, not one that you'll get bored with or become disinterested with. We can also choose to create a nice affiliate website setup to inform about and promote products, or have a non-profit or personal site (.org). Many website owners have multiple sites.

Create a vision board

Do you have any wall space at home to devote to a vision board? They're great to increase motivation and energize your efforts as you pursue goals.

Take a nice area of wall space and fill it up with goal related images and headlines and pictures that inspire every time you look at it. See, visualize, and feel the goal being reached as you look at the board and are inspired to move forward and achieve. Keep on adding and replacing inspiring images and text to keep it fresh, in sight and also in your mind.

Websites like Pinterest are great for creating vision boards and one can create as many boards as they want for fun, or to keep private.

Ninja Productivity Tip

I guess it doesn't matter what type of business that you are promoting but all have dozens of tasks that need to be done continually and properly. Many have multiple internet businesses and always have a list of things that need to be done asap. Well here's a great tip I've used and recommend to you.

Plan ahead and:

Remove all distractions or find a place where you can be uninterrupted.
Choose only one thing to focus on completely for an hour and set a timer.
Stop when the timer goes off and leave it for the next time. Don't think about it anymore.
Take a short walk or take a non-sitting break, unless you've been using a standing desk. Lying flat on your back might feel good too.

Start the next task and repeat the process.

If a little more than 60 minutes is needed go ahead and finish the task before taking a break. If it needs much more time to complete put it away until next time. After you've powered through a focused hour and taken a break to refresh, you can set the timer for another 60 minutes and continue where you left off or move to another task.

My name is Pete, if you would like to learn more about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose.

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Tuesday 5 June 2018

How To Promote Affiliate Programs And Get Sales

Affiliate marketing is a well-known way to make money online. But there are a great deal of people around trying to promote affiliate programs. Hence it's important to how to drive traffic to your affiliate links so that people buy from you and not your competitors.


Your own blog is one of the best places to showcase affiliate links. Your blog should be the centre of all your marketing action, so make the most of it with great content. The content you create can help sell products. Articles and posts offer the framework for your link. You can focus on a common problem that your audience has, then offer an affiliate product as a solution.

Social Media

The chances are you already have an account at some of top social media networks, like Facebook or Twitter. But you can't promote affiliate offers too often on social media, simply because you'll start to look like a spammer. The affiliate products you promote could be the solutions they are looking for. Your posts can be chatty, discussing a common pain point and then suggesting an affiliate product that can help. You could also post a review.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The words on your website signal to the search engine, like Google, what it's about. When people perform a search for a specific topic Google delivers search engine results pages (SERPs) with what their formula (or algorithm) determines to be the most relevant pages.

Your website content should contain at least one keyword. Keywords are the kinds of words your prospective customers would use when searching online for the type of content and products you have to offer. The title of your article, review or post should contain at least one keyword.

Review Posts and Videos

Review posts that have a legitimate air of authority and ring of truth to them are the perfect framework for putting an affiliate product link in order to earn commission. You should only write reviews of products you're familiar with, and your reviews should be as sincere as possible. Otherwise, you'll start to get a reputation of being willing to promote any old rubbish, which will damage your status as an expert in your niche.

Email Marketing

One of the main issues when you promote affiliate programs is that you spend a lot of time and effort driving traffic to vendor sites. If they click over to the vendor without ever interacting with you, you'll probably never see these visitors again. But putting them on your email marketing list means you have a chance to build a relationship with them and once they're on your list, you can market to them regularly.

The best way to get them to join your email list is to offer an incentive, like a free eBook, eCourse, or another very useful informational item people in your niche would love.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Sunday 3 June 2018

Pick A Problem You Can Solve?

One of the keys to successful digital product creation is picking a problem you can solve. Too often, many new Internet marketers will choose to create a product they like, but that usually doesn't solve a problem that is currently in the marketplace. As a result, there is no real demand for that product.

The common result in this case is that the person will go to a great deal of time and effort to create his/her product, but when no or few sales comes through, the person becomes disillusioned by the prospect of making a profitable living online, calls it "a scam," and often returns to their dreary job, figuring it's the only way to "make it in the world."

To have an in-demand product, you need to create a product that solves a problem. If this problem is widespread throughout the industry, and you develop an effective solution for it, people from all across the industry will want to get their hands on your item, setting you up for some nice profits. Thus, it is critical that you find a problem you can solve, then develop a solution for it, whether it's an e-book with information of an effective solution for the problem, a software program that can alleviate the problem, a membership site with information and resources that can solve the problem, etc.

You may be wondering, "how do I identify a problem I can solve?" Here, you will need to do some observation and some research. Some of the best ways is to go to your favorite search engine, type in the industry or topic you are interested in along with "+ forums." This should bring up a list of online forums that serve the people in that industry or who deal with that topic. You can go to these forums and read about the current topics and issues being dealt with in that industry. You may have to register at these forums first in order to access some sections of them, but this is not the case at all forums.

If an issue or problem continues to be brought up by several members of a forum, chances are that this is a problem you can build a product around in an effort to solve or alleviate it. This is a problem that is demanding a solution, and you have the opportunity to provide that solution and make good profits by doing it, plus build your reputation as a problem solver and solution creator.

You can also read about various topics and information in online newsletters, magazines, and ezines related to your industry to find potential problems that you can build a product around. Oftentimes, there are statistics in publications regarding common problems people in an industry are facing; if the statistics indicate a great deal of people are struggling with that same problem or issue, you have a potential product idea to build around.

