Showing posts with label online money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online money. Show all posts

Thursday 31 May 2018

Work-At-Home Hacks For People Just Like Me

There are rules of thumb but there are no hard and fast rules. The 'things people do every day to become successful' in what they do has so many variables.

Some swear by morning coffees, others a 20-minute nap. Give or take, that's almost always the story. Like I said, variables.

Routine, or better yet, discipline is what makes people successful. I will never claim to be a 'successful person' but what I HAVE been doing is working from home for the past 18 years. I hope you can share YOUR story about how you soften the rough edges off of your everyday work week too because it helps. Every little bit of advice helps, actually, because most successful people listen.

1. No Emails - Most people start their days off by rolling off their beds with everyone screaming at them. Your alarm is screaming. Your boss is screaming, your kids are screaming, your email is screaming. So, one of the things that I DON'T do early in the morning is to check my emails. People who know me know not to expect an instant reply from me early in the morning. That's when I am trying to sort my shit together so that I can get stuff done for you throughout the day. So, no emails in the morning. Only coffee is allowed.

2. Stay Dressed - This one is for those who work from home. One of the things that I've noticed in nearly 2 decades is that I dress for work (even if I will be in my home office or living room) the whole time I am going to be working. I don't know about you but the moment I slip on my cutesy 'lil comfy clothes, my zest for life and roaring enthusiasm to get things done slithers off from me like a layer of dead skin cell.

3. Meditate -Oprah's said it. So did Deepak Chopra and Cameron Diaz. It's not the woo-woo-woo stuff, trust me. It's more like sitting there in complete silence or with soft music gently caressing my ear, or just sweeping the floor (the movement is meditatively repetitive, try it!). Instead of thinking of it as a 'new age fad', think of it as Loading Your Gun Ready to Kick Down the Doors of the World. Badass when reworded, huh? I use an app to 'help me along' - Insight Timer. It has music, guided meditation, and... well... complete silence.

4. Don't multitask - It's something I was really proud of and multitasking was the only way for me to move the needle forward when the list of things-to-do was just way too long. I don't do it anymore. Instead, I think doing things in spurts is far more productive. One example would be that if I found vacuuming the floor THE daunting task of the day, I would mindfully vacuum the living room and leave the rooms and kitchen for tomorrow.

Silly example, I know, but when applied to work, it's pretty amazing when you give the tasks at hand short bursts of active, productive attention. When I am tired, I will come back with a whole lot more to contribute AFTER I've dealt with my brain fog instead of muscling through it. I mean, who am I to argue with the chemicals in my brain?

5. Coffee - I am just going to leave this right here. Explaining it any further is going to make me angry if you don't understand it. It's my survival poison.

6. Laugh a Little - A sense of humor provides a buffer against the build-up of stress and anxiety in your system. So, occasionally, load up your Tumblr or Twitter (where you are encouraged to follow people like 9gag - just a personal preference, of course) and just laugh a little.

Experts say that humor provides a powerful buffer against stress and fear. "Humor is about playing with ideas and concepts," said Martin, who teaches at the University of Western Ontario. "So whenever we see something as funny; we're looking at it from a different perspective. When people are trapped in a stressful situation and feeling overwhelmed, they're stuck in one way of thinking: This is terrible. I've got to get out of here. But if you can take a humorous perspective, then by definition you're looking at it differently - you're breaking out of that rigid mind-set."

7. Being understanding - I know this doesn't fit into the normal mold of 'things people do to be successful' but I think it's pretty important. Because most of us work with others, whether in the office or remotely, we often assume that people are being evil of mean when they're being a little less than nice to us. Sometimes, it's because they're tired just like you, exhausted just like you, overwhelmed just like you, have to pay bills just like you, are worried about their kids/parents just like you, or simply had an argument with a friend/spouse just like you.

I think this point is particularly important in the digital world. With the digital divide, we sometimes forget that we're dealing with human beings. Just like you.

Marsha Maung is a mother, writer, social media consultant, internet marketer and human. Her mission, as far as her work is concerned, is to bring brands, products, services and companies exposure. Find out more about her life from her personal blog (cooking, life, sense, parenting, writing, etc) or her professional WordPress blog MarshaMaung.Me. Hope to see you and connect there.

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Wednesday 30 May 2018

Ways To Effectively Work From Home

In this day and age, there are several people who work from home on a regular or on an on-and-off basis. The reasons could be numerous, starting from health issues, long commute, maternity, and so on. The belief that an employee needs to be in the office to be efficient is now gradually changing, with benefits of working from home arising aplenty. However, for some people, especially if you have just begun to work from home, things can get a bit overwhelming. Here are a few things you can do to organize your 'home office'.

A Constant Office Space

Setting up one room (or a portion of a room) as your office can go a long way in creating a sense of mood and motivation that might otherwise be lacking when you are not in office. Fix a table, an ergonomic chair (yes, it is an investment you will not regret if you work from home regularly), and other essentials you might need for work, for example, a charging station for your computer or mobile phone around that area. Stick to that place the best you can while working and move away when you are not. You can still visit that area when you are not working, but make sure it is not close to the bed that you sleep in. In smaller houses this might be difficult to arrange but try to set up your workplace in a different room than your bedroom. This is not because you might accidentally climb onto your bed, and sleep during working hours, but because your quality of sleep at night might be affected by the presence of your work things.

Air Quality

While you are indoors through the major portion of the day, it is important to ensure you get sufficient ventilation, and good quality air to breathe. If you live in an area where the pollution level is low, keep your windows open at all times for the fresh air to stimulate your brain, and improve your efficiency. If, unfortunately, you live in an area where the outside air is horrid, an air purifier is recommended. Remember, your health is of utmost importance no matter from where you work.


Although exercising is a mandate for everybody, it is even more crucial for people who work from home. When you are in office, you might take frequent breaks down to the cafeteria or a roadside tea/coffee shop, but when you are home, these breaks are eliminated from your routine. Hence, it is of utmost importance to exercise regularly. Choose whatever works for you - yoga, aerobics, weights, cardio, but be regular and diligent about it.

Venture Out

Make it a point to get out of the house at least for ten or fifteen minutes every working day. You could either run a quick errand such as going to the ATM, picking up dry-cleaning, buying dinner, and so on, or you could take a simple walk in your neighbourhood at the very least. Going outside once in a day and seeing other people on the road helps your brain relax, because, after all, we are all social beings.

Do Not Overwork

Many people, especially in the beginning, tend to feel guilty about not working from the office. They feel that they are not working enough, or something is missing. Some people have it even worse because others who go to office regularly have a tendency to point fingers and condemn those who work from home. Snide remarks such as "Oh, what do you know about the hectic traffic we go through", or "You work from home, that must mean you have plenty of time", to "I don't think people who work from home actually get any work done", are very commonly heard. Do not get bogged down by such things. Just because you work from home does not mean you should work longer hours. Fix your work hours as you would if you were in office, and stick to it.

With the above-mentioned ways, one may find working from home a true bliss in the middle of all the chaos.

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Tuesday 29 May 2018

Does Affiliate Marketing Still Work?

Affiliate marketers earn money by selling products created by other companies in exchange for a commission. But things online have become much more competitive than when affiliate marketing first started out nearly 20 years ago. Affiliate marketing is still a good way to make money online, but the rules have changed in recent years.

