Showing posts with label how to earn money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to earn money. Show all posts

Saturday 27 January 2018

Own Your Own Online Affiliate Marketing Business

To own their own affiliate marketing business is the dream of many people, from all walks of life, both young and old. People who dream about owning their own business, often dream that seductive, wonderful and tantalising dream, the dream of being their own boss: the dream of becoming financially independent is so very real to them. The luxurious dream of not having to live from pay check to pay check, any longer. The, almost real, dream of not having to get up each morning, at some unearthly hour: for five or six days every week. Unfortunately, in reality, it will always remain a dream unless people take action.

Many people just dream about not having to go into work and face their boss, whom they just plain don't like: and, their normal routine. Their routine is usually that same old familiar, soul destroying, spirit crushing, routine; which, depending on where in the world you live, is at its worst during the winter months. It's the dreaded routine of having to get up in the morning, while it's still dark: then, when you get home at night again, finding it's still dark again. That's the routine that steadily wears you down; and, slowly but surely, kills people over the years.

Unfortunately for lots of people, who don't have any other options, this is the reality of their everyday working life, and it always will be unless they take action, and change that routine. That spirit draining, life sucking, mind numbing, everyday routine that destroys their happiness; and, sometimes, their very soul. Their routine of waking up, getting out of bed and taking a shower, of eating a hurried breakfast, gulping down a quick cup of coffee; then dashing out, maybe, in the rain or snow, to the dreaded daily commute, of maybe an hour or more in heavy traffic.

Ask yourself if your own routine of arriving at your 'j.o.b'; and, for the next eight hours, being at the beck and call of your boss, is really what you want to settle for? This, for five or six days, each and every week; and for, maybe, the next forty or fifty years: for the rest of your life, until you die? I ask this because there is a much more attractive, and much, much, more lucrative alternative: but, unless you do something about it, and take action, nothing will change!

Given the above harsh truths, it's no wonder that so many peoples' minds yearn for the freedom that owning their own online business can give them. Well, guess what, for those people who don't have a 'slave mentality'; for those who dream of living life on their own terms, and not having to answer to their boss, you can do just that. Because, with the advent of the new online digital economy, freedom is yours for the taking. Freedom now awaits people just like you.

For those who are possessed of an entrepreneurial spirit, and are willing to invest in themselves, and learn, there are now online business opportunities, such as buying and selling: or affiliate marketing, which allows people who fit the above description, to work from the comfort of their own homes. Affiliate marketing can enable you to travel; and, to be able to work from your own kitchen table, or anywhere else in the world. You can even work from the beach if you wish, (and if the weather permits.J)

Yes, there are some people who will hesitate, and start thinking about the responsibilities of owning their own business. About how they would be able to manage to do all of the different jobs that owning their own business will bring with it? I know that scares the living daylights out of a lot of timid people! There are some people who lack the courage, and tend to shy away from, even the very thought of, owning their own businesses: mostly because of all the different skills that are needed!

Those fears are ungrounded, kick them out, they should not be allowed to stop you owning your own business. The chief culprit responsible for those fears is the past mind conditioning that all of us have experienced, for most of our past lives. To give you an example of this, let's say that, if I asked you this question, 'Can you could finish this well known old saying?', "If you want something doing right, 'di dah de dah di dah'." I'll bet that you would very likely be able to give me the correct answer; because, as most of us know, we've been taught that the final words of this sentence are "do it yourself".

This saying was credited to one Charles-Guillaume Etienne, who was a 19th Century French writer. Since then, it's been passed on, over and over again; ad nauseum, by well-meaning parents, coaches, gurus and anyone else in the world who teaches self-reliance. For over two hundred years it has been gobbled up, without a second thought, and passed on by their disciples: also by their children, their followers and their minions. We've all been mind-conditioned into accepting as being the truth, the old saying that, "If you want something doing right you must do it yourself."

At best, this is suspect advice because, when you think about that saying, it's probably one of the worst pieces of advice to ever have become a universal cliché. Not least because, unless you're an absolutely superb expert at that particular, "something", that you need doing, how can you be sure that you are going to have the necessary skills that will enable you to "do it right", when you try to do it yourself?

Most human beings are highly proficient at only a handful of skills. So, for 99.999% of those "somethings", that you want doing right, isn't it better to find someone else to do it for you? Someone who really is highly qualified, and very talented, at whatever it is that you want doing: and, definitely, not to keep on slaving away, trying to doing it yourself.

