Showing posts with label passive income. Show all posts
Showing posts with label passive income. Show all posts

Sunday 22 July 2018

Multiple Streams of Income With Internet Marketing

Multiple income streams are possible with internet marketing because it is presents so many opportunities. But first, let's define what a stream of income is and why it would behoove someone to have more than one. An income stream is a source of spendable cash. If you are like most people, your job likely provides almost all, if not all, of the spendable income you have.

A major health problem can curtail the flow of that income if you are unable to go to work. Being laid off is another reason why that source of income could stop flowing. Or, your employer could go out of business. All of these reasons, plus countless others, happen to people in every walk of life each and every day.

The loss of a steady stream of income is very often an immediate problem because most people have very little money salted away for that proverbial rainy day.

So how do you go about creating an additional source of income to supplement the one provided by your job?

One way would be to get a second job. However, that would mean working so many more hours each week that you wouldn't have time to enjoy life. It could also put you under so much more stress that your health could deteriorate. Now, if you got sick, you would interrupt both streams of income. So, a second job probably isn't a good long-term solution.

A better solution would be creating a stream of income that continues even if you can't work, or if you do get laid off. That's where the internet can be a great resource for you. You can pick almost limitless topics there that are of interest to thousands upon thousands of people. Having a huge audience is a must if you want to generate an income stream on the internet. There are people today who have websites where they sell products, books, articles, ideas, services, hobby items, etc.

You get the idea, I'm sure. Each and every one of these websites can be set up in such a way that people can go to them to purchase whatever the site offers. And, best of all, the site's owner doesn't even have to be awake to make money. It's not only a stream of income, but much of the time it is a passive stream of income. That means that the owner isn't even involved in taking a person's order, sending the product, or collecting the payment for whatever has been purchased.

Now, imagine having several of these websites at work for you 24/7 while you go to your regular job. Now, you have multiple streams of income and they won't be interrupted by sickness, a lay-off, or the doors being closed. You might want to investigate this idea further to see if you could do something similar to protect yourself and your loved ones from a disastrous interruption in your normal flow of income. It might even become a whole new full-time job for you. Think about it.

You are invited to claim your free Internet Marketing Library of seven, that's right free and 7, e-books that will help you get started as a profitable internet marketer, when you go to []

From Internet Marketing Expert, Ted Hall

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Saturday 21 July 2018

How To Build Multiple Streams Of Passive Income

Passive income, also known as recurring income, is a popular term right now, and it includes a wide range of income streams from rental properties, membership services, book or eBook sales, and more. The phrase "passive income" can be inaccurate because there's nothing passive about creating a passive income stream.

Recurring income is simply an income stream where you don't trade your time for a specific amount of money. It's not time or project based. It also takes work to maintain a passive income stream so it continues to make you money.

You must proactively build and maintain a passive income stream if you want it to continue to earn money for you for a long period of time. The more work and attention you give to income streams, the more money it will make you.

Membership Website

A membership website is a good way to develop a unique community around the products that you provide. Exclusivity sells, and this is no different with a paid membership area on your website for members to network, get unique content, and exclusive access to you.


If you're an info-product creator, subscriptions are an excellent way to build passive income streams. You can sell subscriptions to your content where people subscribing gain access to regularly released content for as long as their subscription is available. It is much easier to keep regular customers with a subscription-based business model.


Although webinars are not a passive income source, having said that, you can record a webinar and then sell access to it. This can make you money given that the content remains relevant. It can be stand-alone or be part of a course, subscription, or even in a bundle with several of your products.


There are several ways to develop a course to go alongside another product you have or as a stand-alone product. There are a number of websites out there for course creation, or you can choose to host your course on your own site. You may also prefer to email a course to customers.

Sponsorships and Ads

Sponsorships and ads are often overlooked examples of passive income streams. You can sell advertising spots on your website in set spaces either on your main page or in the sidebars. Also, you can sell sponsorships for individual posts or categories on your blog. If you have a podcast, you can have sponsors for each episode of your podcast.

Creating a membership website is a great way to set up recurring, passive income. You build the website and create the content once, and you receive recurring weekly, monthly or quarterly payments. For an easy to follow guide, download my free checklist, How To Start A Membership Website, at

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Thursday 19 July 2018

Learning the Art of Digital Marketing From Your Competitors

An all-encompassing content marketing strategy, white hat organic SEO practices, consistent link building efforts and solid social media marketing, well, this sure makes for a killer digital marketing strategy.

But hey, too much of it all, and you're only doing what the rest of the world is doing. Today, let's try and look through the things a little differently.

Let's deal with a few questions first.

Do you remember when exactly was the last time you ran a competitive analysis? Don't mind me asking it, but have you ever done it at all? If your answer is a big, naive no, then perhaps you don't have any idea how your digital marketing strategy stands compared to your competitors.

Let me tell you a secret, peeping over your competitors can be an unexpectedly wonderful can massively help you find your own shortcomings and in the process, help you get better at the game. I'm sure you've heard this saying countless times before - keep your friends close, and your enemies, even closer. And in the realm of online marketing, this is one quote you need to live by.

See, every business that exists on this planet has at least a competitor who's aiming for the bigger portion of the pie. So doesn't it make sense to know how your competitors are sailing more smoothly than you when both of you are dealing in the same products or services. If you look at it closely, it's quite a creative way to get a better understanding of your target audience. Once you're familiar with the tactics, you can formulate some really killer strategies.

So here are some of the things your business competitors can teach you about digital marketing.

Target audience and traffic: I'm sure that you think that you have a fair idea of who your customers are and where they come from. But a simple analysis can determine whether any of your competitors is attracting more traffic than you or not. It they actually are, it would be a wise idea to go for the strategies they're going for.

Content that matters: It's a misconception that anything that's original, it sells. Within an industry, there is only a limited type of content that gets shared. It could be anything - blog posts or weekly quizzes and surveys or Q&As. Perhaps your competitors know it better than you do.

You also get to know what doesn't work: The best way to progress is actually to learn through others' mistakes, don't you think? Your competitors can also go wrong. So it's a good idea to constantly monitor their marketing campaigns and learn what catches the eye and what just doesn't work with the masses.

The key here is to learn from those who are better at this game. And once you've figured out the key players, you make their good moves better and avoid their failures.

And yes, always remember that there's no substitute to originality.

If you're not comfortable managing your digital marketing, it's best to hire an agency. Would love to learn more about it, schedule a call +91-9999-30-3344 with Brands Martini's digital marketing experts today.

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Wednesday 18 July 2018

10 Creative Strategies For Promoting Your Website

Do you have a website or blog you publish content to every day but still not able to get enough visitors?

Have you just created your very first blog and are keen to try out all the ways to promote it?

This article presents 10 smartest and most effective strategies you can use to promote your blog and instantly attract visitors who are genuinely interested in your niche.

1. Stop Tweaking / Modifying Your Blog

Are you spending too much time tweaking your blog to give it the right feel? Let me tell you, the overall design does not matter to your audience as much as your content does. Instead of tweaking your blog every now and then, focus on creating content that is fresh, engaging and informative for your readers and make them come back for more.