Today's successful online entrepreneurs have figured out how to make affiliate marketing work more effectively so their efforts bring the results they want. How do they do it?

Make Affiliate Marketing Work For You

The best way to make affiliate marketing work effectively is to increase the exposure of your affiliate links. These are the links that take your prospects to a sales page or website and which track sales back to you.

Your Own Website

One of the most important elements of affiliate marketing today is to have your own website or blog. This is where you produce content relevant to the products you want to sell. You can write general articles and provide links to suggested products at the end of the content. The most important things to remember are that everything you write should be the factual and the truth. This helps position you as an expert worth paying attention to.

Building an Email Marketing List

It can be challenging to build an email marketing list these days because people have such jammed inboxes. That being said, knowing your niche and your target audience are two of the best ways to come up with an incentive they will be keen to get and so will be happy to give you their contact information.

Two good incentives would be an eBook or eCourse on a hot topic related to your niche. Think of the kinds of problems people have in your niche and create an information product which offers real solutions.

Be Careful About What You Sell

Don't promote anything you would not use yourself or are not impressed by. You don't want to get the reputation of being an affiliate who will pretty much sell any old rubbish just to get a commission. Rather, you want to show you're in the know, with great deals on products that really work.

Keywords In Your Content

Keywords related to your niche will help drive free traffic via the search engines. Your keywords should be related to your topic or niche. They should be words that an ordinary person interested in your niche would search for. Keyword all media files such as images and videos as well.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Sunday 27 May 2018

Web Design Trends for 2018

Recent years have revealed some of the most stunning website designs since the dawn of the internet. Be it non-traditional navigation or mind-blowing imagery, we've come a long way. But as the landscape evolves, popular trends change in web design... like in all creative arenas. Indeed, much has changed and will continue to change. So what will be the web design trends for 2018?

Website design concepts in the coming year will offer interactive animations, chatbots, intuitive assistance and more rich experiences. Technologies like virtual reality, machine learning, and voice recognition are now advanced enough to be mainstream. You can expect streamlined, clean, and no-frills. Simplistic designs that don't overload the senses, and leave room for those new technologies to entice the online visitor.

Priority On Mobile Browsing

In 2018, design concepts and engineering for mobile devices will take precedence over desktops, notebooks, and other gear. While this won't make headlines, cell phones and tablets have recently taken over as the choice equipment for online browsing. A fundamental in the coming year will be Mobile Performance (or digital experience optimization), so 2018 will see innovations to the functionality on cells and tablets. Things we've never seen before, on any medium.

A Sleeker, Cleaner Layout

In recent times, designers started creating sleeker, cleaner website concepts for better browsing performance. Image-heavy pages are slow to load and frustrate visitors. Simplicity will be elevated to a whole other level in 2018, making smarter use of Negative Space. White space is nothing new, but among the web design trends for 2018, developers will find better uses for it. Particularly on mobile, speedy light-weight downloads will be essential.

Flamboyant, gimmicky designs are out. Everything is there for one purpose now: to increase conversions. Negative space draws attention directly to the engagement or conversion point, with less distraction.

Eye-Catching Typography

Beautifully crafted typography is known for imparting character, stirring emotion and setting a mood for a page. As visual displays evolve, designers will innovate on typography even further, appealing to users and attracting more visits. Already we're seeing bold, expressive, and artistic fonts taking the place of images, and we should expect to see more unique, hand-rendered typography. Among other web design trends for 2018, expect to see lots of bold headers and text links instead of buttons. This will have a trickle-down effect on SEO techniques and Content Marketing practices, too.

Video Takes On More Importance

All of 2017, we observed the continued rise of short video use on corporate websites. While video isn't new, it remains a multipurpose medium used for marketing, educating, and with a more modern twist than still photography. Indeed, an alternative approach to storytelling for businesses. Yes, video is taking over, and will become an even greater web design trend in 2018. Inspiring greater engagement, we find most online giants are giving more weight to video as time marches on. Facebook, Twitter and Google are among those.

Websites in 2018 will take video to new, thrilling places that seemed like crazy fantastic dreams not that long ago. You'll see websites equipped with 360 vids, 360 modeling, video mapping, and interactive applications.

Subtle Animations

Technology has evolved and web browsers handle animations much more efficiently than they did before. Animations used to be tacky and distracting, but 2018 will welcome a new dawn of subtle, informative animation. Expect to see cinemographs and scroll-triggered animations, among others.

Cinemographs: Achieving balance between a static picture and traditional video, cinemographs will be seen all over web design trends for 2018. Not as slow or data-heavy as a video, these quick clips create dynamic imagery that does just enough.

Scroll-Triggered Animations: while not new, they'll be used differently in 2018. They'll be employed for a purpose: to draw attention to critical locations on the page. Simplistic and tactical, these scroll triggers will be designed to increase engagement and conversions. The animation entices the user to keep scrolling, drawing them down to the conversion-point, while informing them on the product.

Voice User Interfaces

Perhaps the next major breakthrough that will revolutionize web browsing. Voice user interface is otherwise known as Voice Search, Digital Assistant, or Natural Language Processing (NLP). It refers to a person's interaction with a computer (or mobile device) through spoken word. Don't be surprised to encounter websites with their own voice user interfaces among web design trends for 2018. With voice search on the rise, be sure your company's website content is compatible, as people speak another way when using voice commands directed at machines. This will be especially important for open-ended searches, starting from an engine like Google or Bing.


Micro-interactions allow the user to interact with a website without reloading the page. Historically, the internet has been very static. Every new submission meant a page reload. While this appears minor from the outside, it actually creates a hiccup or bottleneck in the user's enjoyment. Some visitors will simply lose patience and abandon ship, and you'll lose consumer data or possible conversions. Micro-interactions help eliminate those hiccup delays, yielding richer interactions for the visitors, who are now more likely to stay and engage with your site.

Progressive Web Apps

Many designers, recognizing the popularity of mobile apps, have begun developing a blend of traditional app behaviors with web page behaviors. This website-app hybrid is called a Progressive Web App.

As progressive web apps become more popular, we'll see the upgrading of functionality of websites to include things like push notifications, splash screens, offline mode, and animated page transitions. We will see greatly refined cognitive capabilities, greater dependency on natural language processing, and more automation. Apps will learn and then react to your personal preferences and style.

The Power Of Facebook

Facebook is becoming equally valuable, if not more valuable, for offering all the content generally found on a business' website. Facebook is fighting to become a destination for content, offering a blog platform, reviews, live chat, and live streaming. This is especially true since the public has discovered how to use hashtags on Facebook. In many cases, clients discover a Facebook page before a business' website and never even click-through; they'll simply call or message online and become an immediate prospect.

In 2018 building your business' experience on Facebook will become more important than ever. It will use Facebook to drive people to your website, instead of the other way around.

Responsive Design

If you haven't heard of responsive web design before, it's a method of building a website using CSS media queries and flexible layouts to design one single, dynamic experience. It then adjusts the display of content, according to the type of device it's showing on. There will be a large increase in the number of companies who leverage this among their web design trends for 2018. Businesses will be utilizing responsive design to achieve the search rankings they desire; keeping consumers happy and informed during their online visit.


Security Will Gain In Importance

In 2017, malicious hacking became an even bigger issue than before. Malware was bad enough, but the Ransomware outbreak was much worse. As you think about your web design trends for 2018, be sure to consider the security of your customer's information. Make sure your security certificate is always updated, and on all pages.

