Showing posts with label online money making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online money making. Show all posts

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Getting More Traffic to Your Website or Blog

There is a very common question that anyone who has a website or a blog has and this has to do with getting more leads and even traffic. There are many options that are being offered today to get rock solid traffic, and sometimes you can even make money while you are at it.

Creating more value for the prospective target

This is a great question that you should ask yourself. Value can be defined as a resource. This could be an article, a video or even a blog that is aimed at solving problems. The prospects are people who are more likely to work with the business and even sell the products as well. You need to make the offers more attractive to the prospective customers to encourage them to buy.

If you have some capital

If you can, you should invest in the business. You could hire a coach who has the kind of success that you may have always desired. This can have a great impact on your lifestyle and your life too.

You also need to learn more about the per click kind of advertising. You can use social media and use the available online courses that can help you apply this successfully to your blog or website.

You should also take time to invest in some long-term decisions. Take your time to strategize. It may not pick as quickly as you would like but the time taken to build your business will be very worthwhile in the end.

If you do not have any capital

You can try making money from the people that you want to emulate. You can achieve this through network marketing or use affiliate sales and programs. There are up lines that can offer some free coaching if you prove to be serious.

You need to create content every day. This should always be value driven by the target prospects. This will keep them interested and fully engaged at all times.

You also need to reach out to the market and to people in the social media platforms as well as on the offline meetings. If you are not conversant about prospecting, there are available resources that can prove helpful online. When you follow the plans well and diligently, you will be able to get waves of rock-solid traffic eventually. You will notice that your sales and leads will grow quite a lot as you follow the steps.

The best thing about using solid traffic is the fact that this is usually real people who are hyperactive responsive and they can show interest in hearing more about what you offer. When you have the best traffic source, you can access a large inventory that guarantees consistency and quality. With the best providers, you simply place the order and then let them take care of the conversions and the traffic. Optimization is very important in such a case. Having a great traffic source can work really well for you and your business.

Solo Ads have often been advertised as the best way to get leads and conversions to your site or blog. However, there is much more to learn about this. Best traffic source is backed by traffic and media buying experts, who have a lot of experience in the marketing industry. An igneous system allows them source traffic from different channels offering you great success.

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Tuesday 20 February 2018

Developing New Leads and Prospects With Twitter Ads

Twitter rolled out a lead-generation advertising service in 2013. When they did, Internet marketers and brick-and-mortar businesses with a social media presence were ecstatic. They finally had a vehicle on the second-largest social network that gave them a wealth of information about Twitter users who responded to these lead-gen ads.

Then, in December of 2016, Twitter began phasing out the lead-generation ad format. The previous system allowed you to request people's names, email addresses and Twitter handles if your advertisement showed up in their news feeds. Twitter launched this type of transparent demographic advertising system as a way to compete with Facebook ads.

However, due to pressure from users about privacy concerns, Twitter did the right thing. They gave their constituents what they wanted, less access to sensitive information such as ZIP codes, country of residence, job title and phone numbers. Does this mean that using the current Twitter ad platform to generate leads is now a waste of time? Nothing could be further from the truth.

How to Use the New Twitter Ads to Generate Leads

With the new ad platform, you have 3 different types of ads you can use in one way or another to find new prospects.

Promoted tweets - You pay for your tweets to be displayed to people that are not already following you.
Promoted accounts - Your account is promoted to targeted Twitter users.
Promoted trends - You pay to promote a hashtag.
You can form a Twitter ad campaign that uses any, some, or all of the 3 ad types. The different types of campaigns are as follows.

Tweet engagements - your campaign focuses on building conversations and engagement about your business.
Followers - If you want to build your list of followers, this is the campaign to use.
Awareness - You pay for impressions here, rather than actions.
Video views - This campaign is pretty self-explanatory. It works to improve the number of views your videos get.
Website clicks or conversions - If you have a great landing page to build your email list or prospect pool, this is the campaign you want to focus on. This campaign type includes a Website Card, which lets viewers see a preview of your site inside your tweet, without having to leave Twitter.
App installs or re-engagements - This gets people to download your application, and also reaches out to those who have already downloaded your app, but haven't used it in a while.

As you can see, the many aspects of the new Twitter ad system can be used a number of ways to generate leads. While the lead-generation ad campaign has been removed from Twitter, constructing a campaign focusing on website clicks or conversions can be used instead, to generate leads by sending Twitter users to your opt-in page.

If you focus on increasing the number of views a video gets, use that video to offer a free opt-in bribe or gift in exchange for joining your newsletter. An app install campaign can likewise build your prospect pool, as long as your app provides some value for the end user. Likewise, using a Twitter ad campaign to boost the number of followers you have expands your reach, and the more people you interact with, the more leads you can generate.

Author: Syed Mubashir
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Wednesday 14 February 2018

Life Equals Time - Style Equals Money

Put yourself in a position where you have... Time AND Money.

Become the best version of You. Invest money in yourself.

Put your money into things that make money.

Have the attitude that... Money is abundant and money is all around you.

You can survive weeks without food, days without water but only minutes without oxygen. As soon as you take away oxygen...

It becomes the most important thing in life!

It's something we seldom consciously think about, unless you take it away.

You don't think about breathing unless you can't breath... (And usually that only happens once).

However, when you don't have any money, it dominates your daily life... All Day Long - Everyday!

It's all you think about. Fortunately, when you get to the place in life where you have an abundance of money, a productive life changes and becomes about helping others.

And when you focus on helping others... You will be rewarded by "The Universe" and have even more abundance.

We can't prove it. Some call it spiritual, others call it karma, luck, favor... Science can't prove it. No machine can measure it. It just works!

Some call it "Faith."

You can then go out and bless others. Become an abundance warrior.

Set a personal goal. Surpass it. Learn how to empower others.

Build a social media influence and scale your business.

Get a digital product such as an automated webinar funnel.

And then put the webinar on replay.

People will purchase from the automated webinar.

Then, by promoting affiliate offers, the selling is done "auto-magically".

You just collect, keep, and cash the commission checks.

