Showing posts with label easy ways to make money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easy ways to make money. Show all posts

Thursday 21 February 2019

[NEW] the 3 MOST profitable strategies COMBINED?

How would you like to be able to tap into the THREE most profitable marketing strategies
from ONE, easy-to-use central dashboard?

I’m talking about being able to profit from:

– email marketing
– text message marketing
– ANND Facebook Messenger marketing

AND being able to created an UNLIMITED amount of profitable campaigns for each of those strategies inside of one POWERFUL web-app?

Well, now you can because a new autoresponder has just opened up that takes LIST MARKETING
to a whole new level…

It allows you to:

– send unlimited emails
– send unlimited texts
– send unlimited FB messages

(and that’s just the tip of the iceberg)

ALL without EVER having to pay a monthly fee…

It’s a first of it’s kind product since it’s the ONLY platform that combines the
3 most profitable marketing channels under one central dashboard!

Email – Text – FB Messenger

Check out the demo video here

For far too long, marketers have been debating if:

– Email marketing works best..
– or does text message marketing work best?
– or is it FB Messenger marketing?

Truth is, they ALL work…

They’re ALL extremely profitable.

AND, the fact is…

Your target customers are using ALL three platforms..

So why neglect one marketing channel over another?

Why not instead use a platform that combines ALL three of these extremely profitable marketing
channels under ONE central dashboard and blow the lid off of your profit…

Well, the new autoresponder, Sendiio, does EXACTLY that


– allows you to import unlimited lists
– lets you create unlimited email marketing campaigns
– lets you create unlimited Text message marketing campaigns
– lets you create unlimited Facebook Messenger campaigns
– let you create unlimited optin forms
– lets you create unlimited follow-up sequences
– lets you create unlimited one-off mailing campaigns
– and much much more..

PLUS, you can access ALL of this for a ONE-TIME cost!

Yup, you can now profit from the three MOST PROFITABLE platforms under ONE
central dashboard without ANY monthly fees..

Check out the demo video here

Andre Niemand

P.S. profiting from email marketing, text marketing
and FB messenger marketing has never been easier.

Sendiio combines and automates each marketing
channel into 3 simple steps:

1. Import your lists and create your campaign
2. Send (or schedule) your campaign
3. Sit back and enjoy your profits

You no longer have to login to THREE different platforms to reach your target

You can now login to just ONE dashboard and skyrocket your profits.

Check out the demo video here

Thursday 7 February 2019

7 Fatal Sins of Online Marketing... Plus Secrets to Boost Website Traffic, Sales Conversion and ROI

If set up well, online marketing can help you generate a consistent passive income. There are many stories of how first-time entrepreneurs have made lots of money selling their products and services through online marketing. But there are hundreds if not thousands of times more stories of how folks failed bad. Investing their money and losing it or recovering little.

In its simplistic model, online marketing has three phases. In phase one, you get traffic to opt-in to your system. In phase two, you convert your opt-in leads into customers. Then in phase three, you retain these customers by getting them to buy from you again.

Yet each of these stages have inherent risks. And if you were to commit just one sin of online marketing, it could kill your entire business.

Here are 7 fatal sins of online marketing. Why you should avoid them. Plus, what you should do instead to be more successful.

Fatal Marketing Sin #1: Sending Traffic to Your Homepage

The money you invest in traffic is a sunk cost. The only way to get a return on your investment is by selling products and services. So if you were to get someone to click on your advertisement, you would want the best opportunity to sell them.

Yet 92 percent of consumers that visit a brand's website for the first time are NOT there to buy. And only 32 percent of those who visited the site with the intention to buy rarely or never make the purchase. This per a study of 1,112 consumers in the United States by Episerver.

That's why it's vital you first get your prospect to opt-in and give you permission to send them email messages. Then you can establish a relationship with them. Plus, nurture them with educational information to establish trust and credibility. All which can lead to sales conversion.

The best place to send traffic is to a landing page solely focused on getting visitors to opt-in. But a homepage is the wrong place to send traffic. That's because most home pages have a menu and too much information to distract visitors from opting in, even if you include an opt-in form.

Fatal Marketing Sin #2: Sending Cold Traffic to Your Sales Page 

Sending cold traffic to your sales page before they opt in can be worse than sending them to your home page. Less than one-third of prospects who otherwise would buy from you, buy on their first visit.

By sending traffic to your sales page, you risk losing them forever by revealing your price, without first establishing a relationship with them. If they leave without buying, you have no way to follow-up. So you waste your advertising investment.

Fatal Marketing Sin #3: Investing in Traffic Before Investing in Your Sales Funnel 

Why spend on website traffic you cannot convert into sales. Don't put the cart before the horse, because you may not get where you want to go.

The key to making sales is to have a good sales funnel. So you can generate sales conversion. A good sales funnel includes a series of email letters with links to content to establish trust and credibility. Plus one or more landing pages with persuasive content and strong offer. And an order page confirming the offer with a fast and easy way for buyers to complete and submit it.

Fatal Marketing Sin #4: Not Knowing Your Target Market 

All too often marketers make the sin of having too broad of a target audience. Yet targeting a broad audience will not only cost you more, it will also lead to lower sales conversion.

The best first step before you invest in traffic, is to conduct market research. An in-depth survey to help you find the demographic, psychographic and buying behavior characteristics of your true target market. The results can help you identify the most appropriate marketing messaging.

Fatal Marketing Sin #5: Not Segmenting Your Contacts 

The era of one message fits all is dead. The advantage of online marketing is you can segment your contacts and give each a personalized experience.

Two common ways to segment your contacts is through custom fields and tags. Then you can group your contacts according to those who have a certain tag or custom field data. And you can personalize the marketing message based on this criterion. That can lead to both increased sales conversion and greater customer satisfaction.

Fatal Marketing Sin #6: Not Split Testing Your Campaigns 

Split testing enables you to compare results between 2 and 4 versions of your landing pages. So you can improve your results. For either higher opt-in rates. Or greater sales conversion.

The key to split testing is to focus on just one variable at a time. This variable can be to compare headlines, pricing, offer, or even design of the landing page. You simply designate the current version as the control and send a certain percent of contacts in your funnel to the "test page(s)". When one "test page" results beat out the control, then it becomes the new control.

Fatal Marketing Sin #7: Not Investing in a Downsell Campaign 

As much as 67% or more may abandon their shopping cart. Yet you can recapture over one-fourth of these lost sales with a downsell campaign.

A downsell campaign involves a series of messages to contacts who abandon the shopping cart. Each message contains a persuasive message with a link to a dedicated landing page with a special offer. What once was sales-lost, now becomes increased sales conversion.

In summary, executing any one of the above online marketing sins can kill your business. But when instead, you execute the strategies suggested, you can help your business grow. To help you achieve higher opt-in rates, increased sales conversion and greater ROI.

Marketing services by Jeff Traister can help you increase your sales conversion through automation and persuasive copywriting. He is a certified Internet marketing automation consultant and direct response copywriter.

To learn more and get tips on how you can increase your sales conversion of leads and get customers to buy more from you, go to Your Digital-Marketing-Automation-Superhero

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Thursday 24 January 2019

How To Set Yourself Free Using The Digital Economy

The digital economy is booming, and there's never been a better time to learn how to shift your income from trading time for money, to automating sales online to generate an income.

Many people simply aren't aware that this opportunity exists. Then there's the question of "how is this done?", and of course "can I do this?"

Some of the main resistances to change are mental in nature and overcoming scepticism is one of the main difficulties many face when presented with this idea.

