Monday, 28 January 2019

Why You Need to Capture Leads, Not Sales

If your goal is to generate passive income, then you might well be hoping to accomplish that by selling a product. This could be a product you've made, or it might be a product that you are promoting as an affiliate marketer. Either way, you'll likely have set up a sales page, creating an ad campaign to send visitors there and then hopefully begun to rake in the profits!

The problem is that it can be tough trying to convince people who visit your page to buy. Your success in this endeavor comes down almost entirely to your conversions and the percentage of visitors that end up buying from you.

And to this end, many marketers will jump straight in with the hard sell. That means that they'll heavily push all the positives of their product and try to get the visitor to click buy as soon as they get there.

This doesn't tend to work. Although you probably want to make your sales process as simple and automated as possible, it's absolutely essential that you don't try to go straight in for the kill. Far more effective is to try to capture leads first instead. Here's why.

Why Cold Sales Don't Work

Just because you're making money passively, that does not mean that you should be impatient about how you are collecting your sales.

If you try to convert your visitors as soon as they land on your page, then this is the equivalent of walking up to someone you like in a bar and asking them for their number, without saying hello or even introducing themselves first. Or it's a little like walking up to someone in the street and offering to sell them a watch for $500. Would you be receptive to that sales technique?

Of course not! And the reason is that you know nothing about the person selling, you know nothing about the product and you have no reason to trust that what they're offering is as good as they say it is.

If someone lands on your page and you try to sell to them right away, then they'll think your site is essentially spam and they'll be frustrated at the lack of value. Chances are they'll leave.

How to Convert

So instead, talk to them about how they can get free information by signing up to your mailing list, or provide them with an article and then offer to share more through your Facebook.

Now you have the opportunity to build that relationship and to build trust and eventually, you'll find that this puts you in a position where they are more likely to want to buy from you!

You might be wondering how this model is still passive. In fact, though, it still can be: there's no reason you can't use automated emails for example through an auto-responder. Or you can write a ton of blog posts and then schedule them to post over time.

You can still make your model passive. Just don't go straight in for the kill!

Download FREE Passive Income Guide

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Thursday, 24 January 2019

Realty Vids Review - Video Agency Niche To Easy Money Online

Thank you for reading my Realty Vids review. Realty Vids is released by Niranjan Pradhan,offline
marketer and video creator and is a collection of high quality property showcase video templates that you can edit with nothing but powerpoint. Realty vids is a blueprint to starting a profitable video marketing agency in 2019.

Realty vids show you how to set up a video agency quickly with a simple blueprint firstly, how to offer the video services to estate agents, a hungry market for these services and secondly, a quick and easy way of creating simple, high quality videos for the niche market.

A sure winner! Niranjan will be sharing the exact niche and the exact style of videos that you can use to start profiting in the shortest possible time.Real estate agents need to showcase their property listings in a manner that is engaging and there is nothing better than videos when it comes to engagement.

And since most agents have more than one property listed they need a continuous supply of quality property showcase videos.Not only that, you also get a ecommerce enabled woocommerce theme that you can use to sell videos from your own website. Real estate agents are always looking out for opportunities to better market their listings, so doing that through videos would be an easy sell.

If you act fast you can get it at an early bird discount for just $15. That’s $2 off of the launch special price.

I have also got some cool bonuses for you, if you decide to pick realty vids through my affiliate link.

FE ($17)
6 premium quality real estate property showcase editable video templates
Done For You single page ecom enabled theme allowing you to sell property showcase videos based on the 6 video templates right from the website

OTO1 ($37)
14 premium quality real estate property showcase editable video templates
Done For You single page ecom enabled theme allowing you to sell property showcase videos based on the 14 video templates right from the website.

OTO2 ($47)
The social media versions of all the 20 templates in square format
Upgraded features in the single page theme
Additional single page theme with option of having a sales video at the top

After the launch end the prices may go up as listed below or may be taken off of the market to be released as individual themes prices at $17 for personal use rights in Niranjan's theme store…

FE price after launch = $37
OTO1 price after launch = $47
OTO2 price after launch = $67

How To Set Yourself Free Using The Digital Economy

The digital economy is booming, and there's never been a better time to learn how to shift your income from trading time for money, to automating sales online to generate an income.