What a wonderful life!

Build... Grow... Scale... and Multiply

Always sounds so easy. But is it really?

The truth is NO, it is not.

It's hard and like anything worth having in life... It takes work!

That's the dirty little secret they don't tell you in the ads.

But the reality is... The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Become.

I saw Donald Trump at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City about a decade ago. It was a FREE speech, no charge to get in, no security checks, no bomb sniffing dogs. Open to the general public.

Anybody could come, no metal detectors.

It was a different world back then... Safer!

(I heard 'The Donald' got paid a million bucks for the speech).

I remember Trump was talking about Paul McCartney. Trump said... 'that poor bastard Paul McCartney' didn't have a pre-nup.

That divorce cost Paul a ton of money, No pre-nup!

After an interesting, unscripted and entertaining speech, at the end of the evening, 'The Donald' concluded his talk by saying something I'll never forget.

Donald Trump said... "Never, never, never, never, Never Give Up!"

Here it is now a decade later, and that still sticks in my mind.

Carl Willoughby is an internet entrepreneur that has been online more than 20 years and can help you start a successful online internet business. Visit his blog at:

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Wednesday 7 February 2018

How to Succeed When All the Good Ideas Seem Taken

Are all good ideas taken?

That's a question I've often mistaken.

But when I focus and think

I solve idea problems in a blink

And good ideas in me awaken.

One of the biggest challenges most people have is coming up with a good idea. Whether it's for a business, product, an invention or just a way to make a few extra bucks on the side. The main problem most people I talk with give is all the good ideas seem taken already.

I found that to be true for most people who expect good ideas to come to them. Or they like waiting for a light bulb to go off or lightening to strike. But there are specific steps or techniques anyone can use to help good ideas come to you instead of you having to wait for them.

The Number One Mistake Most People Make Is...

I admit trying to come up with a totally new idea caused me the most frustration like it does most others. But I found a better, quicker, and easier way is to simply work to improve on an idea. Because more money is made off of idea improvements than original ideas.

In fact, people who try to create original ideas fail 10 times more often than people who focus on idea improvements.

There's Always Room for Improvement

Those five words above should work to encourage and inspire you to focus on idea improvements. Yes, whatever the product, service, or business you see, focus on improvement.

No matter how saturated the market appears at first glance, focus on improvement. Yes, improvements and profits are waiting for you to discover. Just take the time and small effort to follow the effective steps below.

3 Steps to Succeed When All Good Ideas Seem Taken

1. Add Something Extra

Thousands of successful new products are created each year by simply adding a new feature, twist or benefit. For example, cereals add more flavors, foods add more health benefits, cars add more safety features, and homes add more comforts and energy efficiency.

Service companies add more conveniences, comforts and amenities to their customers. Thinking of something extra you can add to an established product or service can pay big rewards. The key is knowing the unfulfilled wants and needs of your target market.

2. Take Something Negative Away

These days people are more cautious and careful than ever before. You'll find more people are willing to pay extra for not just what's in a product, but what's not in it as well. For example, salt-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, fat-free and the list goes on.

What negative can you take away or reduce in a product, service or idea? This could give you the foundation of a whole new market of customers.

3. Combine Two or More Ideas

If you can combine one or more successful ingredients, features or ideas you'd have a whole new product or service people could take notice of.

For instance, millions of people consumed peanut butter and millions of people consumed chocolate. So, an innovative candy company tried combining those two popular ingredients and came up with one of the most famous candy products in history, Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.

So when you find yourself having a hard time coming up with an idea product, or business try combining two or more successful product, service or business ideas. It works!


These are just a few of many ways to get creative ideas when all the good ideas seem taken. Use them to spark your creative juices. You'll discover they work... when you work them!

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Thursday 18 January 2018

What Is Bitcoin and the Blockchain and Why It Is Important to Invest Now

There is increasingly growing interest and buzz around bitcoin these days. You may have heard of it before or not. Either way, it is a multi-trillion-dollar financial industry that is practically flying under the radar of most people (only about 2% of the population is even aware of its existence), which makes it a prime time to get positioned before it hits the mainstream. And the time is now because cryptocurrency awareness is going viral. Even some universities are teaching classes on bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology!

What is Bitcoin Exactly?

Bitcoin is a digital currency (or digital money), that is electronically held, which means it is not tangible like fiat currency (dollars, euros, yen, etc.). It was created cryptographically, and thus it is a cryptocurrency. It runs on open-source software and it is not controlled by entities. It is decentralized and not governed by banks or government.

What is the Blockchain?

Blockchain technology is where bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies exist. The blockchain is also used for other applications other than cryptocurrencies, such as running smart contracts, for example. In a nutshell, the blockchain is a digital ledger that is decentralized. It stores records of all transactions that occur within it and is run by a peer-to-peer network. This means that individuals and businesses use it to transfer digital assets to each other via the Internet with no third party (i.e., banks, governments) needed.

The Importance Blockchain Technology and Investing in It

From a business perspective, blockchain technology can improve business processes and significantly lower costs. It will also allow businesses to offer more benefits of service to customers. For instance, financial institutions could use blockchain technology to improve processes for things such as settlements and insurance.

From an individual perspective, blockchain technology offers opportunities for significantly high returns on cryptocurrency investment as compared to traditional investments.

Blochchain technology and cryptocurrencies are quickly proving to be an inevitable part of the future of money and finances in the global economy. It is something that will soon become mainstream in the world financial market, and those who invest early as early adopters of this amazing innovative technology will be among the newest millionaires in the coming years and beyond.

We are in the third big wave of the Internet. The first being websites and domain names (dotcom boom), the second being social media (dating sites, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.), and the third blockchain technology, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It's a great time to get positioned.

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Wednesday 10 January 2018

What Are Top 5 Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin?

Bitcoin has lead the crypto world for so long, and so dominantly that the terms crypto and Bitcoin are often used interchangeably. However, the truth is, the digital currency does not only comprise of Bitcoin. There are numerous other crypto currencies that are part of the crypto world. The purpose of this post is to educate our readers on cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin to provide them with a wide range of options to choose from - if they intend on making crypto-investments.