2. Creating Pillar Content

Producing quality content is one of the biggest challenges for bloggers because creating high-quality content on a regular basis isn't easy. Good content makes a powerful impact on your audience, which is why it is important that you take the time to create the high-quality pillar content that can solidify your blog's reputation. Pillar content refers to a series of posts that represents your blog's best content. It includes all the great posts that you will refer new visitors to for their usefulness.

Great content serves as a go-to source for good and informative message for your audience within your particular industry. Pillar posts provide major support to your blog and are considered a very important component or staple of your blog. When you start promoting your blog, pillar content will serve as your bait to attract more traffic.

Once you have set up your blog, the very first strategy you should implement is to create relevant posts and populate your blog with some really new, yet interactive information.

3. Don't Focus On Monetizing Your Blog Too Much

Many new bloggers create blogs to earn money. Although there is no harm in earning money, putting too many banner ads on your blog can become too distracting for your audience. If there are too many, they can make your blog look really ugly and they can actually take your visitors away from your blog. Do you still think this could be a great way to promote your blog? I bet you don't. In fact, you should focus on building your email list and a targeted pixel list. Both of them will help you get what you're desperately looking for, more visitors and more money by re-targeting your visitors through paid ads.

4. Research Your Niche and Find Out Who and What Matters

A very important step you should take before starting your blog is to thoroughly research your niche. You should need to spend know all the ins and outs of your niche and know who matters, for instance, who are the influencers, big players and small players contributing to the niche in their own capacities. You should make a list of all the competing sites, channels, podcasts, influencers, communities and groups that are working within your particular niche. It's very easy with SE Ranking competitor research.

By doing so, you will have a major reference file of all your competitors within your niche. You will be able to see what they are doing and talking about and also all the items they are putting for sale and products that are popular among your audience.

5. Reach Out To Your Audience

Once you have your blog nicely set up and great content to pull your audience in, start promoting your blog. Take out the detailed list of all the influencers, big players and small players you're made prior to starting your blog. Keep a close eye on the small players, because you need them for blog promotion. You can start by offering them testimonials, case studies or even a blog post they would be interested in publishing. It is important for you to start a one-on-one relationship with the big and small players. By contribute on other people's' sites through commenting and sharing their work on your blog, they will start to recognize you and connect with you.

6. Become An Expert In Your Niche

Whether your niche is SEO, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing or any other, you should not only attain extensive knowledge about your niche but also present it in an interactive and engaging way through your blog. Your future audience is waiting to read content that addresses them and their needs. It is the power of your writing and expert analysis that will help you attract your audience.

7. Post Comments

Commenting on blog posts and participating in various forums and social groups is often seen as a way to get backlinks. But if it's done right, no such issue will arise. Always post comments on blog posts only when you have something meaningful and informative to add. Make sure to use your own name to do it, and not your brand. Participate in niche groups and influential communities on social media. Present yourself as an authority in your niche and genuinely help people. Don't just drop links.

8. Create An Interactive Conversation Flow And Acknowledge Your Readers

When creating content, make sure it is engaging enough to get the audience talking. Your posts should pose questions from your audience and encourage them to respond or share their own similar experiences. Your audience can talk to you via blog comments or email, make sure to acknowledge them and reply to them. This will encourage facilitate interaction.

9. Monetize Your Site

When it comes to earning money from your blog, take a proactive approach, because it can bring organic traffic. When you offer a product or service on your site you can attract your target audience. By creating a profit funnel, you cannot only generate more leads but also generate a lot of revenue in the next few months.

10. Use Paid or Sponsored Media

Utilizing paid or sponsored media is a viable option and an effective strategy for blog promotion. It includes blog promotion through Facebook ads, Google ads, promoted tweets, YouTube pre-roll ads, and much more. These social networks can bring an incredible amount of traffic, as well as, hundreds of leads to your site.

When you follow the strategies discussed above for promoting your site you will not only be able to boost traffic to your site but also generate revenue from it. Remember, promoting a site or blog is not a difficult task. It just takes a little time and understanding of what works. Implement one strategy at a time and see the difference.

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Tuesday 17 July 2018

How to Earn a Secure Residual Income From Home

OK, so you're here now,

And you're probably thinking about many things at this moment, but the one thing that's really pressing at the top of your to-do list is securing a way to generate secure income.

If I'm wrong in any way just let me know (wink)... But you're still reading my article - you have a "need" that you want my help with, true?

So let me explain something before we even get onto the part about you "earning" money...

For those of you who know hardship and struggle in life, I understand where you are at present - been there myself.

If you know what it's like to wake each day doing the same-old tired job, for the same old ungrateful boss/manager/director, you now have an opportunity to divorce your old working lifestyle for something more suited to your liking.

But don't be fooled!

I am not offering you another job, I'm not offering you a vacation, I'm not offering you an opportunity to become lazy and to throw your creativity aside - - -

Big, huge NOPE. We don't do that rubbish here ;) What I'm offering you is a proper opportunity to be in control of how you work, earning a residual income, even as you sleep...

How so? I hear you wondering.

The rich, powerful, and influential people of this world (those who had to work for their wealth) know about residual, or passive income.

If you've never heard of this until now, just know that if you truly desire real, continuous wealth then you need to be in there, earning that passive income.

The best way to understand this kind of income is to know how it differs from a wage that is paid to you for work that you do continually...

Building a residual/passive income is about doing work once and getting paid repeatedly for it each day, week, or month.

Yep. That's it - continuous money, if you have the knack of it.

So, you're now in the know about earning a residual income. Wealthy people know that it is not about working for the man if you truly wish to become rich.

You need to take matters into your own hands for this to happen. And here you're given all that you need to start this life-changing step with no cost to join and get started - imagine that!

No successful person ever allowed a lack of resources to hold them back from getting theirs. Clearly not - instead they fought for their right to be at the top, where they're at now...

Same place you probably want to be right now.

And then you might be one of those people who tend to watch the wealth of others, secretly wishing that it was your own wealth... I call this "watching and wishing." It gets you nowhere fast - nowhere ever, actually.

If you are the lazy kind who wants it all now, and never commits to the challenges that any business brings, then you may as well stop reading...

This opportunity to work on your OWN terms is ONLY for the individual who is earnest, wanting to "earn" their worth.

And so, I'd like to speak with you about stepping outside of your comfort zone...

This is wholly important for those of you who need to earn a living but usually fall short due to procrastination habits that have probably been bleeding you dry for a while now?

Having a "comfort zone" is all fine and well, providing that you know how to disengage from that place of comfort whenever needed.

Can you do that?

If you mean business and are serious about earning a solid residual home income, you'll know that falling shy to work is a sure way to forfeit your opportunity to create the lifestyle you need, and want.

There are vast opportunities just waiting for the hungry individual to step up and get busy.

This is the kind of business that gets you motivated to get up in the mornings, instead of wanting to stay in bed all lazy-like, producing nothing.