Trust will always be a major concern of users from now on. Your downloads? Your contact form? Their personal information? Will your website infect their desktop or other device? People will only interact with your website, download, and share their info if they trust your technology.

Is Your Web Design Ready For 2018?

As there are thousands of innovations and patterns that quickly emerge every year in the world of web design, it is hard to predict the future. One thing is certain, the online landscape will continue to change, and change quickly. The important thing in business is not to get left behind... in 2018 or beyond.

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Saturday 26 May 2018

Ready To Give Up Marketing On Facebook?

The recent changes to the Facebook algorithm has set many entrepreneurs who were using Facebook to promote their businesses into a tailspin. In basic terms, Facebook will now prioritize relevant content from friends and family on timelines.

The reason for the change was, to some extent, a reaction to the issue of "fake content" on the social media platform. Facebook now wants to promote "real content" from real people, not international propaganda agencies disguised as people.

This means that posts from businesses will be less visible and is particularly hard on ordinary, honest businesses that are producing genuine content without trying to misinform or damage anyone.

So what does this mean for your business?

Good Content Will Always Be Shared

If you have plenty of engagement in regards to your content, you have a better likelihood of being in the new news feed. But even if you're not, those who genuinely like what you do will generally come to visit your page specifically to see what's new and to interact with your content.

Create a Facebook Group

Your personal Facebook page is for socializing. Your Facebook group is for socializing, and communicating with others that are interested in the topic or market in which you are doing business. When people join a group that you create, on a topic they're interested in, they look at you as a leader in that area. This means that you can promote your business while being in control of the process, something you can't do in someone else's Facebook group, or successfully from your own personal profile page.

Leverage Influencers

Influencers are folks who have grown a significant following on Facebook over time. They often keep to one niche or subject and offer their thoughts, opinions and expertise. Interact with their content, and you will become more noticeable. When people click on your name, they can go to your account, like your page, and start receiving your posts on their data feeds.

Offer A Variety of Content

Don't limit your marketing on Facebook to one kind of content, for example text only. Include things like memes, video, live video, short content, long content, infographics and so on. Videos should be short, sharp, informative and entertaining. Don't forget to ask for comments and shares.

It's not the first time Facebook have made major changes, and at least they informed people about them on this occasion. It's just a case of being more innovative and thorough, and watching how things unfold in the future.

Facebook wants you to succeed using their advertising platform. This just makes sense. If you achieve your business goals while spending money on Facebook advertising, you're likely to use that marketing practice again in the future. To learn how to make your Facebook marketing successful and profitable, download my Free Checklist, Successful Facebook Ads at

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Saturday 19 May 2018

Social Media to Build Your Brand and Get Customers

It is no secret that social media has become a part of our daily lives. It is a direct platform for reaching consumers. The best thing about it is that people spend so much time on social media that you are sure that it will reach a portion of your market. In addition, it gives you realistic data and statistics which are easy to measure and interpret. Consequently it is the ideal way to build your brand and get customers.

How do you do it?

Create your social media pages and complete all the info. Add an attractive cover picture with a call to action. Add your logo as the profile photo. Then post on a daily basis, because each post only reaches a percentage of followers therefore posting every day is ideal.

Prepare a strategy that is your guideline to what will be posted on the social media. Don't just post anything. Be deliberate with what you share.

Post relevant and interesting content. You may be tempted to post ads every day. But rather break it up with interesting tips or fun posts in between. Make sure that the tips or fun posts are in line with your brand.

Use attractive images in your ads and add a call to action. Good pictures grab attention. Either, get a photographer to take pictures of your products or business, or make use of stock photos to create eye catching adverts.

Set up sponsored adverts that are targeted to your specific market. Specify the interests of the people you are targeting as well as the area. Be realistic with the area definition but also don't limit yourself too much. If you select an area that is very small, you will not see good results. Actually the results may show a very low reach in terms of the people that see the advert. You want as many people as possible to see the advert and the ones who are interested to interact with you.

Build a community by being available. Many businesses build a social media presence but don't maintain it. When people ask you questions, whether it is about your product or simply a question that you could answer, then answer it. Answer it quickly. Don't wait a week to get back to the person.

Remember they are probably on social media every day and may check if you've replied. If you don't respond, they may think that your brand doesn't care about them.
These are a few tips on how to get your brand noticed and your marketing campaign to generate leads.

Web2Go is a Gauteng based website development company, with over fifteen years' experience in the digital industry. Founded in 2002, Web2Go focused on providing clients with an all-round digital solution.

Our team brings forth a wealth of knowledge in website design, website development, social media management, search engine optimisation and Google advertising.

Email us for more information on

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Thursday 17 May 2018

What Best We Can Do In Social Media To Get Maximum Exposure

Once we come into a fresh chapter on a new year, it is time to begin planning regarding successful SMM techniques for your little business. So as or perhaps you to remain in front of the rival it is important so that you can set your online marketing strategy to make the most of prevailing trends and also the ever developing marketplace for different company industries.

The little business platform has altered a whole lot in the last couple of years and remaining as much as date with those modifications could be a obstacle.

Here are some SMM tips to help keep you in front of the competition in 2018.

Raise your presence - The main reason SMM is really big is because more and more people spend some time there. You cannot enhance presence for your needs and on the internet personality with a personal page. Throughout the year 2017, I saw lots of this created me scratch my head a little. I am not sure why nevertheless the drawbacks for this can harm your brand.

If the largest issue is undesirable spam comments, this is managed and removed with the block button and also by modernizing your settings. The target is to accommodate your audience and create leads. Make certain every bit of your social networking approach serves the objectives you set and also those who might find it. Improve your social networking existence. It is important to success of one's brand. Upping your presence drives visitors and invites involvement.

Concentrate on Mobile - Most searches and site visits are done via mobile phones. Unfortunately, most companies are yet to seriously accept mobile inside their marketing techniques. Take the time to optimize your internet site content and internet assets for mobile phone users this season.

The attempts will enhance your Return on Investment from all internet channels and can drive leads to your site improving traffic from the search engines within the proceeds. I am not just dealing with design and loading speed, but really optimizing an individual experience for website search, form entry, commerce, navigation and basic mobile phone usability.

Create Involvement a Priority - You want to become popular on social media. It isn't a soap box so that you can stop by to face on to done an announcement every now and then. It had been created in order that individuals around the globe might connect to each other. How big your "followers" on social networking does not matter if no body is attending to.

Big followings cause you to feel effective however if there isn't any message to allow them to abide by it's unlikely your brand is likely to make a lot impact. What actually matters is involvement. Engagement is exactly what earns you shares which produce leads that can become sales and achieving loyal clients. Additionally you should allow it to be a place this season to regularly revisit your buyer personas to make sure your message remains unique and highly relevant to your viewers. This amount of interaction is exactly what solidifies your brand.

Content - Making plans for your calendar and content approach with this year ought to be towards the top of your to-do list. For those who haven't got began yet, yesterday will be a great time. Paid advertisements on social networking are excellent. They produce effective leads. But, it is incredibly important to master how exactly to make a trusted, expected and scalable flow of traffic that changes into clients in order that company remains afloat with or without one. This may simply be carried out by creating awesome content. All it requires is a few efforts, testing out a couple of various tactics and consistency.