In the new global digital economy there are people who earn their full time living working online, people whom you can hire to do anything you need doing. For example, let's say that you need someone to write great copy for you; or, to design and build you a highly converting web site and make sure that your site is optimized, so it will rank highly on the search engine results.

There are many hundreds of other 'somethings' that you might need doing; but, on the plus side, there are literally thousands of highly qualified experts online who are competing for our business, and who will do those 'somethings' for us: starting from as little as $5.00. So, when 'hired help' is available very cheaply, it's not very smart to try and do these things yourself. You should stick to doing the things that you really are good at.

There are some really great online, work from home businesses; which, if you are willing to work at, will enable you to make you a very good income and will give you the freedom to live life on your own terms. A life that can bring you very rich financial rewards, and will enable you to have the time to travel the world and meet new people. People who are of the same, entrepreneurial, go-ahead, mind set as you are. You don't have to do everything yourself, in fact it's not very smart to even try.

One of the misconceptions that people have about owning their own business, is that you need to have a huge amount of start-up capital in order to do it: well, a a misconception is exactly what that is, a wrong idea, a misunderstanding. Because you definitely do NOT need a huge pile of cash to get started on the pathway to owning your own business, your freedom giving, liberating and very profitable, own business: in fact, you can get started for less than $50. Nor, do you have to try doing everything yourself; there are very successful people who are willing to mentor you, to train you and, virtually, 'hold your hand, along the road to financial freedom.

It will pay handsome dividends for you to think about all the "somethings", that you may be currently struggling to do by yourself, which you should really be delegating to someone else. Just imagine, if you owned your own online business today, ask yourself, would you follow that dodgy piece of 19th century advice, "If you want something done right, do it yourself?" Just take a look at the list below.

  • Creating products to sell
  • Sourcing products to sell
  • Generating traffic
  • Converting traffic
  • Phone sales
  • Customer service
  • Website design
  • Business accounting
  • Tax returns
  • Staff payroll

WOW! I don't know about you, but I get the mental picture of somebody in a circus, rushing to and fro, desperately trying to keep those plates spinning around, on the tops of bamboo canes? How many people would even have the necessary skills, or the time, to efficiently handle all of the ten tasks above: very few I would imagine.
However, you can have someone do all of those things for you; and, that's what you should look for, when you think about owning your online business. That, and for the smallest possible start-up cash outlay and the ability to automate your own business, in order to free up your time, so that you can enjoy the money you're making. That's what you should be looking for, when you begin to think about owning your own online business. You should only try to learn from people who are more successful than you are; and, then you really can actually start living your dream.

Would you like, a 'Done-For-You' sales system WITHOUT ever having to pick up the phone to talk to anyone. Would you like to have personal 1-on-1 coaching with a Top Tier, very experienced, coach; (you'll have the phone number and email address of your coach.) Would you like to have access to the most effective sales funnels and best-selling products in the industry; and, a 'Done For You' fulfilment, payment processing and customer service for all of our products, You will have 'Done For You' phone sales, by a team of expert phone sales rock stars, who'll make and close all sales for you.

Would you like a 'Done For You' marketing system: so that all you have to do is place ads (which we'll give you); and, when this marketing system automatically turns them into buyers, you get paid BIG commissions. It really is that simple, all you have to do is advertise and send us leads; then, when we convert those leads into sales, you get paid!

You're at a fork in the road now; and, if you take the wrong path, on the left, and do nothing; then, tomorrow, you'll be stuck in just the same place where you're now at. You'll be living life by someone else's rules, and making money for someone else, with no hope of ever enjoying financial freedom. Here's the honest truth; you can resent the wealthy or you can join them, but only if you take the right path.

If you have the courage, you CAN take that path on the right. Here it is, below:

• The path to change...

• To a better life...

• A life full of Big Paydays...

• A life with no "money worries."

To Make the right choice. Click here =>

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Sunday 21 January 2018

How to Live Like a Millionaire Even If You Are Broke

Are you in a huge debt owing a lot of people lots of money? Fear not, despite everything, dare to live like a millionaire. Think it's impossible? Say to yourself instead: It is possible! And magic occurs. Read on to find out more.

You have recently become broke but your refrigerator has a stock of food fortunately and there is canned food as well. You have cornflakes and oatmeal in the kitchen and you can depend on them for days.

You have a luxury of clothes which you bought last month and you can still wear smart clothes.

Your house is full of junk material. You need to de-clutter your home to make space for more. Sell off the de-cluttered materials for instance, old books, old clothes and old kitchen utensils which you no longer need. Once you have done that, there is space for more and energy flows freely everywhere in your home.