Have a good think about what it is that you need and want for yourself and your family (if you're providing for a family), once you've determined this then ask yourself WHY.

Becoming wealthy is about knowing the reason for your desires, making them count. Got a dream? Best you understand the nature and the root of that dream.

Want lots of money? Why? What's the reason behind the reason?

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I'll respond within 24 hours.

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Monday 2 July 2018

Improve Your Online Marketing Success

If your marketing efforts are failing over and over again, check to see if you have too many projects in mid-air with none of them paying your bills.

Never attempt to build a lot of AdSense websites, e-books, software, member sites... at the same time!

The only approach to get the desired income accomplished and become successful in your 'on-line' life will be to concentrate on one area, a single niche and one particular method before switching to the next 'opportunity'.

Whatever your ultimate goal is, you are not going to have much (if any) progress when you are juggling five or ten different projects!

'You absolutely must concentrate on one particular thing'!

Quit thinking like this: 'This project is actually 95% finished... now I can also work on this different idea and come back and finish up the remaining 5%!

The truth is, when you find yourself totally into the next project, it will take you forever to get back to completing the earlier one.

You need to concentrate on accomplishing one thing and doing it to the best of your ability, then automate that project before you proceed to the next idea when the initially project is actually 100% complete!

Creating a checklist will help you concentrate on some level, but you may well still become seriously unfocused.

Why won't the checklist work?

Simply because the record you have created will normally have a mixture of numerous projects, ideas and therefore it does not work.

You need to get rid of your old-fashioned 'to do' checklist, create an itemized checklist for each project and complete them one at a time, finishing each project before you go to the next new venture.

Another thought:

Whenever you are considering the purchase of a cool new product, program, e-book, etc.
Or maybe considering the beginning of a new venture, simply ask yourself,
'Does this move me nearer to things I want or perhaps away from it'?
The answer to that question will tell you what you need to know!

Then you will make the right decision on a purchase or change of focus.

When you have reached a decision as to what you should be doing to 'Improve Your Online Marketing Success', you will become more focused, and you will be able to find a lot of the tasks you have been postponing completed, which will help you to stay motivated.

Joyce is a freelance writer, who writes for several quality web sites on an array of subjects.

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Sunday 1 July 2018

Best Google Website Tools in 2018

Google Analytics

In this digital age, the importance of data to a business/website should never be underestimated. In fact, without proper tracking of website traffic, a business is literally lost, especially when it comes to how to optimize the website and make full use of it.

Whether your website is run in the form of a personal blog, news portal, business or corporate page, ecommerce store, Google Analytics is considered an essential tool for every website. The more you use this highly powerful Google tool, the bigger advantage you have.

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. You can create goals and conversion tracking to get the most of your analytics information and use it to improve your website's content, user experience and optimization for better online sales.

Out of so many features in Google Analytics, I think the ability to identify the Source / Medium to your website is one of the best website tools. Based on the data shown, you can find out if your marketing efforts have been paid off or not. This can provide a solid reference for your next decision making in enhancing your website performance.

Google Data Studio

Trust me, for beginners, you might be overwhelmed by all the amount of data shown in Google Analytics. To be frank, sometimes you just need a simple report with chart, graph or pie to summarize the performance of your website.

Here is a free tool from Google called Google Data Studio, which gives you everything you need to turn your analytics data into informative, easy-to-understand reports through data visualization.

Analytics has always been a challenge for digital marketing, however, Google Data Studio allows you to create customizable data visualization and report. Besides, you can even share with your clients - a huge plus especially if you are working in a big group.

Quick tip: You can check out Google Data Studio Gallery to duplicate their samples and modify to your website use. After that you will be able to change and edit the metric according to your needs. Quite amazing, right?

Google Search Console

Previously known as Google Webmaster Tools, now rebranded to Google Search Console, this free web service is designed for webmasters. It allows you to check the indexing status and optimize the visibility of your websites.

This free tool is a MUST for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The power to track your site's search performance is the most precious data to understand what the audiences want for your site.

Once the website is tracked by Google, you'll be able to view your organic search results right alongside the performance statistics for the organic search queries. This information helps you better understand how paid text ads and organic search results work together. If you analyse deeply enough, you will find many opportunities like identify relevant search queries that have low organic traffic volume and target these keywords in Google AdWords. This will increase your overall traffic, tailored to the objective of your website.

Google My Business

Are you operating a brick and mortar business? If you are, this free tools from Google is one of the most local SEO strategies to strengthen your website. Google My Business is a powerful tool for businesses and organizations to manage their online presence across Google, like Google Search and Google Maps.

As smartphone penetration in Malaysia approaching 100% by 2018, the majority of Malaysians are using smartphones for navigation, searching for instant answers or browsing social media platforms. Your business and brand need to be found online with the correct information.

Make sure all the listed information is correct, up-to-date and reflect your business. Remember, those info will appear when people search for your office or physical store via Waze or Google Map. We often see some of the business hasn't updated their address, phone number and business hours to the latest. Wish to gain my traffic to your website?

You should try the new the features from Google My Business called "Posts". The published content will display your image and short description with call-to-action link to your intended URL. For example, blog post "Should I hide or even remove client inquiry on my Facebook?" will appear at the bottom of our business info.

Google Keyword Planner

Building a website without keyword research is exhausting and time wasting in long-term. In order to reach the right customers with the right keywords, you should use Google Keyword Planner to discover relevant keywords. Inserting those keywords into your website will ensure your content remains relevant.

*To access Keyword Planner, you need to sign in to your Google AdWords account at Create the account is free of charge and fast.

Yes, it's completely free, you can find new keyword ideas that are relevant to your product, service and target customers. Keyword planner will show you the search volume data in historical statistics which is one of the most important key factors for your website.

Furthermore, the data from keywords ideas is a useful tool for SEO to your website. Analyse the information and turn it to your next content marketing strategy. Based on the search terms data, you should have plenty of ideas what should can be inserted to your text to make it more relevant to your audience.

Google Tag Manager

This free tool helps you update tags and code snippets on your website and mobile app quickly and easily. You can insert JavaScript and HTML tags used for tracking and analytics on websites in Tag Manager without touching the back end of the website.

Many websites do not deploy tracking function or have unreliable data collection because of messy codes injection. To solve this, we highly recommend using Google Tag Manager to consolidate and manage all your tracking codes or scripts.

The best example of using this tool is to use Facebook Ads. While more and more businesses are spending on Facebook Ads, most of them do not install Facebook Pixel into their website for conversion tracking, optimization and remarketing purposes.

Facebook Ads is already integrated with Google Tag Manager for smooth and easy installation. All you need to do just click and follow the instructions given without any need for complicated coding.

Test My Site from Think With Google

In order to rank well in mobile Google Search, your website should have fast loading speed and a mobile-optimized website. Use the Test My Site tool from Think with Google to check your website score on mobile performance. After a few minutes, you will receive recommendations on improving website performance across all devices.

