Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Quit Dreaming About Your Dreams

Hmm, so a couple of years ago when I lived in the Atlanta metro area, I worked with children, adolescents and families that had children with a mental health diagnosis of some degree. The majority of the time I would meet and interact with them in the community, meaning, I would visit the kids at school or in their homes when their parents were present. I remember one particular young man that I had the pleasure of working with. And I remember one conversation that we had that is a very common conversation that I have with a lot of adults presently and they do not have a mental health diagnosis to my knowledge.

The young man and I were talking about some of the dreams that he had for his future; he told me that one of his goals or dreams were to become a professional basketball player and another dream was to be a professional dancer. Sounds like some pretty typical things a young man in high school would have right?

Well, here is the thing; these were truly heartfelt dreams and he was very serious about reaching and achieving his dreams. Our conversation quickly turned south when I asked him some reasonable questions. I asked him how many hours he spends playing basketball? "Not much" he said, okay. Then I asked him how much time does he spend working on his Free Throws? "I don't" he said, okay. Well, are you on the school's basketball team? "No, why would I do that" he said with a very puzzled expression on his face. Ookay!

He doesn't take dancing lessons or even watch YouTube to learn the latest dance moves; he told me that he just dances around the house all day. Now I know that I took some time to set up what I want to address but, I am sure that you can see where I might be headed.

Quit Dreaming about Your Dreams: It's Just a Fantasy

There are so many people that are having the same types of dreams and expectations that my young client had with me some years ago. For the record; his thought processes were not a result of his diagnosis. Many of my clients were given a diagnosis so the school system could remove them from the classroom because of some behavior issues or unfortunately, the guardian was attempting to get disability money from the government. Sad but true- but, that is a different blog post. Now, let's get back to you. The issue is not the dreams that he had and it is not necessarily your drams either. We all tend to have what would appear to be some pretty solid dreams and we are sincere in our desire to accomplish or reach our dreams.

But, just as my young client had dreams that he wanted to reach, he never spent any meaningful amount of time in the preparation of reaching the dreams that meant so much to him. There wasn't anything (no driving force) put in front of his desire to reach his dreams even though he wanted them so bad. No time playing basketball, no time practicing fundamentals, and no time developing the skills that he needed within a structured framework (school team).

Hate to burst some bubbles but, having a dream and making little to no effort or movement towards reaching those dreams besides just dreaming about them, well, it is just a fantasy. But, there is good news!

Quit Dreaming about Your Dreams: I Call it Sweat Equity

We tend to think that just the mere fact that we have a dream is all that it takes (this is all said in my excited fairytale voice). And as we continue to think about our little dream it will sense that we are dreaming about it. And as we dream about what it will look like when our dream comes true; it will begin to grow big and strong and one day, one day when we're not looking, it will "Blam!" appear and we'll dance holding hands and swing around in circles. Just you and your full grown dream spinning in circles in a field of lovely flowers and... nope!

There are some very practical things that we can do to ensure that we cultivate those gifts and talents that lay dormant inside of us. There are things that are required to take place in order for our dreams to become a reality. Take my client for example; if he had been spending hours on the basketball court honing his skills, perfecting whatever part of his game that was effective enough to give him an advantage over his peers and spent time practicing his free throws and jumpers. It would have afforded him an opportunity to make the school's basketball team and start the extremely difficult journey to the NBA. Sweat equity; plain and simple.

I'm not sure if any of you thought about this but, in my comical, slightly off-center and most of the time completely out in left field mind thought; most people don't read books about people who were born, grew up and went to school then to college. After college they got married, had a job and then died of old age. That is not a good read in my mind and I have already described what my mind looks like to you.

Quit Dreaming about Your Dreams: Is Your Life the Greatest Story Never Told?

When I ran my nonprofit for adjudicated youth, middle and high school students; I would often ask that question. I have made videos and written articles on that subject line. And I know that it's not my original thought or question but, the question still remains. Many of us will sit or live in quiet desperation and frustration because there are so many things inside of you that is fighting to get out and come to life but, we have no idea as to how do we get it out of us.

We are constantly searching to find out how we can be better versions of ourselves, we have become victims of life and all that it brings to the point that some of us have abandoned our dreams and settle for cheap knock offs! Working jobs that we hate and with coworkers that remind us constantly why we had the audacity to dream in the first place. We have fallen in line and we get on and off of the treadmill like hamsters. We try to fill those voids with fake imitations of what we are told is "The Good Life" but, in the back of our minds we know better.

So, is your life the greatest story never told? Are you the person that has the book that we've been waiting for, are the person that has the cure to the disease that is ravishing millions of people, are you the person that's referred to as "the modern Shakespeare"? What do you have inside of you that we so desperately need, what are you withholding from the world? I remember reading somewhere that says the richest place in the earth isn't the oil fields of the Middle East or the diamond mines of Africa. The richest place in the world is the local cemetery because it is full of people who died with all of the books, songs, inventions, medical breakthroughs, etc, who took those things with them to the grave!

So, is your life the greatest story never told? What are you doing to make your dreams come true? I believe that it is very difficult to make changes in our lives if we don't change the way that we think first. I mean, look at where you are now; what has changed about you since you started reading this awesome blog post?

Let's start with just formulating some sort of game plan on how and what we need to do in reaching our dreams. We can research Google for information, we can look into any education needed if applicable, and we can seek out a mentor to help us out along the way. We have to take serious inventory of who we are and who we want to be. As a Life Coach, I am constantly suggesting to my clients to identify what that really means to them. I am of the belief that we should be working towards becoming our authentic self-who we were created to be. The hardest part of your life becoming one of the greatest story lived out is; developing the ability to quiet all of the noise and chatter around you and focus!

Focus on the task at hand and ignore every voice that tells you that you will never make it. You have to become a human Salmon. You will have to train yourself to go against the flow, go upstream against the flow of "this is how everyone does it" and stay focused! If everyone could do it then it wouldn't appear so strange to other people who will never understand "why would you want to do that?" Are you strong enough to do that, are you willing to live a life that someone would want to read about? These are some things to think about as you hopefully begin your journey towards reaching your dreams. Quit dreaming about your dreams and begin to live a life that is the greatest story lived out.

Disappointment, discouragement and distractions can cause us to become stuck in life as we lose sight of our dreams and goals. For more information, please visit http://goo.gl/f3a7uz

Restoring Lives, Renewing Dreams, Imagine the Possibilities!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/David_Alan_White/1491121
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10098519

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