The new aura of energy fills your mind and body and you are able to think clearly. Make a plan how to earn a little income based on which you can make more.

You can have great breakfast, wear matching smart outfits, write your resume and start dropping them off at various places you think yourself eligible.

Meanwhile try to work online. Ask a knowledgeable expert or friend for help. You just don't want to work online from new experience. You want to acquaint yourself with a working system that helps you to make money online. With the money you earn online, you are able to pay your bills and gradually all your debts.

You know you can make more money online but you prefer to work outside and give interviews. You contact the HR offices of the different companies you applied. Some reject while some show promise.

All this was possible because you were living like a millionaire up until now with very little worry and an abundant mindset. If you have made it this far successfully, chances are you will make it in an interview if you are called in and you will be hired.

Keep your fingers crossed while you wait to hear from them. You still have a stock of food and you still have the working system over the web to give you extra income. So far so good in spite of being a broke.

Well, that would be too harsh to address you now. In fact you are not a broke now - on the contrary you are living like a millionaire with an open mind.

The HR office of one company that you applied does call you for an interview. And you find yourself over the moon!

Your hard work of hunting out a work company is over and it paid off. Now you should face the interview boldly. Do not do everything alone. Ask a friend or mentor who is able to answer for you about how to prepare for the questions that you will be asked at the interview. Once you have started taking this preparation, there is 85% chance for you to get that job.

And it turns out that you do land on that job. Your broke days are over. Thanks to you that you played out like a millionaire all along until today with very little worry.

While you get handsomely paid, you need to update yourself with the fast pace of the web and start reading books in your niche. And only then you will stick to your job. Of course you have the side option of making money online as well. So it's all set. Update your skill set and learn foreign languages.

They will probably augment your position at work and you may even ask for a raise or promotion. Stick to your job and stick to making extra income online and everything falls into place.

After all, it did pay off playing like a millionaire for the time being. Remember you are no longer a broke and you need to shoulder responsibility to stick to your making incomes with a successful and abundant mindset.

Rosina S Khan has authored this article. For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories, amazing self-help eBooks, commendable articles, quality scholar papers and valuable blogs, all authored by her, and much more, visit: You will be glad that you did.

If you would rather like to access her terrific collection of eBooks based only on fiction and self-help and download them for free, visit: You won't be disappointed and remember to like her Facebook page.

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Sunday 14 January 2018

Do It Yourself Internet Marketing (5 Tools To Get Started)

Internet marketing for newbies can seem a little challenging. But once you understand the basic principles you can develop that knowledge as your needs grow and change.

Internet marketing is the process of promoting your business online. The tools are different to other types of marketing, but you still need to know your target audience is, the benefits of your product or service and why people should buy from you rather than from somebody else.

Let's take a look a the 5 tools to get you started with internet marketing.

1. Your Website

The cornerstone for your online business is your website. To get started you'll need a name for your website. This is known as a domain name. You'll also need some website hosting so that you can 'rent' space on the internet. There are a number of website platforms that can help you to get your website online easily and quickly.

2. Your Content

Your next step is to generate some content to put onto your website. Content drives traffic and provides your audience with the value and information they're looking for. In addition to text, content includes video clips, online surveys, infographics, pictures and mp3 files, etc.

3. Your Traffic

You need people to visit your website. There are two major ways you can do this. You can bring in free website traffic or you can pay for website traffic. Free website traffic needs time to gather traction, but when it starts, it can deliver a constant flow of site visitors. Paid website traffic delivers immediate results, but the moment you stop paying, the traffic stops.

4. Your Emails

To connect with your prospects and encourage them to visit your website again, or buy from you, you need to get their email address. You might offer a free report or eBook in return for a website visitor's email address. You could ask them to become a free member of your membership website or to sign up to receive your newsletter.

5. Your Social Media

Social media makes it possible for you to connect with your target audience on social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Provide value in the form of help, advice and tips in relations to your niche and marketplace. As you build your followers, you'll develop a relationship of trust and recognition which in turn motivates them to visit to your website or buy from you.

Internet marketing is a step-by-step process to putting the right elements in place so that you get the desired result. An effective sales funnel puts your business on autopilot and consistently converts leads into customers if you structure it the right way. To help you set up an effective sales funnel for your business, download my free Sales Funnel Checklist at

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Monday 8 January 2018

Is Online Forex Trading Profitable?

If you have been thinking of online trading, Forex trading can be a good choice. But the million dollar question is, is Forex trading profitable? Since most people dive into this pool without getting prepared, they lose money. But if you have the right tools and strategy, you can make good money. In fact, you can make a lot more than what you can imagine. Like any type of investment, trading online has its own risks and benefits. Let's know if this trading is profitable and how you can earn profit as a trader.