Can You Download Free PLR E-book Here

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Saturday 2 June 2018

Growing Your Online Social Community Effectively

Start at

Social communities are all around you and the chances are very good that you are a part of at least a few online social communities for your business. However, did you ever think about building your own online community and populating it with the people who you feel will be most effective? There are easy ways to accomplish that and before you know it, you will have created an amazing online social community of your own.

Choosing the right theme and the right people 
When it comes to growing a social community online, there are certain important things that you will want to consider so that your community is really effective and it really accomplishes the goals that you have set up to accomplish over time.

Once you have been able to build your social community, you will need to grow that community and continue to populate it with the most appropriate people so that the discussions that occur help the community to flourish. That means that you not only need to work the community once you have attracted the initial number of people but that you also need to continue to attract the right kind of people so that your community can grow and grow in the right way.

At this point, you are probably wondering exactly you should go about establishing and growing your social community and you should understand that it is not as intimidating or difficult as you may think it is.

Recognize that establishing and growing your online social community is a really good thing: There are several positive aspects of this. First of all, if the community belongs to you, you have control over who you admit and who you don't admit. You can choose to put limits on the types of discussions that occur or to let the people who are interacting to have a tremendous amount of freedom with the discussions that they are having. It is totally your call. Of course, the other people have free will. They can choose to be a part of your community or not.

If they choose to leave, so be it. On the other hand, if they find your community to be valuable and to support their values and what they are trying to accomplish with their own businesses, they will probably be with you for quite a while. Another thing that is totally under your control is the types of people you want to have in your community.

You can promote the community in different ways and you can customize your promotion to appeal to the people you want to have around you. You should remember that if you populate your community with the right people, the quality of the interactions that you share with the community members will be very high.

Do it for the right reasons: If you are going to go through the effort and time to establish your community and then to populate it with cherry-picked members, you need to make sure that the commitment that you are making to the community is for the right reasons. Your community is a reflection of you and of the members of your community.

That means that you will express your values and anyone who is involved with your community will understand your position on a whole bunch of issues, not to mention that your core values and your mission will be apparent as well. Just as is the case with the other communities (belonging to other people) of which you are a member, you will need to revolve around top-quality, relevant, valuable content that allows the community to grow in the right direction.

It is important to remain well aware of the fact that your community is made up of human beings. That means that you all interact on an emotional level. That fact alone will allow you to grow the groups successfully because the relationships that you share with the other group members will become deeper and more meaningful over time.

Choose the right members: In addition to establishing your social community for the right reasons, you also need to choose the right people with whom to populate your community. Without them, your community will not be successful. You will want to be very careful about the demographics that you choose. Considering that it is an online community, geography may not play an extremely important role. However, each community is different and your community may end up being a combination of online and in-person. That is entirely up to you. Whatever demographic aspects you choose, you will want to make sure that the people who possess those features actually enhance your community.

Ensure that your community experience is valuable to your members: The truth is that there is a lot of information out there and, let's be honest, a lot of garbage out there as well. The fact is that, once you establish your community, you have a responsibility to the members of that community. You should make certain decisions right at the beginning, as you are building the foundation of your community. It is important to remember that your social community is not just for your benefit. The members of the community deserve just as much as you do.

The only difference between you is that you are in a position in which you can make decisions. In your quest to attract the most appropriate people, you will need to make a tremendous effort to let those people know that not only is your community worthwhile for them but that you will also do your best to make them want to stick around for a long time. Smoke and mirrors can be very impressive; however, if you have not substance or real meaning to your community, what is the point?

The people are what is important: The reality is that you will need to tell the right people about your community; however, the promotion of the community is not nearly as important as the people themselves. Your community is a democracy (to a great extent). That means that your members have opinions, thoughts, and feelings that matter to you and that matter to the community as a whole. You must always make the community members understand that you are not in it by yourself. Without them, there would be no community. Human beings love to be valued and they love to feel that there needs and want are important.

Your online social community can really do a lot of great work. Your online social community will increase your business' visibility and your credibility will increase. The people in your community will take you a very long way if you choose them appropriately. For that reason, you will want to take your time and choose them carefully. If you combine the right people (who have all sorts of amazing ideas) with the right information (content that is on target and extremely effective), you have a winning combination that will be a raging success.

Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and web technologies. Mr. Cohn spent a significant amount of time at a major telecommunications company, where his main focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all business units by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and the company's Intranet capabilities, which accelerated gains in business productivity. He also reduced company travel and travel costs by introducing and implementing various collaboration technologies.

His expertise includes business analysis; project management; management of global cross-matrix teams; systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration; technology evaluation and assessment; systems development; performance evaluation; and management of off-shore development.

Mr. Cohn earned a Master's degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master's degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.

Mr. Cohn is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

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Wednesday 30 May 2018

Ways To Effectively Work From Home

In this day and age, there are several people who work from home on a regular or on an on-and-off basis. The reasons could be numerous, starting from health issues, long commute, maternity, and so on. The belief that an employee needs to be in the office to be efficient is now gradually changing, with benefits of working from home arising aplenty. However, for some people, especially if you have just begun to work from home, things can get a bit overwhelming. Here are a few things you can do to organize your 'home office'.