So let's get started with the first name on our list, that is:


Launched in 2011, Litecoin is often referred to as 'silver to Bitcoin's gold.' Charlie Lee - MIT graduate and former engineer at Google - is the founder of Litecoin.

Similar to Bitcoin, Litecoin is a decentralized, open source payment network which functions without a central authority.

Litecoin is similar to Bitcoin in many ways and often leads people to think: "Why not go with Bitcoin? Both are similar!". Here's a catch: the block generation of Litecoin is much faster than that of Bitcoin! and this is the main reason why merchants around the world are becoming more open to accepting Litecoin.


Another open source, decentralized software platform. The currency was launched in 2015 and enables Smart Contracts and Distributed Applications to be built and run without any downtime.

The applications on Ethereum platform require a specific cryptographic token - Ether. According to the core developers of Ethereum, the token can be used to trade, secure, and decentralize just about anything.

Ethereum experienced an attack in 2016 which saw the currency split into two parts: Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.

In the race of leading cryptocurrencies, Ethereum is second most popular and is right behind Bitcoin.


Zcash came out in the later part of 2016. The currency defines itself as: "if Bitcoin is like http for money, Zcash is https".

Zcash promises to provide transparency, security, and privacy of transactions. The currency also offers the option of 'shielded' transaction so the users can transfer data in the form of encrypted code.


Dash is originally a secretive version of Bitcoin. It is also known as 'Darkcoin' due to its secretive nature.

Dash is popular for offering an expanded anonymity which allows its users to make transactions impossible to trace.

The currency first appeared on the canvas of digital market in the year 2014. Since then, it has experienced a large fan following over a very short span of time.


With a market capitalization of over $1bn, Ripple is the last name on our list. The currency was launched in 2012 and offers instant, secure, and low-cost payments.

The consensus ledger of Ripple doesn't require mining, a feature which makes it different from Bitcoin and other mainstream crypto currencies.

The lack of mining reduces the computing power which ultimately minimizes the latency and makes transactions faster.

Wrap Up:

Although Bitcoin continues to lead the pack of crypto, the rivals are picking up the pace. Currencies like Ethereum and Ripple have surpassed Bitcoin in enterprise solutions and are growing in popularity each day. Going by the trend, the other cryptos are here to stay and will soon be giving Bitcoin a real tough time to maintain its stature.

Talha Farooq is a Bitcoin enthusiast and an author for Do not hesitate to land in his inbox via

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Tuesday 9 January 2018

The Basics of Cryptocurrency and the Way It Works

In the times that we're living in, technology has made unbelievable advancement as compared to any time in the past. This evolution has redefined the life of man on almost every aspect. In fact, this evolution is an ongoing process and thus, human life on earth is improving constantly day in and day out. One of the latest inclusions in this aspect is cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency is nothing but digital currency, which has been designed to impose security and anonymity in online monetary transactions. It uses cryptographic encryption to both generate currency and verify transactions. The new coins are created by a process called mining, whereas the transactions are recorded in a public ledger, which is called the Transaction Block Chain.

Little backtrack

Evolution of cryptocurrency is mainly attributed to the virtual world of the web and involves the procedure of transforming legible information into a code, which is almost uncrackable. Thus, it becomes easier to track purchases and transfers involving the currency. Cryptography, since its introduction in the WWII to secure communication, has evolved in this digital age, blending with mathematical theories and computer science. Thus, it is now used to secure not only communication and information but also money transfers across the virtual web.

How to use cryptocurrency

It is very easy for the ordinary people to make use of this digital currency. Just follow the steps given below:

You need a digital wallet (obviously, to store the currency)
Make use of the wallet to create unique public addresses (this enables you to receive the currency)
Use the public addresses to transfer funds in or out of the wallet
Cryptocurrency wallets

A cryptocurrency wallet is nothing else than a software program, which is capable to store both private and public keys. In addition to that, it can also interact with different blockchains, so that the users can send and receive digital currency and also keep a track on their balance.

The way the digital wallets work

In contrast to the conventional wallets that we carry in our pockets, digital wallets do not store currency. In fact, the concept of blockchain has been so smartly blended with cryptocurrency that the currencies never get stored at a particular location. Nor do they exist anywhere in hard cash or physical form. Only the records of your transactions are stored in the blockchain and nothing else.

A real-life example

Suppose, a friend sends you some digital currency, say in form of bitcoin. What this friend does is he transfers the ownership of the coins to the address of your wallet. Now, when you want to use that money, you've unlock the fund.

In order to unlock the fund, you need to match the private key in your wallet with the public address that the coins are assigned to. Only when both these private and public addresses match, your account will be credited and the balance in your wallet will swell. Simultaneously, the balance of the sender of the digital currency will decrease. In transactions related to digital currency, the actual exchange of physical coins never take place at any instance.

Understanding the cryptocurrency address

By nature, it is a public address with a unique string of characters. This enables a user or owner of a digital wallet to receive cryptocurrency from others. Each public address, that is generated, has a matching private address. This automatic match proves or establishes the ownership of a public address. As a more practical analogy, you may consider a public cryptocurrency address as your eMail address to which others can send emails. The emails are the currency that people send you.

Understanding the latest version of technology, in form of cryptocurrency is not tough. One needs a little interest and spend time on the net to get the basics clear.

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Friday 5 January 2018

The Importance of a Good, Clean Image for Your eCommerce Store

We live in a world where people are overwhelmingly focused on visuals, and, especially when it comes to the internet, appearance is everything. What customers see when visiting your website has an enormous impact on the success of your online business. When considering the most successful online retailers, they all have one thing in common: a streamlined and visually stunning website complete with high-quality, professional imaging.

It is crucial as a business owner to present the product you are selling in the best way possible, and in an online setting this means presenting it through good, clean images. With a well-designed site complete with great images, any business can be successful-but why is that? We've written a little more about it to help you have a better understanding as to why good, clean images are so important for eCommerce and online retail stores.

