As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
Goethe wrote that, and let’s face it...that makes a lot of sense.
The problem is, it’s pretty hard to trust yourself when you are trying to do something new (like internet marketing) and you don’t even know where to start.
What makes it worse is that there are endless amounts of information written on the topic and every day more is being added to the stack...pretty much all of it conflicts with each other in one way or another.
So what is a person to do with a situation like that?
Well personally I say start with this:
Step 1. Do your best. Acknowledge that it won’t be perfect or maybe even good but your best is good enough and recognize that your best will get better every day.
Step 2. Commit yourself to the craft. Making a living online is a science and an artform. It takes practice to get good at it. Practice and experience. So make it a priority and dedicate a little bit of time to getting better at it every day.
Step 3. Understand that to make money online you need a steady stream of targeted traffic. By targeted I mean traffic that cares about what you are selling.
Step 4. Understand that the single most reliable and cheapest source for targeted traffic that converts highly into dollars is email.
Step 5. Commit to becoming great at effective list building and email marketing.
Step 6. Understand that there are many ways to be great online. Many ways to make money and many ways to do almost everything. However you only need to master one. Commit to your one path and let everything else fall away until you get your project to money.
That’s it. For now.
In my messages, I'm going to give you a valuable education on the world of digital marketing.
If you're looking to create MLM success, which I know you are... then there's one thing that you better make sure of.
That one thing is that you're putting out great content.
Now what do I mean when I say great content? You see there's only one secret to great content and that's that the content is valuable. When content is valuable it simply means that your readers will be able to use that content and make some sort of use of it.
If your MLM success is dependent on you having valuable content, what are some of the ways that you can ensure that your content is usable by your readers.
Here are 3 Ways to Create MLM Success by Making Your Content Valuable and Usable
First... Give Tips That Are Immediately Useful - If you give your readers a tip that they can use today, to see some success, then they're going to look at you as someone that they want to know more about and work with.
Of course, this assumes that you're marketing to people who are already in the home business arena. This is a huge way to bring some heavy hitters into your downline, simply by showing them that you too are serious and know what you're talking about.
This also brings the people who are looking for mentorship into your downline. These are the people who have put their faith in another sponsor with another business with high hopes, only to find out that this sponsor knew little more than they did about creating MLM success for themselves.
So, putting out great content that people can use pronto will grab these people and have then knocking down your door to join you and your business opportunity.
Second... Be Inspiring - Creating inspiration will go a long way in creating raving fans that want to work with you. This is because we're all dying to be inspired. We read books that inspire us, we buy posters with inspiring quotes, we watch inspiring movies over and over again, basically we'll walk over hot coals for inspiration.
If you're the one providing that inspiration then you're going to win a lot of friends and well... influence a lot of people to steal the title of the great book.
Inspiring people means giving them a kick in the pants to get them to act. Helping them see the reasons and the ways to reach their goals, and achieve their dreams. When they're inspired they'll be looking for your mentorship to get them closer and closer... and in the situation of MLM success, or home business success this means very likely joining your MLM business opportunity.
Third... Be Entertaining - Sure, people want inspiration and they want great tips, but what they also really want is to be entertained. The proof is simply looking at movie sales, music sales, sports stadium seating, concert halls, Broadway, and television. People want to be entertained, and so if you can provide that entertainment along with the two points above, then you've got yourself a heck of a captivated audience.
This means an audience captivated by your voice.
So, as you can see, creating MLM success isn't that difficult as long as you're creating valuable content that people flock to... and now you know exactly how to do that.
About The Author
David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit;
You can become the MLM business master, by providing key essential skills that your prospects black in their life. One key skill that you need to survive in this business is a flexible mind. A closed mind will bring you more problems than you could face. What this means is that you won't be able to be more flexible or acceptable to new ideas. An open mind is vital to improve your business line. Later on, in this article we will talk more about having an open mind and other key skills in order to master the business.
Master the MLM Business Mindset
To master the MLM business mindset, you will need to understand the importance of having an open mind. Your mind should be like clay, where it is moldable as you go from day to day. This means dropping fears and other irrational states of mind and becoming one with the business. This also means accepting your flaws and faults. To improve yourself beyond measure through continuous education and focus on the benefit of your prospects. Some education is free and while others can cause a little bit but it is worth it in the long run.