Is Forex trading for you?

Without any doubt, Foreign Exchange is a high-risk market. But at the same profit, it offers high profit. However, you can earn these profits only if you have the courage to take risk. It's important to keep in mind that not all of your trades can give you profit. In fact, some of them may even result in a loss. So, you should be ready to suffer the loss as well. If you are ready to take the risks, one of your obstacles is gone.

Invest wisely

First of all, you need to get a better understanding of how the primary things in this market work. If you are not comfortable with something, you should first know about it. In other words, once you have the feeling you have it what it takes to be successful in Forex trading, you should go for it. However, you should invest wisely, which means you should invest an amount of money that you can afford to lose. In case of a loss, your living standards shouldn't be affected.

Have a trading strategy

You have to have a definite strategy in order to earn profit. Here it's important to bear in mind that there is no right or wrong way of doing your trade business. It boils down to your personal taste. You should stick to a method that works for you. At times, one strategy that works for a certain pair may not work for another pair. You have to have another strategy to be successful.

The thing is that trading Forex requires strict discipline and a powerful strategy that may help you focus and prevent emotional trading. Most traders lose money when they get emotional. With experience, you will be able to have the right strategy.

How to make profit

You have to understand the primary principles for making profit. Moreover, you need to know how to manage risk and trade psychologically. If you follow these principals, your chances of making a profit will rise. So, it does help to learn.

If you are not familiar with the basics, earning profits may be really hard for you. Below are the basics that you should focus on.


This trading parameter allows you to determine the closing price of a trade. Once it's the time, the trade will close automatically. In layman's terms, as soon as you the stop-loss is placed, you won't lose any money beyond your expectation.

Set your emotions aside

Being emotional while trading is a route to loss. So, you may want to set your emotions aside and only investment an amount that you can afford to lose.

Stay tuned

You may want to keep getting updates on the current issues in the markets. This will help you establish a powerful strategy so you can avoid losses and make profits.

In short, Forex Trading is profitable provided you have the right information, strategy and tools.

For success in online trading, it's a good idea to watch a helpful online trading tutorial. Hiring the services of a good online broker may also help.

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Sunday 31 December 2017

Top 9 Online Jobs & Part Time Work From Home For College Students, Housewives & Freshers

Most people have certain unique skills that can be monetized. Also, you can re-skill yourself anytime nowadays. After starting to do these part time online works from home, your income would increase.

You can become a successful businessman / woman and increase your income and profits by starting these types of online businesses. These business ventures require little or no investment.

You can operate and sustain many of these business activities from your home. Even, if you are already employed, you can operate a small business. For many, these ventures can become a full-time business.

A few top proved and profitable part time jobs from home and small business ideas are listed here, which would suit the skills, knowledge, and temperament of different types of people. Here are some excellent online business ideas here for everyone.

You can start a small business on your own. You can set up a home office. You can utilize the workspace at your home.

Most of the times, a fast/reliable Internet connection, a computer, phones and the required skills are all that is needed to start a small online business.

Profitable Home-based Online Jobs For College Students/ Housewives/ Fresh Graduates/ Unemployed/ Working Professionals

1) Social Media Expert

You can offer your social media promotion and marketing services from your home to the small-scale businesses.

You may manage their Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media profiles, groups, and pages as a freelancer. You will be implementing the right methods for managing the posts, content, and followers.

2) Make Money From Home By Freelancing

One can earn money by offering various types of freelance services to the companies.,,, and are some popular platforms for freelancers for getting projects. Numerous assignments and jobs are available for all kinds of skill sets.

Register at these sites as a freelancer to get projects. Technical services, website designing, content writing, logo designing, illustration, translation, proofreading, editing, ghostwriting, etc. are some sought-after areas for contract work.

Freelancing is one of the best online jobs for college students, fresh graduates, housewives and retired persons.

3) Creating a YouTube Channel

If you prefer online part time work and home based business ideas, then starting a YouTube channel is quite profitable.

Independent channels can be started by the users on YouTube and videos can be uploaded there for free. YouTube videos are highly popular. YouTube receives about a billion monthly visitors.

Videos showing and reviewing the latest gadgets, digital devices, electronics, cosmetics, etc. are very popular. You can create informative and entertaining videos, how-to video guides, videos on beauty/makeup tips, life and relationship tips, recipes, etc. that are highly profitable.