Many people simply aren't aware that this opportunity exists. Then there's the question of "how is this done?", and of course "can I do this?"

Some of the main resistances to change are mental in nature and overcoming scepticism is one of the main difficulties many face when presented with this idea.

It's far easier to shut down the possibility, than to have to make changes in your lifestyle and belief system in order to make it happen. But all belief systems and habits aside, how does anyone make a living on the internet, and over what timescale are we talking about?

A business model known as affiliate marketing lets anyone promote someone's product and earn a commission from it. You don't need to own a product yourself, talk to any customers or even handle any products. That's all done for you. All affiliates do is send website traffic to products and services they recommend.

Imagine you recommend a nice restaurant to a friend. Well, affiliate marketing is the same thing, only if your friend visits the restaurant and buys a meal, you'll receive a commission. The concept itself is fairly simple, it's the 'how' which is a little more tricky.

Putting that aside for a moment, just imagine how many people are on the internet looking for a particular product or service. There are millions! Just a small slice of those purchases is enough to get you out of a difficult working environment and working for yourself, from your laptop, from anywhere.

What's great about affiliate marketing is that you can compound your efforts over time. You can get adverts or content 'working for you' running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What's even better is the power of scalability. Once you've found a strategy which works, you can scale up to a global audience. With digital products, postage and storage isn't an issue. And you can earn up to 40% commission on digital products.

Let's back up a little and look again at the title of this article "How to set yourself free in the digital economy". What is freedom semantics aside, for many, it's the ability to create income without a boss, job or employer. It's the ability to earn money without feeling miserable or trapped.

Being free can mean many things. For the purposes of this article, it means being financially free and freedom to choose who you spend time with and how you spend your time. That's real freedom for many. It's often the opposite of working in a job you don't enjoy for the sake of financial gain, or, worse still, just to keep your head above the water.

But what does it take to build a life of freedom? Can you do it too? Not everyone can achieve this kind of freedom. The reason for most is a crippling belief system which keeps them chained to a 9 to 5 job, in a situation which doesn't serve them, because it meets some other needs. Security, ambition, status, duty or simply meeting your immediate needs are some reasons people don't venture out of what they believe is possible.

Of course an internet business can be built alongside a normal job too. That's one of it's most appealing benefits for many. But it's often someone's beliefs which stops them from even attempting to change their situation and circumstances.

So, an internet business is a means to set yourself free using the digital economy. By setting up small 'trickles' of income, by promoting and selling affiliate products, anyone can, over time, build an income which is completely independent of their time. Most people are trapped in the equation of trading their time for money. Affiliate marketing is a means to escape this trap and 'leverage' the internet to make sales, even while you sleep.

This doesn't happen overnight of course. It's a business like any other. However, an internet business can offer the ability to use automation and digital products to earn commissions. This has a two-fold benefit. Automation means your business can run without you. Digital products can be sold globally without needing postage or handling. Owners of affiliate products can afford therefore to pay affiliates more for the selling of these products.

Put all that together and you've got a huge robotic income machine - potentially. Once it's up and running, you simply need to 'tweak' it and scale it up. There's a lot involved in this process too. It's not easy and most people don't have a strong enough reason to make it happen.

But if your life is not working for you, you feel trapped or unfulfilled, an internet business can allow dramatic changes to happen in your life. Providing you work hard on your business, an on yourself.

Tim Halloran is a stuntman, martial artist and online entrepreneur. To learn how to build your own online business see his site here:

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The Shiny Object Syndrome in the Home Business Industry

If you've spent any amount of time online looking for legitimate ways to work from home and make money online, you've probably been exposed to hundreds of different business models. Some of these business models are legit and others are not.

Due to social media, the search engines and online advertising, a new issue has developed. I like to call it the "Shiny Object Syndrome." This syndrome has left some people depressed, others in financial ruins, and it's even chased others away from our industry altogether.

What is the Shiny Object Syndrome?

It is the promise that there is an easier, faster and cheaper way to make money online. It is a promise of done for you marketing. Just sit back, do nothing and collect a paycheck. It is the promise of "push button" profits. It is the promise of easy money.

The Truth

I've found that no legitimate online or offline business is fast, free or easy. Businesses cost money and take time to launch, grow and stabilize. Sadly, most people don't want to hear this.