It's far easier to shut down the possibility, than to have to make changes in your lifestyle and belief system in order to make it happen. But all belief systems and habits aside, how does anyone make a living on the internet, and over what timescale are we talking about?

A business model known as affiliate marketing lets anyone promote someone's product and earn a commission from it. You don't need to own a product yourself, talk to any customers or even handle any products. That's all done for you. All affiliates do is send website traffic to products and services they recommend.

Imagine you recommend a nice restaurant to a friend. Well, affiliate marketing is the same thing, only if your friend visits the restaurant and buys a meal, you'll receive a commission. The concept itself is fairly simple, it's the 'how' which is a little more tricky.

Putting that aside for a moment, just imagine how many people are on the internet looking for a particular product or service. There are millions! Just a small slice of those purchases is enough to get you out of a difficult working environment and working for yourself, from your laptop, from anywhere.

What's great about affiliate marketing is that you can compound your efforts over time. You can get adverts or content 'working for you' running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What's even better is the power of scalability. Once you've found a strategy which works, you can scale up to a global audience. With digital products, postage and storage isn't an issue. And you can earn up to 40% commission on digital products.

Let's back up a little and look again at the title of this article "How to set yourself free in the digital economy". What is freedom semantics aside, for many, it's the ability to create income without a boss, job or employer. It's the ability to earn money without feeling miserable or trapped.

Being free can mean many things. For the purposes of this article, it means being financially free and freedom to choose who you spend time with and how you spend your time. That's real freedom for many. It's often the opposite of working in a job you don't enjoy for the sake of financial gain, or, worse still, just to keep your head above the water.

But what does it take to build a life of freedom? Can you do it too? Not everyone can achieve this kind of freedom. The reason for most is a crippling belief system which keeps them chained to a 9 to 5 job, in a situation which doesn't serve them, because it meets some other needs. Security, ambition, status, duty or simply meeting your immediate needs are some reasons people don't venture out of what they believe is possible.

Of course an internet business can be built alongside a normal job too. That's one of it's most appealing benefits for many. But it's often someone's beliefs which stops them from even attempting to change their situation and circumstances.

So, an internet business is a means to set yourself free using the digital economy. By setting up small 'trickles' of income, by promoting and selling affiliate products, anyone can, over time, build an income which is completely independent of their time. Most people are trapped in the equation of trading their time for money. Affiliate marketing is a means to escape this trap and 'leverage' the internet to make sales, even while you sleep.

This doesn't happen overnight of course. It's a business like any other. However, an internet business can offer the ability to use automation and digital products to earn commissions. This has a two-fold benefit. Automation means your business can run without you. Digital products can be sold globally without needing postage or handling. Owners of affiliate products can afford therefore to pay affiliates more for the selling of these products.

Put all that together and you've got a huge robotic income machine - potentially. Once it's up and running, you simply need to 'tweak' it and scale it up. There's a lot involved in this process too. It's not easy and most people don't have a strong enough reason to make it happen.

But if your life is not working for you, you feel trapped or unfulfilled, an internet business can allow dramatic changes to happen in your life. Providing you work hard on your business, an on yourself.

Tim Halloran is a stuntman, martial artist and online entrepreneur. To learn how to build your own online business see his site here:

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Sunday 30 December 2018

$400,000 made with Public Domain and...puppets? What the...?

Quite a headline, huh? But it's absolutely true! Long time internet marketer Lee Cornell really has made $400,000 (and counting) using public domain material from a couple of old books from the early 1900's to create an instructional video on how to become a ventriloquist! You know, one of those people who talks to dummies without moving their lips.

As a reminder, public domain works are books, films, audios, maps, documents, images, government publications, etc., that for one reason or another are no longer protected by copyright. You can use this stuff anyway you want to create your own products with no payments, fees, royalties, nothing - to use the original content as your own.

Lee has been a ventriloquist nearly his whole life and picked the niche because it was a passion of his. His original one-page "Ventriloquism 101" website that sold the video has grown into a multi-page resource website for ventriloquists and performers. To date, Lee has made over $400,000 from that initial product! All thanks to public domain.

Now he is going to show you exactly how he did it, step-by-step in his new Public Domain Fortune course.

There is an unlimited supply of public domain materials that can be turned into money making products. Don't think it's possible? Lee will prove otherwise!

Read Lee's fascinating story and check out Public Domain Fortune here! And watch a cool video of Lee and his dummy (shhhh...I hear they don't like to be called that) Nick Woodson explain everything.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

How To Curate Content For A Blog

Content curation is a quick way to produce helpful content for your target audience. It's a shortcut to adding valuable content to your blog or website because you're not producing it from scratch. But you are offering value by writing comments on why it's useful, beneficial or relevant to your audience.

It's the process of locating, arranging, placing comments on and spreading online the best and most relevant content about the niche you are working in.

Determine a Strategy

How much curated content do you want on your blog? A good blend could be 70% original content, 30% curated.

Where Will You Get The Content?

Make a checklist of the most important websites and blogs you visit on a regular basis. Read the headlines to find the content you find helpful and think your target audience will appreciate.

Your Tone of Voice

Some people really like to report the facts. Others enjoy stirring up controversy and be as contentious as possible.

Give An Opinion on the Curated Content

Many entrepreneurs who curate content just put up the subject material without saying why it's important or what the context is. Talk about the issues, why the content shows a development about the specific issue, and so on. Make connections for the reader so they can see the value of the content and the value of the thought and work you are putting into your curation.

What Are Your Target Audience's Pain Points

What are the most widespread problems that your audience have and what can help them fix those problems? Yes, you want to sell your own products, but don't avoid referring to your competitors entirely or it will seem unnatural and spammy.

Answer Their Common Questions

Frequently asked questions need an answer. If you don't have time to answer them all, use curated content to assist you. Remark on the content, such as why the strategy is good, bad, or could be better in some way. This will carry on demonstrating your knowledge and that you are worth paying attention to.

Pick Out the Best Content from the Best Sources

Think of yourself as the professional editor of a popular magazine. Only let the top content reach your pages.

Know How To Curate Content Legally

Make sure that you credit all your resources so you're not accused of robbing content. Give the Website URL of the original work and the name of the author or publication, the date, and any other relevant information. If you're uncertain about using the content material, get in touch with the website owner and ask. Generally, they'll be happy to give approval, provided you're not slating their work as a load of garbage.

Are you are ready to be a better blogger? Discover 21 different one-a-day tasks and activities for getting more traffic, more prospects, more customers and more sales. Download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog, at

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Wednesday 29 August 2018

How to make lots of commissions without trying...

I'm not gonna lie.

Being an affiliate can be a real pain in the ass at times.

Especially if you're just starting out, don't have an email list and scrabbling around
for commission crumbs among the big guys.

This is how it was for tiny affiliate Naidy Phoon.

He thought he knew what he was doing and he was sure working hard at it.

But he was only making a few dollars a week.

Then he discovered The Commission Machine and now regularly makes $1500
to $2500 a day.

You can check out the rest of his story - and get the Commission Machine for
yourself at the special link.



Andre Niemand

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Struggling newbie vs. World Famous Guru: watch what happens next...

This teenager made history.

He was up against some of the biggest household names in internet marketing.

It was an affiliate contest in one of the big product launches recently and nobody gave him
a chance in hell.

He only had a tiny list.

He only had a few months' experience.

And he was practically a total no-namer online.

But he had a secret weapon.

At first it only worked slowly but gradually he began dominating the leaderboard.