Most of us have seen advertisements while watching any video on YouTube. "Skip Ads" is clicked to watch an interesting video. This way the makers of the videos earn money. When the visitors play any video in which an ad is shown, the owner of the channel gains some money from Google. This process utilizes YouTube AdSense.

If needed, you can re-skill yourself anytime joining a short course, to learn the secrets of becoming a successful YouTube Channel owner.

4) Monetize Your Blog / Website Using Google AdSense and Affiliate Marketing

Do you have your blog/website where you have been posting great content? Does this site or blog have many visitors? If your answer is 'Yes' then you can start monetizing your blog. This is a profitable small business at home.

A great way to convert your blog into a source of income is using Google AdSense. Sign up for your Google AdSense account.

AdSense allows you to display ads on your blog or website. The ads are targeted at your website's content. For including the AdSense ads to your website, you just have to add the script where you wish to display the ads. You can earn money if the site-visitors click on the ads to view them.

You can also register for affiliate programs. If your web content or blog post focuses on a specific topic, you can include affiliate ad links of products relevant to your content. If the reader clicks on the affiliate product link and purchases it, you will earn money as commission.

Amazon Associates Affiliate program is quite popular since has a vast range of products.

Monetizing your blog is a profitable part time work from home. Manage your blog or other's blogs.

5) Online Tutor and Online Courses / eBooks

If you excel in the academics and can explain complex topics lucidly or have a flair for teaching you can become an online tutor. Earn money by sharing knowledge through online, virtual classes. You can teach and guide students online via video-calling.

Online tutoring is one of the best part time jobs from home.

You can work as an online trainer for your favorite subjects/skills. Also, if one is adept at creating videos and eBook, he/she can create online video courses and eBook courses. Reasonably priced online courses are very popular nowadays.

After creating eBooks, you can sell them via online retailers such as Amazon. Also, you can sell your courses, eBooks, and videos via your website.

6) Content Writing

A ghostwriter sells his/her articles or other written content to another party, without claiming any ownership or rights over those write-ups.

If you possess excellent writing skills, you can start your own writing business or work as a freelance writer. You can work as a content writer. This is one of the most popular part time work from home jobs.

For becoming a web content writer, you need to cultivate the proper reading, writing and research skills. You will get paid for writing creative or technical content such as reviews, articles, blogs, press releases, website content, social media content, etc.

Register at the freelance job sites and create your impressive online portfolio.

7) Editing or Proofreading

Proofreading and editing are necessary for all significant write-ups. If you are good in the languages and have good reading and writing skills, you can start your editing/proofreading business.

8) Translator

Vital documents or articles often require translation services. If you are good in English or other languages, you can earn money by working as a translator online.

Create your online portfolio and register at the top freelancing websites.

9) E-commerce Business

Selling products and services online is easy nowadays. Collect your chosen products from a wholesaler and sell them at higher prices via your websites or sites like Amazon or eBay. You can also ship your goods to Amazon, and it would sell and ship them to the customers for you.

If you can make various types of the latest jewelry or other exciting handicrafts or attractive soft toys, you can sell them on sites like Etsy.

This is a great part time work from home for housewives, fresh graduates, students and retired people.

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Thursday 14 December 2017

5 Ways To Make Money With Your Website

Have you ever noticed that when you get online each day there are advertisements here and there and in your email too about how to get rich quickly. What's really great about this offer with many faces is that apparently some have figured out how to get enormously wealthy only working a few hours a week!

The popup ad calling says '"$30,000 per month Part Time Work" or "How to Make a Fortune Working at Home", many of these tempting ads that you just wish so much that they were true that you just had to check it out. Well I've checked out a few too, not lately though.

You will also be able to accomplish your dreams and become financially independent. The only difference between the truth and the lie is this; you are going to have to work for it! and much more than just a few hours a week if you want to make enough to live on.

The time will fly by while you are getting your website built and full of quality content, images, menus, etc. It's going to take some time especially if you're building it yourself, and I'm sure that most all of us are.

Even if someone else builds it for you someone has to fill it up with quality relevant pages and posts, images, etc. There is quite a bit to learn and to do in order for you to understand just how you're going to attract viewers to your site and so much more.

There are many programs that make false claims and collect money and offer little in return after making get rich quick claims. What their selling and making such great witness to, is an out of date system that worked a few years ago but has been replaced with an updated version that will be sold by it's owner once their done with it. Chances are that the new buyer will learn a lesson or two but won't get rich quick.

All that being said, the truth is that when an experienced online business owner or affiliate marketer views the income opportunity, they see it from the eyes of experience. They already understand many things that only come with experience and they won't have a learning curve that could take a few months or more, unlike the beginner.

