Showing posts with label make money from home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make money from home. Show all posts

Saturday 21 April 2018

Being Financially Stable

If saving for retirement is a struggle, imagine yourself if you lost a job. More and more people really take care of their own retirement security. To avoid unnecessary financial constraints, create a plan to reduce debt as you approach retirement. Design your savings and spending plans.

Retirement planning is definitely difficult, especially if the implications of your choices tend to get magnified. You'll need to determine the amount of savings needed for your desired lifestyle. A spending strategy is equally important. However, rather than following a budget, many people spend more than what comes in.

Determine your annual base or mandatory expenses on food, clothing, shelter, utilities, medical, and transportation expenses. Also consider investing in long-term health care insurance which can typically cover the cost of home care, nursing-home care, and assisted living which is not usually covered by traditional health insurance.

Safeguarding your finances while you are still employed will help you become financially stable even after retirement. Many people are anxious when their retirement years are fast approaching. Imagine being at that point in your life and feeling you haven't achieved your goals yet. It could get especially worrisome if you don't have enough savings to be able to sustain your lifestyle after you retire. So, you need to enjoy spending within your means.

Securing a retirement fund is definitely needed if you want to live comfortably. The best time to start saving for your future is now. Not next year, not next week, not tomorrow, and not even later. Start planning for retirement at this very moment. It's better to start sooner than later. The earlier you plan, the more time you have to save money, pay off debt, and invest in the future. You also give yourself some leg room in case you make a bad decision and need to recover from a mistake. If you start investing late, then you lower the possibility of accomplishing your retirement plans.

Consistency is essential in saving money for your retirement. At first, it may be difficult, but you'll find it easier to save as you get along. One of the solutions for this is to set aside savings every month, even just a small amount. Save more as you go along-but never, never go below the initial savings amount.

Planning may be easy, but it's the willingness and determination to stick to your plans that could bend at times. It's important to have a clear vision ahead. No matter how far away your retirement years may seem, it is always a good idea to learn how to manage your personal finances. Those people who know how to manage their money succeed in allotting enough money not just for their savings but also for other financial matters.

It's important to create a budget. Separate your needs from your wants and try to track your spending on a monthly basis by listing down all your expenses. Seeing where you spend your money can help you sort out your priorities and plan how you can save more from your income and spend less on non-important expenses.

Retiring from work is a major leap in one's life. Prepare for the inevitable as early as now and assure a financially stable future for yourself and your family.

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Monday 16 April 2018

Focus Is What Creates Wealth

A few months ago, I wrote about the two driving forces in every decision we make. Each decision you make is based on your attempt to avoid pain or pursue pleasure. In many areas of our lives, pain seems more intense and therefore, most of us base our decisions trying to avoid pain. Take someone who is out of shape for example.

Are they out of shape because they do not possess the knowledge to get in shape? No, we know what it takes to be in shape, but we also know it's hard, it takes work and commitment. For some, the idea of not eating what they want and working out is more painful than the pleasure of being in shape. Being in financial shape is not different.

We know that we need to budget our personal finances and we need to earn more than we spend to be in good financial health, but some people associate too much pain with not spending, so they spend. Each person has their own associations with pain and pleasure. In the article I wrote a few months ago, I focused on the benefits of pain and how it is necessary to reach your goals and how we should not avoid it. Success does not come easy and pain is part of that journey.

Knowing that pain is positive helps us when we are going to make a decision that could cause pain, but that knowledge alone might not be enough. What can make a big difference is our ability to focus on the pursuit of pleasure over the avoidance of pain. The idea is to make the thought of the pleasure more powerful than the thought of the pain. This is done in two ways:


Obviously, we know goals are important in business. In fact, some will argue you will not be successful without them. What is not so easy to understand is why goals are so important. By having and focusing on goals, you are focusing on what you want, which is the pleasure we get from the decisions we make. When you are newer to business I would suggest focusing on a SMART goal, but my SMART goal might be a little different than what you have been taught.

Specific: The more specific your goal is the better. Your picture of what you want should be very clear.

Measurable: A goal like getting into shape is not only not specific but it cannot be measured. How will you know when you reach it? Great goals are easy to measure and know when they are accomplished.

Action Focused: This is the one that changes a little from what others are teaching. When you are getting started, created goals that are based on actions will help you. This is because they are easy to accomplish, and you can create some momentum. Small success leads to great things. For example, you might want to make a goal that you will make 5 offers each day or each week instead of doing one deal a month. Although you might want to do a deal a month, the focus should be on the actionable items that will get you there.

Reasonable: This is one that is challenging for a lot of us. We hear that if you shoot for the stars and miss, at least you will land on the moon. Although I do believe that we need to think big, I also understand that we need to believe our goals are attainable or we will not hit them. Our mind is so incredibly powerful that if it does not believe you can hit the goal... you can't. My advice is to make short term goals that stretch you, but that you believe are possible. As you start hitting your goals you will be expanding your mind and can create bigger and bigger goals. There is also nothing wrong with dreaming or setting lofty longer-term goals. That too can be very positive in your development.

Time Based: As mentioned above I like the idea of short term goals. My preference is a year or less on the actual goals that you are going to focus on. Monthly goals work well. There should also be rewards for hitting these short terms goals. In no case should your goal not come with a definitive date to accomplish.


I have written several articles and posts about this, so I will not spend too much time here, but it is important to mention that it is my strong opinion that your why is the one fail safe way to have success in anything you do. As long as your why is big enough, you cannot fail. Period.

The second way to shift your focus to the pleasure is your big why. Your why is very different than a goal, as it might not meet any of the SMART criteria. It is huge, much bigger than you, and is often something that is hard for you to even realize you are capable of accomplishing. Your goals will be based on this, but it is not something that you are tracking in most cases. It is often times much bigger than you, like leaving a legacy or helping or starting a charity. It is my why that keeps me going when things get hard and it is my why that helps me make decisions that I know will cause some temporary pain. It helps you bust through fear.

By focusing on your dreams and your goals you will be able to look past temporary pain, so you can create lifelong pleasure. Combine this strategy with the knowledge that pain is positive and you will be unstoppable!

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Friday 30 March 2018

Top 10 Best, Popular and Famous Highly Paying Affiliate Programs

Affiliation is an automated and robotized marketing program where an online website advertiser, merchant or entrepreneur engage webmasters (the person who keeps a specific website) to place their banners ads or buttons on their blog or websites. Webmasters will receive a referral fee or commission from sales when the customer has clicked the affiliate link to get to the merchant's website to perform the desired action.

Generally, make a purchase or fill out a contact form, desired action varies from merchant to merchant and according to their offers or promotions. In other words, we can say that, it's an online business center for thousands of affiliate programs on the web. Now a days, affiliate marketing has become a multi-billion dollar industry and it's the best way to monetize your blog or website. All the affiliate networks system have their own tracking, reporting, and payment system.

Affiliate programs or associate programs is an agreement between an advertiser and a webmasters, if a company or organization has generated, produced or designed a product and they are promoting and trading it via your website then you can also generate extra income by inviting your website visitors to promote it in exchange for a commission.

Moreover, if you are monetizing your website or blog with the absolute affiliate program then it can make a lot of money with a slight effort. For this, you need a healthy, bountiful and rich content website with a handsome amount of targeted traffic.Advertisers finance in affiliate programs for initiation of consumer interest or inquiry into their products or services of a business, it is also called lead generation. Different advertisers provide different kinds of affiliate programs. All affiliate plans do not work in the same way or pay the same rates. If you join a search engine affiliate program you most likely will be placing text links or banners to their advertisers and you'll work on a pay-per-click fee. Similarly, some of others allow you to set up a shopping or store page that offers products related to the content of your website.

Basically, in association of any affiliate merchant means you are paid a commission per sale on the advertiser's website and pay-per-click affiliate programs reward the minimum amount, as affiliates are usually paid per thousand clicks (CPC).

There are lots of other affiliate marketing programs than the ones that have been mentioned below, but these are the ones that are extremely successful and has been short listed on the behalf of advertiser's worth and valuation, Alexa traffic rank, user experience and off course visitor's strength.