He finished #1 beating some of the biggest, best and most famous internet marketers on
the planet.

What did he do?

He used The Commission Machine  (you can see his story for yourself  in his video on the page);

Grab The Commission Machine Here with some Amazing Bonuses


Andre Niemand

Monday 27 August 2018

EXPOSED: You won't believe how this struggling newbie makes $2500 a day

He's just a kid really.

His name is Naidy Phoon and he lives in Malaysia.

He'd been "dabbling" in internet marketing for a few months and had managed to make a
few dollars here and there but nothing much.

He saw the big potential in affiliate marketing but didn't have a massive list
and wasn't getting hardly any commissions.

He thought it was the size of his list.

It wasn't.

It was the WAY he was doing affiliate marketing.

It was all wrong.

Naidy invested in the groundbreaking Commission Machine and he started making $1500 to $2500 a day, winning affiliate contests and basically kicking a truckload of proverbial butt online.


You're getting your hands on never-before-seen tactics here.

Grab your piece of this money-making action here;



Andre Niemand

Thursday 2 August 2018

3 Easy Ways To Earn Money Online For Free

If you're reading this right now, then I have a few guesses about you - you need to make money online, you need to do it fast, and you don't have a lot of time.

Or maybe you're already earning money online and you just want to grow your online income. Whatever your reason is, I've got you. Because today I'll be showing you three easy ways to earn money online for free.

I don't want to bore you with a long introduction so let's jump to the good part.

3 easy ways to make extra money online for free.

1. CPA offers

To make money this way, just sign on or After login you'll be provided with a lot of offers to promote.

Once you have picked the one you like most you can forward it to some friends you think will be interested via email. If your friends like the offers, you'll get paid each time your friends sign up for any free offer you promote to them. The amount you'll get for each sign up can range from $0.50 to a couples of dollars.

If you have large following on social media you can make even more money promoting it there.

2. GPT (Get Paid To) Sites

These websites will pay you to perform simple tasks like completing surveys, watching videos, reviewing products, and so on. To make money with this simple method sign up on any or even all of these websites -, or

These sites have been around for over ten years now and each of them have paid over ten million dollars to their members all around the world.

They have truly stood the test of time and they are some of the most trusted sites on this planet when it comes to making money online.

3. Website Testing

Sites like and will pay you to test and review different websites on your mobile phone or laptop. They pay around $10 for each website you test.

They accept people from every country and they always pay on time. In fact, if you could only use one of these three methods to earn money online, I would recommend website testing.

So there you go - 3 easy ways to earn money online for free. Which of the three ways will you try out first? Which other website am I leaving out? Let me know in the comment section.

Check This out: Top 10 Websites To Earn Money For Free 2018. Click Here==>>>>

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Friday 30 March 2018

Top 10 Best, Popular and Famous Highly Paying Affiliate Programs

Affiliation is an automated and robotized marketing program where an online website advertiser, merchant or entrepreneur engage webmasters (the person who keeps a specific website) to place their banners ads or buttons on their blog or websites. Webmasters will receive a referral fee or commission from sales when the customer has clicked the affiliate link to get to the merchant's website to perform the desired action.

Generally, make a purchase or fill out a contact form, desired action varies from merchant to merchant and according to their offers or promotions. In other words, we can say that, it's an online business center for thousands of affiliate programs on the web. Now a days, affiliate marketing has become a multi-billion dollar industry and it's the best way to monetize your blog or website. All the affiliate networks system have their own tracking, reporting, and payment system.

Affiliate programs or associate programs is an agreement between an advertiser and a webmasters, if a company or organization has generated, produced or designed a product and they are promoting and trading it via your website then you can also generate extra income by inviting your website visitors to promote it in exchange for a commission.

Moreover, if you are monetizing your website or blog with the absolute affiliate program then it can make a lot of money with a slight effort. For this, you need a healthy, bountiful and rich content website with a handsome amount of targeted traffic.Advertisers finance in affiliate programs for initiation of consumer interest or inquiry into their products or services of a business, it is also called lead generation. Different advertisers provide different kinds of affiliate programs. All affiliate plans do not work in the same way or pay the same rates. If you join a search engine affiliate program you most likely will be placing text links or banners to their advertisers and you'll work on a pay-per-click fee. Similarly, some of others allow you to set up a shopping or store page that offers products related to the content of your website.

Basically, in association of any affiliate merchant means you are paid a commission per sale on the advertiser's website and pay-per-click affiliate programs reward the minimum amount, as affiliates are usually paid per thousand clicks (CPC).

There are lots of other affiliate marketing programs than the ones that have been mentioned below, but these are the ones that are extremely successful and has been short listed on the behalf of advertiser's worth and valuation, Alexa traffic rank, user experience and off course visitor's strength.

1- CJ Affiliate by Conversant (Commission Junction) - Since 1998

  1. Alexa Rank: 5,645
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $50, $100 (Direct Deposit, Check)
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: No

CJ Affiliate by Conversant is an extensive, largest and highly paying affiliate marketing network in North America, it operates globally. CJ Affiliate is one of the oldest advertising company that is why it is preferred affiliate network of more than 500 companies and major online stores on the internet. I will recommend it personally because it has unmatched hub of advertisers, beautiful and easy to understand user interface, unworried payment system and the customer support that we cannot find anywhere.

CJ Affiliate has a very large variety of products to promote and merchants (advertisers) frequently pay high amount of commission rates for CJ publishers when we compare to other marketing affiliate companies or even their personal in-house affiliate program.

CJ Affiliate Network is free to join and you can simply sign in to CJ Account Manager once your application is approved and apply to different affiliate programs. Some of the advertisers approve publishers immediately while others approve manually after reviewing your account/website. But you need to link a quality website with healthy and rich content to get approval for individual affiliate programs.

2- ShareASale - Since 2000

  1. Alexa Rank: 1,008
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $50
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: Yes

ShareASale is another popular and most accepted affiliate network with a large amount of product choices. It has collected an excellent ratings, with the company's outstanding persona, safety, morality, customer service, and ease of commission payment receiving glowing reviews. In fact, it is the well-known affiliate marketing company with over 3,900 merchant programs and more than 40 different categories. There are lots of other affiliate programs on the internet that are very distinctive to ShareASale.

ShareASale also provides you an extra feature that you can add products to your "basket". It means, you can keep all information about specific merchants or products that you'd like to apply for, review, or export later on.

If someone is unfitted or failed to find an appropriate advertiser on CJ then most apparently it will be here at ShareASale. Moreover, to get start joint affiliate program with ShareASale is not complicated. There are couple of important and easy steps to get started. Essentially, you have to verify that you own your website before you can join any of them, which involves placing a key code in your website's header tag.

3- Rakuten Affiliate Network (LinkShare) - Since 1996

  1. Alexa Rank: 2,138
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $50
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit, PayPal
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: No

According to writers and online surveys, Rakuten Affiliate Network Company has been declared and listed in one of the largest affiliate network, with over 10 million affiliate partnerships. Rakuten Affiliate (LinkShare) took the number one spot in the 2012 Affiliate Networks because of platform stability, support quality and ability to spread all around the world with more than 4,000 affiliate programs which allows you to manage your own program using the company's various service and support options.

Rakuten is not the quickest to sign-up or the simplest to navigate, but there's a lot of helpful guidance as you go. You have to sign-up with each separate advertiser before you can boost their products. This reveals that quality is important here.