Nobody wants to wait for slow websites or browse non-mobile friendly websites. The suggested time is 3 seconds from Google, which means if your site doesn't load completely within 3 seconds, most people will most probably go elsewhere.

Just insert your email address and you will obtain the detailed analysis about your website. The content of the report is simple, but provides valuable insight into how Google ranks your website speed.

The report will become a crucial reference to your webmaster or web developer to further optimize the website. If you need even more in depth report about how Google renders and indexes your website, you should use the PageSpeed Insight tool.

Google PageSpeed Insight

If you have web developers or web designers that really want to understand the factors to increase your website speed, give PageSpeed Insights Tool a try and check your score on your website's speed and optimization.

The latest version now shows the data from your First Contentful Point (FCP), the measurement when a user sees a visual response from the page. DOM Content Loaded (DCL), as well as the measurement when HTML document has been loaded and parsed.

PageSpeed Insights is handy in providing insight on how Google indexes your website differently for desktop and mobile versions.

Here are some website speed optimization tips from PageSpeed:

Avoid landing page redirects
Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold contents
Enable compression
Leverage browser caching
Minify CSS
Minify HTML
MInify JavaScript
Optimize images
Prioritize visible content
Reduce server response time
Google Trend

Wish to see the latest trends and data from Google? You can search anything via Google Trends and even narrow down to specific country or category. This tool is useful to identify latest trends or viral news in your location.

Ideally, once you identified a trend, you can craft new blog posts, new promotions or ideas that reflect the said trend.

Don't forget that you also can view the interest traffic of search terms using Google Trends.

With this, you can spot the best time to launch specific campaign. This is helpful for seasonal campaign or annual promotion because you can discover the best timing for your ad hoc digital marketing campaigns.

Google Alert

If you want to be aware of a particular topic and all the related information that bubbles up in the news, you can have them all automatically delivered to you with Google Alert and get notified every time when your keywords or phrases have new updates.

Google Alert is good for simple keyword monitoring, with updated on every mention of those keywords being sent to your email inbox for almost real time notification. Of course, you can choose the frequency at which you'll receive them - once per day, once per week or even get them as they just happen.

A useful tip when creating the Google Alert is to avoid using generic keywords but create alerts that are more unique to your website. The more precise the keywords, the more relevant are your alerts. For that, you should utilize the search filters wherever possible, such as languages, region or sources.


So, that's it, above are the 10 must-have free Google tools to improve the performance of your website. Make full use of all tools from analysis, research or monitoring to achieve the objective of your site.

What are your favourite tools from Google? Do you know any other Google tools that we should cover? Let us know in the comments below!

Original post if from Feel free to contact me anytime. Hope you learn something new from my list to improve your website.

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Saturday 23 June 2018

How to Get Media Exposure For Your Website Or Blog

There are several proven ways to get media exposure for your Website or Blog. From Social Networking to YouTube Videos and it does not have to cost you anything. Except you internet connection that is. Turning a Blog post into a video is among many exposure tactics used by Super Successful Marketers. But it always is and always will be the quality of your content to get media exposure for your website or blog.

To turn a blog post into a video use a Free Tool called "Lumen 5". You can easily search your browser and access this valuable tool. Please take your time and learn your way around Lumen 5, it's a great way to get media exposure.

With video ranking, the SEO is pretty much the same as with a website or blog. To get media exposure for your website or blog you need to be extremely descriptive and precise. Tell YouTube what your video is about. And always place your Target Keyword as the first word in your video title. In fact, try having around 3 target keywords in the video title. But be sure the keywords are used within context of the title.

Now the same target keywords must be present within the first sentence of the video description. But they must also populate the content of the description, and again. Always within context. Just cramming a bunch of keywords together that makes no sense will get your video nowhere.

The video description is your opportunity to convince the viewer that this is what they have been looking for.

Next we will look at another way to get media exposure for your website or blog. And it is something you most probably use every day. You guessed it... Facebook!

Create a Facebook Page related to your website or blog niche. Then you install a plugin called "Hello Bar" and follow the simple guidance to link your blog to that Facebook page. The Hello Bar displays as "Like Us On Facebook". But we're not done with the Plugins yet.

Another plugin I personally use is called "Tweedis" which is equally simple to understand. This allows you to use Highlight Text that is shared by your blog readers. Place one share option in the beginning of your Blog Post. And also one in the centre and at the end of the post.

In conclusion to plugins you want to use a plugin called "Digg Digg". That's the floating share button you see on so many professional websites and blogs.

These are all great tools and have proven themselves successful many times over. But without Unique and Compelling content any exposure tool may end up appearing pretty useless. Time is the most important ingredient to your online success. And to get media exposure to your website or blog will take time. Because you must build reputation and inspire your audience with content.

Remember, you're building an Empire and not a Shelter. Building an Empire takes time, and if it was easy then everyone would've been DotCom Millionaires by now. Just a thought.

Success Means Going From Failure To Failure Without The Loss Of Enthusiasm -

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Sunday 17 June 2018

8 SEO Facts That All Digital Marketers Should Know

Search Engine Optimization is a very crucial part of digital marketing. Here are some Search Engine Facts which a digital marketer must know. These SEO Facts 2018 can really help them to plan for different marketing strategy.

1. Most of the users click on top 5 search results:- According to the latest researches, 75% of the users click on the first 5 search results shown by the search engine. To be more precise, 32% users click on the topmost result compared to 18% users going for the second result. This stat very clearly shows that the higher your website will rank, the more visits it will get.

2. Users don't usually scroll past page 1:- Only a mere 20% of the users are persistent enough to scroll to page 2 of search results. So if your website is on page 2 then you must work on your digital marketing and SEO strategies.

3. Mobile Friendly Keywords are the need of the hour:- Around 50% of users start their searches on a mobile device. When people use their phone for a search, they tend to use different keywords. Also, when it comes to looking for local business, 88%of the searches are initiated on a mobile device.

4. Mobile SEO and Local Business:- As we mentioned before, users tend to search for local business on their smartphones. The number of smartphone users is increasing year after year, hence, it is very important to plan your keywords according to the rise in mobile searches.

5. Websites with more pages are likely to attract more traffic:- The number of pages on a website plays a direct role in determining the amounts of traffic it generates. It simply reflects the importance of relevant keywords.

6. Around half of the search queries are 4 words or longer:- It is a clear fact that short keywords will help you to show up higher in the search results. But at the same time, it is very difficult to ranks those keywords as short keywords are very competitive. So, instead of going for short competitive keywords, you should just use longer ones effectively.

7. Organic Search still trumps over Social Media Traffic:- Although social media traffic is increasing day by day, organic searches are still the way to go. Organic searches account for 41% of the total search which is 3 times the social media traffic. Hence, moving completely to social media platforms to generate traffic is not wise.

8. Quality Content:- Google adores rich and definite substance which gives per users esteem and answers questions. Whenever you're attempting to get a site on the first page of Google, ensure you incorporate a lot of substance.

Brands Martini is the leading Seo Company In Delhi providing all types digital marketing services like brand management, lead generation, social media campaigns, ppc marketing, Facebook advertising for a great digital presence & better roi.