1- CJ Affiliate by Conversant (Commission Junction) - Since 1998

  1. Alexa Rank: 5,645
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $50, $100 (Direct Deposit, Check)
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: No

CJ Affiliate by Conversant is an extensive, largest and highly paying affiliate marketing network in North America, it operates globally. CJ Affiliate is one of the oldest advertising company that is why it is preferred affiliate network of more than 500 companies and major online stores on the internet. I will recommend it personally because it has unmatched hub of advertisers, beautiful and easy to understand user interface, unworried payment system and the customer support that we cannot find anywhere.

CJ Affiliate has a very large variety of products to promote and merchants (advertisers) frequently pay high amount of commission rates for CJ publishers when we compare to other marketing affiliate companies or even their personal in-house affiliate program.

CJ Affiliate Network is free to join and you can simply sign in to CJ Account Manager once your application is approved and apply to different affiliate programs. Some of the advertisers approve publishers immediately while others approve manually after reviewing your account/website. But you need to link a quality website with healthy and rich content to get approval for individual affiliate programs.

2- ShareASale - Since 2000

  1. Alexa Rank: 1,008
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $50
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: Yes

ShareASale is another popular and most accepted affiliate network with a large amount of product choices. It has collected an excellent ratings, with the company's outstanding persona, safety, morality, customer service, and ease of commission payment receiving glowing reviews. In fact, it is the well-known affiliate marketing company with over 3,900 merchant programs and more than 40 different categories. There are lots of other affiliate programs on the internet that are very distinctive to ShareASale.

ShareASale also provides you an extra feature that you can add products to your "basket". It means, you can keep all information about specific merchants or products that you'd like to apply for, review, or export later on.

If someone is unfitted or failed to find an appropriate advertiser on CJ then most apparently it will be here at ShareASale. Moreover, to get start joint affiliate program with ShareASale is not complicated. There are couple of important and easy steps to get started. Essentially, you have to verify that you own your website before you can join any of them, which involves placing a key code in your website's header tag.

3- Rakuten Affiliate Network (LinkShare) - Since 1996

  1. Alexa Rank: 2,138
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $50
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit, PayPal
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: No

According to writers and online surveys, Rakuten Affiliate Network Company has been declared and listed in one of the largest affiliate network, with over 10 million affiliate partnerships. Rakuten Affiliate (LinkShare) took the number one spot in the 2012 Affiliate Networks because of platform stability, support quality and ability to spread all around the world with more than 4,000 affiliate programs which allows you to manage your own program using the company's various service and support options.

Rakuten is not the quickest to sign-up or the simplest to navigate, but there's a lot of helpful guidance as you go. You have to sign-up with each separate advertiser before you can boost their products. This reveals that quality is important here.

Rakuten Affiliate has a lot of physical products to promote, including some big-brands. They provide access to thousands of publishers recruited daily worldwide. Search by product category, traffic, consumer geography and other criteria significant and relevant to your online affiliate campaign. They provide patented tracking technology, easy tools to upload ad links, coupon links or product feeds and reliable online payment options.

4- (Affiliate Window) - Since 2000

  1. Alexa Rank: 17,848
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $20/£20
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit, Wire Transfer
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: Yes, Affiliate Window is one of the best affiliate network in Europe and prominently increasing around the globe with over 2,100 advertiser and 75,000 publisher respectively. It provides instance access to nearly 77 sectors in 11 territories. This affiliate program is at the top because of its unique traffic light system which is providing visibility on payments, low threshold payments available in multiple currencies twice a month, simple user-friendly platform, interface with real-time reporting.
In 2013, UK buyers made 150M purchases via affiliate websites. Monetize your website and join the thousands of bloggers by adopting affiliate marketing as a way of monetizing your website in an intelligent and excellent way.

Affiliate Window is incredible to work with because this affiliate program understand that independent publishers have different demands and will work with the advertiser and publisher to ensure the program works for both. It has dedicated publisher services team with sector specialists, access to more than half of the UK's biggest brands* (as listed by IMRG 2013 survey), live chat support and multiple range of tools to create links.

5- Click Bank - Since 1998

  1. Alexa Rank: 3,414
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $10
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit, Wire Transfer
  4. Sell Products: Globally
  5. Referral Program: Yes

Click bank a well-known affiliate network and has a huge statistics with 200 million customers, it features over 6 million digital products, such as e-books, software and membership sites. With their network of 500,000 digital marketing experts in over 190 countries, digital product will reach customers around the world. They help you to set commissions that maximize the network of digital marketers promoting your offers and together watch your sales grow. Click Bank has delivered lifestyle products to customers around the globe.
After joining Click Bank affiliate program, you can get up to 75% commission on all sales. Find particular informational lifestyle products with just one click, obtain advice on any topic, immediately access products and there is no need to wait.

ClickBank sells lifestyle products that are produced by fervent entrepreneurs. Their products give innovation and instruction on topics ranging from training the family dog and Paleo cooking recipes to workouts to become a better surfer. With each click and every sale, their products improve the lives of customers around the world. They stand behind the products and strive to deliver unparalleled customer satisfaction.

6- Zanox - Since 2000

  1. Alexa Rank: 9,099
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: €25
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit, Wire Transfer
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: No

Perhaps the largest European network and a partner of Affiliate Window and eprofessional, zanox supports more than 4,300 international advertisers in the successful marketing of products and services on the internet. However, it is not very much familiar with USA but has a growing terrific reputation gradually. Globally, more than 700 people work for zanox and its partner companies. Moreover, zanox champions the establishment of international quality standards with its own Code of Conduct for all participants in the network.

Affiliate networks becomes important when they have an exclusive relationship with a brand. The most famous handmade marketplace's affiliate program is powered by Zanox. So you will need a Zanox publisher account to become an affiliate of Etsy.

Simply, display ads on your website and earn money for generating sales and leads. You gain maximum reach via Zanox global publisher network with a wide variety of publisher models. You will be given maximum benefit from their global network of high-quality brands and attractive promotions and their statistics enable you to track and improve your performance. They also provide great importance to trust, network quality and transparency.

7- - Since 2008

  1. Alexa Rank: 465,669
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $100
  3. Payment Method: Check, Wire, ACH, PayPal
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS
  5. Referral Program: Yes only works with top and high quality affiliates and provide some of the most sought after campaigns across various verticals, including campaigns for more than 100 different countries. They provide world class affiliate support, whether you are looking for a particular offer or are in need of a fresh new creative, their affiliate managers are your number one resource for helping you to generate the highest level of revenue. Lots of other affiliate networks suffer from disconnection, not so from this network. oblige anyone from beginner level to advanced affiliates. They have a very helpful staff that take each case on an individual basis. So, if you do not have much experience yet you should probably be best to try one of the other networks first. network declares more than 2,000 live campaigns in different categories, so there is definitely a large selection to choose from. To become a part of you have to fill out an affiliate application form, your application will be reviewed within 2 business days. You'll get a call to confirm all of your information and be assigned to an affiliate manager. They also offer domain parking and redirect monetization services.

8- Vig Link - Since 2009

  1. Alexa Rank: 9,959
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $10
  3. Payment Method: PayPal
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: Yes

It is very much similar to Skimlinks, complete the sign up process and then simply add one line of code to your website or blog and VigLink will automatically turns existing links on your pages into revenue generating links. VigLink can also insert new links on relevant terms and phrases to capture purchase purpose. You can also earn from purchase intent created in your app, the content created and shared over mobile apps drives purchase. VigLink's Rest API opens up a new revenue stream for publishers by allowing them to earn from this created purchase intent.
VigLink manages a publisher network of over 2 million sites and apps, as well as an advertiser network of over 50,000 brands and merchants. It is also backed by top investors including Google Ventures, Emergence Capital, and RRE.