Many people looking to make money online are in a tough financial situation and they are looking for that magic pill to solve their money problems today.

These ads promising "instant riches" do well because they appeal to people's greed. Many people want something for nothing. What these folks don't realize is that these "easy riches" do not exist.

My Advice to You

# 1 Find a Need in the Market Place

All successful businesses offer products and services that people want or need. There must be a legitimate demand in the marketplace for what you are promoting, whether it is a product or service. The demand can already be in place, or you can create a new demand by developing a new product or service that is unique.

# 2 Offer a Solution

Entrepreneurs provide solutions to their client's problems. We are solution providers. Our job is to identify a need and then offer a simple solution. The solution must provide value and solve your client's problem. If you can do that, you will make sales.

# 3 Put in the Time and Work

All businesses cost money to start, nurture and grow. More importantly, all businesses take time to grow. It takes time to learn the skills, learn from your mistakes, and figure out how to do everything you need to be doing. Once you start a new business, make a minimum two-year commitment and do nothing else during that time. Focus is key.

# 4 Avoid Shiny Objects

Put on your blinders. Avoid Shiny Objects at all costs. Focus on what you are doing. If you go down the path of chasing shiny objects, you will lose momentum, lose credibility and keep starting and stopping.

10 Legitimate Business Models

Some legitimate online business models, if done right, include:

  • Network Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Selling Items on eBay or Craigslist
  • Video Editing
  • Work as a Freelancer
  • Social Media Manager
  • Information Marketing
  • Sell Your Own Product or Service
  • Editor

Of course, not all of these business models will be a good fit for everyone. You have to pick something that aligns with your strengths, personality, skills, budget and available time.
The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that the Shiny Object Syndrome is alive and well, all over the internet. Your job is to find a legitimate way to make money online, get started, make a minimum two-year commitment and never look back. Do that and there is a good chance you will be successful.

Here are 37 Ways to Make Money Online. Learn more about the Shiny Object Syndrome in Network Marketing. Charles Holmes is a blogger, author and Network Marketing Professional.

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The Very Absolute Need of SEO Services in Every Business

Ask a mid-sized business or question a massive conglomerate and they will unequivocally answer that SEO is vital for their brand. It is especially so for all digital properties. It has become a universal truth in the world of commerce and trade that be it Social Media Marketing or search engine optimisation, the demand is vital.

When SEO is implemented, it improves the visibility of a website and betters the searchability. This is the primary offering of SEO. But is that all? Do companies and firms know that there is much, much more to it? We offer clarity on the real value of search engine optimisation by explaining five reasons. Irrespective of the size of a trade, SEO can take a business to the next level. Here are the benefits you amass by optimisation a brand.

A trusted source in the eyes of Google

Facts state that any person who has access to the internet will go on Google at the least once per day. When the majority of internet users are on Google, it automatically means that a brand that is considered trustworthy by Google will see increased traffic on the website. This benefit is not just limited to Google but other search engines too.
Good quality search engine optimisations, top-notch website design, and organic searches turn a company into a trusted source by Google. The more your site is regarded as a trusted resource by the giant search engine, the more visible it becomes which leads to greater conversions rates.

Builds a foundation of credibility

The second reason why a trade should invest in SEO is the credibility it produces. When the trust and reliability of a brand are up, thanks to SEO, it grows more discoverable to users. How does a brand establish authority in any search engine? The apparent answer is on-page optimisation of content and elements. But there are a few more factors that accrue expertise:

  • Positive user behaviour
  • Machine-learning signals
  • Quality backlink profiles

Becoming an established authority boosts the ranking of a business more than anything else. But influence cannot be created in one night. It is something that is earned slowly and steadily. Using digital optimisation, offering superior product and providing reliable service are three pillars to building customers trust in a brand and thus authority in a sector.

Create a greater user experience

Every business owner wants the most perceptibility of their website and the best organic ranking possible. What they fail to accept is that the two can be gained by improving the user experience. Google can now identify between good user engagement and lousy experience. Therefore, a positive website browsing experience is pivotal to success. If the user cannot find what they need, in the time they want, the performance of a site will suffer.

An ideal example of excellent user experience affecting the value of a brand is SERP. Search engine results pages are Google's way of giving answers to a user's questions directly on their page. A company that incorporates great SEO will have excellent user experience and thus more likely to be ranked high.