A Constant Office Space

Setting up one room (or a portion of a room) as your office can go a long way in creating a sense of mood and motivation that might otherwise be lacking when you are not in office. Fix a table, an ergonomic chair (yes, it is an investment you will not regret if you work from home regularly), and other essentials you might need for work, for example, a charging station for your computer or mobile phone around that area. Stick to that place the best you can while working and move away when you are not. You can still visit that area when you are not working, but make sure it is not close to the bed that you sleep in. In smaller houses this might be difficult to arrange but try to set up your workplace in a different room than your bedroom. This is not because you might accidentally climb onto your bed, and sleep during working hours, but because your quality of sleep at night might be affected by the presence of your work things.

Air Quality

While you are indoors through the major portion of the day, it is important to ensure you get sufficient ventilation, and good quality air to breathe. If you live in an area where the pollution level is low, keep your windows open at all times for the fresh air to stimulate your brain, and improve your efficiency. If, unfortunately, you live in an area where the outside air is horrid, an air purifier is recommended. Remember, your health is of utmost importance no matter from where you work.


Although exercising is a mandate for everybody, it is even more crucial for people who work from home. When you are in office, you might take frequent breaks down to the cafeteria or a roadside tea/coffee shop, but when you are home, these breaks are eliminated from your routine. Hence, it is of utmost importance to exercise regularly. Choose whatever works for you - yoga, aerobics, weights, cardio, but be regular and diligent about it.

Venture Out

Make it a point to get out of the house at least for ten or fifteen minutes every working day. You could either run a quick errand such as going to the ATM, picking up dry-cleaning, buying dinner, and so on, or you could take a simple walk in your neighbourhood at the very least. Going outside once in a day and seeing other people on the road helps your brain relax, because, after all, we are all social beings.

Do Not Overwork

Many people, especially in the beginning, tend to feel guilty about not working from the office. They feel that they are not working enough, or something is missing. Some people have it even worse because others who go to office regularly have a tendency to point fingers and condemn those who work from home. Snide remarks such as "Oh, what do you know about the hectic traffic we go through", or "You work from home, that must mean you have plenty of time", to "I don't think people who work from home actually get any work done", are very commonly heard. Do not get bogged down by such things. Just because you work from home does not mean you should work longer hours. Fix your work hours as you would if you were in office, and stick to it.

With the above-mentioned ways, one may find working from home a true bliss in the middle of all the chaos.

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Tuesday 29 May 2018

Does Affiliate Marketing Still Work?

Affiliate marketers earn money by selling products created by other companies in exchange for a commission. But things online have become much more competitive than when affiliate marketing first started out nearly 20 years ago. Affiliate marketing is still a good way to make money online, but the rules have changed in recent years.

Today's successful online entrepreneurs have figured out how to make affiliate marketing work more effectively so their efforts bring the results they want. How do they do it?

Make Affiliate Marketing Work For You

The best way to make affiliate marketing work effectively is to increase the exposure of your affiliate links. These are the links that take your prospects to a sales page or website and which track sales back to you.

Your Own Website

One of the most important elements of affiliate marketing today is to have your own website or blog. This is where you produce content relevant to the products you want to sell. You can write general articles and provide links to suggested products at the end of the content. The most important things to remember are that everything you write should be the factual and the truth. This helps position you as an expert worth paying attention to.

Building an Email Marketing List

It can be challenging to build an email marketing list these days because people have such jammed inboxes. That being said, knowing your niche and your target audience are two of the best ways to come up with an incentive they will be keen to get and so will be happy to give you their contact information.

Two good incentives would be an eBook or eCourse on a hot topic related to your niche. Think of the kinds of problems people have in your niche and create an information product which offers real solutions.

Be Careful About What You Sell

Don't promote anything you would not use yourself or are not impressed by. You don't want to get the reputation of being an affiliate who will pretty much sell any old rubbish just to get a commission. Rather, you want to show you're in the know, with great deals on products that really work.

Keywords In Your Content

Keywords related to your niche will help drive free traffic via the search engines. Your keywords should be related to your topic or niche. They should be words that an ordinary person interested in your niche would search for. Keyword all media files such as images and videos as well.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Monday 21 May 2018

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work As An Online Business?

Affiliate marketing is one branch of the internet profit tree. It works when you generate targeted traffic to a particular website selling a product for which you get commission on each and every sale. You don't own the product and your job is to come up with creative ways to connect a prospective customer to the product landing page.

Here's an example of how affiliate marketing works:

An online entrepreneur decides to sell a popular "How Lose Weight After Pregnancy" information product. She goes onto the internet, and visits the ClickBank Marketplace and looks up the weight loss products. There, she is presented with a choice of maybe a dozen different products to sell and decides on one whose sales page and statistics prove it converts well.

She clicks "get hop link," which incorporates her own unique ClickBank ID into the URL. She can then take the new URL and includes it somewhere in her sales funnel. When someone reads her sales material (an article, social media post, a pay per click ad, a YouTube video, etc, which pre-sells the product), and they click through to the sales page and buy it, she gets the affiliate commission - usually 50-80% of the price of the product.

Of course, she wasn't limited to selling products from ClickBank. There are other top paying affiliate programs out there. Large websites like and Wal-Mart and others have affiliate programs, too.

Low Start Up Cost

If you want to start affiliate marketing you don't have to spend loads of money to get started. The basics include a website domain, hosting, and some advertising (if you want to). But it's not a necessity to get the ball rolling. The investment you'll be making will be effort, not cash.