VigLink believes that it links out every feasibility so what seems to be a simple and normal link to you can be turned into a monetizing affiliated link with them. It takes a 25% cut of the affiliate commissions generated from your website or blog. You get 35% of what they earn for a year from your referral. Moreover, VigLink identifies commercial products mentioned within content and links them to destinations determined in real-time, advertiser-bid auctions.

9- Valuleads - Since 2009

  1. Alexa Rank: 996,763
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $50
  3. Payment Method: PayPal, Pay Check, ACH (Direct)
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS
  5. Referral Program: Yes

ValuLeads is an energetic and widely growing, achievement based advertising agency founded in 2009. Their basic goal as a team is to provide the best value possible to every organization they work with. ValuLeads understand that each client, whether advertiser or publisher, has different needs and wishes. Therefore, they work with their customers on a one-on-one basis to create a completely customized system or campaign designed to maximize value and results. ValuLeads is committed to getting the top payout for each and every campaign.
At ValuLeads, every publisher in the network is distributes as though it were their most important customer. No matter, what the size of your campaign, they will always provide you the best possible support and guide you through all the ups and downs.

They also offer on-time payments, as well as flexible payment options and provide weekly payments (for qualified publishers). At ValuLeads dedicated experts and quality service continues from 8 A.M until 12 A.M, seven days a week. Fill out an application to set up a free consultation an affiliate manager will call you to discuss what offers to run, and how to work together to make you some money. They also offer referral program.

10- JV Zoo - Since 2009

  1. Alexa Rank: 3,517
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $50
  3. Payment Method: PayPal, Stripe or
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS
  5. Referral Program: Yes

It is free to become an affiliate at JVZoo. It provides one affiliate link and instant access for all products in a sales funnel. JVZoo having little resemblance to ClickBank. Because, it's a network for affiliates and sellers based around digital products. It's easy to manage, just like with ClickBank, you can check out the marketplace to get an idea of the products you could promote before you have even signed up. After joining, you can have access to the JVZoo Affiliate Product Library, which contains products from a wide variety of categories.

Their affiliate product library gives you up to the minute conversion and EPC details for all products. Know what you can expect from a promotion by seeing network wide performance data. When you promote a vendor's product, you are automatically cookied for all of that vendor's products.

As an affiliate, see exactly how your campaigns are accomplish in real time. You can even generate multiple trackers for the matching product, using our Tracking ID System. You can keep an eye on your campaigns with an instant sales notifications. Notices are sent to your email's inbox each time an affiliate sale is made. Vendors deal directly with buyers, so there is no need to provide customer support for people that purchase from your affiliate links.

Note: "Commission rates, payment method, offered programs and referral programs may change according to affiliate marketers new promotions and policies. Also, Alexa Ranking will not be consistent it keeps on changing with the variation of your traffic performance."

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Sunday 25 February 2018

Several Reasons Why You Are Always Broke

There are several reasons why people are broke. Here is my short list of reasons why people are broke and will continuously be broke. Your attitude towards money began when you were a child. You had great instructors and in most cases, they were your parents. Remember the axiom "from the root to the fruit?" Usually the fruit does not fall far from the tree, meaning that you are usually a product of your parents thinking. Sound Familiar?

Instead of waiting for your fate to magically change. You may want to take a serious look at all the things you are doing that may be contributing to your financial despondencies. That's right. Everything may actually be your own doing. Here are several known motives why people find themselves broke. You may recognize a few of them. If you follow some of the advice I am about to share with you, in time you will be able to dig yourself out of the hole you dug for yourself.

Many people have crutches that hold them back in life. Some people smoke, drink, eat tons of fast food and don't run unless they are being chased by a rabid dog. So maybe your health is not so great, but at least you are having a great time. Chances are, your finances aren't in good shape either. In most cases, bad habits are a big financial drain on your pocket book and there is nothing great about that at all. As a matter of fact, most people that I have come in contact with have many crutches they are depended upon. No one wants to admit they are suffering from multiple addictions. One thing that I am cognizant of is that if people can give up their personal crutches and extinguish their bad habits they can amass large amounts of money in short periods of time.

Just think about it for a second, a pack of cigarettes costs $8.00 on average and that comes out close to $2,900 a year on a pack-a-day smoking habit. Now, as for alcohol, even restrained drinking can add up. Just think of it, two glasses of wine a day can run you over $1,500 a year, and that calculation is based on consuming the cheap stuff at home. If you are a bar drinker and you prefer Bordeaux, you are paying a whole lot more. Wow! And you complain that you don't have money to go anywhere. I wonder why.

Another reason why people go broke would be that they try so desperately to keep up with the Joneses and don't realize in most cases that the Joneses are living a lie. Just because someone is driving a new car or is wearing an expensive gold watch doesn't mean that they are high rollers. Many people are living off credit cards. 70% of the people in the United States are living well over their head. The IRS states that only 5% of the American people are financially independent. That means that 95% of the American people are faking it. You should never try to live a lifestyle you cannot afford.

Instead of purchasing a new vehicle you might want to check out other options like purchasing a used vehicle in excellent condition. No one will know if it is a new vehicle or not, unless you tell them. The raw reality of it all would be that no one truly cares about you anyway. Lets' put my theory to the test. I want you to go outside every day for a month and ask everyone that you know or passes by to help you pay off your mortgage and vehicle loan. At the end of the month I want you to count the small change you have collected. You will find out what I already know. You will be no closer to paying of your home or vehicle or anything else for that matter. You may have enough to purchase a couple cheese burgers at the golden arches. Now, if you are trying to purchase a home, you may want to put down 20% and keep your monthly payment below 30% of your gross income. The golden rule when purchasing a home would be to own the home and not allow the home to own you. Don't become a prisoner of your home due to trying to keep up with the Joneses.

Do you have more month at the end of your paycheck? Are you taking care of an entourage that is not taking care of you? It is time for you to take a good look at the people you surround yourself with. Are you hanging around the wrong crowd? Didn't your mother use to tell you about hanging around the wrong crowd? I know my mother did. She use to tell me repeatedly "birds of a feather flock together" and she was right. I learned the hard way by hanging with the wrong people and yes, it did lead to trouble. The funny thing about what my mother told me back then still applies to me today. You have to be very careful of the people you surround yourself with. Everyone does not wish you well. You have gold-diggers, leeches, and other parasites out there that will latch on to you and strip your wallet or purse clean without leaving prints. They will come around empty handed and help you drink up, eat up, and spend up your money until it is all gone and once everything is gone, you will find no trace of them until the next time they sense you have something they want or need. They never seem to come around when they have money. Anytime you seen them, they have a tall tale to tell.

You have to make a list and check it twice, for you have to find out who's been naughty or nice. You must shun the parasites in your life. There comes a time in everyone's life to where they have to become cognizant of where they stand. They must take out the trash and know that they will be better off for doing so. You must become disciplined if you stand any chance of negating any bad habits you formed while surrounding yourself by the wrong crowd. Let me be the first to tell you. It will not be an easy road to follow, but it is surely probable.

I know that many people dread hearing about watching TV too much, but if you are watching TV too much you may want to pay close attention to this segment of this article. I get it, there is nothing like coming home from work and kicking off your shoes, getting comfortable on the couch, and cutting on the TV. But if you are falling behind on your financial obligations you may want to re-evaluate your comfort commitments with your TV set and make some major changes to your life-style obligations. Research found that 77% of those struggling financially spent more than an hour watching TV and 74% spent more than an hour surfing the internet for fun. Conversely, the majority of wealthy individuals spend their time engaging in self-development activities, getting involved in alterative income producing endeavors, and/or follow paths of their dreams that could very well lead to hefty financial rewards.

Whatever you do, don't let laziness, uncertainty, or fear keep you from reaching for the stars. Taking baby steps is better than not taking any steps at all when it comes to producing an alternative stream of income. If you have a spare room in your home, you may want to entertain the possibility of renting that room out to make ends meet.