Humans Are Visual Creatures

The science behind why people react positively and quickly to images as opposed to text is actually quite simple-images can be immediately deciphered by the brain, whereas text is a language that must be decoded in order for the brain to comprehend. This is why it is so important to have good, clean images on your eCommerce/online retail store-customers will have an immediate reaction to the images as their brains will immediately comprehend and judge them.

Research has shown that the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than it processes text, meaning that your online customers will be processing the image of your product before they even read the title or product description. Having clean, high-resolution visuals on your website will help customers become interested in the product before they even know all the details.

You Can't Sell High-Quality Product without High-Quality Images

It's really that simple. If you don't have good, clean images of the products you are selling on your website, then people will not believe that they are quality products. This is a prime example of getting a return out of the amount of work that you put in. If you are designing your website to include low-res, visually cluttered, or stock images, then your customers are not going to believe that you are serious about your business and will not want to spend their money there.

It also has a lot to do with the perceived authenticity of the website. There are a lot of scam websites on the internet these days, and often customers will perceive an online retailer or eCommerce business with bad images as a scam, whether it is or not. You do not want your website to read as inauthentic to its visitors, and there is a really simple solution to this: have your images done professionally, take the images on your website just as seriously as you take the rest of your business, and present your product in the best way possible.

The Takeaway

In order to have a successful eCommerce business, you must first focus on making sure that your products are justly represented through good, clean images so that your customers have an accurate visual representation of the business that you run.

The best way to handle this is by outsourcing tasks such as photo-editing such as Clipping path, background removal, retouch etc., to a photo editing agency that specializes in producing high-quality image edits like ClippingArts ( ).

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Tuesday 2 January 2018

Starting Your Own Home Business Is Incredible Simple and Easy

Have you ever wanted to start your own home business?

Do you like the idea of being able to earn money from home without having to make a long commute into work?

Does the notion of creating your own business from scratch and getting the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from that appeal to you?

Then what's stopping you!?

Chances are that you've thought about setting up your own business before but maybe you ultimately decided that it wasn't for you.

Maybe you decided that you didn't have the time or the technical expertise that would be required to start your own company. Maybe you lacked an 'idea' to kick things off with. Or maybe you just felt too afraid to take the necessary risks and chances - don't feel bad, that's very normal!

Well, I'm here to tell you that you needn't worry. You don't need any more skill or time than you already have and I absolutely guarantee that creating your own home business is much simpler than you probably expect. Read on and discover why starting your own home business is easier than it sounds - as long as you're willing to accept technology as the crucial tool you'll be using to find and manage your clients.

Starting a Business Online Is Just Like Starting Any Other Business
A lot of people think that they need to be 'tech entrepreneurs' in order to earn money online and start making a living from the web. The assumption is that you need to be the next Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs, with some kind of world-changing piece of technology or software that you invented.

But that's not true in 99% of cases. In fact, if you set out to change the world, then you have a MUCH higher chance of failing.

You know who succeeds? The direct sales businesses. The online service providers. The 'boring' businesses.

If your main interest is to gain financial independence, freedom and satisfaction from running your own business, then you don't need to create something new and crazy. Instead, you just need to find a business idea that is already tried and tested and then simply replicate it.

This is how the best businesses operate in the brick-and-mortar world too. Most companies are not Microsoft or Virgin. Most companies are hair salons, restaurants, consultants and brick layers. You might not hear about them in the news so often, but they make more than enough money for their owners to enjoy a comfortable living and they give them the freedom and pride that comes from being their own bosses.

To create an online business, all you need to do is to identify a service or product that you can sell and then start selling it - all while using the web to identify your clients. So, that might mean that you start selling writing services, business consultation, marketing or web design. Maybe you sell an offline service but use the web to find the clients - whether you want to work as a lawyer, an estate agent or a hair dresser. Or maybe you just sell products online. All you need to do is to buy products wholesale and then sell them on at a profit. Start small and then reinvest your profits with bigger orders to grow your inventory.

Technology Makes it SO Easy - And There's No Need to Take a Big Risk
The best part is that by using technology, you can save yourself a huge amount of time and remove the need for massive up-front investments.

Finding clients is a simple matter of finding places where the right demographic hangs out online. That could mean posting in a local Facebook group, it could mean posting on Reddit, or it could mean finding a forum. Or perhaps you want to go the SEO route? That might mean paying a company or learning the basics yourself. Or perhaps you are willing to invest a little money into paid Facebook or Google ads? Either way, you can control the budget precisely to make sure you aren't investing a large amount of money and risking not making that cash investment back.

And here's the great thing: you can actually avoid needing to take any kind of major risk in order to jump start your business. You can start with a small investment of time and of money and just dedicate a few evenings to getting your business up and running to see if it sticks. The web allows you to be anywhere in the world without having to leave your desk chair and it allows you to scale and grow by using powerful tools to broadcast your message.

There's no reason not to try and seeing as you can keep tweaking your business until you get it right, there's almost no way you can fail either!

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Monday 1 January 2018

Career Change At 50 - Start Working From Home

Are you ready to retire, but can't afford to stop working completely? Why not focus on changing your career instead? There are now many retired and semi-retired people who are earning the majority of their income online. Seniors are among the fastest growing demographic of people who want to work online from home. Whether you are just looking to supplement your retirement income or are looking to earn a full paycheck, there are opportunities available for you to make a career change at 50 and do just that all without getting out of your pajamas.


Do you enjoy writing? If so, there are lots of online opportunities waiting just for you. The demand for well-written original content increases all of the time so there are all kinds of different writing jobs that you can find. The prices paid for quality content articles by website owners, magazines, etc that I've seen range from $50 - $1000 per article and mostly for 1000 words or less.


TextBroker has a wide variety of writing assignments for you to choose from and they will hire writers with no previous experience. Your rate of pay will be determined by the quality of your work. There are always plenty of jobs to choose from and you can work as much or as little as you like.