No Product Creation

When you start affiliate marketing, you don't have to create any products. You're the middleman. That means you go into a niche to bring together buyers and sellers. You're the liaison between the two.

Become The Go-To Person

The key to becoming a successful affiliate is to build a list of email subscribers and become their go-to person whenever they need advice. Someone they can trust. Building a stronger rapport with your readers will increase conversions. If you take the time to review and maybe even put into practice some of the products and share your results, that will help you convert more sales.

Affiliate marketing is right for just about everybody. Even product creators adopt an affiliate strategy to complement the product development branch of their business. You don't even need sales experience to become a great affiliate. Your job isn't to sell the customer, but to connect them to the solution that they're seeking.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Friday 18 May 2018

Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes

Chances are, the person reading this right now has Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Social media surrounds our world, but some businesses still think of social media as an afterthought. Any digital marketing company will tell you your business can thrive with the right social media marketing strategies.

About 20 percent of customers use social media channels to find information about any business. That means your role as a business owner should be to maintain your brand's online presence.

What some entrepreneurs fail to understand is that it isn't just for fun-it's a force to be reckoned with. When used right, it can bring power to your business. On the other hand, flops on social media can be bad for business. Here are the top social media marketing mistakes companies make.

1. Having Too Many Social Channels

Alright, so if you're on social media, you don't have to be on all the platforms. Your company just needs to be on the ones that are best able to reach your customers. After all, the content you post on LinkedIn may not apply to Snapchat, as your audiences on both platforms may also differ.

Additionally, every channel you sign up for is another platform to maintain regularly. It is a real-time channel, which means content should always be flowing on your page. So if you have five different channels (which you can), you have to make sure you can manage all of them regularly.

2. Ignoring Feedback

This applies to both good and bad feedback. Customers love hearing from a brand they follow because it gives your company a friendly, human face. While it may be tricky to keep track of your followers' interactions, the more (and quicker) you respond to their comments, the more chances you'll have of giving them a good experience.

It's said that 71 per cent of customers who have a good experience with a brand are more likely to recommend it to others. This is also your chance to express brand personality. You don't have to sound like a robot. Use a voice that works for your branding. Spotify's brand identity targets millennials, so their tone is fun and hip.

3. Posting Content Manually

Creating content and managing social channels regularly are tough tasks. It takes a lot of time and effort, which is why some businesses fail to update frequently. Luckily, there are lots of tools that can help you optimize your social media management.

There are tools for different needs. For publishing, there's Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social; for quick graphics, there's Canva. These are just some of the examples of tools you can use to save time, and make its management easier.

4. Not Optimizing Content for Each Platform

Your hashtags on Instagram make sense but on Facebook, not really. At the same time, the ideal character count on Facebook is not the same on Twitter, and the number of emojis you put on Instagram won't work on LinkedIn. Each social media platform has different ideal posts, so you should optimize your posts for each channel.

Any digital marketing company knows social media marketing is more than just signing up for accounts. Maintaining your channels is a lot of work but it can build brand loyalty, which is something hard to find. So the next time you sign your business up for a social media account, remember to maintain it on a regular business.

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Wednesday 16 May 2018

Ten BE's To Increase Your Social Media Followers

As a business owner or marketing strategist, social media is an important tool to increase brand awareness, we can see social media like a cocktail party, where you can have networking and fun. I will explain 10 Must-Haves in your campaign to rock your social media strategy.


According to BBC News the average attention span is less than 12 seconds, thanks to multiple devices and a lot of distractions is really hard to stay focused and maintain the audience entertained. The only way is generating interesting content in relation to your service or product, there are a lot of formats according to each channel like videos, interactive images, and useful information applicable to their needs.

The best example is TED Talks, their content is about generating content through guest speakers of the most trendy and interesting topics in different industries.


Rule number 1. The more you know about your target, your strategy perform will better. Who are you talking to? What do they do? Why they buy your product/service? What are they doing? Where are they from? Which type of content are they interested in?

Netflix knows us well, if you are watching comedy movies, they will recommend other ones of the same type, the recommendations are driven by machine learning algorithms analyzing your interests and behaviors.


The storytelling of influencer marketing is more realistic, and the followers can feel connected and identified with their daily life. Marketers are increasing their budget on influencers thanks to the impact on their audience.

Fiji water did a partnership with the influencer Danielle Bernstein who is a fashion blogger offering workout videos with her personal trainer. The goal was to highlight the importance of hydrating if you want to feel and look good, the campaign name is #weworewhat with #bodyworewhat.


We are human beings and even we live in a connected world, we want to feel different emotions on ads and campaigns to take the experience to the next level. The campaigns that get a connection with their audience are the ones who will last for a long time in their minds.

Dove is the brand taking the beauty perception as its core strategy, they don't sell soaps, they sell beauty to women empower them to gain esteem.

5. BE FUN.

To engage your audience, you need to be unique and enjoy this job. Choose a game, a funny quote, a meme, depending on your service or product to get your audience attention.

Test, measure and repeat, you never know how your campaign is going in comparison with other campaigns, just make experiments and make them run to see what happens.


Imagine if you just do campaigns and don't measure their performance, you maybe will get the results you want but, you don't know what exactly is causing a conversion or working with your audience. With your data, you can optimize your campaign and bidding.

A great example is Amazon, do you imagine this revolutionary business without data? Data gives the information and the information gives the power.