Rakuten Affiliate has a lot of physical products to promote, including some big-brands. They provide access to thousands of publishers recruited daily worldwide. Search by product category, traffic, consumer geography and other criteria significant and relevant to your online affiliate campaign. They provide patented tracking technology, easy tools to upload ad links, coupon links or product feeds and reliable online payment options.

4- (Affiliate Window) - Since 2000

  1. Alexa Rank: 17,848
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $20/£20
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit, Wire Transfer
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: Yes, Affiliate Window is one of the best affiliate network in Europe and prominently increasing around the globe with over 2,100 advertiser and 75,000 publisher respectively. It provides instance access to nearly 77 sectors in 11 territories. This affiliate program is at the top because of its unique traffic light system which is providing visibility on payments, low threshold payments available in multiple currencies twice a month, simple user-friendly platform, interface with real-time reporting.
In 2013, UK buyers made 150M purchases via affiliate websites. Monetize your website and join the thousands of bloggers by adopting affiliate marketing as a way of monetizing your website in an intelligent and excellent way.

Affiliate Window is incredible to work with because this affiliate program understand that independent publishers have different demands and will work with the advertiser and publisher to ensure the program works for both. It has dedicated publisher services team with sector specialists, access to more than half of the UK's biggest brands* (as listed by IMRG 2013 survey), live chat support and multiple range of tools to create links.

5- Click Bank - Since 1998

  1. Alexa Rank: 3,414
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $10
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit, Wire Transfer
  4. Sell Products: Globally
  5. Referral Program: Yes

Click bank a well-known affiliate network and has a huge statistics with 200 million customers, it features over 6 million digital products, such as e-books, software and membership sites. With their network of 500,000 digital marketing experts in over 190 countries, digital product will reach customers around the world. They help you to set commissions that maximize the network of digital marketers promoting your offers and together watch your sales grow. Click Bank has delivered lifestyle products to customers around the globe.
After joining Click Bank affiliate program, you can get up to 75% commission on all sales. Find particular informational lifestyle products with just one click, obtain advice on any topic, immediately access products and there is no need to wait.

ClickBank sells lifestyle products that are produced by fervent entrepreneurs. Their products give innovation and instruction on topics ranging from training the family dog and Paleo cooking recipes to workouts to become a better surfer. With each click and every sale, their products improve the lives of customers around the world. They stand behind the products and strive to deliver unparalleled customer satisfaction.

6- Zanox - Since 2000

  1. Alexa Rank: 9,099
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: €25
  3. Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit, Wire Transfer
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: No

Perhaps the largest European network and a partner of Affiliate Window and eprofessional, zanox supports more than 4,300 international advertisers in the successful marketing of products and services on the internet. However, it is not very much familiar with USA but has a growing terrific reputation gradually. Globally, more than 700 people work for zanox and its partner companies. Moreover, zanox champions the establishment of international quality standards with its own Code of Conduct for all participants in the network.

Affiliate networks becomes important when they have an exclusive relationship with a brand. The most famous handmade marketplace's affiliate program is powered by Zanox. So you will need a Zanox publisher account to become an affiliate of Etsy.

Simply, display ads on your website and earn money for generating sales and leads. You gain maximum reach via Zanox global publisher network with a wide variety of publisher models. You will be given maximum benefit from their global network of high-quality brands and attractive promotions and their statistics enable you to track and improve your performance. They also provide great importance to trust, network quality and transparency.

7- - Since 2008

  1. Alexa Rank: 465,669
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $100
  3. Payment Method: Check, Wire, ACH, PayPal
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS
  5. Referral Program: Yes only works with top and high quality affiliates and provide some of the most sought after campaigns across various verticals, including campaigns for more than 100 different countries. They provide world class affiliate support, whether you are looking for a particular offer or are in need of a fresh new creative, their affiliate managers are your number one resource for helping you to generate the highest level of revenue. Lots of other affiliate networks suffer from disconnection, not so from this network. oblige anyone from beginner level to advanced affiliates. They have a very helpful staff that take each case on an individual basis. So, if you do not have much experience yet you should probably be best to try one of the other networks first. network declares more than 2,000 live campaigns in different categories, so there is definitely a large selection to choose from. To become a part of you have to fill out an affiliate application form, your application will be reviewed within 2 business days. You'll get a call to confirm all of your information and be assigned to an affiliate manager. They also offer domain parking and redirect monetization services.

8- Vig Link - Since 2009

  1. Alexa Rank: 9,959
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $10
  3. Payment Method: PayPal
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS, CPC
  5. Referral Program: Yes

It is very much similar to Skimlinks, complete the sign up process and then simply add one line of code to your website or blog and VigLink will automatically turns existing links on your pages into revenue generating links. VigLink can also insert new links on relevant terms and phrases to capture purchase purpose. You can also earn from purchase intent created in your app, the content created and shared over mobile apps drives purchase. VigLink's Rest API opens up a new revenue stream for publishers by allowing them to earn from this created purchase intent.
VigLink manages a publisher network of over 2 million sites and apps, as well as an advertiser network of over 50,000 brands and merchants. It is also backed by top investors including Google Ventures, Emergence Capital, and RRE.

VigLink believes that it links out every feasibility so what seems to be a simple and normal link to you can be turned into a monetizing affiliated link with them. It takes a 25% cut of the affiliate commissions generated from your website or blog. You get 35% of what they earn for a year from your referral. Moreover, VigLink identifies commercial products mentioned within content and links them to destinations determined in real-time, advertiser-bid auctions.

9- Valuleads - Since 2009

  1. Alexa Rank: 996,763
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $50
  3. Payment Method: PayPal, Pay Check, ACH (Direct)
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS
  5. Referral Program: Yes

ValuLeads is an energetic and widely growing, achievement based advertising agency founded in 2009. Their basic goal as a team is to provide the best value possible to every organization they work with. ValuLeads understand that each client, whether advertiser or publisher, has different needs and wishes. Therefore, they work with their customers on a one-on-one basis to create a completely customized system or campaign designed to maximize value and results. ValuLeads is committed to getting the top payout for each and every campaign.
At ValuLeads, every publisher in the network is distributes as though it were their most important customer. No matter, what the size of your campaign, they will always provide you the best possible support and guide you through all the ups and downs.

They also offer on-time payments, as well as flexible payment options and provide weekly payments (for qualified publishers). At ValuLeads dedicated experts and quality service continues from 8 A.M until 12 A.M, seven days a week. Fill out an application to set up a free consultation an affiliate manager will call you to discuss what offers to run, and how to work together to make you some money. They also offer referral program.

10- JV Zoo - Since 2009

  1. Alexa Rank: 3,517
  2. Minimum Payment Amount: $50
  3. Payment Method: PayPal, Stripe or
  4. Programs Offered: CPA, CPL, CPS
  5. Referral Program: Yes

It is free to become an affiliate at JVZoo. It provides one affiliate link and instant access for all products in a sales funnel. JVZoo having little resemblance to ClickBank. Because, it's a network for affiliates and sellers based around digital products. It's easy to manage, just like with ClickBank, you can check out the marketplace to get an idea of the products you could promote before you have even signed up. After joining, you can have access to the JVZoo Affiliate Product Library, which contains products from a wide variety of categories.

Their affiliate product library gives you up to the minute conversion and EPC details for all products. Know what you can expect from a promotion by seeing network wide performance data. When you promote a vendor's product, you are automatically cookied for all of that vendor's products.

As an affiliate, see exactly how your campaigns are accomplish in real time. You can even generate multiple trackers for the matching product, using our Tracking ID System. You can keep an eye on your campaigns with an instant sales notifications. Notices are sent to your email's inbox each time an affiliate sale is made. Vendors deal directly with buyers, so there is no need to provide customer support for people that purchase from your affiliate links.