Don't fear failure in your MLM business. Mistakes will happen but you can survive if you are prepared to do with your own faults and flaws. Responsibility is another key issue to respond to when you're first in the business. This will help create a state of peace and determination As you move forward with your marketing plan. Your business ethics should be clear as you expect others to be clear and transparent as you shop at your favorite places.
Taking a leap of faith in your MLM business
Have faith in yourself and in your MLM business. The lack of faith in your business can cause it to crash hard and you may feel like you failed in life but that's not the case. The faith you need will grow as you see success but unfortunately you have to start out with some face time before you can see that success. Don't give up as time shows you problems and issues within your marketing. Adjust your plan and adjust your action and move forward because you never know what will work and what will fail. Life is like a bouncy ball, it goes up and it goes down but you're the one that controls that, not me not anybody else. Only you can get up in the morning make that cup of coffee have that donut or toast and get started in your business. This is why having the master mindset is important in life and that's just your MLM business. You can have success in everything you do if you're positive and focused in the right way.
About The Author
David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit;
If you want to make your business more successful than it is now, you may want to look into personalization techniques. You will find such techniques from places like McDonald's, Burger King, IHOP and Starbucks. Learning personality to add your business is not a bad thing because most people nowadays will not pay attention to generic brands. This doesn't mean you have to be edgy and bold but it can mean you could be gentle and passionate through the words and placement of your content. Read on to learn more about personalization techniques and tactics for your business.
when you are building your network marketing business you can do it the easy way or the hard way. The hard way is figuring out who you are and why you do what you do. This can take decades or longer if you choose to focus on the cash flow instead of focusing on attraction and Authority. If you ever went to the store and bought chips or cookies or even a health food item, there's always a catchy slogan somewhere on there. The best examples are Nikes old motto "just do it." This is only icing on the cake though. You have to dig down and show your personality through your specific actions and words in everything you produce.
This could be called branding for your network marketing business. It is preferred to think of it as personalization. This includes color choices, graphic choices, targeting and many other factors. If you choose to leave a signature or motto that also will help brand or personify your business. You may have seen a lot of cartoons and videos online from certain businesses to help reinforce this personal branding by sharing a particular cartoon character. This will also help as well because it sticks in the in the viewers mind. And viewers will remember and relate to this character later on as they surf your website.
The do's and don'ts of personalization for network marketing
Brought up quickly and efficiently, there are only a couple of do's and don'ts for network marketing personalization. Don't make it forced, be natural and allow your personality to show through. Be creative in all areas of it and work with it until you're happy with the results from your marketing effort. Keep your text font readable and large enough for all types of audiences. Do a test run with your project before going completely with it. Run it with a small test group and get feedback and make changes from it. Don't overly spend on advertising cost for it you will lose more than you will gain. Be original and don't steal ideas and have fun with it.
About The Author
David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly, visit;
When the word funnel is mentioned I usually visualize a car with the hood opened and an oil funnel in the picture. I'm not the only one, I know because a number of people have asked me to explain what a marketing funnel is. The subject gets many confused and a bit discouraged but it need not be so.
A marketing funnel is really very simple and some make it more complicated than it needs to be. Actually, the best and most successful funnels have only 3 steps and are very simple. The more steps that are added leave a better chance that the viewer will not finish the process designed to get them to a certain end result.
The end result, or goal, of the funnel, can be a number of things including a sale, an opt-in, a phone call, a sign-up, or lead. These are called conversions and are the end result of the funnel.
A website is a funnel even if someone doesn't understand just what a marketing funnel is. Someone sets up their site with the intentions of drawing traffic to their site for a specific purpose, let's say to purchase a product. They might see an advertisement ad on another site and click on it to get to the someone's site. The visitor reads some of the website content and clicks to go to the next step or to make a purchase.
That's typical of a sales funnel and sounds really simple, right? There are said to be over 2 billion viewers online and any website owner would love to get as much of that traffic coming to their site as possible.
Through various outreach campaigns on social media sites and forums, articles written, podcast, videos made, or a webinar, the site owner draws traffic into the funnel that travels through the website page and a percentage will click to proceed and the rest will move onto something else.
That is how simple a funnel is and as mentioned, the end result or goal can be to get an email address, get the visitor to click something, or to make a purchase, each is considered a conversion.
There are funnels that have more steps depending on what the design of the funnel is for the visitor but the fewer steps get better results.