Blogmutt hires freelance writers to write original content for their customers. Customers usually consist of blog owners or businesses who need content for their site but don't have time to produce it themselves. Pay depends on how many posts you sell, and the better your writing is, the more money you can make. Payment is made once a week via PayPal and there is no minimum payout to meet.

Demand Studios

Demand studios hires writers to write articles for their clients on a wide variety of topics. You can pick topics that sound like they will be interesting to you or topics that you already know a lot about. You get paid $7.50 for a 150-200 word article and $15 for a 400-500 word article. Payments are made twice weekly.

If you prefer editing over writing, there are still plenty of online jobs available for you.


EditFast hires writers and editors for a variety of jobs, and there are plenty of editing and proof reading jobs available. EditFast pays via PayPal on the last day of the month.


Contena is not a company that hires you for writing or editing work, but it finds the jobs for you. You can join the Contena site and find jobs for writers, editors, and proof readers of all skill levels. Pay will depend on the client that you are working for and the services that are ordered.

Do you like the idea of jury duty, but don't really enjoy the idea of sitting in a stuffy courtroom all day? How about becoming a virtual juror? Online jurors provide a way for lawyers to present a mock trial and see how a prospective jury pool would rule. Here are a few of the virtual juror sites that are known to be very reputable:


eJury hires prospective jurors from all over the United States. The pay is between $5 and $10, but that is dependent on the difficulty of the case you hear.

Online Verdict

Online Verdict hires American citizens over the age of 18 to participate in virtual mock trials. Just sign up and they will contact you when they need a juror that matches your demographic. Online Verdict pays between $20 and $60 to their virtual jurors. The more complicated the case the higher the pay will be. Online Verdict pays monthly via check. is also hiring online jurors to hear their mock trials. This company pays between $5 and $50 per case. Payments are paid via PayPal or check based on your preferences.

Tutoring students virtually is another online job that you might consider. Students range in age from as young as 5 years old to adult college students. Teaching another person a challenging concept can be very rewarding and very lucrative.


BrainFuse provides online tutoring services for college students. They do require a Bachelor's degree in their respective field, a computer, and reliable internet connection. BrainFuse uses a virtual dashboard and chat box for their tutoring sessions so you are not required to have a webcam and microphone. They are looking for tutors in nursing, English, math, finances, economics, social sciences, computer sciences, statistics, and business. They do not release pay rates to non-employees, but they are known to pay well and offer very flexible schedules. hires independent contractors to teach students from kindergarten through college. To apply fill out an application and they will then test your knowledge base in the subjects of your expertise. Once hired the pay is $5.50 an hour while you are logged in and waiting on a student and $9-$13 per hour when you are tutoring a student. Payment is made via check or PayPal. hires independent contractors to tutor students from elementary school through college in math, physics, and chemistry. Yup does not require that you have a college degree or be currently enrolled in college like some other tutoring companies, but you will have to complete proficiency tests. Yup pays between $11 and $13 per hour and they also offer performance bonuses.

Chegg Tutors

Chegg Tutors hires tutors from around the world and while they do not require a college degree to work for them, you do have to prove that you are enrolled in college or previously were by providing transcripts or copies of your student ID. Chegg allows you to log in to their platform and tutor whenever it is convenient for you and they operate 24/7. All Chegg tutors are paid $20 per hour and payments are made via PayPal every Thursday.

The examples listed above are just a few of the careers fields that you can participate in online. The number of people in their 50s choosing to work online is growing every day, so much so that websites like the American Association of Retired Persons has work-from-home positions and articles about how to find them listed on their website. Needing an income doesn't necessarily mean that you have to leave the house anymore.

>>>Did you know that you can quickly and easily learn how to make your own professional looking websites and set up your own online business? You can have your own platform to start and run your business whether it be marketing or to reach the world with your message or cause.<<<

Changing careers in your 40's can be somewhat frightening depending on your circumstances because you've already put a number of years into the corporate world. However, if your ready to make a change don't be intimidated or overwhelmed. You are far from alone in your desire to move to the virtual employment world. There are many options to choose from that put you in control of how you spend your workday.

You should choose when to work, how to work and even what your business niche is before you get going on the project of your dreams. Choose what to wear and how to wear it, shave or go a few days in between shaves. Working at home is fast becoming a leader in the over 50 age group's career choice and may soon be the main way to be gainfully employed over 50.

There are a lot more people of all ages and especially the over 50 group staying at home and earning their income without the hassles of personal grooming, wearing the right clothes, traffic, co-workers, etc. The job market has become a very nice place for the over 50 workers to supplement their retirements and much more. From what I've read numerous times, latest reports show the unemployment rate for those over age 55 stands at a much lower rate when compared with the rate of the total population.

Pete @

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Friday 29 December 2017

A Dependable Way on How to Make Money Online From Home

Understanding what a concept is and then running with it, is one of the simplest tricks of making money online from home. Making money from home is something that's not completely new. Nevertheless, because of the current trend in technology, it is now easier for both employer and employee to work together from several miles away. This has been the sole reason more companies permit their employees to work and make money online from home.

These businesses, if managed correctly, can bring in lots of money; thus, you don't need to go out and look for employment elsewhere. Let's consider some of them.


Lots of internet marketers hire virtual assistants to help them with their business. Most of them are willing to teach you what they want to be done and the tasks they give their virtual assistants range from very simple to complex technical ones. The good thing is you can choose your hours.


Anybody can earn a good amount of money just writing reviews for various reputed companies. Through this option, the person can make money online from home anytime because there are no fixed working hours. Furthermore, there is no fixed qualification required. You can consider taking advantage of this.


The industry of affiliate marketing is the quickest developing way on how to make money online from home. Now you aren't the owner of any product, but you're the owner of your own business with little overhead cost and nice profitability. The idea is to refer online shoppers to a particular product and when they buy you get a commission. In order words, you'll get out of it what you put into it. Affiliate marketing gives you the opportunity to target potential customers regardless of their location in the world. And think about a money machine, affiliate marketing is about turning your computer with internet connection into a money machine if you do it right. If you're still wondering about how to make money online from home, affiliate marketing is a great way to go. In my experience this is a real business, with a lot of work, commitment but it's fun and worth it.