I am sure your parents badgered you about how important it was to get an education. I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but they are right. I found out from experience long ago that your income can't surpass your knowledge. Oops! I let the cat out the bag. Lets' compare life time earnings between a typical high school graduate and a typical college graduate with a bachelor's degree. I am sure you will agree that the statistics are bewildering. Over a 40-year career, a worker with a bachelor's will earn $1 million more than a worker with just a public high school diploma. This is not a misprint. $2.42 million versus $1.37 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau projections. If you have a master's degree, it bumps you up to $2.80 million. That is one world of a difference, wouldn't you agree!

Please keep in mind that going back to school does not guarantee a bigger paycheck, but it sure does not hurt to do so. If you do decide to go back to school, you will want to be cognizant of how much student loan debt you amass. A good practice that you will want to follow would be controlling the student loan amount borrowed. You will not want to borrow any more than you expect to earn in your first year of work.

There are several other reasons why you are always broke but I did mention that this was my short list. Just know that it is possible to turn it all around if you put your mind, heart, and soul into it.

If you would like to learn more about not becoming broke you may want to pick up my latest book "The Essential Keys To Financial Freedom." at What are you waiting for? Do it today!

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Sunday 18 February 2018

3 Simple Ways For Increasing Website Traffic

Increasing traffic to your website does not have to be done by a professional. This can be done by anyone who has a computer. When you get more traffic to your website you have more potential customers to show your products and services.

There are some easy methods to use that will contribute to acquiring more traffic for your site such as: utilizing search engines, choosing correct keywords, and having enough content to consistently direct traffic. These methods will slowly but surely draw more and more traffic to your website that will potentially make you more money.

Utilizing search engines can be a very significant way for your website to increase traffic. Building up a name in search engines will make it easier for people searching for whatever your website promotes to find it.

There is no point in having a website if no one can find it right?

So making sure your site is easily identifiable in major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing will make it much easier to gain more viewers to your site. Increasing website traffic can be a rewarding experience financially.

Keywords are very important when you are looking to increase website traffic. Using strong highly used keywords and keyword phrases correctly can draw substantial traffic to your website. Keywords are words or a phrase of words that relates to the service or product you have on your site. These words represent exactly what the consumers are searching for.

For example, if your website specializes in auto repair for Ford manufactured cars a keyword would be mustang repairs. The best keywords are very specific and unique. Providing highly used keywords makes your site easier to find in major search engines.

Providing original content is the most important task you can do to increase website traffic. With content you have keywords and more keywords. As mentioned before the more keywords you have that are being used the more people will find your website. Using blogs and articles to drive traffic is a popular method.

This provides continuous original content that is related and informative which draws regular consumers. Successful websites will have great content that provides information without boring the reader. If you are not a writer, it is a good idea to look into outsourcing for articles. There are plenty of writers for hire who know how to create great original content.

These three methods can increase traffic to your website extremely fast. With consistent work, you can have a website that draws hundreds of viewers a day in no time. Your job is to have the product and provide ways for customers to get it.

Without views there will be no sales so be sure to update content daily to have the potential to draw more and more traffic. Having the necessary information in creating keywords will be the best way for you and your business to flourish. Keywords are a very important part of online businesses, be sure to do your research.

Discover an endless supply of targeted website traffic that you can get for little or no money involved. Learn how to get "No Cost" web traffic to all of your money sites in my Traffic Tips 101 training guide today! You have nothing to lose and a ton of "FREE" targeted website visitors to gain.

Your online reputation is the most important asset that your business has! Let us show you how to use your 5 Star Reputation to get more customers go to Truman Marketing and let us show you how!

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Wednesday 14 February 2018

Life Equals Time - Style Equals Money

Put yourself in a position where you have... Time AND Money.

Become the best version of You. Invest money in yourself.

Put your money into things that make money.

Have the attitude that... Money is abundant and money is all around you.

You can survive weeks without food, days without water but only minutes without oxygen. As soon as you take away oxygen...

It becomes the most important thing in life!

It's something we seldom consciously think about, unless you take it away.

You don't think about breathing unless you can't breath... (And usually that only happens once).

However, when you don't have any money, it dominates your daily life... All Day Long - Everyday!

It's all you think about. Fortunately, when you get to the place in life where you have an abundance of money, a productive life changes and becomes about helping others.

And when you focus on helping others... You will be rewarded by "The Universe" and have even more abundance.

We can't prove it. Some call it spiritual, others call it karma, luck, favor... Science can't prove it. No machine can measure it. It just works!

Some call it "Faith."

You can then go out and bless others. Become an abundance warrior.

Set a personal goal. Surpass it. Learn how to empower others.

Build a social media influence and scale your business.

Get a digital product such as an automated webinar funnel.

And then put the webinar on replay.

People will purchase from the automated webinar.

Then, by promoting affiliate offers, the selling is done "auto-magically".

You just collect, keep, and cash the commission checks.

What a wonderful life!

Build... Grow... Scale... and Multiply

Always sounds so easy. But is it really?

The truth is NO, it is not.

It's hard and like anything worth having in life... It takes work!

That's the dirty little secret they don't tell you in the ads.

But the reality is... The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Become.

I saw Donald Trump at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City about a decade ago. It was a FREE speech, no charge to get in, no security checks, no bomb sniffing dogs. Open to the general public.

Anybody could come, no metal detectors.

It was a different world back then... Safer!

(I heard 'The Donald' got paid a million bucks for the speech).

I remember Trump was talking about Paul McCartney. Trump said... 'that poor bastard Paul McCartney' didn't have a pre-nup.

That divorce cost Paul a ton of money, No pre-nup!

After an interesting, unscripted and entertaining speech, at the end of the evening, 'The Donald' concluded his talk by saying something I'll never forget.

Donald Trump said... "Never, never, never, never, Never Give Up!"

Here it is now a decade later, and that still sticks in my mind.

Carl Willoughby is an internet entrepreneur that has been online more than 20 years and can help you start a successful online internet business. Visit his blog at:

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Tuesday 6 February 2018

Ways to Make Money Online - No Fees, No False Offers and No Bull Droppings (Pardon My French)

More and more it seems everyone would like to escape the hassle of working a 9 to 5 job in an effort to attain greater control of their time and achieve financial independence. There are many scams online design to take your money. Please be aware!! My philosophy is, "if it is asking for payment from the start, it probably would not be in your best interest to continue in pursuit" Personally, I have been ripped off with false offers and it has resulted in me losing hundreds of dollars. I promised myself, if I ever got in the position to help others struggling online, I would do so.

Below are 5 ideas aimed at pointing an aspiring online entrepreneur in the right direction. They are all 100% Free To Join. Please note, these are not get rich quick schemes! If you are interested in such schemes, my advice is keep you day job.

In the interest of "full disclosure", (that is an accounting term) I am bias when it comes to the first to programs, as I have made the most money online with them and continue to promote them heavily. But, to each his or her own...

1. View Paid Advertisement -

There are sites that actually pay viewers to watch, review and comment on adds. The compensation is anywhere between 5 cents to 25 cents per ad viewed. If you also invite persons to join, you make even more money. If this is of interest to anyone please check out the following sites. You can locate their respective sites with a Google search

Inbox Dollar

2. Online Data Entry-
I know you hear this all the time. People want to know, are there really data entry jobs online. My answer to them is The Flex Job. It is processing simple worksheet for Fortune 500 Companies and you can make a decent salary doing so.

3. Smartphone Apps For Cash-

Well it looks like you're pretty nifty with a browser, so perhaps it's time for you to turn pro and browse websites as a paid and fun job!

There are tons of applications you can find in the Google play store that pay for exploring and downloading. Please find below my best recommendations.

Feature Points.
Perk TV
App Trailers
App Karma
Cash app (my personal favorite)

4. Paid surveys
There are numerous big brands that wish to hear your voice about their products and want to pay you in exchange for this type of valuable information. A paid survey site acts as a real estate agent in permitting you to keep in touch with companies about sharing your opinion through online surveys.

Don't underestimate your opinion. You can change the entire world! You can cash out or redeem any rewards after completing several surveys.