Think of yourself as a tour guide leading visitors onto and through your website and leading them where you would like them to go and to do what you would like them to do. The site owner tries to direct them to click here or go there and see a great product that will enrich their lives in one way or another.
So website owners are like tour guides on their own websites and it's best that they understand drawing viewers into a funnel, their website, and being a tour guide leading them to the goal, or point of conversion with every page.
The Components and Tools Needed for a Funnel
The very first thing needed for a funnel is an idea. An idea could be for a video, a blog post, podcast, audiobook, a presentation, a free offer, or a webinar.
Another thing that's needed is a desired goal or end result, whether it be a sign-up, a sale or something else. Then figure out how to get the desired end results starting from the idea.
Figure out what you want your site visitors to do. What's the purpose of the site? Determine what your funnels end result is and then you can design the pathway toward the end result.
My name is Pete. If you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Signup at the bottom of every page...
You can make a fortune by affiliating with brands and business to build their brand awareness and patronage for pay of various magnitudes. Affiliate marketing usually entails signing up for an affiliate program, and then disseminating your special affiliate code in order to get people to act on the message contained in the affiliate code. And anytime a sale is generated from a visitor who visits the link contained in the code, you get a commission on the sale. There are a plethora of effective techniques for engaging affiliate marketing, ranging from running a website or blog to social media marketing. Another effective strategy for Affiliate marketing is liaising with other affiliate marketers to exchange ideas and to go into joint ventures with.
2. Google AdSense:
Google AdSense has been around for ages, and is still helping a lot of average folks to make insane amounts of money today. Nearly every ad you come across when browsing websites is effectuated by the auspices of Google AdSense. The program becomes even more lucrative for a site owner the higher the amount of traffic converging on the site where Google AdSense ads are displayed.
The hook here is that even though the program has the potential of generating thousands of dollars per month for a blog or website owner, you can sign up for and set up a Google AdSense account completely for free, and you can monetize your blog or website through the program without investing a red cent on anything, as long as you're able to channel a substantial amount of traffic to your site. Google generates a code for you to paste in your site with which Google monitors your site's matrices, including page views and number of visitors, with respect to the program.
3. Lead Sales:
By setting up a website, driving traffic to the site and collecting personal information of visitors which can be sold to lead buyers, you can generate a steady stream of income through the internet. You can collect such leads and then sell them to people or business who have something to offer the leads similar to the idea or product that got the leads to give out their personal information on your site. There are virtually a ton of businesses and services that can make use of leads generated with this strategy in various legitimate ways. You also get to set the amount you charge for every lead.
4. Forex Trading:
Forex trade is another highly lucrative online business. Although it is associated with a lot of risks, it can generate tremendous amounts of money for you once you're able to gain mastery over it.
One decisive factor in Forex trade is the trading tools. The good news is that it's not challenging to find the right tools and guides for Forex trade. Simply look for those with great reviews from people who've already used them. You can visit Forex trading forums to garner good suggestions concerning online tutorials that you can use to hone your analytical skills.
You also need to choose the right trading platform and tap into the potentials of that platform using the right host. You also need a VPS in order to cater to the high-speed requirements for Forex transactions.
5. Selling Books:
As the use of digital files and documents in the workplace and at homes continue to rise, there's a greater opening now to make money from publishing and selling books online. These days, you can create and publish a book from scratch to finish using free online resources. There's also the Kindle Direct Publishing program (KDP), run by Amazon, that allows you to self-publish your books on Amazon's Kindle platform. All you need is a strategy for coming up with great ideas for books in order to make the most of this free self-publishing scheme. There are also many websites like Create Space which allows you to bypass publishing houses to get printed copies of your eBook up the stands and bookshelves of on-ground bookshops.
6. Online consultations:
You can share your expert knowledge online for worthwhile compensations. You need not underestimate your potentials when it comes to offering your expert knowledge to people and businesses online. With the right tools and right guidance, you get yourself right up the alley of people and businesses looking to make consultations pertaining to your field.
You can start out by signing up for consultation sites such as Such sites allow you to set up appealing profiles which people soliciting for expert advice can easily turn to.