The minimum requirement of work at home jobs is a computer and good internet connection. Even if you're not creative or technically sound, there will surely be something for you.

If you're determined about turning your financial status around for good by making money online from home then click here:

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Thursday 28 December 2017

How to Make Money Online: A Beginners Guide to Earn From Home

How To Make Money Online 
Making money online is NOT EASY at all. But it's NOT THAT DIFFICULT too, if you are following a proper path. Without these following three things making money online will always remain a dream for you:-

  • Hard work
  • Perseverance
  • Patience

If you think you have got the above mentioned three things, then let's jump right into the topic.
Below are some of the most authentic and legit ways to make money online


What is Freelancing?
If you are into making money online, you must have heard the term Freelancing. But what does it really mean? Freelancing means working on a contract basis rather than on a regular basis for a company or organization and getting paid for hour of work, days of work or per project.

Now a day You-tube is booming like anything. More and more people are coming to YouTube to find a solution to their problem, to learn something new and to entertain themselves. With this increasing popularity YouTube is also becoming a money making machine for content creators. Yes! In case you don't know you can earn a decent amount of money by creating YouTube videos. Although YouTube videos don't pay by themselves, you can make money by placing Google AdSense ads on your videos (of course there are other ways to make money on YouTube but for now we will stick to Google AdSense). The more views and clicks your ads get the more money you will make.

Blogging basically means writing posts on any niches on the internet, which are updated frequently. You can write on different niches which include but not limited to personal journals, News, Technology, Health and Fitness, Gaming, Parenting or any other topic you are interested in.

Affiliate Marketing 
These days almost every product is available online, whether it is as small as a needle or as big as a car, everything is available online. And people are inclining more and more towards buying products from online stores may be because of the easy accessibility of products and convenient home delivery system.

These online stores need to advertise their products in some way and affiliate marketing is one of the many ways they promote their products. So affiliate marketing is a form of advertisement in which the affiliate (in this case you) promotes the products from different online store in his/her blog or website through a unique link (generally referred as affiliate link). The affiliate gets a commission when someone buys a product through that link then (generally some percentage of the price of the purchased product).

Almost every big online store has an affiliate program which you can join to promote their products in your website and get a commission in return if someone buys from your affiliate link.

You can visit to view a detailed post on how to make money online.

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Tuesday 26 December 2017

Advanced Affiliate Marketing Techniques

When choosing affiliate products to promote with your Internet marketing business, you want to pick products that cost more so that you make a higher commission per sale.

But you also want to have a whole range of products at different price points so you can keep people buying no matter how much or how little money they have.

For example, let's say you pick self-help as your niche. You should have a bunch of products that cost less than $10 - such as eBooks or video courses - because a lot of people seeking to improve themselves don't have a lot of money but still want to buy something that will make them better people.

The 'Profit Ladder'

Then you should have more expensive products in the $10 to $100 range so that you can offer them to people with more money to spend and also push your customers up the profit ladder. That means getting people to buy increasingly expensive products.

Then you should have some products that are really expensive, such as those that cost $1,000 or more. This is to appeal to people who have a lot of money to spend but also to have a big money offer that people can aspire to. A lot of times these types of products are things like personal coaching, or seminars people can attend to become masters at whatever it is they want.

Big money products not only satisfy people's desire to get the best there is, but also provide you with the biggest commissions so you can make the most money even if you only make a few sales.

Niche Statistics

Popularity of Niches

Before you start promoting affiliate products, you want to make sure the products or the niches you choose to work in are popular. You don't want to waste your time working in niches that there aren't a lot of customers. Instead, maximize your potential revenues by only working in the best niches that have scads of customers.

So how do you find out what niches are popular? Like anything else these days, you simply use the internet. There are plenty of places you can go to measure the popularity of a particular niche. The first place I always recommend is Google Hot Trends which lists the top 100 searches on Google during the previous 25 minutes.

Researching Niche Statistics Online

Google is the largest search engine and is used by more people than any other, so it is a reliable source to tell you what is hot at the present moment. Another site is Yahoo Buzz, which shows also shows the top searches but on Yahoo, which uses the Bing search engine. But Yahoo Buzz also gives a little more information than Google.

Two other similar sites are Trend Hunter and Trend Watching. These are more geared toward consumer goods, such as electronics, appliances and other hard goods rather than digital products, which are what you probably will be promoting.

Sources for Niche Data

ClickBank has a lot of information about the products it offers. A similar site that also has lot of data you can use to measure popularity is Commission Junction.

With the affiliate products you promote on ClickBank and Commission Junction, you make a commission every time somebody clicks through and buys that product.

'Cost Per Action'

But another affiliate model is called "Cost Per Action". This is slightly different because you can get paid every time somebody clicks through to a page whether they buy anything or not. Obviously, the CPA amount you are paid is usually less than that of a sales commission, but a lot of CPA click-throughs can quickly add up and make you some real money.

CPA networks for you go check out include,, and

For more great content like this visit my blog at:

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Monday 25 December 2017

Affiliate Links And How To Protect Them From The Commission Thieves

Number One Affiliate Advertising Danger

It isn't what you think it is. The number one danger to your affiliate commission is not the boogie man. It's not the competitor. No... it's the one that you have spent so much time trying to reach. The person you have been marketing to. They are the number one danger. Affiliate links matter to online marketers.

You may be saying, "How is this so?" Well, let me explain. You see the internet is this wonderful reservoir of information. This is good for so many reasons. It allows you to reach people like you have never reached them before. Also, information is easy to access. And this is where it gets tricky.

Introduction To Information Overload

You see the same people you are marketing to... well everyone else is also. In this pool of information you will find that the consumer has access to not only your information, but also the competitors.

What this means is that after they've read your article, there may be a good chance for them to read your competitions. This means that they may click their affiliate link, or even go directly to the website destroying your chance of getting your hard earned commission.

Almost Seems Unfair Doesn't It?