If you are ready to invest enough time, you could have all of the benefits of a well-trafficked company and site with no spending an astronomical sum on paid advertisements. As a company holder and content maker, it is element of your work to provide powerful info to your visitors regarding the services and products. Good content, powerful headlines, back-links, SEO, sales campaigns and e-mail marketing produced good, reliable traffic, and sales well before the social networking paid advertisement game was invented. It even performs.

Video Streaming - Video in real-time has become ever more popular with consumers. Numerous social networking platform giants are all investing more income into increasing their video streaming capabilities. It provide chances for content marketing along with client involvement. It really is a format which has achieved serious momentum within the last one year and it is the continuing future of branding. It is a good idea to include it to your online business marketing strategy this season.

As a whole, the greater particular and strategic you will get together with your SMM plan, the greater effective you will be with its implementation. Be it Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook or Instagram, there's a great deal you are able to do when it comes to marketing and producing latest chances on your own while including tremendous value to your customers, clients and readers. Do not create your SMM strategy so high and broad that it is difficult. Balance is key. Continue to keep your visitors and audience in your mind. A great company goal will guide your actions, however it may also be a measure through which you see whether you are profiting or failing.

If you are looking for an Online Digital Marketing Course or a SEO Course in Delhi, please visit our site Delhi Courses.

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Monday 14 May 2018

Multiple Revenue Streams Keep A Solopreneur Solvent

To build a successful career as a Solopreneur consultant requires courage, resilience, possession of marketable skills and relationships with people who are willing and able to refer or endorse you for paid project assignments. Solopreneur consultants must have a talent for selling, the discipline to create and pursue business goals, a knack for big picture thinking and implementing strategies and an understanding of human nature and motivation. The ability to attract good luck and dodge bad luck helps, too.

Precious few Solopreneurs are able to just "go to the office" everyday and delve into the usual work. In order to generate the preferred amount of business revenue, we understand that creating multiple revenue streams may be necessary and to make that possible, we must recognize the marketability of our skill sets, in aggregate and in segments. As well, we must learn to package, promote and sell our skills and value to prospective clients.

Consider my revenue streams, for example. When asked, in my short form elevator pitch I say that I'm a self-employed external consultant who provides business strategy and marketing solutions to mid-size for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. What that means in reality is that I've facilitated strategic planning meetings at not-for-profit organizations; edited a 100 page nonfiction book and also served as its photo editor and project manager; developed curriculum for a series of 90 minute sales skills training workshops; and periodically I teach business plan writing.

I've been fortunate enough to regularly win business strategy development or marketing campaign assignments, but the fact is that there are often gaps and in response, I've learned to branch out and offer segments of my skill set to clients or employers as a way to maintain my required cash-flow and, whenever possible, also enhance my brand. In my experience, it's the ability to leverage one's perhaps infrequently promoted competencies that help Solopreneurs to create and sustain a profitable business venture.

My friend Adela is a busy educational consultant who works with college bound high school juniors and their parents to identify suitable colleges for the student and navigate the application process. Adela's business appears to be thriving, yet she nevertheless teaches Spanish at a local university (she was born and raised in Mexico and came to the U.S. to attend Notre Dame University).

Jackie, a friend of many years, is the founder and manager of a small, full-service fitness center that became very successful in that highly competitive market, yet she teaches a fitness class at another gym a few miles away. Why? Because she gets to observe another style of fitness center management from the inside, she receives training in new fitness techniques that she can evaluate for inclusion in her own gym and she earns a few extra dollars each week, something that a mother of four can always use. Sometimes you can get paid to research the competition!

My friend Carole toggles between freelance marketing gigs at technology companies and corporate positions in that sector. She's a Lotus alumna who's also worked for tech giant EMC, distinctions that command respect and open doors in the tech industry. In between corporate gigs, Carole goes out on her own to develop marketing strategies for tech start-ups. A couple of years ago, she was offered a position as director of marketing at one of those start-ups, but when the inevitable reorganization occurs, she'll re-enter Solopreneur life.

So, Solopreneur friend, I invite you to put on your thinking cap and brainstorm how you can create additional revenue streams by exploring how certain segments of your skill set can be packaged and promoted to current and prospective clients!

Thanks for reading,

Kim L. Clark is an external strategy and marketing consultant who brings agile skills to the for-profit and not-for-profit organization leaders with whom she works. You can ensure that mission-critical goals at your organization will be achieved when you contact Kim at

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Wednesday 9 May 2018

Work From Home And Make Money With Your Own Online Business

Start Your Own Online Business- Top Reasons Why You Should
It isn't easy to start an online business. Some people may lie to you and say it is the easiest thing they have ever done, but they are being at best unrealistic. Running an online business is as the name implies, "a business that is online". So there are certain rules you must follow in order to earn cash online (and do it the right way).

Even though there are challenges to running a business online there are benefits to it as well. In my view it is better to start a business online. Below I have listed some of the top reasons I believe this to be true.

The Traditional Way To Get Cash Is Becoming Outdated
There are a lot of people who have great ideas, but can never seem to the get them off of the ground. Many times this is due to lack of resources or the ability to properly fund their business. With the traditional business model there is normally a substantial investment. An internet business does not require this major investment (though there could be a small one).

Using the example of a brick and mortar store an owner must invest in their business only to have their money at times locked in the business itself for years. Many times it takes years for the store owner to recuperate their entire investment. With an online business model you would have less overhead and other means to store your inventory (such as drop shipping or as an affiliate). This means that inventory is not a requirement allowing you to ship product upon demand versus investing in the goods upfront.

Each Industry Dictates It's Threshold To Make Money
Certain industries require you to invest money to make money. Depending upon the industry itself starting small may be out of the question. The reason? In order to compete you must be competitive. To be competitive in the traditional sense may require a significant investment of funds from the beginning. This is not even mentioning physical location(s), staff and security issues.

However, a home based business that exists on the internet can grow as you grow. We all want to grow. With a smaller investment you can leverage your advantage for greater profits. If staff is required, the positions are minimal and physical security becomes one less thing for you to worry about (especially if you are an affiliate or you don't house your products in-house).

The Internet Is Becoming The Standard For Communicating A Business
The day is coming where if you're not online you don't exist. Even traditional brick and mortar organizations are now vying for a presence on the web.

The level of innovation new technologies are providing the entrepreneur online are endless. You are limited by your imagination and ambition.

With the internet you can make as much or as little as you want. This is determined by your willingness and effort to take your business to the next level. Will you press forward the wheel of innovation a success and become the next internet millionaire (or billionaire)? Or maybe you're not as ambitious and are only looking to take care of your needs (and maybe your families too)? An online business can provide you with this ability.

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I am serious about my internet business, and thankful for the time you have taken to read this article. If you are serious about beginning an online business then I recommend my Internet Business Quick Start Guide. Get your kit here now.

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Tuesday 8 May 2018

10 common investment mistakes that can ruin your retirement

 It is well known that as things stand, the majority of South Africans will not have enough money to sustain their current standard of living in retirement.

Recent increases to value-added tax and the fuel levy, among other things, have worsened the outlook for many.

Retirement savers would do well to avoid fairly common investment mistakes, according to chief executive officer at 10X Investments, Steven Nathan.

Here are the 10 mistakes retirement savers frequently make, and how to avoid them:

Mistake #1: Saving too little

The number one reason most people miss their retirement goal is because they don’t save enough.