Note: "Commission rates, payment method, offered programs and referral programs may change according to affiliate marketers new promotions and policies. Also, Alexa Ranking will not be consistent it keeps on changing with the variation of your traffic performance."

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Wednesday 7 March 2018

Make Money Online Testing Websites

In a world of bogus online job chances, it's good to understand there are a few genuine internet side hustles you can deal with to generate a healthy side salary. One particular such hustle is website testing. In the event that you've by no means tried it, after that now is a great time to find out what it is, how much you can possibly make, and who also will pay you to begin.

What precisely Is Website Testing?

Website testing is a fairly simple idea in which people who have no immediate ties to a brand dedicate time using, accessing, and examining the brand's website as a way of offering opinions on the features and appeal of the internet site. Website testing is priceless in today's market place, exactly where websites perform an integral role in both equally small and large brands' capability to reach, participate, and convert online clients. It's not enough to possess a website, the site needs to be enhanced in a way that it fosters great brand associations and eventually drives lucrative conversions.

When you take a look at the amount of time and dollars brands invest into web design and development, it turns into obvious why they take testing so significantly. Whilst every scenario is diverse, here a few average costs meant for developing a custom-made website:

Small business site: $2,000 to $8,000 Dollars

Medium-sized business web page: $10,000 to $25,000 Dollars

E-commerce internet site: $5,000 to $40,000 Dollars

Large business site: $25,000 to $40,000 Dollars

And so all those are simply the costs to get up and working. Once you throw in extra expenses incorporating domain name, SSL certificate, web page hosting, content management system, constant web design, advertising, and optimization, the regular costs can be thousands of dollars per month. Obviously, in the event that a business will invest in a site, they want to ensure it functions. They have diverse methods for identifying how well an internet site works, but nothing at all beats the raw, unfiltered nature of user testing.

How Much May You Help to make Testing Websites?

Let's be very clear about one point in advance, you are not really going to get rich testing websites at least in this capability. For the overpowering majority of persons, website testing isn't designed to be your full-time work and won't change your whole profits. It can, however, complement your cash flow and provide you a modest extra spending funds for the weekend, that following a holiday, or for a great buy without draining all your savings.

Generally speaking, virtually all website testing businesses are going to pay you $10 per internet site that you test. Sometimes you'll get $15 to $25, yet these are uncommon exceptions and are frequently merely provided to those with experience. A site testing session ordinarily lasts for 15 to 30 minutes, although there are an only a few that can be finished in right around 10 minutes.

In many cases, website testing possibilities are sent to end users via email-or inside an online platform-and you have to "claim" the test in order to earn access. Based on the quantity of users contending for options, it can certainly be harder to obtain tests with a few companies than others. If you get sent five offers to test websites every day, you'll most likely simply effectively claim one or two-and you'll have to act promptly. Having said that, an extra $10 daily can easily add up. If you test five websites each week at that rate, you can easily fairly expect to produce an extra $200 each month.

Learn How to Make Money Online right now! Take my Free Make Money Online Email Course. Also make sure you visit my Make Money Online Blog to read more similar articles of this topic.

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Sunday 11 February 2018

Essential Tips to Get Your Website Quickly Indexed in Google

Whenever we create a new website, our prime target is to get indexed by Google as soon as possible. Though there is no time guarantee as when your site will be indexed by the search engine, but there are certain steps that can help you to avoid the worst case scenario and get the search engines working for you. According to Google, crawling and indexing are processes that may take time and often rely on various factors. Predictions and guarantees cannot be made as when the URL will be indexed.

So, in this article, we will take up some factors that should be considered for quick indexing of your site in Google.

Understand what is indexing

Most of you may not be aware of the term indexing. In SEO, it refers to the search engines that keep a record of the web pages of your site. When the search engine bots starts to crawl your site based on index and no index meta tags, it continues to add pages with index tags. In simple words, it is the spider's way of processing and gathering the data from the pages during its crawl, which helps to improve your search results. The spider notes the new changes and documents and adds them to the searchable index that Google maintains. Google's algorithm goes to work and decides where to rank the page among all others based on the keywords.

Enter your URL on the Google's URL submission page:

Once your new website or pages are created, you can visit Google's Submit URL page and then type the URL in the box, check the captcha and hit the Submit Request button. But for this, you need to create an account on webmaster tools by using your Google account. Once it is done, you can wait for your website pages to get indexed on Google.

Create a sitemap of your site:

The next thing that you should consider is to create an XML file that stores all the links and the pages of your site so that it helps the crawlers of Google to quickly find your whole website. Whenever there are any updates or you create a blog on your site, include the link of the HTML site map on every page so that the search engine bot can index your site even if it starts from any corner of your site.

Use Google Search Console to track your site:

Google often recommends logging its Search Console once a month to check if there are any errors or dips in traffic. The site offers a variety of indexing-related tools and you will be able to confirm if Google is able to access your pages or not. You can even notify the search engine for a domain change or any changes in the address and even issue urgent blocks on your content that you want to take out off your site.

Use Robots.txt

In case you are not a developer or a coder, you might have seen a file, robots.txt in your domain files. This is a plain text file that resides in the root directory of your domain. It gives strict instruction to the spiders of the search engine about which pages they can crawl and index. When the spiders find a new domain or a file, they read the instructions before taking any action. So, your first step for your new site is to confirm that the site has a robots.txt file. This can be done by checking the FTP or by clicking on the File Manager via the CPanel.

Submit your site to blog directories:

This is another means of getting your site indexed very quickly on Google. Most blog directories allow submission of your site's content for free. They also give links and traffic. Also ensure to create social media profiles and use sites like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter and etc. to create pages for your site and submit any new posts regularly on them.

Following some essential tips for your site will help you to index it easily on the search engines. And once the pages are indexed, the search crawlers will easily crawl your site and you will be able to secure a higher search ranking with your content.

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Saturday 10 February 2018

7 Reasons Behind Growing Importance of Content Marketing in 2017

1.) It aids marketers make more money, generate more sales & pull in unexpected customers 

• This one sentence sums it up for me as if a marketing strategy does not help you make profit; Small businesses depend on large sales, and content Marketing.

2.) It helps you build valuable relationships and it is cheaper than other forms of marketing 

• It helps marketers create valuable relationships with their audiences and make sales.

• It can help build deals and relationship to boost sales by meeting prospects wherever they are at in the purchasing process and cajoling them forward by giving the knowledge they need to make their next stride. If you do this in a right way, you can convert them to walk them down on your path and increase ROI.

3.) It enhances your Brand Image and helps you make a Personal Connection 

• Businesses of various kinds can enhance their brand image by creating different types of brandings and sharing quality content. Subsequently, building up a content marketing plan can be a power-full game changer for your business' online growth.

• It is very powerful in establishing a personal relationship with users. Content that has your own personal touch helps you have chance to increase followers in the marketplace. By exposure of high-quality content consistently, you can develop the trust of your audience that will help you establish your name as a brand and nowadays people only like brands. It will help you to enhance your Digital Marketing Company brand image as well.

4.) It enhances Customer Engagement & helps you beat your Competitors 

• Content marketing lets marketers see execution through live on Facebook platform it will increase more traffic on your page and chance to make better relationship with users. This is the very personalized tool nowadays to make content effective. It is so, because your audiences love it; it is low cost-effective; it engages your customers, produces more popularity and helps you beat your competitors in a sustainable way.