All that work for no return. That is the name of the game. Everyday hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of commissions are lost to this travesty. However, don't despair. There are some things you can do to ensure your commissions are not lost.

Here are some power tips that can help to ensure that you do not share the same fate as so many unfortunate internet marketers.

Protect Your Affiliate Links

This may sound like basics, but trust me in the long run its the best advice I can give. You can cloak your link with many different tools out there on the market. One of my favorites is to setup a custom URL to the offer allowing me to brand while directing traffic to the offer.

Promote Yourself First (Not Your Affiliate Links)

This is another simple method that seems simple at first but many don't follow this rule. You should build your list first. This allows you to capture a consumer's information, and repeatedly market to a warm lead.

You are building a relationship with this lead which builds trust. With trust comes commissions as they will follow your link to your offers.

In Conclusion

The two above methods are just a couple of ways you can protect your links and get you commissions. The lifeblood of an affiliate marketer is reciprocity. If they are not clicking on your links and purchasing you are not making money.

For the best way to protect your affiliate link from the commission thieves click here now, and begin protecting your profits.

Quit allowing others to steal your commissions. Dominion Makers has now released a new WP plugin that allows you to protect your commissions for good. There are only 350 total units of this item being sold, so time is limited. To gain instant access, click here now!

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Friday 22 December 2017

What's So Great About Affiliate Marketing?

If you have a website or blog, affiliate marketing is a great way to monetize your online presence.

So how does it work?

Picture this situation: A friend informs you that they are selling their car but they haven't been able to find a buyer for quite a while. A couple of days later you're chatting to a colleague at work who is looking for a car just like your friend is selling. You put the two of them in touch with each other, and your friend's car is sold.

As an act of good trust and friendship your friend gives you a portion of the proceeds from the sale.

What just happened is affiliate marketing in a nutshell. You connect sellers with buyers and when a sale is made, you get a paid a commission by the seller.

The Concept Of Affiliate Marketing

The concept of affiliate marketing is that you market products or services sold by a company that is online or offline. When a sale is made, you get a commission. All the customer service issues, payment systems and product delivery, are handled by the company. Your job is to find an audience, present the products, and if someone makes a purchase you get paid.

What's So Good About It For You?

Let's say that you currently have a website or a blog. When you look at your online analytics, you'll see that some posts and pages get the vast majority of your online traffic.

After someone has read a well-liked post or page on your website, the next rational step for you as a online marketer is to think about what kind of product or service would be a natural addition to your content.

As an affiliate marketer, you can recommend a product or service to be purchased that enhances on the information you gave away for free.

Can Affiliate Marketing Work For You?

For instance, if your website content material is about dog training, then type 'dog training offers' into Google, or another popular search engine. Contact businesses you find in the search results, and tell them you would like to become an affiliate for their products and services. You'll be surprised how many companies have an affiliate program and how willing they are to get more affiliates onboard.

Apart from affiliate marketing supplying you with an additional income source, you're helping your readers and followers. It's a win-win scenario. You win, your readers win, and the company who is paying you a sales commission wins too.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Thursday 21 December 2017

The ABC Of Affiliate Marketing

Everyday, more people are buying products and services over the internet and affiliate marketing provides an easy way to start an online business that gives you access to these online sales transactions.

To understand affiliate marketing in simple terms, you need to start with the ABC of affiliate marketing.

A is for Affiliate

Many business provide affiliate programs for their products and services.You sign up to become an affiliate for a product or service. You're called an affiliate as you are selling their products but you are not part of their business. As an affiliate you can sell physical products that have to be shipped, or digital products that can be downloaded instantly after purchase. You then promote that product and when you make a sale, you get a commission.

Take your time in choosing products to sell as an affiliate. Remember that you only get paid when you make a sale. If you try and sell any old rubbish you won't make any sales and it will be a waste of time.

B is for Businesses

There are many affiliate networks and businesses to work with as an affiliate. Amazon became the world's most successful online retailer by using the affiliate marketing model. You can sign-up to become an Amazon affiliate and sell anything that is on the Amazon website.

ClickBank is one of the most popular digital retailers that sells virtual, information products. These are items that a customer can download immediately after purchase. There are many affiliates who make quite a good living promoting just ClickBank products.

C is for Commissions

Amazon starts you off with a 4% commission rate, which gets larger when you sell more products. On ClickBank you can earn commissions of 25%, 50% and even 75%. There are other affiliate marketing programs which offer a wide variety of commissions, products and services, so you need to review more than one to see which is the perfect fit for you.

When you start affiliate marketing don't get too obsessed with earning commissions from day one. It takes time to build a base of prospects and customers who want to buy from you.

It's not one long sales pitch. Think of it as 'telling' rather than 'selling'. Your job is help people find the products or information that they are looking for. The key to making reliable, consistent money as an affiliate is to find a product that is in high demand, pays a good commission to you, and is backed by a company that takes care of their customers.

Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Tuesday 19 December 2017

Make Fast Money Online?

Hi There,

I recently became aware of this big crazy world of Internet marketing, e-commerce and becoming an affiliate. Everywhere I looked seemed to be more people wanting to get my money. I became so overwhelmed that I basically gave up. Everyone tells you it is easy money, but the truth is you need to do quite a bit of work. It is good money, but I am telling the truth when I say you need a comfortable chair in front of your PC.

I do not want to misrepresent myself, so I am not saying that I have worked it all out, as I am also still in the learning process, but I believe I have simplified it. After wasting a lot of money on so called instant money making tools, I know you have probably also, such as:

Instant millionaire....yeah right!! Start making money now....not true!!

it goes on forever!!!

So I thought back to the first ever lecturer I had at university who said to me, the only way to education is through the library! OK, so I gave away my age a bit, but in today's times, that means an e-book. So the first thing I did was begin reading until I found what I was after. I found my e-book and bought it. It is not a bible, but it cuts through the rubbish and tells you everything you need to know. I am not hiding from you the fact that I own this e-book as your trust in me is more important than a sale. You can continually come back to it and it has all the information you will need. It is filled with enough information to keep you reading for a week. But I promise it will clarify the process.