So someone with internet experience and understanding can spot and take action on an opportunity and begin earning revenue much sooner than someone just starting out. The beginner sometimes can have difficulty even understanding simple directions concerning so many things like HTML code install, tags, meta title and description, keywords and much more.

Another thing is that one days work for the experienced online entrepreneur can be a few weeks work for someone just starting out. That person can really take advantage of an opportunity much quicker than someone new to the internet.

That simply explains the reality of the good online opportunities that you might come across. The experienced online marketer can also spot a "not so good" opportunity, probably falling for at least one themselves and learning from it.

Yes, you can make a good solid living online and yes, you can be a successful entrepreneur, willing to work and put in the time to gain the necessary knowledge and experience, and understand that there is no free ride to making money online. Now there are many legitimate ways to make money online without getting taken advantage of.

Lets have a look at some of the ways to make a real income online:

1. Sell on Amazon, eBay or Etsy -

There are many online that make a nice full-time income selling some of the way over a million products on Amazon, eBay or Etsy. I guess there's no real answer to which of these marketplaces is the best as they all have their pros and cons, so you need to work out which one will work best for you in your situation. Whether you decide to sell vintage clothing, cool new jewelry, sporting goods, exercise equipment or anything else, one of these marketing programs just might be right for you.

So if you don't mind taking some pictures and spending time putting up listings and shipping items (or pay for service) you could be set quite nicely to profit from these giant merchants. Usually at the bottom of the page on any of the sites there will be an affiliate link to click on to become an affiliate. There are lots of other options like Craigslist that are more for local selling and that can be great for large and heavy items that you don't want to have to ship that far.

2. Teach Online - Did you know that there are also any number of teaching opportunities?

If you like to teach and would rather do it from the comfort of your own home, you could think about teaching for one of the online schools. If you are a teacher and would like to teach online you should take the time to explore the online schools and find a good fit for yourself.

There is enough information online, in books and reports, available to help you get set up to teach online. HigherEdJobs has over 200 online teaching jobs, and this is one of the largest job bank resources for online instructors.

Another thing is that some of the larger universities regularly have open positions, whether full time or part time. You can also search the careers section of large online school websites, and this is a good way to find out what the minimum requirements are and the schedule of payment to online faculty. You can also check out WorkAtHomeMoms or

3. Videos and Webinars - The internet provides a great opportunity to teach viewers about all kinds of things from how to speak a language to how to train your dog, and everything in between. You can create a video or webinar or help those interested and you can charge for these and there are many millions of potential viewers. It's a far more lucrative service than print material is and it's also still very profitable so there is opportunity there.

Many are making a full time income from their YouTube account. Do you feel comfortable in front of the camera, if so you could teach a course step by step in a webinar(s) of your own.

4. Create-Sell Products Online

This ties in with #1- Check out your own creative talents and what you can do and take advantage of them, seeing if you can create a product that you can sell. Crafts, jewelry and vintage items on Amazon, eBay, Etsy and other marketplaces on the internet. There are a number of options for selling depending on the product you have for sale.

You can also find a best selling item on Amazon or eBay and purchase it in bulk from, have it shipped to and stored at Amazon and after each unit is sold Amazon will take care of the shipping for you. Many are making really nice earnings by selling their own products or affiliating a variety of products on Amazon, eBay and Etsy.

5. Provide Writing or Content Services - If you think that you might have some writing skills, you can find work in many different areas ranging from technical writing, blog content writer, editor, grant writer to name a few. You can sign up and inquire of any or all of the sites that provide opportunities for writers and clients to connect and start getting paid to write through sites like PaidForumPosting, Freelancer, Fiverr, Upwork, RightlyWritten and many others.

You can Google search article writing and find a hundred magazines that pay to have articles written. I know a few that get paid very well to write a certain number of articles per month for a number of magazines and large websites.

In order to build up traffic and interest sites and magazines, etc., need dependable writers to provide quality content on a regular basis requires plenty of well written informative articles that make your customers stand out as experts in their niche.

Make sure to include only up to date and accurate info, relevant to what they need and are searching for. Your articles will be well written with fine grammar and spice to bring in their viewers.

When you use a well thought out plan for your writing projects, search engine optimizing each page and using nice attention getting headlines and great quality content you can make your clients look like absolute experts in their niche. This will be seen in your work and they will continually come back for more.

A smart business owner will recognize someone that produces quality and will want more of your services and will be eager to pay for them. Some times they'll order many articles at once or with various titles and want the posts to be a certain number of words usually between 500 - 2500 some orders are for 3000 words or more.