• Value of content marketing is as if you have two platforms with similar Performa will prefer engaging with the one that includes content in their online marketing strategy like Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. This sustainable effort will makes your company unique, which helps you enjoy superiority in your industry in more powerful manner.

5.) Content marketing can work with any Industry, can let Non-Profits make Profits & can Attract People with Real Interest in Your Brand 

• The power of content marketing in 2017 is people will follow anything that they don't know and it will be knowledgeable. It will be time consuming people will connect through the world with the help of content and internet.

• It is very important that you build strong relationship and well-targeted and customized content marketing strategy with the help of digital marketing company.

6.) It is very powerful in Improving your Customer Experience & growing Long-term Audiences 

• Importance of Content Marketing includes in its ability of improving customer experiences and ensuring long-term facilities of audiences. Great content material gives brands something highlighted to talk about with their clients beyond complaints and difficulties, compliments, or inquiries. Each interaction you have with a prospect or customer can give you knowledge and increase the inquiries/issues they have.

• Through content marketing, you can answer those questions clearly and early in the process that helps you reduce the amount of complaints and confusions. Each part of content offers a great opportunity to hook new personalities and grow your fan base. As such gathering of audiences grows; you will have a much greater base of individuals willing to share your content that is the huge advantage of digital content marketing.

• Rather than beginning without any preparation as in traditional marketing, you can establish on your own success through content marketing with the way you want to. You can use follow up strategies with the help of digital marketing or email nurturing and social media marketing that help you enjoy steady gains in your users.

7.) It can help marketers increase Email Response Rates & encourage Virality 

• Content Marketing company importance includes its ability to increase email response rates and encourage Virality of internet population marketing campaigns. The email trafficking will increase rates it can be effectively increased by keeping professional communication intact through efficient content marketing by understanding site's audience and channelizing custom-fit campaigns.

• All the interactions that you have with a prospect or customer through Facebook, LinkedIn and Google. Whether in person, in phone call, in email, or through other traditional marketing methods, you have to be focused on giving value and truthful substance.

• For effective It, you need to create something that is highly interesting and entertaining like an interesting post on Facebook, Twitter and Google. Then you are ready to see special kind of Virality for your brand that no other marketing channel can provide.

This article has been written by Amit Kumar. This firm is the topmost SEO Company in Delhi helping firms to rank high. Choose this Digital marketing company in Delhi to boost your sales.

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Friday 9 February 2018

Tips for Building a Proper Digital Presence

If you take a look around, you will notice that everything has become digital nowadays. People watch TV online, read news on websites, read e-books, connect with others on social media and even shop online. There are apps for pretty much everything and we have become dependent on technology because it makes our life easy. In this age, it is essential for a business to have a digital presence if it wishes to stay relevant. Not only does this enable a business to advertise itself on the internet, but it also offers a way to expand and grow. The question is how to build a proper digital presence?

Listed below are some great tips that you will find helpful:

1. Start with branding

You need to select an appropriate logo that can catch the eye of your potential customers as everyone wants to look at something interesting. Opt for a color theme and make sure it is a good one because you will probably use it for a long time. It is best to stick to two colors; more than two can make things messy. Typeface can also play an important role in your branding efforts. Go with something that's a combination of modern and simple.

2. Create a website

Your website will serve as a window into the online world and every business is judged by people based on its website. Yes, you can make a website yourself as you can easily find a website template these days, but it is best to consult a professional for creating a unique and beautifully designed website. It is not just the appearance that will matter; the website should be easy to navigate, provide the necessary information and be optimized for SEO and a professional can ensure all of this.

3. Make accounts on social media networks

Every business is aware of the strength of social media these days and a business cannot ignore its importance. Nevertheless, it doesn't mean that you must have a presence on all social media networks because there are too many and it is simply not possible to manage all. So, which ones should you choose? Bear in mind that not all social networks are suitable for every business and you should select those where your target audience is most likely to be. Make accounts on the selected networks and focus your marketing efforts there to build a presence.

4. Work on content

Building a digital presence involves allocating some resources into creating content for your website, social media posts and also a blog. Coming up with content that's related to your brand and industry can help you in building credibility online. You can become an authority and a source of information people refer to, which is incredibly helpful as it boosts your traffic and improves your SEO.

If you look at the tips, you will notice that they all emphasize on presentation and design because you have to pull the customer to you in order to have a useful digital presence.

If you manage and run a hotel and are looking to have a digital presence, you should log on to that offers best and most useful website templates. Check them out now.

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Wednesday 7 February 2018

How to Succeed When All the Good Ideas Seem Taken

Are all good ideas taken?

That's a question I've often mistaken.

But when I focus and think

I solve idea problems in a blink

And good ideas in me awaken.

One of the biggest challenges most people have is coming up with a good idea. Whether it's for a business, product, an invention or just a way to make a few extra bucks on the side. The main problem most people I talk with give is all the good ideas seem taken already.

I found that to be true for most people who expect good ideas to come to them. Or they like waiting for a light bulb to go off or lightening to strike. But there are specific steps or techniques anyone can use to help good ideas come to you instead of you having to wait for them.

The Number One Mistake Most People Make Is...

I admit trying to come up with a totally new idea caused me the most frustration like it does most others. But I found a better, quicker, and easier way is to simply work to improve on an idea. Because more money is made off of idea improvements than original ideas.

In fact, people who try to create original ideas fail 10 times more often than people who focus on idea improvements.

There's Always Room for Improvement

Those five words above should work to encourage and inspire you to focus on idea improvements. Yes, whatever the product, service, or business you see, focus on improvement.

No matter how saturated the market appears at first glance, focus on improvement. Yes, improvements and profits are waiting for you to discover. Just take the time and small effort to follow the effective steps below.

3 Steps to Succeed When All Good Ideas Seem Taken

1. Add Something Extra

Thousands of successful new products are created each year by simply adding a new feature, twist or benefit. For example, cereals add more flavors, foods add more health benefits, cars add more safety features, and homes add more comforts and energy efficiency.

Service companies add more conveniences, comforts and amenities to their customers. Thinking of something extra you can add to an established product or service can pay big rewards. The key is knowing the unfulfilled wants and needs of your target market.

2. Take Something Negative Away

These days people are more cautious and careful than ever before. You'll find more people are willing to pay extra for not just what's in a product, but what's not in it as well. For example, salt-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, fat-free and the list goes on.

What negative can you take away or reduce in a product, service or idea? This could give you the foundation of a whole new market of customers.

3. Combine Two or More Ideas

If you can combine one or more successful ingredients, features or ideas you'd have a whole new product or service people could take notice of.

For instance, millions of people consumed peanut butter and millions of people consumed chocolate. So, an innovative candy company tried combining those two popular ingredients and came up with one of the most famous candy products in history, Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.

So when you find yourself having a hard time coming up with an idea product, or business try combining two or more successful product, service or business ideas. It works!


These are just a few of many ways to get creative ideas when all the good ideas seem taken. Use them to spark your creative juices. You'll discover they work... when you work them!

FREE Download => "Niche Creation Secrets --That Build Wealth (15 Proven Step-by-Step Successful Niche Finding Plans)" No Cost... No Email Submission Required... No Catch! -- Just Enjoy Your 'New' Profits.