“No rocket science here,” says Nathan. “You can’t save like a pauper and then expect to live like a prince in retirement.”

The basics of  a successful model for retirement is that people should save 15% of their gross salary throughout their working life (an average of 40 years) and invest in a balanced high equity fund that charges low fees.

Mistake #2: Paying high fees

Fees matter a lot more than most people imagine, says Nathan. In the context of a 6.5% real return (that is after inflation), every 1% paid in fees reduces the return by more than 15%.

If investors are paying 3% in fees the return will be reduced by 45%, which means that more than half of the real annual return is lost to fees.

When the effect of compounding, where you earn a return on your return, is included the negative impact can be devastating.

Nathan urges investors to understand the fees they are paying, and to look for a low-cost provider that charges no more than 1% in total annual fees.

Mistake #3: The wrong asset mix

Choosing an asset mix that mirrors personal risk tolerance, such as conservative or risk averse, but is not appropriate for the investment time horizon can dramatically damage a retirement outcome.

"It is critical to grow your savings at a high rate for the majority of your savings period, which is why you should be invested in a high equity fund," said Nathan.

"A lower growth portfolio would be insufficient in the context of a 40-year savings plan, based on a 15% savings rate."

A life-stage solution, where one can automatically be switched to the appropriate portfolio as the time horizon changes, is a simple and effective solution.

Mistake #4: Investing in an underperforming fund

Nathan said that, when it comes to retirement investing, it is more important to eliminate the downside risk and reach the minimum savings goal than to entertain upside risk in the hope of overshooting the savings goal.

"No one should be gambling with something as important as their retirement savings," says Nathan.

Mistake #5: Emotional switching

Chopping and changing funds or asset classes, especially during periods of market turbulence, often leads to buying high and selling low.

Investors should rather stick to their plan and avoid the temptation to switch or try to time the market.

Mistake #6: Inadequate diversification

If you are over-invested in one asset class or security, you assume concentration risk, the risk that one investment will have a disproportionate impact on your savings outcome. As a retirement investor, you cannot afford the downside risk as it may ruin your pension.

Nathan says: “Remember, it’s about reaching your goal with the lowest possible risk; it is not about speculating your way to a dream existence.”

Savers should invest in various asset classes (equities, bonds, property and cash), each providing exposure to many different underlying securities, held across different currencies (local and international) and regions (for example, developed and emerging countries).

Mistake #7: Saving outside retirement funds

Tax-free deductions and investment returns can potentially increase the value of your retirement savings by up to 30%.

And you score again because your retirement income is almost always taxed at a lower average rate than the marginal tax you saved on your contributions.

Mistake #8: Starting to save too late

Few people in their 20s worry about retirement but, ideally, we should start saving towards retirement from our first pay cheque. We should keep it up throughout our working life (around 40 years on average).

Nathan says it is important to remember that contributions are only one source of your future retirement income. The other is the net investment return you earn on your contributions.

“The sooner you start contributing to your retirement fund, the longer your money has to grow.”

Initially, Nathan adds, the returns add only a little to your total pot, but once compounding (earning a return on your return) kicks in, the growth will pick up and continue building momentum.

“The effect is much like a snowball rolling down a mountain, until the compounded investment return totally overwhelms your contributions.”

Mistake #9: Cashing in savings on changing jobs

Not preserving what has already been saved is a very common mistake in South Africa: up to 80% of fund members have at some point cashed out their savings when they changed jobs.

Not preserving is like starting late: people lose not just the accumulated savings, but the return on those savings for the remainder of the savings term.

The foregone return becomes a big number when a fund is cashed in 30 years ahead of time.

Mistake #10: Underestimating how much money is required

Using a quality retirement calculator (based on accurate inputs and assumptions) provides a good sense of where savers stand relative to their goal, and what they could do to improve their savings outcome.

“When it comes to retirement planning, various factors are beyond your control, such as the macroeconomic environment and stock market performance, which makes it even more important to understand and control the many factors that you can,” says Nathan.

Steven Nathan is the chief executive officer at 10X Investments.

Saturday 5 May 2018

How To Sell Other People's Products Online

When you sell other people's products online, you don't have to devote time to creating the products, but you get a percentage of the sales that you make. This well established and popular business model is known as affiliate marketing and being a successful affiliate marketer can be very lucrative.

Here are some the key issues to concentrate on when you sell other people's products online.

Find The Right Audience

It's important to determine what type of audience you want to sell products to. By knowing the audience, you'll be able to find the right type of products or services for them. You'll know what their problems are and find a way to offer them products that solve them.

Find The Right Products and Services

Choose who your audience is first, then find products for them. Doing it the opposite way round can include the risk that there isn't an audience for that product in the first place. Once you know your audience, you can choose the right products and services to recommend to them. It's best that you test out the products or services that you plan to recommend. Any product you choose should offer a solution to a problem that your audience has.

Create the Right Type of Content

Knowing your audience, and the products and services that you're going to promote, will help you create the right type of content that attracts your audience to take your recommendations. Always aim to provide value above all else. If your content doesn't make your audience feel like they're getting great value, they're not going to feel motivated to buy from you.

Maintain Your Reputation

When you're marketing and selling other people's products or services, you're putting a lot of trust in the creators of the product. Even if you didn't create the product, if someone buys something on your recommendation that turns out to be rubbish, they'll blame you. That's why you should only promote products that you have bought yourself or that you truly believe in.

Communicate With Your Audience

Communicate regularly with your audience via email, social media, blog posts, video or any other channel where you can reach out. Talk about their problems and the solutions that you know about and why you know they're the right ones. The best thing you can give your audience is a look into who you are. That's what makes you unique and special. Your audience will appreciate getting to know you, and that will make them trust you more.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Tuesday 24 April 2018

Generate More Traffic Via Social Media Influencing

Word-of-mouth represents 20-50% of all purchasing decisions. Customers are more likely to respond to endorsements from a person they respect than to advertisements. In the world of digital relationships, word of mouth extends beyond friends and family, and into the realm of influencer marketing.

Twitter has shown that...

49% of buyers will seek advice from social media influencers,
20% of users said that Tweets from an influencer motivated them to share their own product endorsements, and,
40% of users claimed they made a purchase as a direct result of an influencer's Tweet
Who Is a Social Media Influencer?
A Social Media Influencer is a user of social media who can show a level of authority in a specific industry. They have access to large audiences through their knowledge and scope of impact.

What is Social Media Influencer Marketing?

Influencer Marketing is the practice of creating relationships with people who can then build additional relationships for you in return. Whether the audience is small or large, an influencer can touch consumers via social networks and blogs, in ways traditional branding may not be able to reach.

Celebrity endorsements were the original form of influencer marketing. We've all see T.V. commercials where a well-known person takes 30 seconds to tell you how great a product is.

Now, with online media, regular people have become online "celebrities" with highly engaging social media followings. A survey last year found that YouTube creators took eight of the ten top spots in a survey of influencers, outranking traditional celebrities.

Increase Your Traffic by Becoming a Social Media Influencer

Social Media Influencing has become very popular with blog enthusiasts to make passive income through affiliate marketing and utilizing these Influencers have become standard practice among many of the top companies selling on the market today.

But why stop there? Why not generate even more leads and traffic to your Brand by becoming one of the Influencers yourself. There are a number of recommended actions out there to become a social media influencer. Here we've gleaned together 4 steps to help you to get started...