Better traffic and engagement through local SEO

The web world is dominated by mobile traffic. Searches have become more localised. A small to mid-volume company can leverage this to their success. By utilising local SEO practices that are targeted towards people and client near your business, firms can increase conversions rates. The goal is to focus in your town, city or region and raise awareness at that level.

To do so, the website content has to be optimised with local citation and backlinks. Listings that mark the business' location and sector are critical, registering at Google My Business is vital and building social media marketing profiles essential to promotion. All these help people find your business efficiently and swiftly which takes you one step closer to profitability.

Understanding SEO makes business adaptable

The very reason a business survives and thrives is adaptability. A company that cannot change with time will not last for long. Today's markets need to succeed in the real world and the virtual one. Understanding SEO and applying it helps you stay on top of challenges.

The reason being the World Wide Web is a continually altering environment. When a firm takes the pain of keeping up with SEO practices, they remain in the loop of any significant deviations that take place in this world. When you know the Web, you can employ strategies that keep the business ahead of the competition and thus profitable.

It is not costly; it is an investment!

The best things in the world come with a hefty price point. The good news with SEO is that it is exceptionally low-priced when compared to other marketing tactics. Furthermore, as is apparent from all the benefits explained above the return on investment is incredible. When done right, search engine optimisation can hold water for a long time. The more an industry invests in it, the better the results it gets.

The best SEO services are those that show an impact and quantifiable results in the very first year of action. Digital SEO is the one prominent digital marketing company in Chennai that can deliver on this promise and more. When we take on the job of optimising your website and content, we take actions that show successful outcomes for years.

As the market evolves, our SEO policies evolve. Our experts follow the latest trends and implement the corresponding changes to your website to deliver the greatest user experience.

Swing by our site to know how we make you a better contender in your market. Alternatively, you can call us to understand how we save businesses time, effort and money through SEO.

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Online Marketing Courses: 6 Tips to Help You Make More Money Online

Are you looking for some effective online marketing tips to make your business more profitable? If so, you are reading the right article. First, keep in mind that online marketing is a lot easier than conventional marketing. In this article, we have some easy web marketing tips for you. Read on.

1. Know your Target Customers

Knowing your target customers or clients and having a list of ways of targeting them are the two most important things. What you need to do is do deep research to find out about your target market. Alternatively, you can hire someone else to do the same for you.

Here is what you need to find out. The demographics, buying habits and the likes and dislikes of your customers. Once you have found these details, your next move is to find a way to target them.

2. Optimize your website for SEO

Today, most businessmen know that their website should be optimized for search engines, which is important for better search engine ranking. If you are new to SEO, you can easily learn the basics.

Basically, if you want to optimize your site for search engines, what you need to do is have the right tags, titles, keywords, meta descriptions, alt texts, and quality content. There are software tools that can help you with this.

3. Run Google AdWords (PPC) Campaigns

Google AdWords is another way of getting visitors for your site. This is a form of online advertisement that you can run by paying Google. Google will show your ads on relevant places on the Internet. Google AdWords is a faster way of getting a better search ranking.

For some relevant search terms, your website URL will appear on top of the page. So, chances are that visitors will click on your link instead of other links below.

4. Advertisement Congruence

If you run ad campaigns for your website, ad congruence is an important thing. Ad congruence is a situation when your business advertisement and the home page of your website look similar. In other words, both will have the same message.

If your landing page content is entirely different from the advertisement, your visitors will get confused and may click away. So, make sure you consider this point.

5. Write Quality Blog Posts on a Regular Basis

With a blog, you can improve your SEO drastically. Each blog post should be longer than 500 words and should include relevant keywords, which is important to trigger a positive response from major search engines. Moreover, high-quality content can help your customers as well.

6. Get Backlinks From Authority Sites

As far as SEO goes, backlinks play a great role. If you don't know, backlinks are the links to your site on another website. If you have a lot of backlinks, Google thinks your content is valuable and it gives your site a rank boost.

The Takeaway

Online marketing has given a new approach to businesses so that they can make more money. With these tips, you can increase conversion rates and make your customers keep coming back for more. Hope these tips will help you as well.

Online marketing courses can help you make money lots of money online. With marketing software, getting things done the right way will be easier for you.