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Sunday 28 January 2018

How To Manage Your Own Amazon Business From Home

The internet has given new businessmen the facility to launch their business with more ease, but it can still be difficult to get a strong foothold. Although, there are a huge number of retail websites online, a few major brands carry on dominating, much like the conventional high street retail. At the moment, Amazon is the biggest online retailer of all. The reality is that very few companies will ever be able to fight with Amazon. In this situation, the most excellent thing that you can do if you want to establish an online retail business from home is to get involved with Amazon, and turn it to your maximum benefit. Read on to find out the basics of getting up and managing your own Amazon business. You'll realize that by treating Amazon as a partner, you too can set up earning a great living from home.

Understanding how you should sell products in the retail setting means understanding what customers look for when they purchase them. Of course, every customer glances at the highest quality products at the lowest possible prices. If you can put forward something truly ground-breaking, or enter an existing sector with lesser prices, you can definitely attract a large amount of interest in your business. However, this interest is only useful if it turns into revenue.

Amazon is the biggest online retailer, in view of the fact that it is a brand that customers trust. If you begin selling on Amazon, they'll trust you too. To start with, you need to sign up for a seller account with Amazon. The standard Basic Seller Account is free, and offered to those vendors that sell less than 35 products a month. Products can be listed in up to 20 special categories, and you will basically pay a fee for each product sold.

As your business develops, you would like to upgrade to a Pro Seller Account. This type of account is charged at a minimal fess, and incorporates the ability to create new products, and sell them across up to 25 special categories. Even otherwise, an Amazon SEO Company can guide you more on how to manage your Amazon business in an efficient way. For checking the status of an Amazon SEO Company, always read the customer reviews that may have been publicized on their website. If they've made success for a particular product on Amazon, in all likelihood they have the resources to do it yet again.

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Saturday 27 January 2018

Own Your Own Online Affiliate Marketing Business

To own their own affiliate marketing business is the dream of many people, from all walks of life, both young and old. People who dream about owning their own business, often dream that seductive, wonderful and tantalising dream, the dream of being their own boss: the dream of becoming financially independent is so very real to them. The luxurious dream of not having to live from pay check to pay check, any longer. The, almost real, dream of not having to get up each morning, at some unearthly hour: for five or six days every week. Unfortunately, in reality, it will always remain a dream unless people take action.

Many people just dream about not having to go into work and face their boss, whom they just plain don't like: and, their normal routine. Their routine is usually that same old familiar, soul destroying, spirit crushing, routine; which, depending on where in the world you live, is at its worst during the winter months. It's the dreaded routine of having to get up in the morning, while it's still dark: then, when you get home at night again, finding it's still dark again. That's the routine that steadily wears you down; and, slowly but surely, kills people over the years.

Unfortunately for lots of people, who don't have any other options, this is the reality of their everyday working life, and it always will be unless they take action, and change that routine. That spirit draining, life sucking, mind numbing, everyday routine that destroys their happiness; and, sometimes, their very soul. Their routine of waking up, getting out of bed and taking a shower, of eating a hurried breakfast, gulping down a quick cup of coffee; then dashing out, maybe, in the rain or snow, to the dreaded daily commute, of maybe an hour or more in heavy traffic.

Ask yourself if your own routine of arriving at your 'j.o.b'; and, for the next eight hours, being at the beck and call of your boss, is really what you want to settle for? This, for five or six days, each and every week; and for, maybe, the next forty or fifty years: for the rest of your life, until you die? I ask this because there is a much more attractive, and much, much, more lucrative alternative: but, unless you do something about it, and take action, nothing will change!

Given the above harsh truths, it's no wonder that so many peoples' minds yearn for the freedom that owning their own online business can give them. Well, guess what, for those people who don't have a 'slave mentality'; for those who dream of living life on their own terms, and not having to answer to their boss, you can do just that. Because, with the advent of the new online digital economy, freedom is yours for the taking. Freedom now awaits people just like you.

For those who are possessed of an entrepreneurial spirit, and are willing to invest in themselves, and learn, there are now online business opportunities, such as buying and selling: or affiliate marketing, which allows people who fit the above description, to work from the comfort of their own homes. Affiliate marketing can enable you to travel; and, to be able to work from your own kitchen table, or anywhere else in the world. You can even work from the beach if you wish, (and if the weather permits.J)

Yes, there are some people who will hesitate, and start thinking about the responsibilities of owning their own business. About how they would be able to manage to do all of the different jobs that owning their own business will bring with it? I know that scares the living daylights out of a lot of timid people! There are some people who lack the courage, and tend to shy away from, even the very thought of, owning their own businesses: mostly because of all the different skills that are needed!

Those fears are ungrounded, kick them out, they should not be allowed to stop you owning your own business. The chief culprit responsible for those fears is the past mind conditioning that all of us have experienced, for most of our past lives. To give you an example of this, let's say that, if I asked you this question, 'Can you could finish this well known old saying?', "If you want something doing right, 'di dah de dah di dah'." I'll bet that you would very likely be able to give me the correct answer; because, as most of us know, we've been taught that the final words of this sentence are "do it yourself".

This saying was credited to one Charles-Guillaume Etienne, who was a 19th Century French writer. Since then, it's been passed on, over and over again; ad nauseum, by well-meaning parents, coaches, gurus and anyone else in the world who teaches self-reliance. For over two hundred years it has been gobbled up, without a second thought, and passed on by their disciples: also by their children, their followers and their minions. We've all been mind-conditioned into accepting as being the truth, the old saying that, "If you want something doing right you must do it yourself."

At best, this is suspect advice because, when you think about that saying, it's probably one of the worst pieces of advice to ever have become a universal cliché. Not least because, unless you're an absolutely superb expert at that particular, "something", that you need doing, how can you be sure that you are going to have the necessary skills that will enable you to "do it right", when you try to do it yourself?

Most human beings are highly proficient at only a handful of skills. So, for 99.999% of those "somethings", that you want doing right, isn't it better to find someone else to do it for you? Someone who really is highly qualified, and very talented, at whatever it is that you want doing: and, definitely, not to keep on slaving away, trying to doing it yourself.

In the new global digital economy there are people who earn their full time living working online, people whom you can hire to do anything you need doing. For example, let's say that you need someone to write great copy for you; or, to design and build you a highly converting web site and make sure that your site is optimized, so it will rank highly on the search engine results.

There are many hundreds of other 'somethings' that you might need doing; but, on the plus side, there are literally thousands of highly qualified experts online who are competing for our business, and who will do those 'somethings' for us: starting from as little as $5.00. So, when 'hired help' is available very cheaply, it's not very smart to try and do these things yourself. You should stick to doing the things that you really are good at.

There are some really great online, work from home businesses; which, if you are willing to work at, will enable you to make you a very good income and will give you the freedom to live life on your own terms. A life that can bring you very rich financial rewards, and will enable you to have the time to travel the world and meet new people. People who are of the same, entrepreneurial, go-ahead, mind set as you are. You don't have to do everything yourself, in fact it's not very smart to even try.

One of the misconceptions that people have about owning their own business, is that you need to have a huge amount of start-up capital in order to do it: well, a a misconception is exactly what that is, a wrong idea, a misunderstanding. Because you definitely do NOT need a huge pile of cash to get started on the pathway to owning your own business, your freedom giving, liberating and very profitable, own business: in fact, you can get started for less than $50. Nor, do you have to try doing everything yourself; there are very successful people who are willing to mentor you, to train you and, virtually, 'hold your hand, along the road to financial freedom.

It will pay handsome dividends for you to think about all the "somethings", that you may be currently struggling to do by yourself, which you should really be delegating to someone else. Just imagine, if you owned your own online business today, ask yourself, would you follow that dodgy piece of 19th century advice, "If you want something done right, do it yourself?" Just take a look at the list below.