In my opinion the following are the best:

• Toluna

• Swagbucks

• Survey Squad

5. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is certainly one of the most used approaches to earn money online. Many successful freelancers earn 50 cents to a dollar per word. Some even earn twice that! If you like writing, it would be simple for you to make money online using this means. You can sell your services on Fivver or

I hope this information was useful and if you have any questions, please do note hesitate to contact me via e-mail. ( I have tons of information to share.

In my next article, I will be highlighting all the online scams I am encountered and you should be aware of.

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Monday 5 February 2018

How to Sell a Service on Fiverr

Fiverr is a global online marketplace that is mainly used by freelancers. Fiverr allows individuals to offer tasks and services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job performed, from which it gets its name. Even though $5 is not a lot of money, it is a great source of side income. Most people use Fiverr to help other people, in other words, to provide a service rather than a physical product. There are not many rules or regulation on how to sell, they pretty much let you sell however you want to. Also there is no limit, so you can offer as many products as you want.

Fiverr does not have a way for you to promote your service, so it is best to use an outside source like Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat and direct them to your service. Sales are key to becoming a trusted seller. Up front you will have to work hard and get a couple hundred sales under your belt and some good reviews, but once you do you will get more sales because people will know they can trust you. It is best to find a special niche where there are not many competitors, the fewer competitors there are the better.

Fiverr does have a relatively large price for letting you use their web base. They take $1 for a $5 gig, and you keep the rest. Payments are made through PayPal and they take $.42 as well. This leaves the seller with a total retention of $3.58 for every gig. Other downsides include not being able to upsell products, not being able to make sales outside of the Fiver database, and having your prices restricted to $5.

Most people want to know, does Fiverr really work? My answer to this question is yes. Even though there are some downsides, there is a reason it has risen to the top of freelance services. Fiverr launched in early 2010 and by 2012 it was hosting over 1.3 million Gigs. The website transaction volume has grown 600% since 2011. Additionally, it has been ranked among the top 100 most popular sites in the U.S. and in the top 200 sites in the world since the beginning of 2013.

So, how do you make money on this site? The answer involves a few steps. When selling on Fiverr you should keep it simple. Remember you should probably start small and work your way up, do not start out trying to become a millionaire on Fiverr. Most people on Fiverr are using it as a way to generate side income. Also when selling on Fiverr, offer your smallest service for $5 and then offer your bigger packages (if you have any) for more. A couple of tips for your account are to have a great title, it is the first thing people are going to see, make sure it makes a good impression. Also, make sure your picture is relevant to your gig, and that the picture is high quality and professional. You know what they say, a good picture is worth 1000 words. People like to see good pictures.

Always remember to keep in contact with your customers and deliver your service as soon as promised. You can set how long it will take you to complete the service, so remember people expect you to keep your word. If you do exceed your due date your customer will then have the option to cancel their order which means you might lose a sale.

So, my verdict is to try it. I think it is a great way to earn some extra cash. I know it does not pay a lot, but it can be profitable if you learn how to streamline your part so that it does not take you long to perform a job. There are no fines for canceling an account, so you can start and if you do not like it you can quit right away. Fiverr offers a wide variety of categories to choose from. They have: Graphics & Design, Digital Marketing, Writing & Translation, Video & Animation, Music & Audio, Programming & Tech, Advertising, Business, Lifestyle, Gifts, and Fun & Bizarre. So get started today, go to and see how well you can sell.

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Sunday 4 February 2018

Top Online Incomes From Home

Top 4 Ways to Build an Online Income from Home

As with virtually any business that a lot of people desire to enter in, this well regarded type of Online income from home or anywhere with an internet connection for that matter, has sufficient people entering the market that you can expect many competitors.

Success is determined by how fast you'll be able to leap the various knowledge barriers to be able to access the unlimited earning potential available through the internet.

Sad to say, getting over those barriers could (if you're certainly not careful) significantly slow up the "automated" aspect associated with building an Online Income from home. Surely in the beginning, building your Online Income from home will make for long days (sometimes a lot longer) days compared to standard 8 hour working days.

As soon as you start to realise your online income, chances are you'll still will need to evaluate factors as well as dedicate an hour here or there to maintain your income and keep it operating smoothly and enhance it to keep it making an online income for you.

The actual way of thinking associated with a person who succeeds in building a significant online income from home isn't "get it completed, then relax". You need to think of your online income as an investment.

In the beginning building a substantial online income from home usually begins with a significant investment, for those in the property business it a monetary investment. If you wish to make a large online income from home, dependent on your goals you'll certainly need to invest! In pushing through those barriers and building your online income, you will undoubtedly invest a lot of time.

The task of generating online income from home consists of 3 main choices:

-- Your business plan.

-- Your area of interest.

-- Your target market.

Knowing these 3 things, you can begin to put into action your business idea, test it and modify it until you possess the type of online income you want.

For all and the many articles, e-books and guru's on the web, the method to generating any sort of online income is usually fairly easy and remarkably simple.

1 -- Become an Affiliate!

Becoming an affiliate On the internet you can make you online income from home by prompting and advertising other peoples products and or services. This is by far the top acknowledged strategy to generate a big source of your online income from the internet.

To start with find an affiliate web site such as;

Click Bank

Payment Junction

Above are two of the most popular well known affiliate programs, but there are many, Do your research!

Once you have found your affiliate program(s).

Find a few products and or services preferably in a group that you know a bit about or you have done extensive research on. Preferably a product/service that provides or offers a subscription making it easier for you to generate a consistent online income from home.

Once you have chosen the products and services you wish to promote, the most profitable way of doing this is having your own website or blog.

Ensure the commission per sale is decent, do some keyword research to make sure there is a demand for the product/service. Immediately after understanding precisely what keywords and phrases people are using that relate to your offer, select a few of the keywords you researched that have low to medium competition. Then start to write articles and useful info surrounding the product/service you are promoting. SEO optimize your blog or website using the keywords you have researched to improve the blog, start posting your articles/reports around the internet. Once the targeted traffic quantities begin rising, utilize a number of adverts relating to the product/service you are promoting. after reading your articles/reviews people click the related adverts, and Bazinga! you just received your first pay check.

Now repeat the above and duplicate your success! before you know it you have 10 or maybe something like 20 information sites, or perhaps 100s if you wish to make a considerable online income from home.

2 -- Build a email list!

Building a list of potential buyer's to market your products to is another way to earn a considerable online income from home just by finding products to promote and sending the info to your list, when anyone on your list opens the email and buys the product or visits the site your promoting, you get paid. Knowing what type of market place you want to catch the attention of, assemble a totally free product or even just a relevant useful report people can download for free when they signup to your email list. Now just drive targeted traffic to a "landing page" that requires this visitors' email. You can also install plug-ins presently known as squeeze pages that pop up with an e-mail join box, when people check out your current page. This is a great way to build up a targeted client list to promote future products and offers to.

Make use of a great auto-responder such as aWeber (Paid for) or GetResponse (Free) to be able to email your current clients the link to be able to download the product or service or maybe high quality info you have to offer, as well as follow-up with a series of (automatically sent) e-mail. By offering top products and services and quality free info and advice over weeks and months, You can build some rapport with your subscribers and then sell them on numerous products or affiliate offers. Make sure you break it up though, it is advisable to offer something of value and free just about every 3-4 mail outs or so.

Imagine you build a list of 500 subscribers, offer them a product via a link in their email, and every person you refer that buys the product earns you £20 and only half your list (250) click through and buy the product you just made £5000 sending an email, and you can do this 1-2 a week! hell you could do this everyday but I advise against it remember nobody likes spam! I suggest 1-2 regular emails per week with occasional time based offers in between.

This is a fantastic method to put into action along side your affiliate plans and take you online income from home to the next level! Now imagine those earnings based on a list of 10,000+ subscribers! = Profit!!!

3 -- Sell products directly online

As we move further and further into the digital age, customers are buying more and more goods on the internet at a substantial pace. Because of this there are a lot of customers looking for just what YOU can supply them with.