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Sunday, 20 January 2019

Cheaper and faster than OptimizePress! Save Big! ClickFunnels, Leadpages Alternatives

Imagine, that in a few minutes from now you can have this tool in your marketing arsenal, complete with 30 templates. You get a complete drag & drop page builder with one-click installation.

The price is way less than OptimizePress, and in my opinion does way more!

There is a large team behind this so I expect consistent updates as well. The best part is that you get a commercial license too which means you can build sales pages, landing pages, and more that you sell to clients.

This theme offers you the ability to create sales pages, JV pages, landing pages, optin pages, thank you pages, membership sites, and more.

No More Monthly Fees For Your Page Builder

Since this is a one-time fee you really cannot go wrong. I personally love having multiple options to deliver and sell my content online. To me, the more templates the better!

And if you cannot afford ClickFunnels or LeadPages, than you should definitely get this because you will need it!

Get Ultra Suite Today

Use the coupon code on the page to save big!

Thursday, 17 January 2019

UltraSuite ? ClickFunnels Alternative?

Ready to explode your traffic with the most powerful & easy to use web creation platform ever created for WordPress? With an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee to remove all risk from your decision.

With UltraSuite you can build ANY kind of site you like...blogs, video blogs, service sites, even single pages if your imagination is limited.You can even create a secondary income with UltraSuite as you get commercial rights to sell sites to cliens for 100% profits.
Nothing could be easier with the provided templates or the drag and drop editor...the ONLY LIMIT is how many sites you can sell!

There is no need to pay for expensive monthly fees for a funnel or page builder any more…
Or for a membership site system… Or even for a support desk.

UltraSuite is an ALL in ONE Marketing Solution System, created by a professional team.At a ONE TIME cost it knocks Clickfunnels out of the park! UltraSuite includes:

#1 5 Member Area Themes
#2 Seamlessly Integration With All Major Autoresponsders
#3 30 Ready To Go Lead Page Templates
#4 Support Desk and Live Chat System
#5 Scarcity Inducing Countdown Timers

On top of that 4 fantastic bonuses:

#1 Video Overlay Bonus plugin-a list building secret weapon!

#2 WP Ultimate Notification Bar-Bonus plugin-for more clicks

#3 Exit Popup WordPress Plugin-Turn traffic into profits with this PROVEN tech

#4 Sticky Ads Bar-Bonus plugin-EASILY monetize your site with 100% passive ads


Friday, 11 January 2019

7 Marketing Trends in 2019 You Need To Apply

The 7 marketing trends in 2019 you cannot ignore anymore:

#1: Artificial Intelligence
#2: Personalization
#3: Influencer Marketing
#4: Video Marketing
#5: Social Messaging Apps
#6: Voice Search – smart speaker
#7: Social Media Stories

#1: Artificial Intelligence


#3:Influencer Marketing

#4:Video Marketing

#5: Social Messaging Apps

#6: Voice Search – smart speaker

#7: Social Media Stories

Saturday, 5 January 2019

FB SociCake Traffic Bundle Review

Early bird starts now, but the price rises at 2pm EST this afternoon, so please grab your copy right now

FB SociCake Traffic Bundle is The Ultimate All-In-One Facebook mark'eting Bundle

Let’s Open The SociCake Bundle And Quickly see What’s Inside

Tool #1: Rich FB Post Editor: Now add bold Text, Italicized, Underlined & More on FB and make your post, comments, and ads stand out and capture people's attention resulting in a huge boost in post engagement, |eads, and sa|es.

Tool #2: Facebook Post Manager: Create and schedule link posts, image posts, video posts, call to action posts and slideshows across multiple Facebook pages and multiple Facebook accounts from one dashboard in minutes.

Tool #3: Clickable Images Creator: Turn every Image you post on social media into a viral traffic machine.

Tool #4: MessengerBot: Chatbots create an active user experience, unlike apps and websites and help you create an interactive mark'eting campaign

Easily create a Facebook Messenger bot for mark'eting, sa|es and support without any coding or designing skills.

Tool #5: Messenger Broadcaster: Broadcast messages are the most powerful mark'eting tool today.

Now blast promotional and follow up messages to those that have engaged with your page.

Send unlimited broadcasts to subscribers across your pages and multiple Facebook accounts from a single easy-to-use dashboard in minutes.

No coding skills required.