  • Creating products to sell
  • Sourcing products to sell
  • Generating traffic
  • Converting traffic
  • Phone sales
  • Customer service
  • Website design
  • Business accounting
  • Tax returns
  • Staff payroll

WOW! I don't know about you, but I get the mental picture of somebody in a circus, rushing to and fro, desperately trying to keep those plates spinning around, on the tops of bamboo canes? How many people would even have the necessary skills, or the time, to efficiently handle all of the ten tasks above: very few I would imagine.
However, you can have someone do all of those things for you; and, that's what you should look for, when you think about owning your online business. That, and for the smallest possible start-up cash outlay and the ability to automate your own business, in order to free up your time, so that you can enjoy the money you're making. That's what you should be looking for, when you begin to think about owning your own online business. You should only try to learn from people who are more successful than you are; and, then you really can actually start living your dream.

Would you like, a 'Done-For-You' sales system WITHOUT ever having to pick up the phone to talk to anyone. Would you like to have personal 1-on-1 coaching with a Top Tier, very experienced, coach; (you'll have the phone number and email address of your coach.) Would you like to have access to the most effective sales funnels and best-selling products in the industry; and, a 'Done For You' fulfilment, payment processing and customer service for all of our products, You will have 'Done For You' phone sales, by a team of expert phone sales rock stars, who'll make and close all sales for you.

Would you like a 'Done For You' marketing system: so that all you have to do is place ads (which we'll give you); and, when this marketing system automatically turns them into buyers, you get paid BIG commissions. It really is that simple, all you have to do is advertise and send us leads; then, when we convert those leads into sales, you get paid!

You're at a fork in the road now; and, if you take the wrong path, on the left, and do nothing; then, tomorrow, you'll be stuck in just the same place where you're now at. You'll be living life by someone else's rules, and making money for someone else, with no hope of ever enjoying financial freedom. Here's the honest truth; you can resent the wealthy or you can join them, but only if you take the right path.

If you have the courage, you CAN take that path on the right. Here it is, below:

• The path to change...

• To a better life...

• A life full of Big Paydays...

• A life with no "money worries."

To Make the right choice. Click here =>

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Sunday 21 January 2018

How to Live Like a Millionaire Even If You Are Broke

Are you in a huge debt owing a lot of people lots of money? Fear not, despite everything, dare to live like a millionaire. Think it's impossible? Say to yourself instead: It is possible! And magic occurs. Read on to find out more.

You have recently become broke but your refrigerator has a stock of food fortunately and there is canned food as well. You have cornflakes and oatmeal in the kitchen and you can depend on them for days.

You have a luxury of clothes which you bought last month and you can still wear smart clothes.

Your house is full of junk material. You need to de-clutter your home to make space for more. Sell off the de-cluttered materials for instance, old books, old clothes and old kitchen utensils which you no longer need. Once you have done that, there is space for more and energy flows freely everywhere in your home.

The new aura of energy fills your mind and body and you are able to think clearly. Make a plan how to earn a little income based on which you can make more.

You can have great breakfast, wear matching smart outfits, write your resume and start dropping them off at various places you think yourself eligible.

Meanwhile try to work online. Ask a knowledgeable expert or friend for help. You just don't want to work online from new experience. You want to acquaint yourself with a working system that helps you to make money online. With the money you earn online, you are able to pay your bills and gradually all your debts.

You know you can make more money online but you prefer to work outside and give interviews. You contact the HR offices of the different companies you applied. Some reject while some show promise.

All this was possible because you were living like a millionaire up until now with very little worry and an abundant mindset. If you have made it this far successfully, chances are you will make it in an interview if you are called in and you will be hired.

Keep your fingers crossed while you wait to hear from them. You still have a stock of food and you still have the working system over the web to give you extra income. So far so good in spite of being a broke.

Well, that would be too harsh to address you now. In fact you are not a broke now - on the contrary you are living like a millionaire with an open mind.

The HR office of one company that you applied does call you for an interview. And you find yourself over the moon!

Your hard work of hunting out a work company is over and it paid off. Now you should face the interview boldly. Do not do everything alone. Ask a friend or mentor who is able to answer for you about how to prepare for the questions that you will be asked at the interview. Once you have started taking this preparation, there is 85% chance for you to get that job.

And it turns out that you do land on that job. Your broke days are over. Thanks to you that you played out like a millionaire all along until today with very little worry.

While you get handsomely paid, you need to update yourself with the fast pace of the web and start reading books in your niche. And only then you will stick to your job. Of course you have the side option of making money online as well. So it's all set. Update your skill set and learn foreign languages.

They will probably augment your position at work and you may even ask for a raise or promotion. Stick to your job and stick to making extra income online and everything falls into place.

After all, it did pay off playing like a millionaire for the time being. Remember you are no longer a broke and you need to shoulder responsibility to stick to your making incomes with a successful and abundant mindset.

Rosina S Khan has authored this article. For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks, commendable articles, quality scholar papers and valuable blogs, all authored by her, and much more, visit: You will be glad that you did.

If you would rather like to access her terrific collection of eBooks based only on fiction and self-help and download them for free, visit: You won't be disappointed and remember to like her Facebook page.

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Saturday 20 January 2018

You Can Become A Pro At Making Money Online With The Help Of This Article

Many people today are looking for different ways to supplement their income to help them earn a living, and one of those ways is through making money online. If this has been something that is drawing you to take a closer look at, then the following article is just for you! Keep reading for solid tips on how you can go about making money online.

Sign up for a site that will pay you to read emails during the course of the day. You will simply get links to scan over different websites and read through miscellaneous text. This will not take you a lot of time and can pay great benefits in the long run.

Organize your days to include specific work hours. You have to be disciplined if you're going to make income online. There are no fast routes to loads of money. You have to work hard daily. This will help you to get better at what you do. An hour each day could be a big difference!

Start out small when you want to make money online, to minimize potential losses. For example, something that looks promising could turn out to be a bust and you don't want to lose a lot of time or money. Do a single task, write just one article or order only one item until the site you choose proves to be safe and worthy.

If you are knowledgeable about a particular subject, put your knowledge to work for you. There are many companies, such as, that will pay you for your knowledge. Most of these sites do require you to write a certain number of articles each month; however, this is a fantastic way to bump up your earnings.

Figure out how much you are looking to make before you begin. For example, I don't want to work for less than $15 per hour, otherwise spending time with my family or completing chores would be more worthwhile to me. What is your worth? Once you determine it, stick to your guns!

To make real money online, it'll take some time to get it all down. Find other people that do what you want to do and talk to them. Ask them about website you are thinking about trying to make sure they are legit. Keep your mind fresh and open with a willingness to learn and try new things, and you'll find your money making chances soon.

Never pay money to obtain work online. Legitimate work online should pay you, not the other way around. If a service is charging you to provide you with work opportunities, chances are they are just playing middleman and providing links that are available for free if you know where to look.

As you can see from the above article, anyone can make money in the online world when they have a good idea and solid tips to follow. If you have been reluctant in the past to use the internet as a way to make money, you shouldn't have to worry any longer now that you read this article. Keep studying this topic, and soon you will see how it is possible to make money online.

Kurt Tasche is an Internet entrepreneur, martial artist and motivational speaker. He writes articles on the topics of Internet marketing, personal development, business, motivation, martial arts and more. His passion is teaching how the disciplines and strategies of the martial arts can be applied to self development and business. You can learn more about Kurt by reading his blog at:

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