Inbound marketing is a whole strategy to increase the traffic to your website and create conversions to get new customers. Content marketing is one part of that strategy, the first step is identifying the pain points of the brand and competitor's analysis. Then, create a persona (with the information you have on point 2), create content offering value to your audience and make it with a CTA (Call to Action) where you can redirect them into a landing page and you can proceed with a sales strategy.

Chipotle captured gaming fans, chipotle fans with a successful inbound strategy about "Chipotle Taste Invaders" with a laser tag shooting burrito, fighting against additives and educating the customer about the burrito ingredients.


Remember you need to captivate your audience with your campaign and it's not necessary just explaining the products and services. One of the best campaigns is Metro Trains with "Dumb ways to die" with catchy music and cartoon characters getting in the top 10 on iTunes in 24 hours.


And this is a little related of why influencer marketing is so successful now, the truth is that you will obtain your customer's loyalty and retain them with honesty and transparency; if they trust you, you are a winner. Put yourself in a scenario where you are really hungry and there is a new restaurant that someone told you about it, but you're not 100% sure of how healthy it is, then, you realized they cook your meal in front of you; that will make you feel confident about how they prepare the food, what type of ingredients and if it's fresh. The same happens with your company, the more transparent your product or service is, the better your audience will accept it.

One company with a lot of negative comments about their quality food is McDonald's. To attack this, the company creates a transparent marketing campaign called "Our Food. Your Questions" Where McDonald's answer all your concerns about their food.


This is my favorite part, to see the importance of these channels. Back in the days, we wouldn't think about Facebook to a way of communication of resolving inquiries or issues with a brand. Today you can take Customer Service to a whole experience making it so personal like you're in the store, providing that, you are saving time, energy and effort to the customer having a satisfied customer or just changing their perception if they had an inconvenience.

The best example is a lovely response from Lego, who could just reply with a "standard message" but it was so personalized and unexpected that went viral to all channels.

Check out your current campaign strategy and think about the above information and try to implement it to your own business.

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Tuesday 15 May 2018

Transitioning From Employee to Solopreneur

Is your number one Bucket List goal to establish your own entity and become a business owner or Solopreneur consultant? Are you planning to abandon the "safety" of a traditional job to directly market and sell your products or services to customers with the money and motive to do business with you?

Going out on one's own is a thrilling and sometimes frightening prospect. Those who take the plunge eventually discover that many resources that are casually taken for granted while working in an office are not readily available to those who step out on their own. As you weigh your options and prepare to write your business plan, be aware of a few changes and additional expenses to expect should you join the self-employed sector:

No paid days off

There will be no more paid sick days, holidays, vacation days, or personal days when you become the captain of your own enterprise. Neither will there be any pay for days off that result from bad weather. When winter arrives and snow begins to fall, there will be days when harsh weather conditions impact your business and your income. When the governor of your state declares a snow emergency, important meetings will be postponed and businesses may be unable to open and operate.

In particular for those who own a B2B or B2C venture where the business model requires you or your employees to visit the customer's location (e.g., cleaning services), or customers to visit your location (e.g., a laundromat), snow days = no revenue days. Small businesses have been known to go out of business within a year following periods of extreme weather.

Establish business credit

For tax purposes, it will be useful to open a separate business bank account and also apply for a business credit card or two. There will be business expenses to write off and you'll want to make it easy to monitor spending. Do yourself a favor and check your personal credit ASAP and pay off outstanding credit card balances to improve your credit score and correct any errors.

Financial management

Financial management will assume more than one form. As noted above, you'll need to establish credit for the business, so that you can order inventory and supplies without immediately impacting the business cash flow, for example. Those are Accounts Payable items. You will also need to ensure that customers pay you on time, or at all, and that is an Accounts Receivable function.

Maintaining sufficient cash flow is crucial to the business' survival and your own ability to keep a roof over your head, food on the table and your car on the road. You must develop a business budget and plan for the purchase of equipment, licensing costs (if applicable), insurance (if applicable), professional certifications (if applicable), or space rental (if needed).

In addition, you may consult with a business attorney or accountant to discuss the legal structure of your venture: Sole Proprietor, Corporation (chapter S or C), or Limited Liability Company (LLC). The type of business that you're in and your exit strategy will play a role in choosing the business legal entity.

Paying for office supplies

Free scanning and photocopying will be over. When you need to staple a few pieces of paper together, you must buy the stapler and the staples and you'll buy paper clips and envelopes, too.

There will likewise be no meeting space or audiovisual equipment for you to reserve. You'll have to meet at the client's office, or at a coffee shop or other restaurant. Privacy might be an issue and arranging a Power Point or other visual presentation might be awkward as well.

A lap top computer or tablet will be office equipment must-haves. It will be imperative to possess the tools of your trade and to always appear as a competent and prepared professional as you develop your reputation and build your brand. Good luck!

Thanks for reading,

Kim L. Clark is an external strategy and marketing consultant who brings agile skills to the for-profit and not-for-profit organization leaders with whom she works. Please visit to learn how your organization can achieve mission-critical goals when you work with Kim.

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Sunday 13 May 2018

Freelancers: We Are the Future

Presented here are relevant statistics and observations gleaned from the fourth annual "Freelancing in America" survey, conducted by the Freelancer's Union. According to the organization, "Freelancing in America" is the largest and most comprehensive measure of independent workers conducted in the U.S. The online survey queried 6002 U.S. adults who had engaged in full or part-time freelance work between August 2016 and July 2017. Freelancing was defined as temporary, project-based, or contract work performed at a for-profit or not-for-profit organization or government agency.