7. Podcasting:
An online podcast is another no-brainer avenue for generating a stable income stream online. Sponsors and advertisers looking for a well-run podcast will pay up handsome rewards to book for ad slots in the podcast. You simply need to find a profitable niche to run a podcast in, and then grow your audience base progressively, and then you'll find it easy to connect with sponsors in order to monetize your podcast. 8. Serving Up Expert Knowledge Through Subscription:
You may have come across wildly successful subscription box services like Birchbox, and may have had the impression that it's untenable for small businesses or an average Joe to run a successful subscription box service. However, there are a number of websites that have been created to actually make subscription box services more tenable and worthwhile for anyone looking to offer expert knowledge for pay. Sites like SubHub allow you to set up a worthwhile subscription service with monthly membership for just about any form of knowledge distribution ranging from academic courses to workout plans.
9. Remote ESL Tutorship:
There are uncounted numbers of people from various nationalities looking to learn English via the internet. You can earn a decent income teaching English to these people on a very flexible schedule, even if you don't have any form of certification for teaching English. You can sign up for sites like SayABC to set up a profile and schedule English lessons for decent pay. 10. Transcription Services:
The demand for online transcription services has been on the rise for years now. Today, there are ways of crowdsourcing sites that allow businesses to get transcription services from a pool of fast and efficient transcribers at alluring rates. Without any experience with transcription, you can sign up for these sites and get in line for transcription tasks that are worthwhile. And you stand a good chance of increasing your rates once you're able to gain a significant breadth of experience in transcribing.
With persistence and due diligence, you can convert any of these money making schemes into source of tremendous income streams. You need to find what works best for you, and once you begin to gain a profitable momentum in the business, you can then venture to scale it and make it even more profitable.
Dr. Olusola Coker is a webmaster General, SEO Expert, Web Designer and Web Developer. He is the chairman of Leonard Babs and Co, an Hosting company with servers in USA. UK. Australia, Europe and Canada. His website is
Many of the money-making systems are outdated when purchased, they made money for someone and are now sold even though the system has been replaced with an up to date system which you won't get a chance to see until someone has used it all up and it's outdated and on the selling block once again.
Let me tell you, making money online is no simple task and don't let anyone fool you into thinking that they have some get-rich-quick system. However, once you learn how everything works and can make nice websites, you can generate a great income as an affiliate marketer, in a niche that you love.
With about 3 billion potential internet viewers, you can do quite well in your own online business with very little financial investment, and $0 to start!
When I was searching for a career change and needed to exchange a very active job for something that didn't require so much physical labor. I wanted to choose an encore career that would be challenging and something that I could do from home even well into my retirement years.
Learn Something New
Well, I learned how to build a solid online business, expand it and take it to the next level. You can do this too, through part-time work online in the evenings and weekends and when you have time until you get things built up. Then you can choose if you want to go full-time or keep the day job and enjoy the additional income from your part-time efforts.
Your online business should not feel like a day job. Earning money online should be fun, and it is fun. Once the learning curve is complete you will start following a well laid out plan for success. After all of your online efforts start paying off, even with a low-income, you'll want to spend more time with it. You can be a witness of and take part in the growth process of your own successful online business.
Making Money Online
There are many ways to make money, even with part-time work online... 1000's of different ways in fact! The problem is that people often get distracted by the "latest and greatest" product or service and they aren't able to stick with one method and build a successful, and revenue generating online business.
There are 3 things that you will need, a nice website, education or knowledge, and some expert help. Choose a Niche
A niche is a distinct segment of a market, in other words, an "audience". So when choosing a niche that fits you, you should be choosing something that is ideally an interest, a passion, a hobby, a problem, a need or a want.
Almost everything you can think of is a niche and that is why we are going to get you to choose your niche based on things that you are interested in.
You can earn money online from absolutely every single niche because there are billions of people out there searching every day.
This all starts with choosing a niche that you are interested in and will enjoy working with. The more that you enjoy something the less it feels like a job and the more productive you're going to be.
Building Your Own Website
Now that you have chosen your niche you are going to create your very own website.
My name is Pete and if you would like to learn about making money in your own online business, making your own websites, increasing site traffic, writing content-rich articles, it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Come to see for yourself at the bottom of every page and Sign Up >>>
Starting and maintaining a home business enterprise is a bold move. Home businesses can be immensely successful if you know how to maintain your businesses affairs in the right way. This article will cover some of the essentials you need to consider, to ensure the growth, success and profitability of your online business.
If you have a home based business, don't miss out on the home office tax credit. You can claim this space even if you don't devote an entire room to your business. If you have an area which is only or primarily used for business purposes, you can claim it based on square footage, and calculate the portion of your home that is taken up by your office space.