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Tuesday 12 June 2018

A Big Wealth Opportunity - Minding Your Own Business

For years I've been telling you and according to Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best-selling book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" the Number One thing people can do to increase their wealth is to start a Part-Time Business that can be taken to a full-time business, depending on the level of Financial Freedom you desire.

Whether you start a small Home Based Business, an Internet Business or a Network Marketing Business*... Owning Your own Business is The First Step toward Financial Freedom, however...

Most Americans don't know How to get started building a Business.
Keeping it Simple is best.

"Make it Easy, and Make it Affordable to Everyone."

The Next Big Business Opportunity is from New Category Creators - Holistic Health Care Remedies.

Immune System Health is crucial. In fact, it's Essential... Everybody's BODY Needs IT.

ASEA is the world's first and only bio-active solution to fortify the immune and healing system through Redox Signaling molecules. ASEA is the only product in the world that delivers native, stabilized Redox Signaling molecules to the body's cells. Redox Signaling molecules are the body's answer to cellular efficiency and communication. Cells that work at optimum levels and communicate freely and quickly with each other facilitate the immune and healing system's function to repair, replace and revitalize every cell - allowing it to operate at its best and empowering the body to heal itself.

See ASEA science here. You can order the product as a Preferred customer for a $5.00 discount.

ASEA is a safe and natural nutrient to assist your body to function as it was designed to function.

These molecules are vital to the protection and recovery of health at a cellular level. This supplement is based on 20-years research, with zero toxicity and 100% NATIVE to the body. ASEA was first marketed in the U.S. in 2007. Currently ASEA is sold in 36 countries.

"HELP Yourself to create better health and financial freedom." IT's important and your body will thank you.

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IF You Take Action. Good Health is your Greatest Wealth. IT's Not Expensive, it's PRICELESS.

PREVENTION is the New HEALTH CARE Reform* and this represents some Real ECONOMIC Reform* as well in today's J.O.B. Market ( and you know J.O.B. means "Just Over Broke" ).

These Unique Products have created a very Unique Niche for everyone to take seriously.

IT's time to Mind Your Own Business, as we know we were told growing up, which meant to stay focused on your own business vs other people's business. So, Mind YOUR Own Business. Follow my lead - You will be glad you did.

I'm not bragging, I am imploring you to create the Financial Freedom you deserve. I will be honored to be your mentor... FREE. Call me NOW to get started.

WHAT are you waiting for? You aren't getting younger or wealthier. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

'Together We are Strong as a Tribe.'

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D. - - 480-794-1561
Executive and Business Health Consultant, International Best Selling Author - Conceived To Lead: Dismantling The Glass Ceiling Mindset
Board Certified Clinical Hypnosis & Time-Line Practitioner
Board of Directors - Red Paper Clip Center -

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Monday 11 June 2018

Using Images To Increase Website Traffic

Get more traffic using images

It can seem difficult to find quality, relevant images for your site posts without purchasing them and that can get very expensive for a website with many pages. If we can add relevant imagery to all of our pages and posts we're going to see a lot more success in terms of the percentage of people who read our content and spend some time on our websites.

We are visual by nature. We grow up from a young age reading books that are "visual" and we never really lose our desire for this as we get older.

If you are creating pages that are an ocean of words, then you are most likely not going to attract the broad audience that's out there. You will also get less engagement from those that do read the pages as people will not immerse themselves in the content on your website.

It's best to find the free-to-use images whenever possible. After all, you can always purchase images whenever you want or need to for certain situations, but not for each page. You might be using 3-5 images per page and if you purchase each image the cost can quickly add up, so let's look at a few of the free options:

Find Royalty Free and Free To Use Images
Go to and search?
Go to Wikimedia Commons and use the search bar
Amazon Associates, Free to join and use product photos
Images, likely one of the most confusing and scary aspects of building a website for many. To be honest, with a little understanding, there is no reason to feel like this. I'll show you some of the most popular sources of "royalty-free" images for your website and I'll offer you two strategies for creating your very own images, within most, if not all niches.

There are some other free stock photo sites as well, which means the images are fully public domain and you can use the images however you like. Something to keep in mind is that some authors might want you to give them credit for the photo while others will give you "full purpose" access on an image to image basis.

Screen Captures

Sometimes it's best to take a screen capture, or screenshot, to show content to your viewers. Enter "print screen key, or print screen Dell, Mac, Windows 10, Apple, etc", and learn how to take and save your files for use. On my Dell laptop, I simply press the "Windows" and "PrtScr" keys at the same time and the screen dims for a moment and the screenshot is saved in my file pictures.

You can also see if your pc has a Snipping Tool which will allow you to box off an area of a page or even the entire page and then save the snipped image to your file pictures for use on your website or elsewhere.

If needed you can use the following software:

Snagit - has a 30-day free trial
Droplr - is completely free
Print Screen (on PC) or Apple + Shift + 4 (on Mac)
Use Your Smartphone Camera

One thing to keep in mind is that you can take your own photos in many cases. A couple of examples would be if you were in the "dog training niche", or cats, there are plenty of opportunities to take photos at home or at the local dog park or grooming salon, etc.

If you are in an electronics niche go to the local stores and take some product photos that you can use. Another example could be food items. Make your own scene and take photos or go to a local market and get images locally to put on your website.

When you take your own photos, the image ownership and rights are yours only. So take as many of your own pictures as possible and always consider this option when adding images to your articles.

You Can Use Paid Images

Sometimes I'll search the paid image sites if I need to find a certain photo type that I can't seem to find in my free options. The images are usually $1 or less per photo and you get a better price if you subscribe. High-quality images are important for your website, especially the main article image.

Some of the most popular social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram are successful just because they are completely visual.

Just keep in mind that with the content you get from "royalty free" sites, you will need to check the permissions for each image as one might have different rules for use than another.

How to add images to your WordPress website

Go to your WordPress website Editor.
Find the page to edit.
Find where on the page to place the image and click there.
Click the Add Media button.
Upload the picture from your files.
Fill in the Attachment Details - Title and Alt text settings - Use the keyword in the Title and Alt text boxes.
Display settings - choose the page location for the image, left, center, or right.
You can Add a link to another page or an offer page if desired.
Choose the image size, thumbnail, medium, or large.
Click "Insert Into Post" - That's it.
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Friday 8 June 2018

Blogging Your Way to Wealth and Fame

Blogging your way to wealth and fame will not happen in an instant. Because it requires the most important ingredient of success and it is called time. It is time that will take you all the way to blogging wealth and fame. Along with direction and compelling unique content without which there can be no success. Blogging your way to wealth and fame starts with your profitable niche. And then the target keywords related to that niche.

This is the most important part of blogging which is why it is also referred to as direction. Without direction you will receive visitors that are not even remotely interested in your content. And that will skyrocket your blog bounce rate. Which is an indication to search engines that audiences do not enjoy your blog.

What is your Profitable Niche?