Who we are

In 2017, 57.3 million of our fellow citizens, representing 36% of the nation's workforce, participated in the freelance economy and contributed $1.4 trillion to the U.S. economy. The survey found that 63% freelance by choice, rather than by necessity, and enjoy this way of working. Freelancers reported feeling positive about our work and 79% preferred freelancing to traditional employment. We're more likely than traditionally employed workers to feel respected, empowered and engaged in our working environment. The survey designated the following freelance categories:

Independent contractors (35%, 19.1 million) -- Full-time freelance consultants whose only income is derived from client work
Diversified workers (28%, 15.2 million)-- Freelancers who regularly do client work, but also perform other part-time work
Moonlighters (25%, 13.5 million)-- Those who periodically take on freelance projects in addition to their traditional employment
Freelance business owners (7%, 3.6 million)-- Full-time freelancers who assemble ad hoc teams of freelancing specialists to form a consulting firm, so that more complex and lucrative client work can be performed
Temporary workers (7%, 3.6 million)

What we like

Time and money impact the decision to freelance. Flexibility is considered a significant benefit and is favored by 60% of freelancers. Additionally, more than 50% of workers who left full-time employment to freelance were able to earn more money within the first year of freelancing than was earned in traditional employment. Forty-six percent raised their project fees and hourly rates in 2017 and 54% said they planned to do so in 2018.

Serious challenges

Sill, money is an issue for freelancers. Survey respondents reported that adequate billable hours, negotiating fair project fees or hourly rates and receiving timely payment of invoices (or receiving full payment) could be problematic.

On average, full-time freelancers log 36 billable hours/week. When the billable hourly rate or project fee is considered inadequate, cash-flow is impacted and there can be a struggle to meet financial obligations. Not surprisingly, the survey found that debt is also a worrisome matter.

Access to health insurance and saving for retirement are a challenge. Full-time freelancers rank medical and dental insurance as primary concerns; 20% have no health insurance savings.

Shaping the future

As traditional full-time, middle class paying employment continues to disappear, the ranks of freelance consultants can only increase, making us a fast-growing segment of the American workforce. Sadly, our government leaders are not attentive to the freelance community's unique circumstances or our voting-bloc potential.

Eighty-five percent of survey respondents said they planned to vote in the 2018 mid-term elections. If that statistic is accurate, it would represent nearly 49 million freelancer voters, more than enough to influence congressional and gubernatorial elections. Seventy percent of survey respondents would prefer that candidates and political representatives would address the needs of freelance professionals, because no matter how lovely things may be for the chosen few who command lucrative project fees, we are nevertheless quite vulnerable.

Freelancers receive no paid sick, vacation, or holiday time. We do not receive co-sponsored health insurance or retirement benefits. Billable hours can have feast or famine fluctuations that wreak havoc on our cash-flow and ability to meet important financial obligations. The 57.3 million freelance consulting professionals in the U. S. desperately need political representation, advocates and activism.

Thanks for reading,

Kim L. Clark is an external strategy and marketing consultant who brings agile skills to the for-profit and not-for-profit organization leaders with whom she works. Ensure that your organization achieves its mission-critical goals when you contact Kim at

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Saturday 12 May 2018

Online Jobs Versus Online Businesses

It's Your Online Business, Not Your Online Hobby
An online business versus an online job has a different mentality for the individual. A job is something you do for someone else. It's something that dominates your day and your time with a prearranged schedule.

The job is your master, not the other way around. You work for someone else. Even if this is online the truth remains the same... you are still an employee. You have heard that you can make money online through working online for a company or a third party (this is not as an affiliate or a salesperson). You do jobs for someone else and complete a W4.

This to me is literally the lifestyle I intended to avoid when I got into online business. This model could not and would not do.

I know you see the ads. "We are looking to give stay at home mom jobs", but you may find that some of these places not only do not offer you a good job but will stick you with a horrible schedule. Not all of them are like this, though some are.

Why I like the online business model
For me it's about control. I like to control my day. If I want to work in the morning, I can do this. If I want to work late into the wee hours of the night... it's my right. Why? Because I decide how successful (or unsuccessful) my business is and this is through my effort.

It can be the highest paid hard work I ever done or the easiest, lowest paid work I have ever done. This lies squarely on my shoulders. You see the problem with a lot of online companies you may work for is stability.

Many of them catch people unawares stating grandiose claims making things look easy. For example, you may read something like "Earn Money Online Today, $55-$65 hour, no experience required".

What happens is that unsuspecting folks who trust these people invest time, money, and effort into a business that might not last the rest of the year. I have seen this with my own eyes. I always advocate starting your own online business. Why you ask? Who can you trust better than you? I will tell you, if I am going to invest in anything it will be me, period.

You Won't Let You Down
When you succeed those you love succeed. Those you care about succeed. It's about grabbing your dream and never letting it go. Working for someone else is helping them promote their dream through your effort. Working for yourself helps you to bring your dreams to fruition.

I know where the difficulty comes in. It is at the point of the beginning. How do you get started? Where do you start? Can I startup my online business quickly and with a minimal amount of investment?

Well, I can help you there. I recommend checking out my Internet Business Quick Start Guide by clicking here. It will help you to launch into the deep and get started making money online quickly.

I am serious about home business, and thankful for the time you have taken to read this article. If you are serious about beginning an online business then I recommend my Internet Business Quick Start Guide.