If you can do the research and write quality posts and articles within your niche. A writer that pays very close attention to detail, can build a very credible reputation for their clients and themselves.

Did You Know That...

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Monday 27 November 2017

7 Shortcuts to Making Money Online

It is easy to make money online, but like with any other jobs or businesses, the guarantee of steady income depends on the level of dedication you can give, and the extent of your knowledge in the activity you are venturing into. Beware because there are many scams, impractical jobs and careers online that might just waste your time instead of use it for something that can actually provide you decent livelihood. The good news is that this article will give you better ideas to make money online the fastest and easiest way possible.

Your search is over. Here are seven proven ways to make money online.

1. Earn by selling items on eBay.

eBay is one of the largest e-commerce sites today as it continues to attract millions of customers looking for great and unique deals that no other online stores can offer. You can sell and auction brand new items, antiques, hand-made crafts, rare items, what have you. There is no limit to what you can sell, so the potential for this business to make money online is enormous. There was a time when a lady auctioned her forehead for a permanent advertisement using tattoo, and a company actually bought the deal.

2. Make money online fast with affiliate programs.

Affiliate marketing is the "it" thing in home business because you can earn passive income without allotting more time to it. If you have the knack for writing reviews and creating promotional contents, you can convert your talent to make money. With affiliate programs, you get commission for every product sold through your website, which can be tracked using a unique ID (link).

You need to have your own website or blog for this. The potential for income is only limited by your traffic, so you might need to build your network as early as now before you can expect it to pick up. 

Darren Rowse, one of Amazon's leading affiliates, earns an average of $90,000 a year simply by promoting products belonging to the bestsellers list. The road to success and finally earn money online was never easy, though. In 2003, as he started to incorporate Amazon's affiliate program in his blog, he just earned a couple of hundreds of dollars per month. However, as his traffic increased, he began to earn bigger commissions up to what it is today.

3. Make money online by becoming a full-time virtual assistant. 

The demand for virtual assistants is high because many small businesses and professionals now resort to this system in managing their files, emails, social media accounts and customer service management needs. The rate at which you can make money greatly depends on the services you can render, but the more flexible and skilled you are, the more you can earn.

Even if you raise your price to a ceiling higher than what regular office-based assistants earn, you can still get decent employers as the overall expense will still be lower (i.e. no benefits and leave credits to be paid).

4. Publish eBooks on Amazon and Barnes and Noble

The best way to make money online for highly promising authors is by publishing eBooks and selling them to frequented sites like Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can easily make money online because these two sites are the leading sources of eBooks for tablets, smart phones and computers. Amazon, in particular, has a continuously expanding market for Kindle users.

Do you want to learn how to make money online by being an eBook author? For every copy sold, you get a certain percentage of the selling price, which means your profit has the potential to reach great heights. Even if you just sell 1,000 copies a month, at $9.99 a piece, you can make money online and earn almost $3,500 for that month.

Michael Prescott was a frustrated author who had many rejections in the last 30 years. eBook publishing opened another door for him as his self-published thriller made it to the USA Today's bestselling list, selling more than 800,000 copies and still counting - the same book that was rejected by more than 25 publishing houses.

5. Earn by answering surveys

 Answering online surveys does not really pass for a permanent replacement to a full-time job, but you can still make money online just by answering e-forms for five to 45 minutes a day. On top of that, you can earn free products and gift vouchers if you will join focus groups that are hired by companies to test new products before launching.

6. Make money online as a freelancing manager

The freelancing marketplace is a big community of virtual employees and employers across continents. E-lancing is becoming the new face of sideline, home business and freelancing on all parts of the world as it is more convenient yet still lucrative. You can make money online more than what office workers earn without leaving your bedroom.

As a freelancing manager, you will be in charge of the outsourcing requirements, including manpower pooling, project supervision, liaison, training and quality checking. There are thousands of employers looking for long-term freelancers at huge volumes. Your job is to provide the employees they will need by being your own recruitment team. The potential of this job is so promising that you do not even have to take projects yourself just to make money online.

The top freelancing marketplaces are oDesk, Elance, PeoplePerHour, Guru, Thumbtack and Flexing It. 

7. Start monetizing your blog

Blogging can be more than just a hobby, and Perez Hilton is a living proof of that. When he started gossiping about Hollywood stars and playing with their pictures online by doodling over them, his approach to tabloid reporting was seen as unique, engaging and fun. From there, he created a whole new platform for entertainment reporting. Fast forward to 2014, he is now the highest paid entertainment blogger among those who make money online.