Your profitable niche is the secret when blogging your way to wealth and fame. It is that one thing you love doing most. If you love that activity enough then you will also have quite some knowledge on the subject. Which is why many a hobby have turned surprisingly profitable. Online success is only imminent when you love what you do. Because when you truly love what you do, then it will be impossible to give up.

What are Target Keywords?

Target keywords are the single words that describe your profitable niche best. And with the Google keyword planner you must research keywords with a high search volume and low competition. Choose the one keyword with the highest search volume and lowest competition. Then make that one keyword the first word of your blog title. Also try to include that single more important keyword within your blog domain name.

Domain and Blog Title?

With the above mentioned target keyword research and your profitable niche. Choose a domain that is not too long and also easily remembered. As should your blog title be. The title however must demonstrate direct relevance to what your blog is about. The blog title must not exceed 60 characters while also counting spaces.

Where must I place the Target Keywords?

Your primary target keyword must be present in your blog domain. And also as the first word of the blog title. But that is just the one primary keyword you want your blog to rank for. You should have several target keywords. You can place more than one target keyword in the blog title providing it is within context. Your blog title is also known as the h1 header.

And like a chain reaction the blog title should be the first words starting the blog meta description. See how that primary target keyword remain a constant, as the first word? But why is that?

Because that is how you tell search engine spiders or crawlers exactly what your blog is about. And in doing that you simplify the indexing technicalities and ultimately boost the blog ranking capability.

There is also the h2 header or also known as the blog post title. So the keywords you wish to target with the content must be present in the blog post title. But with the blog post you also want to pay attention to things like writing. The presence of transition words and preferable absence of passive voice writing.

Furthermore there are image alt tags like with featured images. And these alt tags must also contain the keywords. This way even your features images can be indexed and serve as an internal link. Professional SEO requires a lot of attention. Which is why the majority of professional blogging rock stars (so to speak) all use the Yoast SEO plugin (over 7 million users).

How many words must a Blog Post and Page Contain?

Providing the content is populated with the target keywords and search phrases. It is recommended that content be no less than 1000 - 2000 words. And this goes for both blog pages and posts.

But how often should you come up with this much Compelling Useful Content?

In my opinion. Take your time and work on a post or page so compelling and useful that it cannot be ignored. At least one high quality outstanding post per month. This will require a lot of research because compelling content is something that cannot be found elsewhere online. Offer a proven solution to a common identified need within your niche. And do this with every post and page. Because that is how you get recognised as a professional.

But how will I actually Make Money?

Simple. With a high quality blog you will receive a lot of targeted visitors and also gain subscribers for your email list. Having your own blog and email list is where you promote affiliate products. This is easily obtained by creating a free affiliate membership with ClickBank. Which is the one of the largest digital sales platform online with over 300k products to choose from.

But affiliate marketing and ClickBank is an entire discussion on its own. And a rather large discussion because there is a lot of misdirection on this method. Always remember, there is no such thing as instant fame and fortune. Success requires hard work be it online or otherwise.

Success Means Going From Failure To Failure Without The Loss Of Enthusiasm -

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Sunday 3 June 2018

Pick A Problem You Can Solve?

One of the keys to successful digital product creation is picking a problem you can solve. Too often, many new Internet marketers will choose to create a product they like, but that usually doesn't solve a problem that is currently in the marketplace. As a result, there is no real demand for that product.

The common result in this case is that the person will go to a great deal of time and effort to create his/her product, but when no or few sales comes through, the person becomes disillusioned by the prospect of making a profitable living online, calls it "a scam," and often returns to their dreary job, figuring it's the only way to "make it in the world."

To have an in-demand product, you need to create a product that solves a problem. If this problem is widespread throughout the industry, and you develop an effective solution for it, people from all across the industry will want to get their hands on your item, setting you up for some nice profits. Thus, it is critical that you find a problem you can solve, then develop a solution for it, whether it's an e-book with information of an effective solution for the problem, a software program that can alleviate the problem, a membership site with information and resources that can solve the problem, etc.

You may be wondering, "how do I identify a problem I can solve?" Here, you will need to do some observation and some research. Some of the best ways is to go to your favorite search engine, type in the industry or topic you are interested in along with "+ forums." This should bring up a list of online forums that serve the people in that industry or who deal with that topic. You can go to these forums and read about the current topics and issues being dealt with in that industry. You may have to register at these forums first in order to access some sections of them, but this is not the case at all forums.

If an issue or problem continues to be brought up by several members of a forum, chances are that this is a problem you can build a product around in an effort to solve or alleviate it. This is a problem that is demanding a solution, and you have the opportunity to provide that solution and make good profits by doing it, plus build your reputation as a problem solver and solution creator.

You can also read about various topics and information in online newsletters, magazines, and ezines related to your industry to find potential problems that you can build a product around. Oftentimes, there are statistics in publications regarding common problems people in an industry are facing; if the statistics indicate a great deal of people are struggling with that same problem or issue, you have a potential product idea to build around.

Can You Download Free PLR E-book Here

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Saturday 2 June 2018

Growing Your Online Social Community Effectively

Start at

Social communities are all around you and the chances are very good that you are a part of at least a few online social communities for your business. However, did you ever think about building your own online community and populating it with the people who you feel will be most effective? There are easy ways to accomplish that and before you know it, you will have created an amazing online social community of your own.

Choosing the right theme and the right people 
When it comes to growing a social community online, there are certain important things that you will want to consider so that your community is really effective and it really accomplishes the goals that you have set up to accomplish over time.

Once you have been able to build your social community, you will need to grow that community and continue to populate it with the most appropriate people so that the discussions that occur help the community to flourish. That means that you not only need to work the community once you have attracted the initial number of people but that you also need to continue to attract the right kind of people so that your community can grow and grow in the right way.

At this point, you are probably wondering exactly you should go about establishing and growing your social community and you should understand that it is not as intimidating or difficult as you may think it is.

Recognize that establishing and growing your online social community is a really good thing: There are several positive aspects of this. First of all, if the community belongs to you, you have control over who you admit and who you don't admit. You can choose to put limits on the types of discussions that occur or to let the people who are interacting to have a tremendous amount of freedom with the discussions that they are having. It is totally your call. Of course, the other people have free will. They can choose to be a part of your community or not.

If they choose to leave, so be it. On the other hand, if they find your community to be valuable and to support their values and what they are trying to accomplish with their own businesses, they will probably be with you for quite a while. Another thing that is totally under your control is the types of people you want to have in your community.

You can promote the community in different ways and you can customize your promotion to appeal to the people you want to have around you. You should remember that if you populate your community with the right people, the quality of the interactions that you share with the community members will be very high.

Do it for the right reasons: If you are going to go through the effort and time to establish your community and then to populate it with cherry-picked members, you need to make sure that the commitment that you are making to the community is for the right reasons. Your community is a reflection of you and of the members of your community.

That means that you will express your values and anyone who is involved with your community will understand your position on a whole bunch of issues, not to mention that your core values and your mission will be apparent as well. Just as is the case with the other communities (belonging to other people) of which you are a member, you will need to revolve around top-quality, relevant, valuable content that allows the community to grow in the right direction.