Checkout these online store providers (Paid)

FreeWebstore (Free/Paid upgrades)

and of course eBay (Various Fees)

They can supply you with all the tools, services and support you need to start generating your online income. You can source wholesalers and manufactures for the product you need directly on the internet BUT do your research first, and make sure you are dealing with reputable, reliable and responsive company before placing any big orders. If you are unsure of the company try a few small orders first to test their service once you are happy with the companies service and product quality go ahead and make a bulk order.

Numerous people have verified that is a wonderful platform to promote goods on the web. Open up a digital shop and promote it. People buy your products. The product or service is sent to them, while you kick back and think about how to spend your new found online income as it rolls in.

In the event Shopify is just not your current cup of tea, then you can try out eBay. As the saying goes, "One man's trash is usually an another man's treasure", and so have a look through your current cabinets as well as outdoor storage sheds don't forget the attic! and market off some of your current unwanted excess gifts.

Some people love to travel and find bargains and if your one of those people you can make a lot of money on eBay by finding and visiting garage sales, car boots even charity shops for well under priced products you can instantly turnaround and sell for a profit on eBay, I know several people who do this that come to mind, going out buying stuff, tidying it up and selling it online from home. Another is my auntie who I love dearly but she is a real horder, who sells occasionally just to fund her holidays.

4 -- Sell your own individual info product

Earn Online Income from home by selling your own product. Passionate about a specific subject or topic? Write an e-book, publish it and sell it online. Your information product may also come in the form of a DVD, software package, audio guide or maybe online video.

Selling your own information product unlike other peoples products, allows you to control a large percent of the earnings. You have greater flexibility with upsells as well as landing pages compared with selling other peoples products, this is a very lucrative business route to follow and depending on your product and marketing methods can generate a ridiculous online income from home at an alarming rate.

If promoted and produced successfully this can easily become #1 when it comes to online incomes from home, especially when you merge this with #2 and use your product to build and promote your list.

That Concludes my top four online income methods from home, I started with #1 I chose to promote a company called SFI as it was free and offered a multitude of different training marketing methods and support, but it wasn't until I branched out into methods #2 #3 and #4, that I really had the online income from home I wanted, these days I rarely work from home. With my new found income I suddenly found my friends an family pool increased accordingly too. So I maintain my online income from anywhere I can jump on Wi-Fi connection with my laptop or smartphone.

We all learn things at our own pace and style usually, inside the very first couple of months you will be generating around £10 - £20 daily (That a tank of gas, internet or phone bill covered at least), If you continue to duplicate these business models as well as create completely new content material for each of your niche's, your currently targeted traffic can only grow and grow therefore so will your online income from home, there is no reason at all why you couldn't be earning £100 a day online, that's the latest pair of shoes, clothes, gadgets on a daily basis or perhaps a weekend away with your partner, family and friends.

Whichever methods you choose, remember the only way you can fail is to give up! If you don't give up it surely only a matter of time before you reach your goals.

Wishing you the best of success on the internet and life in general!


Markus EA

No matter which of the four methods you start with, all involve bringing traffic to your site. Research with detail the method you want to use to build your online income from home to see if it is right for you, Or partner with a company that has been going for over 16 years and never fails to get your commissions to you on time, with step by step training, live support and active community of new and old members alike with a Proven Home Business [] and join me at Strong Future International, success is better when shared!

Article Written and published by Markus Cassell (Markus EA) on 28/07/2014

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Friday 2 February 2018

How To Develop A Website Content Strategy

A website content strategy is a plan of how you are going to use content material to develop and market your online business. Content isn't just limited to written text. It can involve videos, polls, graphics, images and many other things which make your website more interesting for your readers.

There are two fundamental components of a website content strategy:

The content material you actually publish onto your website. This includes, how frequently you publish, what you write about, how far in advance you plan and produce the content, etc.
The content you use to promote and market your website, such as social media posts and emails to your subscriber list.
Why Is A Content Strategy Important?
Having a strategy means you can plan ahead. Instead of simply publishing a new post on any random subject, you can plan subjects strategically based on special offers, the time of the year etc. Planning ahead also helps you post on a regular, steady schedule. This is important for keeping readers interested and the search engines happy, as they like new content.

Creating An Online Content Strategy

Regardless of how valuable your content is, if you publish a huge chunk of text that looks boring, you won't get many readers. The eye isn't drawn to large sections of text. This is why it's so important to have different types of content on your website when promoting your online business.


Videos are one of the top ways to bring in more traffic and keep people on your website for longer. There are numerous ways to make videos and it doesn't mean you have to stand in front of a camera. You can create videos using just text, images and a voice-over.

Interactive Content

Polls and surveys are a great form of interactive content. People enjoy interacting online. It makes it more interesting for them and encourages them to stay on your website for longer. This drives up your income and boosts the reputation of your business, thus causing it to rank higher in the search engines.

Social Media

Having a live feed of opinions people are making about your content can encourage people to visit your website. Posting testimonials that people have given about your business will also make good quality content that people will want to read. You could even invite some of your regular readers to be interviewed for your next blog post.

No matter how much you enjoy being an online entrepreneur, some days you stare at a blank screen and struggle for content creation ideas. To discover the best practices used by the most successful bloggers and online entrepreneurs, download my Free Checklist, Creating A Content Management Strategy at

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Tuesday 16 January 2018

Top Explosive Content Marketing Trends for 2018

Over the past few years, we've seen a sound rise in the results that brands are getting serious for content marketing. This is largely factual across industries that day by day it is becoming clearer that whether you sell business software, clothes or any other item you've to take the help of the content marketing thing or be left far behind in the marketing race.

In 2018 just a few days away, brands or companies have begun plotting their marketing plans. At this point in time, it's not about the highest volume of the content one can produce, but It is all about who can cover most of the platforms and engage more and more audience.

The struggle for audience attention has led to the advent of content marketing fortes like intrinsic advertising and tailored content marketing. Technology has also grown to qualify these developments, offering businessmen the ability to be present on multiple platforms and target their specific audience.

With that in mind, if you still haven't put "invest in content marketing" on your list of business goals for the coming year, you should. Here is a list of the top content marketing trends for 2018 give below.

Interactive content will trend more

Customers are overwhelmed by the common and persuasive content being created by companies or brands. Today's audience is smart enough to guess the promotional writing. This is why the marketers and leading brands looking for more innovative ways to connect with their audience. Market leaders started making their strategies and they are looking forward to the interactive content. It is obvious that one has to push his or her boundaries to get the attention of the target audiences.

Social platforms are way more advanced

Due to the advancement of technology, there is an immense change in the social behavior of the consumers. This can be very helpful for the marketers as the social media platforms are considered to be the best way to influence the target audience. Facebook and YouTube have this advanced feature of 360° videos and brands and marketers have already begun to use it. The modest way to ride this particular trend is by using the Facebook Live or Twitter strategy. One can have the tutorials for their audience, or precise entertaining videos about topics that are in trend or they are interested in, using any of the social network's live streaming feature.

Other than Facebook and YouTube there are several social platforms that can help to cater a large number of audience. Social platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp can also be the part of this campaign.

Email marketing again in trend

Emails were never dead and only asserted to be so. Many large brands and companies still run vital campaigns on emails and get excellent results. Usually, big firms still use the newsletter things and check their emails time to time, so using email as a marketing tool is not at all a bad option.

Videos & visual marketing will be helpful

The significance of visual marketing is superficial, as viewers are overwhelming and interacting with more and more visual/video content. Injudiciously, some brands and companies rely on only in the "viral" video strategy and do not consider the value in a constant visual marketing effort. Visuals, generally, are more popular to receive more engagement and empower better retaining in a memory, so this strategy can help you stay in the minds of your target audience for a longer period of time.

It's better to invest in influencer content marketing

Those days are gone when brands used to build their own communities to run their marketing campaigns and cultivate the potential consumers. In today's busy time, brands are sticking to forte communities that already have their own prospects as members. Influencers can do this job in a better way because they have their own say in this market and they are more close to the audiences.