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Friday 11 May 2018

Make Money Online With Your Own Internet Business

The Make Money Farce
You have seen them and probably received thousands of them since you have begun internet marketing. They come out the wood works, don't they? Opportunities promising that you too can make money online with little to no effort. You then invest your money into the opportunity only to find out there aren't any pies in the sky... only the cold hard reality that you just spent some of your rent money on someone's new car.

Yes, this is the reality many internet marketers face. I have been there. I started in this business with my father and let me tell you... we have seen every scam under the sun. Why? Because we were those people who had a dream and wanted to help other people through success only to find out there ain't no free lunch in business. The cold hard truth is that "business is business". Period. There are a million work from home opportunities contrived each year. There are many more gullible individuals who buy into the dream. In the end, they are left like me and my dad... a few thousand dollars shorter.

But, It's Online And It Has To Be TRUE
Here is a revelation. People who scam lie. They don't just lie a little, its more like lie a lot. They want you to trust them, and to believe their story. But when it comes to delivering... well. You know. You've been there a thousand and one times. You've spent your money on the magic potions of the internet only to realize that you are out of money and now have a rash (the legendary rash of discouragement).

I'm not here to sell you a pie in the sky. I am here to be your jolt of reality. Sleeper, it's time to wake up! The internet is not some new invention that defies the laws of business. It is business on steroids. Imagine the business rules you know and then multiply them by the sheer volume of variables now introduced by the online component. The internet can allow you to become very wealthy or very broke.

So... Can I Make Money Online Or Not?!
You can young Jedi. I know some of the things I've said may be a little cheeky but I am serious. There is no money like "internet business" online money. The thing is you have to see it for what it is. Your internet business is just that... a business. Do not enter the online business field with any other mindset than "I am going to run MY business".

There is nothing more rewarding and satisfying professionally then running your own business. And if ran right, your internet business can feed you and your family. You may be looking for quick ways to make money. Once you setup your business depending upon the model you use the money can come quick. It all comes down to you and your imagination. Add hustle, grind, and grit and you got something.

Nowhere to start? If you would like to skip the line click here for the proven method to get your internet business up and running quickly (which means more money).

I am serious about home business, and thankful for the time you have taken to read this article. If you are serious about beginning an online business then I recommend my Internet Business Quick Start Guide. Get your kit here now.

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Sunday 6 May 2018

The Passive Income Myth

According to the IRS there are three categories of income: Active, passive, and portfolio.

Active is what it sounds like. You do income-producing activities that you get income.

Portfolio is also what it sounds like. You invest money into things like stocks, real estate funds, or other investment vehicles and - in the best of times - your investment yields gains, or income.

Then there is passive income.

The sacred cow of network marketing companies and continuity/membership site experts.

The goal of every over-worked, under-earning, praying-for-a-miracle self-employed type.

Passive intimates no work. You, on the beach, cocktail in hand, checking your PayPal account for the sales every few hours. Or, better yet, you, on your couch, in your jammies, binge watching GOT or House. Again.

I googled a ton of content on passive income and although there are some sound possibilities out there - lend money for interest for instance - many take a sound idea and run it right off the rails, like this one that admits you must frontload the work to get to passive: "first you need to haul ass and do something crazy, e.g. write a quality 20,000-word eBook (insane, not passive hahahah)", but here is where it runs wild -"but then you get to sit back and enjoy seeing PayPal sale messages pop up on your iPhone each morning as sale after sale after sale is made... on an ongoing basis and without any additional work. That's some seriously Pina Colada flavored passive goodness!"

There's some seriously delusional-flavored thinking.

Let's look at digital products. You write or create it once, set it up on a landing page, hook up the cart, drive traffic and you are off to the beach to collect your moolah.

A well done e-book or virtual program takes hours of research, writing, producing, formatting, etc. Those hours cost your time, and during those hours you are not making money. But OK, we can all agree, there has to be work on the front end right?

Right, but it doesn't end there.

Now we have marketing. If your landing page is optimized, your copy is killer, and your ads are spot on - something by the way that takes daily monitoring - and your e-book/product/program is targeted to the right audience, you could see recurring revenue from this evergreen type product.

Phew. We've done quite a bit of work so far and there are lots of "ifs" from a marketing perspective. (If your landing page converts because you've got conversion copy and the page is optimized for SEO, and you are targeting an audience that wants what you've got from you, and on and on.)

And marketing doesn't end if you want to keep the sales coming.

What about managing affiliate partners, returns, customer service? Even outsourced, there is still some active participation.

This type of income, as you see, is far from passive but it is leveraged.

Leveraged is good. It's how businesses grow and in our case, entrepreneurs, how we get out of the income-capping trap in the fee-for-service-only model.

I don't want to be Debbie downer, but part of my commitment to my clients and you, my readers, is to bring the truth; shine a light on traps, false gods, and naked emperors.

Am I suggesting not to do an e-book, a virtual program, or a continuity program? NO! (Well, I might in the case of the membership/continuity program, and I'm getting a few experts together to parse the good and bad and who should and shouldn't and when. I'll have details next week here.)

I am suggesting that you examine your attraction to a marketing idea before jumping in. No one idea will "save" a shaky business - sales is the exception here - and one idea that promises to "change everything" in your business is likely to fall short of its promise. What it really requires will only be found in the mice type - that tiny print at the bottom of webpages and print ads that gives you the disclaimer.