Choose 2-4 social media channels you'll use to cover your subject, taking into consideration what you excel at. Are you good at writing engaging posts on Facebook and Twitter, or are you better at photography or creating and editing your own videos?

The type of content you want to publish should showcase your best skills. If you've decided to be a platform-specific influencer, clearly, you'll want to use that as your primary social network then utilize the others for greater exposure.

Create a strategy for your content. What are your information preferences? Try to imagine why people will be enthusiastic to follow you, then plan accordingly. Try to plan for at least 3 months in advance, prepare the strategy, and then start posting.The purpose of your content is to attract people. To accomplish this, you must be publishing consistently. You know what message you want to convey so stick to it, but also make sure you are keeping a lookout for new info.

Promote yourself by guiding your audience to your content. Share it everywhere it might seem interesting to other followers. Build your community by going to forums, fan pages, and inviting new people to engage with them as well.

Contact other people and brands in your industry. Chat, comment on other posts, exchange likes and ideas. One of the fastest ways to gain status is to contribute your unique content to other blogs and publications. Guest postings can improve your merit among peers and increase traffic to your own blog. Show that you notice other people and you'll start to be noticed too.

Over time your efforts will start to pay off. You'll begin to cultivate an audience that will listen to and follow you. The more people who join your audience, the more seriously your views will be taken and the level of influence you create over others will increase.
Publish on LinkedIn

People generally believe LinkedIn posts are from the most influential leaders in a particular subject. So, in addition to your own blog, create posts using LinkedIn's publishing platform. You can accomplish this most easily by cutting and pasting your previously published blog posts and add a headline with keywords and an image to draw the eye. Consequently, when people in your network also see your articles on LinkedIn, they will start to view you as an authority too.

Finally, keep your content and sources organized for easy access. This way if someone asks a question about a particular post, you can easily answer the question or elaborate. This will also assist you in giving the appearance of having a good knowledge base of your subject. There is no reason to hold anything back. Sharing your expertise is how you can truly be a good influencer.

So, make sure you interact and build meaningful relationships with your audience as well as your peers. This way you can present yourself to brands as having a strong following in your subject.

For additional info on becoming a Social Media Influencer, check out this post at

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Take the worry out and hop over to and pick the course that's right for you. Perfect for the small biz owner or mighty (newbie) entrepreneur! Mini-sized to beefy ones. Don't forget to get your FREE report while you're there!

To your success... and have a silly day!

Got questions?:

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Sunday 15 April 2018

Revolution of Digital Marketing

What is digital marketing?

Today nearly 80% of all the media that we consume come through digital channels. Massive internet usage and digital media has given rise to a new marketing concept called Digital Marketing. It is a broad area and considered to be the future of business development.

Digital Marketing is the most commonly used term for online marketing and it has several advantages over traditional offline marketing. With the help internet and mobile devices customer these days have access to information from anywhere in the world. Marketers these days use digital tactics to attract and convert audiences online.

This new age marketing methods helps to gain good reputation which is essential for a business to survive. It is the best way to reach out to your targeted audience. With the help of digital marketing one can reach many customers at a very little marketing budget. Unlike traditional methods you can measure the success of digital marketing campaigns with the help of analytical tools. Ever year more and more marketers put aside traditional marketing and focus on this approach. Successful marketing campaigns can be accomplished by integrating traditional methods with the digital marketing techniques.

Common methods of digital marketing

Email Marketing

This is one of the commonly used methods of online marketing. Email marketing enhances business communication, cost effective and Eco-friendly. By this method a message could be sent to a group of people by the use of electronic mail.

It is an efficient way to stay connected with your audience while promoting your business and also one of the easiest ways to reach your target audience.

Search Engine Optimization

It is an organic way of optimizing your online content to improve the ranking of your website on the search engine.

There are a lot of factors involved in ranking of a website such as title, keywords, relevance etc. SEO helps to ensure that your site is accessible and improve the chances of being found by the search engine. It is classified into two types on page and off page optimization. On page optimization is achieved through careful distribution of keywords and the quality of content on your site. Off page optimization involves factors that are beyond the control of your website. The primary goal of link building is to get other websites links to yours to improve SEO.

Search Engine Marketing

When someone searches for information or a keyword, SEM makes sure that your site appears at the top of search engine results. It uses a variety of techniques which helps the search engine to deliver your site to the web searchers.

One must clearly understand SEO before using SEM. It is one of the most efficient ways to spread your business across in this competitive world. Some of the components of SEM are ad auction, bid and quality score. Your maximum bid for a keyword with a great quality score determines your ad position.

Pay Per Click

The fastest way to reach your target audience can be achieved through P P C campaigns. You pay each time when someone clicks on your ad. For example, if you pay 1 rupee per click and when 1000 people click your ad it will cost you 1000 rupees. Based on the CTR (click through rate) the performance of you ad campaign is determined. It generates faster results by targeting the right people at the right time and at the right place. Since it costs money it is suitable for businesses that sell product/services.

Social Media Marketing

The process of marketing through various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is known as Social Media Marketing. The primary objective of SMM is to produce content on social media that help an organization to increase brand awareness and customer reach. In social media companies can share content to achieve marketing goals.

Display Advertising

It is a form of conveying a message with elements like images, logos, graphics, audio or video to communicate to the target audience. Also known as banner ads, it gives a unique opportunity to re-target the ideal audience. You can also display ads to people based on their search behavior. Generally, display ads are seen alongside on search engines such as yahoo, Bing and Google.

Content Marketing

This type of marketing is done by creating and sharing free content to attract new prospects and retain existing customers. Informative content is shared in the form of articles, videos, info graphics etc. It helps in building strong relationships with your audience by providing them with relevant high quality contents. Your business goal should be aligned with content strategy to gain critical success.

How a fresher would benefit from digital marketing?

In digital world, online marketing is essential for running a successful business. Marketers these days are adapting from traditional to digital approach.

Digital marketing provide small businesses with resources to perform sales and marketing that were previously available only for large companies. It ensures the survival of online businesses. Today, brands are putting more focus on digital marketing than ever before. Digital marketing skills are in serious demand and provide a unique competitive edge for one's career. It offers great opportunities around the world. There is a wide range of digital marketing roles which include jobs related to social media as well. It also provides a variety of opportunities to start your own career as an Entrepreneur.

There are lots of benefits that digital marketing professionals can look forward in upcoming years. More companies embrace digital marketing as their primary marketing strategy which creates a plenty of job opportunities for freshers. The future of digital marketing seems to be very bright at the moment. is one of the leading digital marketing services company in Bangalore. Contact us at +91 8 2 2 0 0 0 9 2 2 2.

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Saturday 31 March 2018

What Are Your Digital Marketing Challenges? Here Are Our Top 5 (and Some Solutions Too!)

We're already at the end February (and the countdown to spring is on!). If you're like most small business owners, you kicked off January with a new and improved plan for your business, and most likely that included marketing to new prospects and collecting leads.