Once you've decided on a product to sell, do your homework and check out your competition. Look at their prices and study the quality of the goods that they are selling. Make sure not to price yourself out of the market, and figure out how to deliver the best value to your customers.
Set up a Post Office box for all your business mail. It's best to do this, rather than put your family at risk by using your physical address. This is especially important if you are doing most of your business online. Don't ever post your home address online, for any reason.
To reduce distractions keep your office off limits to children. Have set work hours that enable you to run your business and still have time for your family. Older children should understand not to disturb you while you are working. For your business to succeed your family needs to be supportive and respectful of your work schedule.
Take all of the home-business tax deductions that are legally allowed. For example, you can deduct the cost of a second telephone line or a mobile phone if you use it exclusively for your business, but be sure to keep sufficient records to prove your deductions. Taking all permissible write-offs helps you keep more of what you earn.
Although you may be used to working eight hours a day and then being off, you have to realize that in order for a home business to thrive more of a time commitment may be needed. Once everything is in place you will be able to relax a little.
Maintain a professional attitude as you begin your home based business. Keep your personal life and your professional life separate. Just because you are working from home, does not mean that you should engage in any family responsibilities during the time that you are supposed to be working. You will not be successful if you do not put the time into running your business efficiently.
Don't walk into a home business enterprise blind! There are many online discussion forums designed for small business owners to discuss the unique obstacles in this field. Look locally for other small business and home business organizations that meet in person. Either way you go, networking with other business owners gives you an excellent support system.
Having a business license for your home business often allows you to purchase things wholesale. This is excellent news for people who make their product, since you can search on product search engines for bulk orders of raw materials. This minimizes trips to the store, and frees up your wallet for other expenditures.
In the end, for most, having a online business allows for a level of control and creativity that the mainstream approach lacks. However, after reading this article, you may realize that you cannot necessarily go about maintaining a successful home business in the same way that you would maintain a traditional business. By utilizing these tips and advice, you will set your business up for a lucrative and stable future.
Kurt Tasche is an internet entrepreneur and home business professional who enjoys sharing his ideas through his Home Business Ideas and Opportunities blog. You can read and subscribe to his blog by going to
2: Give it your best - fill the article with valuable content.
If you struggle with writing 400 words in an article at this point, you might ask:
"How in the world will I ever arrive at 600 words? Or more?"
Crazy, right?
You'll be surprised how easy it is, though, when you start out with a different aim - giving the best quality, you can.
If your goal was to produce articles, which would make your readers click at the link in your resource box and buy the product, you were promoting, yes, then it's hard to write small 400 word articles.
With a different point of view, you'll be amazed to find yourself plotting out long, content rich articles in no time.
At this moment, you might be wondering:
"Why? Why should I write longer articles and give away valuable content?"
To understand the answer, you have to go back to the basic definition of an article directory.
Article directories are here - not just to show your article and make money themselves through ads - but to be a middleman between writers and ezine owners.
In other words: Your goal with your articles should be to get them syndicated.
If ONE big list owner picks up your article, you can look forward to thousands of incoming readers.
Believe me, this is much better than earning a click now and then, directly from the article directory.
The really successful article marketers all agree on this one:
The best way to generate traffic using article marketing is to write with the sole goal of getting your article picked up and syndicated.
How To Generate Traffic Using An Email Newsletter begins with a list of email subscribers.
This list can be made up of customers or prospective customers.
Both of these lists should be kept separate, but combined for the purpose of a newsletter.
An email newsletter can generate the highest quality traffic that any website can experience.
This is true because those people who have subscribed to your email have opted in by making a purchase from your site, or through some other means, have opted in because they are interested in your websites’ products and content.
Whether through an advertisement, or simply signing up for a newsletter after visiting your site, these people are the best candidates to buy from your website.
The first group of people are your customer base and are the lifeblood of any business.
Repeat customers are an important percentage of sales and they should be given special treatment.
The second group of people are also important as they are prospective customers and may be making a purchase in the future.
These are the customers who will replace older customers that drop off over time.
They are also the future of your businesses expansion.
Once these people have opted into a newsletter, it is an opportunity to entice them into making their first purchase with specials such as sales and coupon codes or perhaps a free giveaway.
The people who read your email newsletter and go to your website represent the traffic that will have the highest percentage of conversion into sales.
Your list will be the most important part of your business and over time you will come to understand
that the list is everything for online sales.