Always read the mice type.

And start researching leveraged income streams. Find out what it will really take to set one up and get started. It may not be passive, but it's income that requires less of you one-on-one or one-to-many. And that means more time to work on your portfolio or pina coladas.

Gregory Anne Cox is a free spirited entrepreneur who offers marketing in a fashion without using tired and boring content but a new fresh approach getting away from "Squishy Language" From becoming a freelance writer in NYC, to opening her own restaurant in San Diego, she is also a world renown author. Her most recent publications are "Everything is Food Journal" & "Your Genes Do Not Determine The Size of Your Jeans". Gregory now specializes in Online copy assessment, Done-For-You and Speaker and Engagement Services.

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Friday 4 May 2018

Affiliate Marketing Is a Nice Way to Earn Money Online

How would you react if I say that you will be able to earn a minimum of $100 a day online? Your immediate reaction would be something like this. "Are you out of your mind?" In fact, there are ways by which you can earn money online. With a little bit of hard work and perseverance, you can touch the magical figure of $100 per day. It is definitely not beyond the reach of a dedicated individual. Let us look at some ways by which you can achieve this objective.

Have you heard the word, Affiliate Marketing? You must have because this has become a very common method of earning money online today.

What is affiliate marketing and what do you do in this type of marketing?

This is a type of a performance-based marketing rewarding its customers for referring other prospective customers to its fold. This is how the system works.

This method of marketing is an overlapping of various types of internet marketing methods. There are four players in this kind of industry. The first category is the merchant or the retailer. The second category is the network through which the affiliates work. This takes care of the payment aspects too. The affiliate is the third link of the chain. He is the one who publishes the advertisements and brings in the customers. The customer forms the final link to the chain.

The affiliates use a variety of methods to market the produce. This is also a type of referral marketing. However, there is a major difference between the two. Affiliate marketing focuses on the financial aspects and motivations. Referral marketing uses the trust and personal relationships as a base to improve the sales.

The affiliate marketer uses all the internet-marketing methods to some degree such as email marketing, search engine marketing, pay per click advertising methods, and even display marketing techniques too. He also relies of product reviews by customers or professional bloggers on the internet.

What are the advantages of affiliate marketing?

We shall look at three simple advantages.

Cost-effective for the merchant because he saves on advertising costs thereby passing on the benefits to the final user.

The affiliate marketer eliminates the entire middle chain and links the customer directly to the merchant. He derives a decent commission out of the sales proceeds.

The customer can get his product at a much lower price than the retail market cost.

Hence, you can see that affiliate marketing provides a great opportunity for the individual to earn extra money online. You have to do the hard work in the initial stages. However, after you set up the chain beautifully, making $100 a day would be very easy. You can have a great team working for you.

This is one of the time-tested methods of earning money online. There are other methods whereby you can earn handsomely, but affiliate marketing ensures a steady stream of income once you are able to establish the chain properly. Of course, you need to maintain excellent rapport with the people in the chain below you.

Trevor Browne is the author of this article on earn money online. Find more information, about earn extra money online.

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Wednesday 2 May 2018

How High Achievers Harvest Time and Accomplish Their Dreams - Part 1

Have you ever wondered why some people achieve so much more than others?

Our research of high achievers (HAs as we call them), regardless of their chosen field of endeavor, show shared characteristics. Here are 6 of the most important; all of which speak directly to the issue of harvesting time to achieve their dreams.

1. They know what they want.

2. They know why they want it.

3. They have set goals to achieve it.

4. They have a clearly defined plan to get them there.

5. They take action.

6. They commit their time and resources to its accomplishment.

While only a part of the total formula for Time Harvesting these 6 factors are important, contributing elements. In Part 1 we will look at the first element: they know what they want.

Envisioning the outcome.

HAs know exactly what they want. There is no ambiguity about their dream. They are totally focused on the outcome. They can describe it in vivid detail. They're convinced it can and will happen. It's not about "if," it's about "when."

The "what" defines the priorities.

Because the outcome is both crystal clear and expected, there is singleness of purpose. Thus, dedicating time to accomplish the goal becomes top priority understanding that the sooner the plan is executed, the sooner the dream is realized.

Competing priorities.

Unfortunately, like everyone else, HAs don't have the luxury of only dealing with the dream. Life gets in the way and HAs must deal with other issues, as well. But, just like the consistency of the compass needle, after the fires are put out; HAs return to accomplishing the dream.

The lesson.

The lesson is clear. To get the absolute benefit out of every moment of your time you must have a compelling, desired outcome. Otherwise, your time is just dissipated as you wander about aimlessly. Unfortunately, too many people do not have a clearly defined, realistic, defined outcome for their life. That is why they waste so much time and feel unfulfilled.

Remember, if you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.

Going forward, the compelling question is, "Where will you be, and is that where you really want to be?" What a terrible shame to live an unfulfilling life because you aren't doing what you really want.

The critical issue.

The critical issue is the necessity to define your dream. Take the time to figure that out. You simply must. Then, each day you can devote your time to getting there.

In Part 2, we will look at your "why;" what drives you to accomplish the "what."

Would you, too, as so many other have, like to effectively have a 13th month or more every year to achieve your dreams? Author Jan Schrader shares the secrets of Time Harvesting in the book, The Secret of the Thirteenth Month - Harvesting the Time to Achieve Your Life's Dreams. To learn more, just go to, and discover the power of Time Harvesting.

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