There are several challenges we're seeing with small business, specifically around marketing:

  • Small business owners don't have time to market online -there's a tendency to get lost on social media, in fact some refer to it as noisy.
  • Small business owners don't understand how to make the most of the marketing they're doing - This really comes down to strategy, what do you post when? If you're investing the time, you want to time it when you'll have the most eyes on your feed.
  • SMBs don't have a clear plan for market online (specifically with social media) - its not just what to post when, but it's the connection between the platforms that seems confusing. This is why a plan is essential.
  • Small businesses understand the need for automation, but don't like the feel of automation - you know what we mean here, there are emails you receive that just feel canned and generic. How can automation work when it feels so impersonal?
  • The learning curve is steep and continuous - even those of us who work in social media daily need to work to keep up on changing algorithms, so we get it!

What can you, as a small business owner, do right now?

  • Watch the efforts of someone you admire, how are they marketing?
  • Actively analyze what they're doing by examining when they post and what they post.
  • Do you see any trends behind their efforts, for example curated content versus original?
  • Time of day? 
  • Tone?

Accept that you'll always be learning and look to subscribe to a blog or podcast that regularly posts about social media trends. Endeavor to try something new every month (yes, that may mean video!).

Embrace video, that's YouTube, Facebook Live and Instagram. Everyone feels uncomfortable at first, but when you start seeing the results, you'll quickly embrace it. Remember, people want to connect with you before they buy, and sometimes that seeing and hearing you!

Don't feel like you must do everything alone, do what you do best, outsource the rest.

Create a content schedule and mix planned content with spontaneous content.
Struggling to create a schedule? Read last week's blog that will help you get back on track!

Still not sure if you've got the hang of digital marketing? Give us a call! We can have a quick chat about what you're doing now, and help find ways to fine tune your efforts for making impact (and efficiency!).

We help business owners find more time.

Discover how entrepreneurs just like you have freed themselves from the overwhelm of tech. Download our FREE report at

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Thursday 29 March 2018

Affiliate Marketing With Over 100 Million Google Visitors

We all know that website or blog traffic is the only key to generating life changing kind of money online. And one of the preferred methods among super successful affiliate marketers is commenting because you can reach millions of visitors, you just need to look in the right places.

You will have access to 5 sites within the online marketing niche later in this article. Combined, they have over 150 MILLION Visitors per Month! But you also need to know how to do your own research because that will enable you to reach these kind of sites in Any Niche.

You need to know whether the particular site is in fact indexed in Google. You need to know the page rank and both the quantity and quality of visitors to that site. Visitor origin is extremely important, next to a product in demand (On Your Blog).

In another Blog Post I demonstrate a certain research method that will show you just How to "Look In the Right Places". You need to research the sites you wish to comment on, and by using the simple tools as demonstrated above, I was able to come across sites with as much as 85.3 MILLION visitors per month.

But get this, they all allow comments and most even allow you to share your website and blog URL. Be careful though because the more professional the site, the less tolerance they will have to unprofessional conduct. This includes desperate sales pitches and a flood of random affiliate links, you only EVER share a URL to your own blog or website in any comments you make.

Most professional sites will provide you with one of 2 most used commenting options;

An On-Site Contact Form - That will allow you to share your URL by providing an option to do so, these forms normally require your name, email, URL and of course your comment.

Comments Feed Plugin - This is when you leave a comment by having to log into a particular social profile or Gravatar account to do so. And as these commenting options do not allow a special window for your URL, you DO NOT share any URL in these comments.

Within context however, you may want to suggest a certain idea and have other people respond to your comment. Should that discussion lead to an increased interest and request to view your site, then you share the link to your personal blog or website.

When You Comment - You always stay on topic, and blend with the discussion at hand. That can only be done by actually reading the particular post you wish to comment on. Don't just barge in with a desperate sales pitch or offer, it mirrors desperation. Keep your comments as professional as possible, and you will never have to write another sales pitch.

Professional commenting (And Actually Getting results) is a time consuming exercise and must never be done hastily. Apart from researching the sites you wish to comment and even guest post on, you also want to read other comments. Find what a particular audience is looking for so that you may be able to offer a suitable and obvious solution (That Actually Works). And make sure this offer is available On Your Blog, preferably with a proper discussion because you want to inspire your visitor to want to Know More.

The purpose of your comment must be to get the visitor to your own blog or website, you then need to ensure your content is interesting and useful enough to keep your visitor there. A great way to check this is to pay attention to your visitor/view ratio. Your visitors should be less than the views because it indicates that you're on the right path, it means you have returning visitors.

Now I did promise to provide access to my personal 5 commenting favourites, but I strongly advise you master that research method we discussed earlier.

Moz- This site offer an On Site Comment window that allows you to share your URL as a Hyper Link. Do not enter a raw URL (And Especially an Affiliate Offer URL) anywhere, because this is also a great way to get Moz to recognize your Blog or Website. Share the link to your personal site by means of the Hyper Link option provided.

Once signed up and inside your membership, you need to visit the Moz Blog to be able to comment and share your thoughts. You will also be able to answer questions because this is a site that offers great engagement, I can tell you that.

The Penny Hoarder - This site uses a Facebook comment plugin. You will need to login with your Facebook credentials to comment here, so be sure your profile is as complete and professional as possible. You will not have to register an account with the Penny Hoarder, only Facebook login to comment. And remember to only share the link to your blog or website when asked to do so.

Pro Blogger - And this is a perfect example of the on-site comments window where you have the option of sharing your blog URL. Once your comment is approved, your site will be accessible to reader when they click on your name in the comment. Pro Blogger, like Penny Hoarder requires no registration.

Money Talks News- Another high value site that does not require any registration. Like The Penny Hoarder, Money Talks too uses the Facebook comments plugin so the same rules apply. Only share the URL to your blog when asked to do so.

Always remember that content is the King of sales conversion, and unique content is what will have your site stand out. Content is the single most important part of actually generating money online, and endless research is the only way to be able to provide your audience with the relevant content. You must do the research, so your reader does not have to.

And that is how you can now leverage commenting to your profitable advantage.

Success Means Going From Failure To Failure Without The Loss Of Enthusiasm -

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Friday 23 March 2018

Taking Advantage Of Gen Z's Insatiable Hunger For Online Content

How often do you update your social media pages and publish new website content that is useful to your followers?

If you wait to get in the mood before working on them, you could be missing out on the opportunity to increase engagement and conversion.

A new study that was conducted by software company Adobe revealed that online consumers are drawn to brands that create authentic and relevant content. This is especially true for Generation Z who spend nearly half of their waking hours online.

The company surveyed 1,000 consumers to study their content consumption habits and found that Gen Z read, watch and share content online for 10.6 hours, while their millennial counterparts spend 8.5 hours doing practically the same thing.

Moreover, mobile turned out to be their favourite tool for consuming information online, spending an average of 5.9 hours every day.

But because of the proliferation of fake news, only a small percentage of young people share content. 58% of the respondents say they would share something posted by a family member or friend, 29% would share content from a YouTube star, and 19% say they would if information comes from a publishing source.

Potential gains from satisfying Gen Z's appetite

Who doesn't appreciate a piece of well-written content or an absorbing subject matter on a YouTube video?

Online content is basically the digital equivalent of sales associates in bricks-and-mortar shops. eCommerce businesses should carefully craft what they roll out on their website and social media pages, making sure that it gives potential customers a wonderful experience.

Such material prompts online consumers to take a positive action; 46% of UK consumers say it would trigger them to make a purchase, 24% say they would share it, while 21% say they would subscribe to the email list of the brand behind it.