Live content will trend

The digital media space has seen an extreme foray of live-video streaming, supported by advance social media platforms. More folks and brands are now building and engaging with live streaming video content. Facebook Live, Blab, Snapchat Periscope, and other such platforms are making it very easy for brands to host launch events, tours, tutorials, product manuals and several other contents.

These are some very helpful ways that will help you to cope with the latest content marketing trends and leading your brand to the top of the market.

Three Networks is a digital marketing company in Mumbai  that will help you to cope with the latest content marketing trends and leading your brand to the top of the market.

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Friday 5 January 2018

The Importance of a Good, Clean Image for Your eCommerce Store

We live in a world where people are overwhelmingly focused on visuals, and, especially when it comes to the internet, appearance is everything. What customers see when visiting your website has an enormous impact on the success of your online business. When considering the most successful online retailers, they all have one thing in common: a streamlined and visually stunning website complete with high-quality, professional imaging.

It is crucial as a business owner to present the product you are selling in the best way possible, and in an online setting this means presenting it through good, clean images. With a well-designed site complete with great images, any business can be successful-but why is that? We've written a little more about it to help you have a better understanding as to why good, clean images are so important for eCommerce and online retail stores.

Humans Are Visual Creatures

The science behind why people react positively and quickly to images as opposed to text is actually quite simple-images can be immediately deciphered by the brain, whereas text is a language that must be decoded in order for the brain to comprehend. This is why it is so important to have good, clean images on your eCommerce/online retail store-customers will have an immediate reaction to the images as their brains will immediately comprehend and judge them.

Research has shown that the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than it processes text, meaning that your online customers will be processing the image of your product before they even read the title or product description. Having clean, high-resolution visuals on your website will help customers become interested in the product before they even know all the details.

You Can't Sell High-Quality Product without High-Quality Images

It's really that simple. If you don't have good, clean images of the products you are selling on your website, then people will not believe that they are quality products. This is a prime example of getting a return out of the amount of work that you put in. If you are designing your website to include low-res, visually cluttered, or stock images, then your customers are not going to believe that you are serious about your business and will not want to spend their money there.

It also has a lot to do with the perceived authenticity of the website. There are a lot of scam websites on the internet these days, and often customers will perceive an online retailer or eCommerce business with bad images as a scam, whether it is or not. You do not want your website to read as inauthentic to its visitors, and there is a really simple solution to this: have your images done professionally, take the images on your website just as seriously as you take the rest of your business, and present your product in the best way possible.

The Takeaway

In order to have a successful eCommerce business, you must first focus on making sure that your products are justly represented through good, clean images so that your customers have an accurate visual representation of the business that you run.

The best way to handle this is by outsourcing tasks such as photo-editing such as Clipping path, background removal, retouch etc., to a photo editing agency that specializes in producing high-quality image edits like ClippingArts ( ).

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Tuesday 2 January 2018

Starting Your Own Home Business Is Incredible Simple and Easy

Have you ever wanted to start your own home business?

Do you like the idea of being able to earn money from home without having to make a long commute into work?

Does the notion of creating your own business from scratch and getting the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from that appeal to you?

Then what's stopping you!?

Chances are that you've thought about setting up your own business before but maybe you ultimately decided that it wasn't for you.

Maybe you decided that you didn't have the time or the technical expertise that would be required to start your own company. Maybe you lacked an 'idea' to kick things off with. Or maybe you just felt too afraid to take the necessary risks and chances - don't feel bad, that's very normal!

Well, I'm here to tell you that you needn't worry. You don't need any more skill or time than you already have and I absolutely guarantee that creating your own home business is much simpler than you probably expect. Read on and discover why starting your own home business is easier than it sounds - as long as you're willing to accept technology as the crucial tool you'll be using to find and manage your clients.

Starting a Business Online Is Just Like Starting Any Other Business
A lot of people think that they need to be 'tech entrepreneurs' in order to earn money online and start making a living from the web. The assumption is that you need to be the next Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs, with some kind of world-changing piece of technology or software that you invented.

But that's not true in 99% of cases. In fact, if you set out to change the world, then you have a MUCH higher chance of failing.

You know who succeeds? The direct sales businesses. The online service providers. The 'boring' businesses.

If your main interest is to gain financial independence, freedom and satisfaction from running your own business, then you don't need to create something new and crazy. Instead, you just need to find a business idea that is already tried and tested and then simply replicate it.

This is how the best businesses operate in the brick-and-mortar world too. Most companies are not Microsoft or Virgin. Most companies are hair salons, restaurants, consultants and brick layers. You might not hear about them in the news so often, but they make more than enough money for their owners to enjoy a comfortable living and they give them the freedom and pride that comes from being their own bosses.

To create an online business, all you need to do is to identify a service or product that you can sell and then start selling it - all while using the web to identify your clients. So, that might mean that you start selling writing services, business consultation, marketing or web design. Maybe you sell an offline service but use the web to find the clients - whether you want to work as a lawyer, an estate agent or a hair dresser. Or maybe you just sell products online. All you need to do is to buy products wholesale and then sell them on at a profit. Start small and then reinvest your profits with bigger orders to grow your inventory.

Technology Makes it SO Easy - And There's No Need to Take a Big Risk
The best part is that by using technology, you can save yourself a huge amount of time and remove the need for massive up-front investments.

Finding clients is a simple matter of finding places where the right demographic hangs out online. That could mean posting in a local Facebook group, it could mean posting on Reddit, or it could mean finding a forum. Or perhaps you want to go the SEO route? That might mean paying a company or learning the basics yourself. Or perhaps you are willing to invest a little money into paid Facebook or Google ads? Either way, you can control the budget precisely to make sure you aren't investing a large amount of money and risking not making that cash investment back.

And here's the great thing: you can actually avoid needing to take any kind of major risk in order to jump start your business. You can start with a small investment of time and of money and just dedicate a few evenings to getting your business up and running to see if it sticks. The web allows you to be anywhere in the world without having to leave your desk chair and it allows you to scale and grow by using powerful tools to broadcast your message.

There's no reason not to try and seeing as you can keep tweaking your business until you get it right, there's almost no way you can fail either!

What would it be like taking REAL VACATIONS where you want to go, with the people you want to go with? It won't come doing the same thing you have been doing. Learn More are

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Monday 1 January 2018

Career Change At 50 - Start Working From Home

Are you ready to retire, but can't afford to stop working completely? Why not focus on changing your career instead? There are now many retired and semi-retired people who are earning the majority of their income online. Seniors are among the fastest growing demographic of people who want to work online from home. Whether you are just looking to supplement your retirement income or are looking to earn a full paycheck, there are opportunities available for you to make a career change at 50 and do just that all without getting out of your pajamas.


Do you enjoy writing? If so, there are lots of online opportunities waiting just for you. The demand for well-written original content increases all of the time so there are all kinds of different writing jobs that you can find. The prices paid for quality content articles by website owners, magazines, etc that I've seen range from $50 - $1000 per article and mostly for 1000 words or less.


TextBroker has a wide variety of writing assignments for you to choose from and they will hire writers with no previous experience. Your rate of pay will be determined by the quality of your work. There are always plenty of jobs to choose from and you can work as much or as little as you like.


Blogmutt hires freelance writers to write original content for their customers. Customers usually consist of blog owners or businesses who need content for their site but don't have time to produce it themselves. Pay depends on how many posts you sell, and the better your writing is, the more money you can make. Payment is made once a week via PayPal and there is no minimum payout to meet.

Demand Studios

Demand studios hires writers to write articles for their clients on a wide variety of topics. You can pick topics that sound like they will be interesting to you or topics that you already know a lot about. You get paid $7.50 for a 150-200 word article and $15 for a 400-500 word article. Payments are made twice weekly.

If you prefer editing over writing, there are still plenty of online jobs available for you.


EditFast hires writers and editors for a variety of jobs, and there are plenty of editing and proof reading jobs available. EditFast pays via PayPal on the last day of the month.


Contena is not a company that hires you for writing or editing work, but it finds the jobs for you. You can join the Contena site and find jobs for writers, editors, and proof readers of all skill levels. Pay will depend on the client that you are working for and the services that are ordered.