Like with any blogger trying to make money from writing, he started earning from ads until talent fees came in through interviews, guestings and appearances. The point of this is that your potential to earn is limitless if you also have huge traffic to boast about.

Many PPC vendors like Google AdSense pay huge amounts to bloggers who attract niche markets. All you have to do is concentrate on one industry, improve your style and make your website look professional. Thrown in a well-planned internet marketing strategy, and you can gain thousands of visitors in no time and make money online like everyday is payday.

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Sunday 26 November 2017

4 Useful Ways to Make Money Online

Whether you are looking to make a sustainable income or some fast cash, there are plenty of ways to earn extra money with the wide-ranging opportunities offered online. However, it is necessary to be disciplined in your approach to making money. Also, it can help to enter an area that interests you to help stay focused and interested.

Here are four ways to make money online:

Start a blog

One of the most sustainable and easiest options to make money online is by starting a blog. A well planned blog that is based on the right niche with plenty of useful and unique content that targets a specific audience has the potential to make passive income over the long-term. Many think the process of setting up a blog is difficult, but in fact the learning curve isn't too bad. There are several website building tools available to make creating an online presence quite straightforward. In the process of building a blog, you need to think about the offers or ways to make money, such as selling e-books, full-blown training, mini-email courses, or similar.

Email marketing

Email marketing is certain to appeal to anyone interested in online marketing. It starts with creating a website, setting up email software and then to develop a sales funnel that targets the right audience. The marketing material send out to your list must deliver value and cannot simply be marketing related. Without a regular supply of high-quality content that engages your audience, it can be difficult to keep members subscribed to your list.

There are several ways to get subscribers signing up to your list. A typical method is to use lead magnets like cheat sheets, checklists and e-books. Also, there is the option to convert an article into a PDF to add extra resources such as audio files and video training courses.

Webinar training

A very potent way to make money online is with webinar training. But, this is only an option for those with in-depth knowledge on a particular subject that others want to learn about. Also, a website with a decent online presence and a product or service to sell is necessary.

Develop Apps

Learning to become an app developer is certain to appeal to many people. While it will be difficult to compete with the major brands and apps, there are still plenty of opportunities to think up a niche idea that can meet the needs of certain people. This can be something like a podcast organizer, a list and illustrations of yoga poses, a tip calculator, or anything that interests. Also, for those with a unique app idea, but without the programming know-how to build an app, there is the option to hire someone to build it on your behalf.

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Friday 24 November 2017

Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online Fast

You are probably familiar with the prospect of earning money online. Perhaps you have even tried it yourself, but were unsuccessful and hoping to seek some advice. Well, the truth is, earning money online is entirely possible, but requires a lot of dedication and hard work, with just a hint of luck. Below are listed some of the possible ways to make money online.

1. Selling Stuff Online

Selling things online can be done by anyone and opens up so many doors. If you have a lot of clutter around your house, you could be sitting on a goldmine. With websites such as eBay and Amazon, it is incredibly easy to sell second-hand items. Albeit you probably won't be earning a lot per item, but if you have hundreds of items, you could easily see your income growing. This is usually only a temporary solution, unless you plan on finding inventory from wholesalers or even creating your own products, such as you will often see on Etsy. More commonly nowadays, many people are selling things on Facebook, since the introduction of groups have made it so easy. Similarly to Craigslist, this is a good option if you prefer selling and buying in your local area.

2. Affiliate Advertising

Affiliate advertising may be something you have heard about, but not a lot of people really understand its purpose. You earn a commission selling products or services for someone else, usually through links on a blog or website. This method can be quite successful when done properly, but it won't make you rich overnight. In order to sell, you need to attract a high amount of traffic to your blog or website, with the appropriate content and information, which will hopefully encourage your readers to use your affiliate links.

3. Work at Home Jobs

This is a large umbrella term used to describe any sort of job that can be done long-distance, or more specifically, from home. While many careers can be done from a home office, some of the most popular ones are data entry, blogging and even doing surveys. Again, these are usually slow-earners, but can give you some supplementary income on the side of your full-time job. Surveys are outsources to a large amount of people, when a company is doing market research, so they are usually run through an organization such as Global Test Market or Toluna. The latter offers a variety of ways to earn extra money, including product testing and polls.

4. Webpage Design

Webpage design is in huge demand and if you have a computer and an internet connection, you can also learn how to code. With a thorough knowledge of HTML, CSS and PHP, you already have all the tools to build simple webpages. Consider helping others with their WordPress themes, portfolio webpages or blogs, and you could be earning some serious money.

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