Just choose a subset of people who’ve messaged you and hit them with a text blast, an image and even select a call to action like a button to redirect them to your offers or customer support.

Tool #6: Comment Bot: Here’s a virtual assistant to manage your Facebook page 24/7.

Now set up an automated response (public and private reply) to everyone who comments on your Facebook post based on keywords and phrases.

Skyrocket lead generation, sa|es and pr0fits by engaging your audience in this innovative way.

Tool #7: Soci Inviter: SociInviter is a growth hacking tool that converts post likes into fan page likes by mass inviting everybody who liked your posts to like your fan page.

Tool #8: FB Ads & Content Editor & Designer: pump out jaw-dropping & high converting designs in just minutes with Zero Technical Or Design Skills. Facebook post, Timeline covers, Facebook ads, Viral Quotes, Memes and many more.

You get 1,423 premium design templates, 7.5 mi|lion stock design assets, 450,000 Viral quotes and a lot more.

Tool #9: Optin Link: SociCake is a 1-click |ead capture platform.

Now easily create links that capture the name and email address of those that click on it without a landing page or an opt-in form.

Tool #10: Live Engine: Upload a pre-recorded video and broadcast it live across multiple Facebook pages and multiple Facebook account from one dashboard.

Unlike other tools out there in the mark'et, there is no need to open your computer during the livestream.

Everything is done from the cloud. Just schedule and forget it.

And the best part is, they're just scratching the surface.

With the commercial license you are able to generate pr0fits immediately.

Help local companies and Brick'n Mortar Businesses or influencers with their mark'eting and traffic and get p'aid for it big time.

You're are getting access to 10 full blown Facebook Traffic Applications for the pr'ice of one.

This means that starting today you have 10 different services you can offer to businesses.

That's 10 different ways for you to get pa'id or just use them to grow your own biz - it's up to you.

Each of them was created to help you drive traffic & sa|es but instead of b'uying them all individually you can now have them all inside of a beautiful platform and for a ridiculously low p'rice.

This is our way to help you start 2019 with a bang & to make sure that you have all the traffic, leads & sa|es you could ever need this year.

You'll be able to use their brand new Post Manager, to create clickable images, leverage the Soci Inviter and so much more, all designed to generate pr0fits & re'venue for your biz and for your clients.

why you must get this software right away?

- Huge Boost In Post Engagement, Leads, And sa|es

- Turn FB Into A Viral Traffic Machine

- Create An Interactive mark'eting Campaign

- The Most Powerful mark'eting Tool

- A Virtual Assistant To Manage Your Facebook Page 24/7

- Converts Post Likes Into Fan Page Likes

- Zero Technical Or Design Skills Required

- 1,423 Premium Design Templates, 7.5 Mi|lion Stock Design Assets, 450,000 Viral Quotes

- No More Fake Email Ids Or Dummy Emails

- Upload A Pre-Recorded Video And Broadcast It Live

- Generate Re'venue Se|ling Facebook mark'eting Services To Businesses


- Traffic coming in through Viral Posts

- Traffic coming in through Viral Images

- Traffic coming in through Messenger Bots

- Traffic coming in through Like Fanpage Invites

- Traffic coming in through stunning Facebook Ads and Memes

You name it, and they have got you covered.

Mario and team will help you make a killing with just 1 tool kit.

Let me show you what (alternate tools) you are going to need to achieve the same results and shell out how much money doing so

SociJam - 67 bucks (monthly)

Manychat - 145 (monthly)

Livereel/Livecaster/Socilivestream - 47/37/47 (one-time)

Socileadmessenger/Crediresponse - 30.95/37 (one-time)

FanInviter - 27 (one-time)

Youzign/DesignBold - 97/97 (one-time)

BoostLink - 84 (yearly)

Hootsuite - 240 (yearly)

So, the total cost of such an assortment should come to anywhere between 239/month + 111 one-time.

And the headache doesn’t stop there

Imagine switching between different desktops, running and collecting data related to different campaigns. It’s all surely mind-boggling.

Remember, with the SociCake Traffic Bundle you get all 10 Software Solutions Today, For the Pr'ice of just one.

So don't hesitate and come on board now before this special deal is over.