However, if there is good content there is also a crappy one that bears the following qualities which, for many customers, are big turn-offs:

  • Content that is badly written (49%)
  • Irrelevant (44%)
  • Poorly designed (35%)
  • Paying attention to the devices people use in consuming content is just as important as the information and the manner in which it is presented on the Web.

79% of Adobe's respondents say they would like to use a home entertainment streaming device to consume online content, 63% of them prefer a voice assistant, while 51% aspire for connected home devices.

Technology is really advancing at the speed of light, and hence online businesses have no choice but to keep up. However, don't lose sight of the fact that it's pointless to be available on the latest device if your content is immaterial.

John Watton, senior marketing director at Adobe EMEA, explains it better below:

"Whether it's across social, online, blogs, or email communications, branded content has to be well-designed, optimised for the device, and offer a genuine experience that goes beyond selling products. Brands that succeed will drive customer acquisition and loyalty; those that don't will see customers swipe their screen in search for content that offers them a better experience."

So how are you satisfying the insatiable appetite of Gen Z?

Multichannel marketing is the quickest route to reach your customers, so don't be left behind. Find tutorials on Magento, M2E Pro, Magmi and other eCommerce tools that will help you sell and earn more on Amazon, eBay and your own website at UnderstandingE.

See you there!

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Tuesday 20 March 2018

The Keys To Getting What You Want

I would like to let you know what qualifies me to mentor you. My name is Dr. Mark L. Huddleston. I started my exciting journey April 14th, 1998. I experience a quantum shift in paradigms. I went from disbelieving to believing. I went from being a pessimist to an optimist. Instead of seeing the glass half empty, I began to see the glass half full and opportunity all around me. I will never forget that day as long as I live. I remember waking up in a total panic. I remember that I was totally broke. I was bringing home $7,000 a month and my rent on my apartment was only $800 a month. After all my bills were paid I had over $5,000 to myself to spend, so why was I broke?

I had to do some soul searching. I had to try to make sense of what was happening in my life before it was too late. My health was failing me, and my mental state of mind was dwindling also. The only difference between me and millions of people from around the world was that I was facing my demons and trying to make sense out of doing so.

During my soul searching, I recognized that all people were given the number one power ever given to any animal on this planet. That power, is the power to choose. Even if you choose not to choose, you have made a choice to choose.

I found out in a few hours that I had no clue to what I wanted out of life. I also found out that I was supporting a bunch of freeloaders that lived in my apartment complex. I found that I was buying my so-called friends. I also found that I was the one initiating the contact all the time with those so-called friends. The only time they ever seemed to come around was then they wanted something. They never seemed to come around when they had money or anything of value. This was a wake-up call for me. I realized that I did not have any friends at all. Even the members of my family were scum. I recognized that I always initiated the contact with them also.

From that sunny day in April on, I would never be the same person that I presently was. I made a vow with God that I would change and be the best that I could possibly be in anything that I ventured into. From that sunny day in April I swore to become engaged in personal self-development.

I realize on that sunny in April that I lived in the greatest country on the planet and there was no reason why I should be in the predicament that I was in. I knew that there was something holding me back from my purpose on earth.

The first thing I did was to sit down and set some attainable goals. Then I had to come up with a list of things I wanted out of life. I concluded that if I wanted anything out of life I first had to know what I wanted. Not knowing what you want is like starting out on a trip without knowing your destination and what direction to travel in. Your chance of reaching an unknown destination in an unknown direction by driving on an unknown road for an unknown length of time is just plain absurd.

What is needed is you to have a destination in life. This would be your life goal. You need a target to aim at. How can you hit your target if you don't first take aim at it? That's like a blind man entering a skeet shooting contest and expecting to win. The reason why people fail is that they do not know what they truly want. So, they wander aimlessly through life looking for something that never materializes. They go around in circles, chasing their own tail, only to come back to where they first started. They think they're going up, when they're really sinking down.

So, the first thing you want to do is, find out what you want to do and make a plan to accomplish it. What is your end-game? Are you looking for happiness? Are you looking for love? Are you wanting to be successful? Do you want to be wealthy? What is it that you want? Just know, that you can have anything you desire, but you first have to know what you want before you can obtain it.

I found out that getting what you want in life can be as simple as making the right choices. You must decide what, when, and how you will go about getting what you want. Consciously or subconsciously, your mind is continuously confronted by the necessity of making choices. You must decide if you will do something or not. There is no such thing as not deciding. Even if you choose not to choose, you have made a choice. Choosing to do nothing is a choice which may well determine whether or not you get what you want, just ask anyone that has dropped out of school!

Always know that you cannot avoid the necessity of constantly making choices. If you try to avoid or delay making a choice, you are choosing to do nothing and that is a choice which can affect your life as much, or perhaps more, than deciding to do something. If you do nothing you are guaranteed to be nothing. If you do something, you are guaranteeing yourself the possibility of getting what you want. You must choose which action to take, which group to join, which cause to advocate, which job to take, which city to live in, and which life style you choose to live.

This article cannot make these decisions for you because these choices will have to be your own personal choices to make. This article gives you the knowledge to make you aware of your choices you make and the consequences that come along with the choices you make.

The last key to getting what you want would be self-development. You need to learn how to get what you want. If you don't know how to get what you want, you will never obtain it. I began to pick up every book I could get my hands on that interest me. I wanted more out of life, so I began to absorb anything and everything that I came in contact with.

I began getting mentored by some of the greatest minds in the world today. People like, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Robert Kiyosaki, Steven Covey, and Jack Canfield, just to name a few. Can you imagine being mentored by people like this? If you seek, you will find. Just know, when the student shows up, the teacher will appear.

I learned what the law of attraction can do for a person. I learned what you put out is what you receive back on most cases. This law stands true to this day. There are several elements that you may want to apply to your daily routine.

1. You will want to use the power of positivity to propel you into successful action and enable you to motivate others to act in your behalf to help you get what you want. Positive attitude is what ignites the soul and gives you the personal power to turn others on! Positive attitude will give you the lift you need to get what you want.

2. The methods shared with you in this article taught me about personal development which is the easiest, fastest, way to improve the quality of your life. Your friends, family, and the people that you know that you want to impress will noticed the positive change within you once you begin your personal improvement journey. Only through self-development can you earn, deserve and get what you want in life. Know that your rewards in life are in direct proportion to the services you provide.

3. Understand, that you cannot obtain the help and win the required cooperation of others by pressure or by force. Pressure creates resistance. Force creates enemies. And resistance and enemies are things you don't need in your life if you want to get what you want in life.

You can obtain the enthusiastic cooperation of others by using the power of self-development and the power of attraction to get others to do what you want them to do. So, right now you will want to get started. It is up to you and you only to create a positive boldness in your life. Once this begins to happen you will begin to radiate an enthusiastic aura from your being. You will begin to look like a success! You will begin to act like a success! You will begin to be successful by undertaking in the many things you will learn by investing in yourself.

I truly hope that this article has helped you. Helping others is what keeps me motivated and inspired. I believe that we all must motivate, inspire, and encourage others throughout our lives if we want the world to be a better placed to live. We must become that change we want in life. The reason why I feel you should read my articles over other people's articles would be that I write from true life happenings. I know without a doubt that if you were to follow the advice I share with you that your life will exponentially change. You can find more resources at There is more helpful information in "The Manufacturing Of A Dream" and Eluding The Toxic Enemy within.

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