It is important to remain well aware of the fact that your community is made up of human beings. That means that you all interact on an emotional level. That fact alone will allow you to grow the groups successfully because the relationships that you share with the other group members will become deeper and more meaningful over time.

Choose the right members: In addition to establishing your social community for the right reasons, you also need to choose the right people with whom to populate your community. Without them, your community will not be successful. You will want to be very careful about the demographics that you choose. Considering that it is an online community, geography may not play an extremely important role. However, each community is different and your community may end up being a combination of online and in-person. That is entirely up to you. Whatever demographic aspects you choose, you will want to make sure that the people who possess those features actually enhance your community.

Ensure that your community experience is valuable to your members: The truth is that there is a lot of information out there and, let's be honest, a lot of garbage out there as well. The fact is that, once you establish your community, you have a responsibility to the members of that community. You should make certain decisions right at the beginning, as you are building the foundation of your community. It is important to remember that your social community is not just for your benefit. The members of the community deserve just as much as you do.

The only difference between you is that you are in a position in which you can make decisions. In your quest to attract the most appropriate people, you will need to make a tremendous effort to let those people know that not only is your community worthwhile for them but that you will also do your best to make them want to stick around for a long time. Smoke and mirrors can be very impressive; however, if you have not substance or real meaning to your community, what is the point?

The people are what is important: The reality is that you will need to tell the right people about your community; however, the promotion of the community is not nearly as important as the people themselves. Your community is a democracy (to a great extent). That means that your members have opinions, thoughts, and feelings that matter to you and that matter to the community as a whole. You must always make the community members understand that you are not in it by yourself. Without them, there would be no community. Human beings love to be valued and they love to feel that there needs and want are important.

Your online social community can really do a lot of great work. Your online social community will increase your business' visibility and your credibility will increase. The people in your community will take you a very long way if you choose them appropriately. For that reason, you will want to take your time and choose them carefully. If you combine the right people (who have all sorts of amazing ideas) with the right information (content that is on target and extremely effective), you have a winning combination that will be a raging success.

Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and web technologies. Mr. Cohn spent a significant amount of time at a major telecommunications company, where his main focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all business units by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and the company's Intranet capabilities, which accelerated gains in business productivity. He also reduced company travel and travel costs by introducing and implementing various collaboration technologies.

His expertise includes business analysis; project management; management of global cross-matrix teams; systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration; technology evaluation and assessment; systems development; performance evaluation; and management of off-shore development.

Mr. Cohn earned a Master's degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master's degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.

Mr. Cohn is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

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Friday 1 June 2018

Using the Different Types of Social Networks to Benefit Your Business

You probably interact with several different social networks. As a business owner, you are probably familiar with online marketing because you recognize the need for social media marketing. The reality is that since everyone else is doing it online, you need to do it as well. If you don't have that approach, you will be left in the dust and everyone else will move past you. However, what you may not realize is that there are several different types of social networks that may benefit your business.

The popular social networks and then some 
The chances are that you are involved with the popular social networks, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. You may also be interacting using Instagram and YouTube. On the other hand, you may not even be aware of the other social networks and how amazing they may be for your brand and for your business. What you may not realize is just how much there is to social media and how much more you may be able to get out of it than you are aware of right now.

The different types of social networks do all sorts of different things and help you to accomplish what you want to accomplish in many different creative ways.

Social networks: The function and purpose of a social network are really simple. Social networks connect people to each other. That is exactly why they are called social networks. Social networks can benefit your business in several different ways, such as allowing you to do market research, generating leads, building relationships, etc.

Discussion forums: A discussion forum is a great place to get involved if you want to share your opinions with other people, hear their opinions, and really get a stimulating conversation going. All sorts of interesting nuggets of information can emerge as a result of a discussion that you have on a discussion forum.

Networks that share media: A network that shares media does just that. It is a network where people can share all types of media, such as photos, videos, and any other type of media that you can imagine. This type of network can benefit your business in similar ways to what happens with social networks. They can help you to build your brand and to build relationships, engage your target audience members, and generate leads, among a whole list of benefits. In many cases, these types of media are more effective than words (if used in combination, your content will be highly effective). It is important to remember that many people are visual, which is why they respond so well to visual content.

Content curation and bookmarking networks: If you are searching for new content, this is the type of network to do it. There is a good chance that not all of the content that you share is original content. You may be curating some of your content, which is an intelligent part of your online content marketing strategy. There are networks that can help you to get where you are going in this regard. This type of network can benefit your business in several different ways, including increasing your brand awareness, engaging your target audience members, and increasing traffic to your website.

Networks where you can leave product and/or service reviews: This is an important type of network because other business owners count on your opinion and similar opinions from other people. The fact is that everyone considers and buys a variety of products and services. Why not go a step further and share your opinion about what you have researched and purchased? It will certainly help the business owners if you do so.

Networks for publishing content: Content is the bread and butter of all businesses. No matter what you do and what you offer, the fact is that you will need to tell other people about those offering and your brand. Otherwise, the person on the other end will not know about you and if they don't know about you, you will not be able to establish a relationship with them and they will not buy anything from you at any point. Content marketing is a necessary approach for all businesses. The networks that specifically enable business people to effectively share their content for maximum impact are a critical tool to the success of those businesses (yours included).

Networks where people with common interests can get together: This type of network can apply to personal or professional interests. They are very effective and very successful on the whole. Because this type of network helps people to build relationships, that also means that you will be engaging the other person and build your brand.

Networks where people can shop for products: Since shopping is necessary and everyone does it, this type of network will be around for a very long time. Similarly to the other networks that have been discussed here, this type of network can also build brand awareness, enhance engagement, and sell products to other people.

Networks where people can trade: This one is probably obvious. If you have things that you don't want or need anymore, there is a very good chance that there is another person who does need and want it. It is a great way to clean up and build some sort of relationship at the same time.

Networks where people can be anonymous: One of the most attractive features of the Internet for many people is the idea that they are anonymous. Before the Internet, many people were reluctant or afraid to communicate using their own name. Now they can hide behind anonymity, which feels safer. Of course, it is not always the right approach to take but it is how many people feel.

Even if you don't get involved with all of the different types of social networks, it is important that you are aware of their existence and understand exactly what they are for and how they work. It is interesting to note that most of the different types of social networks have common threads: building brand awareness, engaging audience members, and establishing new relationships. It is only then that you will be in the position to reject them if you don't feel that they will work effectively for your business.

Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and web technologies. Mr. Cohn spent a significant amount of time at a major telecommunications company, where his main focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all business units by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and the company's Intranet capabilities, which accelerated gains in business productivity. He also reduced company travel and travel costs by introducing and implementing various collaboration technologies.

His expertise includes business analysis; project management; management of global cross-matrix teams; systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration; technology evaluation and assessment; systems development; performance evaluation; and management of off-shore development.

Mr. Cohn earned a Master's degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master's degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.