Get instant access right now before the pr'ices rises

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Simple Traffic Solutions - Free Hack To Get This Best Selling Traffic Product to Sell as Your Own

BANNED. Ex Factory Worker Gets Slapped By Google Only to Discover The Ultimate Free Traffic Source That Brings in up to 16,364 Targeted Visitors Per Day!

It sells for $77 every single day ...This product has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and has sold over 7500 units, so you know it's a proven seller.


He is giving you his top selling traffic course to sell as your own and all you have to do is attend his Product Creation Workshop. All you have to do is plug in your payment links and you can keep 100% of the profits! 

GRAB ACCESS HERE TO THE WORKSHOP  to get your hands on the FREE Simple Traffic Solutions, John Thornhill's best selling traffic product that has sold thousands of copies, it's been a best seller on Clickbank and JVZoo.

Here's a Best Selling Traffic Product to Sell as Your Own

If you want to master one thing that will lead to your success online it's PRODUCT CREATION, and let me tell You there's no one better to learn from than John Thornhill

John launched his first product back in 2004, and since then he has launched hundreds of his own products that have generated millions in sales.

And every single thing he has learned since then is covered in his Product Creation Workshop.

In this workshop you will learn everything you need to know to create and launch your very own successful product online.

#Yes. You will be taught everything you need to know about creating your very own successful product and sales funnel. Remember that John has almost 15 years experience in this area.

#Yes. You will receive bonus worksheets, checklists, presentation slides and more, meaning once the event is over you will have a step by step plan of action.

#Yes. You can take part in a Q&A session to make sure you get all your questions answered.

#Yes. You will receive a full high quality recording of the workshop to view at your leisure.

#Yes. You will also receive Johns best selling traffic product to sell as your own - valued at $997.

#Yes. You will receive all of the support you need after the event.

#Yes. This will cost you absolutely nothing.

As I said, John actually has almost 15 years of product creation experience, and has made millions of dollars in the process. So without him bragging too much, I think that qualifies him to show you how it's all done ;-)

In short, he wants you to succeed from creating and selling your own digital products, just as he does.

So the question is.... Do you want to be part of it?

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

5 Digital Marketing Basics You Should Know in 2019

Digital marketing consists of a lot of strategies. In fact, it's a holistic approach to do different types of marketing activities across different online platforms. These methods get upgraded on a regular basis as new technologies emerge across the globe. Therefore, digital marketing has grown significantly over the past few years. If you are new to this field, you may want to read the basics of digital marketing explained below.

1. Invest in machine Learning and Artificial intelligence (AI)

First of all, the artificial intelligence (AI) will be quite popular in the coming years. Machine learning is another important part of digital marketing.

In the near future, social media bots will play a great role as far as connecting with potential customers is concerned. So, you may want to give more importance to social media if you want to communicate with your customers in an effective manner. According to experts, about 85% of customers will interact with bots to get the information they need.

2. Share your videos on Social Media

In 2019, make sure you share your business videos across different social media platforms. Unlike the images or written content, a good video is more effective as far as grabbing the eyes of the visitors is concerned. This is really important if you are going to market on the leading platforms, such as Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook.

According to the latest research, 80% of people like to watch videos on the internet. They don't want to read articles or blog posts that much.

3. Optimize your sites for Mobile Devices

In 2019, your marketing strategies should be focused on mobile technology as well. According to the latest Google algorithm, your site should be optimized for mobile phones or you may get a penalty from Google.

Nowadays, mobile phones are one of the most popular devices across the globe. The new year will grow the mobile video consumption by up to 30%. On the other hand, the demand for desktop computers and laptops will continue to decline.

4. Consider Mobile apps

In the world of digital marketing, mobile technology is the latest innovation. As a matter of fact, it's one of the most effective digital marketing tools in the here and now.

With the help of this cellular technology, you can compete with your competitors to stay ahead in the field. Without any doubt, if you have a mobile responsive website, you can grow your business to a large extent.

So, you may want to tap into the mobile apps as well. One such app is Whatsapp business. According to a source, mobile apps have generated $88 billion, give or take, in recent years.

5. Focus on the Customer Experience

For your business, customers play the same role your blood plays in your body. Therefore, it's important that you work on the consumer experience. This will help you increase your sales over time.

If your customers are satisfied with your products or service, they will keep coming back for more.

So, these are the tips that you may want to consider to improve your digital marketing campaigns in 2019.

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