Do you like the idea of jury duty, but don't really enjoy the idea of sitting in a stuffy courtroom all day? How about becoming a virtual juror? Online jurors provide a way for lawyers to present a mock trial and see how a prospective jury pool would rule. Here are a few of the virtual juror sites that are known to be very reputable:


eJury hires prospective jurors from all over the United States. The pay is between $5 and $10, but that is dependent on the difficulty of the case you hear.

Online Verdict

Online Verdict hires American citizens over the age of 18 to participate in virtual mock trials. Just sign up and they will contact you when they need a juror that matches your demographic. Online Verdict pays between $20 and $60 to their virtual jurors. The more complicated the case the higher the pay will be. Online Verdict pays monthly via check. is also hiring online jurors to hear their mock trials. This company pays between $5 and $50 per case. Payments are paid via PayPal or check based on your preferences.

Tutoring students virtually is another online job that you might consider. Students range in age from as young as 5 years old to adult college students. Teaching another person a challenging concept can be very rewarding and very lucrative.


BrainFuse provides online tutoring services for college students. They do require a Bachelor's degree in their respective field, a computer, and reliable internet connection. BrainFuse uses a virtual dashboard and chat box for their tutoring sessions so you are not required to have a webcam and microphone. They are looking for tutors in nursing, English, math, finances, economics, social sciences, computer sciences, statistics, and business. They do not release pay rates to non-employees, but they are known to pay well and offer very flexible schedules. hires independent contractors to teach students from kindergarten through college. To apply fill out an application and they will then test your knowledge base in the subjects of your expertise. Once hired the pay is $5.50 an hour while you are logged in and waiting on a student and $9-$13 per hour when you are tutoring a student. Payment is made via check or PayPal. hires independent contractors to tutor students from elementary school through college in math, physics, and chemistry. Yup does not require that you have a college degree or be currently enrolled in college like some other tutoring companies, but you will have to complete proficiency tests. Yup pays between $11 and $13 per hour and they also offer performance bonuses.

Chegg Tutors

Chegg Tutors hires tutors from around the world and while they do not require a college degree to work for them, you do have to prove that you are enrolled in college or previously were by providing transcripts or copies of your student ID. Chegg allows you to log in to their platform and tutor whenever it is convenient for you and they operate 24/7. All Chegg tutors are paid $20 per hour and payments are made via PayPal every Thursday.

The examples listed above are just a few of the careers fields that you can participate in online. The number of people in their 50s choosing to work online is growing every day, so much so that websites like the American Association of Retired Persons has work-from-home positions and articles about how to find them listed on their website. Needing an income doesn't necessarily mean that you have to leave the house anymore.

>>>Did you know that you can quickly and easily learn how to make your own professional looking websites and set up your own online business? You can have your own platform to start and run your business whether it be marketing or to reach the world with your message or cause.<<<

Changing careers in your 40's can be somewhat frightening depending on your circumstances because you've already put a number of years into the corporate world. However, if your ready to make a change don't be intimidated or overwhelmed. You are far from alone in your desire to move to the virtual employment world. There are many options to choose from that put you in control of how you spend your workday.

You should choose when to work, how to work and even what your business niche is before you get going on the project of your dreams. Choose what to wear and how to wear it, shave or go a few days in between shaves. Working at home is fast becoming a leader in the over 50 age group's career choice and may soon be the main way to be gainfully employed over 50.

There are a lot more people of all ages and especially the over 50 group staying at home and earning their income without the hassles of personal grooming, wearing the right clothes, traffic, co-workers, etc. The job market has become a very nice place for the over 50 workers to supplement their retirements and much more. From what I've read numerous times, latest reports show the unemployment rate for those over age 55 stands at a much lower rate when compared with the rate of the total population.

Pete @

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Thursday 28 December 2017

How to Make Money Online: A Beginners Guide to Earn From Home

How To Make Money Online 
Making money online is NOT EASY at all. But it's NOT THAT DIFFICULT too, if you are following a proper path. Without these following three things making money online will always remain a dream for you:-

  • Hard work
  • Perseverance
  • Patience

If you think you have got the above mentioned three things, then let's jump right into the topic.
Below are some of the most authentic and legit ways to make money online


What is Freelancing?
If you are into making money online, you must have heard the term Freelancing. But what does it really mean? Freelancing means working on a contract basis rather than on a regular basis for a company or organization and getting paid for hour of work, days of work or per project.

Now a day You-tube is booming like anything. More and more people are coming to YouTube to find a solution to their problem, to learn something new and to entertain themselves. With this increasing popularity YouTube is also becoming a money making machine for content creators. Yes! In case you don't know you can earn a decent amount of money by creating YouTube videos. Although YouTube videos don't pay by themselves, you can make money by placing Google AdSense ads on your videos (of course there are other ways to make money on YouTube but for now we will stick to Google AdSense). The more views and clicks your ads get the more money you will make.

Blogging basically means writing posts on any niches on the internet, which are updated frequently. You can write on different niches which include but not limited to personal journals, News, Technology, Health and Fitness, Gaming, Parenting or any other topic you are interested in.

Affiliate Marketing 
These days almost every product is available online, whether it is as small as a needle or as big as a car, everything is available online. And people are inclining more and more towards buying products from online stores may be because of the easy accessibility of products and convenient home delivery system.

These online stores need to advertise their products in some way and affiliate marketing is one of the many ways they promote their products. So affiliate marketing is a form of advertisement in which the affiliate (in this case you) promotes the products from different online store in his/her blog or website through a unique link (generally referred as affiliate link). The affiliate gets a commission when someone buys a product through that link then (generally some percentage of the price of the purchased product).

Almost every big online store has an affiliate program which you can join to promote their products in your website and get a commission in return if someone buys from your affiliate link.

You can visit to view a detailed post on how to make money online.

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Wednesday 27 December 2017

Affiliate Marketing - Benefits Of Internet Marketing

You might have come across the term internet marketing quite often. Most people may think that this is a specialized field and is not meant for them. With such an attitude, one may not be bothered to find out the benefits of internet marketing. If you come to know the benefits and advantages, you will be inclined to find out more about the nuances of internet business and will eventually discover that you can launch your own internet business and reap the benefits of internet marketing.

The term marketing is likely to scare many of us because we may feel that we are not good at marketing or selling. You might probably have tried your hand at some business and found success to be elusive. Quite a few people have been encouraged to take up network marketing attracted by its low investment and immense prospects only to find that not only they couldn't build a down line but have also ended up alienating some of their friends to whom they tried to sell the idea. After such an experience, anyone will be allergic to the idea of marketing, whether it is offline or online.

But internet marketing is different. Look at the advantages:

1) You don't have to do any personal selling. You will be an anonymous online entity offering your product through your website or emails.

2) You can start a business with zero investment. If you take up affiliate marketing, you will find thousands of companies willing to take you as an affiliate without charging you anything. Not only that. They will also give you a lot of marketing tools and ideas. In fact, some companies will provide you with a road map to success and by just following the steps outlined by them, you will find that you are getting sales and making money in no time.

3) You can choose among a wide variety of products and services. You can also be an affiliate of several companies.

4) You can work at your own pace choosing any time you find convenient. You can't call a person in the midnight offering you a product but you will have no problem in using the internet at midnight to send emails or post information about your product at some place.

5) There is no risk of business failure. You have nothing to lose since you have not invested anything. If one product doesn't do well, you can switch over to another.

6) You will get paid regularly, sometimes instantly. There is no need for you to call or email the buyers since everything is taken care of by the system.

These are some of the major benefits of internet marketing. I can add more but I think these should be enough to motivate you to start an online business.

The only things that may hold you back are the fear of failure and in some cases, your past experience. As I have explained earlier, failure is not going to hurt you but even a small success can spur you to work towards a bigger success.

Now that you have become aware of the benefits of internet marketing, you should be ready to start your internet business immediately after reading this.

If you can see the benefits of internet marketing [] and want to start earning an extra income visit [].

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