So what have I learned??


At the end of the day, this is all we are trying to achieve.....spreading the word.....NETWORKING!!

Unfortunately the days of a BBQ at my house are over...So how do we do this today?

We establish many posts on social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Blogs. Basically we want to find people who share your interests in your products and services, and send them to your site. This will increase the number of ways people get to your site, more people....more business. But be careful, I personally am turned of by sites that are to promotional. Keep it real, keep it honest and keep it simple.

My top THREE sites for you A website that allows users to exchange short messages. Find people interested in the same things as you and begin posting your ideas, reviews, articles or thoughts. Easy. Again keep it real and people will like you and come back for more. A website that allows users to posts articles and then vote on there favorites. If people like you they will check out your business! Even if they don't, your link will make you available to search engines.....easy! If you are on this site, I will assume you know all about Face book. So invite your customers to "friend" you on a site dedicated to your business. It can be as personal or professional as you like. Just get your name out there.

My top THREE tips for you

Keep it short and sweet. It is called surfing for a reason, it is quick, must be powerful and FUN!! Do not bore people with big long complicated stories, get to the point and sell your site!!

Keep it honest and interesting. Not everyone will agree, but I believe the more honest you are the better you will do in the long run. Like a friendship, treat people with respect and they will come back, and hopefully bring there friends. As for interesting, put some flashing text and bright colors, no one wants to feel like they are reading an essay.

Understand your market. Don't try and sell a sports car on an Amish website, not much use for it. Pick your niche and learn about it. The best website I have found for blogging is listed below, again it costs you money, unfortunately this time I do not get much, but it has been my bible since I started using it.

Please leave me feedback if you want. I really want to learn all I can about this industry and your comments would really help me.

Cheers Chad

I just try and keep it honest. I am not as polished as some, but I speak from the heart. Hope I can help others out there.

My book.....


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Sunday 26 November 2017

4 Useful Ways to Make Money Online

Whether you are looking to make a sustainable income or some fast cash, there are plenty of ways to earn extra money with the wide-ranging opportunities offered online. However, it is necessary to be disciplined in your approach to making money. Also, it can help to enter an area that interests you to help stay focused and interested.

Here are four ways to make money online:

Start a blog

One of the most sustainable and easiest options to make money online is by starting a blog. A well planned blog that is based on the right niche with plenty of useful and unique content that targets a specific audience has the potential to make passive income over the long-term. Many think the process of setting up a blog is difficult, but in fact the learning curve isn't too bad. There are several website building tools available to make creating an online presence quite straightforward. In the process of building a blog, you need to think about the offers or ways to make money, such as selling e-books, full-blown training, mini-email courses, or similar.

Email marketing

Email marketing is certain to appeal to anyone interested in online marketing. It starts with creating a website, setting up email software and then to develop a sales funnel that targets the right audience. The marketing material send out to your list must deliver value and cannot simply be marketing related. Without a regular supply of high-quality content that engages your audience, it can be difficult to keep members subscribed to your list.

There are several ways to get subscribers signing up to your list. A typical method is to use lead magnets like cheat sheets, checklists and e-books. Also, there is the option to convert an article into a PDF to add extra resources such as audio files and video training courses.

Webinar training

A very potent way to make money online is with webinar training. But, this is only an option for those with in-depth knowledge on a particular subject that others want to learn about. Also, a website with a decent online presence and a product or service to sell is necessary.

Develop Apps

Learning to become an app developer is certain to appeal to many people. While it will be difficult to compete with the major brands and apps, there are still plenty of opportunities to think up a niche idea that can meet the needs of certain people. This can be something like a podcast organizer, a list and illustrations of yoga poses, a tip calculator, or anything that interests. Also, for those with a unique app idea, but without the programming know-how to build an app, there is the option to hire someone to build it on your behalf.

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Friday 24 November 2017

Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online Fast

You are probably familiar with the prospect of earning money online. Perhaps you have even tried it yourself, but were unsuccessful and hoping to seek some advice. Well, the truth is, earning money online is entirely possible, but requires a lot of dedication and hard work, with just a hint of luck. Below are listed some of the possible ways to make money online.

1. Selling Stuff Online

Selling things online can be done by anyone and opens up so many doors. If you have a lot of clutter around your house, you could be sitting on a goldmine. With websites such as eBay and Amazon, it is incredibly easy to sell second-hand items. Albeit you probably won't be earning a lot per item, but if you have hundreds of items, you could easily see your income growing. This is usually only a temporary solution, unless you plan on finding inventory from wholesalers or even creating your own products, such as you will often see on Etsy. More commonly nowadays, many people are selling things on Facebook, since the introduction of groups have made it so easy. Similarly to Craigslist, this is a good option if you prefer selling and buying in your local area.

2. Affiliate Advertising

Affiliate advertising may be something you have heard about, but not a lot of people really understand its purpose. You earn a commission selling products or services for someone else, usually through links on a blog or website. This method can be quite successful when done properly, but it won't make you rich overnight. In order to sell, you need to attract a high amount of traffic to your blog or website, with the appropriate content and information, which will hopefully encourage your readers to use your affiliate links.

3. Work at Home Jobs

This is a large umbrella term used to describe any sort of job that can be done long-distance, or more specifically, from home. While many careers can be done from a home office, some of the most popular ones are data entry, blogging and even doing surveys. Again, these are usually slow-earners, but can give you some supplementary income on the side of your full-time job. Surveys are outsources to a large amount of people, when a company is doing market research, so they are usually run through an organization such as Global Test Market or Toluna. The latter offers a variety of ways to earn extra money, including product testing and polls.

4. Webpage Design

Webpage design is in huge demand and if you have a computer and an internet connection, you can also learn how to code. With a thorough knowledge of HTML, CSS and PHP, you already have all the tools to build simple webpages. Consider helping others with their WordPress themes, portfolio webpages or blogs, and you could be earning some serious money.

You are always welcome to contact us ( if you want to join our family or have any questions related to our online courses or Services. We will be more than happy to help you in every way possible. Article Source: Article Source: