Showing posts with label make money online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make money online. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 April 2019

How To Set Yourself Free Using The Digital Economy

The digital economy is booming, and there's never been a better time to learn how to shift your income from trading time for money, to automating sales online to generate an income.

Many people simply aren't aware that this opportunity exists. Then there's the question of "how is this done?", and of course "can I do this?"

Some of the main resistances to change are mental in nature and overcoming scepticism is one of the main difficulties many face when presented with this idea.

It's far easier to shut down the possibility, than to have to make changes in your lifestyle and belief system in order to make it happen. But all belief systems and habits aside, how does anyone make a living on the internet, and over what timescale are we talking about?

A business model known as affiliate marketing lets anyone promote someone's product and earn a commission from it. You don't need to own a product yourself, talk to any customers or even handle any products. That's all done for you. All affiliates do is send website traffic to products and services they recommend.

Imagine you recommend a nice restaurant to a friend. Well, affiliate marketing is the same thing, only if your friend visits the restaurant and buys a meal, you'll receive a commission. The concept itself is fairly simple, it's the 'how' which is a little more tricky.

Putting that aside for a moment, just imagine how many people are on the internet looking for a particular product or service. There are millions! Just a small slice of those purchases is enough to get you out of a difficult working environment and working for yourself, from your laptop, from anywhere.

What's great about affiliate marketing is that you can compound your efforts over time. You can get adverts or content 'working for you' running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What's even better is the power of scalability. Once you've found a strategy which works, you can scale up to a global audience. With digital products, postage and storage isn't an issue. And you can earn up to 40% commission on digital products.

Let's back up a little and look again at the title of this article "How to set yourself free in the digital economy". What is freedom semantics aside, for many, it's the ability to create income without a boss, job or employer. It's the ability to earn money without feeling miserable or trapped.

Being free can mean many things. For the purposes of this article, it means being financially free and freedom to choose who you spend time with and how you spend your time. That's real freedom for many. It's often the opposite of working in a job you don't enjoy for the sake of financial gain, or, worse still, just to keep your head above the water.

But what does it take to build a life of freedom? Can you do it too? Not everyone can achieve this kind of freedom. The reason for most is a crippling belief system which keeps them chained to a 9 to 5 job, in a situation which doesn't serve them, because it meets some other needs. Security, ambition, status, duty or simply meeting your immediate needs are some reasons people don't venture out of what they believe is possible.

Of course an internet business can be built alongside a normal job too. That's one of it's most appealing benefits for many. But it's often someone's beliefs which stops them from even attempting to change their situation and circumstances.

So, an internet business is a means to set yourself free using the digital economy. By setting up small 'trickles' of income, by promoting and selling affiliate products, anyone can, over time, build an income which is completely independent of their time. Most people are trapped in the equation of trading their time for money. Affiliate marketing is a means to escape this trap and 'leverage' the internet to make sales, even while you sleep.

This doesn't happen overnight of course. It's a business like any other. However, an internet business can offer the ability to use automation and digital products to earn commissions. This has a two-fold benefit. Automation means your business can run without you. Digital products can be sold globally without needing postage or handling. Owners of affiliate products can afford therefore to pay affiliates more for the selling of these products.

Put all that together and you've got a huge robotic income machine - potentially. Once it's up and running, you simply need to 'tweak' it and scale it up. There's a lot involved in this process too. It's not easy and most people don't have a strong enough reason to make it happen.

But if your life is not working for you, you feel trapped or unfulfilled, an internet business can allow dramatic changes to happen in your life. Providing you work hard on your business, an on yourself.

Tim Halloran is a stuntman, martial artist and online entrepreneur. To learn how to build your own online business see his site here:

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Thursday 28 March 2019

Regular People Earned 6-Figures With This Audiobook

We all want to make more money...

...but most of us don’t know how or where to start.

If this is you, then this email could completely change your life.

Today, my good friend, Fred Lam has released a brand-new audiobook called “Starting From Zero.”

Just like the title of the book reveals… it was created to help individuals like you build a wildly successful online business starting from zero!

The things you’re about to learn inside this audiobook are NOT based on theories or hype.

Thousands of people have followed the system and have gone on to generate over $30,000,000 online!

5 people have become millionaires.

30 are 6-figure earners!

If you are serious about wanting to fire your boss and learning the exact step-by-step system to building yourself a wildly profitable online business...

...then you have to click here to grab a copy of Fred’s audiobook. 

This audiobook is currently at a ridiculous price.

For less than a cup of coffee, you get access to the entire blueprint, in-depth training and the exact steps to generate your first online sale.

This is ALL without needing any prior knowledge or experience!

In fact, you don’t even need to own your own products or have a ton of money. You can get started with just $100 in your pocket.

This audiobook has thousands of success stories…

How would it feel if you were the NEXT one? If you were a millionaire number 6?

Seriously, if you want to create a full-time or passive income online, this audiobook is for you.

All you have to do now is go here to grab your copy today! 

It’s only available for a short period of time and you don’t want to regret on this.

I look forward to hearing how this audiobook will change your life!

Andre Niemand

Thursday 7 February 2019

Three Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make At The Outset

Many entrepreneurs make three crucial mistakes at the outset. They do not pay sufficient attention to customers' preferences; they ignore their competition because their product thrill them, and third, they neglect to follow their business strategy. Indeed, some have no strategy. Typically, they make these three errors because they succumb to the pressure to make a quick return on borrowed funds.

In the January 2014 issue of Harvard Business Review (HBR) Roger Martin identifies rules to prevent common mistakes when developing a strategy. He states in this article, The Big Lie of Strategic Planning, that the first rule is "keep the strategy statement simple." Instead of a long, often vague document, the company or entrepreneur's strategy should summarize the chosen target customers and the value proposition in one page.

Crafting the strategy needs time and thought, so the owner must be patient and learn to filter the many unsolicited voices telling her how she can make money quickly. I cannot state enough how crucial it is to develop a simple strategy for the startup. This simple strategy will be the guide to carrying out the owner's mission or purpose for doing business.

Harvard professor and author Michael Porter, says strategy must be unique. He goes on to mention that strategy:
  • by consensus is bad strategy
  • is not compromise; it's clarity
  • is about choices
  • needs a set of uniqueness to help to differentiate you from the competition
  • Porter then adds that less than 25% of companies have a clear strategy.
Strategy doesn't have to be embedded in many pages, it can and should be plain and simple.

In his 1985 book, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the late management guru Peter Drucker (1909-2005) said entrepreneurs create something new, something different and have unique characteristics. He said McDonald's exemplified entrepreneurship; "they didn't invent anything any decent American restaurant hadn't produced hamburgers for years." Drucker continued, McDonald's asked:

What is value to the customer?" Then they standardized the product, designed processes, and tools, drastically upgraded yields, and created a new market and a new customer.
Drucker said McDonald's carried out entrepreneurship. Whether the entrepreneur is an existing large institution, or an individual starting her business single-handedly, the same entrepreneurship's principles apply. "The rules are pretty much the same, the things that work and those that don't are pretty much the same, and so are the kinds of innovation and where to look for them."

The start-up owner often does not spend enough time finding out the value to the customer of her product or service. Neither does she spend adequate time developing and testing her strategy. Instead, she focuses on making a fast buck. That's why it's crucial the owner does the following:
  • Spends time understanding who are the customers
  • Identifies needs and wants, real and perceived, and target markets
  • Decides how to fulfill those needs consistently and at a high standard
  • Be patient and focus on the long-term. Research shows that family owned businesses are more successful than non family owned businesses because the former take a long view when making decisions.
Other things owners are doing wrong include:
  • Listening to too many people with divergent views about the business
  • Trying to "save" money by not getting needed resources to produce consistently high-quality goods and services
  • Not taking enough time to raise adequate funds in the "proper" form. Often, they take loans from family and friends without stating clearly risks involved and repayment terms.
  • Starting a business is risky but rewarding, and needs patience and courage. However, heeding the above advice will increase the probability of success significantly.
Michel A. Bell is an author of six books, speaker, founder and president of Managing God's Money, adjunct professor of business administration at Briercrest College and Seminary, and former senior business executive. For information on living a debt free lifestyle, visit

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Thursday 24 January 2019

Realty Vids Review - Video Agency Niche To Easy Money Online

Thank you for reading my Realty Vids review. Realty Vids is released by Niranjan Pradhan,offline
marketer and video creator and is a collection of high quality property showcase video templates that you can edit with nothing but powerpoint. Realty vids is a blueprint to starting a profitable video marketing agency in 2019.

Realty vids show you how to set up a video agency quickly with a simple blueprint firstly, how to offer the video services to estate agents, a hungry market for these services and secondly, a quick and easy way of creating simple, high quality videos for the niche market.

A sure winner! Niranjan will be sharing the exact niche and the exact style of videos that you can use to start profiting in the shortest possible time.Real estate agents need to showcase their property listings in a manner that is engaging and there is nothing better than videos when it comes to engagement.

And since most agents have more than one property listed they need a continuous supply of quality property showcase videos.Not only that, you also get a ecommerce enabled woocommerce theme that you can use to sell videos from your own website. Real estate agents are always looking out for opportunities to better market their listings, so doing that through videos would be an easy sell.

If you act fast you can get it at an early bird discount for just $15. That’s $2 off of the launch special price.

I have also got some cool bonuses for you, if you decide to pick realty vids through my affiliate link.

FE ($17)
6 premium quality real estate property showcase editable video templates
Done For You single page ecom enabled theme allowing you to sell property showcase videos based on the 6 video templates right from the website

OTO1 ($37)
14 premium quality real estate property showcase editable video templates
Done For You single page ecom enabled theme allowing you to sell property showcase videos based on the 14 video templates right from the website.

OTO2 ($47)
The social media versions of all the 20 templates in square format
Upgraded features in the single page theme
Additional single page theme with option of having a sales video at the top

After the launch end the prices may go up as listed below or may be taken off of the market to be released as individual themes prices at $17 for personal use rights in Niranjan's theme store…

FE price after launch = $37
OTO1 price after launch = $47
OTO2 price after launch = $67

The Shiny Object Syndrome in the Home Business Industry

If you've spent any amount of time online looking for legitimate ways to work from home and make money online, you've probably been exposed to hundreds of different business models. Some of these business models are legit and others are not.

Due to social media, the search engines and online advertising, a new issue has developed. I like to call it the "Shiny Object Syndrome." This syndrome has left some people depressed, others in financial ruins, and it's even chased others away from our industry altogether.

What is the Shiny Object Syndrome?

It is the promise that there is an easier, faster and cheaper way to make money online. It is a promise of done for you marketing. Just sit back, do nothing and collect a paycheck. It is the promise of "push button" profits. It is the promise of easy money.

The Truth

I've found that no legitimate online or offline business is fast, free or easy. Businesses cost money and take time to launch, grow and stabilize. Sadly, most people don't want to hear this.

Many people looking to make money online are in a tough financial situation and they are looking for that magic pill to solve their money problems today.

These ads promising "instant riches" do well because they appeal to people's greed. Many people want something for nothing. What these folks don't realize is that these "easy riches" do not exist.

My Advice to You

# 1 Find a Need in the Market Place

All successful businesses offer products and services that people want or need. There must be a legitimate demand in the marketplace for what you are promoting, whether it is a product or service. The demand can already be in place, or you can create a new demand by developing a new product or service that is unique.

# 2 Offer a Solution

Entrepreneurs provide solutions to their client's problems. We are solution providers. Our job is to identify a need and then offer a simple solution. The solution must provide value and solve your client's problem. If you can do that, you will make sales.

# 3 Put in the Time and Work

All businesses cost money to start, nurture and grow. More importantly, all businesses take time to grow. It takes time to learn the skills, learn from your mistakes, and figure out how to do everything you need to be doing. Once you start a new business, make a minimum two-year commitment and do nothing else during that time. Focus is key.

# 4 Avoid Shiny Objects

Put on your blinders. Avoid Shiny Objects at all costs. Focus on what you are doing. If you go down the path of chasing shiny objects, you will lose momentum, lose credibility and keep starting and stopping.

10 Legitimate Business Models

Some legitimate online business models, if done right, include:

  • Network Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Selling Items on eBay or Craigslist
  • Video Editing
  • Work as a Freelancer
  • Social Media Manager
  • Information Marketing
  • Sell Your Own Product or Service
  • Editor

Of course, not all of these business models will be a good fit for everyone. You have to pick something that aligns with your strengths, personality, skills, budget and available time.
The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that the Shiny Object Syndrome is alive and well, all over the internet. Your job is to find a legitimate way to make money online, get started, make a minimum two-year commitment and never look back. Do that and there is a good chance you will be successful.

Here are 37 Ways to Make Money Online. Learn more about the Shiny Object Syndrome in Network Marketing. Charles Holmes is a blogger, author and Network Marketing Professional.

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Online Marketing Courses: 6 Tips to Help You Make More Money Online

Are you looking for some effective online marketing tips to make your business more profitable? If so, you are reading the right article. First, keep in mind that online marketing is a lot easier than conventional marketing. In this article, we have some easy web marketing tips for you. Read on.

1. Know your Target Customers

Knowing your target customers or clients and having a list of ways of targeting them are the two most important things. What you need to do is do deep research to find out about your target market. Alternatively, you can hire someone else to do the same for you.

Here is what you need to find out. The demographics, buying habits and the likes and dislikes of your customers. Once you have found these details, your next move is to find a way to target them.

2. Optimize your website for SEO

Today, most businessmen know that their website should be optimized for search engines, which is important for better search engine ranking. If you are new to SEO, you can easily learn the basics.

Basically, if you want to optimize your site for search engines, what you need to do is have the right tags, titles, keywords, meta descriptions, alt texts, and quality content. There are software tools that can help you with this.

3. Run Google AdWords (PPC) Campaigns

Google AdWords is another way of getting visitors for your site. This is a form of online advertisement that you can run by paying Google. Google will show your ads on relevant places on the Internet. Google AdWords is a faster way of getting a better search ranking.

For some relevant search terms, your website URL will appear on top of the page. So, chances are that visitors will click on your link instead of other links below.

4. Advertisement Congruence

If you run ad campaigns for your website, ad congruence is an important thing. Ad congruence is a situation when your business advertisement and the home page of your website look similar. In other words, both will have the same message.

If your landing page content is entirely different from the advertisement, your visitors will get confused and may click away. So, make sure you consider this point.

5. Write Quality Blog Posts on a Regular Basis

With a blog, you can improve your SEO drastically. Each blog post should be longer than 500 words and should include relevant keywords, which is important to trigger a positive response from major search engines. Moreover, high-quality content can help your customers as well.

6. Get Backlinks From Authority Sites

As far as SEO goes, backlinks play a great role. If you don't know, backlinks are the links to your site on another website. If you have a lot of backlinks, Google thinks your content is valuable and it gives your site a rank boost.

The Takeaway

Online marketing has given a new approach to businesses so that they can make more money. With these tips, you can increase conversion rates and make your customers keep coming back for more. Hope these tips will help you as well.

Online marketing courses can help you make money lots of money online. With marketing software, getting things done the right way will be easier for you.

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Thursday 3 January 2019

Here's a Best Selling Traffic Product to Sell as Your Own

If you want to master one thing that will lead to your success online it's PRODUCT CREATION, and let me tell You there's no one better to learn from than John Thornhill

John launched his first product back in 2004, and since then he has launched hundreds of his own products that have generated millions in sales.

And every single thing he has learned since then is covered in his Product Creation Workshop.

In this workshop you will learn everything you need to know to create and launch your very own successful product online.

#Yes. You will be taught everything you need to know about creating your very own successful product and sales funnel. Remember that John has almost 15 years experience in this area.

#Yes. You will receive bonus worksheets, checklists, presentation slides and more, meaning once the event is over you will have a step by step plan of action.

#Yes. You can take part in a Q&A session to make sure you get all your questions answered.

#Yes. You will receive a full high quality recording of the workshop to view at your leisure.

#Yes. You will also receive Johns best selling traffic product to sell as your own - valued at $997.

#Yes. You will receive all of the support you need after the event.

#Yes. This will cost you absolutely nothing.

As I said, John actually has almost 15 years of product creation experience, and has made millions of dollars in the process. So without him bragging too much, I think that qualifies him to show you how it's all done ;-)

In short, he wants you to succeed from creating and selling your own digital products, just as he does.

So the question is.... Do you want to be part of it?

Sunday 30 December 2018

$400,000 made with Public Domain and...puppets? What the...?

Quite a headline, huh? But it's absolutely true! Long time internet marketer Lee Cornell really has made $400,000 (and counting) using public domain material from a couple of old books from the early 1900's to create an instructional video on how to become a ventriloquist! You know, one of those people who talks to dummies without moving their lips.

As a reminder, public domain works are books, films, audios, maps, documents, images, government publications, etc., that for one reason or another are no longer protected by copyright. You can use this stuff anyway you want to create your own products with no payments, fees, royalties, nothing - to use the original content as your own.

Lee has been a ventriloquist nearly his whole life and picked the niche because it was a passion of his. His original one-page "Ventriloquism 101" website that sold the video has grown into a multi-page resource website for ventriloquists and performers. To date, Lee has made over $400,000 from that initial product! All thanks to public domain.

Now he is going to show you exactly how he did it, step-by-step in his new Public Domain Fortune course.

There is an unlimited supply of public domain materials that can be turned into money making products. Don't think it's possible? Lee will prove otherwise!

Read Lee's fascinating story and check out Public Domain Fortune here! And watch a cool video of Lee and his dummy (shhhh...I hear they don't like to be called that) Nick Woodson explain everything.

You'd be a MUG not to check this out!

Looking for a simple to operate ecom business in a RED HOT niche where you never touch a single product?

In fact you;

* NEVER ship anything

* NEED NO website

* NEED NO list

* NEED NO tech skills

* Have immediate access to ravenous buyers

So what is this product that people LOVE & CRAVE?

Believe it or not this business is about offering novelty designer coffee mugs!

You may have come across this idea before (it is SO lucrative and easy to set up that there are a raft of courses about it out there) – but stay with me here, this is the best course I have seen on the subject AND it doesn't come with a multi hundred $ price tag.

These are mugs with simple, text based designs, you'll see examples of what we are talking about here

Mugs like these are in HUGE and growing demand, they are snapped up as novelties, gifts and impulse buys for family, friends, work colleagues, neighbours, teachers and more. They make unique, conversation starter gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, mother's/father's days, Valentine's day, new job etc. etc.

Etsy marketing experts Stuart Turnbull and Bart Hennin have pooled their vast iknowledge, skill and experience and have put together a brand new course; “Mad Money Mugs!”. They hold nothing back!

They take you by the hand and step you through the entire business (with nothing left out) – how to find the hottest selling novelty mug designs, how to customize them to make your own unique designs (all simple to do).

Then they show you how to set up your own fully optimized Etsy shop ready to make sales. The final piece of the jigsaw is the gold in this whole model – they show you an Etsy authorized, print on demand company with US and European fulfillment bases that FULLY INTEGRATES with your Etsy shop - RESULT.............Your business runs 100% HANDS FREE!

Stuart and Bart don't stop there, they also include 4 bonus courses that have been exclusively created to complement MAD MONEY MUGS!

There is so much value in this package I urge you to check this out now while it is still available on early bird pricing – it gets my highest commendation – a great idea, professionally presented in an easy to follow, step by step way

Thursday 13 December 2018

The secret to making FAST sales with Solo ads

Necessity rules the world. People rarely act, unless compelled to.

Most people are so subjective, that nothing really interests them but themselves.

Which is why inviting a person (even if financially and mentally qualified) who hasn't been pushed outside their comfort zone to join your business opportunity is a waste of your time.

They might listen.

But their mind is off wondering about the latest Game of Thrones episode.

Your pitch simply falls on deaf ears.No matter what you do. No matter how good your offer is. No matter how "professional" your landing page is.


Focus all your marketing on "uncomfortable" prospects who've been pushed outside their comfort zone. This is when they're most receptive. This is when they're desperate for solutions.

This is when money isn't an issue.

And this is when you're least likely to appear a "salesman," because you bring good news in a form of a solution to their problem. Which they desperately need right now.

You're no longer an enemy. You're a guest... an ally... a brother (sister)!

Makes sense?

Great! Next up...

Where do these "uncomfortable" prospects hang out and how to best get to them without killing yourself in the process?

Sunday 2 December 2018

How to Find Your Business Niche

3 Ways to Help Better Position Your Business for Market Success

Finding your business niche is the first step of defining your brand. If you don't understand how to position your business in the market place or know what you're selling and why, then you won't be able to effectively market your business.

It's important to find your business niche so you can:

• Differentiate yourself from your competitors;

• Optimize your website for the right keywords;

• Have a clear message on all marketing materials;

• Develop new ideas or products that appeal to your target market.

Here are 3 ways to make finding your business niche easier:

1. Narrow your focus.

You've heard the saying "Go big or go home?" Not in this case. To stand out from the competition and attract more visitors to your website, you need to be very specific about what you offer.

For example, business may offer a variety of marketing services. However, they wouldn't get very far if we only used the keyword "marketing services" on their website or put that term on their business cards.

Instead, they promote a number of different services on their website, marketing materials and in the real world such as Brand & Marketing Consulting, Website Development and SEO.

Get focused and you'll find your business niche or niches.

2. Define your target market.

You'll hear this again and again in marketing advice: finding the right audience to target is crucial.

Many business owners make the mistake of trying to be everything to everybody, or launch a website filled with content that doesn't speak clearly to the people they want to reach.

Think about who wants what you're selling. Is it entrepreneurs? HR professionals? Stay at home dads? Tech-savvy millennials?

Once you're come up with your target audience, you can narrow down and define your business niche even more. Plus, you'll be able to craft search engine-optimized content that will engage and inform exactly who you want to be buying your products or services.

3. Know the competition.

It's essential to know what kind of competition you're up against when you're defining your business niche. Start with Google.

Search the keywords people might use to find your business. If you see pages and pages of results and a lot of PPC ads (those are the paid ads that appear to the right and sometimes above the organic results), competition is high for that keyword or keywords.

You'll probably want to narrow down your niche even further, or find another niche to target. For example, if your niche is corporate fitness training but there's a lot of competition, brainstorm some other keywords to optimize your site for - maybe in-office corporate training, executive fitness training and corporate weight training.

The trick is to find the balance between low-competition keywords that have a decent search volume. If you're the only one using a specific keyword but nobody is searching for it, you're not going to get the results you want.

Once you have defined your business niche, you'll be able to market your products or services more effectively.

You'll know your focus, target market and competition, which will make differentiating your brand and defining your unique selling proposition (USP) much simpler.

A good brand strategy takes time, and ideally some professional help to ensure you've got everything you need for a clear, concise and compelling brand message.

Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.

If you are new to Social Media and online marketing or find it overwhelming and confusing, my monthly group coaching program, AMPLIFY! Business Academy is a perfect way for you to incrementally learn the best strategies and tactics to help you grow your business online.

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Friday 30 November 2018

Seven Cures for a Lean Purse

1. Make your purse - or wallet - get fatter.

That doesn't mean filling it with receipts for all the items you've bought with your credit card. It means, fill your purse with money. And the best way to do that is to spend less than you earn. This cure follows from the first law of gold that we looked at last week: aim to save 10% of your income. Minimum. Save more than that if you can. Save for the long term, for your mortgage deposit or pension, depending on where you are in life. If you need to save for short to medium term things, such as a holiday or car, that should be in addition to and separate from the 10%+ that you save for your long-term needs.

Your 10% can include your pension contributions, ISAs, premium bonds or any kind of high interest/restricted access savings account. With compound interest, your purse will get very plump over the coming months and years, even if interest rates remain low.

2. Control your expenditure.

If you're going to save at least 10% of your income for the long-term, you must make sure that your current spending is no more than 90% of your income. This means wherever you are on the income scale, you'll need to apply some self-discipline when it comes to treating yourself and your loved ones.

For a start, keep your credit card(s) for emergency use only, and if you do use them, pay them off before you start racking up interest. Similarly, avoid taking out loans, unless you can justify the interest you'll end up paying for that privilege. A car acquired on one of the popular leasing schemes can be justified if it's essential for your work or business. But a loan for a holiday? Staycation would be a better choice. Learn to distinguish between wants and needs. A roof over your head and food on the table are needs; a month in the Maldives is a desire. Treat yourself to that when you have saved 10% of your income for a year or two and you can afford to fly off to paradise without dipping into those savings.

The secret to controlling your expenditure is to build a budget and then stick to it. If you have Microsoft Excel you can download a template to help you track your spending over a week or month. You can also find ready-made templates on the internet or apps for your phone. Work out how much you spend on mortgage, rent, travel to work etc. and set yourself limits on items such as eating out, entertainment, travel etc. This will help you keep below 90% of your income.

3. Make your money multiply.

You are looking for steady returns over the long-term, not a lottery win. What you need is a steady increase in your capital, your core wealth, such as compound interest from an ISA or savings account, or - more risky - dividends from shares you hold in well-managed companies, including your employer, if they have an employee share ownership scheme. If you are not an expert in financial products and investment vehicles, find someone who is. Don't make any commitments until you talk to a professional financial adviser. Explain what your investment goals are and ask them to help you develop a plan for realising achieving them.

4. Guard yourself from loss.

The sickening nightmare of seeing your dreams of wealth turn to dust as Bitcoin plummets or the bloke you met in the pub the other night disappears with your life savings. One way to guard against loss is to make it an unbreakable rule that you do not touch that core wealth that you are saving and investing for the long-term. Keep a ring of steel around that! If you are tempted to try your luck with Bitcoin or currency trading, only use money that you can afford to lose. That means any money that you have left over after you have saved your 10%, paid the bills and filled your belly. Money that you might otherwise spend on nights out can be handed over to the online bookies, if you can budget for it - see the second cure above. Never use a credit card or a loan for spread betting, gambling or any high risk investments. Before you engage in any high risk investing or betting, though, make sure you have thoroughly researched the field and that you understand what you're getting into. If online poker is your dream, practice with your mates for match sticks first.

5. Make your home a profitable investment.

Owning your own home (and ideally a few buy to let properties) has become an obsession over the last thirty or forty years. Given the way property prices have ballooned over that time, it makes perfect sense to get on the property ladder as soon as you can, particularly when house prices are increasing at a much faster rate than incomes.

However, be aware that at some point the bubble may burst. Yes, people have been saying that for years and it hasn't happened yet. But it is becoming increasingly likely that the authorities will take steps to let some of the air out of the property market. Potential measures include revaluing property tax bands and punitive taxes on buy to let properties and properties left empty. A major increase in house building is unlikely to have much impact on house prices by itself, but when combined with the potential tax changes, we could see prices reach a plateau and stay there for some time.

Given all that, the best approach is to find an affordable house or flat in an area where you would like to live for the foreseeable future, bearing in mind such things as local amenities, schools and the journey to work. Think also of the benefits of paying a mortgage and gradually acquiring total ownership (leasehold and freehold issues aside) of your home over 25 or 30 years, compared with being beholden to a landlord who can raise the rent or evict you at a month's notice, and who will still own the roof over your head despite all the £000s you put in his or her pocket.

If you can't afford to buy outright in the area where you want to live or work, consider such options as shared ownership and self-build. Check out what schemes are available in the area where you want to live.

If you already own your own home you can use it to generate extra income by taking in a lodger. If you live in a major city, a good source of lodgers is contractors - professional people working on a project local to you who need a place to stay for a few months and don't want to use hotels. Often they will go home for the weekend so you have the place to yourself. Another option is to take in exchange students. They will usually come in for a week or two. You provide them with a bed, breakfast, a packed lunch and an evening meal, and get paid for doing so. Another option is to use your home for holiday lets while you're on holiday yourself. This works particularly well if you live in a major city or a historic town.

Even if you rent, take a lodger (if your landlord will allow this) or run a home business (see below). You can still make your home a source of extra income, even if you don't own it.

Two other things to consider. First, home and contents insurance. Make sure you have adequate cover for the worst that can happen: fire, flood, burglary. Second, if you have a mortgage, look at insuring it against unemployment and illness. Take advice and make sure that any policies you take out are fit for purpose and will pay out if the worst happens.

6. Develop a future income.

Who wouldn't want to wake up in the morning knowing that whatever happens, they are assured of a steady income for eternity? Well, you can achieve this through your long-term savings, that 10%+ that you put by month after month, year after year.

When you talk to your financial adviser (as you must!) about your saving and investment goals, the first two issues you should focus on are a pension for you (and your partner, if you have one) and providing for your family when you're no longer around, i.e. life insurance. Your financial adviser should also point you to other investments that can deliver additional income for you and your family, such as ISAs, unit trusts and government bonds.

Your aim is to ensure an adequate income for a long old age. Remember, people are living longer, but not always healthier. It's not pleasant, I know, but think about the worst that can happen to you (short of an early death). You or your partner become chronically ill or disabled and need long-term care. How will you fund that? If you sell your home what will you leave to your children. This is the kind of issue you need to discuss with a financial adviser. You need a pension, plus other income streams, that will pay for all your needs for perhaps thirty or forty years after you stop working. Develop a plan, implement it, then get on with enjoying life.

7. Increase your ability to earn.

There is no such thing as a job for life anymore. These days, even professional occupations such as lawyer, accountant and insurance underwriter are threatened with automation and off-shoring. So, it makes sense to develop additional skills that you can make use of if you find yourself out of work.

If you think you're at risk of being replaced by a robot, you should look very carefully at "future-proofing" your career. Think about jobs that are unlikely to be automated or off-shored in the future. They tend to be ones that involve face to face contact e.g. complementary therapies, nail technician hair stylist, personal trainer, life coach, counsellor. Also, jobs where a local presence is essential: electrician, plumber, lock-smith, builder.

Of course, many of these jobs are relatively low-paid and are in highly competitive sectors. That means you need to find a unique selling point: something you do that no one else does, or no one else does as well as you. Focus on something you are genuinely interested in - or better still, passionate about - and that you know you can be brilliant at. Be realistic about the potential income, the competition and the time and energy needed to make it work. Unless you already have experience in your chosen field, you will need to devote a lot of time, and perhaps money, to acquiring the necessary skills and certifications. You will also need to decide how you will operate: sole trader, limited company, franchise? Take advice before committing yourself to anything.

A popular option for generating extra income is online selling. Even if you're in full time work and happy with your income, you can try it in your spare time and get a feel for what's involved. A regular declutter will reveal all sorts of things you can sell: clothes, DVDs, mobile phones, unwanted presents. If you enjoy online selling, you could develop a successful business without risking your core capital.

Apply the Seven Cures diligently and you will place yourself firmly on the road to greater wealth and peace of mind.

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How to Define Your Brand Voice

3 Steps to Help You Create This Essential Part of Your Business Brand Identity

Creating your brand identity involves many different facets including the logo, taglines, website colours and brand voice.

Every brand has a voice. Your brand is unique, so your brand voice should be too. Your branding voice is the constant personality you use when communicating your message to the world.

From digital advertisements to social media posts to product packaging, it's important to have one consistent and unique branding voice across all your marketing materials. Otherwise, you'll end up with a muddled message that won't resonate with your customers on any level.

Here are some brand voice examples from well-known brands:

• Quirky, casual and fun.

• Friendly, optimistic and joyful.

• Inspiring, powerful and positive.

• Helpful, encouraging and funny.

No matter what you're selling, you need to create an engaging branding voice that's authentic to your values.

Here are 3 ways to make defining your marketing easier:

1. Make your brand voice relevant.

Think about who uses your product or service. You want to define your efforts to speak to your target audience and create an emotional connection to what you're offering.

If your audience is millennials who love yoga, your voice is going to be different than if you're targeting 40+ women shopping for clothing.

Some good questions to ask are:

1. How do your customers (or how do you want them to) define your brand identity?

2. What's the greatest benefit your product or service provides to people?

3. How do you want people using your product or service to feel?

4. How does your product or service stand out from the competition?

Once you've answered questions like these, you can...

2. Start with three words.

What three words do you want to reflect the personality of your brand? Three is the number commonly used by organizations to define this voice. Choosing more will just duplicate what you already have or water down your core characteristics.

Here are some examples of words to describe brand voice:

• Enthusiastic

• Confident

• Helpful

• Innovative

• Inspiring

• Fun

• Authoritative

Next, choose limitations for each word. For example, confident but not cocky. Funny but not silly. This will help you further define your brand identity and write targeted brand copy (or give your writers a guide when they're writing your copy).

3. Implement your brand voice everywhere.

If you're going to keep your brand consistent, you need to ensure every piece of writing reflects your brand's personality.

This means looking at your website, emails, social media accounts, and print materials such as business cards. You may have to rewrite older copy to reflect your voice or create totally new content, but don't skip this important detail.

Imagine getting an email with no defined plan or a totally different brand voice than the one you get on a company's website - it's jarring, confusing and doesn't evoke a feeling of trust.

These three steps will help you define your business as part of your bigger brand identity. Once you've defined your brand's identity, you can start speaking to your customers in an authentic and compelling way.

Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.

If you are new to Social Media and online marketing or find it overwhelming and confusing, my monthly group coaching program, AMPLIFY! Business Academy is a perfect way for you to incrementally learn the best strategies and tactics to help you grow your business online.

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Video Trends in 2018

 As marketers find more innovative ways to attract audiences, video continues to be a meaningful part of the strategic conversation. Building relationship with your customers and stakeholders, narrating your brand story or highlighting your USP in a crowded market place - videos can do wonders for your enterprise!

Did you know over 50% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI? And this number is increasing thanks to the effectiveness of videos and its ability to grab eyeballs.

With increasing internet bandwidths, affordable video technologies at hand and secure distribution platforms, 2018 promises to be a fun-filled year for videos!

Let's look at some Video Trends that's sure to catch up in the coming months:

The age of Live Videos

Live videos are here to stay thanks to better internet connectivity, increased mobile phone penetration and easy to use tools and apps. Live videos can help enterprises reach up close and personal with their target audience. Live videos can make an event truly global without additional distribution costs. Live videos can also help you monetize. Statistics show about 45% of live video audiences are ready to pay for live, exclusive, on-demand videos if it suitably interests them.

Stream, Host, Analyse and Stream more

It's not so much about picking the cheapest or the most popular live video streaming platform, but the one that possesses the most attributes that will benefit your business. The most effective and convenient platforms will be all-inclusive, allowing you to broadcast, host, embed, monetize, search and analyse video content, while granting you total control over your content. With video streaming apps and online platforms competing to grab your attention - you are in for an exciting time ahead!

Virtual reality may soon become the reality

Virtual Reality is still an unexplored territory. It's more fun than business! With an affordable headset that provides you a 360-degree access into a virtual 3d world - the year ahead promises to be exciting for marketers brave enough to use these technologies to build immersive and interactive customer interfaces. We pin our hope on great marketing strategies in 2018 designed around VR.

Holograms for Marketing? Yes, it's happening

We were fascinated by holograms when the technology came into usage. Artists readily picked it up as an alternative medium to the canvas. But it's yet to be fully utilized as an effective communication medium particularly due to the daunting technology at play here. Holographic videos however provide immense scope for multi-location tele-presence through realistic 3D images of speakers and products. Will 2018 provide us communication strategies woven around holographic images and videos? Let's keep our fingers crossed!

Video mapping is changing the customer experience

A great tool for experiential marketing - the craze for video mapping promises an upward trend in the coming years. The technology is affordable and provides scope for enterprises to reach a larger target audience quite inexpensively. Using available flat surfaces like buildings or monuments, 3D projections can get the right message across quite impressively. It's larger than life projections make sure people don't miss out on your messaging.

Next level of personalization with videos

A great way to break open the inboxes and make a real impact is to customize videos for your target audience. With Facebook leading the way, personalized videos are something your audience might expect you to deliver as well. From recorded messages for your customers to explainer videos with specific services and even simpler 'birthday wishes' - make sure your communication strategies are not aimed at a faceless crowd! Thanks to machine learning, personalization and embedded searching are quite staple for your videos now.

Users / customer are becoming content publishers

The onus of creating videos is quickly shifting from producers to users. Videos are easier than ever to create thanks to rapidly progressing mobile technologies. Hence brands are turning to their audiences to share their products and services instead of crafting their own communication. With attention-spans dropping drastically user-generated content is a great way to keep audiences involved in marketing campaigns. The focus is on building experiences and connections. From passive receiver of your messages, make your audience the active creators of value for your brand.

Video is on its way to ruling digital marketing

More consumers and clients are interacting with videos today than ever before. Video marketing is a powerful strategy to promote, brand and grow your business online.Videos are helpful in building engagement, impacting results like click-throughs, shares, lead generation, and sales. 55% of online traffic watch videos every day.

That's a substantial number and a great opportunity for marketing strategists to use video as the primary medium of communication. Staying on top of video trends help break the clutter. It provides a bigger picture of ideas, resources and technologies available to tell your stories in the coming year. So, are you ready for 2018 yet?

Check out our services @

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Wednesday 28 November 2018

The Importance of Knowing and Following All YouTube Rules

As it was formerly pointed out, if you are preparing on submitting videos to YouTube and sharing them with other web users, you are more likely to discover a bigger number of guidelines to follow. YouTube motivates you to utilise care when making your videos, as you never ever truly understand who will be seeing them. Not just do you have to stress about online predators seeing your YouTube videos, however you likewise have to fret about law enforcement doing the exact same thing.

In connection with your YouTube video material, you likewise require to make sure that your video material is in fact yours. In current times, there have actually been numerous circumstances where YouTube made it on the news for having a big number of copyright products on their site. You will desire to make sure that videos you publish online were really made by you.

If you are, you will require signing up for a complimentary YouTube subscription account. In a matter of minutes, you can be on your method to ranking or evaluating the YouTube videos you enjoy or even submitting your own videos!

In a matter of minutes, you can be on your method to ranking or evaluating the YouTube videos you enjoy or even publishing your own videos! YouTube is a lot of enjoyable, whether you are just interested in seeing videos or if you desire to publish your own, YouTube, like all other online sites, have a number of limitations and guidelines. Must you forget your YouTube login info; you must be able to follow YouTube's guidelines to obtain your YouTube indication in name, as well as your password.

Another guideline that lots of video watchers have to follow issues leaving remarks on YouTube video pages or getting involved in the YouTube online forums. In connection with your YouTube video material, you likewise require to make sure that your video material is really yours.

If you are just interested in enjoying YouTube videos, not always submitting your own, you will discover that there are fewer guidelines and constraints for you. Need to you forget your YouTube login info, you ought to be able to follow YouTube's guidelines to obtain your YouTube indication in name, as well as your password.

The above discussed guidelines are simply a few of the lots of that you might be anticipated to follow when utilising YouTube. If you sent a video that went versus YouTube's standards, your video might be gotten rid of.

Another guideline is that numerous YouTube video watchers have to follow issues leaving remarks on YouTube video pages or taking part in the YouTube online forums. Whenever you leave remarks for a YouTube video submitter, you are encouraged to utilize your finest judgment.

YouTube is a lot of enjoyable, whether you are just interested in seeing videos or if you desire to publish your own, YouTube, like all other online sites, have a number of limitations and guidelines. It is not just essential that you understand those guidelines, however that you follow them, as there are a variety of repercussions for not. Simply a few of the guidelines imposed on YouTube are detailed listed below.

1. You should only have one email address linked with your account.
2. You should certainly not post duplicate content.
3. You should always make your videos applicable to its title & keywords.
4. You should not ever purchase views.
5. You should certainly not ever use software to add ratings, comments, or friends automatically.
6. You should not use irrelevant keywords
7. With YouTube's new insight feature, they are following the attention people are giving to each video. YouTube can understand this and then easily assume that your title is very relevant to the information on the video if people are watching your entire video.

8. The Google search ranking rules of providing good, decent and, accurate content that generate public attention are exactly the same rules that You Tube is using as well so bear that in mind when choosing the title.

So these are all some common stipulations you should keep in mind before publishing any video in YouTube.

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Monday 12 November 2018

When Email Marketing Becomes Spam

In some ways, we can consider email revolutionary. It even predates the internet's ancestor, the ARPANET. In 1965, the first version of email was found in computers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology for a program dubbed "MAILBOX". In a little over ten years, people saw the potential of marketing in email, but because such method was non-existent at this point, Gary Thuerk ended up pioneering the first spam message when he sent the same email to 400 people in 1978.

Today, we know there's a clear distinction between spam and email marketing. But usually when people think of spam, the first thing that comes to mind are messages that tell you one million dollars is waiting for you and all you have to do is click the button. By this standard, almost everyone is able to identify what messages are considered spam.

Since nobody falls for that anymore, spam senders have gotten more cultured with their techniques. And sometimes, this means even your techniques can get lost in the strategies of spam. So if you're constructing your own email marketing campaign strategy, here are a few pointers for you to distinguish legitimate email marketing from spam.

Spam is sent with no permission, email marketing asks

If you'll notice, legitimate campaigns begin with an opt-in form on websites. As entrepreneurs, you have to respect your customers enough to let them decide if they want to receive weekly updates from you via email.

Spam messages are intrusive, and there's almost never a way for you to opt-out of their mailing list. But one takeaway from spam is that they offer their readers something (not real but it's the thought that counts). Mention what you can offer to your readers, like a free trial or free PDF, to let them know what they can get from subscribing to your emails.

Spam enters deceptive subject lines, email marketing sends specific ones

Spam messages usually promise something big in their subject lines. But even legitimate email marketers get carried away with using subject lines such as "Your invitation from us" or "Your gift is waiting". Studies show, the click-through rate of emails with deceptive subject lines is next to zero. Why even bother?

Everyone knows this tactic, too. Admit it; you'd never open an email that says, "your gift is waiting for you".

At this point, one of the best methods to get users to open your emails is to use open loops, or incomplete ideas. For example, you could use "The one thing I wish I learned from college is... " to make recipients want to find out more.

Spam makes it impossible for users to opt-out of mailing lists, email marketing honors opt-outs

As email marketers, you should make it a point to give your recipients choices to opt out of getting your emails. Along with this, not only does good email marketing allow users to opt out, they present clear and concise explanations on how users can opt out. Make sure to give your recipients a return email address, too.

It's worth noting that some email marketers still act intrusively, still sending certain types of emails to people who have already opted out. You must honor recipients requesting to opt out of all commercial messages. Remember, at its core, spam is a bulk of unsolicited messages.

When you follow guidelines on email marketing and respect your customers, you know your campaign can and will succeed. It all boils down to your strategy. With the help of some experts on email campaign management, your company can deliver the best email campaign without bordering on spam.

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Saturday 10 November 2018

Is Email Marketing Still Relevant?

The recent introduction of the general data protection regulation (GDPR) has had a direct impact on marketing practices, including email marketing. Is email marketing still one of the most effective marketing tools for your business?

The answer is yes, email marketing is still one of the most effective tools for driving sales in your business, but as with most forms of marketing, it rarely stands still.

Ensure You're Compliant

Personal privacy is a major concern today when it comes to email marketing. So is the way you use the data you collect. Read over your current privacy policy and terms of service for your website to ensure you are up to date.

Mobile-Friendly Emails

Your email should be readable on any device that your subscriber decides to read it on. You can check out how your emails and website look on free tools such as and to view your content on a range of simulated screens.

Email Rendering

There's a similar problem with the way emails appear in different email services. Check the overall look of your emails at Yahoo! mail, Gmail, Hotmail etc to be sure it doesn't look wrong.

Coding Issues

Some marketers prefer HTML coded emails, while others opt for plain text. Any HTML coding mistakes could ruin the look and feel of the email, or even prevent some or all of it from being seen. Check your code at a site like Dirty Markup and clean any errors.

Check and Test

Be sure to carefully check any email before you send it. Look for typing errors and ensure that the link clicks through to the correct page. Make sure that things like the date and time of an event are correct. People are very busy and don't have time for you to send two or three emails on the same subject, trying to correct basic errors you should have found in the first place.

Send High-Quality Information, Not Just Sales Info

Be certain all your emails are relevant and interesting to your target audience. Do more than just try to sell them stuff, and odds are they will continue being on your list, look forward to your emails and open them, and even forward the emails to other people.

Make It Easy For People To Unsubscribe

If your subscriber makes a decision that they don't want to get any more emails from you, make it possible for them to easily unsubscribe. If you make it difficult, they will start to begrudge your emails and will certainly never buy from you. They may also report you as spam, which will cause you complications in the future.

Email marketing can achieve awesome results for the smart marketer. On average, a prospect needs to see your messages 7 to 8 times before they trust you enough to buy something. Email is the perfect way to deliver these messages with a structured marketing funnel. To learn more, download my free Marketing Funnel Checklist at

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Friday 9 November 2018

Email Marketing is One of The Most Important Digital Marketing Techniques

Email marketing is becoming one of the best effective and affordable tools for online marketing.

As the Net has grown, e-mail marketing is becoming one of the best effective and affordable tools for online marketing. E-mail marketing significantly impacts businesses if they are B2B or B2C (business to business/business to consumer).

Marketing throughout e-mail raises your brand devotion and raises your customer service throughout the eyes of your buyers. When ever permission based e-mail marketing is carried out correct it can easily be even more good than any sort of other kind of web marketing technique. The point to bear in mind is that no one single element of website marketing may stand on its own.

For example, an e-mail newsletter must have a tremendous site to support it and also curiosity in your business to build your e-mail list in the first place. The quantity one activity on the web is e-mail. This is the reason e-mail can certainly be utilized as a superb internet marketing tool. Various Internet end users say that they would rather get marketing messages in their e-mail than be bothered by sales phone calls at home

Permission Based E-mail.

One essential key element to a powerful e-mail marketing technique is to just concentrate on permission based mail. This involves that consumers have to select to get mail from you. This is known as "opt in". You should certainly by no means rent or purchase an e-mail list since this is regarded as to be spam.

No matter what precisely the person of the e-mail list will tell you, the absolute majority of the addresses on the list did not opt in to get e-mail or to have their exclusive info sold to you. Once you send e-mail to customers who don't desire it you're sending spam. Spam will grant your company image a cheap appearance and eliminates virtually any trust that clients have in you.

You need prospects that are top quality and not amount and this results in building up your personal e-mail list. You'll discover that the final effects will be huge to you and your business.

Not really an add-on of support services.

E-mail marketing will need to be viewed as a complement of the customer service that you offer. You want to be capable to connect with your buyers at every single point in the sales procedure. The moment you provide your consumers what they request, with out mistreating any authorization, you set up the foundation for a bond that is founded on value and leads to long-term customer devotion.

Learn Internet Marketing and start making money right now! Take my Free Internet Marketing Email Mini Course. Also make sure you visit my Internet Marketing Blog [] to read more similar articles of this topic.

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Thursday 8 November 2018

3 Simple and Effective Forex Strategies

Using simple but effective Forex strategies need not be difficult. There are three popular styles when it comes to actually trading currency. Ideally, you should try to apply aspects of each of these styles to maximize your success.

Here we will discuss them so that you can begin to implement in your Forex investment plan:

Technical Information Analysis

This is when you take advantage of all information available on the currency pair. This is especially useful because you can have constant updates and keep a very close eye on the best possible time to affect your buyout or trade.

This will allow you to leave trade options open until a currency or currency pair will achieve the price that you're looking for and keep a constant eye on happenings.

Sentiment Trades

This is a different aspect from technical trading because it involves market shifts that move based on feeling rather than specific fundamental facts. Market sentiment can often require you to react on a very visceral or gut driven basis and what you think the market will also react to.

It assumes that you have an understanding and intuitive feel for the market and currency trades based on prior experience. One huge advantage of this kind of trading is that it allows you to anticipate a market based on prior experience and outperform the herd consistently.

Specific Forex Strategies

There are literally dozens of books written on Forex trading strategies. Each specific strategy builds upon prior knowledge bases and allows you the opportunity to take advantage of proven methods when it comes to currency exchanges.

For example, the London Jammer trade takes example of specific volatility and indecision that has characterized many of the European markets. Tactics like this work best with certain kinds of reoccurring events happening in the market.

It becomes the responsibility of the trader to recognize events, trends and specific day trading sessions that will trigger the ability to choose the correct Forex strategy. When patterns are identified, you would then invoke the strategy that you would use to counter or take advantage of the events in the markets.

In the end, all investment strategies involve risk, sufficient information, a feel for the market and the ability to make decisions on the fly. Effective Forex strategies take advantage of all of these events and combine together for the right opportunity for you and your future investments.

If you want to be a successful Forex trader then discover how to use Forex by signing up for my "NO COST" Forex online training course, learn valuable Forex trading tips and get advice on how to be successful with easy to implement Forex trading tips go to: Answers About Forex and you will discover the secrets to being successful with Forex!

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How to Become a Successful Self Made Forex Trader

To really be successful at Forex trading, you need to have it at the back of your mind that Forex will definitely pay you well if you'll only work hard with patience and consistency. The market may already be saturated with traders, but there is always room at the top if you're willing to pay the price.

Forex is the largest market on earth, with a trade volume of over $4.5 trillion. That is a huge amount of money, but it's more or less expected when you consider that most currencies, if not all, are traded in the Forex market. People from different locations around the globe take part in it, and it has been in existence since the days of trade-by-batter, when it wasn't known as Forex.

However, so much has changed since the inception of Forex. In the past, Forex trading was as simple as using gold and silver as a method of international payment (which were usually affected by global supply and demand). These days, prospective traders with the view of a successful Forex career will have to be more specific and familiar with the modern strategies of the Forex market.

Here are questions you must ask yourself if you want to be a successful Forex trader.


Before you even register with a Forex broker to trade Forex, you need to make up your mind to do what it takes to be a successful trader; otherwise you'll just while away your time and eventually quit. You may think that your drive at the moment will see you through Forex ups and downs, but successful and experienced Forex traders beg to differ - human psychology is a major Forex demon.

It is an established fact that human psychology, if not controlled, can ruin a trader.

If you're not able to control you psychology, that means you allow your emotions to come into play all the time, controlling how you approach a trade. If trades are going well, emotions are high; you're happy, and willing to continue trading. If trades are not going well, you feel bad, and unwilling to continue.

On the other hand, if you learn to control your emotions and not allow them to come in the way of trade, then you can leverage your psychology in trading. You know that there are bad times, but you also know that they will pass with time.

If you do not have a strong determination to make it big as a Forex trader, it is only a matter of time before you throw in the towel. Every successful trader out there fought the battle of the Forex market, and so should you.


Just like education is important in life, it is also important in Forex trading. You most likely do not need a degree to be able to trade Forex, but you have to study the proven tactics of Forex to help you trade better.

For you to get it right as a Forex trader, you must understand the following

1. Terminologies used in Forex trading

2. The different strategies applicable and when they can be applied for maximum benefits.

3. Forex time zone

4. Forex brokers

5. Trading platforms and software

6. Forex news

7. Trading tools

A good knowledge of all these and more will put you in a better position to trade the market profitably, even as a newbie.

It is important to note that studying the Forex market is a continuous process so long as you're a Forex trader. That is the only way you can keep up with the indisputable changes that take place in the market.


While you're researching on what there is to know about the Forex market, take some time out to do quality research on how and where to find a reliable Forex broker. Having a good broker goes a long way to determine if your trades will be successful or not.

To find the right broker for you, you have to first of all select a number of reliable brokers with good reputation based on your regional regulatory compliance. Beware of brokers that are not regulated by authority bodies; they tend to operate carelessly, and they cannot be questioned by anyone; unlike the regulated ones monitored by the regulatory bodies.

Go ahead to narrow your selection down to find out what broker can meet your specific needs as a Forex trader. Most brokers will allow their prospective clients to test their services with a demo trading platform before deciding whether to register with them or not. You're allowed to experiment with as many trading platforms as possible to help you choose the best broker to work with.

Also take note of the packages offered by the broker and go for the one that best suits you. Be sure to consider the initial deposit, spreads and commissions, leverage and margin, etc.

Never register with a broker on the account of a positive review or reference. There are different kind of brokers and traders, and it is your responsibility to carry out researches to find one that best suits your style as a Forex trader.


A demo account is a "pretend" Forex trading account. It has almost everything you can find in a real Forex account, except that it is not real. It is a simulated platform where traders, old and new alike, can trade Forex for free.

With a demo account, you can

- Trade with simulated money

- Test a broker's services

- Get familiar with a particular trading platform

- Gain notable experience about the Forex market

- Develop a Forex strategy suitable to your trading methods

- Learn to control your emotions while you trade

So, you see. Demo trading is really necessary.


As a new Forex trader, you'll be amazed to find out there's a huge volume of strategies for Forex trading. There are so many of them that it is confusing and stressful trying to find the right one to trade with. A lot of them are not simple enough for new traders, and should be avoided. It is always better to start with the simplest ones and then add to it as you progress in knowledge and experience of the trade.

Understand that you don't need to develop a trading strategy yourself, especially if you're new. Choose from a number of strategies designed by professional traders to benefit newbie Forex traders.

Note that it is at your own risk to trade with any strategy; and a strategy that worked gloriously well for mister A may be a disaster for you if you trade with it. To avoid this, be sure to test any strategy on a demo account to see if it's a good fit.


There is no need to hurry; the Forex market is always open to traders from all over the world. To this note, it is best to take your time and approach Forex trading with caution at every step of the way. Failure is inevitable, but if you've really made up your mind to trade Forex, no failure will be enough to deter you.

If you fail, dust yourself up and try again. Do not stick to a particular strategy if it's not working well for you. The same applies to brokers and trading platforms; change them if they're not a good fit for you. Learn something new about Forex trading every day, practice what you've learnt, with steadfastness, and success will find you.

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I am UC, a professional freelance writer.
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