Are you in a huge debt owing a lot of people lots of money? Fear not, despite everything, dare to live like a millionaire. Think it's impossible? Say to yourself instead: It is possible! And magic occurs. Read on to find out more.
You have recently become broke but your refrigerator has a stock of food fortunately and there is canned food as well. You have cornflakes and oatmeal in the kitchen and you can depend on them for days.
You have a luxury of clothes which you bought last month and you can still wear smart clothes.
Your house is full of junk material. You need to de-clutter your home to make space for more. Sell off the de-cluttered materials for instance, old books, old clothes and old kitchen utensils which you no longer need. Once you have done that, there is space for more and energy flows freely everywhere in your home.
The new aura of energy fills your mind and body and you are able to think clearly. Make a plan how to earn a little income based on which you can make more.
You can have great breakfast, wear matching smart outfits, write your resume and start dropping them off at various places you think yourself eligible.
Meanwhile try to work online. Ask a knowledgeable expert or friend for help. You just don't want to work online from new experience. You want to acquaint yourself with a working system that helps you to make money online. With the money you earn online, you are able to pay your bills and gradually all your debts.
You know you can make more money online but you prefer to work outside and give interviews. You contact the HR offices of the different companies you applied. Some reject while some show promise.
All this was possible because you were living like a millionaire up until now with very little worry and an abundant mindset. If you have made it this far successfully, chances are you will make it in an interview if you are called in and you will be hired.
Keep your fingers crossed while you wait to hear from them. You still have a stock of food and you still have the working system over the web to give you extra income. So far so good in spite of being a broke.
Well, that would be too harsh to address you now. In fact you are not a broke now - on the contrary you are living like a millionaire with an open mind.
The HR office of one company that you applied does call you for an interview. And you find yourself over the moon!
Your hard work of hunting out a work company is over and it paid off. Now you should face the interview boldly. Do not do everything alone. Ask a friend or mentor who is able to answer for you about how to prepare for the questions that you will be asked at the interview. Once you have started taking this preparation, there is 85% chance for you to get that job.
And it turns out that you do land on that job. Your broke days are over. Thanks to you that you played out like a millionaire all along until today with very little worry.
While you get handsomely paid, you need to update yourself with the fast pace of the web and start reading books in your niche. And only then you will stick to your job. Of course you have the side option of making money online as well. So it's all set. Update your skill set and learn foreign languages.
They will probably augment your position at work and you may even ask for a raise or promotion. Stick to your job and stick to making extra income online and everything falls into place.
After all, it did pay off playing like a millionaire for the time being. Remember you are no longer a broke and you need to shoulder responsibility to stick to your making incomes with a successful and abundant mindset.
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