Mr. Cohn is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

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Thursday 31 May 2018

Work-At-Home Hacks For People Just Like Me

There are rules of thumb but there are no hard and fast rules. The 'things people do every day to become successful' in what they do has so many variables.

Some swear by morning coffees, others a 20-minute nap. Give or take, that's almost always the story. Like I said, variables.

Routine, or better yet, discipline is what makes people successful. I will never claim to be a 'successful person' but what I HAVE been doing is working from home for the past 18 years. I hope you can share YOUR story about how you soften the rough edges off of your everyday work week too because it helps. Every little bit of advice helps, actually, because most successful people listen.

1. No Emails - Most people start their days off by rolling off their beds with everyone screaming at them. Your alarm is screaming. Your boss is screaming, your kids are screaming, your email is screaming. So, one of the things that I DON'T do early in the morning is to check my emails. People who know me know not to expect an instant reply from me early in the morning. That's when I am trying to sort my shit together so that I can get stuff done for you throughout the day. So, no emails in the morning. Only coffee is allowed.

2. Stay Dressed - This one is for those who work from home. One of the things that I've noticed in nearly 2 decades is that I dress for work (even if I will be in my home office or living room) the whole time I am going to be working. I don't know about you but the moment I slip on my cutesy 'lil comfy clothes, my zest for life and roaring enthusiasm to get things done slithers off from me like a layer of dead skin cell.

3. Meditate -Oprah's said it. So did Deepak Chopra and Cameron Diaz. It's not the woo-woo-woo stuff, trust me. It's more like sitting there in complete silence or with soft music gently caressing my ear, or just sweeping the floor (the movement is meditatively repetitive, try it!). Instead of thinking of it as a 'new age fad', think of it as Loading Your Gun Ready to Kick Down the Doors of the World. Badass when reworded, huh? I use an app to 'help me along' - Insight Timer. It has music, guided meditation, and... well... complete silence.

4. Don't multitask - It's something I was really proud of and multitasking was the only way for me to move the needle forward when the list of things-to-do was just way too long. I don't do it anymore. Instead, I think doing things in spurts is far more productive. One example would be that if I found vacuuming the floor THE daunting task of the day, I would mindfully vacuum the living room and leave the rooms and kitchen for tomorrow.

Silly example, I know, but when applied to work, it's pretty amazing when you give the tasks at hand short bursts of active, productive attention. When I am tired, I will come back with a whole lot more to contribute AFTER I've dealt with my brain fog instead of muscling through it. I mean, who am I to argue with the chemicals in my brain?

5. Coffee - I am just going to leave this right here. Explaining it any further is going to make me angry if you don't understand it. It's my survival poison.

6. Laugh a Little - A sense of humor provides a buffer against the build-up of stress and anxiety in your system. So, occasionally, load up your Tumblr or Twitter (where you are encouraged to follow people like 9gag - just a personal preference, of course) and just laugh a little.

Experts say that humor provides a powerful buffer against stress and fear. "Humor is about playing with ideas and concepts," said Martin, who teaches at the University of Western Ontario. "So whenever we see something as funny; we're looking at it from a different perspective. When people are trapped in a stressful situation and feeling overwhelmed, they're stuck in one way of thinking: This is terrible. I've got to get out of here. But if you can take a humorous perspective, then by definition you're looking at it differently - you're breaking out of that rigid mind-set."

7. Being understanding - I know this doesn't fit into the normal mold of 'things people do to be successful' but I think it's pretty important. Because most of us work with others, whether in the office or remotely, we often assume that people are being evil of mean when they're being a little less than nice to us. Sometimes, it's because they're tired just like you, exhausted just like you, overwhelmed just like you, have to pay bills just like you, are worried about their kids/parents just like you, or simply had an argument with a friend/spouse just like you.

I think this point is particularly important in the digital world. With the digital divide, we sometimes forget that we're dealing with human beings. Just like you.

Marsha Maung is a mother, writer, social media consultant, internet marketer and human. Her mission, as far as her work is concerned, is to bring brands, products, services and companies exposure. Find out more about her life from her personal blog (cooking, life, sense, parenting, writing, etc) or her professional WordPress blog MarshaMaung.Me. Hope to see you and connect there.

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Wednesday 30 May 2018

Ways To Effectively Work From Home

In this day and age, there are several people who work from home on a regular or on an on-and-off basis. The reasons could be numerous, starting from health issues, long commute, maternity, and so on. The belief that an employee needs to be in the office to be efficient is now gradually changing, with benefits of working from home arising aplenty. However, for some people, especially if you have just begun to work from home, things can get a bit overwhelming. Here are a few things you can do to organize your 'home office'.

A Constant Office Space

Setting up one room (or a portion of a room) as your office can go a long way in creating a sense of mood and motivation that might otherwise be lacking when you are not in office. Fix a table, an ergonomic chair (yes, it is an investment you will not regret if you work from home regularly), and other essentials you might need for work, for example, a charging station for your computer or mobile phone around that area. Stick to that place the best you can while working and move away when you are not. You can still visit that area when you are not working, but make sure it is not close to the bed that you sleep in. In smaller houses this might be difficult to arrange but try to set up your workplace in a different room than your bedroom. This is not because you might accidentally climb onto your bed, and sleep during working hours, but because your quality of sleep at night might be affected by the presence of your work things.

Air Quality

While you are indoors through the major portion of the day, it is important to ensure you get sufficient ventilation, and good quality air to breathe. If you live in an area where the pollution level is low, keep your windows open at all times for the fresh air to stimulate your brain, and improve your efficiency. If, unfortunately, you live in an area where the outside air is horrid, an air purifier is recommended. Remember, your health is of utmost importance no matter from where you work.


Although exercising is a mandate for everybody, it is even more crucial for people who work from home. When you are in office, you might take frequent breaks down to the cafeteria or a roadside tea/coffee shop, but when you are home, these breaks are eliminated from your routine. Hence, it is of utmost importance to exercise regularly. Choose whatever works for you - yoga, aerobics, weights, cardio, but be regular and diligent about it.

Venture Out

Make it a point to get out of the house at least for ten or fifteen minutes every working day. You could either run a quick errand such as going to the ATM, picking up dry-cleaning, buying dinner, and so on, or you could take a simple walk in your neighbourhood at the very least. Going outside once in a day and seeing other people on the road helps your brain relax, because, after all, we are all social beings.

Do Not Overwork

Many people, especially in the beginning, tend to feel guilty about not working from the office. They feel that they are not working enough, or something is missing. Some people have it even worse because others who go to office regularly have a tendency to point fingers and condemn those who work from home. Snide remarks such as "Oh, what do you know about the hectic traffic we go through", or "You work from home, that must mean you have plenty of time", to "I don't think people who work from home actually get any work done", are very commonly heard. Do not get bogged down by such things. Just because you work from home does not mean you should work longer hours. Fix your work hours as you would if you were in office, and stick to it.

With the above-mentioned ways, one may find working from home a true bliss in the middle of all the chaos.

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