Getting quality names for your newsletter is the ultimate goal because it will result in expanding
your customer base and creating a successful online business.
An excellent and often overlooked way of getting traffic is establishing your own affiliate program.
If you've been involved with Internet marketing for any length of time, you probably are already familiar with the concept of affiliate marketing and have probably already made some commissions for yourself.
In this case, however, we’re talking about joining the other side of the equation -- in other words,
you're going to have affiliates promoting your products!
Many people are interested in making extra money (and possibly a full-time income) through affiliate marketing because they don't want to deal with selling their own inventory, processing credit card
payments through a merchant account, or shipping products from their home or office.
With so many people looking to get started with Internet marketing by becoming affiliates, this is
an excellent opportunity for you to generate more traffic and revenue for your online business!
You see, those affiliates can take care of much of the groundwork and generate traffic for you by
sending people to your website through their affiliate link in exchange for commissions.
Of course, you probably already have other traffic sources, but an affiliate program can simply make
you even more successful by expanding and diversifying your traffic generation methods.
An easy way to start an affiliate program is to simply join one of the popular networks that handle
all of the annoying tasks like tracking and commission payments for you.
Clickbank is very popular and user-friendly when it comes to digital information products, but some
Internet marketers prefer to use other affiliate networks in order to avoid commissions theft.
A few of the other affiliate networks include LinkShare, ejunkie, and Paydotcom.
You can, of course, establish your own private affiliate program if you're confident in your abilities and for some reason want to avoid the popular affiliate networks.
I am sure by now you've found out that there are a lot of different things you can do to generate traffic on the internet.
Some are instant. Some are free. Some take a lot of time.
However, one of the best things you can do for your business to generate traffic is to start a blog.
A blog is a great way to get traffic because you can use a variety of different methods to promote it.
You can use SEO for each blog post that will help you build traffic over time.
If you're using something like wordpress for your blog, you'll be able to use a variety of search engine plug-ins that will help you with doing seo.
This takes a lot of the technicality out of getting good rankings for your websites.
Another great thing about a blog is that you can focus solely on creating great content without having to worry about getting top search engine rankings.
If you create useful content, people will start linking to your blog.
You'll start receiving visitors from another trusted website.
When people link to your blog it's like they're giving you a vote of confidence.
They're telling their readers that you have a good website that will provide them with awesome content.
Automatically you already have trust in their eyes. Whereas getting traffic from a search engine you'll have to build the trust.
Blogs are interactive so people love them.
You'll be able to read some of the comments on your blog and be able to respond accordingly which is another great way to build trust.
One of the other positives about blogs is a thing called an "RSS Feed".
This will make it so your content can get syndicated by other websites and this is why it's important that you have interesting headlines for your readers.
The feed will pick up the headlines and the person will decide to read depending on how interested they are in what you're offering.
So if you're looking at starting a blog, you can now see the benefits of doing so.
You'll get traffic. You'll build trust. You'll build relationships.
We all know how important it is to build an e-mail subscriber list as part of your online strategy, but
it can be difficult to get enough traffic to your squeeze page.
You can use a lot of different traffic generation methods in order to send traffic to your squeeze page and build your subscriber list including pay per click advertising, search engine optimization,
and article marketing.
There is one powerful method, however, that many marketers overlook, and that method is known as
ad swaps.
This concept is pretty simple because all you have to do is contact another marketer in your niche who also has an e-mail list and you agree to perform a simple swap so that both of you can receive additional subscribers.
You would send an e-mail to your list promoting the other marketer’s opt in list, and he or she would do the same for you.
This is generally a simple and effective way to add subscribers to your list, but you need to keep
some precautions in mind.
If at all possible, you should verify that the other marketer has the number of subscribers claimed.
Otherwise, you could be wasting your time even though no real damage will have been done.
For best results, you should contact marketers who have roughly the same number of subscribers as you do in order to make the whole process worthwhile for both of you.
If you have 500 subscribers, for example, and the other marketer has 1000 subscribers, you might still be able to work out an arrangement if you are willing to send two e-mails to your list in order to make up for the difference.
If you don't currently have any subscribers but still want to participate in the swaps, you need to build a list of at least a few hundred subscribers as quickly as possible in order to be taken seriously.
The fastest way to achieve this would be to use some paid advertising such as pay per click campaigns so you can begin participating in ad swaps as soon as possible.